Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bristol Palin goes on the Bob and Mark radio show, perhaps the last rabid Palin-bots in the state, to complain about "people attacking her."

These are the two most disgusting local DJ's to poison our radio waves here in Alaska, so of COURSE they are Sarah Palin's biggest fans.

You may remember that it was on their show that Palin spitefully laughed along as Bob (Lester) referred to cancer survivor, Lyda Green, as a "cancer" and a "bitch."

They also came under fire for putting on a horribly racist skit called "Tlingit's for Cash" which got them into a lot of hot water with the native community.

So why wouldn't Sarah Palin's "Golden Child" seek them out as a forum to express her feelings about how people are reacting to her completely undeserved survival on DWTS?

Listen to her talk.  She fits right in with these two misogynist idiots, doesn't she?

And did you notice that she took yet another shot at Levi?  Apparently it is open season on the father of her son.  Just like it is open season on anybody from DWTS who dares to make her feel bad or does not validate her sense of entitlement.


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Oh, good! More footage of Bristol, the huge goth death moth.

  2. I'm beginning to think that Bristol is just as emotionally deranged as Sarah. No conscience, no humility, no shame.
    So right about turning everything to shit. They've made this season on DWTS into an ugly, contentious event that will be filled with negative memories. And stupid Mark Ballas is caught up in it, willingly it seems. He's tainted now. Maybe after he's done with Bristol, he'll spend a night puking it all out.
    This family is a bottomless well of negativity.

  3. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Dear LEVI...I'm ready to invite you to come live with us here in Philadelphia. You deserve a better life than the crap you're getting now. The mother of your son is a very, very mean person, Levi. For a 20-year old, she's already angrier than most 50 year olds! It won't get better, until you leave Wasilla, leave Alaska, and make a new life for yourself surrounded by people who love you and care about you. THAT can happen, but Levi, you MUST get away from those people. Tripp will seek you out when he is legally of age, and as painful as it is to grow up without your son, I can tell that the Palin family is going to be determined to ruin your life should you choose to stay in proximity to your son. It's your choice, Levi, but please know there ARE many people throughout America who believe you are being maligned by Bristol and Sarah, and who just want to tell you there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I always come back to what Sarah said after surviving her first tumultuous year as Mayor of Wasilla. "I grew tremendously that year," where she survived a recall, couldn't hack the day to day management required of the useless executive position and hired a city manager, spent $50,000 of unauthorized city funds to redecorate her office and purchase a Muni truck. . .

    She says the things she supposed to say [sometimes] and yet the teachable moment has never made a dent in her stubborn, arrogant and ego-centric head.

    The same for her family. Their sense of victimhood while making loads of them is astounding. Their sense of entitlement when they loathe others for the same quality. Their claim of Hard Work as something only they own and perpetrate day by day while not meeting the lowest threshold of qualifiers is breathtaking.

    Todd and the kids, Sarah's parents, her disorganized and faceless staff that aren't even awarded a 'title' for their sacrifices, her supporters / fans, all these people are an astounding sociological experiment as the most Unexceptional representation of Americans we witness in the 21st Century.

  5. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Sarah Palin's brood of entitled little whiners are just waiting for the great big smackdown from the "real" world. Sarah predicts their comeuppance in her book. The kiddies should take a peek at what their momma grizzlie thinks of them.

    Bristol's limited and disgusting vocabulary was on display when she "attacked" the boy Willow thought was entitled to an opinion of the families "reality" show.

  6. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Anon @ 5:17

    Mark Ballas loves it. He is eating it up and milking it for all it is worth. It happens to the best of us, the Palin's bring out the worst of us and in Mark they brought out a lifelong enabler and defender of their bizarre honor.

  7. sewnup5:28 PM

    If she ever matures enough to look back at her insecure, needy behavior, she'll be ridden with embarrassment and guilt. If her parents had a shred of decency (not to mention show off their much-touted Christianity)they'd put a stop to that business and take some responsibility. They seem to be taking the tack that they can have 'em and forget 'em when comes to offspring. What they are doing is just plain evil; if they want to screw up their lives, so be it, but kids' lives? Evil. And unleashing the whole thing on the world is worse yet.

    Either way, Bristol's screwing herself to the wall. Hope she still likes it there 20 years from now because that's where she's going to be when Tripp gets old enough to figure out what REALLY happened.

  8. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Ginormica, they make spanx for arms now also too these days. You could encase your whole body in spanx to minimize your, cough cough, stress water weight?

    Nothing can be done about your noggin though. The moon is full and there is nothing but cheese within.

  9. Anonymous5:30 PM

    We can be sure that Palin and her "secret circle" arranged for Bristol to be on this program. It's a classic Palin move to immediately claim she's being "attacked" while the rest of the world points out her reality, then she talks hypocritically about how she would never do...blah blah, when there's proof to the opposite.

    This tatic is getting old and worn out and people are sick of this yo-yo love/hate relationship with the fans and the media. The Palins are so full of drama that they stress people out just dealing with all their drama-filled crap.

    Bristol's 15 minutes are long overdue and this obnoxious Palin publicity garbage is wearing very thin on the American public. This family has become a laughing stock overnight!

  10. Anonymous5:35 PM

    So, tell me, what happened to that part of the custody agreement that prevents either parent from trashing the other?

    Does it just count if the parent in directly within hearing of the child, as in face-to-face vicinity?

    Or could it conceivably be construed to mean to avoid all circumstances that might led to the child hearing the trashing?

    Hmm - let's see, can you imagine the Palins congratulating Bristol at home? Can you imagine Bristol's friends high-five-ing her interview and hitting the highlights while Tripp sits in a pushcart at the grocery or Wal-Mart? Gosh, the situations are limitless. Add to that someone talking about what Bristol said in front of the child.

    If Levi had competent legal representation, his lawyer would be all over this kind of thing. It's not about protecting Levi. It's about shielding Tripp, protecting him from this venom.

    Bristol has as few morals as Sarah. She is proving herself to be as self-absorbed and insensitive as her mother and as poor a parent. I would have thought she'd want to treat her own child better.

    Maybe he will grow up with as little respect for her as she is showing towards him.

    Bristol needs to grow up and change her attitude now for the sake of her son.

  11. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Bristol sure doesn't mind attacking other people, directly or indirectly.

    I am sure the comments she made before this week's DWTS was a way to get her followers and anyone sympathetic to the "under-dog," to vote for her against Brandy and her partner.

    Bristol is an under-dog --- a junk yard dog slavering under the junk, waiting to attack anyone who dares challenge what she stakes out as her right or territory.

    If she wants to have us think differently of her, to think better of her, then she'd better get her mouth and ass in gear and change how conducts herself.

  12. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I think the more wound up and victim-claiming the Palins get, the sooner they will burn out and disappear. We know that's their worst nightmare but they are helping it along so well!

  13. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Sarah Palin's a happy person? That's why we liberals don't like her? Because she's...HAPPY? Yeah, you're right, whatever conservative columnist, that's it. It has nothing to do with rape kits and lies about death panels; it's 'cause we're jealous.

  14. Anonymous5:43 PM

    What a spoiled brat. She's nauseating!! And Sarah dares to write (or dictate) a book lecturing on how to raise kids. !
    Her 3 oldest are NOT typical teens! They aren't a regular everyday family no matter what the moronic Palinbots say or think.

  15. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "No one they have encountered in their lives – from their parents to their teachers to their president – wanted them to feel bad by hearing the truth," she writes. "So they grew up convinced that they could become big pop stars like Michael Jackson."

    ...from her part-time mother.

  16. laprofesora5:43 PM

    Keep talkin', Paylins. Let it out, all the hate, all the bitterness, all the pettiness. Your true selves, in your own words, are out in the open for the world to see. And I know none of you are scholars, but you really should have figured out by now that anything on TV, radio or the internet is on the record FOREVER, no matter how hard you try to take it back. I'm going to enjoy watching it all fall apart.

  17. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Anon 5:27 what do you mean Sarah predicts her kids smackdown in her book. Can you elaborate??

  18. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Well, better make that SOCIOPATH huge goth death moth... she is a nasty piece of work.

  19. Chenagrrl5:50 PM

    If she is fatter next week it's either 'fess up time or someone's gotta do an intervention.

    Bristol, babe: Your partner -- the guy who does the dancing and choreographing around you -- is a professional. He probably would be there anyway. It is just you who should be thankful.

    Also, didn't disgraced GOP'r Tom DeLay dance on this program, too?

  20. Facebook Lurker5:50 PM

    Holy shit, I felt like I was listening to a Sarah Palin interview. Sarah and Bristol have now morphed completely into one ginormous two headed Medusa.

  21. just having fun, being who she is5:53 PM

    Brandy cries and has a big fan base in the audience. Alaska is cheering for Bristol.

    Give them (h8r) the big middle finger and she will be loved. Geeeeze, people are not tuning in to see Florence Henderson... who has them so bamboozled?

    She'll be doing the jive. My favorite!

    Kyle, Disney Corporation, is alright with Big B.

  22. Chenagrrl5:54 PM

    Bring Back Wee Willy Wally!

    These guys are buffoons! Make an NPR'r out of anyone.

  23. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Retarded Bristol worked harder than anyone else on DWTS worked? And that was the result? She's fat and pathetic. Bristol- Wear your Tea Party t-shirt next week. No one else cares enough. It's the only forum your Mom is capable of winning.

  24. SME1315:56 PM

    This twit sounds more and more like her mother everyday. I feel nauseous after listening to that.

    I've never seen a family play the victims non stop and do it so well.

    The saddest part is they have come to believe the shit they spew.

  25. Anonymous5:59 PM

    What a bitter b*tch this girl is. And think about it, she's this bad and she's only 20. Give her time, she'll surpass her mother.

    Why can't these kinds of radio interviews be played on "ET" or "The Insider" or something like that, so it gets national exposure? The world should see what she's really like.

  26. Anonymous6:01 PM

    As far as Levi is concerned, it occurs to me that all the negative talks are preemptive strikes. If Sarah is indeed running for president, she would need to have thoroughly discredited him so that should he decide to speak up and tell what he knows (if her knows anything) then no one would believe him.

    Nasty people, her family. Heaven help all of America and the world if this woman makes it to the White House. I do believe she could be the anti-Christ.

  27. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Not only will she not consider improving her education she has no goals.

    She and Tripp are going to see what God has in store for them. God who talks directly to her after Palin cult tells her the program? She is not talking about all the hard work Palinland is doing to buy her a Reality Show. Now that she has such a captivating personality and is beloved by all, Americas Sweetheart, her God will deliver her next money maker.

  28. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Oh, go away, Bristol.

    The world is a better place without your bullshit drama.

    We were just fine without your dumbass 2 years ago, we'll be just fine without you now.


  29. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Gryphen, I'm surprised you are letting the comments section be overrun by Palinbots. I know usually you let a few comments in to reinforce how mentally deficient they are but they are taking over.

    You know only really unhappy and sick people would come to a blog that clearly does not support the Palins. They delight in saying na na na na like junior high mean girls.
    It's really odd and weird behavior. I would never go to c for p when Sarah did something stupid just to gloat.

    I've never seen such an emotionally immature group of people. Palins supporters seem like very unhappy people with empty lives. That's why they project onto the Palins. They've created ( only in their minds) a recreation of the Brady Bunch with politics thrown in.

    Go away Palinbots, don't you have anything better to do? Why are you so obsessed with Sarah and her family. You are so delusional. You think Bristol is a "nice girl?" Do you know her? I didn't think so. If you did, you'd see she isn't nice or real and neither is her family. You are pathetic in your imaginary fairy tales you've created about people you don't know.

  30. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You know what Sarah Palin says about "entitled little whiners"...

  31. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Anon 5:13, I'm a goth and I think moths are fascinating! Don't equate goths or lovely flying creatures with Bristol Palin--most goths can only dream of achieving her level of walking deadness.

  32. Anjaak6:16 PM

    No grace or humility.

    Looks like Willow is next in line for the mean girl crown.

    What a sad legacy Sarah & Todd are leaving behind.

  33. Anonymous6:16 PM


    I thought I'd feel better after getting that out, but it didn't help. Won't feel better till this hateful family of grifters are finally silenced once and for all.

    Pleassssse someone put me out of my misery!!!

  34. GrainneKathleen6:23 PM

    I can't believe how saturated the media is right now with the Palin family, and it is about to be even more saturated - DWTS, Sarah Palin's (Faked) Alaska, Sarah's Fox News contributor work and interviews, as well as magazine articles, blog posts, and the msm following her every move; and soon, her "Rill Amurika" book tour, which will result in more interviews and articles and... and when will the announcement that she is running for president come? I'm sure 20% of the nation is eating it up, but the majority probably feel like shooting their tv's like the man in WI. Isn't it a bad idea to overexpose oneself - the public does have a saturation point, and I believe it is reaching it. I hope the Palin's have undone themselves in their grabby quest for fame and power and money. They are this year's reality show trashy family, but at some point even Amurika is going to move on and say enough.

    It's creepy how Bristol sounds just like Sarah in this interview. How arrogant to think that from this stint on DWTS she is entitled to host a show of some sort - she doesn't even seem to know what she wants. And Bristol, we don't feel sorry for you in the least. You were in no danger on DWTS - it appears that they would do anything - even risk sinking the show - to keep you on. A little gratitude is in order that you were not treated like a real contestant, but rather a ratings magnet to be kept till the end.

  35. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Bristol feels not being eliminated from DWTS is a blessing from God! It's a wonder that God has time to supernaturally guide Bristol's feet through her dance routines when He has so many other important issues to deal with, isn't it? Wonder what God has in store next for Bristol? Maybe her own reality show?

  36. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I could only listen to them for about a minute as having listened to them before, and knowing what they are like, I wanted to climb through the computer and cut their balls off.

    Doing a Lorena Bobbitt on those two - would be too good for them - but it would be a fine start.

    I'm also tired of listening to the the whiny 'Mean Girl, I'm a victim' bitch talk.

  37. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I think the Palins feed the flames of hate because, let's face the sad truth, that is the winning formula for reality TV stars. Hate is the new black in America, and the Palins wear it perfectly.

  38. Ratfish6:37 PM

    And I thought their divorce settlement said they couldn't bad mouth each other.

    As always, the rules- and the law- doesn't appear to apply to the Palins.

  39. "The producers of BURN THE FLOOR, Broadway’s Latin and Ballroom dance spectacular, announced today that Mark Ballas of TV’s “Dancing with the Stars” will join the touring company of BURN THE FLOOR for a limited engagement beginning November 30 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Ballas will perform with dance partner Giselle Peacock in three cities only: Raleigh, NC (November 30-December 5); Houston, TX (December 14-19) and Pittsburgh, PA (December 28-January 2)."

    Burn The Floor press release.

    Does this mean that Mark Ballas already knows that Bristol's condition would preclude her participation in any of the usual post-DWTS tours?

  40. Anonymous6:43 PM


    You can bet they know her mother...


  41. Anonymous6:46 PM

    The racism continues...Bristol found it SCARY to be in LA after Brandy lost.

    F...the racist inuendo B.

    You are out of line.

  42. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Sarah Pa;in a Happy person?

    No way!

  43. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Nothing like h8ter radio. How can it be that Sarah's daughter fits in so well? She was talking about being a correspondent.

    Is there freeware avail yet to screen for peebot comments?

    I bet he's saving the best of what he doesn't let go up. He's prolly going to write a book.

    The peebots will buy it to see their comments in print!

    And remember that anon gets a cut if you really do it;-)

  44. This is 5:13 p.m.6:49 PM

    @6:14 - I hear ya. How's this: Bristol, the huge goth death moth wannabe? Or: Bristol, the huge faux goth death moth?

  45. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I noticed that Jim Palin (Todds dad) was standing behind Sarah at the last DWTS show. I didn't see Faye, Jims wife. She is the liberal of the family and warned us about Sarah early on.

  46. Un-rill Amerricun6:52 PM

    Its very telling how Bristol claims that SHE has been attacked over this DWTS mess.

    ALL of the talk I've heard, and its EVERYwhere, is how unfair it is, that Sarah Palin's whacko crew, spend an obscene amount of their time, setting up new email accounts so as to be able to warp the voting process of an entertainment show.

    No one is blaming her for going on tv and encouraging the mindless gang to do this kind of thing, on her behalf.

    So, how does she twist the story to be all about HER?

    Could it be a simple matter of following her mother's lead, playing the victim almost daily?

  47. GrainneKathleen7:03 PM

    Hey Gryph, you might already be on it, but it looks like there's an update from Joe Millerville; he says it's not mathematically impossible or him to win, so he's not conceding; math must not be one of his strengths...:

  48. Anonymous7:05 PM

    "Alaska is cheering"? No. We're not.

    "Givin' THEM a big middle finger"? ME, Bob and Mark? Who, Alaskans? Givin' US the middle finger? How dare you!
    And you, Bristol. How stupid are you?
    I used to like you and feel sorry for you. I stuck up for you as a child of circumstances beyond your control. Not anymore.
    And yes, I DO know you. Yes, I AM Alaskan. Your family and mine share many many mutual acquaintances.
    Are any of you Heath-Palins able to understand that to disagree with you, does not constitute "an attack"? This is soooo NOT Alaskan.
    Do any of you Heath-Palins get how contrary to Alaska culture you guys are?
    Do you understand that the people who write and speak for you are not Alaskan and they're presenting you as some kind of alien, which you then confirm by behaving badly?

    If you ran for mayor, "there would be no competition" from the people who've "already thrown their hat into the ring"? REALLY?
    Like who, Bristol? No, really, WHO? Do you know who the folks are running for mayor in your hometown?
    As you and your sister would say - stfu.

    There's a phrase for what you're doing; it's referred to as "shitting in one's nest."

  49. Anonymous7:08 PM

    What an insult to goth.

  50. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Looks like a vampire.

  51. Wow....she sounds just like her mother, giggling like a fool. My favorite quote pertaining to Bristol I saw somewhere "The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole".

    Did one of those radio idiots say "Geico" instead of "Get go"???

    And this picture....she looks like a nasty vampire....YUCK!

  52. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Sarah shaves a few more % points off her potential voters when she and her family bad mouths Levi. There are a lot of men who are or have been in that same position and I doubt that even having a push up bra, hooker boots and an over easy daughter or two would get them to like her.

    Sarah plays to her base, and politically that is at least smarter than what Obama does, but no candidate who expects to win on a national level can afford to offend as many different demographics and sub-demographics as Sarah and the Tea Peeers do.

    She lost a couple of 10K voters because of her gutter mouthed daughters twittings. No true Christian or decent home would support a mother who allows her children to talk that way either at home or in public.

    There is a real likelihood that her advisers are already counting electoral votes. If Sarah wins the nomination she will get the vast majority of the rural vote. With winner take all electors she would get all the electors from the south and agricultural heart land. That might be enough to win the WH, with the other red states.
    So there is also the likelihood that she just doesn't give a damn about appealing to any other demographic and will continue her reign as the Nastiest Woman in the USA, and love every minute of it.
    But if she miscalculate how many potential voters she ca offend ad push away, she could go down in flames in a big way.

    So I have one question for you Alaskans who know Plain. Does she know the difference in the majority of moderate Christians, Jews, etc and her own extreme version of religion?
    If she does she can play to the moderates, if she doesn't she is likely to drive them or scare them away.

  53. Anonymous7:30 PM


    Brandy earned her fan base, and was famous before anyone even heard of the Palins. Alaska wasn't cheering for any of the Palins when they "refudiated" the half-term governor by sending Lisa Murkowski back to Washington.

  54. Isn't she bound by court order to refrain from disparaging the father of her child? Can Levi haul her fat ass into court?

  55. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Why does she think that God wants her to have all those chins? I can't wait until she gets to that part. Will God please get her a gig of her own. I'd like to see Dancing with the Chins. Please God.

    This family is anti-Christ. They are even demeaning God. They don't pay that much attention to Jesus so I don't know how Christian that is. I do know that the Christians include her as one of them. They want her to represent all Christians.

    Sarah and Bristol represent Christian values and Christians.

  56. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Just a word of advice to Levi or anyone who might decide, after Sarah is nominated, if she is, that there are secrets that the voters should know about -

    If Sarah becomes a candidate she will get the same type of SS protection she did as VP candidate even more so and the SS will make serious efforts that nothing comes out of the mouths of any one who might blacken her reputation.

    They did that last time, pictures and articles disappeared from the internet and from peoples home and commercial computers.

    If you have got anything to say, you'll need to get it out there in the next year or you may never get the chance.

  57. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Geoffrey Dunn has piece up on Huffington on Palin's new book, wherein Palin, in her usual trailer trash fashion, once again slams Michelle Obama

  58. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Cackling is more like it.

  59. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Letterman's Top Ten List tonight is:

    Surprises in Sarah Palin's New Book.

  60. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Probably very naive here but I thought the custody papers said they couldn't talk smack about each other. That is all she does. Why aren't there consequences for her?

  61. Anonymous7:59 PM

    They have a point. It's talked about a lot that all Brandy
    did was bitch and she wants it too bad; and that jen complains way to much. the talk has been out there every week. Yet Bristol's 'complaining' is the only complaining that garners criticism.

    and btw everyone but Maks says she deserves to be there. and the hosts and pros dont deserve the twitter hate. Everyone who send a "fuck bristol: tweet looks ridiculous. I hope the DWTS tour happens. the tours expensive but bristol did a post shot interview where she said "we're all going to proud whoever wins, we're all gonna have fun"

    wow, her and Sarah just did B and M I think Monday. when was this?

  62. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Bob does a good job as the announcer at Alaska Aces games, but Mark is a dipsh*t.

  63. Anonymous8:08 PM

    ive been wondering how bristol's fb page increases fans. this morning she had about 19000, now she has over 22000. she gains like 2000 a day. could be gossip freaks but she also has at 500 people who leave positive comments to each post she writes, usually more.

  64. I could only handle a part of this, but since it was repetitious, I don't think it matters. Putting on my professional hat ;-) I can say that this is to be expected. Like her mother, and displaying a lack of maturity and understanding of or caring of how others perceive you, she is going along with whatever the people she is with are saying. I would bet that depending on who she is with, her reactions will change. After awhile, she will absorb enough to know what is expected of her and be able to parrot her responses, but they were feeding her direction and she jumped right on board. Like her mother, she has talking points. If you watch Sarah, she doesn't debate anyone, she just repeats talking points. If she disagrees, it is only if they have departed from her canned talking points. Trying to come up with an original thought is beyond her and Bristol is too young to do anything more than accept the strokes that people like Bob & Mark give her (after all, look at her role model).

  65. Anonymous8:11 PM

    OT alert on Huff PO Geo Dunn article "Sarah Palin Slams Michelle Obama in Racially Charged Passage From New Book"

    Pretty soon Sarah won't have a bridges left to burn.

    The reaction to this should be veeeery intertaining.

  66. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I think Brandi has been incredibly classy about this entire thing with Bristol.

    Complaining has been done by all contestants, just look at Jennifer Gray, who will probably win. It took her about 4 weeks to stop complaining, though I am sure it is all very grueling.

    The idea that Bristol is such a hard worker, a trooper, a suck-it-up down to earth gal, has been crafted by PR people involved in this show. She has whined with the rest of them, she is no better. It makes me want to spit that she was making fun of Brandi having cried.

    These men are racists, I am quite certain. I am not playing the race card. Race is the elephant in the room that frankly doesn't get talked about enough, particularly in cases where these issues are clearly at work.

  67. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Go away Palinbots, don't you have anything better to do? Why are you so obsessed with Sarah and her family. You are so delusional. You think Bristol is a "nice girl?" Do you know her? I didn't think so. If you did, you'd see she isn't nice or real and neither is her family. You are pathetic in your imaginary fairy tales you've created about people you don't know.


    Interesting you say "palinbots" are obsessed with this family and have no life because that is the perfect description of all of you. You all come here daily to see wat negative things a middle aged man writes about Sarah (who he has met once) and her family (who he has never met) and you justify your hate based on nothing.

    Well, I have met Bristol. I have hung out with her and her extended family in Alaska. There's not a more welcoming group of people in Alaska. They are so much fun (crazy fun). Several c4pers volunteered for the past book tour and were welcomed by Todd, Sarah, and family graciously. What other tv personality, politician or public figure does that? Who else gets volunteers from each state theyre in to literally stand/sit beside Sarah's table and help with the tour? Or with Trig? What other politician, who has thousand waiting in line doesn't say no to people who wants personalized autographs or pictures? and only didnt reach the end of the line once?

    All p oliticians say stupid and irreverent things. Sarah's the only one with haters who wont let her live them down like a human should be able to. She is not racist. She is definitely not homophobic. She is a mother, supporting her daughter, who just happens to be holding her own well on a tv show that a lot of performers wont go on for lack of courage. So, yes, BRistol deserves to be there. and shouldn't not be made to feel guilty about it because one pro got his feelings hurt.

  68. Anonymous8:31 PM

    WSJ speaking with Jonny Moseley on his upcoming gig on Skating With the Stars:

    "You all must be glad you’re not competing against any politician’s kids."

    "I know. Honestly, I’ll get in these obsessive training sessions and start telling my wife, what happens if I do all this training and then you get this Bristol Palin effect and you have this network of your mom’s supporting you and voting you in. That’s when I remind myself that it doesn’t matter; you’ve got to keep it all in perspective. It’s just a TV show."

    Yep. Bristol is household. She is now more famous than her mother.
    Is that gonna be a problem, Sarah?

  69. Anonymous8:31 PM

    "the crap Levi's getting? He put himself out there. He didn't have to be made into a fool. He couldvebeen content with living in Alaska, getting his GED, learning a respectable trade. He he didn't run his mouth so much in a disrespectful manner, he'd probably see Tripp weekly as he is court ordered now. But any one with sense would keep a child from him when he badmouths her mother constantly. I would. It's Levi's own fault America thinks he's a dumbfuck

  70. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Yeah, all that stuff on DWTPS. (dancing with the pregnant star)

    But they keep on taking cheap shots at Levi and he doesn't strike back. They either know that he can't strike back for a good reason or they feel that they have become immune to the fact that Sarah faked it. So which is it? If it's the former then Levi has made some kind of deal with Sarah and Bristol that he feels he can't break. There's sure no way that he can't be aware of the faked pregnancy and of course he knows that Bristol had Trig, the DS child. This is the one I favour and so it's got to be some kind of pact that's so powerful that the implications of breaking it is unthinkable to him.

    Now, on the other hand, if Levi thiks that he doesn't have enough, credibility left to tell the truth about Sarah the faker then he must be truly intimidated for no good reason. Or is there some other reason?

    Threat of bodily harm perhaps? No, that's not feasible. Waiting for the right time and the most damaging time to spill the beans? We would all like to think so but I have serious doubts on that idea.

  71. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I listened to this with headphones on. If you listen very carefully, she says God has plans for TRIG and I, not Trip. Correct me if I'm wrong. Then it sounds like she knew she made a boo boo because, she pauses for a moment afterwards. Just my observation.

  72. Anonymous8:42 PM

    There is a section in Sarah's new book that is being leaked to the internet where Sarah blasts those no-talent whining kids who have been praised all their life so that they feel entitled to win something that they don't deserve. Sound like anyone we know? Sarah was writing about a sense of entitlement over at American Idol. It sounds just like Dancing with the Stars.

  73. Anonymous8:46 PM

    She is a cow. One need only watch the vid for five seconds to see what an udder cow she is. That she won over the other very fine dancer surely outs sarah palins financial touch somewhere. Someone had to buy this vote because that Bristol is nothing but a cow. Moo baby.

  74. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Palin is getting buried on HP tonight. The leaking of her book will be her downfall with a lot of people.

  75. TNbluedot8:58 PM

    The best quote of the day goes to Nigel Lythgoe (of American Idol and SYTYCD fame). Seems the Quitter Queen slammed American Idol in her new book. When he was asked about it on The View, he said, "I guess she wrote that before her own daughter showed her own somewhat lack of talent on DWTS."

  76. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Anon 8:28

    Yea, we come here for comic relief. Why go to a show and pay for it when the Trailer Trash Palins provide it for free!!

    Let me thank you for contributing to my comic relief for the evening. You get the award for the Head Bot Asshole of the Day!!

  77. Anonymous 6:46 PM said...

    The racism continues...Bristol found it SCARY to be in LA after Brandy lost.


    I'm not sure this is racism but Bristol's thought processes are seriously warped.

    Bob or Mark: After Brandy got eliminated, what was it like for YOU...uh...for the moments after...uh...that was announced?

    Bristol: “It was a scary feeling after. Um...I mean we shoot the show in Hollywood. I don’t have that many supporters out here. I’m not really relatable to the typical person that lives in Hollywood so, obviously, she had a big fan base in the live audience and um. So after it was announced and the cameras stopped rolling, I was SUPER scared. I was like ‘Great! I’ve got a bunch of people over here booing me and um and not thinking that I deserved this.” So, it was um it was a raw feeling to have to go through.”

    Bob or Mark: What did Mark tell you?

    Bristol: Mark was just so supportive. He was like, “Nope. Screw them. You deserve to be here. You worked harder than anyone else worked. And um America sees that and um other people see that. Don’t worry about these people. They’re.”

    Bristol can thank herself (and her parents) for going through the 'raw' moment. The threat existed only in her mind. People booing Brandy's elimination were not a physical threat. This is seriously disturbing.

  78. kdusmdd9:18 PM

    I firmly believe if Bristol and Sarah keep talking this smack abt Levi......He will take Bristol to court for full custody of child support. That is...if Tripp is truly his son. I think it should be proven by a DNA, either way. If he does not...then woe be to him.

  79. linda9:25 PM

    OT - sort of. i had my hair done tonight and my hairdresser, who i have pegged as a republican (although i don't really know), started telling me that she'd heard on TV that sarah might run for president in 2012 and she told me she could not believe that since sarah is such a moron and obviously unqualified. then she went on to tell me how she has watched dwts since the beginning and how bristol's being on there has messed it all up. she told me bristol can't dance worth a darn and should have been the first eliminated and she is mad that this show has become so political now. then she told me how she saw jimmy kimmel making fun of sarah's alaska show and how funny he was, mimicking sarah saying "flippin" all the time instead of the other f word. she offered all of this to me without any prompting. other women in the salon were chiming in and agreeing. i was amazed that so many women in an area i would consider conservative think sarah is such a joke. i just agreed with all of them, added a few tidbits of my own, but didn't direct the conversation at all. i felt encouraged because these are women i think might even have voted for mccain in 2008.

  80. Wow....the bots' are losing their minds! Face it bot's, the Palins are grifters and your foaming at the mouth defense is not impressing no one. Go back to your "Urine" site where you all can continue to wear your rose colored glasses and worship mean Sarah. Nobody is buying what you are selling.

  81. @ 8:31Pm....Well, well, looks like you just told on yourself WILLOW...I thought you got your computer priveleges taken away!! This is what you said: "He he didn't run his mouth so much in a disrespectful manner"Hmm...sounds like someones recent racist, homophobic FB post.

  82. Aussie Blue Sky10:25 PM

    "I know that God has a lot in store for Tripp and I" ..... so she's going to be exploiting Tripp next.

  83. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Bob and Mark needs to stop breathing. What total fucktards.

    No wonder why the Palins like them.

  84. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Anons 7:59pm, 8:28pm, 8:31 pm - don't know if you're 3 delusions encompassed
    in one personality, or 3 seperate entities, but whatever the case, please begin the return trip back to
    c4p - you've failed at whatever your
    mission was here.

    Sharon TN

  85. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Another Great & Insightful Article: "Politics & Dance, Conspiracies & Race Relations..."
    Here’s my take:
    1. It’s a damn TV show ---- congrats to ABC you are scoring BIG with this public outcry
    2. It’s the same Popularity/Judge Scoring System that has been in place since the beginning of the show and not the first time of a crazy ‘popularity beats judges’ upset.
    3. The winner gets a trophy... they are not being elected as the “Dance-Czar of the Universe.” They do not get to make future decisions on public policy, health care reform or more importantly Border Security.

    To Rev. Sharpton... Please pick your battles wisely. Alleging that “..some of the same forces,” that are behind Brandi’s being “graphically robbed of her victory,” as those who graphically stole the recent national election is about as mature as Kanye West ranting about Beyonce being steamrolled because she didn't win a trophy for a music video.

    DWTS producers

    No, Sarah Palin Is Not Stealing the Dancing With the Stars Election

  86. Anonymous11:17 PM

    SP you're racism and pettiness is showing big time in your new suck fest book.

    Please someone make her go back home and STFU.

  87. Anonymous11:30 PM

    What a couple of ass kissers; that's a lot of ass you know what I'm sayin'?

  88. Palin girls are cyber-bullies11:51 PM

    Did Bristol apologize to the victim? It is imperative that she makes a sincere apology and the spoken word would be better. Willow's apology is even more important. She is not a baby and must "man-up." Willow is really taking all of the Palin crap viral.

  89. Anonymous12:28 AM

    8:31, Levi never badmouths Bristol. You are lying.

  90. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Anon 8:28, a little defensive?? Your comments are both inaccurate and delusional. I will pray for you.

    Barack Obama and his family have done everything you imagine and more! They have more class than 500 Palins.
    Can you imagine our President ever writing a book and slamming Piper or even Sarah? They have never said one mean thing about Sarah but in her typical low class way, she slams them and others in her book.

    And guess what C for P nutjob, you think you know the Palins because you met them once? Ask all the Alaskans who have known them for years. They will gladly tell you how viscous Sarah is. How she steps on everyone to get what she wants. Many of us have known the Palins for years. How sad and pathetic for you that you can't see beyond the fakeness. Sarah didn't sign every persons book. That is so not true!!

    And you have to get your little dig into Gryphen too because you are so threatened and you are clinging to an imaginary fairy tale of who you think Sarah is. And you are wrong. And your group CHEATED to get Bristol to stay.
    Only sad people would do such a thing. My children even mentioned how wrong it was for people do that.

    I will pray for you and other C for P people

  91. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Anon 8:28, a little defensive?? Your comments are both inaccurate and delusional. I will pray for you.

    Barack Obama and his family have done everything you imagine and more! They have more class than 500 Palins.
    Can you imagine our President ever writing a book and slamming Piper or even Sarah? They have never said one mean thing about Sarah but in her typical low class way, she slams them and others in her book.

    And guess what C for P cult member, think you know the Palins because you met them once? Ask all the Alaskans who have known them for years. They will gladly tell you how viscous Sarah is. How she steps on everyone to get what she wants. Many of us have known the Palins for years. How sad and pathetic for you that you can't see beyond the fakeness. Sarah didn't sign every persons book. That is so not true!!

    And you have to get your little dig into Gryphen too because you are so threatened and you are clinging to an imaginary fairy tale of who you think Sarah is. And you are wrong. And your group CHEATED to get Bristol to stay.
    Only sad people would do such a thing. My children even mentioned how wrong it was for people do that.

    I will pray for you and other C for P people

  92. Anonymous1:03 AM

    The one person who really needs to take a step back and evaluate how low and nasty his family has become is TODD.

    He wasn't raised this way. Sarah is toxic and the kids are paying for it.

    Jesus, Todd, is the money really worth it? You'd still get plenty with all the secrets you know.

  93. Anonymous2:59 AM

    She looks like the Wicked Witch of the West in that picture.

  94. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Did u catch Letterman last night? BWAAA HAAA HAAA sea of pee'rs should be calling for another boycott, he was great last night!

  95. Anonymous3:31 AM

    It is time for Alaskans to step up to the plate and UNLOAD all dirt on Sarah.

    It is time to take her down for good.

  96. Great post by a viewer in Costa Rica:

  97. Anonymous3:47 AM

    I suggest every time either $arah or her bitch spawn Bristol say disparaging things about Levi, a concerned citizen should make a copy and send it regular mail to the judge who made it VERY clear that the parent and their family will not disparage either parent. They are like a parody of themselves; white trailer trash.

  98. Anonymous4:18 AM

    "Goth death moth" hahahahaha perfect. What did Sarah call it? Passion of the Christ or something like that? Nice. Bristol showing skin to her crotch and Mark with his writhing bare chest. Yep, very much a religious interpretation. Oy!

  99. Anonymous4:28 AM

    I am shocked at what an arrogant bitch she is already! I used to think she was being forced into doing all this because she looks miserable and has no talent for anything...speaking, acting, dancing...but now....she actually thinks she deserves this because she is a "regular" person?

    She is a mess.

  100. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I think that Anon6:37pm is correct in that saying whiney, hateful things can boost ratings. "Hate is the new black, and the Palins wear it well."

    I'm thinking here of Omarosa on Donald Trump's "The Apprentice". Her unpleasant behavior had viewers tuning in BUT not because they liked her.

  101. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Notice how they asked her if she could pronounce the dances she will do Tuesday???? A little slip there exposing how they really feel. Just using her to boost their ratings like everyone else. How sad that the right is celebrating "cheat to win"--normal MO.

  102. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Sarah Palin

    - Pentecostal

    - Attended, University of Hawaii at Hilo (1982)
    - Attended, Hawaii Pacific University (1982)
    - Attended, North Idaho Community College (1983)
    - Attended, University of Idaho (1984-1985)
    - Attended, Matanuska-Susitna Community College (1985)
    - Attended, University of Idaho (1986-1987)
    - B.A. Journalism, University of Idaho (1987)

    Political Experience:
    - Former Council Member, Wasilla City Council, Alaska (1992-1996)
    - Former Mayor, Wasilla City, Alaska (1996-2002) (pop: 7,028) (Votes: 909)
    - Failed Candidate, Lieutenant Governor, Alaska (2002)
    - Resigned, Chairman, Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (2003-2004)
    - Failed Republican Vice Presidential Candidate (2008)
    - Resigned, Governor, Alaska (2006-2009) (2.5 years) (pop: 670,053) (0.002% of the U.S. population)

    Professional Experience:
    - First Place, Miss Wasilla Beauty Contest (1984)
    - Second Place, Miss Alaska Pageant (1984)
    - Television Sports Reporter, KTUU-TV (1987-1989)
    - Sports Reporter, Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman (1989)
    - Director, Convicted Felon-Senator Ted Steven's Excellence in Public Service, Inc. (2003-2007)
    - Facebook Blogger (2008-Present)
    - Reality Show Celebrity, Sarah Palin's Alaska (2010-Present)

    - Spent more than $50,000 in city funds to redecorate her office as Mayor of Wasilla
    - Increased Spending by 55% as Mayor of Wasilla
    - Secured $27 million in Federal Earmarks as Mayor of Wasilla
    - Raised the Sales Tax by 25% as Mayor of Wasilla
    - Racked up $20 Million in Long Term Debt as Mayor of Wasilla
    - Supported building the 'Bridge to Nowhere' as Governor of Alaska
    - Kept $223 Million in Federal Earmarks for the 'Bridge to Nowhere'

  103. DebinWI5:09 AM

    She and Willow have proven that they both got the overreaction genes from Sarah and Todd. I don't watch the show, but I've seen a lot of clips online. Here's what I've observed in just a few clips:
    If Mark thinks she deserved to be there, why the strong reaction from him when it was announced -- he didn't look happy at all. He's just trying to be nice and keep her focused on dancing this week. I'm sure Mark believes that Brandy deserved the finals and knows she worked much harder than Bristol.
    They show the other contestants in practice huffing, puffing, sweating, and in pain. In Bristol's practice she does one turn and stops and plays with her fingers and giggles. They walk through the rest in slow motion and it's always Bristol who stops in the middle. If it is just the clips they show, excuse me, but from what I've seen, it does make her look lazy. Even she admits she didn't try or practice enough after the end of one of her dances. I haven't seen improvement. And Based on effort, she bombs.

  104. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Anon @ 4:48: Thank you! This is what people need to see. The facts and the truth matter.

  105. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Anonymous said...8:28 PM

    They are so much fun (crazy fun).



  106. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Two things that stood out to me in this interview:
    1. "Why get involved with nonsense". Bristol's response: "No kidding". Was this before or after getting involved with the facebook nonsense??

    2. "I'm not relateable to typical people in Hollywood" - You should have dropped the "In Hollywood" and it would have been a true statement

  107. Anonymous5:55 AM

    To everyone saying, "Calm down, it's just a t.v. show." It's not just a t.v. show when it is acting as free political advertising for Sarah Palin. ABC and DWTS and the Palins are using each other in a very cynical way: One gets ratings, the other gets even more free exposure. (Actually, B. Palin is getting paid a lot for it and there hasn't been any mention of how she might use even a portion of that money the help teen mothers.)
    The average viewers who are criticizing the show aren't buying B. Palin as "relatable." They are sick of people telling them down is up and black is white. They know B. Palin is getting special treatment and would not be on the show if it weren't for her mother. They aren't buying the "I am just a regular girl." act. They know that "regular girls" don't have cover stories in People Magazine. The viewers also have eyes and common sense. They can see that B. Palin is not dancing as well as the others.

  108. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Any person who does not share the Palins' grandiose, self inflated sense of importance, gross exaggerations of their actual abilities is perceived as a hater, attacker, and falsely condemned of destroying them.

    They are incapable of seeing themselves as they are and react with rage. The FB rant showed Bristol and Willow's programming into the family's modus operandi.

    I am weary of the manipulated popularity of this family that their devotees will go to any length to control they appear as the "winners".

    Levi does not need to be guilty nor have done anything. He is used and abused to paint an extreme contrast to control Bristol is a golden child.

    It won't surprise me if Bristol is not the winner, champion of DWTS whoever is will be demonized and bashed eternally. That is what entitled persons do.

  109. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Excuse me Miss Priss, but what evidence is there that suggests that YOU would beat Mr. Johnston in a contest for mayor of Wasilla?

    Frankly, you are both equally unqualified.

    Pompous b*tch!

  110. Anonymous6:21 AM


    Interesting that you never see anything about any longterm, close, friends of the Palins.

    You know, pictures of them shopping with the Palins. Pictures of them at 4th of July parties, barbecues, birthday parties, and other get togethers.

    Seems like the Palins have no longterm close friends.

    Seeing how you "have hung out with her and her extended family in Alaska," why is that? If they are so fun and "crazy", why don't we hear tales of how you and Sarah found a great deal at a garage sale 8 years ago???

    Could it be that you are just full of it and they have burned all their bridges with their hurtful behaviour?

    I think we know who the true haters are.

  111. Anonymous6:24 AM


    And it's Bristol's own fault that America thinks she is a fat b!tch!

  112. Anon 4:48 - Enjoyed your list. There is one correction:

    3rd place (2nd runner-up), Miss Alaska, 1984
    First place, Miss Bear Lake, 1985
    No place, Miss Alaska, 1985

  113. Anonymous7:31 AM

    She said, "I work harder than anyone else"! Delusional, rude, immature.

    BTW I haven't read any comments yet.

  114. Anonymous8:06 AM

    overit!, thank you for the link to the article from Costa Rica.

  115. Anonymous8:18 AM

    anon@8:28 PM you wrote:
    Well, I have met Bristol. I have hung out with her and her extended family in Alaska. There's not a more welcoming group of people in Alaska. They are so much fun (crazy fun). Several c4pers volunteered for the past book tour and were welcomed by Todd, Sarah, and family graciously.

    I think the "family" you're describing is more like the "Godfather." Wonderful and "welcoming" if they like you (or can use you). But look out if they don't!

    She is a mother, supporting her daughter, who just happens to be holding her own well on a tv show that a lot of performers wont go on for lack of courage. So, yes, BRistol deserves to be there. and shouldn't not be made to feel guilty about it because one pro got his feelings hurt

    I think you mean Bristol "should not" be made to feel guilty...

    In any case Bristol's still on DWTS because of documented vote rigging, fraud, by her mother's adherents. It has nothing to do with her worthiness, talent etc. Knowing that, if you still think she "deserves to be there" I suggest you consider what defines ethical behavior. The rules of fair play prohibit cheating in contests; and that is universally accepted worldwide among people with integrity. You could say it's also just plain commonsense. ;)

  116. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Let us not forget Bristol said it is Levi who seeks the "limelight".

    Rule of thumb: do not believe anything the Palins say about themselves nor of anyone else.

    Strap in folks, it is the campaign Bristol golden child, revirginized saint and Levi as predator, demon scum of the earth. Levi all bad parent...Bristol perfect, white against black and any skewed tale, spun fiction to make it fit.

    Go Bristol, she worked the hardest, did the most, improved the most, is the best, she deserved, love her me me saintly me...the scores "suck" not the dancer or her dance in contrast to what others delivered. Up is down in Palin World.Love Bristol...hate others. Nothing less will satisfy the Palin's sick needs. How bogus for them to tout they are "regular people" acting out to impress people they are superior in all things and others are the worst, inferior..destined "losers". I need to go puke.

  117. emrysa10:21 AM

    can't listen to this gryphen but thanks for posting it.

    funny, I think the people at dwts are finally seeing the REAL bristol, and most likely concluding that the image of her as a "nice girl" is completely manufactured. bwaaaahaha it was bound to happen sometime.

  118. Anonymous10:35 AM

    So, Mark told Bristol that she worked harder than anyone else there?

    No wonder he's not going to join the winners tour. The other dancers probably don't want him.

    If Mark didn't say that, then he should probably have a little talk with Bristol about keeping her lying mouth shut.

  119. Anon @ 4:48
    I've seen this resume before, but your list really brought home her education in particular. I moved from one state to another between my soph and junior years in college. Despite my credit count, I had to take an extra year to graduate because the institution that granted the degree required a certain number of credits from that school. I hadn't actually seen the timeline laid out that way, but I cannot imagine any university awarding a degree to someone who only attended for 1 year - especially when so many of the transferred credits came from a community college. Just doesn't happen. I had to have 60 from my new school to graduate no matter how many I brought with me, and that's 4 semesters worth (min 3 since schools rarely allow more than 20 units at a time unless you are an exceptional student). Just sayin.

  120. Gryphen

    Palin's Facebook Target -- Apology NOT Accepted

    The man who was attacked on Facebook this week by Willow and Bristol Palin tells us he does NOT accept their apology ... claiming Willow uses homophobic language so often, she could be a homophobe.

  121. JenniferinVirginia7:01 PM

    How disgusting! She is a "victim" just like her mother. I can't believe the vitriol directed toward Brandy - basically she said Brandy could screw off! Bristol also made a really nasty insinuation about being "scared" of Brandy's supporters in the audience. She said after the show she was afraid of what Brandy's supporters would do to her. WTF?
    Then she sat there while the hosts ripped Jennifer Grey for being a complainer and Brandy for being a "cryer."
    Real classy, Bristol.Her statement that she works harder than anyone else was completely uncalled for.
    What an inarticulate, dull, uncharismatic dolt!! The fact that she thinks she actually deserves all the $$$ coming her way because of her special talents and work ethic just shows how entitled this family feels. Bristol would be just like another one of those teen moms on MTV if her last name wasn't Palin. That's a fact!
    I knew she was a bitch like her mother, but I am shocked at how vile and nasty she was in this interview. She did know she was saying all this shit on the air right? Unbelievable!


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