Monday, December 13, 2010

Methinks that somebody owes Margaret Cho an apology.

From the National Enquirer:

SARAH PALIN is furious that daughter BRISTOL is trying to outshine her by getting her OWN reality show - and the rivalry between the women has NOW escalated into a full-blown family war. (What, another one?  These two have been fighting tooth and nail for years!)

The teen advocate was such a phenomenal success on Dancing with the Stars that producers have been clamoring to sign her to a multi-million-dollar deal for a new reality series, says a family pal. (Franken-Palin, meet your monster.)

Bristol has also been offered a book deal and the chance to be spokeswoman for a clothing company. (So many jokes are running through my head, but I am going to take the high road.  You know, for a change.)

But instead of congratulating Bristol, Sarah is "mad as hell," said the pal.

"As she maneuvers toward a run for the presidency in 2012, Sarah wants her whole family behind her. She doesn't want Bristol out front competing for attention."

Not only is Sarah afraid that Bristol will steal the limelight, she's terrified that her young daughter - whose pregnancy rocked Sarah's bid for the vice presidency two years ago - will embarrass her publicly again. (Hmm if a pregnancy is what embarrassed her last time what could embarrass her thi......oooh do we hear a little accidental confirmation Sister Sarah?)

According to the friend, the two women recently got into a heated argument in which Sarah screamed at Bristol: "You owe me! You cost me the election in 2008 by getting pregnant!"  (Somewhere Margaret Cho is saying "Hah!  I told you bitches, I knew what I was talking about!")

Then, the friend says Bristol said the one thing she KNEW would get under her mother's skin: "People like me more than they like you!" (Yeah, but just barely.)

Okay full disclosure here.  I have NO idea if this story is accurate. 

We have all heard from Media Insider that there is interest in a Bristol themed reality show, and I know personally that Bristol and Sarah have been at each others throats for years, but that is all I know about the validity of this story.

What I DO know is that the Enquirer has been combing the wilds of Wasilla, among other places, while following a number of different leads.

One of them is a story that I would dearly love to see the light of day.  Almost all of the Palin researchers know the story, but I am not sure if anybody has enough to go public with it or not.

I know I don't, and I would not touch it without a video taped interview and a freaking DNA test to back me up.  (And no this one is NOT about Trig.) But hey maybe somebody with enough money to spread around will hit the jackpot and yet another Palin skeleton will come popping out of their overcrowded closet.


  1. SME13112:36 PM

    Wouldn't it be sweet if Bristol ends up being the one to "out" her mother on a treasure trove of secrets. LOL

  2. Bristol was such a SUCCESS on DWTS? By whose estimation? Just because she could get all those folks voting for her whether or not she could dance does not make a success in my book.

    Bristol cost her mother the election in 2008? It wasn't Sarah's election to lose. It was McCain's. I know, I know, Sarah believes SHE was runnning for POTUS. In any case, I think McCain/Palin lost the election all by themselves.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The hypocrite at its best.

    For you Palibots

  4. Anonymous12:42 PM

    There is no validity to this story. Mediainsdier said some pretty heinous lies, including Bristol would fake an injury early on in dwts, that Bristol had a screaming bitch fight with Sarah ON SET, that Bristol was pregnant and is pregnant.

    Those are all lies. Someone at war with her mom would not have had that Homer defense moment, would not look pleasantin photos standing right beside her, would not travel with her a lot.

    People blame Sarah for Levi and Bristol initial breakup. Yet Bristol left mad texts and Bristol fought with him. According to Ben, Levi wasn't much of a father (didnt fight) and Bristol HATED Levi in May. MAY. Yes, a newborn brings great stress especially for teens living at a parent's home. There are way too many positive moments captured on camera for any of that to be true. I can believe a mother would be pretty pissed if her teen daughter ended up pregnant. Parents have plans got their children, usually just involving great success. Sarah didn't kick Bristol out, she LET HER live with family TO BE CLOSER TO LEVI han move her to Juneau. Because sometimes you just don't fight it.

    I hope you're not referencing Track's paternity in your hint because airing that from be immoral. and thats the only questionable paternity question besides Trig. Track remains out of the limelight because he desires to.

    This NE story, like most hit pieces, is a composite of old stories. Sad journalism indeed.
    Stop with the insipid lies. You're allowing people to create stupid scenarios out of nothing.

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The story isn't true. Just last week Cho issued a statement that she was passing on a rumor with no supporting facts.

    Do your homework instead of passing on the same rumor.

  6. Facebook Lurker12:46 PM

    I always wondered why Levi never had a DNA test done as part of his court/custody proceedings. I would not doubt for a minute that Tripp is someone else's kid.

    This is latest news is icing on the cake...face it Palinbots, Bristol is not the shy little girl next door who got accidentally knocked up in a miraculous conception. The girl uses pregnancy to get back at her mother and have some control over her own life. Sarah parading her around with that huge belly in Haiti is just plain sick. Sarah proves over and over again that her followers are more deluded than the idiots that holed themselves up with David Koresh in Waco. She is scared to death that this current pregnancy will be the final nail in her coffin, and that's what this Enquirer article is about.

    And if anyone comes on here and insists Bristol is not pregnant, than I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. I have already proven that she is.No one, not even Bristol herself has denied it.

  7. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Maybe it was the devil who brought us things like black flies, scorpions, and plagues. Somewhere, he is patting himself for his creation of Sarah Heath.

  8. Anonymous12:51 PM

    lwtjb - good points, distinctions are important. Thank you.

  9. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Heinous lies? Wow, I do think we're getting on some nerves here - I just wonder WHOSE nerves.... ;-)

  10. You'd need a DNA test?


    Track is not Todd's
    Piper is not Todd's
    Tripp is not Levi's

    Can I get a "yes - one of those 3" if correct?

  11. Anonymous12:52 PM

    This story seems to hit a huge nerve! LOL at the bots already. I wonder if the bots thought the National Enquirer's story about Edwards was a lie.

  12. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Hmm, Media Insider here -- HI GRYPHEN!

    "There is no validity to this story. Mediainsdier said some pretty heinous lies, including Bristol would fake an injury early on in dwts, that Bristol had a screaming bitch fight with Sarah ON SET, that Bristol was pregnant and is pregnant."

    My contact behind the scenes at DWTS knew firsthand that Bristol openly talked about how she wished she could "call in sick and go home." This was around the time when she had been on the show for a couple of weeks - and she thought she was going to be able to go home after the third week, anyway. But when the Palinbots began voting for her hundreds of times, Mommy Dearest made it clear that Bristol was going to have to "suck it up" and stay on the show until she got voted off.

    I PERSONALLY thought that she might fake an injury, too. So maybe people are mixed up about what I posted? :)

    Also, she did have screaming bitch fights with her mom - both on the phone and off. Sarah was in the audience a lot of the time and on set periodically. Before that, they were in regular contact by phone since Sarah tries to micromanage everything.


  13. Anonymous12:53 PM

    If the bots think the story is a lie, they should encourage Sarah to sue. She has threatened many lawsuits so it wouldn't be a stretch. I trust there will be nada, nothing, zip as far as lawsuits since the story is true.

  14. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Think you touched a nerve here, Gryphen.

    I think Sarah is trying to keep Bristol on a very short leash these days and wants her to have media exposure only if it benefits mommy and her goals. No way will Bristol be allowed to have a show or any other deal unless mommy's people are coordinating and controlling things.

  15. Anonymous12:55 PM

    12:42 - is that you Bristol? or Sarah? Sure reads like your vernacular (without, of course, the fowl language and middle finger references).

    Bristol and Sarah could easily have been at each other's throats over the years and still periodically reconcile only to go at it again. That kind of cycle makes sense with Sarah's personality disorder and Bristol's childhood.

  16. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Maybe instead of pushing her pregnant teenage daughter out into the spotlight for all to see Sarah could have just ponied up Trig's birth certificate. A real mother would do anything to protect their child from harm and most would proudly show off their childrens birth certificates.

  17. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Bristol was "a phenomenal success on Dancing with the Stars"? ROTFLMAO. The kind articles referencing her DWTS stint talk about her "indifferent performance" while the unkind ones compare her to a lumbering elephant with the personality of a doorknob. The Sex PIstol inherited neither her mother's looks nor her mother's fake charm. All they have in common is the bitch gene and a belief that a woman's path to success lies in her uterus.

    Anyone who would sink money into a Bristol Palin reality show is an idiot. The girl has an IQ of about 80 and the vocabulary of a Chatty Cathy doll. "It sucks!" "Yeah!" "It sucks!"


  18. Anonymous12:58 PM

    The bots get it wrong again. The AP never said Sarah brought a hairdresser, but the facts seem to confuse her Insane Clown Posse.

  19. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Gosh, Gryphen, hit a nerve or two with this one, didn't you? All the trolls are creeping out and trying to cover all bases.

    Bristol knows how to "look nice" - she proved it on DWTS - smiling even while making with the fowl mouth.

    Goodness, Bristol and Sarah are not sugar and spice and everything nice. They don't even come close.

    I would say that Bristol has come out of that deer-in-headlights stunned phase that many took as being sweet and shy during the 2008 election. I still think she couldn't believer her mother was outing her like that on a national basis.

    Bristol has a lot to be justifiably angry about. Any eldest child of a large family - particularly a girl - can relate to having their own childhood cut short in order to help out with the household routine and child care tasks. Girls in her position often get pregnant to escape those responsibilities only to find they've jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.

    Bristol, unfortunately, does not share the classic beauty (yeah, I have to admit it) of Sarah and Willow. I cannot believe it doesn't bother her or hasn't been pointed out. She doesn't share their tendency towards slimness either. That bites hard into any teenage girl.

    Bristol doesn't have to be a saint, but she shouldn't be forced to be a hypocrite. She is what she is and that should be enough - but not for Sarah.

    Personally, I would be disappointed to have raised a daughter such as Bristol. Our daughter values education, the arts, learning in general. Nor does she spout off like Bristol, using language that would embarrass most mothers.

  20. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Oooh and not a flattering pic of Scarah! Are those some implants or what? Looking kind of harsh and" wearin' out fast"

  21. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The trolls have moved right in and taken up residency. Too bad you can't charge rent. They're kind of fun to provoke, though, huh? Too easy to get 'em stirred up, but hey, you take your amusement where you find it.

  22. Anonymous1:10 PM

    12:42 - why would the paternity of Track be immoral? If Todd isn't the father, then he deserves credit for having risen above the immorality of his wife if she was unfaithful to him.

    If Track has a different biological father than the Dad who raised him, why wouldn't he want to know? He should be entitled, if it is so, to get to know his biological family an to know about any medical conditions that might run in his paternal line.

    Goodness, Track is old enough to handle it. Todd probably knows one way or another already or at the every least suspects it. The rumors have been around for a long time. Better to face the truth than dodge the rumors.

    Todd raised Track. He is his de facto father if not his biological one. So what?

    The only thing that matters to anyone outside the family is the character of Sarah Palin. If she has lied about this or Trig's birth, voters need to know. We cannot have a person who lies about fundamentals as a Presidential candidate. She could be entrusted with the reputation and welfare of the entire nation!

    We need as honest and as mature a person as we can possibly get - not a hypocrite or a pathological liar as a leader. We deserve and need to know all the details of Sarah Palin's life because she herself has made such a to-do about being a mother and a Cristian.

    Either she can walk the talk or she can't. It's time we know.

    If she cared about her kids, she would have thought through the consequences of prancing about on the national stage and dragging them with her.

  23. Sad "journalism," anonymous? Since when has the National Enquirer been accused of "journalism?" Nevertheless, this story most likely has some merit as do most of the "rumors" that come from the Palin fiasco.

  24. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Wouldn't it be kind of delicious if Brisket out-Sarah'd Sarah? Facebook and Twitter flame wars! Bumpit competitions. Only mini-me is some 25 years younger, firmer, smoother and oh yes just as fertile. She is one baby in the oven, one diet, and one trainer away from out-shining her fame-whore mother. This I want to see. The only trashier version of the grifter soaps!

  25. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Who would be crazy enough to offer Brisket her own tv show? That girl has all the personality of a dishrag.

    I do believe Mrs. Todd Palin and B. fight like cats and dogs when they are off-camera, and IF B. tries to break away and have her own life, Mommy Dearest would have a meltdown.

  26. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I bet Margaret Cho's "anonymous source" was Bristol herself when it became clear to her that the other contestants loathed her for cheating her way to third place.

  27. Enjay in E MT1:26 PM

    Let the Presidential Run Pre-Game Warm-Up Begin ......

    Unfortunately for us, unless QuitterQueen is taken down once & for all, with something so scandalous that 75-90% of her supporters will turn her back on her...... we will be faced with potential Palin presidential runs for the next 15+ yrs.

    Trigs birth may be the weakest link.... I don't believe something that happened 20+ yrs ago (Menard) would do enough damage. However, there is always just "one more" piece of straw that may make ppl say .... ENOUGH!

    A divorce didn't stop Reagan from becoming the figurehead for the Christian Conservative coalition. We have multiple fundamental ministors & Christian reps who didn't honor their wedding vows .. but they confessed & we're born again (& again & again)-- so an affair may not be enough to bring her down. Possibly a pregnancy termination would damage (white out anyone?) but she could spin the reasons for believers. It's public knowledge about Todd being AIP.

    Honestly, whatever it is that will bring her down will have to come from Tea Party/GOP'ers - an irrefutable source - otherwise it would be just be taken as a Dem or LSM smear job because "we fear her"

  28. Anonymous1:29 PM

    People often assume that tabloids like the Enquirer do not have factual stories-and that is the farthest thing from the truth. They have a huge legal team to ensure that they don't slander or libel--they'd be out of business if they did.

    OF COURSE, the stars who are exposed poo poo John Edwards did! They are never wrong, and if anything is wrong it's usually some menial detail like they'll say that, say, Bristol may $300K doing the show when it may have been 215K or somesuch.

    People that sell their stories to NE and other tabloids (especially the British ones who pay huge bucks) are required to sign contracts verifying that what they say is true and accpeting legal liability for their statements. They are interviewed in person by a reporter from the tabloid and also verify the printed story before it's published. IN the contract they are allowed to remain anonymous-but they are NOT anonymous to the editors/reporters.

    But they are legally protected as media do not have to reveal the names of their sources, however, if anything libelous, slanderous or otherwise untrue is printed---absolutely they would be sued for every article in every issue. Of course, the celebs can't sue when the truth is reported, so the worst they do is try to belittle the reputation of the publication.

  29. Anonymous1:31 PM

    OK, I don't mean to be unkind, but Willow and slimness? Really? In those cutoff shorts a couple of years ago she looked like a fireplug, not the shape I'd show off in those shorts! She is short in the leg, short-waisted, heavy in the thigh, wide at the beam. There are ways to dress that body type, but she doesn't seem to be aware of it. And I don't see her beauty, just her sullen smugness. And those shorts!

  30. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Gryphen, you are such a tease! I have a theory about the deep, dark secret. Do you think this secret will ever see the light of day?

  31. Anonymous1:42 PM

    The media never said she brought a hairdresser to Haiti (does that sound ridiculous or what?). It was always clear it was Bristol who was fixing her hair. Why are the bots screaming that the "LSM" got it wrong again? They correctly captioned a picture. I, for one, am so happy that the person who captioned this picture had the cojones to say what he/she said! Well done, LSM!

  32. London Bridges1:45 PM


    Looking at the pictures, Piper is at the age where it is hard for me to clearly see who she resembles. I do, however, think that the Menard children, who unlike the Palin siblings look very much alike, bare a strong resemblance to their mother. If someone can find a photo which is more definitive, I will post it. When I looked, I didn't see one.
    My guess is the Piper is not Todd's child. This would explain why Sarah has has to take Piper with her whenever she was traveling. Todd likely said, "It ain't my kid, I'm not watching her." Makes perfect sense.

  33. Anonymous1:46 PM

    No offense to facebook lurker and mediainsider but the last photo posted in haiti (of the Grahams, Sarah, Bris, and Todd) show a very NOT pregnant Bristol. Theres a perfect shot of her belly. She's thick, NOT PG

  34. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "Teen advocate..." For what, "unplanned parenthood?"

    While the Enquirer is far from a credible news source, I hope the two of them tear each other to shreds.

  35. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Seeing as Bristol is 20 going on 21, Sarah can't "make" her do ANYTHING. Bristol can do whatever she damn well pleases. And she might not have been a successful dancer, but anyone who can earn several hundred thousand dollars in a few months--well, that's a 'success.'

    Bristol has EVERYTHING to gain and NOTHING to lose by going her own way, milking all her opportunities and going places on her mother's name now. If her mother does run and, god forbid, wins, Bristol would be totally muzzled--and SHE would not benefit at all from her mother being in DC. She would be imprisoned by all the secret service detail (I'm sure she got her taste during the campaign and it can't be very enjoyable--don't they all complain about that aspect of it?)

    There is NO threat that Sarah can make to her daughter to keep her in line, either--because for sure, Bristol could expose her mother and ruin her. Bristol is the innocent kid, if her mother exposed something about her, that would make her mom look AWFUL. And if she somehow did it indirectly as punishment--well it's not that big of a deal...she's a young girl, no one thinks she's perfect, she's only half-assed trying to be this role model It wouldn't really matter if someone came out and said he was in orgies and had several babies, etc. The damage is done and, at this stage,, Bristol IS a celebrity--and possibly a bigger one than her mom--and more importantly in the coved advertising age bracket (young)--so at worst she'd be a Paris Hilton or Britney...famous for bad escapades--but she could still make millions.

    Bristol would actually do herself (and the country) a favor my exposing her mom--writing a book expose and also taking up all the money-making deals that come her way. When Chrsitina Crawford wrote Mommie Dearest and exposed the cruel treatment by her mother, Hollywood legend, Joan Crawford--NO ONE thought badly of Christina...she was a victim, they felt sorry for her. And she made ton of money from the book--in the 80s EVERYONE read it.

    I think it's sad that Bristol can be famous just for being famous--but whatever, the ball is in her court. Sarah must be quaking in her pants. I bet it's a pretty interesting set of fights because at some point Bristol will totally realize that she holds ALL the power and her mom can't even guilt her out if she chooses not to let her.

  36. Anonymous1:53 PM

    There is NO threat that Sarah can make to her daughter to keep her in line, either--because for sure, Bristol could expose her mother and ruin her. Bristol is the innocent kid, if her mother exposed something about her, that would make her mom look AWFUL. And if she somehow did it indirectly as punishment--well it's not that big of a deal...she's a young girl, no one thinks she's perfect, she's only half-assed trying to be this role model It wouldn't really matter if someone came out and said he was in orgies and had several babies, etc. The damage is done and, at this stage,, Bristol IS a celebrity--and possibly a bigger one than her mom--and more importantly in the coved advertising age bracket (young)--so at worst she'd be a Paris Hilton or Britney...famous for bad escapades--but she could still make millions.

    Bristol would actually do herself (and the country) a favor my exposing her mom--writing a book expose and also taking up all the money-making deals that come her way. When Chrsitina Crawford wrote Mommie Dearest and exposed the cruel treatment by her mother, Hollywood legend, Joan Crawford--NO ONE thought badly of Christina...she was a victim, they felt sorry for her. And she made ton of money from the book--in the 80s EVERYONE read it.

    I think it's sad that Bristol can be famous just for being famous--but whatever, the ball is in her court. Sarah must be quaking in her pants. I bet it's a pretty interesting set of fights because at some point Bristol will totally realize that she holds ALL the power and her mom can't even guilt her out if she chooses not to let her. I say, go for it Bristol--get some balls and make yourself a sh--load of moolah.

    In fact, the ONLY thing that SP may dangle is some promise of millions in inheritance...but truthfully, that gets divided between 5 kids, a husband and how many other families members--plus it will probably be outspent on legal bills and nouveau riche purchases anyway. Bristol can make her own millions and set herself up for life and SP can't touch--adn can't dangle it like a carrot and withhold it from her.

  37. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Please, folks:

    fowl: chicken, duck, goose
    foul: nasty

  38. Anonymous1:54 PM

    1:10 What we can't have as presidential candidate is someone who is a dope with no sense of history or geography, who denies the findings of science, and speaks like a middle school kid on a sugar high.

  39. emrysa1:57 PM

    I really have a hard time believing that someone wants brisDULL to do a reality show. they don't call her brisDULL for nuthin.

    dwts already had a fan base to bring in the ratings. sure, people also tuned in to see bristol (for better or worse) but that is just not enough people to create a new show based on brisDULL. it doesn't make sense - ALSO TOO, if her STAR mother can only bring in 3 million to watch her show, do they really think that the non-star daughter can bring in even half that? I just don't see it happening. I think this story is more bullshit to keep them in the media. I realize I could be wrong, but I don't think so. wouldn't surprise me at all if the source of this story was brisDULL herself.

  40. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I don't believe much of what the Inquirer says, unless what they say is stuff that just about anyone who's been around the Palins knows.

    And everyone knows that Bristol and Sarah are at war, so anything they'd say on that seems credible. Do they actually have a source? Who knows.

    I believe Media Insider and Facebook Lurker more than the National Inquirer - they don't have any money to make on telling us about the Palin family circus.

  41. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Why would anyone give Bristol a show? She needs a personality transplant first!The Johnson family would be more interesting, plus Mercede is gorgeous.

  42. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Let's start with the story that Sarah faked a pregnancy to cover for Bristol, who was 16 and pregnant. Then Sarah adopted Trig, a child with Down syndrome to underscore her right to life values for the Christian Conservative base of the GOP.

    Bristol got pregnant soon after, and yes, it was an embarrassment for the McCain campaign to have pregnant Bristol on the stage, even if Levi was forced to stand next to her. Posing for a family picture, Bristol held Trig with a big blanket covering her pregnant belly. McCain snarled at Sarah, saying that she was just fueling the rumors out there. The official picture showed Sarah holding Trig instead of Bristol.

    When Bristol announced her quickie engagement to Levi, after being with Barber, of course we suspected that she was pregnant again. And, that picture of Bristol in the blue outfit at DWTS shows a really round belly, which was usually better disguised. If Bristol is pregnant, then it is her weapon against Sarah, payback for being used and humiliated, "I covered for you once, but now, you made me lose the election!"

    I can't imagine Bristol endorsing a line of clothing. She isn't cute or pretty. She doesn't have a trim little figure. She does not speak well. Hell, her writing consists of calling some kid a bunch of mean words. Well, if Bristol has a TV show and a book I can only quote her by saying, "That sucks."

  43. I wonder whether the 'pal' is April Morlock or Ivy Frye.

    As for Palin DNA, the only DNA that I believe really matters and that will get Sarah out of politics for good is Trig's maternal DNA. I suppose the media might stay clear of exposing babygate if they think there are other scandals they can exploit first. But, dang, I wish they'd just go in for the big one so we can be done with her. Babygate alone would probably be good for several weeks of constant coverage.

  44. Facebook Lurker2:48 PM

    1:46 Go get yourself some glasses because you are as blind as a fucking bat. I just Looooove how the Palinbots insist a girl who has been photographed extensively earlier in the year at a normal weight, suddenly explodes with a huge stomach is just "thick"?!! Her belly sticks out further than her boobs? Why would that be?

    Ha, ha the only thing that is thick is your skull , Palintard

  45. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Does Malia's Chucky quote have anything to do with your mystery, Gryph? It's so sick.

  46. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The difference between Joan Crawford and Sarah Palin? Ms Crawford was a heinous bitch. Sarah is just ruthlessly ambitious. Her children do not hate her and have no reason to

  47. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Except the Natl Enq and the like have definitely printed stories about celebrities getting engaged to people whom they have no contact with (see whoopi and barbara walters big todo about that), gossip sights reported Britney Spears was abused, they reported Obama had an affair... are you saying ALL those carry water then?

    Nice try though.

  48. Anonymous3:03 PM

    1:53P.M. anonymous:

    Quit pickin on the trolls!

    They is duin the bist they can.

    It is also the fault of the spell chick as that is a proper word too.

  49. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Anons' 12:42 & 46, There's a good
    chance Margaret backtracked on her comments because of pressure from some
    'show biz' higher-up. She didn't really deny it,just sort of smoothed over her remarks. It's easy to get black-balled in her line of work, if
    you make the wrong people mad.

    I think Bristol would go along with anything her mother told her to do if lots of $$$ was the prize. She may not
    have much a relationship with her
    so-called parents, but they represent
    power & the good life, so she'll be
    on board for the public fakeness.
    Bristol hasn't really got anyone else.
    No 'Mr.Right' has stepped up to claim

    Sharon TN

  50. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Incest would be a big deal, wouldn't it? Chuck Heath's comment is so far out of bounds it's hard to believe he said it out loud. Just how out of touch ARE these people? I feel like I've stumbled into some weird version of Deliverance, Alaska style, with a Fargo squawk. And here I thought they were just a trashy tribe of grifters, but it seems they look more and more like they are actually INBRED trashy grifters.

    Eeew. Chuck Palin creeps me out. Mention was made in a comment on another thread that he seemed genuinely interested in Kate's kids. You betcha.

  51. Forever Anonymous3:16 PM

    hehe, I like to see the focus on Palin skeletons back on track.

    Curtis Menard keeps coming up as a Palin issue, oh boy, things just get spooky, here I'm talking about skeletons and Curtis is dead, talking about tracks and Palin's first born name is Track.

    And the track court at the Menard sport center is also named after Curtis as ordered by ex Gov Palin.

    Damned Sarah, always making riddles.

  52. Forever Anonymous3:21 PM

    Oh, shoot...12:42

    Isn't one questionable paternity enough?

  53. Apparently the bots think National Enquirer is ONLY true when it involves a Democrat.

  54. Anonymous3:34 PM

    They are screaming about a "hairdresser" because they can easily prove Sarah didn't bring one. It's Rovian tactics. No one said she brought a hairdresser.

    What they don't want to emphasize is that Sarah seemed both unnecessarily concerned with looking sexy (get a new hairdo Sarah) and also oblivious to the reason for her visit - to see desperate poverty and rampant illness. She had a big grin on her face in that photo with Bristol, as if she were at the freaking circus or something.

    THAT'S what they don't want everyone thinking about and noticing: that she was inappropriate and vain, while apparently hoping to be taken as an authentic humanitarian and world leader of some kind.

    She's the one who's lame, and they know it. She has zero judgement.

  55. imnofred3:39 PM

    Sarah might want to take a look in the mirror. Bristol didn't cost anybody anything. Sarah being Sarah is the reason why McShame didn't win. If I recall correctly, it was never Sarah's election to win or loose.

  56. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Wasn't the Homer moment Willow?

  57. Anonymous3:50 PM

    YIKES! Did you see this (from Malia's blog) on what daddy Chuckie said?
    I am speechless!

    "The wholesome science teacher that met with the Gosselin kids to teach them about the wonders of Alaska is quoted as saying, that “…the sight of a caribou makes Sarah “soaking wet.”

    As Malia says, "He was being rude, suggesting that she gets sexually excited by the appearance of a caribou!"

    They silenced daddy-o for awhile (after he said that Sarah does not make her own decisions). They had to (with much embarrassment) go along with the "water-breaking in Texas" story after Chuckles blabbed the improbable scenario. How long will he be sentenced to silence for the latest gem?

  58. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I don't think thepossible Menard connection, if proven true, will bring her down with the 'bots. After all, they were more than willing to look past the pregnant teen daughter because they could relate to it.

    If it were brad Hanson, the dynamics could get interesting. If Todd resents the child, Sarah plays victim with Todd as villain, it could pit them against each other. Would Todd spill all for a payday of his own? One can only wish.

    Do any of the alaskans know Sally Heath's natural hair color? Was she dark like Sarah, or fair like the other kids?

  59. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I do believe Mrs. Todd Palin and B. fight like cats and dogs when they are off-camera, and IF B. tries to break away and have her own life, Mommy Dearest would have a meltdown.

    1:22 PM

    Exactly - just like the Greta interview "Abstinence is unrealistic" only to have $carah rudely interrupt - boy would I like to have been a fly on the wall at the Palin dinner table that evening!

  60. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Anon at 2:14, it's the National Enquirer that is the gossip mag/rag - often right these days, but still full of UFO bs. The Philadelphia Inquirer is a PA paper that, before penny-pinching, was gaining a national reputation for some really good journalism.

  61. ginny5:03 PM

    Does anyone have a clip of Chuck Heath making this "soaking wet" remark? Just would like to hear it in context for myself. TIA.

  62. Anonymous5:09 PM

    is this yet another character in this play? not track or trig or tripp parentage, but another unknown or known kid???

  63. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Anon. Let me get this straight: The NE is on target when they outed Clinton and the Monica thing, and again with the Edwards affair. But are WRONG on all things palin, (including her affair with Brad Hanson?)

    Can't have it both ways, sweetie.

  64. Anonymous5:33 PM

    If I was bristol, i would ask Random house for $30M and rat out old Sarah out in a heartbeat. Then, I would move away and wait for her to come crawling back. Bristol is an attractive girl and probably would be more so if she lost weight. Prettier than Sarah and probably doesnt need the makeup either. So what if she likes sex. Just dont be a hypocrite Bristol. No one cares. And, Bristol, if you are reading this, every time you take a good picture, your Mother hates you just a little bit more.

    Incest is not unheard of in Alaska. What is Mrs. Heath going to do, get rid of Chuckie for being a bad boy or pretending it never happened?

    Sarah talks a lot about emasculating--note Todd's high voice says it all.

  65. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Palin's ratings continues to plummet

  66. Unwed-mother Bristol was hired to advocate abstinence, and now appears to be pregnant again without intervening nuptials. If she's hired to promote clothing, we can expect her to embrace nudism.

  67. Difficult to believe that a producer thinks Bristol could sustain anyone's interest for long. I have not found many teenagers who have less to say than she does. She did not do well on DWTS at all, rather she showed how empty of personality she is. It was a draw just like a car accident at the side of the road, and she's a pretty face, and her mother is the generator of what little interest she has.

    And I think, too, that Bristol is turning out to be someone of whom the more we see, the less we like, just as Sarah is.

    Someone on here keeps saying Willow is prettier, but I think Bristol is actually the prettier one.

  68. Anonymous5:55 PM

    ginny @5:03 - I couldn't believe it myself, so I subjected myself to the show on on-demand. What he said (somewhere around 25:00) was something like "I was pooped, Sarah was soaking wet, her boots were waterlogged...".

    I have to admit I was relieved. As much as I enjoy a good Palin scandal, that would have been way too ooky.

  69. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Nudism-good one.

    Sarah is not going to try to impress anyone with her brains and is most concerned about her sexuality. So, it would be natural if she feels that the girls, especially Bristol, are threatening--have another brownie bristol; Mummy loves you...

    Chuckie's comments were very disturbing and telling (sarah getting "wet" and women on all 4s in the white house). If I had thought the world of Sarah, those comments would have ended that immediately.

    What the hell is going on in that cabin Chuckie? What in God's name did you make those girls do?

    Maybe Trig is a Chucky/Bristol?

    Those comments dont make him sound like a grandpa that thinks about baseball...

    Social Services, where are you?

  70. Anonymous5:57 PM

    so why is Bristol "thick".....when she was super skinny before? She is only "thick" when she is pregnant and she is pregnant a lot. I don't know where they are hiding the kids, but she had them.

    There were a lot of stories that Sarah is not Sally's child. Wonder if there is any truth to that.....

  71. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "is this yet another character in this play? not track or trig or tripp parentage, but another unknown or known kid???"

    how many babies are there really? Inquiring minds want to know.

  72. Anonymous6:11 PM

    You know, in going to the National Enquirer's article, I looked at a related article that came up "PALIN WAR: TEEN PREGO CRISIS". Granted, the NE is not what I consider a reliable news source by any stretch of the imagination, but it is interesting that there were some people that thought, back then, that cover-ups were a part of how Sarah did business.

  73. The rumor going around about Chuck Heath making a sexual statement about Sarah is false. I repeat..FALSE. Chuck did NOT say what is being claimed.

    I was able to watch the episode via Cox cable 'On Demand'.

    Here's the scene: Sarah, Chuck, and the friend got back to camp empty-handed after the 1st day of the 2-day hunting trip. The friend sees some caribou and decides to go after them. Chuck explains why he and Sarah didn't go with the friend.

    24:14 - “I was pooped. Sarah was soakin boots were uh water-logged and she said, “Ah, we’ll...we’ll wait and see.””

  74. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Anon@1242, I will grant you one (and only one) point. Re: Track, his teenage antics were completely reprehensible, and it remains a mystery how he got off with such a light tour of duty. But unlike the rest of the Wasilla hillbillies over the age of 12 he does seem to be making an effort to keep himself out of the limelight. For that if nothing else, good for him.

  75. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I am glad that Chuckie didnt say that but his other statements about women being on all fours and often remarks in context to bottoms, like the children's underpants... He just creeps me out. They say sociopaths raise the hair on the back of your neck and Chuckie and Sarah, by God, you certainly have achieved that!

  76. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Ha ha ha ha:What planet are you on?

    ".....The difference between Joan Crawford and Sarah Palin? Ms Crawford was a heinous bitch. Sarah is just ruthlessly ambitious. Her children do not hate her and have no reason to..."

    Her children have NO REASON TO HATE HER? She publicly humiliated her daughter in front of a world audience--repeatedly--and pretty much bullied her into doing whatever it took to make Sarah's image look good....all of her kids she has done that too, incl defenseless Trig.

    You don't think that SP is a heinous bitch? I think she has exemplified, in public no less, how she is that and worse! And if this is how she treats randm people--including her family members in public? Wow, how cruel she must be to them behind closed doors when she takes off her folksy mask.

    She's mean and vengeful when she's being folksy---what is she when she's in a bad mood? I bet she is utterly psycho. She constantly talks about men's balls and all sorts of tacky, classless things--on a national stage in public (no manners, first of all), but if she'll say this sort of tasteless stuff when she's putting on her best front, Lord knows what she'll belt out in private. S

  77. Anonymous6:38 PM

    She has already shown an ability and need to wound people where she thinks it hurts--cut them like a knife with a deep searing insult. She's demonstrated this over and over and over and over again. You think she doesn't do this to family members who piss her off? Family is where you know EXACTLY how to hurt the other cuz you know them so well. You betcha she is a heinous bitch to her children. I bet they are in horrid emotional knots inside torn between love because she is their mother and hate because she is so cruel and uses them and they knows it. Who was it, Willow that said on the campaign trail directly to her mother--why are you being so fake?

    I bet Bristol, Track, and the others have serious stories to tell. Sadly, they probably have Stockholm Syndrome where they may feel powerless to do so. But Bristol could easily get 500,000 or 1 million for a tell all book--and then she'd sell much more past that advance. And again, SP could NEVER touch her money, it would be hers, not a carrot to dangle to bribe her with. She would have complete freedom.

  78. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Anon@445pm, no, the Nat'l Enquirer is not full of UFO bs. They check their sources.

  79. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Something about this doesn't settle right.

    I do believe that Sarah would have a problem with her own screen failure. It must be humiliating that it's not over yet AS each week the show gets worse. She has to know Bristol has ZERO talent and there was NO contest. How could she think that Bristol would steal the limelight? The little light she had was bought for her, DWTS was prearranged. I can't believe it would not have happened without Sarah's approval and workers. Sarah may feel she pulled all those strings for Bristol and no one did that for her. Alright she would think that Bristol owes her for more than Bristol losing the 2008 election. Is Bristol clueless about why she won and does she think she is popular and an actual A-list celebrity on her own merit? All kinds of people are courted to do reality shows. That is not so special and it has been going on with the Palins and Levi long before DWTS.

    Not only is Sarah afraid that Bristol will steal the limelight, she's terrified that her young daughter - whose pregnancy rocked Sarah's bid for the vice presidency two years ago - will embarrass her publicly again. That does make it seem like they are talking about another pregnancy alright.

    "People like me more than they like you!" If Bristol said and believes that, she is not aware of why she got to the DWTS finals, she believes that more than the tea baggers like her because she was working so hard and all that. How very sad and pathetic that would be. I don't know what to think about this story.

    If the Enquirer is all over Alaska, on to something about Bristol, I can see why Sarah would want Bristol with her at all cost (Haiti). I know what the trolls and Bristol's enablers say, she could not be forced to go there or do anything she didn't want. She either wanted to go or she was forced. How would force Bristol?

    In time the Enquirer will crack this mystery. After Haiti, where is Bristol? Before she was either in Phoenix or they were setting up a decoy situation. What is happening to Tripp? Has he been abandoned by Bristol and her mother? Bristol is to be in Houston next week, so they say. The Enquirer will be there if they are serious. There are no reasons why they can't get photos. We'll see. TMZ helps the Palins but other media and paps will be in pursuit if they are competing for a money shot and the Enquirer is saying GAME ON. The way this is going we are talking a gigantic amount of money for one right photo of Bristol. Anyone in Alaska, Arizona, Texas, Washington state or elsewhere could be an instant millionaire. Track, Willow and Piper have a chance to escape.

  80. Anonymous6:42 PM

    The National Enquirer has NOTHING on UFOs. You are thinking of those mags that aren't even legitimate tabloids, but joke rags. The NE is truthful. And as far as Obama and whatever else they said? Well he's a handsome guy, smart with charisma--how many men are able to resist. It would not be surprising if he or Michele had affairs--I mean, really, how many marriages don't go thru rough spots? But even if so, they clearly resolved their issues and have done a wonderful job of raising their beautiful and extremely well behaved (not bratty and insolent like Piper) daughters. Hopefully the President is not as foolish as some of his predecessors (including George Bush Sr who had a lontime mistress in DC, but it was rarely reported since the media didn't report those things back in those days--and George Ws wild cheating ways while married and prior to going 'sober'--but he actually went off the wagon...

    so yes, believe what you read in the NE, all true.

  81. Anonymous6:49 PM

    BS - publicity stunt get get the boys excited about two women going at it.

    Just another Palin stunt to keep the Scarah in the news. THat is all that is important to her.

    As for the Brisket - she has been a threat to her mother ever since she was born a female child. Beyond that, she is her mother and she is her mother's slave. She will keep having sex with anything in pants and popping out kids because birth control is evil until mommy loves her and mommy only loves herself. Unfortunately, becaue she is under educated and has such limited contact with the outside world, she will probably never get out of this situation. How sad. How sad for all those girls.

    Some animals simply eat thier young...


    *** Track remains out of the limelight because he desires to. ***

    Using your name and being involved in any capacity with a reality show is NOT OUT OF THE LIMELIGHT. If your lie or are wrong about that, all you say is questionable or bogus.

  83. Anonymous7:24 PM

    National Enquirer? You two-bit media whooring asshole.

  84. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The theory that pops out of my little pea brain is that Scarah had a tubal after Piper was bornded also too.


  85. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I'm guessing this secret has to do with Track's paternity??

  86. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Brad and Carolyn Hanson could both come forward with plenty to finish her off. The Enquirer already did the story with her brother. Sarah has no doubt paid or pays them off. Syrin is the one to ask about the Hanson family. How much would it take for their stories? Don't forget that Carolyn could have helped Bristol when she was pregnant with Tripp and her parents left her without a phone. Carolyn knows all about land lines and cells.

    As far as Palin kids and keeping them under control we don't know the extent of guilt trips she puts on them. Are they convinced the devil will get them or God will forsake them if they don't obey the parents? I have an adult friend that took many years to shake off the trips that their Billy Graham loving parents put on them. Long after they had other beliefs and respected Christianity but weren't of that persuasion they were effected by the parent's Christian beliefs. According to friend's parents she was going straight to hell. Not because of any awful thing she did, she led a very moral just life. She wasn't Christian by the Graham standard and all else is the devil. Her parents were sincere about being Christians but not Christian parents like Palin use religion for control. Also Palin has money and other ways to manipulate her family.

  87. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Media I. is the Ian Halperin of the Palin Gossip Circuit.

  88. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Tripp is not Levi's. I've always wondered about his blue eyes. Levi has brown eyes, Sarah has brown eyes. It would be much more likely that Bristol would have a brown-eyed baby with Levi. Not to mention Tripp's very fair hair -- with two dark-haired parents. Tripp's dad is probably blue-eyed and light-haired.

  89. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "If the Enquirer is all over Alaska, on to something about Bristol, I can see why Sarah would want Bristol with her at all cost (Haiti). I know what the trolls and Bristol's enablers say, she could not be forced to go there or do anything she didn't want. She either wanted to go or she was forced. How would force Bristol?"

    I would imagine that an underage mom with a history of partying (and face it, the majority of teens do have such a history at some point) would be in a pretty vulnerable position - one phone call to child protective services and bye, bye baby. ANd after what Bristol saw happen to Levi's mom? I imagine she'd cave pretty easily.

  90. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Guys this is getting to be too much. Really. Palin is a nightmare for so many important reasons. I don't care about her hair, boobs or clothes. I do care about the wild ride story, and if true, how she endangered her baby. I care that she is a crappy mother and is depriving her children of an education. She could have used the limelight to be an advocate for special needs people, but she blew it.
    Bristol is turning into a clone of her mother. I don't care if she's pregnant, fat or grows two heads. She is disrespectful and is totally ignorant.

  91. Anonymous4:19 AM

    People should stop calling Bristol a "teenager". That's the label that SP is trying to have her branded with. She's going to be 44 with 8 kids by different baby daddys and still a "teen abstinence activist' if SP has her way selling the brand.

    Bristol is over 20. If she were educated enough to go to college, she would be a junior and would be graduating in a year. She's an adult and a mother. She's no "teen", no way, no how. And she has deep secrets--she should sell them and get away from her mother's spell and hold over her. She may not realize until she's about 40 that she will be free emotionally if she does this. And no one will think badly of HER, no matter what her mother threatens. She, and the other kids, have only been victims. The world will understand that they didn't have a choice what parents they were born to, and how they were raised and what lies they were forced to tell to protect their mean mother. The world and media would completely understand. SP likes to set up the 'them vs. us' scenario, all those 'haters' out there are out to bring us down. Actually, no, the 'haters' that Bristol feels she has would be 'understanders' and 'supporters' because she would no longer be helping her mother live a lie and conning the American people.

  92. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Go look at the history of the NE. They may have recently dropped the UFO stories - they were a mainstay not all that long ago. Now they're a gossip mag with a good investigative reporter or two and some serious cash to throw around. Good for them.

    The point was, please don't confuse them with a paper like the Philadelphia Inquirer a journalistically sound paper.

  93. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Will you please go back to biology 101? Genetics unit.

    Even if the parents and the grandparents all have brown eyes, they could have blue recessive and produce a blue eyed baby. Also, babies' eyes darken over time. Many blue-eyed blond babies grow into hazel eyed brunettes.

    If we're going with the purported parentage, you might want to take a look at Sherri Johnston. Looks pretty blue eyed to me.

  94. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Tripp looks exactly like baby pictures of Levi. Many people start out blond as children and end up brunette.

    The eye color thing is strictly about recessive genes and stuff like that.

    I don't personally care, I just remember the photos and they are very, very convincing.

  95. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Ever since the Enquirer got their pants sued off of them back in the early 90's, they've been very careful with their sources and what they print. They were the ones who broke the John Edwards scandal. I believe the story.

  96. Anonymous7:13 AM

    The National Enquirer stopped publishing the UFO stuff decades ago.
    Interesting, though, how many people seem to be working overtime to try to discredit the Enquirer -- also MediaInsider, also too the increasingly obvious Bristol baby bump. Getting nervous, are we?

    As for dubious paternity, geez, with this motley crew, one could believe almost anything. None of the Palin kids except Willow bears much (any?) resemblance to Todd; Sarah bears little resemblance to either parent. Not to mention the dizzying and nauseating range of possibilities for Trig. I'm actually relatively unskeptical about Tripp's DNA, having seen a comparison with Levi's baby pictures (and speaking as a brown-haired person who produced two blond children -- one nearly platinum blond -- with a brown-haired husband). Would I bet the ranch on Tripp being Levi's kid? Or for that matter Bristol's? No.

  97. Anonymous7:18 AM

    "Tripp is not Levi's. I've always wondered about his blue eyes. Levi has brown eyes, Sarah has brown eyes. It would be much more likely that Bristol would have a brown-eyed baby with Levi. Not to mention Tripp's very fair hair -- with two dark-haired parents. Tripp's dad is probably blue-eyed and light-haired."

    all crap. Levi was blond as a child and there are blue eyes in his family. I suspect though, that Tripp is Levi's brother. Keith has some 'splainin' to do. If only I had copied the boozing up pictures.

  98. Anonymous7:22 AM

    "Re: Track, his teenage antics were completely reprehensible, and it remains a mystery how he got off with such a light tour of duty."

    we know a boy that signed up for 6 years - he was dismissed with an honorable discharge after ONE year. He had a drug problem. The army does not want to pay for rehab or counseling and definitely does not want druggies serving.

  99. Anonymous7:23 AM

    "Bristol is 20 going on 21"

    is she really though? Let's not forget, she was only 16 when Trig was allegedly born in April 2008.

  100. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Anon@722a, I'm not saying Track is a saint. The only point I'm granting is that he's been keeping a low profile -- unlike his older sisters, whose nasty personalities and misbehaviors have been on display all over the airwaves. Seems to me there's at least a chance that Track is trying to get his act together. As long as he isn't doing anything to get himself into demonstrable trouble or to draw attention to himself, I'd say it's only fair to leave the guy alone.

  101. Anonymous8:05 AM

    The most telling public display of this riff was the Bristol/ Greta interview .... Greta: "Oh, Sarah, I didn't know you were coming" and Bristol's face said the same thing. While on memory lane, I loved the Bristol/ Todd home video on youtube a couple years ago that had Todd sleeping in... oh, that was a fake, right, it was funny anyway. Anyway, it seems that whatever iron fist Sarah may have had on Alaska is not working everywhere else. BTW- Just asy "Tangled" last weekend... life imitating art?

  102. sillyone10:38 AM

    posted this again:

    this is why media insider posted what he psoted on his blog about not feeling welcome, and I think he was talking to emsyra (and others) saying to us to not believe meida insider and beware, well just as you have a right to post that, he/she has a right to post anything a well. They are not the only ones who come on here a spread gossip or rumors. Hell a few things here might be gossip or just a rumor as well. I think we can decipher for ourselves whether or not we want to believe anything posted period. While I'm not mediaman him/herself, I just wanted to post that. No offense, so stay cool (well warm actually lol) and easy

  103. Anonymous5:15 PM

    two blue people can not have a brown eyed child, un less something is going on. But, two brown eyed people can have a blue eyed child.(genetics says so, resessive genes say so)
    reason being: the two blue eyed people do not carry any other gene except the blue gene. No resessive brown there.

  104. emrysa6:12 PM

    emrysa DID NOT tell people to "not believe meida insider" as stated by sillyone @ 10:38 am.

    emrysa DID say "beware."

    don't accuse others of saying things they didn't say.


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