Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The View ladies address Palin's ridiculous attack on Michelle Obama during last Sunday's "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time."


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Wow - Elizabeth Hasselbeck shows more depth of thought than Sara Palin.

  2. I can't tell if I believe that Sarah Palin is completely insane and really thinks that attacking a very popular woman is *actually going to gain her support*, or if she is just so damned stupid that she really can not understand extremely basic information given to her, and comes up with this crap. Of course Michelle Obama never said that kids can't have desert, and what the hell is wrong with support, suggestions, and guidance in the direction of a healthier lifestyle? Sarah Palin is such an ignorant, uneducated, ridiculous woman with a ridiculous superiority complex that is completely unwarranted. An asshole of an older son, an overly sexualized "abstinence promoting" young teenage mother as a daughter, and a bitchy middle child as a daughter shows she has NO room to pretend she is a perfect mother. Her children don't respect her, just like this country doesn't respect her, and the world can't stand her. I wonder what it's liked to be so hated?

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Clearly she is so frustrated the President Obama won't take the bait that she's trying to get a rise out of the First Lady. Michelle Obama is far too classy and wise to engage in this supposed "food fight" -- it's not a fight if only one person is participating. Pathetic, attention-seeking, ignorant. Nothing more.

  4. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Another clear indication of the ignorant bitch that palin is!

  5. Only a mentally disturbed woman can come to the conclusion that Michelle Obama doesn't want you to have dessert just because she wants to end childhood obesity.
    Where is Sarah's outrage with Nancy's "Just Say No"?
    $arah is just so jealous of the Obama's that it is really pitiful.
    It isn't the Obama's fault that the Palin's are a dysfunctional family.

  6. teutonic131:10 PM

    SP is way short of Michelles's pay grade.

  7. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I just made some juice in my juicer. Kale, Spinach, apple, carrot and orange. (and a hand full of cranberries). It sounds gross, but is actually very good and good for you!

    I toasted Palin as I made it. Here's to you and your fat, unhealthy kids! May your life not be so healthy with all the crap you eat.

  8. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Lots of parents don't seem to mind that the "Big Gubmint" doesn't allow the sale of cigarettes and booze to minors (see Willow Palin).

  9. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Brisket looks like Miss Piggie, Willow is catching up fast and Piper is porking up too. The rest are on the Meth diet. Evidence is in every picture you see.

  10. California Dreamin'1:34 PM

    Whoopi reinterates the point that SP has this platform where she can address these issues constructively.

    Queen Narcissist will never, ever offer up anything meaningful or constructive to any discussion or debate. Firstly, because she is vapid and obtuse. Secondly, the woman thrives on dissonance and conflict.

    I've known several people in my life like this...they aren't happy unless there is some kind of 'woe is me' drama happening in their lives. Their victimhood makes them the center of attention.

  11. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Palin is a vindictive c-nt. That is all there is to it.

  12. Anonymous1:38 PM



    She wants to engage them the only way she knows how -- feeble attempts to bring them down to her level.

    That and she thinks these daft little potshots endears her to her tens of followers that are just a shade less smart than she is.

    I say, since overindulging in sodas, cookies, chips, Twinkies, Cheetoes, etc. are the leading cause of health problems in this country, feel free to eat up Sarry! Hell, have double helpings of that shit, just to RILLY spite Mrs. Obama (since I'm sure she rilly loses sleep wondering what you think, ya know.)

  13. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I just had a thought: Since $P made that comment on her political tv show, it helps us pin down the date of production a bit more, since FLOTUS Michelle Obama made that statement only recently about obesity in kids etc. That also would kind of tell us if the old guy that got slapped by her and was so startled about it died of a heart attack over his irreverent treatment by someone as coarse as her.

  14. Anonymous1:55 PM

    It's time to get tough with Iran
    By Sarah Palin

    Iran continues to defy the international community in its drive to acquire nuclear weapons. Arab leaders in the region rightly fear a nuclear-armed Iran. We suspected this before, but now we know for sure because of leaked diplomatic cables. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia "frequently exhorted the U.S. to attack Iran to put an end to its nuclear weapons program," according to these communications. Officials from Jordan said the Iranian nuclear program should be stopped by any means necessary. Officials from the United Arab Emirates and Egypt saw Iran as evil, an "existential threat" and a sponsor of terrorism. If Iran isn't stopped from obtaining nuclear weapons, it could trigger a regional nuclear arms race in which these countries would seek their own nuclear weapons to protect themselves.
    That wouldn't be the only catastrophic consequence for American interests in the Middle East. Our credibility and reputation would suffer a serious blow if Iran succeeds in producing its own nuclear weapons after we've been claiming for years that such an event could not and would not be tolerated. A nuclear-armed and violently anti-American Iran would be an enormous threat to us and to our allies. Israel in particular would face the gravest threat to its existence since its creation. Iran's leaders have repeatedly called for Israel's destruction, and Iran already possesses missiles that can reach Israel. Once these missiles are armed with nuclear warheads, nothing could stop the mullahs from launching a second Holocaust. It's only a matter of time before Iran develops missiles that could reach U.S. territory.


    When the brave people of Iran take to the streets in defiance of their unelected dictatorship, they must know that we in the free world stand with them. When the women of Iran rise up to demand their rights, they must know that we women of the free world who enjoy the rights won for us by our suffragist foremothers stand with our sisters there. When Iranians demand freedom of religion, freedom of conscience and freedom to simply live their lives as they choose without persecution, we in the free world must stand with them.

    We can start by supporting them with diplomacy and things such as radio broadcasting, just as we did with those who suffered under the former Soviet Empire. Most of all, we should support them with confidence in the rightness of the ideals of liberty and justice.

    Just as Ronald Reagan once denounced an "evil empire" and looked forward to a time when communism was left on the "ash heap of history," we should look forward to a future where the twisted ideology and aggressive will to dominate of Khomeini and his successors are consigned to history's dustbin.


  15. Anonymous1:56 PM

    About Sarah's Iran musings.

    "totalitarian inheritance" Could I just hear you say that out loud, Sarah, do you mind?

    "We can start by supporting them with...things such as radio broadcasting, just as we did with those who suffered under the former Soviet Empire."

    I think Sarah's new girl is a little unsophisticated in her world views. Maybe she needs to travel?
    This is really weird. Did they steal it from Tom Lantos' statement to the House Committee on International Relations hearing on The Role of Public Diplomacy in Support of the Anti-Terrorism Campaign in 2001?
    "Public diplomacy entails more than broadcasting, however. We must also increase educational and cultural exchanges with the Middle East and South Asia and promote educational programming in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other countries that lack access to basic education. As I have said before, Mr. Chairman, the war on terrorism is like no other war America has ever waged, and it will require all that we as a people can muster. Public diplomacy is one arrow in America's quiver in this war, and it is time we use it."

    I strongly suggest that you stop with the royal "WE". It's really stupid. "We", WHO? Sarah's administration? Sarah and Todd? The SarahPAC staff? It's not powerful - it's distracting and annoying.

    In the meantime, please read a little bit about Iran and Persian history. If you can read. Get Piper to read a National Geographic article to you - she needs the academic exercise.
    How do you see Seyed Ali Hoseyni Khamene’i fitting into your picture?

  16. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Whoopi nailed what I have been saying for so long. She can use her fame for good, but won't. she uses her fame for more money and power and the more she does, the more the world sees what a vindictive little guttersnipe she is. She likes to start fights, throw insults and blame Obama for everything wrong in this country.

    Sarah is everything wrong with this country. She is nasty with no helpful insight, no plea to her flying monkey bots to come together and help thier fellow man. You know, like Jesus would do. Call yourself a Christian and then behave like a heathen, that's the Palin way.

  17. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Sarah Palin is a classless piece of $....

  18. OMG - really? I couldn't see the video yet until I go home tonight - but wonderful!

    I stopped watching The View - there was just too much dip$hitheadedness for me to take anymore.

  19. "I don't think about Sarah Palin."

    President Obama, 2010, to Baba WahWah.

  20. Anonymous2:12 PM

    A majority of Senators and congressmen don't agree with Sarah. They recently passed a healthy school lunch bill. All that Michelle is saying, like many other experts, is that childhood obesity is a problem. Kids should eat a healthy well balanced diet, combined with exercise to stay fit.

    Sarah famously brought a plate of cookies to a school that does not allow snacks. The reason for the restriction is because many kids have severe food allergies, more than ever before. Sarah made fun of the rules, saying that the school can't tell you what to eat. What a juvenile, dangerous attitude.

    Let's pretend that for the sake of argument that Trig has a serious food allergy. Well meaning people offer the little boy some food without Sarah's approval. Trig may not be able to speak for himself, or understand why some food can make him very sick. Then we would have a different reaction from Sarah.

    Sarah must be that desperate for attention that she thinks that attacking Michelle Obama for advocating healthy eating is a good image. I don't agree with Gryphen's idea that teaching creationism is chld abuse. But, I do believe that bringing a plate of cookies to a school that bans snacks is child endangerment.

  21. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I don't think that any presidential candidate or potential candidate in history has taken pot shots at a first lady. Once again Palin's tackiness takes our country to a new low. What does she think she's accomplishing? Is she for obesity (no comment)? Does she misunderstand who she would actually be running against? Does she think petty and mean will impress the 70+ of the country who already consider her unelectable? Just not seeing the strategy here, so it must be more Palin compulsory mean girl sh*t. She just can't control herself.

  22. FEDUP!!!2:41 PM

    anon 2:12 : Case in point the seventh grader who went into anaphylactic shock and died after eating some Chinese take-out food her class had ordered to celebrate the holidays...
    ( http://tinyurl.com/2595jt2 )

  23. Anonymous2:46 PM

    My question is, why are these women on the view so clueless. They have the platform to bring Palin down, they act like they don't know anything about her. She doesn't help and bring people together, she tears people apart.

  24. Anonymous2:49 PM

    We can start by supporting them with diplomacy and things such as radio broadcasting, just as we did with those who suffered under the former Soviet Empire

    Voice of America and Radio Free Europe still are broadcasting Sarah, and they broadcast in Arab dialects, also too.

    Sarah is a moridiot.

  25. Anonymous2:52 PM

    King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia "frequently exhorted the U.S. to attack Iran... Etc.

    Does Sarah advocate the the United States military be placed under the command of Arab dictators.

    Just checking Sarah cause that is sure what it sounds like you are saying.

  26. Anonymous3:02 PM

    First of all, scara did not write the article on Iran--too many big words for her to comprehend, articulate, and spell. Second, the article's substance is nothing profound, and average highschool student should have that much basic information regarding the region. Third, because it says she wrote, it must be true, therefore now she is an expert according to her followers. WOW, I am so impressed.

  27. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Anonymous @ 1:41 makes a good point: Ms. Snarkaska taped this show in July; Michelle Obama said the following in July: "“As I tell my kids, dessert is not a right.”"

    FLOTUS was talking about dessert for her own kids; not anyone else's.

    Palin is a *&#$%@( idiot.

    From Politico: http://www.politico.com/click/stories/1007/flotus_dessert_not_a_right.html

  28. Anonymous3:09 PM

    "Call yourself a Christian and then behave like a heathen, that's the Palin way."

    You might want to visit the evolution thread from yesterday. Us heathens generally have a lot more kindness, ethic and class than the Palin tribe.

  29. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "Sarah famously brought a plate of cookies to a school that does not allow snacks."

    A private school, so not a "governmental policy," BTW.

  30. Anonymous3:14 PM

    So, sarah didn't know Alaskan policy when she was 1/2 gov and now she's an expert on Iran. Yeah, right.

  31. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Anon 2:12
    But, I do believe that bringing a plate of cookies to a school that bans snacks is child endangerment.

    Tragically yesterday a young girl died for an allergic reaction to food ordered outside the school and brought into the class.

    The school knew of her's and other students allergies. This is one of the very best reasons to make sure that students do not have access to food from vending machines, or in this case Chinese take out.
    Same goes for children with type I diabetes. The school needs to control their intake.

  32. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Ok $carah, sweetie, the UAE along with Dubai and Qatar are some of the richest countries out there (though disproportionately wealthy. Do you think we ought to spend military power protecting them before or after we take care of the health needs of our own citizens? or the 9/11 first responders?

    $carah sweetie - you're a friggin' moron and the same big fat middle finger to your ghostwriters and family. (With the exception of the underage kids, of course - can't pick your parents!)

  33. Anonymous3:22 PM

    No, Elizabeth, Michelle Obama and Sarah Palin should NOT come together.

  34. Anonymous3:26 PM

    A poster on another thread suggested that TLC is editing "Sarah's Alaska" in order to make her look like an idiot. Something to ponder.

    From the fishing, to the hunting, the shrieking voice, Kate and 8,the immature comments...there's something to ridicule, and more, in every adventure.

    One can just imagine how, if she ran for office again, her opponents could use any one of the clips to flatten her.

    So, what I just cannot figure out is if she has any control over the final edit, how could she be so stupid not to realize what a petulant idiot she appears to be. You would think there would be somebody standing over her shoulder saying 'no, no, don't do this".

    TLC could have done a different show. But we are watching a step-by-step dismantling of the political/personal myth that Sarah had HOPED to construct.

    Who's behind it?

  35. Enjay in E MT3:26 PM

    There was an article early this school year about a Montana school that went entirely "peanut free" because of at least one childs allergies. No peanut oils, no sack lunch with peanut butter or candy bars/cookies etc. If I remember it correctly - it's a small school - and all the parents & school board voted on it.

    As far as QuitterQueen - the only platform she stands on is one of hate & divisiveness. HER way or highway - HER would view - HER commonsense solutions ...

    Too bad we can't find her an unpopulated island to rule, and send all those cool-aid drinking 'bots along with her. Build her own Palin Society where nobody pays taxes, because there are no roads or rules - corporations can pollute the land & water & air - every citizen carries their own guns to "keep the peace" - children are home schooled and non-white races are quickly removed.

  36. Bravo, Ladies of the View, bravo!

    That's exactly right, Sarah does not ever offer solutions, all she can do is attack others and the rest of her mean-girl/victim act. Sad.

    Regarding what was supposedly written by Sarah on Iran: doesn't look like her writing, much too clear. Also, if Saudi Arabia wants Iran attacked, let them do it. We don't need any mores wars, thanks.

  37. Anonymous3:35 PM

    The Queen of Crap rails against government encouraging healthy eating. Yet she's adamant that government should decide who we should have sex with and what we should do with our own bodies.


  38. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Please say it isn't so Santa!!

    Talk is already starting in the rumour mills about a 2nd season of SPA. NOOOOOOOO



  39. Anonymous3:52 PM

    12:36 - Palin doesn't have 'depth of knowledge' in any way, shape or form. She is an idiot and just likes to cause trouble. That is all she is about....was in Alaska -will now be in Arizona (you poor residents down there have no clue what is in store for you!).

  40. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I don't believe Palin can use her platform for good like Whoopi suggested. I think it's too late for that because she's made a fool of herself. Her bots don't want to hear anything positive and nobody else listens to Palin much.

  41. Anonymous4:07 PM

    since overindulging in sodas, cookies, chips, Twinkies, Cheetoes, etc. are the leading cause of health problems in this country


    We still do not know what causes shit. Perfectly healthy, active people die of random pulmonary embolisms, fat people live to 100, 20 yr olds die from cancer, a super healthy vegan died from stage four lung cancer.

    My point: Live your life. Even if fast food and twinkies cease to exist tomorrow and every started running daily, people would still die. No one likes to be told what to do or eat or say and no one will listen until they're ready. ie smokers

    Yes, it's harsh to attack the first lady on her program. In my opinion, we should be attacking the first ladies (past and present) on their vastly overpaid staff). Who the fuck needs 20 something staff members when you technically aren't employed? Most of the first ladies already have a nanny/mother/friends to help with kids.

    THAT is appalling

  42. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Palin didn't write that piece on Iran. Give her a test on Iran and she would flunk it. Do the same for Alaska history, U.S. history - she'd flunk them all big time. She has proven she knows nothing about hunting or guns in her Alaska Special. She is a LIAR and INEPT!

    The fact her crap is even printed -trying to make her 'appear' like she knows something - just makes me sick.

    I so wish the press would ask her DIFFICULT questions and not let her get away w/prearranged interviews with questions she has either supplied, or they have given her, to prepare for her responses.

    Americans - especially in the south - vet her - she is NOT what she tries to show herself to BE.

  43. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Narcissistic personality disorder Symptoms
    By Mayo Clinic staff

    Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.

    Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:

    * Believing that you're better than others
    * Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
    * Exaggerating your achievements or talents
    * Expecting constant praise and admiration
    * Believing that you're special and acting accordingly
    * Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings
    * Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
    * Taking advantage of others
    * Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
    * Being jealous of others
    * Believing that others are jealous of you
    * Trouble keeping healthy relationships
    * Setting unrealistic goals
    * Being easily hurt and rejected
    * Having a fragile self-esteem
    * Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional

    Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence or strong self-esteem, it's not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence and self-esteem into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal. In contrast, people who have healthy confidence and self-esteem don't value themselves more than they value others.

    When you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may have a sense of entitlement. And when you don't receive the special treatment to which you feel entitled, you may become very impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — the best car, athletic club, medical care or social circles, for instance.

    But underneath all this behavior often lies a fragile self-esteem. You have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have a sense of secret shame and humiliation. And in order to make yourself feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and efforts to belittle the other person to make yourself appear better.

    is this not Palin to a T???

  44. Anonymous4:17 PM

    all paylin ever feeds her kids is sugar. its the only thing she knows how to 'cook'.

    1:27 PM: I agree. All the girls are getting fat. Todd looks thin and old, as does todd-ette under all that face-pancake.

    i agree also, she attempts to make news and make 'waves' and make shit up.
    hoping that someone anyone will twit with her.

    what a frickin maroon.
    no class no couth no upbringing.

  45. Anonymous4:20 PM

    From where are we supposed to believe Sarah Palin gained her international expertise since quitting on her state? She's studying up in all of her spare time whoring herself for attention?

  46. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I'm watching "The Insider" now, and they too are calling this a "food fight". Per usual, they showed an angry picture of the First Lady and a wimpy picture of Sarah, which the media do every time Sarah disses Michelle. Michelle Obama has too much class to react to Sarah's petty mean-girl snark. There's no need to characterize her as some bully who's gonna bust a cap in Sarah's ass.

    P.S. I'm much more impressed with Michelle's "guns" than Sarah's!

  47. Anonymous4:26 PM

    OMG, ROFLMAO....she's trying to convince that *she* wrote that article????
    you gotta be kidding me.

    it sounds like something out of blackwater.

  48. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I wonder if this is the next Palin compound?


  49. igettit24:38 PM

    You know, I think the one thing in this interview that may really get Sarah's goat is Elizabeth making it clear that she has talked to the First Lady, and Sarah has not.

    I'm pretty sure Elizabeth meant that as a dig. She was pretty hurt when Sarah dropped her. Yes, it's operating on a high school level. But that's exactly why Sarah will get it.

  50. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Anon 4:07 - Go stuff a sock in it.

  51. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Notice the palinbots (4:07 PM) aren't defending Scarah so fiercely. Just pointing fingers elsewhere. I see that 40% ebbing away. Nice job, Gryphen!

    Wizard of Oz: Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

  52. Anonymous4:42 PM

    So Bristol wants to marry a guy who cheats...

    Sorry off subject. Back to subject:
    @anon 4:07-- Yes, I hope our Americans in the South will vet Palin. Perhaps, more folks from AZ will start visiting Gryphen's and other Alaskan blogs when they realize she is moving into their territory.

  53. Anonymous4:43 PM

    plin will claim the california elite made her look bad in her show than she can go poor poor me everyone is picking on me and my family.

  54. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Sarah is not a creature of light. She'd rather hunker down in the dark behind cameras dictating what bunk her minion should type into the computer for FB and twitter. She likes ultimate control of her environment whether in speaking venues, or the backdrops in her studio. She is a coward who cries in the shadows, sending wails of pain when someone discovers the truth behind a lie and shines light on the facts. She points to others and accuses them of her darkest fantasies because she is too afraid to admit those dreams are hers.

    She is a Golem, shriveling up inside herself, intent upon stealing her Pretty, Pretty Prize. She doesn't care who she has to destroy to get it either. Hers is a twisted, dark path and she continually tries to make all of us walk it with her.

    I refuse and reject her as do millions of others. Sarah is getting slimier every day and will destroy herself...

  55. Anonymous4:46 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    I don't believe Palin can use her platform for good like Whoopi suggested. I think it's too late for that because she's made a fool of herself. Her bots don't want to hear anything positive and nobody else listens to Palin much.

    3:55 PM"

    Sarah Palin's belligerent personality is a symptom
    of her low breeding--she can't change, even if
    she wanted to. Her family reminds me of the
    sullen, white trash Slattery family from Gone
    with the Wind. Bristol is Emmy Slattery, the
    daughter who had illegitimate children and
    eventually married a man no decent woman
    would touch--the scuzzy Yankee-born overseer.

  56. majii4:58 PM

    The first lady doesn't get to decide the size of her staff, and Michelle Obama is not the first one to have a sizable staff. Evidently, the services of each of these staff members serves some purpose. Unless one would ever become a FL, it is difficult to know what all is involved in performing the duties that are associated with the job. That said, the FL herself is paid a salary of $14,000, per annum.

    As for Palin, Whoopi said it right. Very few of us black women really spend a lot of time thinking of her because she's just not that important to us.

    As to Palin's statement on Iran, I'll believe she composed it when I see her debate someone on Iran and nuclear proliferation on a network that is not Pox because, as a retired teacher, I'm well aware of how some people get others to do their work for them.

  57. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Any word on the ratings of SPA from this past Sunday?

  58. Hannah5:14 PM

    Why would Mrs. Obama respond in any way to Sarah Palin? There are a LOT of crazies in the world, not just Palin. I am getting tired of these talk show hosts who are busy making their living making news out of the stupidest stuff. Food Fight??? As far as I know, you have a NATIONAL POLITICAL figure, Mrs. Obama, working on her causes, and you have a bi-polar, attention-seeking nutcase on the other trying desperately to provoke a response so she can get some sort of sick "payback". For crying out loud, what mental age is Sarah Palin stuck at, 12? Grow up.

  59. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Anybody interested in a "Lose Weight in Honor of First Lady Michelle Obama and Tell Sarah Palin to Suck It" challenge in 2011?

  60. Anonymous5:23 PM

    To 4:42, wrong.

    Those who supports Palin have given up hope that libs who comment here will ever mature and cease the pathetic personal attacks. Far left idiots are jokes to those of us with full lives.

    Have fun dumbasses

  61. DetroitSam5:36 PM

    A must read that sums Palin up to a t. Rather long article, but well worth it.

    On GMA, Sarah Palin Hints at Her Plan to Transform America


  62. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Another article on SPA stating that 'it's not typical Alaskan behavior'


    I notice that the coat she wore in the dog sled SPA episode and in the pic in the link, is one and the same that she wore when 'pregnant' in the pics at the Irondog Feb, 2008 that Todd raced in.

    ABC story - says picture taken Feb 10, 2008


  63. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Who's behind it?

    How ya' doing, Karl?

  64. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Who mentioned Vegas? Some Paolettis live in Vegas

  65. Anonymous6:12 PM

    This is old but I'm confused. Levi has said Sarah and Todd wanted he and Bristol to marry, though they weren't happy about the baby. Sadie said Levi and Bristol tried to marry twice but failed both times. You reported (major hearsay btw) a heated argument between Todd and Levi, which prob had to do with Levi manning up and not flaking on his daughter.

    No one ever answered the question about the conflicting annoucement stories. Bristol, Levi and Sadie have all told different stories about how they made the PG announcement. Why wont people address the contradictions? and why did Sadie go from saying "I swear Bristol wasn't pregnant before Tripp" to "I don'tknow"

  66. mCcain-palin-AZ6:13 PM


    McCain's 'Spectacular' Public Fall

  67. Anonymous6:19 PM

    SPAK was down 17% this past Sunday so at this rate next week she'll have 2.1 million viewers and then the following week she'll have 1.7 million viewers.

    Considering the show premiered at 4.96 million viewers that would equate to a drop of 66% in viewership.


    With 2.56 million viewers Sarah Palin’s Alaska wasn’t anywhere near the top 25.
    NeNe's Atlanta > Sarah Palin's Alaska


    NeNe rules, Sarah Palin drools?

    Sunday night’s 10pm Real Housewives of Atlanta telecast on Bravo averaged 3.22 million viewers and a 1.7 rating with adults 18-49. An hour earlier on TLC, Sarah Palin’s Alaska averaged 2.56 million viewers.

  68. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Someone smart has pointed out that Palin doesn't care if what she says has any relationship to the truth. She only cares about getting a reaction. That's what she is doing with her little immature, snippy comment about Michelle Obama: just looking for a reaction.
    I agree with Goldberg. It's a shame and a waste that's what Palin has chosen to do with the platform she's been given. In contrast, Michelle Obama has chosen to use her position to make a constructive contribution to the country and she's doing it with dignity and grace.

  69. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I wish we all could just ignore Palin. Seriously!! The Beast feeds off of the chatter good or bad!! If we ignore the Beast it will go away. If we feed the beast it will only get bigger!

  70. honeybabe7:02 PM

    please! won't someone make the "sarah palin - worst governor ever" t-shirts. there would be SUCH a demand.

  71. Anonymous7:40 PM

    To 4:42, wrong.

    Those who supports Palin have given up hope that libs who comment here will ever mature and cease the pathetic personal attacks. Far left idiots are jokes to those of us with full lives.

    Have fun dumbasses
    Alright then sweetheart, you've put us in our places. Take your pudding cup and take your full life (and Pamper) and go on night-night now.

    Sorry Uncle G. I couldn't resist. They make it so damn easy.

  72. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Well, if anyone doubted whether shadowy Neocons were behind Sarah's presidential aspirations, doubt no more.

    The Right's ambition #1 is to support Israel through bombing Iran.

    Sarah is apparently willing to help them achieve that.

    I know Iranians, and they don't all hate their government, hard as that might be for some of us to understand.

    I also find it rich that today Sarah stands with the feminists of the world. She was just dissing them yesterday or the day before, wasn't she?

    I can't stand this woman. This weirdness over the TLC show possibly being renewed, and this possible move to AZ - it's making me literally sick.

    She must be stopped. NOW.

  73. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Anon 5:23 PM couldn't type a single grammatically correct sentence. That's the true mark of a Palin supporter. I wonder if masturbating while watching SPA constitutes a "full life?"

  74. Anonymous10:07 PM

    @ 5:23

    Face the facts.

    You never would have been able to bring over people to your side. At first glance, it does seem that Granny is being attacked sometimes, but just take a look at the vicious attacks coming from her and it's easy to see why she deserves the attacks.

    There are too many people content with the fairy tale fantasy feed to them about who Grifter Granny is and then there are the rest of us. We could never become like them because we can never close our eyes to the truth right in front of our face.

    Have no worries. The more people see the more they know Palin has nothing to offer.

  75. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I can hardly believe some of the comments you people put out there as what appears to be serious responses! Leave the Palin kids alone! Enough already!! They are NOT fat...and Bristol is NOT "overly sexulized"! That is the most ignorant comment I have ever heard!!!

  76. Pursang11:50 PM

    Sorry Whoopi but Palin isn't about solutions. She's about lobbing hand grenades at anyone named Obama.

    I'm so glad that neither of the Obama's have given her a second of thought and I'm sure that drives Palin nuts...or nuttier.

  77. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Sarah is just plain jealous of Michelle because MO has it all over SP in every way, shape, and form. MO has a real platform to focus on her causes while SP has nothing but Faux News and some social networking accounts. Mo has an intelligent husband who cares for her and their children with genuine love and affection instead of a tag along hick who is only in it for the green. MO has a solid educational and working background and well, we know SP has quit everything she has ever done including being a real parent.
    Even scientists agree that what you eat can kill you or make you healthy:

  78. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Dr.anon@4:07, yes we do know what causes "shit". Genetics, environment and lifestyle. If you have a predisposition to a condition you are more likely to suffer from it, however being overweight can bring it to fruition. There are also environmental influences as well.
    People like you who make stupid choices, hopefully will die before reproducing. Natural selection!

  79. Anonymous5:34 AM

    "Worst Governor Ever" is too regional, great for Alaskans but she's taen her grifting to a whole other level.

    How about a tshirt that reads "Worst Grifter EVER" or "Worst Mother Ever" or, hell, just cut to the chase wth "WORST _____ EVER"

  80. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Why is she always on "attack-mode"? Is that all she has?

  81. Anonymous6:45 AM

    http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1210/46711.html .... "Huckabee: Sarah Palin’s wrong, Michelle Obama’s right"

  82. Anonymous8:26 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Why is she always on "attack-mode"? Is that all she has?

    5:52 AM"


    Nothing is worse than a hateful, bitchy woman.
    Sarah Palin is just a female version of Rush
    Limbaugh or Ann Coulter. That attitude is
    not attractive on ladies.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.