Monday, December 13, 2010

The Canadians pick "The most irritating people of 2010." Hey look! Sarah won another contest!

From the Globe and Mail:

1. The Palins

Are they Alaskan hillbillies or down-to-earth folks with values grounded in old-fashioned virtues and experiences? Who cares what they are. Enough already. Sarah Palin traipsed through this nightmare of a TV year, squawking about this and that, like a fame-seeking reality-TV contestant afraid of being forgotten. And then daughter Bristol on Dancing With the Stars, awkwardly hoisting herself toward the saddest sort of entertainment fame. Do you get the feeling it will all end in tears? The sooner, the better.

As has been pointed out by others, it has become abundantly clear that the real reason that Sarah Palin decided to do a reality show was in this totally transparent attempt to address every single one of her pet peeves about the media coverage she has received.

She has shooed boys away from her daughter's room to show that Levi CERTAINLY was not having sex with Bristol right under her nose. (However the boy's familiarity with the Palin home and his dismissal of Sarah's warnings, suggest that he has been in the home unsupervised numerous times before.)

She has referenced the ability to see  Russia from Alaska in a joking manner to prove that SHE is in on, and not the butt of, the joke. (Of course ignoring the real revelation during Couric's interview, which is that Palin completely lacked any foreign relations experience and desperately used Alaska's proximity to Russia to cover that fact. And clearly expected that to suffice.)

She has repeatedly gone out of her way to point out that the oppressive presence of Joe McGinniss upset her family, and kept them from enjoying their usual summer activities. (Apparently forcing them instead to play tourist in their own state for millions of TLC dollars. The poor thing!)

She has taken great pains to show the world that she CAN use a gun and DOES go hunting, in order to prove that Levi Johnston was "just making things up" in his Vanity Fair article. (Of course all that she has done, based on her clumsiness and discomfort with the firearm, is to PROVE to real hunters, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that young Mr. Johnston was indeed speaking the truth.)

And if all of that were not bad enough, Palin then forces her daughter to go on DWTS in an attempt to put rumors of a pregnancy to rest. And we all know how THAT worked out.

Instead the whole world was suddenly watching as, for the first time ever, a contestant on DWTS continued to balloon in size despite the rigorous practice schedule.

The Grizzled Mama has shown a bizarre and self destructive ability to take rumor and innuendo, highlight them, and then convince everyone, even those not aware of them, that they are based in fact.

She also does the same thing concerning the babygate rumors.  Think about it, WHO brings that story to national attention more than Palin herself? 


I only WISH I could reach as many people with the questions surrounding Trig's birth as Palin can. (Of course I am certain I have reached far more people than Palin has been made aware of.) You just know that when Palin brings up the controversy of Trig's birth story on national television that numerous people, who have never even heard of it, fire up their Google and start researching just what in the hell she is talking about. (Thanks?)

Those are the signs of somebody with a very definite and destructive personality disorder, and Palin has done her level best to put a spotlight on it for the entire country to see.

When many of you ask me how I am so sure that  Palin will never be elected President, my response to you is that the reason I know she can't is because she is up against a very powerful opponent.  And that opponent, who is working her ass off to keep Sarah Palin from being electable, is Sarah Palin.  All that the media, and the bloggers, have to do is provide her the ammunition. She is virtually guaranteed to shoot herself in the foot with it.

You know I was talking to somebody just the other day, and they mentioned that if anybody were to write a movie script with this many convoluted plot points, it would NEVER sell.  It would in fact be considered to unrealistic and bizarre for the average movie going audience to accept.  And yet it is the very real story of Sarah Palin.

And that is why she still draws so much attention.  She believes, and is told by her sycophants, that she is being admired, but in reality people are staring at her in shocked disbelief.


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    OT, but another detractor will very soon be thrown under the bus. Christine Todd Whitman, also a female Republican Governor, just touched the surface regarding Palin. The best quote..."But the fact that she left office before even completing her first term is -- that's just not an attitude that I think is necessarily in the best interest of your constituents -- rather what's in your best interests." OUCH!!!

  2. I think I've figured out her fan base. It's comprised of a.) very creepy horny guys who admit being turned on by her b.) every outcast ugly girl in school who always dreamed of being friends with the snotty head cheerleader and having her like them in return and c.) people who are really stupid and want a leader who reflects their anti-intellectual values
    The groups overlap, of course, and if she runs the sheer noise these people make will be construed as widespread support when in fact it's just a lot of chatter.
    It seems that Palin has confused being the object of conservative masturbatory fantasies with political viability.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Right, she has a bubble around her. They are just hanging on to her, hoping against hope that she'll surprise them and act like a real contender for the White House. I realize I am giving them too much credit, though it probably is just a paycheck for a bunch of them and hey, times are hard. When she implodes they will have to look elsewhere for employment, and they probably expect to.

    PS That Whitman interview also pointed up the fact that even if Sarah were to get the entire Fundie vote, it isn't enough to get anyone to the White House. I've been saying that all along, I must say ;-).

  4. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Log onto the latest National Enquirer. They are talking about a huge fight between Scarah and Bristol. Bristol is weighing offers for a reality show, and Scarah is upset. When will producers of these shows realise that their 15 minutes of fame are over? Who cares about them now???

  5. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Years ago, in 1992, comedienne Julie Brown starred in a spoof on Madonna's opus to her larger than life world-wide Truth or Dare concert tour.

    Medusa: Dare to Be Truthful

    I keep waiting for a movie or short to be produced that takes on all these seemingly implausible 'gates.' It would only make the viewer drop their jaw in the careless and irresponsible way a woman and family with so many skeletons in their closet would pursue public office and/or celebrity that allows examination of their past and current behavior.

    Sarah Palin, as someone corrected me earlier, is an Overreaching Underachiever. She's made mediocrity a commodity and a marketable brand. How it makes for an exceptional American, I don't know.

    She's lowered our standards so much, or better yet, she's met the lowest and most gutteral expectations of a displaced ruling class by the simple change in demographics that came in the 21st Century.

  6. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Canadians are brilliant!

    My sincere thanks to them for awarding Sarah one of her most appropriate honors.

    I don't think Canada wants people of retirement age flooding over their borders, but honestly, the thought of being amongst a nation that still has a reputation of being sane is so seductive I wish we could apply for and be accepted as citizens where literacy, honesty, and decency are still valued.

    Oh, we value those traits here, too, but not as much as celebrity, wealth, and superficiality.

    Thank you, Canada! Don't give up hope for us yet.

  7. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Let's celebrate Canada now because I fear for their future now that Fox News has a toehold there. They already have their token crazy conservatives, but not in any number and those crazoids are not yet making the noise they do here. With Fox in their future, though, they may soon face the shambles that Fox has made of our news media and culture. My sympathies and best wishes, Canada.

  8. Anonymous8:55 AM

    O Canada we love you! Canadians are not as twisted as some of the lame stream media. They know a con when they see one. Nobody is going to dumb down Canada to make a buck. Shame on the US lamestream media, the world is telling you what the majority of Americans have been saying,not a twit of a brain,just tits from Alaska!(no disrespect to intelligent,REAL Alaskans)The world is a stage, and you are not a player Sarah Palin!

  9. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Gryphen, you join legions of people that give Sarah Palin too much credit.

    She couldn't shoot her foot to save her life, even if it took five tries, she'd end up quitting and blame it on any and all of 'em or whatnot.

  10. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Nobody fools us Canucks.

    She's a rube!

  11. Anonymous9:04 AM

    8:50 - I love your statement, "She's made mediocrity a commodity and a marketable brand."

    Reagan planted the 20th century seeds for this "movement," with the Bushes cultivating the plants, but Sarah Palin is trying to bring in that harvest - except I would suggest she is below mediocrity. She actually makes the Bushes and Reagan look like sages in comparison.

    When Reagan was elected and re-elected, we thought it was a new low. However, when George H. Bush was in office, he lowered the bar even more (remember the war-thing, the education-thing, etc.?) Then when George W. came in for his eight-year reign, I could not believe we could ever hit a lower mark than that. Surprise - when McCain reached down and "elevated" Sarah Palin, we not only sank to a new low, our political discourse and hopes have been steadily sinking.

    Angle, O'Donnell, Rubio, DeMint, McConnell, Cantor, Boehner and all the rest are trailing in Sarah's wake, making the most of her celebrity. The Tea Party wouldn't be the pox it is without Sarah's popularity amongst low information voters.

    Sarah - beyond irritating! A true curse upon our land.

  12. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Excellent summary of what Sarah is basically all about. It's pretty twisted stuff, and sadly, she wastes this country's time all because of her deep-seated and troubled psychology. There are many people just like her in the world. I've known some personally. Fortunately, they were never given the seeds to grow into an outsized monster like Sarah. Thankfully, under her poorly disguised facade, even she is aware that she's a phony. You can just feel her lack of confidence and low self-esteem oozing out from underneath her forced posture. How anyone can watch her closely and not see that is beyond me. Heck, you don't even have to look that close to see it. It's very obvious.

    Sarah, I know you obsess over the blogs and I know you're reading this comment this very moment. All I have to say to you is: get help.

  13. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Nail on head Morgan @8:30. I especially agree with answer (b). It's a shame some women never outgrow that phase in their lives where they want to be best buddies with the popular girl who won't give them the time of day -- unless the plain girl can do something for the popular girl.

    Becky M. anybody?

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    THe only thing I will say is I think her docu-reality show is a pretty realistic portrayal of Sarah and family. She no doubt watched the edits and uneditted scenes and given her obsession with media control, if she felt it showed her in a bad light, she wouldnt have approved it. And while I don't know what goes on specifically in their house, I know it's always hopping with activity and frequent visitors. WIllow's boyfriend watched where she walked to, so one can't really assume "familiarity with the house" based on that scene. I have a strong feeling any sexual activity that Bristol participated in happened in Levi's room (proof from Mercede blog). BRistol would havebeen way too nervous and someone is always home over there. Remember, Sarah wasn't in the office much before Jan and from Jan on, BRistol lived in Anch.

    I remember I used to sneak my boyfriend in through my window and get down. And my room was 3 feet from my parents.

    The point of SPA is to show how normal their family is, "with ups and downs" as any family has.

    Have you ever thought that the reason Trig wasn't in the halibut episode on the RV trip because presence would somehow give away the secret that maybe he is Bristol's?

    Also, there have been 2 different RVs used in the series so far. One is probably the familys, the other maybe TLCs?
    Check out the recent picture from Haiti of the Palins with the Grahams. Bristol definitely does not have a baby belly

  15. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I really don't think Bristol has any interest in a reality show. And who exactly would know about insider info AND be evil enough to leak it? No one. The Palins friends are fiercely loyal

  16. Anonymous9:28 AM

    yeah about the Bristol reality show drama. Bristol was so awkward after being asked by a reporter at a dwts press event asking her what her plans are now and what shes been offered that I highly doubt she has anything specific lined up. I mean, people saw how boring she was and she's only mentioned hosting or judging on a show.

    That NE article sounds like a Palingater or someone with motive leaked rumors floating around the blogging world.

  17. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Many behind the scenes bits of information tell me that Bristol is definitely not in the business to go against her mother. She is fiercely anti-democrat and is pretty genuine in her statements when she says her mom wouldbe a good fit for the country. Someone who competes would not have that Homer moment or say the middle finger line. Common sense people.

  18. Anonymous9:32 AM

    @8:42, if that article is correct, I think it's great. Go, Bristol, go! The more the people of this country see of the Palins, the less they like them. AND, Bristol on her own in a reality show would be a major loose canon. Who knows what she might do/say? I can see why Scarah is furious. He he he. Love it!


  19. Anonymous9:35 AM

    yeaaaaah, that national enquirer article sounds suspiciously like one mediainsider is trying to stir things again. and we know how blatantly off she was from the start. Everything in that piece was a compilation of the most recent stupid rumors supposedly circulating. If Bristol wanted to move to Arizona for THAT reason, why would she invite a friend for the purpose of being "single moms together"?

    Yes, she did mention on fb she wanted to buy a house when she had the time. No friend who would be privy to that info would leak it to tabloids. Only stupid people with motive do that.

  20. Anonymous9:37 AM

    "People like me more than they like you!" Bristol supposedly screamed.
    Yeah, because that quote goes so well with the middle finger comment "it'd be like a big middle finger to those who hate my mom and hate me"

    ::sarcasm off::

  21. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Palin for some time now has crossed over the line: from being simply gross, to being completely grotesque.

  22. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Has this been posted yet?

    Use discretion in viewing- some probably NSFW language and images may offend some, but it is another 'honor' for you know who.

    Assclowns of the Week Year #85: The Top 50 Assclowns of 2010 edition

    The winner- #1 Assclown of the Year? Sarah Palin.

    Part of the reason given:

    "Indeed, Palin has proven time and again to be a greasy, gnarled finger on the back tongue of America to the delight of 5 million intellectual bulimics in the Tea Party that think everything she does is in some way marvelous."

    The rest is even better. Go there or maybe Gryphen can get permission to quote in full here.

    Sarah actually played a role in 4 other Assclown of the Year 'winners' also too.

    # 42 John McCain. No specific mention- but none needed. Thanks again Assclown John for giving her the BS pulpit.

    #37 Christine O'Donnell- WGE specifically mentioned.Discussion of the similarities between Serror and Christine, book deal and so on. Picture of Sarah also too here.

    #29 Dropzone Security. No particular mention of Sarah, just Militia Joe. None needed. Alaska thanks Sarah for the gift of Joe.

    #10 . You (speaking of the population as a whole) reason:

    " ...When you look at statistics like that it’s no wonder people like Sarah Palin make $14,000,000 a year, half of that coming from an advance for a ghost-written piece of shit. So don’t complain to me about the quality of books, newspapers, magazines and news programs. They’re just doing what they do best: Feeding a demand, no matter how ignorant it is."

  23. Anonymous9:55 AM

    How come Sarah did not win this award for 2008 and 2009 also?

  24. Anonymous9:58 AM

    And to think that Canadians for part of her Foreign Policy (she can see them - just like she can see Russia) to say nothing of the failed Trans Canada Pipeline deal that went sour.

  25. Anonymous10:03 AM

    You are aware that you can absolutely see Russia from Alaska and that it is, in fact, you who are the butt of the joke? Too slow, too slow...

  26. Anonymous10:08 AM

    My instinct has, for decades been, if a situation begins to look like, or a conversation begins to sound like a soap opera script, I need to head for the nearest exit.

    The Palins do not have that sense. Sarah has put them squarely in a reality that most resembles the Carol Burnet's Show's "As the Stomach Turns" or the sitcom "Soap."
    They don't realize they are anthropomorphized comedy satire characters, they think is is admirable.

  27. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Worst of all....the grifter is such a crashing BORE!

  28. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Jimmy Kimmel does it again! Maybe he'll be the one who finally nails that witch.

  29. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I believe the joke is still on Sarah. She stated that Alaska's proximity to Russia gave her foreign policy experience.

    Her quote..."As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border." --Sarah Palin explaining why Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience

  30. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Nope, the joke is still on Sarah. Here is the video claiming her foreign policy experience due to the proximity of Russia.

  31. Anonymous10:23 AM

    SARAH PALIN is furious that daughter BRISTOL is trying to outshine her by getting her OWN reality show - and the rivalry between the women has NOW escalated into a full-blown family war.

    The teen advocate was such a phenomenal success on Dancing with the Stars that producers have been clamoring to sign her to a multi-million-dollar deal for a new reality series, says a family pal.

    Bristol has also been offered a book deal and the chance to be spokeswoman for a clothing company.

    But instead of congratulating Bristol, Sarah is "mad as hell," said the pal.

    "As she maneuvers toward a run for the presidency in 2012, Sarah wants her whole family behind her. She doesn't want Bristol out front competing for attention."

    Not only is Sarah afraid that Bristol will steal the limelight, she's terrified that her young daughter - whose pregnancy rocked Sarah's bid for the vice presidency two years ago - will embarrass her publicly again.

    According to the friend, the two women recently got into a heated argument in which Sarah screamed at Bristol: "You owe me! You cost me the election in 2008 by getting pregnant!"

    Then, the friend says Bristol said the one thing she KNEW would get under her mother's skin: "People like me more than they like you!"

  32. Anonymous10:28 AM

    9:23 - are you seeing the same photos from Haiti as me? Goodness, Bristol looks quite pregnant to me, though some angles make her look a bit less along than others.

  33. Anonymous10:30 AM

    9:32 - "common sense people"????
    The Palins are common in the sense of crude or coarse, but common sense as in sane or sensible - no, no, a thousand times no!

  34. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Anon 9:04.
    She actually makes the Bushes and Reagan look like sages in comparison.

    They at least had the patina of being civilized, though that patina largely was shown to be a facade when they exercised power and stood before the world.

    Will Rogers made a living off his country wisdom. Difference was he actually had wisdom.

  35. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Well done, 10:08 - so well done that I have to repeat your contention that: "Sarah has put them squarely in a reality that most resembles the Carol Burnet's Show's "As the Stomach Turns" or the sitcom "Soap."

    Thanks for that, 10:08! For those who aren't familiar with the references, check to see if Netflix has some old Carol Burnett shows or Soap episodes. Gosh, 10:08 nailed the Palin saga that Sarah persists in creating!

  36. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Since you keep bringing up Levi's statements, I feel it's necessary to remember the Todd esquire article where Sarah teaches Levi how to cook something. There's a lot he's said that doesn't jibe with reality and a lot he couldn't possibly be accurate on. He only lived with them for a couple months AND he was working still. If you believe him now, does that mean you disbelieve your source who had been feeding you opposing info?

  37. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Damn, the TROLLS are out in force today! Gryphen must be hitting too close to home since that is when they come in droves.

    One such troll's comment about presenting the Palin family as 'normal' just begs incredulousness!

    That someone could possibly perceive this twisted Hollywood/Alaska bullshit 'reality' show as a 'normal family' makes me KNOW that they are sucking on Sarah's tit every chance they get, looking for some sort of justification for the continuous trainwreck that TLC is promoting.

    NEVER in all of my years working with 'families' have I run into the kind of sick, sick behavior that sources from their every action.

  38. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Anon 9:23

    I'm guessing, but I suspect that TriG was left at home. Individuals with mental or emotions problems generally do not do well in situations with lots of new people and new visual and sound stimulus. They get overwhelmed and can become troublesome.
    As a infant he was always held by someone he knew. He is old enough to be too heavy and probably intolerant of too much physical restriction.

    As I say that is a guess.

  39. Excellent post, Gryphen! From my perspective, Sarah Palin is the #1 most irritating person of ALL times.

    It was lovely of her to use the Barbara Walter's special to stir up interest in your blog. She also opened the door for the national media to ask questions. What's taking them so long?

    And what will be the next self-inflicted bullet? The National Enquirer is validating Margaret Cho's claim and advancing the idea that Sarah is trying to squash Bristol's entertainment career.

    It would be a shame if Bristol gives up opportunities because of her mother's delusions. Why wouldn't Sarah want Bristol to bust through open doors? Why does Sarah have different rules for herself and everyone else? How many times has she said she's afraid of missing opportunities?

  40. Anonymous11:01 AM

    " A squat Jezebel, she wanders through life in a very Bush-era bliss of ignorance and self-absorption."

    Could be a Palin, but it is about Snooki from MTV.

  41. Beldor Koneheade11:09 AM

    Gryphen, you're always slammin' the lovely and very charming Sistah Sarah! Shouldnt a woman as gosh-darn pretty as she is (see photo. ...shudder...) get cut some slack? She's clearly reached that level of beauty where she can do no wrong! C'mon! Who agrees with me? Anyone? Anybody? Helllooooooo.... No? No one? Ok, I guess not... How about a contest to name the new addition to the clan? My choices are: Trapezoid "Trap" Levi Palin, if it's a boy and Vanilla "Nilla" Wafer Palin, if a girl.

  42. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Is Levi really going to let Beefalo move to Arizona, what about his custody?

    Canada does rock, and anyone is welcome if Screech annoys you further.

  43. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Bristol: ¨Look at my fertile womb! Look at it! Look at it! Look at it! Now look at my mother. Barren! Look at her! Look at her! Look at her! Barren and dry and saggy and covered with cellulite. My fertile womb, a great big middle finger to my mother´s infertility.¨

    Tomorrow I shall drop a silver bouillon Maple Leaf in a Salvation Army bucket as gratitude to my Canadian neighbors.

    Well done, Canada!

  44. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Best commentary, yet. Thanks for saying it so well.

  45. Anonymous11:35 AM

    This is the Putin that Screech is worried about rearing his head,
    Keep looking at russa palin, you keep wasting your time.

  46. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Palin may have breezed into the AK gov's office (principally because she wasn't Frank Murkowski), but that's because a relatively short state wide election worked in her favor. People made their judgment based on the surface (and let's face it, that pretty much sums up Old Sarah: a whole lotta surface)

    Given the lengthy amount of time people have had to get to know her now (and we've still got two years! ) they say, familiarity breeds contempt.

    The long game won't work in her favor. She played this all wrong. Had she stayed in office, muzzled the pit bull, did some learnin' and pulled off some real successes (kinda like that work ethic she pretends to have), she might have pulled it off.

  47. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I know we're not supposed to feed the trolls, but can we be amused by their antics? I especially like the ones who manage to not give themselves away with their 5th-grade mastery of grammar or their 8th-grade mastery of French (ahem), but do their best to sound reasonable before doing their best to blow smoke about Bristol's latest pregnancy, or how the Paylin's are one big happy normal family, or whatever. And they surely do have a bug up their backsides over mediainsider. I wasn't sure about him/her myself, but the fact that he/she is making some people very nervous certainly tips the scales in my mind. (Great to see the new blog!)

  48. Anonymous11:50 AM

    PS. to anon@935. Buy a clue. The Enquirer can be sued for libel if they are off base. They are not in the business of publishing unsubstantiated rumors from "stupid people with motive."

  49. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Anon 10:36

    Our age is showing.

    I hate soaps, loved almost all of the Carol Burnet Show, and the first two or three seasons of Soap were superb spoof, after that it just turned into a nother soap opera.

  50. Anonymous11:54 AM

    It would be great to be able to reply directly to another's comment. I think it would enhance discussion.

  51. Anonymous11:55 AM

    9:23 a.m.,

    $arah Palin's Alaska does not make $arah Palin look good. The show's ratings hit a new low last week. (2.8 million viewers) Yesterday's ratings were probably higher, because of that Gosselin woman. The show is phony, and most people still aren't buying her garbage. Have you seen the latest polling on $arah Palin? Despite her ridiculous t.v. show, and her crummy book sales, people still don't like her, and think she's and idiot. Most people have had enough of $arah Palin and her family, and just want them to go away.

    9:23 a.m. also said:

    "The point of SPA is to show how normal their family is, "with ups and downs" as any family has."

    I thought $arah Palin said the show was supposed to be about what Alaska has to offer. This show is not about Alaska and it's nature, and breath-taking scenery. It's about promoting $arah Palin. $arah Palin thinks SHE is what Alaska has to "offer." When I first heard about this show, I remember the Palin crew saying that the show would not be about her family, that her family would not be apart of the show, and that this "documentary" would not be shot inside the Palin home. It was also promoted as a nature show. A bunch of lies. Of course, this family of greedy attention whores couldn't resist.

    And, REAL nature shows don't have the host/narrator insulting people, killing animals to score political points, and worrying about what bloggers are saying about their family. The show is dumb.

  52. Anonymous11:57 AM

    10:03, sadly it is YOU who is too slow. We are perfectly aware that Sarah's actual quote stated that one can see Russia from parts of Alaska. That bit of information is not particularly interesting.

    What is interesting, as Gryphen has repeatedly pointed out, is that the cretin Sarah thinks that geographical coincidence somehow forms the basis for her foreign policy credentials.

    How sad.

  53. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I am not a Palin fun.
    I do not understand why on earth a mother can be jelousy or compete with her own child. Bristol is young

    Thies is so sad if true.

  54. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I do believe that SP had complete control over what SPAK showed of her family. And that she thinks that what she showed was a "normal" bunch of kids. But I grew up in a large family and had a bunch of kids myself and no way no how would that family be considered "normal" or even "happy" to us.

  55. Anonymous12:14 PM

    9;35 a.m. said,

    "Yes, she did mention on fb she wanted to buy a house when she had the time."

    So Bristol metioned she wants to buy a house when she has the "time?" Most single, teen mothers can't buy a house. Not because they don't have the "time," but because they don't have the MONEY. But, Bristol's got plenty of her own money now, cashing in on her "teen mom-hood." BP is a terrible role-model, and a fraud like her mother.

  56. Anonymous12:22 PM

    9:37 a.m.,

    I see you trolls have arrived. I know this may come as a surpise to you, but despite what us bloggers say about the Palins on the internet, most of the world is not even paying attention. Because in the real world, most people don't give a fuck about the Palin KKKlan. I don't know why you are getting upset over some National Enquirer story. You sound like a thin-skinned Palin.

  57. Anon 11:38 - "Had she stayed in office, muzzled the pit bull, did some learnin' and pulled off some real successes (kinda like that work ethic she pretends to have), she might have pulled it off."

    But she didn't 'cause she couldn't. All of those things were beyond her ability. Sarah describes it like this: "I'm wired differently."

    She was failing at the governor's job. She jumped ship so she could make big bucks and still try to control her image and get America to fall in love with her.

    She can't learn. At best, she can memorize a few talking points. She is incompetent and incapable of comprehending complex issues. She still doesn't understand the First Amendment. She'll never learn, no matter how hard she tries, because she CAN'T learn.

  58. Anonymous12:43 PM

    10:03 a.m., said:

    "You are aware that you can absolutely see Russia from Alaska and that it is, in fact, you who are the butt of the joke? Too slow, too slow..."

    OMG. $arah Palin and her bots are insane. They are trying to call US stupid! The jokes' on us! NOT! $arah Palin is stupid because she told Katie Couric that she has foreign policy experience, because she can see Russia from Alaska! Nobody was disputing the fact that you can see Russia from Alaska. We know you can see Russia from Alaska. But, being able to see it, doesn't make one an expert on foreign policy. That's like saying, "Hey! I can see Kim's Karate from my bedroom window! That must make a black-belt! I'm the next Bruce Lee, you betcha!" No, the joke is still on Palin. She and her bots are too "slow" to understand why we are laughing at her. Now that is funny. It's even funnier though, that $arah Palin won't let it go. The damage has been done. $arah Palin if you are reading this: We know you are uninformed, and unqualified.

  59. Anonymous12:45 PM

    10:03 a.m.,

    How are we the butt of the joke? You are not making sense, just like the half-term governor.

  60. Anonymous12:56 PM

    10:17 a.m.,

    It was one ruling by a right-wing judge who was appointed by "W." Two other judges recently ruled in favor of the entire law. The right-wing judge only said the mandate was unconstitional. He refused to declare the entire law unconstional, which is what the plantiffs asked for. The plantiffs wanted the judge to block the entire law from taking effect. The right-wing judge did not do that. Read what Greg Sargeant was told by a constitutional law expert during a call with a pool of reporters. The judge's ruling was based on ideology, not contituional law, or precedent. His ruling is "defective." The judge's ruling will be overturned by some other court.

  61. Enjay in E MT1:00 PM

    I can't really hope, since I am a Christian, that by holding all those personal offenses ppl have done to SP & family, she'd be lucky not to stroke herself out with all the anger & bitterness she carries.

    I cannot fathom the depth of her hatred for those who disagree with her - or have the balls to speak against her publically. We'd all be sent to Palin re-education camps if she comes into power.

  62. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I don't really think there are actually that many plot points (no more than the average large family - everyone has their life). I think speculators create multiple plot points and scenarios to mold the image they wish to believe.

  63. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Exactly. Most people don't care about the Palins personal lives. That makes people who do obsess over them sad, bored little minions of a lesser power. Like every successful, hard working celebrity has eluded to: people who stalk others for a living are pathetic

  64. Anonymous1:47 PM

    We can't fucking stand her up here.

  65. emrysa1:51 PM

    yay canada!!

  66. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Most Canadians think she's nutty and can't believe she's taken seriously in the States.

    She showed up in my (former) home town Vancouver for a "book club" and only had a crowd of 200 people. It wasn't sold out.

    Fox News does not have a toehold here; any news production in Canada has to follows the rules set by the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Act. If they don't big trouble. Howard Stern used to be on a Canadian network here and his show was taken off the Canadian airwaves. Mark Steyn (who sometimes fills in for Beck and Limbaugh) writes for a Canadian newsmagazine and his pieces are not nearly as inflammatory as anything he can get away with in the States. Limbaugh isn't broadcast in Canada either.

    Hate speech is illegal in Canada.

    The airwaves belong to the taxpayers, not the broadcasters.

  67. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Anon @ 10:19 and anyone else responding to the trolls dredging up seeing Russia from Sarah's house - they only get 'satire' when it's stuff like Limbaugh using the word and variations of 'retard.'

    Even forgetting that as Governor, Sarah never did bother to visit Little Diomede to see Russia, ever - but she also didn't conduct "trade missions" back and forth. She not only takes liberties with geographic proximities, she just flat out lies.

  68. Anonymous6:17 PM

    "You are aware that you can absolutely see Russia from Alaska and that it is, in fact, you who are the butt of the joke? Too slow, too slow..."

    From the mainland, there is no way to see Russia from Alaska. The distance is too great and the curvature of the earth prevents it. However, there are two islands in the Bering Strait - one is American and one is Russian. They are 1.5 miles apart and can see each other.

    SP made it sound like she can see Russia from the Governor's office or from her home or from anywhere in Alaska. So she was first in line to protect the Alaskan air space from Russian attacks.....bwahahahahaha. The truth is it can only be seen from a practically deserted island.

  69. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "Is Levi really going to let Beefalo move to Arizona, what about his custody?"

    isn't that where Keith Johnston moved to?

  70. aj weishar8:31 PM

    After seeing the clips of Palin shooting a rifle, I noticed more examples of her tendency to keep her finger on the trigger when she handles a rifle. No one who is familiar with weapons holds their finger on the trigger until they are ready to shoot. What amazes me is that the men around her are afraid to point out this deadly flaw. When I see those photos, i wonder if the safety is on.

  71. This was really a funny post, Gryphen.

    OK, somewhere someone questioned either the paternity of maternity of Sarah herself. So I have a question. Do Sally and Chuck both have blue eyes?

  72. Anonymous3:17 AM

    You are aware that you can absolutely see Russia from Alaska and that it is, in fact, you who are the butt of the joke? Too slow, too slow...

    10:03 AM

    Yes, but that doesn't give Mrs. Palin foreign policy experience, just because you can see russia from ,what are they...Alaskan islands?? Hell, I can see the next township from my back yard, doesn't mean I should be mayor of my township. On 495 down the road from me I can see New Jersey, doesn't mean I can be governor of NJ. I used to live at the PA/DE border. I could jump the state line on my street, doesn't mean i have political experience. Get it? And I have two more college degrees than Mrs. Palin, one an advanced degree. Get it???? Still doesn't qualify me.

  73. Anonymous3:30 AM


    Looks like Sally Heath has Brown eyes...

    and no tongue. Does she ever speak??


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.