Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sorry to start your morning like this, but here is Bristol's second dance from last night and the Palin style BS that accompanied it. Update!

So Levi is to blame for tarnishing the "Golden Child?" Isn't there some sort of court order that keeps Bristol from saying things like this about Levi?

Oh that's right.  Court orders only work one way.

Slept with one guy in her life?  Do they not have lightning in California?

The costume designers on DWTS may be good at helping hide the obvious, but no such help was available during those videos of her speeches.  I mean come on!

Wow they even recruited Sarah's sister Heather and April Morlock to read off some lines of the script.

And again the score of 26 seems much, much too generous.

Jesus who believes these people anymore?

Update: Once again I apologize for the nausea this will surely inspire but I thought you would like to know the reason that Bristol is still on the show according to Mommy-dearest.  God done it.
"She's a happy kid with a good attitude, good perspective, everything's about thinking positively and exchanging beauty for ashes . . . She's putting her life in God's hands and it's scriptural, too, where it says, 'He will turn your mourning into dancing.' "

Yeah I don't think that God organized thousands of Palin-bots to vote for Bristol using multiple computers and cell phones to hi-jack the results of a ridiculous dance contests in the vain hope it will help Sarah Palin become the next President of the United States.


  1. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Here is a People mag interview by Sarah on Bristol DWTS. Let me just say one word - BARF.

    Typical American family. Don't you all have the Rag Mags on speed dial?


    InTouch: Bristol puts out the 'code hit' for Maks
    http://tinyurl.com/23eappu puts

    Access Hollywood interview - Not political my ass! If not for her mother - she's there why???

    Isn't it funny how the Trailer Trash Family did the mag rags/shows all on Nov 15 - the last dance night for voting to get into the Final. If she gets through - think of what next week will be.

    Add how on Monday night, it played in the interview that Bristol was the "golden child" until she hooked up with Levi. Wow - think of all those drunk pics, messages on FB or myspace. She's like her mother - vicious and vindictive. I don't vote for a 'nobody' teen pregnant mom on 'Dancing With the Stars, Wannabees & WHO???'

    I've sent the interviews via Twitter hoping they realize about the 'Bot Code' and hit lists.

    If DWTS play this 'political' game again, they've lost substantial viewers. This was once a family show which they've turned on it's head.

  2. Anonymous2:41 AM

    At 1:52 in the video, she says, "I was excited. I jumped right on it. I drove my truck down from Alaska."
    Mark B.: "YOU drove from Alaska? How long did that take you?"
    Bristol: "5 days."

    So Bristol either spent an extra week away from Tripp while driving, or strapped him in his car seat for a 5-day drive?!

  3. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Wow - Having April Morlock on tape supporting Bristol. That confirms even more the 'Morlock association' with the Palin family. Next April will be interviewing for support for her brother. Keep in 'tight' with the Palins and get the speed dial numbers to all the rags.

  4. Anonymous2:55 AM

    I think she was talking about only sleeping with Levi prior to 2009. Because that I believe. Why are you knocking her family who is in the package video as well? Her friends and family support her. This, Gryph, may be your most catty post of all. and that was was disaparaging to Levi as Sadie is to Bristol, BECAUSE IT WAS THE TRUTH. Bristol had no worries before dating.

  5. abo gato3:02 AM

    She cannot dance and she has no emotion to display.

    The whole brisket thing is just to get us used to the idea of a corrupt voting process that involves that last name.

  6. MC30313:10 AM

    UGH, I had to fast forward through the BS with mama there. Bristle does this dance every single week. Nothing new to see here.

    What a farce.

  7. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Black is the color of choice....the belly still shows and such slow movements...she really is no better, costuming may be more dramatic, but black....the teabaggers are proly furious that their efforts to keep her on dwts are not being recognized, no big thank yous to the tbaggers...

    News is that Marky B will not be competing next season, he will be having surgery for a DOUBLE-HERNIA and I think some disc problems n his spine...can't remember the whole thing but this guy does evrything he can to get to The finals including LIFTING his partners, actually forcing his partners to move, and doing the movements for them...twisting his partners arms...all this comes at a price, his body is breaking down...

    Bristol is a work of art, she is proly receiving coaching on how to answer these questions...she's raw, untouched...r u kiddin me, who in their right mind says that shiiiit....

    God Help US.....


  8. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Easily seen better waltzes on pretty much anything, even the pretend waltzes my friends and I do for fun have more joy and movement and i have two left feet! Much too generous.

    As for the drivel from Bristols fan club, I almost threw up.

  9. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Revisionist history:

    Why April Morlock "the chick who yelled at least I ain't pregnant like Bristol"? Sarah Cannot have her repeating her story and it is cheap to shut her up for as little as a trip to California.

    Golden Girl, who labelled herself as a slut prior to Levi, why is Levi name in your story? Wasn't she passed around like a bottle of cheap wine in Wasilla. Levi has got to learn everything the Paylin's do concerning him is planned by the laywer Flea. He fell into the trap because of wanting to do the right thing by his kid. So much so that Levi was neutralized by apologizing to Sarah thinking he was going to be welcomed into the fold. He was the one person who could do the most damage, but not now. Who respected him after that? For a little roll in the hay he was taken care of when he could have exposed Sarah for millions. (He said she could not shot a gun and her Alaska moose crap proved that.) He was Engaged to Golden Girl after that other dude she was living with knocked her up and the world is going to think Levi did it. We will be lead to believe, Oh she pregnant by Tripp's daddy, oh she loved Levi at the time, all of 2 or 3 weeks and then back to treating him like a dirty used rubber. Levi will look like such a cad when he demands a DNA test. Don't he trust Bristol, the mother of his two sons who trying to make it three.

    The Palin curse is now going to kill DWTS show. Bristol talked about the show being fixed (failing to mention in her favor), she stated Brandy's partner don't like her so the peebot will now attack him, (I thought the contestant could not talk about each other but she can)and getting ahead of the pregnant scandal and leading the world to think Levi is the father and not that she was spreading those legs for another dude or dudes.

  10. Pat in MA3:47 AM

    Golden child? Slept with one guy, ya right. Wow, she drove her truck from Alaska to California – BFD. And Sarah lamenting poor Bristol’s ‘baby bump’ growing on stage for the whole world to see during the 2008 campaign?? WHO put her out THERE???? You could have left your kids/props off the stage. And when she says ‘the first time I saw her on DWTS, in the gray suit with the flag pin…’ GAK

    I know you warned me Gryph, why oh why did I watch this???

    Hopefully it’s still early enough here for me to try to press the reset button on my day.

  11. Oh man. My mom and I actually watched it, and even SHE (who does not subscribe to any kind of "zany conspiracy theories") was at a loss to explain why Bristol was so chunky.

    I showed her the pics of Bristol at a Candies event shortly after Tripp's birth, and she was amazed at the transformation.

    And that beige dress she wore to a speech?? Not a way to dissuade people you're preggers, sweetie.

  12. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Thanks Gryphen, I just threw up my poptarts... "Golden child?" wtf?

  13. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Nothing to do with Bristol's dance but on my way to work the radio people were talking about what Bristol said last night about people identifying with her and that she was "untouched". You can imagine the fun that they had with that remark.

    Then they were discussing Time's top 25 picks for person of the year. Palin's name came up & one guy (who really liked her when she was first picked to run with McIdiot) said now there is one person who can't even string one sentence together and still seems to be a household name.

    Then they were discussing what she has been doing and they all said that she & her family were the Gosselin's for this year.

    So, people who thought she was okay really do see that she is a train wreck along with the rest of her family.

  14. Anonymous4:12 AM

    If she had as many sticking out of her as she has stuck in her... she would look like a porcupine.

    One? LMAO

  15. Anonymous4:16 AM

    There's a vulnerability to her dance? Yeah, she an't dance and she's vulnerable to revealing that....

    All the booing of Carrie Ann seemed like it was coming from the Palins. There was even a little woo that sounded like Piper.

    And wtf, why would you drive a truck from alaska to LA when your mom's an effing millionaire? It's not rugged and cool. It's stupid.

  16. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Bristol... might as well just say it was immaculate conception.

    The Sarah bots will believe you.

  17. Anonymous4:20 AM

    If you look at the face last night - you can see the same characteristics of her mother - "The Mean Girl".
    Vicious and Vindictive

  18. Anonymous4:32 AM

    The female judge was correct. Bristol doesn't emote well.

    I think the long skirt minimized her stiff foot work and made her look more graceful than she is.

    That said, Bristol does seem more suited to the gypsy look. She should embrace it more. It suits her in a becoming way more so than the uptight, button-down, faux Christian mode (and by that I mean, the American evangelical phony image of what a Christian woman should look like).

    I hope Bristol gets voted off so she can spend more time thinking about the rest of her life and even perhaps consider going after - goodness forbid, here comes a Palin-condemned word - education.

    She has now earned enough money to attend classes - even tech classes. I urge her to set a good example for her son by breaking the cycle of ignorance in her family.

  19. Anonymous4:42 AM

    When asked what she'll do when this show is over she says, "There's a lot that God has in store for me"??? Oh yes, while we all work our asses off to get where we are in life, you just sit by the phone and wait for god to show you where your next pile of money is.

    I love the way she makes it seem like she's speaking about abstinence for the good of the land. meanwhile, no mention of wads of cash.

    This phony family is sickening.

  20. Well the hounds from hell have their cue!


  21. Anonymous4:46 AM

    It's becoming obvious that Bristol could win this thing. Pathetic. Just another of the many ridiculous circumstances that lead me to believe that our country is doomed.

  22. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Costumers hiding things is right. That belly is well hidden when she's in motion but frame by frame, it's there in all its glory. Even small details like how the leg openings of the sparkly panty-loetard thing are more down on her thigh like big ole granny panties make her torso look longer and draw attention away from her crotch and hip area. Or is that the modesty of our hometown girl deflowered by that evil dirty Levi? Ugh, I am just tired of all things Palin. someone who is "working her butt off" doesn't keep that kind of weight on.

  23. Anonymous5:02 AM

    I don't understand how Bristol can look so pregnant in one picture and not at all pregnant in the next.

  24. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Two things: First, the Morlocks must know an awful lot about the Palins if they are allowing April to be this visibly connected to them when her brother is in such serious trouble. (Why the Morlocks would think it is appropriate to have their daughter in the public eye right now is a mystery to me. She should not be punished for her brother's alleged crimes, but it looks bad to me.) Second, Bristol's weight gain astounds me. If she is not pregnant why on earth would she let herself go like this exactly when she is getting her big break on DWTS? Actresses and television personalities are very thin because it is a job requirement. To be blunt, Bristol is fat by Hollywood standards and that in itself shows that she is not qualified to be in the entertainment business. It is a completely looks-based industry and she has shown she can't hack it.

  25. Anonymous5:10 AM

    In a Palin filled universe, we have Gryphen, Stewart, Maddow and my new favorite....http://margaretandhelen.wordpress.com/2010/11/10/higher-ground/

    Helen is my new hero! The picture of the two 80 year olds on their scooters just makes me smile.

  26. Anonymous5:11 AM

    To the best of my knowledge, she wasn't RAPED by Levi, she wasn't taken against her will, was she? "It takes two to tango" has NEVER had more significance than now. I hope Bristol's bad words about Levi come back to bite her on the ass. She has absolutely no class, and tends to keep kicking an underdog when he's down. I wish Levi a VERY happy life---he's already earned it!

  27. Molly5:21 AM

    Well, the black goes a long way to slim down that tummy. However, IMHO, it is still there, albeit expertly disguised.

    I am sooooooooooo sick of Sarah's cutesy-wootsy comments. She needs to grow up.

    Also, my ill feelings towards Bristle and her mother are extending now to Mark--can't stand him either.

  28. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Mark Ballas' saying that he's got all kinds of "liberals" Twittering him their love for Bristol's lumpish walking around the dance floor has got to be one of the most ridiculous claims in this lie-ridden PR campaign.

    I haven't watched this year, but I have in the past and either of Bristol's dances from last night would have received 5's from the judges at this point in the any of the past competitions. That they are still praising her for "improvement" without mentioning her complete lack of emotion and her incredibly poor execution is pathetic-- and proves they have been given orders to bump up the baby bumpin' buffalo.

  29. Anonymous5:33 AM

    You do realize other stars fans vote the same way, with multiple accounts and lines. Check out twitter. The proof is there.

  30. Anonymous5:36 AM

    drunk pics,

    Where are these pics? No such thing has been published. Remember, the interwebs still thinks Sadie is Bristol. I'm not saying she never parited. Most teens do, of all backgrounds and families. Pics.videos have just never been published

  31. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Bristol left Alaska Aug 21st (SAturday) to drive to LA. FB proves it

  32. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Well anon @ 2:32, isn't that $carah's m.o.? What she did in the mayor's race in Wasilla. Took what used to be a friendly small town election to see who would being charge paying the streetlight bill and making sure the trash was picked up and turned it into a nasty partisan thing that really split the town and caused a LOT of animosity and hard feelings, destroying that small town neighborliness. All so she could put Wasilla up for auction to the highest big box bidder (who would also line her pockets then or later with political capital). Now people avoid the ugliness that is Wasilla and Palin lives on a dead lake.

  33. Anonymous5:43 AM

    When Sarah quotes scripture, I barf because she's one of those who takes a single verse and decides it means something she wants it to mean.

  34. Anonymous5:47 AM

    What is Palin talking about?! What do the ashes stand for? Having a baby out of wedlock? That child is the best thing that has happened to her.

  35. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Bristol takes another opportunity to slam the father of her child, who apparently ruined her. I hope Levi's lawyer is paying attention.

  36. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Actresses and television personalities are very thin because it is a job requirement


    This is the saddest statement ever. Its not a requirement. it's a sickness and vanity issue. LA is a fucked up place. We need more directors who will cast average sized people. Size 0s are not the only hott people in the world. I know and have seen plenty of size 12s who are even more beautiful than some of the starlets and legends ou tthere. Besides, without makeup, most actresses look homely and average.

    Plastic surgery should be outlawed in terms of vanity. and only be used for emergencies - like disfigurations due to accidents etc

    But it is a personaly decision and weve all gotta be happy with ourselves. it's like sex changes.

  37. Anonymous5:55 AM

    wasn't it just proven by video that the commander or whoever was in charge told Morlock etal what to do?
    I hate how these boys have been demonized out of ignorance to what really happened. Theyre just kids from different walks of life in a shitty situation. Yes, they volunteered, but no matter the reason for enlistment, WAR is a shitty situation and one that is unfortunately needed nowadays

  38. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Hmmm - looks like bots wake up later than the rest of us. No, the other dancers' fans didn't vote that way, to start; most were content to cast the number of votes dwts set for the week...either by phone or online. Then when it got publicized big time last week, a few people got pissed and said what's sauce for the goose is also for the gander.

    ANd they complained that there was too much time to multi-vote - so last night, the polls closed 5 minutes after the show (at least that's what happened when I tried to phone - hmmmm. Anybody know if abc said anything?

  39. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Good for you Gryph! Once again the trolls are here to defend their queen's princess. Thank you thank you for letting their silliness through. The Palins implied in the video last night that Levi forced himself on their daughter. They are despicable. Just remember "victim" is the fallback position of a bully who's been challenged and the Palins were victimhood ad nauseum last night. Poor poor victimized Bristol. Barf.

  40. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Well 5:51, you'd better have a talk with $carah then, because she had telltale fat injection bumps on her face not that long ago. What about tanning beds? (more fake) and Spanx instead of developing one's core muscles?

    You know at least $scarah's consistent. Fake all the way through in everything she does.

  41. imnofred6:08 AM

    Sarah seems to use "god" and quotes from the Bible only in situations where it may score her some political points. Her actions certainly do not reflect any thing god-like.

  42. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Is there an connection between the alleged Morlock crimes & Track's early discharge from the military?

  43. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Last summer,it was reported that Bristol was pregnant. So, for what or for whom was Bristol in mourning so that she had to turn to dance? Do I smell a white out?

  44. I can't stand to watch this again so I'll just ask if anyone else caught this or if I just heard it wrong. When they asked Bristol what she was looking forward to after this is over, did she look at Mark and say looking forward to hanging out with OUR families and then she caught herself and said my family? Did anyone else catch that? If that is what she said, are her and Mark an item now?

  45. I also wanted to say that I am really angry at the stars themselves who don't say anything. They just talk about what a nice girl she is. Well that's a bunch of bull crap...they all know why she is getting the votes and I would be raising holy hell. It really pisses me off that EVERYONE lets the Palin trash get away with EVERYTHING!

  46. Anonymous6:22 AM

    So now we know: Bristol is an unhappy kid with a lousy attitude and warped perspective, and everything is about thinking negatively and exchanging ashes for beauty. Because as we've all noticed, the Palin/Heaths ALWAYS say the opposite of what's true when they go out of their way to emphasize something. Chuckles saying Sarah never lies, Sarah saying Toad completes her, Bristol saying she's only banged one man.

    Come on, Wasilla boys! Give the lie to the bitch.

  47. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Anon @ 5:33

    Of course people vote with multiple email addresses and phones. BUT, the big difference with Bristol is that many of her "fans" acknowledge that she is NOT the best dancer or trying the hardest and probably should be going home. They just want to keep her on because she's a "sweet girl" and SP's daughter.

    Which makes me wonder if they are watching the show. She uses inappropriate language, admitted that she didn't "go all out" and spouts the same thing over and over again about her "rawness" and "vulnerability" because someone told her to say that. She has also gained weight, which is astonishing.

    When I watch DWTS with my young son, I don't expect him to ask me what "screwed" or "sucked" means. Kyle's younger than she is, and you don't hear him talking like that.

  48. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Actresses and television personalities are very thin because it is a job requirement


    "This is the saddest statement ever. Its not a requirement. it's a sickness and vanity issue..."

    But this doesn't explain why B. Palin has GAINED so much weight exactly when she started a competition that involves so much physical exercise. It doesn't make sense. She is trying break into a business that values thinness (I am not condoning this fact, just pointing it out.) at the same time she is gaining a lot of weight. She used to be thin--Why gain weight now? How does this help her? Is she setting herself up for a Jenny Craig contract?

  49. Anonymous6:36 AM

    The tape of Sarah et al is the most nauseating attempt at re-framing Bristol's narrative, taking control of it before it gets away from them. I am so sickened at how Sarah has used this show to try to further her family's fame, and I guess to set up a run for President, though it shouldn't surprise anyone she would be so ruthlessly opportunistic.

    Bristol keeps saying how happy she is. Well, she has made a deal with the devil on this one and it's hard to know if she'll be truly happy, ever. She is showing disturbing similarities to her mother. This TV thing has really gotten to her, I think she believes she can be an entertainment show host or something like that and she may be right - God help us! (I am talking to the real God now.)

    There is much being written about Sarah's use of TV, PR and advertising - amounting to a massive branding operation - and whether or not this will transform the techniques that future candidates might employ. I tend to think we won't ever see anything like this beyond Sarah Palin. Especially if we can get people to expose the lies and the hypocrisy behind these cynical attempts to manipulate stupid people for political gain.

    Hear that, people? PLEASE let's chip away at their bullshit. Otherwise this lady will never go away.

    Bristol's body is showing every sign of being pregnant. Can you imagine what the public will think about that after watching that crap last night? They will finally realize these people are the biggest grifters ever to come down the pike.

    Levi can hold his own on this, don't worry. Such a pathetic attempt to smear him.

  50. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Mark is an idiot. Well now he has a double hernia and back issues as his reward for what? Sucking Up?

    So Levi is the only one who had the privelege of putting his Johnston in Revirginated Snowflake.

    Pure as dirty slush on a busy highway..

    Bristol is like her mother, she can't stop bringing up the obvious and saying it isn't so. But all that happens is it is more glaringly obvious.

    Wasilla knows their reputations both mother and daughters.

    . Everyone who has been around these people knows that anything out of any of the Palins mouths are lies, and more lies.

  51. Molly6:40 AM

    Re: your update

    W in the H is Bristle mourning about? Her lost teenager-hood? Her third pregnancy? Her loss of abdominal muscles? What?

    "Turn beauty into ashes"? Isn't that backwards? Of course it is.

    GOD is laughing at the Palins. They reap what they sow, and they will all pay for their duplicity either in this life or their next (in which, I am hoping, Sarah comes back as a barista, in, say, New York City (not "real" America) whose customers stiff her for their drinks, claiming they "forgot" their money.

  52. Anonymous6:40 AM

    5 days? It's roughly 3600 miles from Wasilla, AK to Los Angeles, CA. At 70mph that's a 51 hour drive, not counting stops for food and breaks. She drove 11 hours/day for 5 days with a 2 year old in a carseat? Not bloody likely. Like mother, like daughter, both liars.

  53. Anonymous6:46 AM


    You can totally believe the part where she claims she drove down from Alaska? She was with Tripp and who? April? Where are the photos? Surely her PR would put that montage together and end all doubt.

  54. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Just watch these 'stars' dance. That Bristol continues to have the nerve to stand amongst them and say she's their contemporary is galling.

    The audacity of being a Palin, to think that just cause they self-sacrifice time from their compound to other places, issues and play, they should not only be paid, but given the highest honors for something they have never achieved or earned in the first place.

    All these dancers, and many lay in carnage before Bristol, deserve to be on DWTS. Bristol, shouldn't even be hired to wipe the sweat off the dance floors of the real hard workers on the show.

    LOL, did you see her actually sweating from the first dance? I think that's the first time she's broke a sweat from any type of exertion. If the Kate Gosselin skirt holding stomp can be defined as dancing.

  55. Anonymous6:53 AM

    The thing about the 5-day drive should be easy to debunk. Ha sanyone seen it around Wasilla since bristol "says" she drove it to LA ?

    Has anyone seen it in LA ?

    She didn't drive 5 days without staying in hotels along the way - more chances to debunk her story. A 19 year old travelling with a toddler would stand out like a sore thumb; and somewhere along the way someone must have recognized her; but we have never heard anything of a "Bristol & Tripp sighting".

    All a bunch of BS, if you ask me.

  56. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I couldn't sleep last night...my son told me once that there is no way Sarah Palin could become president..but 5 million people watched her show, her daughter is now a saint...Sarah Palin will become President unless someone gets the truth out into the open. If things are different, then the folks in her home town need to step up and tell it all. For America.

  57. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Remember this: the Pee-tards are a very small minority of the population. At this point, most people with brains think that Brandy or Jennifer are the best dancers. But if one of them gets booted while Brisket stays, it won't sit well with them. As the number of contestants gets reduced, the number of people who DON'T like Brisket will come together and continue to vote for someone with talent.

  58. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The Palins are master manipulators of situations and even the bible. First class opportunists who use and trun anything all and only to theri advanatage. By an escalated disparagement of Levi via contrast Bristol will be glorified with a halo of goodness. I won't be surprised if the Palins fail to control geetting what they seek next to escalate their demonizing of Levi manipulating attention (sympathy, money, support, offers, publicity) ramping up their victimhood for personal gain. I won't be surprised when the story changes Levi raped Bristol if to the Palin's they will control getting something by smearing,, degrading, to completely inventing a fictional character of Levi for personal gain. People like this seek a target to be persecuted, harassed, to condemn, disgrace and humiliate in scapegoat fashion to be their whipping post. They attribute their mistakes, failures and MO to the target also. It's exactly like the fact McGinniss could see some of the Palin's lawn from the deck. That was taken, twisted he would be peering into Piper's window suggestive of pedophilia..demonizing him.

    It is evident Sarah Palin did not chose to return to her job as governor to demonstrate, esrn and desreve anotehr run at high office. Nor ddid she chosse to learn basic things one needs to know for the job. It is obvious to me the Palin family is dependent on manipulating, lying, deception making selves look grand by having a target/victim to serve as a vile contrast to themselves. They use words as tools to control they ae superior while manipualting someone else is not only inferior but evil...or all bad.

    Like Bristol in DWTS they do not have it within their family system to work, earn, learn, practice, self control or self discipline to actually do or be who they calim they are.

    Red flags: Rage, huge anger reactions if not awarded or winning what they believe they are entitled to due to their existence "It sucks!"
    Intolerent of valid criticisim: "hit piece" "viscious attack"
    Emotional abscence: numb either anger or a smile while sying horrible things about people. Laughter limited to mocking or humiliating people.No guilt remorse or shame for lying about self and other people.

    Personalities like this do not chose to learn. They have gotten by trashing others as stupid, lazy, dumb to manipulate people to think they are the smartest.

    No hell hath their fury if people see through them and their duplicty, Jekyll Hyde Mo's.

  59. Anonymous7:02 AM

    At 4:00 - 4:05, approx, look at her abdomen/backside shape.

    Nice try with all the black, DWTS. Just get the wrong angle or the wrong lighting, however, and serious questions arise.

    This young lady has not merely gained weight, nor has she had plastic surgery on her face, or any of that.

    She has actually lost weight in the past few weeks, because they could see that it would enable her to hide things one or two weeks more.

  60. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The Palins are master manipulators of situations and even the bible. First class opportunists who use and trun anything all and only to theri advanatage. By an escalated disparagement of Levi via contrast Bristol will be glorified with a halo of goodness. I won't be surprised if the Palins fail to control geetting what they seek next to escalate their demonizing of Levi manipulating attention (sympathy, money, support, offers, publicity) ramping up their victimhood for personal gain. I won't be surprised when the story changes Levi raped Bristol if to the Palin's they will control getting something by smearing,, degrading, to completely inventing a fictional character of Levi for personal gain. People like this seek a target to be persecuted, harassed, to condemn, disgrace and humiliate in scapegoat fashion to be their whipping post. They attribute their mistakes, failures and MO to the target also. It's exactly like the fact McGinniss could see some of the Palin's lawn from the deck. That was taken, twisted he would be peering into Piper's window suggestive of pedophilia..demonizing him.

    It is evident Sarah Palin did not chose to return to her job as governor to demonstrate, esrn and desreve anotehr run at high office. Nor ddid she chosse to learn basic things one needs to know for the job. It is obvious to me the Palin family is dependent on manipulating, lying, deception making selves look grand by having a target/victim to serve as a vile contrast to themselves. They use words as tools to control they ae superior while manipualting someone else is not only inferior but evil...or all bad.

    Like Bristol in DWTS they do not have it within their family system to work, earn, learn, practice, self control or self discipline to actually do or be who they calim they are.

    Red flags: Rage, huge anger reactions if not awarded or winning what they believe they are entitled to due to their existence "It sucks!"
    Intolerent of valid criticisim: "hit piece" "viscious attack"
    Emotional abscence: numb either anger or a smile while sying horrible things about people. Laughter limited to mocking or humiliating people.No guilt remorse or shame for lying about self and other people.

    Personalities like this do not chose to learn. They have gotten by trashing others as stupid, lazy, dumb to manipulate people to think they are the smartest.

    No hell hath their fury if people see through them and their duplicty, Jekyll Hyde Mo's.

  61. FJ Dandy7:12 AM

    I didn't watch Quittypants, but did watch the so called waltz. The guy drags her around (oh, my back!) - that's dancing?

  62. Anonymous7:15 AM

    If you all remember, Bristol wasnt small when DWTS started. She has not gained much, if any extra weight. With her shapewear (Gods gift to the world) she is able to portray a nice body one day then a normal body the next. She's got a mannish physique, thought she's about 5'4'' without shoes. It's probably all hormonal and stress. DWTS is a hard show to go on, for all skill levels and backgrounds.

  63. Anonymous7:16 AM

    What an orchestrated snow job.

    TEA Party AD I'd don't know if my mom will run, but she should" Bristol's Solo Act.... we all know how real that was. Not a word about her promoting sweets, her diet and what we are actually seeing is her face and body ballooning. Unlike what happens to anyone who is actually working for improvements.

    Bristol Palin 'sick' of tea party talk

    Morgage News about Bristol and the Tea Party. Aren't people still losing their homes? This matters to them? Did they just want to show the 2006 photo of what looks like a 16YO pregnant teen?

    InTouch: Bristol puts out the 'code hit' for Maks


    The Tea Party thinks they saw her improved. HA! Focused on how they are improving?

  64. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Yes, sir, the Palin rhetoric is becoming manic. Sarah using the "beauty for ashes" verse on Bristol is a mockery to those who love scripture.

    Isaiah 61:3 - "To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified."

    Sarah needs to realize this verse usually is referred to those who, after having lived through a lot of trials, are being encouraged that they can be assured to reap good things when they put their trust in God. With that, comes a willingness to change.

    Now, talking about sleeping with a guy on national tv might not be what God had in mind, and tarnishing Levi, another individual is probably not what God has in mind, and talking about lap dancing, or imitating sex through dance on national tv wearing immodest clothing might not be what God had in mind, or pretending that one's life was perfect before meeting the "bad" boy, being untruthful to a national audience for $$$$$$, is not what God had in mind. So if she's putting her life in God's hands, she needs to re-evaluate what "beauty" means. It's an inner beauty, a new transformed heart, not a facial beauty. And, Bristol's constant whining of attacks on her proves she's still in "heaviness of heart".

  65. Anonymous7:20 AM

    She uses inappropriate language,


    Who else uses this kind of language There have been several f bombs and the like. oh and for all the people pissed at her family's sentiments in her package, all the stars' families were in their packages as well. Standard practice for these things. I think we need to stop basing our judgments on hearsay and just let the girl live her life. She's taking responsibilty for her actions and deeply regrets her past decisions. (as evidenced on FB when she tried to talk a friend out of getting pregnant for the sole reason of wanting a cute baby)

    She's being praised by many people and that pisses libs off because they think everyone wants to have sex. Guess what? Most people have better things to do than speculate and decide other's lives for them. But then again, most people are living happily and humbly without judgment

  66. Anonymous7:23 AM

    did she look at Mark and say looking forward to hanging out with OUR families and then she caught herself and said my family? Did anyone else catch that? If that is what she said, are her and Mark an item now?


    This is how these stupid rumors get started. people mishear, then blab what they want to believe. Sad statement of fact in our society. Bristol said "hang out with my family" Mark is going on tour with Burn the FLoor at the end of Nov

  67. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Grow yourself a pair and go after the twat! Don't let her keep doing this to you!

    Hope you get a new post up soon and that you tell all you know. The truth shall set you free.

  68. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Bristol has not had plastic surgery. Trust me, someone would have captured that shit on film/camera. And SArah's face is the same as when she was 25, just naturally aged and maybe "botoxed" or an equiv

  69. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Bristol showed the dermatologist office, what was the name? They decided to downgrade her from an office manager to a receptionists. There are usually a pool of girls that fill that job. Most of them work other jobs. It is not like she had to be there everyday 9 to 5. It is like you go when you want or work it out with the pool. Is that where Sarah got her work done before going Hollywood?

  70. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Her truck is in LA. Check out the youtube channell poptvdotcom. She bought a GPS in July, left Aug 21st with Tripp and a friend. The drive isn't that bad. When I was a baby and my birth mother was on the run from child services (she was 15) her and her brothers walked (taking turns holding me) across Arkansas, LA, MS, and alab before caught.

    Driving 2000 miles (or whatever) is not hard. just tiring.

  71. Anonymous7:32 AM

    "Pure as the driven snow...but she drifted." Big time. What happened to the story that Bristol and Levi were living together in the Palin no-boys-upstairs household? And the further story that she and Levi tried to get pregnant?

    The only saving grace in all this is that DWTS will never ask any Palin to participate in the show (if it is still on the air after this debacle.) And there won't be a return to Sarah Palin's Alaska. By 2012, there will be less opportunities to appear on TV - except on FOX. (/fingers crossed)

    Too bad the Myth Busters don't do a show on the Palin Mythology.

  72. Bristol and Sarah were definitely the MEAN girls in their video - no reason to do this and certainly not the place. No one else trashed others in their personal videos. I feel very sorry for Levi that Bristol had to drag him into this again. And why did Sarah have to remind us that it's all about her! Perhaps the dancing celebs will give a coordinated "tell all" interview when the show is over.

  73. Anonymous7:36 AM

    All is vanity.. C. allan Gilbert..

    So Bristol was a Golden Girl till she allowed Levi into her life, and everything wrong is Levis fault.

    But mama turned it all into gold all over again. Money, money, money, money.

    Hey, I thought Bristol stole Levi from Lanesia? That Bristol said something like Levi is for me.

    So suck it up Lanesia, you're old hat now and I'm the one.

    Levi, they are out after your hide.

  74. Anonymous7:37 AM


    Her truck. You can't reallly deny she has grown accustomed to LA and the paps. Now she actually engages them as opposed tp going about her business.

    Did you all see the video where Ashton Kutcher punkd TMZ? so fucking hilarious.

  75. Ma Olsen7:47 AM

    Saint Bristol's holy communions with Johnny Chandler, the town drunk that finally escaped to Hawaii, were so pure. Anyone who knows the details of Channdler's life must be having a rip roaring laugh fest after this latest revision. April Morlock is such the expert on sweet tooth Bristol, did she forget about Lanesia Garcia? It wasn't that long ago that she was back in the picture and portrayed as the town slut. Too bad that Levi, Johnny, Mercede and Lanesia have all been sucessfully gagged by SarahPac and the Tea Party.

    How do the people surrounding the Palins afford all the toys, trips and new homes or remodels? They need to turn us on to how they do it. Other parts of the country are struggling.

  76. ManxMamma7:55 AM

    I think Bristol may have given us a clue as to her mother's reaction when told of B's pregnancy: Trashy, disgusting girl. Sleazy, knocked up. It certainly wasn't the reaction of the media at the time.

  77. Anonymous7:57 AM

    "If you all remember, Bristol wasnt small when DWTS started. She has not gained much, if any extra weight."

    I disagree. She looks like she has gained a substantial amount of weight to me. It is really distracting. But, assuming she started out heavy, as you say, why hasn't she lost weight? It is common sense that she would lose weight if she really is "working her butt off."
    Is she a heavy girl who stays heavy because she is not really exerting herself? Why is she the only one not losing weight? Why is everything upside down and backwards in Palinland? This, to me, is another glaring example of how nothing about this family makes sense.

  78. Anonymous8:01 AM

    5:04 AM-
    The Morlocks have access to knowledge about John McCain's history and what he can do. He has already helped clean out computers and unfavorable photos from the internet. Only Sadie's with booze remain. April and Johnny Chandler photos are scrubbed.

    The Morlocks believe that Jeremy will be released. His story would be of value if it could be told but no one wants to deal with what is happening to our soldiers.

  79. Linda Arizona8:06 AM

    Just to add to the mountain of incorrect thinking, lying, misrepresentation and general heresy that is S'error:

    The scripture she butchered is from Jeremiah and refers to loss from death, and well, here it is:

    Jeremiah 31:13: God Will Turn Mourning Into Gladness And Sorrow Into Joy.

    Jeremiah 31:13 (KJV) Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow.

    Don't think Bristle is the virgin. Someone keeps trying to re-brand, eh?!

    Sheesh. I quit watching DWSTS because of how creepy it's becoming.

  80. What a joke. We are to buy into this meme that people just fell in love with her as some kind of innocent, vulnerable American sweetheart? They are nuts but with the media and industry on board to feed their lies it can work. I hope someone will stand up to restore integrity. I LOVE Maks. I hope they can't gag him forever.

  81. GO BRISTOL!8:15 AM

    Bristol left Alaska Aug 21st (SAturday) to drive to LA. FB proves it

    Thank you for the proof. I can't wait to see the photos. Who all was on the trip and did they go in a caravan? Was there a stay over in Washington? They have so many and friends there.

  82. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Funny how God is only relevant to this family when they are in front of a microphone or in front of a camera!

  83. Anonymous8:24 AM

    My PC speakers aren't working, so I
    can't hear the vid, but did she actually
    tell the world she slept with only one
    guy? Why is that any of our business?
    Why did she make it our business? What
    does that have to do with anything? Is
    parenthood less damaging to children and
    society if the mommy only fucked one dude?
    "It is ok, I'm not a slut, or nothin..."

  84. Anonymous8:27 AM

    All she did was pull up her dress and wave it around. My three year old niece does that all the time!

  85. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Here is a recent picture of Bristol:

    Please compare it with these pictures of a much slimmer Bristol. The one on the far left was taken a few months after Tripp was born:

    Note to Gryphen: Whenever things slow down, you can always post a poll, "Is she or isn't she?"
    1. She looks fine to me.
    2. Bun in the oven.
    3. Too much pie.

  86. Anonymous8:32 AM

    " ManxMamma said...
    I think Bristol may have given us a clue as to her mother's reaction when told of B's pregnancy: Trashy, disgusting girl. Sleazy, knocked up. It certainly wasn't the reaction of the media at the time.

    7:55 AM"

    But Sayruh was supposed to have been
    pregnant by Curtis Menard, Jr when she
    married Todd. Why would she think her
    daughter was trashy for doing what she'd
    done? Oh, yeah. IOKIYSP

  87. Anonymous8:36 AM

    My opinion of the Bristol promotion video (Sarah Palin, April Morlock etc.) is that "it sucks".Bristol Palin uses the phrase often. It applies to her and all she does. She is ignorant, stupid, vapid, featureless, homely, devoid of any good quality.

    Bristol trotted herself onto a TV show so people could judge her. If she doesn't want to know the truth about herself, she can take her little pile of cash from DWTS and get herself some privacy. But I don't think she is smart enough to do that. She wants abuse.

    Other people can try to justify a sugar-coated image of Bristol and attempt to persuade others. But the problem is that Bristol, herself, is exploding the fantasy. She is a hopeless product to sell.

  88. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I think it is important to look at Bristol, the golden girl, and to forget about number one son, Track Palin. This DWTS has many benefits for Sarah's careers. The best part may be that it distracts from Track, the oldest Palin child.

    Why is it so important to over look Track and focus on the Mirror Ball Trophy?

    Can anyone in Alaska debunk the 5 day drive to LA story or is that the gospel truth?

  89. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Well my morning started with the Wasilly Witch in the newspaper.

    I'm ready if I go online- but in the paper is always a bad surprize.

    'blessing' 'gods work' through the Palins-interpreted by them also too-how convieeeeenient.

  90. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Trolls, your queen has had a midfce lift, eye lift, forehead lift, botox and fillers, minimum.

  91. Anonymous8:55 AM

    It is CRUEL to make a kid sit in a car seat for FIVE DAYS. Not to mention I could not take the whining!

    I would not make a kid do this unless I had no other choice and she has $$$$$ other choices.

  92. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Miss Wasilla likes the God idea well enough, but Jesus is ashamed of her.

  93. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Here is a reality check for the Palins: A baby born brings huge changes to anyone's life.
    Reality check #2: unprotected sex by a female with any male may result in a baby made. Bristol has 50% responsiblity for her decisions as the boy does.

    Why must they keep weaving an identity for Bristol as the victim of a baby made? The Palins seem to think we are stupid and do not remember their announcements of a wedding for Bristola nd Levi. Also Sarah ranting they work their butts off, working on their education, Levi is earning a trade, working blah blah and making a spectacle of them beginning at the RNC.

    On DWTS they can't shut up portraying Bristol as disadvantaged, Bristol poor girl with a baby then acting out as if it is the world doing this to her while they use this to run to the bank, call the media ongoing public display of themselves.

    These people are their own worst enemies. They do not nor will they ever see themseslves nor comprehend the consequences of their behaviors. They won't ever shut up blaming others. This is classic shifting the blame to throw Levi under the bus.

    It is no wonder Britol thought having a baby would be wonderful not ever able to comprehend responsiblity. They are the epitomy of The Devil Made Me Do It family. They can't let this go for it is their big meal ticket. The hypocrisy blows my mind.

  94. Anonymous9:17 AM

    They really could have gone to Barbara Walters or Oprah to bemoan Sarah pushing Bristol (and Levi) on stage at the RNC as they announce they are pregnant and not yet married.

    Who in their right mind would talk about family like that as they solicit votes on a reality show contest? Dancing with the Stars is not where you try to revise your sex history. Unless you are a tacky Palin.

  95. Johnny Chandler is my boy! Mr. Personality! Love him drunk or sober! He is just so cute! Can't wait for his reality show!!!! Love the pictures of him! That boy knows how to have a good time!!

  96. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Did DWTS report Bristol was an office manager before? I was under the impression that was just in people or in print. Im pretty certain she's always been a receptionist in DWTS eyes

  97. Anonymous9:38 AM

    You have to give them credit. They aren't giving up on rebranding the Bristol brand.... Next month it will be another story. We'll see what sticks.

    Let's see what life was and is like in the out backs of the Alaskan frontier, Wasilla.

    What is it farm land or mall land? How many churches per capita? Sarah is too Godlike to go to church now? What happened to Rev Muthee and her inspirin all the towns church folk?
    pray for Sarah

  98. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Hmm..the Palins do not get it that to polish Bristol's reputation is not going to happen by tarnishing Levi, the judges, Maks, the public nor their die hard fans going for the jugular alleging anyone who is not all for Bristol being number one is a "hater".

    Bristol putting on blinders and deaf ears her mother's political action devotees ae campaigning she win by cheating is not helping her reputation either. Her increasing girth, burgeoning chins are not restoring her reputation as a hard working, self disciplined person focused on achieving her stated goals. The denial, and feigned shock as if this was not a calculated plan to reframe themselves via reality tv, their ticket to POTUS is a joke when the potical base boasts of this intention. If it were not true the queen bee would tell her minions to stop.

  99. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Wow! No accountability. No, "we made a mistake and should have talked to our daughter more and explained sex, and kept a better eye on her when she was 16"? F-ing stupid Palins. I think we should replace the word stupid with Palin.

    And, yeah, Bristol looks pregnant again.

  100. Anonymous10:02 AM

    This reminds me of the oh so pious girls in highshcool who bragged that they were still "technically virgins" but that they still keep their man "satisfied".

    We all know what that means.

  101. Anonymous10:12 AM

    All the interviews that Bristle has done over the past almost 2 years, when asked about Levi, she REFUSED to talk about him as that was 'personal'. All those interviews on talk shows when she was promoting her "Candies" abstinance tour when it was appropriate to talk about the relationship in that it was the true topic of why she was paid to be the "spokesperson" for Candies -- but oh no, won't talk about it.

    Now on DWTS & Leno, to name a few - she can shut her fat face about Levi.

    A Real American piece of Trailer Trash.

    Scarah's comment on the DWTS tape on Monday about the surprise of the pregnancy before marriage. Was she talking about Bristle or herself as she too was pregnant before marriage. Her tune too has changed from the VP campaign in that she announced that she & Toad were 'proud' to be grandparents.

    This family should be committed for insanity.

  102. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Oh, IF the kid sat in a carseat for 5 days, then you can guarantee that he was doped up. They had no problems with getting a little help from pharmy in the past.

  103. Anonymous10:17 AM


    Yeah. Mercede promised to have a post up blowing the lid off weeks ago.

    Do I hear crickets in Wasilla?

  104. Anonymous10:19 AM

    So Bristol is pure as the driven snow and this is reflected in her (current) clothing choices. Very modest, covering up everything but but the leg.

    She gets these values from her family, right?

    So, why does Sarah dress like a wanna be 20 year old slut? What's with the booty shorts that Willow must have borrowed from her mommy?

  105. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I bet that Bristol herself would prefer people call her pregnant than fat.

    I bet mommy-dearest would prefer people call Bristol fat than pregnant.

    We all know what Track calls her. I wonder Willow's pet nickname for her is.

  106. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Gryphen, can you please get a message to Mercedes. I have figured out why Bristol and Levi are so dull. They are careful of what they say because they have so much to hide. When you can't be yourself or fully express yourself, you seem stunted in your conversation and your speech.

    Levi is a loser. I am sorry, but he is. If he thinks that by standing back and letting his Baby's Momma talk sh*t about him and he does nothing to stand up for himself will endear him to his son, then he is sadly mistaken. His son will respect him MORE if he stands up for himself. That does not mean that he has to bad mouth Bristol, but he should not let her get away with the things she and her mother say about him. How many children have ever respected a father who is hen pecked or criticized by their wives? NONE.

    Obviously, Levi has no balls. The real brave member of the Johnston family is Mercedes. I have no doubt that she is remaining silent because she does not want to influence Bristol's competition. But in the meantime, they are bad mouthing your brother - your family. F- them. Never once in their lives have they ever thought about you. You are in the right and you have the real power. If you only knew Mercedes and Levi how much they fear you, then you will realize that given all they pretend to have, they have nothing.

  107. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Sarah's spray tan way messsed up talking in the evening gown


    Also, why is her face so much whiter than the rest of her? Weird.

  108. I watched my DWTS recording and believe I see what could be a baby bump when they show Bristol and Mark practicing their routines before the first dance. The bump is displayed prominently just before she bends down and sits on her heels - you can see it clearly because there is white background behind her stomach. Typically, her stomach is disguised because of black on black in front of and behind her.

  109. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:26

    Even though Mercede promised weeks ago to put up a post detailing her thoughts about the Trig situation, I suspect she is now waiting to see what the outcome will be re. Bristol's stint on DWTS.

    I just hope she has not been threatened in any way by the Palin mafia and that her silence is of her own making.

  110. Anonymous10:51 AM

    golden Child? I thought the parents back in Juneau didn't like their kids pallin around with the "fast" Palins.

  111. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Where the hell is Levi's lawyer? He should be doing his job going to court to enforce its orders that all parties avoid insulting each other.

    It's for the sake of the child Bristol, Sarah, Dud. What about that do you not understand? The Red White and Blue family from hell.

  112. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Juicey told Bristol she can't for her to return home so she can feed her some home cooked moose. Bristol has been losing too much weight on Dancing With Shamu.

  113. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Never having watched DWTS and now never will, I wonder do the judges ever acknowledge the male partner, or is it just Mark that gets left out all the time? After all, he is the one doing all the work, and the only comment from the judges I am aware of from clips is when they told him BP needed to do something.

    So God must have told BP to shake her torso, display her legs and panties, be sexed up, get her partner to feel her leg and butt on public TV. What is he going to tell her to do next?

  114. Anonymous11:28 AM

    How many chins do you see?



  115. Facebook Lurker11:33 AM

    The whole Bristol as poor single mom routine falls flat when it the truth is the Bristol has made hundreds of thousands of dollars off her little "mistake". She has made her living being a tabloid media whore, and reality tee vee "star". She is the furthest thing from being "raw and vulnerable" as it gets. This girl is 100% her mother's daughter.

    The Facebook war among Wasilla teens re TLC show continues with racial and homophobic slurs all around. Don't believe me? I can send Gryphen a screen shot.

    Johnny Chandler is back in AK, and a full on raging alcoholic.

    Mercede is living her life...I get the feeling she would just like to put the past behind her and have a relationship with her nephew, which sadly, will never happen. Don't hold your breath on that post, her mother is ill, and depends on her greatly.

    The Morlock association with the Palins run deep, both sets of sisters in each family are BFF's, and Willow and Marissa Morlock are looking forward to homeschooling together.

    I have no other words for Bristol..she is just as lacking in self awareness and intellectual curiosity as her mother, and her vindictive streak runs just as deep. She will use her son as her meal ticket, just as Sarah has used her and her siblings. The cycle continues...

    I hope Bristol stays on the show, and takes down the entire DWTS franchise with it.

  116. Interesting.

    Mark Ballas has an scantily clad angel with wings and a miss liberty type radiation over her head.

    Kim Khardashian brought him into the Tattoo parlor.

    He says he likes Sarah Palin, and is certainly touchy feely and protective of Bristol.

    The tattoo could be either. If fatter Bristol, if thinner Sarah.

    Bedroom hair, downcast eyes. slight but voluptuous body.

  117. Anonymous11:50 AM

    If I were a teen boy in Wasilla, I'd be on the phone right now selling my stories of "abstinent Bristol" to the tabloids and make myself very rich.

    Just saying ;)

  118. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Anon 5:55 am - No, war is not necessary right now. Morlock had a history of violent behavior way before
    joining the service. If he & the others are guilty (not saying they are) & the evidence is conclusive,
    I hope they receive the maximum
    penalty. Those innocent villagers
    did not deserve to die or their animals used for target practice.

    Sharon TN

  119. Anonymous12:18 PM

    He did a good job of dragging her around the dance floor.

  120. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Comment on Huffpost:

    Today on the Talk Mrs Osborn said that Kelly lost weight because someone on the show made fun of her weight, but they wouldn't even hint at who it was. They talked about Kelly, but didn't gossip and make someone else look bad. The Palins need to lean that kind of class. When Bristol said that her family was nothing like the Osborns, I hope she was talking about how they aren't in the same class, humanity wise.

  121. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Watch the video. The slut could not even acknowledge that Tripp has any characteristics of Levi. It's all her and her family.


    Here's hoping her next dance she breaks a leg - literally.

  122. Anonymous1:08 PM


    Oh my gosh!!! That cheesecake photo of Bristol is sooooo bad.

    What is the matter with that girl? Does this look healthy to you?

  123. Kimosabe1:37 PM

    Alaskans drive to the Lower 48 all the time. It's 5 days to the west coast, 8 to the east. I did it with a 2yo and a dog. Listened to Hi Ho Hi Ho 9000 times.

  124. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Is there not one person on Team Sarah that has concerns for what is noted about Bristol's disorder and body shifting?

    Pregnancy is only one possibility. It may not be good for the abstinence ruse but it is probably the most healthy. Hypoglycemia, diabetes, thyroid can be threatening.

    Would anyone know about steroids? I have been switching over to wrestling during DWTS and can't help but notice similarities. Steroids are honey from heaven for beefy men. They also train with weights and look rock hard. Steroids are another possibility for Bristol's condition. She is lax with the rehearsing and there isn't much tone and no improvement. No one in her extended family cares? Or do they know something that we don't? Steroids may be what is happening to her face. That moon face look is so alarming. If she was your child and you saw that happening would you turn your back? No. Sarah has to know what it is. DWTS doctors and executives know. They are all together about cover this up because it could wipe out her voting base.

    I was surprised they ignored the weight issue when they did the part when Sarah and Heather talked. That is an ongoing thing with women. Sarah was so proud of her abs and very weight conscious. It would have been more endearing for them to open up. Very strange to cover up the obvious.

    They wanted to rewrite her RNC pregnant history and dig at Levi. Why didn't they take that to Oprah and deal with what is on every ones mind. What is happening with Bristol's body? Why does it defy nature and logic? Usually exercise and an athletic schedule means getting trim. The moon face is just too much and no one can talk about she is gaining weight or why?

  125. Anonymous2:21 PM

    So my mother calls me from Wasilla and says did you see poor Bristol's sad story on DWTS? I argued back, 'Are you kidding?'

    If all people who should be receiving sainthood, it would be my mother who raised four children in Alaska - frozen diapers and all - and with my father who being in the construction industry - did all he could to bring home the bacon. Yet 60 years later, they are still together...and yet both feel compassion for Bristol and love Sarah Palin.

    Growing up in Alaska SUCKED - and especially in Wasilla - IT SUCKED -the schools SUCKED, the drugs SUCKED - the dark and cold winters SUCKED - and that's why I left with the hopes of making my life better and those of MY family.

    I just don't get it. Truly, I don't understand why people defend the Palin's WHATSOEVER.

    Thanks for the blog. It's great to being allowed to vent.

  126. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Bristol will have time stamped photos of her trip with Tripp. Wonderful memories.

    She is a chronic liar and no one can believe a word she says. If she can post verifiable proof that is what it will take for her to be believed. She is dumb and we are sick of her lies. If she can't back up what she says she needs to eat more muffins or Tea Party sweets.

    That is hilarious she is doing the Cheesecake run with all her make up. Wanting the paps to photograph why she is porking up or eating for two. Where is Tripp? People who rob jewelry stores go to Disneyland after a heist. I guess that is Bristol's way of telling us what a creep she really is.

  127. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I couldn't believe the message Bristol sent out about her mothering skills (lack of) in the Harper's Tea Party photo with a neglected sugar infested Tripp. Now she is sending out the visual picture of Tripp locked up for 5 days in a car seat. It wasn't that long ago she gave us the frozen stiff Tripp in his TV debut while she doing the Candies show.

    When is she going to do something about all the bad press she gives herself? She is as whacked as he mother.

  128. Anonymous2:43 PM

    The fact that Bristol has gotten this far is amazing and shows the power of her mother's lunatic followers.

    Here is an interesting take on the voting, results, and ramifications of the competition thus far:


    If everyone who read this blog and others who are interested in putting a stop to the "Palin Scurge" could get as organized as the Palin-bots are she would've been gone weeks ago. All it takes is for all to get organized behind one candidate for a week and this girl is gone.

  129. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Mark has Patience tattooed on both his wrists.. I felt sorry for him at first, but now I think he is a palinbot, he has been dazzled by palin dust.

  130. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Anon @ 7:20.

    If she wants to drop F bombs and say "sucks" and "screwed" in front of her own family, fine. But don't do it during a family show. For a self-proclaimed "spokesperson," she has shown very little class on the show.

    I have no problem with her revirginized abstinence position and wish more teenagers would be abstinent. I do have a problem with her saying she's a typical teen mom and how hard it is. She has full-time care for that kid and a huge family support system. She's also making a whole lot of money, dressing up in pretty dresses, and hanging out with celebrities. Most teen moms do not!

    I also have a problem with her whining about how unfair the show is and how people don't like her. If she's going to be in the public eye, she has to learn to deal with both the adoration and the dislike and handle it gracefully. And she's not too young or vulnerable or raw to do so. Anyone who can get up in front of a crowd and talk about abstinence is not too young to curb her tongue.

  131. Anonymous3:16 PM

    That poor Chandler dude. He didn't last long in Hawaii. How could he afford a vacation? Has he ever gone to school or held down a job? Something is sure eating away at him. He went to jail for an assault, too. Like Jeremy Morlock. What do they do to those kids up there? There sure is a pattern. Levi looks great next to the others Bristol picked to "date." He was by far the best one for Sarah to pick for the RNC debut.

    Bristol doesn't mention Ben Barber? He just needed to ask her if she was pregnant with his child? Why would he ask if she was only giving blow jobs?

    Chandler is well documented on the internet and he was Bristol's main squeeze during her so called Golden Child years before Levi. So she was with the raging party boy drunk and remained golden until big bad Levi. Sarah was proud enough of Johnny Chandler as a friend because she allowed him to talk about Bristol to some writer. It was after Tripp was born and he felt sorry for her. Said all the scripted crap. He would be an easy tool to buy off.

    That is a tight group of nuts in little ole Wasilla. They feud but they all have to share a lot and they have the same friends and enemies. Mercede can't open up and get people in hot water even if she would like to. She would have no friends, she has to live up there. The Johnstons have been silenced and I hope they can be left out of this now. Let Mercede and her mother get on with their lives. It would be nice if she could say good-bye on her blog to the people that trusted her. Levi is a done deal, too. Unless you want to follow his career. Is his Mayor contest over yet?

    Ruffles did look like the Chandler family. Sarah is talking about Bristol like she is suffering from a death and the dance is healing the mourning. No one wants to say what death Bristol grieves and no one will say if Ruffles is dead or alive.

  132. Anonymous3:23 PM

    2:21 PM

    THANK YOU! Please vent some more. We can all learn a little more about growing up in Wasilla. That is what Sarah is selling, her good old days and freedom of her Alaska. Wasilla. We need to know more about the life she wants to give us all.

  133. Anonymous3:51 PM

    The Morlocks know plenty but they want things covered up as much as Sarah. It is a den of thieves in Wasilla. They are all part of the corruption for their own reasons. I knew a sociopath that would always try to get a new friend to do something unsavory but kind of harmless. Something no one would want to admit. It makes a bond and also a way to bribe. Don't tell or I'll tell what you did. Then there would be more if the person wouldn't go along with the next scheme. Anyone who knows Sarah well can't cross her or their husbands or someone they care for will be ruined by Sarah. So you take a trip or what she offers you when she needs something.

    When are we going to see the drunk pics of Bristol's cirlcle of friends?


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