Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is this an attempt at damage control over Bristol's baby bump!

From Hollywood Life:

It seems that the DWTS finalist Bristol Palin, 20, sure has been busy. Since making it to the reality show’s finale on Nov 23rd, she’s been dating 20-year-old Alaska pipeline worker Giancinto “Gino” Paoletti , reports the National Enquirer.

What’s even more surprising than Sarah Palin’s daughter having a new love interest , is that the extremely vocal abstinence spokesperson, has recently changed her rhetoric when it comes to premarital sex. “Pause before you play,” Bristol now says in a teen-pregnancy advertisement that first aired in April.

Apparently, Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin is not happy about her oldest daughter’s new boyfriend–or the fact that she is hoping to have another baby so soon. And for once, us Hollywoodlifers are totally on board with Sarah. Maybe the stress of being a single mom is just more than Bristol can handle – remember how she rushed into a second engagement to Levi, before he ran off to Hollywood. In any case, “Bristol doesn’t care,” about Sarah’s objections, the source continues. “If defying her mom gets her what she wants, she’s happy to do it.”

Like Bristol, Gino grew up in Wasilla, Alaska. He now splits his time between Alaska and Arizona. When he’s not doing pipeline work, he dabbles in real estate. He helped Bristol sell her condo in Anchorage, and now he is helping her find a home near his in Arizona. They’ve known each other for years–and tongues are wagging that this is not the first time the two have reportedly hooked up. Last year, while Gino was dating another girl, he and Bristol reportedly had a fling, although he ended up getting back together with his girlfriend. While she was in New York for Thanksgiving, Bristol invited Gino to visit her. Gino told his then-girlfriend he was going to visit family, but when he got back to Alaska, he dumped his girlfriend and has been with Bristol ever since.

Okay well first off this connects to my earlier story about Van Flein moving to Arizona, and rumors of a Palin migration there as well, in a very interesting way. In other words this seems awfully convenient.

The other interesting tidbit is that several tabloids were sniffing around up here for pictures of Gino Paoletti in connection with a story they said they were doing on Willow's pregnancy.  I certainly hope they simply had the wrong girl and that this thing is not about to get all "Days of Our Lives" on us.

However I would be remiss if I did not add that Gino definitely gets around as he also dated another Wasilla gal that we all know and love. (I will see if  I can get reaction from her later.)

So IS Gino the source of Bristol's growing baby bump or merely the person tapped to step up and take responsibility in exchange for a little spending money?  I am not sure we will ever know for sure, but at least we finally have some confirmation that a baby is on the way, now don''t we?


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM


  2. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Bristol needs props to make money....

    hey if it works for Sarah

  3. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Sure would make sense.

    Mama Sarah should never have encouraged Bristol to make her own money. Makes her independent - though I doubt Bristol will ever break free of Sarah because of their dysfunctional history. Sarah made sure to cripple the kids emotionally just enough that they will keep running back to her.

    Poor AZ needs an exorcism stat. Not only are the Palins moving in but they will be multiplying! Yikes!

  4. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Look at the picture that is front and center at the link. Don't know when that was taken but it's a nice shot of the ever growing bump. That's not fat, that's baby!

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Is it me or is it hilarious that Gino was also Sarah's nickname (Governor In Name Only).

  6. angela8:59 AM

    So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Bever--errrr, Arizona. Swimming pools, republicans. Forget about the birth control Bristol, take your shoes and condoms off Gino and put your feet up. You are now the designated daddy.

    Alaskans say--don't come back now, here.

  7. Anonymous8:59 AM

    THat story has a bit of a timeline glitch, Gryph.

    It was done before the DWTS "Sitch" commercial, which showed her still spouting the abstinence line in a very direct way. Now she's trying to spin this one on GMA?

    ANd I don't think Candies hired her to be a safe sex/b.c. advocate - did they? Who's interviewing them?

  8. Anonymous9:00 AM

    GP .. same initials as AKWTF is saying regarding Willow

    Is Gino banging both?

  9. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Is that guy with the red tie the Gino? Looks old for 20.

    My bet is that the Gino is the patsy nor the sperm donor.

    So where in AZ is Bristol planning on setting up shop? Doesn't she know that there are a lot of BROWN people there?

  10. How perfect is his name: GINO. You can't make this stuff up.

  11. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Well, maybe there will be a "premature" birth down the road.

    Bristol may need her mother's help whether she wants it or not. She may need help covering up her escpades if she has a moral clause in her Candi contract. If there is one, she may need to pay back some money.

  12. Anonymous9:05 AM

    The horny and promiscuous "starlet" looks pregnant, hints that "slipping it on before slipping it in" might be more realistic than "abstinence", and has a new latin lover adept at laying some pipe.

    But no one is claiming the slutty "teen activist" is knocked up again!

  13. Anonymous9:07 AM

    When will someone finally call these Palin idiot's out on their continued lies and deceit? You know they are just going to be able to turn every dishonest, disgraceful thing they do into a fortune for themselves. They are making a mockery of America. Unbelievable.......

  14. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I thought the same thing when I read that. Some more date fudging and no photos of the newborn and bingo.

    But does that mean the Willow thing was a deflection? I don't want more babies born to that family but if Willow were pg, Palin would be over and that is what I wish for.

  15. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I'm sure Cindy McCain is thrilled at the thought of the Clampetts moving to a gated community near her.
    Somehow I doubt they will travel in the same social circle.

  16. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I would say that we do have that confirmation, Gryphen! And what do you think are the odds that a backdated whomped up marriage certificate will be ostentatiously produced (and obediently swallowed as proof by the pussy-whipped LSM) too!

  17. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Tom, in FL, here:
    I first suspected God had a wacky sense of humor when Jim Bakker was brought down by a scarlet-haired woman from Babylon, NY. Or when health-food fan Euell Gibbons had an ulcer.
    The news that Bristol Palin is hooking up with a guy who - ahem - lays pipeline belongs in the same category.

  18. Anonymous9:17 AM

    is Bristol faking a pregnancy to cover for Willow?

    Maybe it is her punishment for Sarah having to fake one for her.

  19. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Gino must be one dumb mother fucker to get involved with the Palin klan...

    at least he will have matching IQ's with Brisdull

  20. Anonymous9:22 AM

    "I certainly hope they simply had the wrong girl and that this thing is not about to get all "Days of Our Lives" on us."

    To late already is

  21. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Why does the copy switch suddenly to the tidbit that Bristol hopes to have another baby soon? Did I miss something?

    Yes, they are framing the whole story to be somehow palatable when it comes out that Bristol is pregnant again. Did they use this photo as well?

    I have to say - the BIG story that people need to start doing background on is ARIZONA. I can't recall anything in detail, but the McCain connection, his history in Arizona as well as the Bush administration's, it all added up to something very questionable if I remember correctly.

    What's in Arizona? Who's in Arizona? There are some behind-the-scenes political operatives, longstanding, already there - for the GOP. Let's get on that one.

  22. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Giancinto “Gino” Paoletti !!!!!
    I would have never guessed she'd be serious about Gino. Sex? Yes. This must be totally bogus, the love part. “Don’t cheat!” rotfflmao!

  23. Anonymous9:26 AM

    It appears Gino is laying pipeline all over the fertile Palin tundra.

  24. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I hate people who are flippant about bringing
    children into the world. Like it is a big joke.
    Yea, Bristol you have so much to offer a(nother)
    child, you are the bestest mommy evah!1!

  25. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Ben Barber should thank his lucky stars that he got away when he did. Nobody connected to this family ends up in a good place. The Palins know how to keep things classy, don't they? Nothing says "class" like having illegitimate babies by different fathers. I feel sorry for the babies.

  26. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Maybe the tabloids had it right, and Gino has been "sneaking upstairs" with Willow, while Bristol was "working hard" in Hollywood. Gino will not have to worry that Sarah will come after him. We have all seen how well she shoots (!!) He would have time to pack and get out of town while Chuckles is still loading the rifle for her.

  27. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Wow! Now Sarah can blame Bristol again for f'n up her nest chance at the White House.

  28. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Just a guess but seems Bristol maybe "adopting" a baby in 2011. So good of her to help the less fortunate..except how is she going to explain that to her child?? Oh, oops I'm really your mom, but had this great job and of course my mom so thought it best to go with the adoption spin. Ouch!

  29. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The spelling of his first name was wrong. It is Giacinto “Gino” Paoletti not GiaNcinto.

    He is licensed as real estate agent in AK working for his father's real estate office and cabin rentals, opening real estate office in 1999. The family moved to AK in 1995. Mother, father & 5 kids.

  30. SME1319:40 AM

    Hmmmm, I wonder how many of the Palin-bots will remember Bristol talking about not having a boyfriend and not having time for one all during her DWTS time. Will they finally realize the Palin's constantly lie? Time will tell.

    I also wonder if this Gino had any idea of Bristol's plans or will he learn her plans for him with this article?

  31. Bristol...what a lying little shit! She lies her ass off and complains about 'haters' who are really only calling her on her lies. Can anyone imagine how messed up her mind is to carry out such a charade?

    Calling Dr. Drew!

    The HollywoodLife article refers to the National Enquirer but I couldn't find the story there. It looks like a Palin hack wrote the story for HL...smooth attempt to walk us back to the 'Pause Before You Play' PSA, jumping right over the newest PSA where she insists she's not 'doing it'. (Of course, who needs a condom when you're already pregnant?) There's also no mention of the belly bump visible while on DWTS, the lies about only sleeping with one guy, and not having time for a social life.

    The baby will probably be here by March. I suppose they'll have to hide it for awhile or sell a new story about how they got married this past summer. What an effed up way to live.

    It's quite a club up there in Wasilla. Gino is also friends with Ben Barber and Johnny Chandler.

  32. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I guess Bristol didn't pause long enough...

  33. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Vanity Fair just ranked AZ as the worst state in the country--last in pretty much every 'quality of life' measure. Go figure.

  34. More confirmation for Margaret Cho. Only the DWTS gig was to get people to love Bristol so THIS pregnancy doesn't ruin mommy's 2012 hopes.

  35. Anonymous9:51 AM

    G, you said there was "more to" the Willow story when Alaska WTF broke it. Does this mean Willow is PG too, and just not with GP??

  36. Anonymous9:53 AM

    hmm. Does this explain why Ak Court records online are not working??

    NO Doubt splains why AK WTF not avail!

    I hope it's 'true love' for the happy couple.

    Oh and the picture at the link provided by 8:44 needs a caption.

    Hi mom- Look what I did! (again?)

  37. Anonymous9:59 AM

    This could mean the GP is Gino but they were really looking for dirt on Bristol, NOT Willow.

  38. Anonymous10:00 AM

    anonymous @ 9:17

    I have suspected Bristol might be covering for Willow too and have mentioned it here in the past. It would be very Palinesque to pull off another fake pregnancy. After all, what would be worse for Mrs Todd Palin's political career and her abstinence only BS? One unmarried daughter knocked up twice? Or two unmarried teen daughters with babies? If they could fake another Bristol pregnancy, people would just say, well, that's just the black sheep of the family. But two out of wedlock daughters, that's a trend. Think about it. The Bristol pregnancy rumours have been flying since Bristol was on DWTS and Sarah hasn't really refudiated those. She chose to say bad people were calling Bristol fat. But she didn't touch the pregnancy rumours. Why? Maybe she wanted people to think Bristol was PG to misdirect them from Willow. I mean she's been parading Bristol on TV and taken her to Haiti where lots of pictures surfaced. If you're gonna parade her around in her "condition", you might as well come out and say she's PG. But by getting everybody talking and speculating about it, nobody notices that Willow seems to have taken a breather from the scene.

    They have gotten away with their lies so long, they think they can get away with anything, no matter how brazen.

    NOTHING would surprise me when it comes to the Palins. But I wouldn't be surprised if they were both PG either or by the same guy.

    What would be perfect is if both girls and their mom WERE PG at the same time. But I don't think Sarah is capable. I don't think she's been capable since shortly after Piper was born. If you catch my drift.


  39. Facebook Lurker10:00 AM

    Ha, ha, I pegged this dude instantly when WTF gave out the initals GP. This is him:


    OMG, guys in Wasilla need to wear full body condoms around those Palin women, those bitches are fertile.

    LMAO, this guy's life is ruined, and he better demand a DNA test before Butterball gets him on the hook for $1750 a month like dumb old Levi.

  40. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Does this mean Bristol can stop wearing scarves to the beach?

  41. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Anonymous @ 9:43 said...
    "Vanity Fair just ranked AZ as the worst state in the country--last in pretty much every 'quality of life' measure. Go figure."

    That was after they found out the Palins were moving down!


  42. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "Pause before you play." How contrived, campy, and typically Palin. If only her mother took that advice before running her mouth off in a bid for Goebbels' undying admiration.

  43. Anonymous10:05 AM

    My Christmas wish is for Gino to be Willow's baby daddy and be Bristol's new baby daddy... both at the same time.

  44. Anonymous10:07 AM

    At the Nation Enquirer yesterday (date on story is 12-20-2010 fwiw) is this story. This story has been floating around for a few days. Coordinated with this concerning Bristol?



  45. Anonymous10:12 AM

    This is the Nat Enq story the fools that donate to SarahPac need to read:


    "If there was anybody in the world she could trust, Kristina Oliver thought it was the Rev. Robert Schuller, one of the nation's most famous and best-loved TV evangelists.

    But now her faith in the leader of the famed Crystal Cathedral has shattered and caused her family to lose their home!

    Like many of those who toiled at the cathedral, Kristina has become poverty strickenafter the cathedral filed for bankruptcy -- failing to pay both employees and vendors.

    Meanwhile, the Schullers and several of their associates are still living the high life and enjoying millions of dollars in salaries and other perks.

    oink oink oink

  46. Anonymous10:19 AM

    It is standard to release something "big" that you might want to hide right before the holiday. All the "lamestream" media is on vacation, and nobody pays attention to the news or cares.

    Also, census figures are being released today, so that is one other item to kick this bombshell off the headlines.

  47. Anonymous10:19 AM

    What happened to Bristol's support for her dance partner Mark Ballas? Was she photographed at Burn the Floor, was she there for Mark after all he sacrificed? Did she have to work hard in Haiti instead? Sarah needed the trip to Haiti in the worst way. Gino is a pawn. Spill Wasilla, make those big bucks. Getty Images 3 weeks ago

    Bristol is a bigger star than Sarah and America's latest sweetheart in the genre of unwed and pregnant. That most popular theme that American corporations want to foist on pre-teens and teens. The jet setters will have paparazzi to deal in places other than Alaska. Bristol and Gino are just hanging out in Scottsdale and never seen? Sarah team is good at manipulation of the LSM.

  48. Anonymous10:22 AM

    New porno movie soon

    Gino the Italian Stallion laying pipe all over Wasilla...

  49. Anonymous10:22 AM

    OMG! He's the Italian Stallion, and here I thought it was Rocky. Found this:


  50. Anonymous10:26 AM

    huh! So this is the GP? What about Willer??
    Looks like Bristle has an ace bandage wrapped around her middle to "hold things in".

  51. Anonymous10:26 AM

    9:01 AM

    That is not Gino. The Enquirer may have his pictures. The cameras will be watching his every move when he is not in Wasilla. He is dating the biggest star since Britney was freaking.

  52. Anonymous10:29 AM

    "Although Bristol famously got pregnant by then-boyfriend Levi Johnston when she was just 16,..."


  53. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Alaska WTF site is down but Google has this headline:

    Giacinto Paoletti impregnated Bristol not Willow « Alaska WTF
    21 Dec 2010 ... Giacinto Paoletti impregnated Bristol not Willow ... Gino, as he's known in Wasilla, is Mercede Johnston's ex-boyfriend. ...

  54. Anonymous10:30 AM

    LOL at the terrible, horrible day the bots must be having!

  55. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:30 AM

    Oooohhhh goodie! Get the announcements ready--another "preemie" is on the way, Palinistas! How easy, convenient and utterly believable all the spin becomes WYAP (When You're A Palin).

    I just hope that other young girls aren't inspired by the Palin sisters to procreate before they're ready, both emotionally and financially. Especially those who don't have endless cash, nannies, notoriety and a nonstop PR machine.

  56. Enjay in E MT10:32 AM

    Am going to take a leap of faith here and state - SP will NOT run for 2012. She's going to need more time for "damage control". Plummeting book sales, poor show ratings, lack of paid speeches, approval ratings in the sewer.... much less "family issues".

  57. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Just think Sarah, if you hadn't of jumped at the chance to pimp your kids to beef up your Family is Everything meme, we wouldn't have the Andy sneaking up to Willow's room to use as fodder to speculate on her virginal purity or a teenage pregnancy scandal.

    Bristol, you could have lived a quiet, private life as a teenage mom in obscurity in Wasilla or even Anchorage - but nooooo, you just had to call Greta Van Susteren for your own show (that mommy still crashed and took over) and gone onto Oprah to pledge you'd only look for a good Christian man to marry before you had sex again, and that you had to promote abstinence as a paid spokesmodel for that whore factory Candies and in a Speaker's Bureau. Let's not forget your braving your "shyness" to do DWTS so that we'd get to judge your shape and skills for three months.

    It's sick and sad. I'm sorry it is a topic and I'm not even a Palin Family fan.

    You only brought this on you and your kids Sarah. The next time you accuse someone like Gryphen or any other critics of trying to destroy your kids lives - pause, and just look in the mirror you NPD psycho.

  58. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Hey check this out. Pathetic


    this is so ridiculous...

    and so wrong


  59. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Sarah has several possibilities when it comes to running for President. She promised us two years ago that Bristol was going to get married to Levi. We know how that turned out.

    Then, Sarah tried having Bristol pose as the spokesperson for abstinence with Candies. Even with her DWTS gig, her belly began to show. It would be embarrassing for Sarah to have to explain how the abstinence spokesperson has two children and no husband. Family values are family values.

    I think it is in Sarah's best interest to have Bristol safely married when Sarah announces that she is running for president. If not married, then engaged, with The Wedding of The Century to either be the grand finale for Bristol's new reality show, or surefire publicity for Sarah. On second thought, Bristol can't have a reality show if Sarah is running. Sarah's running is going to be the reality show. Can't have two in the family.

    Gino may or may not be getting a "reward" for marrying Bristol, but there may be some kind of "encouragement" written into the pre-nup. (For each year that he stays married to Bristol, with no hanky panky on the side, $$$$). If Bristol is saying that she can't wait to have another baby, she can't wait much longer.

    Yes, this explains VF in Arizona, Bristol looking for a house in Arizona, maybe even a retreat for Sarah to get away from the people who are always spying on her and hate her.

  60. Anonymous10:44 AM

    look at the picture at hollywood life for this story....wow. is it photoshopped? pregant or not is no longer debatable, if it is real. what a train wreck.

  61. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Facebook Lurker-

    Ha, ha, I pegged this dude instantly when WTF gave out the initals GP. This is him:


    Must be the right guy- because that link is no longer avail. to the hoity toity!

    Got a screengrab to post?

  62. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Whoa! It may be true! Bristol in the best Palin family tradition is faking a pregnancy to protect Willow!

    As Sarah counts the family fortune: "The family that fakes together, "rakes" together!"

    Living under one roof comes in handy!

  63. As soon as I saw your post about Snidely Whiplash, I said to spouse ,"they are moving to AZ to hide BOTH daughters pregnancies".

    Just as Brisket was shuffled off to her Aunt's to hide her pregnancy with Trigg or crinkly ear or whomever, they are moving south hide the double whammy.

    Trouble is that there allot more paparazzi in AZ than Alaska..........ha ha ha

  64. Anonymous10:52 AM

    And I'm just going to continue to get pregnant and have babies until you show you really love me mommy.

  65. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I am not taking the HL story as confirmation Bristol is pregnant.

    Yet I would not surprise me if truth comes to light it was Bristol pregnant by someone else (not Levi). She'll get a pass for lying she did not date anyone. How she can end up engaged with rose petals on her bed without dating or having time for guys is the REAL mystery lol

  66. Anonymous10:56 AM

    One of Giacinto Paoletti's friends is Ben Barber:

  67. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Bristol: Mom, I'm pregnant. The baby has Down's Syndrome.

    Sarah: Darn! I'll spin it all about family values. I'll hide you and I'll fake being pregnant then I'll adopt the baby. Yeppers, having a Down's baby will improve my chances to get into the White House.

    Bristol: Mom, I'm pregnant.

    Sarah: Darn! I'll spin it all about family values. I'll announce that like families everywhere this sort of thing happens. You'll marry that darn Levi and become a spokesperson for abstinence only. Yeppers, acting like a concerned parent will improve my chances to get into the White House.

    Bristol: Mom, I'm pregnant.

    Sarah: Darn! I'll spin it all about family values. You'll appear on DWTS and SPA to help keep me in the press. I'll blame your condition on the levi-breakup, the Lame Stream Media, and bloggers. Yeppers, acting like a victim will improve my chances to get into the White House.

  68. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Gino's avatar on his myspace page is 'Italian Stallion'. Another AK goofball who thinks his shit don't smell!!!


    I can hear the Ca-ching, Ca-ching of the court ordered child-to-be support!!

  69. Anonymous11:03 AM

    His Facebook is already under wraps. Is there a picture of him somewhere? The one at the link is her and Tripp and that is definitely a baby bump.

  70. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Bristol has a speaking event scheduled for mid Feb btw, in Cali

  71. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Bristol Palin – Do Big Macs and Cheesecakes Give You an “Outie?”

    Do you know how many months along she was?

    She was showing a lot when she started the show but not being an expert on these things I don’t know what that means. Some girls on the show were guessing three months along at the start of first rehearsals but i don’t know.


  72. Anonymous11:08 AM

    When Will Sarah Palin Confess She Didn’t Give Birth to Trig?

    Several months back I was hearing that there was a plot afoot to get Sarah Palin to finally confess that she didn’t give birth to Trig Palin. Supposedly so many people were blackmailing the family about this that she was finally ready to go forward with a confession, but only if she could completely control all media release of the information. Plus it had to be done through an interview with someone “friendly” to her, someone she trusts. At this point, Greta Van Susteren is about the only candidate to do this since Sarah has alienated everybody else. The boys at Fox especially hate her and refer to her as “Alaskunt” behind her back, apparently.

    It was said that she was going to continue to drum up support for the Republicans until the mid-term election and then after that was done she would go forward with her “confession.”

    You might think it sounds crazy for this to happen, but here is how they were going to frame it:


  73. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Dear Goddess these people are so freakiy.
    I hope they stay in Arizona with Grizzled Mama Jan and Sheriff Joe.
    Just stay the heck out of Los Angeles!

    - kellygrrrl

  74. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I Knew a Professional Speaker, a Professional Speaker Was a Friend of Mine. Bristol Palin, You are No Professional Speaker.

    Bristol was out of school for large periods of time, tending to at least one pregnancy, and possible as many as three. She barely managed to get her GED.

    Bristol was able to capitalize on her mother’s fame and suddenly became an official spokesperson for sexual abstinence for the Candies Foundation. Candies is most famous for selling sexually suggestive clothing to preteens and teens. (Mixed message, much?)

    And somehow, magically, Bristol also got signed to a major speakers bureau. Without ever, you know, actually having given a speech before a group. Other than chatting with the moose and the Russians in her backyard.

    Not only that, but best estimates are that her asking price per speech STARTED at $20,000-$30,000. Now, most likely she was rarely paid this, because when you’re listed at a speakers bureau the bureau tries to get you your top fee but will almost always get you gigs for much less, too.

    But tell me – in what Bizarro Universe does getting knocked up and having a Quitter Governor as a mother qualify you to do ANYTHING? Other than, maybe, have some expert advice to offer about changing diapers?


  75. Anonymous11:11 AM

    "So IS Gino the source of Bristol's growing baby bump or merely the person tapped to step up and take responsibility in exchange for a little spending money?"

    So that means she is definitely pregnant, it
    isn't just speculation?

  76. Anonymous11:12 AM

    just fyi, at the last Candies townhall (in May 10), Bristol said verbatim, "I'm not trying to push abstinence on anyone". This really hasn't changed. She's never said you must be abstinent, she's only said "The only way to not get pregnant is choosing abstinence." shes found out how not to actually lie. I call some bs on Gino. He and Bristol aren't fb friends, have had no fb interactions if they once were,. They may be friends though and he may have helped her but there are pics on his fb with other girls and none of bristol's known friends.

    and I saw she has a speaking engagement in Feb

  77. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Soundtrack songs:

    Lovin' Spoonful: Did you ever have to make up your mind? A younger girl.

    Elvis: Little Sister (don't you cry).

  78. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Rick, I am also wondering about misdirection. Sure looks like a concerted effort was made to fuel the rumor linking GP will Willow. Why would this be done, if not to leave Willow in the clear after GP is identified and linked with Bristol? Hard to see how it makes any sense unless Willow is actually pregnant. But the thing is, I think Bristol is pregnant as well. The growing baby bump, the absurd DWTS costumes, all those hoodies in 100-degree LA weather? It would have been one heckuva subtle ruse -- do we really give that much credit to any of the Wasilla hillbillies, to imagine they could pull it off?

  79. Anonymous11:15 AM

    ok I lied. They are fb friends, but there's still no activity between the two on fb. at all. even back dated

  80. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Hi, i just want to say hello to the community

  81. Anonymous11:20 AM

    If Bristol is truly the jealous type as others who know her have implied, she must be going crazy about the number of better looking women he has on his Facebook friends list.

  82. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I am in Phx!! If you ever need any feet on the ground you have my email :) -E

  83. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Bristol has a house in Arizona

  84. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Why can't both girls, obviously sexually active now and for some time, be pregnant? Why does one have to be covering up for another?

    Bristol Palin, abstinence spokesperson, has nothing to gain by being pregnant again (or appearing to be, even).

  85. Anonymous11:33 AM

    "pregnancy doesn't ruin mommy's 2012 hopes."

    quickread that as 2012 mommy's herpes


  86. Anonymous11:37 AM

    It does seem curious, there are so many cool & attractive ways of hiding a belly-bulge, yet she insists on snug t-shirts and open jackets?

  87. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Somebody have a photo of old Gino - 2007 gatorade football player of the year outta be in the local paper - anyone? Confirm that is him with BP in tabloid photo?

  88. Anonymous11:40 AM

    In the Enquirer story Bristol said this????

    AND Bristol Palin passive-aggressively approves: "I sincerely appreciate her influence because (he) hasn't asked to see Tripp in over five months, so I'm happy for this new development!"

    So she's happy her baby doesn't have a relationship with his father?


  89. teutonic1311:43 AM

    Is this one of BP's FB accounts?


  90. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Anonymous @ 10:57, now that is some funny stuff. True, but funny.


  91. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Somebody have a photo of old Gino - 2007 gatorade football player of the year outta be in the local paper - anyone? Confirm that is him with BP in tabloid photo?

    11:40 AM"

    AWTF has a photo of him & Mercede. He is not pretty.

  92. Anonymous11:53 AM

    They are friends for sure. A prominent real estate family that can fix them up with a hide away in a flash. Gino is probably a front, this is business. He is a kid. The old man may be the one. What is the real estate business in Arizona? More of his family connections? It is his family that needs to be interviewed and photographed. The parents would be in on the latest.

    I don't see Sarah melding in with an Italian family like this. Stranger things have happened. It is possible while he was showing her a cabin she got knocked up again. Sarah was just talking about Bristol being in mourning and that is when she got the word to dance your mourning away with dance. Nothing like an Italian lover to dance away the misery of a lose like Sarah was talking about for Bristol.

    Bristol's other lover, Joel Kenworthy is in Arizona. He has the big package.

    Has anyone seen the Enquirer? They would have pictures and all the info on the new family. It is not like they are a secretive group. Old family connections and businesses... real estate and builders.

  93. Anon 10:29 - Yes...saw the age 16 goof but put my comment on the wrong post.

  94. Anonymous12:04 PM

    from the Hollywood Life link:

    Although Bristol famously got pregnant by then-boyfriend Levi Johnston when she was just 16,

    IF Tripp is going to be 2 any day now, then how can Bristol be 20? Is she really only 18.5 years old?

  95. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Why would Bristol fake being preggo? She could use it as an excuse for her lack of dancing ability and/or work ethic.

  96. Anonymous12:07 PM

    @10:45 AM

    It works! Plus now we can all send Bristol P. FB messages. from his friends list:


  97. Anonymous12:09 PM


    10:29 AM

    it's no discrepancy - all of Wasilla knew Bristol was pregnant at 16, again at 17, and now at 18.

  98. Gino's Facebook photo:


  99. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Bristol was born in 1991 even though various publications now say 1990. It's another lie put out there by the Palins to make her seem older than she is.

  100. Enjay in E MT12:18 PM

    Am thinking I need a flow chart to keep track of the Wassilla-billy pregnancies.

    April 2009 Trig joins the family
    Either by birth or adoption - official birthdate & parentage is unknown.

    Dec. 2009 Bristol gives birth to Tripp

    July 2010 Bristol & Levi announce engagement - and break up before ink is dry on the check

    Sept 2010 Bristol joins DWTS

    Dec 2010 Bristol madly/deeply in love with GINO and approx 5 months pregnant (also subject to change)

    Bristol #3

    Bristol covering for Willow

    Willow pregnant w/(GINO?) child too
    and looking for hot new career on 16 & Pregnant

    Bristol & Gino married this summer when flying over Vegas to AZ

    None of the Palin children have
    had the birth control talk from SP.

    And stay tuned for tomorrows episode when Tawd blows higher than Mount Redoubt.

  101. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Was'nt GINO's Mercede's ex boy friend?

    I can see how Bristol would want desperately to frame this guy,just to get even with Mercede for starting her blog.

    If this is the same Boy who dated Mercede, I can see Bristol giving Mercede a fingure by sleeping with her ex boy friend. That is so disgusting, if that is the case.

  102. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Seriously doubt Bristol knows who the father is of this pregnancy. She was with Ben, then Levi and who knows else.

    Levi refused to take the blame this time. He's finally asked for DNA because he realizes he may not be Tripp's father.

    Gino was bought off - why not? It's an easy way to make 10 years salary. Just say "we had sex".

  103. Anonymous12:22 PM

    If it makes any difference, Bristol was enthusiastic about moving to Arizona (mentioning Pheonix/Scottsdale) before this Gino crap was brought up Discussion appeared on FB in Oct and the exact statement was (to a fellow single mom from juneau) "move to AZ with me. we can be single moms together"

    This wasn't too long after Bristol wrote to someone else and saying "don't do it. babies are sooo much work. you can borrow mine for a hour"

  104. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Did anyone check out the Gulfstream Jet to Las Vegas the other day?

    This sounds like a set up article. I could see Willow doing Gino before Bristol. Isn't he a friend of Andy Almon? We aren't getting the whole story here. It can't be that hard to pursue. Sadie has the scoop and she isn't talking. I wish she would make herself some big money. When is the last time Sherry, Levi or Sadie could spend time or see Tripp? Did they find out Levi is not the father or just not interested? Sherry and Sadie lost interest in him as well? Did Levi sign a contract saying Bristol can use him to demean Tripp's alleged father but Levi must find new love and shut up. Poor suckers. The Gino story is good news for Levi. Bristol looks like the slut that she is. I hope the fools that have been buying the Bristol brand get sick of being played.

    10:56 AM
    There is a small clique in the Valley. Bristol is a hockey mom and does the team and a few dozen other friends. If there is no DNA it is doubtful she could know who the father is.

  105. If it is true about her new love, it would be better for Bristol if the whole fam-damily weren't also moving to AZ. The girl needs to get her own life. She has money enough to make her own way and is certainly old enough now.

    Looks like Levi is out of the picture and if she moves to AZ, out of Trip's life, too.

  106. Anonymous12:30 PM

    It could get interesting if Bristol married into a big fat Italian family. They love good food and the bambianos.

  107. Facebook Lurker12:30 PM

    Hey, the profile (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=544930520) is still there, and Bristol Sheeran (her personal FB page) is on his friends list, so I don't know why you are getting error messages.

    When I clicked on GP's myspace page, it showed he was currently online! ;)

  108. lilly lily12:33 PM

    I had to lol... the ads in Gino's Italian Stud facebook are appropriate.

    the first time it was an ad for MY FRIGGIN WEDDING. one of those reality thingees. The second time I looked it was for ITS A TRAP...the trailer.

    I'm sure it can get funny, as he racks up a few bucks with the Bristol stomach watch fans trying to figure things out.

    Whatever. Anyone mixes with the Palins get DNA testing.

    A big fat Alaska or Arizona wedding is enought for the new show for Sarah.. She can use that for about 6 episodes... She will be on the learning channel forever, at least till Piper gets a beau at 11.

  109. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Did someone get the screen capture of Gino and Sadie? WTF access is hard to come by.

  110. Anonymous12:38 PM

    11:3 - link please.

    AWTF is a comedy site -I meant a legit local newspaper or somthing of that sort.

  111. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Hi Gryphen -

    Media Insider here. Just FYI I'm not the one who has been posting stuff from my blog in comments here. That's why I got my own blog, to write stuff there. While I appreciate "fans" quoting my material, I kind of wish they wouldn't because I think it detracts from the wonderful writing you do, Gryph! So I just wanted you do know that.

  112. Oh dear, that pic really doesn't look like a baby bump unless it is being spandexed into an unnatural shape, which of course it could be.

    The article uses the word "hookup" for them, which in general means sex.

    A 20-year-old from Wasilla who works on the pipeline, dabbles in real estate and has a house in Arizona? Is it his parents house?

  113. Anonymous12:53 PM


    Gino's father^ or brother?

    he's a lot older than 20 - has been in RE since 1995.

  114. Anonymous1:07 PM

    MI: Can you explain to me exactly how you guys and gals managed to bundle Bristol up week after week? Some of us are just fascinated by all the costume wizardry you managed to pull off.

    BP: I wasn’t personally involved with all of it but as you know I was in a position where a lot of information about this was shown to me. Or given to me. There were severel hand sewn corsets which had stiff metallic spines and these did most of the heavy lifting for holding her in. They made it hard for her to breathe and she didn’t wear them for every dance. We tried as much as possible to free her up a little more with distracting jazz like waves of fringe to detract attention from um certain areas which we were told to conceal. She also wore a girdle much of the time which went from upper thigh area to mid tummy area.

    MI: Could Bristol dance better than we viewers saw? Do you think she would have done better if her movements could have been more natural and she wasn’t restricted by all the foundation garments?

    BP: The first few weeks maybe but after that she was growing and had back problems and other issues common with um certain conditions so i don’t know if she ever had it in her to become a better dancer.

    MI: Have you seen any pics of her in Haiti? Her belly seems to shift dimensions quite a lot, but it’s definitely still that classic pregnancy shape.

    BP: No i havent.

    MI: Do you know how many months along she was?

    BP: She was showing a lot when she started the show but not being an expert on these things I don’t know what that means. Some girls on the show were guessing three months along at the start of first rehearsals but i don’t know.

    MI: What was it like for poor Mark Ballas?

    BP: As you can imagine he had to be very careful and he was often frustrated that he couldn’t hold her and move her the way you normally would a female partner. He usually does a lot of caresses and holding the woman closely around the waist and that was all out the window. So he had to change his style alot.

    MI: Thank you for taking time to answer these questions! I’m sure my readers will appreciate them.

    Well, thank goodness we can all be perfectly satisfied now that Bristol Palin was not, and never was, pregnant while she was dancing on Dancing with the Stars.


  115. Anonymous1:11 PM

    This is just TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! Seriously, I simply can't believe that this is true! If it is true.....start poppin the corn=). (nobody can be that stupid!, that is why I am disbelieving)

  116. Anonymous1:14 PM

    This picture link posted by anon @ 8:44AM should be placed on the post.
    this is "pure" baby bump. In fact it likely establishes that Bristol went out of her way to look fat. She looks slim, but very preggo here:


  117. To Anonymous @ 11:12 AM - you said:

    I call some bs on Gino. He and Bristol aren't fb friends, have had no fb interactions if they once were,. They may be friends though and he may have helped her but there are pics on his fb with other girls and none of bristol's known friends....

    I have the screenshot of GP's FB. Bristol is listed as a friend under the name of Bristol Sheeran. April Morlock is also a FB friend.

  118. Anonymous1:17 PM

    mediainsidergossip stated this in one of the posts..."My contacts in the paparazzi world have been carefully taking thousands of photos of preggers Bristol for months, and the news agencies buy them, and then the news agencies only release the photos of her with a huge purse in front of her belly, or photos of her from the back — never releasing the “money' shots to the mainstream media."

    This doesn't make sense to me. Why wouldn't a tabloid with "money shots" of a clearly pregnant Bristol simply go with the story or simply post the photos on their cover. Rupert doesn't own the Enquirer, does he?

    Tabloids take celebrities down. That is what they do for profit. Why not Bristol?

  119. Anonymoose1:18 PM

    Hmm I notice the "friend" they used as a source said Bristol wants to get married before she gives birth again rather than before she gets pregnant again. Seems odd to talk about your friend giving birth unless they are already pregnant. If they weren't pregnant you would talk about them getting pregnant in the future cause the logical sequence is, you get pregnant, then you give birth. Though this is the palins we're talking about so I suppose logic doesn't apply

  120. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Looks like the cover of Inquirer says Bristol Palin Steals Another Girl's Man.

  121. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I want a new truck, ok, I'm going to have a baby!

  122. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Anony@12:20A.m.Did levi finally ask for a DNA? No wonder he does not wish to be involved with the child. Yikes~!levi it took you a long time to catch on. Any man involved with a palin should ask for a DNA the first time she says pg.

  123. Meghan McCain must be dancing1:46 PM

    A 20-year-old from Wasilla who works on the pipeline, dabbles in real estate and has a house in Arizona? Is it his parents house?

    ____12:49 PM

    I'm not buying the Arizona house yet. Gino is a young one and not that different from Levi. His family are the real estate rock stars. The uncle may own real estate or a contracting or real estate business there. Gino's parents would be in on any contracts or deals. The Palins may have hired him like they would an actor to play a part. He is just a 20 year old with the Wasilla schoolin' bug and like any other dufus in those parts, he works the pipe. Whatever VF and SP have going with Arizona the part about Bristol is highly dubious. THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN PHOTOS IF SHE WAS LIVING THERE. She must have left on a plane to go to Haiti. Only in Alaska will no one take photos.

    There may be a Palin house set up and Bristol may hang out with friends there from time to time. There are more kids from Wasilla/Palmer in the area. She is more interested in what Joel Kenworthy has then Gino. It is hard to believe they would chose him to be a Bristol boyfriend.

    Any crap that Bristol or ghostwriter writes on her Facebook might have ulterior motives. It is not gospel. Someone put up a picture of her in Phoenix and that turned out to be staged. If not, you can find Bristol at the dance studio in Arizona.

  124. Mercy1:53 PM

    I think the photo of Mercede and Gino is old. We hope he gave up the mullet.
    I thought something was up when Mercede couldn't so much as say something to her blog fans. Like thanks for the support, I can't write but I am fine. Whatever. After 2 weeks to say NOTHING is a BIG FU to those that once thought well of her. If I recall her blog went down and Gryph said it wasn't nefarious and she would be back soon. Did she post after that?

    Mercede was such a doll, did she abandon Tripp, too? She's gone through alot of boys and most have been crap, this one Bristol deserves but I'm not believing he is the one to knock up Bristol this time. His family in a Wasilla way has some business sense. What they are doing is covered by the pros.

  125. Anonymous1:59 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Did someone get the screen capture of Gino and Sadie? WTF access is hard to come by.

    12:34 PM"



  126. Will Aryanzona let the Native American Palin daughters in?

  127. Anonymous2:36 PM

    This new BF of Bristol's is a chubby chaser and there is nothing wrong with that.

  128. Anonymous2:44 PM

    And Gino's daddy is a teabagger - their website is the type of shove it in your face Xtianity stuff, too. It fits.

    ANd younger paoletti in a mullet - how trailer trash.

    But clarification - that pic of the bald guy with the goatee - John Paoletti or just some security dude?

  129. Gino is still online on MySpace. We can all instant message him and ask questions!

  130. WillowGonorrhea2:58 PM

    Well, well, Bristol was making the big bucks giving the abstinence speeches; meanwhile she was juggling 2-3 guys and hiding her pregnancy. The girl is a player and a con artist, just like Mama Grissly.

  131. Anonymous3:00 PM

    So is that the reason that Levi is AWOL...? He did a DNA test and found out that Trip is not his? Also, I do not think he would need to 'ask' for a DNA test, I think all he would need to do is take a hair or diaper sample, or maybe a cheek swab from Tripp--and then compare it to his own--if they have some matching DNA they are related! If not, oops, Bristol lied again.

    If this is the case, he should totally go public with this--offer to continue to be a dad-in-name-only to Tripp, but preserve his reputation by exposing Bristol. She trashed him so much, so often, that if this is the case, he should sell the story and go public to clear his name. Some people will still think ill of him but at least it will be very clear that it's a two-way street and he did the most honorable thing he could in all circumstances--he never once said bad things about Bristol, even when he should have because she was slandering him in the media.

  132. Uh-Oh - look at Gino's mood on Facebook! He is NOT happy!


  133. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Gino is a snake charmer. Leave Gino alone, he is Italian and nothing will stop him from turning on the charm.

    If this is a legit story and team Sarah didn't give the Enquirer the tip, the media would be all over Gino and his family. His family depends on tourists and good public relations. They would be talking to the press even if to say they know nothing or she's a wonderful girl. It will be a huge wedding with all the family. I hope they do it, just to see the family and they will make a great season 2 for Sarah. Bristol and Gino can visit since they will have their own show. When will that be announced?

  134. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Holy Moly 10:00AM! Nice find! Bristol Sheeran is Bristol SM Palin! What could SM mean? What could "Sheeran" mean? "She ran and she lost"?

  135. Are you ready for season two?3:14 PM

    2:44 PM

    That is a security or some other dude.

    NOT John Paoletti. John owns a real estate business and cabins for tourists and what nots. He is a hunter and fits in with the mullet son and others of Wasilla. Bristol can never escape the curse she was born into. I think Gino is taking the bullet for someone else. Someone wants us to think Bristol is moving to Arizona and Sarah may follow but not to do with her attorney going to work for some loon she likes or any Az or DC activity.

    Gino and Bristol are an important distraction for any Sarah Palin reality.

  136. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Gino has a vid titled Hitler's Death March on his Myspace video channel. Lovely. http://www.myspace.com/video/gdenaro32

  137. Anonymous3:37 PM

    @ 3:11, Sheeran is a middle name. Sheeran is Sally Heath's (Sarah Palin's mother) maiden name. I think that Bristol's full name is Bristol Sheeran Marie (or some other M name) Palin.

  138. Nadira3:37 PM

    The SM stands for Bristol's middle names, Sheeran Marie. So that's where "Bristol Sheeran" comes from.

    On an unrelated note, I saw 3 Bristols and a Trig in my local hospital's bassinet. Is there a Palin naming trend going?

  139. Anonymous3:38 PM

    My theory on the rumor the Palin's may be moving to AZ. Google some recent video of McCain and you'll see that thing on the left side of his face has grown significantly since 08. I

    s Palin attempting to establish residency after being made aware McCain may not finish this entire term?

    Remember she made nice with Gov. Brewer who is rumored to possibly be in the beginning stages of Alzheimers.

    Is she hoping or are plans in the works for Sarah to be appointed by Brewer to fill McCain's seat?

    I still say that was her plan with Joe Miller. She has dirt on him and hoped he be elected then she'd get someone to out him so Parnell could then appoint her to his seat.

    I really believe she's thought of this. She has yet after 2 years to get Obama to respond directly to her or about her. If she's in the senate kills two birds with one stone. She can claim she is now ready to be President and can finally make Obama acknowledge her.

    Scary, but I wouldn't put it past her or anyone on her team.


  140. Anonymous3:41 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Gino has a vid titled Hitler's Death March on his Myspace video channel. Lovely. http://www.myspace.com/video/gdenaro32

    3:17 PM"

    Ugh! What a dirtbag!

  141. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Is there no one in Alaska that can rent a cabin for a week and chat with the parents?

    3:17 PM
    Hitler's Death March sounds like it is in sync with the Wasilla Cult.

  142. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Who is Mr Looney? Why does Tea Bag Jr
    fantasize about shooting him?

  143. Anonymous3:46 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Holy Moly 10:00AM! Nice find! Bristol Sheeran is Bristol SM Palin! What could SM mean? What could "Sheeran" mean? "She ran and she lost"?

    3:11 PM"

    Sheeran is Sarah Palin's mother's maiden name.
    Bristol Sheeran Marie Palin. Bristol S.M. Palin.

  144. It is pure, unadulterated damage control3:50 PM

    The Paoletti's may be a big hunting family in the Ak wilderness (as Bristol sees it) but they are little and nothing in the lower48. Just more immigrants to a place like Arizona. So far, if the Palins set this up, the Paoletti's are getting the worst press and they should sue someone, anyone. They are really getting the bad end of this. The look like more ass clowns for Palin to throw under the bus one day.

    If they don't sue their friends, the Palins, they could stop the bad press about their teabagger connection and making them seem so askew. No serious hunter is going to pal around with Rudolph's slayer, not the way that scene came off. To the Paolettis, MAN UP! Set up some better interviews and stories for yourselves. The Palins will be using you for their whims. If Sarah is getting out in front of a story, she wants to control it. She'll put the nuttiest things out there and use the craziest people so it can all be easily disproved. After that the real father won't look so bad and everyone will be relieved that Bristol can finally settle down. One Nordic looking son and one hot blooded dark Italian. How cute. The more babies the longer her series can go on and on and on. She can raise her family with cameras, like Kate with eight.

  145. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "Is this one of BP's FB accounts?"


    About an hour ago that was on Gino's friends list on his FB page- now it's gone. But the page is still there when I copy and paste the link you provided. She must have had him take her off his page?

  146. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I've thought from the start of DWTS that Bristol's been pretending to be pregnant, just to prove the "idiot bloggers" wrong. It never crossed my mind that there may be another motive, i.e. covering for Willow.

    Remember when Bristol & Levi got "re-engaged" and there was talk of a reality show? From the sounds of some of the comments Gino's a reality star wannabe. And the Palin's are bona fide reality show stars. I think Gino's playing baby-daddy for big bucks.

    At the same time he and the Palins get to stick it to Mercede. Maybe that's why we haven't heard from her in a while.

  147. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Anon @9:43

    Vanity Fair just ranked AZ as the worst state in the country--last in pretty much every 'quality of life' measure. Go figure.

    was this before or after palin moved in?

  148. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Dootdid @3:38, I think you are probably correct.

    Gotta stop this woman's political career.

  149. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Well the big question is...then who is the Bristol baby-daddy who supposedly got a 5-figure book deal, acc. to Media Insider, and who was showing up at DWTS demanding to speak to Bristol?

    Is it this gino dude, or is he a cover for someone else?

  150. Anonymous5:20 PM

    engagement to real estate executive, a sham!

    an "elaborate fraud" designed to get publicity for TV series

  151. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I wonder why AZ is the worst state. I've always loved it there. My fam would drive from FL every summer and stay about a month. The west is pretty spectacular and AZ is lovely.

    FLs actually a pretty dangerous state (hear about the first murder in Celebration aka the town that disney built. Tampa is a mini detroit, miami is a foreign country, redneck riviera is identical to wasilla.

    I'd put missouri on the list before AZ actually

  152. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Bristol has weight issues as a lot of people do. She was small in March 10, abt the same size in beginning May (possibly with spanx), she was the same size she is now in mid May for her Orlando thing if not bigger then, and she really didn't lose weight until August. But it's was probably water weight considering it didn't take long to pile back on. She was bigger by the first performance week.

  153. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Mercede has nothing to do with this. They live separate lives, as it obviously should be. Both parties are immature, both need space

  154. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Gino's fb page stil exists. he and Bristol are still friends.

  155. Anonymous5:48 PM

    How are his family getting the bad end? They're talked about on a stupid hollywod gossip site no one of substance reads and this small blog only regulars frequent. I find it amusing that the blogging world thinks it's a legit news source and the majority of Americans read blogs. Wrong. Most Americans get news from friends and social circles. It's sad that very few people (comparatively) watch/listen to the news. Most people couldn't point to Iran on a map let alone know what Bristol's son's name is. Today I discovered half the people I work with didn't know Sarah's husband's name.

    For me, Blog are for pure entertainment. Bored, angry people vent their daily frustrations and schadenfreude takes over for me. Thanks

  156. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I've never seen so many people who believe in gossip sights before in my life. It's quite funny how gullible people are. Tabloids really are the gospel to bloggers aren't they? Seen any signs of Elvis yet?

  157. Anonymous5:52 PM

    to 3:37, yes.

    the names Bristol, Willow and Piper have become more popular in the last 2 years

  158. Lynne6:13 PM

    So is that Gino behind her in this picture? Sure doesn't look like a 20 year old guy. The one in the photo with Mercede is pretty good looking. I hope he hasn't aged that much...hanging around the Palins too long.

  159. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Anon@432, I found MediaInsider's posts interesting at first, and certainly great gossipy fun, but have you checked her(?) own blog? The foul language, the self-importance, the hostility towards even perceived dissension? Does this sound like a real media/Hollywood insider to you? Or someone closer to Bristol's ilk? (Who maybe knows people who work at entry-level jobs in show biz?) At any rate I would take MI pronouncements with a HUGE grain of salt.

  160. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Isn't Jan Brewer the Govenor of Arizona and always spouting off idiotic statement about immigration issues and bones in the dessert?

    I bet Sarah's heading there so Todd can build some of his redneck fences and fix the immigration problem!

  161. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Pay attention trailer trash. With the right spin on top of your reality, you could be making millions.

  162. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Alaskans Can’t Relate To ‘Sarah Palin’s Alaska,’ Insider Reveals! Exclusive!
    ‘Sarah Palin’s Alaska’: Will She Get $1 Mil An Episode For Season 2?

    A mulletless Gino Paoletti.

    Sarah Palin Trashed Michelle Obama & Dissed Willow’s Boyfriend On New ‘Alaska!’

    The Paoletti's have a lot to look forward to.

  163. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Okay, I admit, while I loathe pretty much everything about Sarah Palin, I do kind of like the names she came up with for her daughters. As names, I mean. Entirely apart from the 3 individuals to whom the names are attached. But can you imagine a young Bristol or Willow coming of age in a dozen years or so and realizing who they were named after? Those Teabagger twits better hope they do a d@rned good job of indoctrinating their kids.

  164. Anonymous7:09 PM

    SO where in Arizona do James and Wendy Palin live? Brisket is nearby.

    The house pictured on the Palin Q & A site has to be in Salt River Valley or south toward Tucson. That type of cactus has a very limited range and that fake teritorial adobe building is a cheap knock-off of real southwest architecture.

  165. Anonymous7:35 PM

    I didn't mean that the Paoletti's won't be paid well. Whatever deal they made it should be lucrative and maybe Gino will get a TV series, over time a career and he may get back his self respect. My family all works hard, if the first member to become famous did it via the tabloids and for doing a world known hussy, that would be a shame and a disgrace. Better to make a first impression with one of the hard works that are already established and a well run business. That's what I meant. Not some kid with a mullet that chases girls. Some people will take or settle for any kind of fame. I don't know the Paoletti's but the Italians I know have self respect. To have a son that pops out as a mullet case who gets around in some small town with the chicks would not be their idea of anything to respect or have pride in. It is not everybody's idea of a good first impression. The Paoletti's of Wasilla may be like other hicks in the area. They are tied up with the Palins and we all know what they are attracted to.

    It is all about money and branding and if the Paoletti's are semi-smart they will find a way to pump up business. That is what Sarah has promised them. She will bring progress and money to Alaska. They may just want to stay in the back ground like they rent out Ted Kaczynski type cabins for Teabaggers and the crazy gun nuts Palin is known for. The Paoletti's love to kill bear to eat, do they also hunt for reindeer trophies? That family produced a mullet wearing son that can't keep his pants on and gets it on with the local prey. He happened to catch one that will make them famous. I just think it is not good for them that Palin's writers will do the script. The Paoletti's may be in favor with the Palins for now and that is why they fed this story to the National Enquirer. As long as the money is good and it serves the people who write for Bristol they may be happy with the reputation Sarah gives them. However, that can change and he could become the next Levi or worse.

    If there is a second season of Palin on the small screen Gino is cute and he could make the show better than the last season.

  166. Anonymous7:44 PM

    anon at 7:09. Saguaros reside from below the AZ/Mexico border to just north of Phoenix. I've seen them as far north as midway between the cutoff for Prescott and Phoenix on I-17 so it's quite possible this house is in the phoenix area. What I can see in the background for mountain ranges actually looks a bit like the area around Apache Junction.

    And speaking as an Arizonan I have to implore the rest of you to keep those Palins out of my state. It's bad enough we have old man McShame, a history of dysfunctional govenors and a whacko sheriff in Maricopa county!

  167. Anonymous7:48 PM

    "Mercede has nothing to do with this."

    Who would think Mercede had anything to do with this? Gino is an old boyfriend. Looking at the picture of the two of them, that was a few years back. Today Mercede only knows what she sees or hears from others, like any other small town. She no doubt heard about the hook up before it came out in print. She knows more than others but not all and she can't verify.

    She is usually considerate so it is alarming that she says nothing. Gryphen thought she would return soon to blogging but it has been silenced for a month. She didn't care to do the considerate thing and make a statement so no one gets concerned.

  168. Anonymous7:49 PM

    picture has been updated on hollywood life.. partially blocking pregnant belly

  169. aj weishar8:03 PM

    So how is Grandma America about Italians? Maybe he has a good recipe for caribou parmigiana.

    Am I the only one who sees the inmates migrating back to the asylum? Arizona?????? Land of headless corpses and the master race. Wait, isn't that where the guy who gave Grandma panties lives?

  170. Anonymous8:06 PM

    That house in Arizona does look like a place to hide someone or a family. Mccain has more houses than he can recall, why can't Sarah have more? It is probably for a temporary situation or a place to get away. Since no Palin would go to school they could move Piper, Trig and Tripp to an out post like that. They can attend the Glenn Beck College from any house and do internet classes. Chuck and Sally may teach them and that is why they don't spell check.

    I think what Dootdid said is spot on. Sarah doesn't really have to live in a particular house to establish residence and do what she is plotting. If Trig and Piper are there that is enough to say she lives there. She can do her work in places like Iowa, Haiti and where she is wanted or not. Wherever it is that she wants to go to progress Alaska.

  171. Anonymous8:07 PM

    did we miss this ring thing.. the followung is part of a post from the DWTS website

    I was on her FB page then went to Dance Bristol dance and back and it was gone! The part of the article that says Bristol doesn't care if her mother doesn't approve, eats at me because she got engaged to Levi this summer supposedly without mentioning it to Sarah and Sarah was caught of guard and had to release a statement. No one has seen her. All of a sudden everyone but Mark has an AZ connection....Jarred N is there, this Gino guy is there, Palins might be there, Sarah's head attorney just relocated there (supposedly). The "ring" seen during their final rehearsal before the finale...if there's any truth to her asking him to join her in NYC for Thanksgiving, wasn't the Palins in AZ? So that would mean she didn't spend it with her family???

  172. Anonymous8:08 PM


    another post

    If TKP is a Bristolinsider, I read this post as very positive news indeed. Bristol is very happy. This was the exact same term that her mother used. "Very happy" obviously means something of great importance. I still can't shake this feeling that Mark and Bristol are engaged. Believe!

  173. Anonymous8:31 PM

    7:49 PM

    In the update picture of blocking Bristol's belly the Paoletti dude looks like Ed Grimly. Could Bristol get serious with Grimly? I think this is a bogus plant to throw folks off. I don't think we will see the same treatment as the 2nd Levi engagement got. But Bristol is an industry product and she just might do that whole number again for the money. I hope they change the rose on bed scene.

    Does anyone remember the last time Lanesia Garcia was in a story? There was something that was planted in Radar. Lanesia was said to be doing all those hockey team guys but it was said that Levi was the one that knocked her up. Did they ever learn who planted those stories? Lanesia just wanted to go back to her life and it was never resolved. Was she one of the people that gave the story to media and then the media embellished it and turned on her? Who put Lanesia to plant a story? I think this is going to turn out to be something like that. Except it is Gino Paoletti this time. He is already girl crazy and looking like a man ho. Not someone you would want for a baby daddy.

  174. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Bristol and Sarah may both be bi-polar.

    First Bristol was in mourning for a great lose. According to Sarah that is why she did DWTS and she was spinning what a hard worker, a good sport and all. None of that was true. Now they are spinning she is "happy" and "very happy." Those are probably them setting the stage for the next $500,000 magazine exclusive announcement. Hollywood Life was even allowed to use an image of Gino to block the stomach. I say that was Palin approved.

    If Bristol is with child she might be feeling that rosy glow and very happy at times. Since they can't say that then it stands to reason they would rent a boy to be a romantic interest.

  175. Anonymous3:32 AM

    At the HL site, the picture now includes an insert that partially hides the obvious pregnant belly. But what they couldn't hide was the reflected image in the car door which is just huge.

    Looks like the trolls were up late last night; funny how the gossip magazines are not truthful when it comes to the Palins but if it were to reflect bad on the Obamas or any other democrat? Well then...

  176. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I think that they knew people had claimed BP would go into hiding so the Haiti trip was to disclaim that. However, it did nothing to show she isn't pregnant. Try again.... the hinding gets a little trickier now.... keeping track of so many deceptions must be a challenge.

  177. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Palin said of journalism:

    "I want to help clean up the state that is so sorry today of journalism. And I have a communications degree. I studied journalism, who, what, where, when, and why of reporting".... So do you think they'll be upfront about who, when, where with this baby?

  178. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I think DootDid makes sense. I don't know about Bristol's newest press release, it flashes FAKE to me. For sure a Bristol pregnancy is a problem for Mama Griz while playing with a POTUS run.

    Sarah may have been a poor journalism student but she has the best people to bring her up to speed now. They aren't doing the obvious.

    If Bristol is not pregnant, the best way to deflect rumors is to be upfront and make a clear statement of fact. She would be talking the nitty gritty about her diet plan and how she gained the weight while doing the strenuous dance rehearsals. The rumors would go away. Instead the rumors have a life of their own. They will cause real journalists and others to dig.

    On Gino Paoletti's MySpace it was the ITALIAN STALLION logo yesterday. After his story broke he changed it to a red car (Bristol's fav vehicle color). The change is his way of telling us that he is in on the scheme and will downplay his horndog reputation. Look for him to play the romantic lead in this drama.

  179. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I see another secret elopement announcement, quick pregnancy, and premature birth coming soon ... the question is, how to do it for the most $.

  180. Anonymous8:09 AM

    A very large, non-newborn looking preemie, I will add.

  181. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Is kinda strange Bristol's custody attorney is also moving to Arizona. Did they become too close during their time together fighting Levi?

  182. "I certainly hope they simply had the wrong girl and that this thing is not about to get all "Days of Our Lives" on us."

    More like, "As The Stomach Turns" from the old Carol Burnett Show.

    I bet there is a pre-nup and the marriage lasts about long enough for SP to make a run for the White House.

  183. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Already I can see Gino Paoletti's name in lights and he will be up for an Emmy and an Oscar in no time. That kid has talent. He is so not Bristol's type, might be the newly branded Bristol type since Mommie says it is to be.

    Did Sarah ever clarify what Bristol was mourning when she decided to dance it away on DWTS? Most everyone I ask thinks it was a deceased baby or an abortion. A few thought she was broken when she lost Levi that last time. What was Sarah talking about that was such deep, deep mourning for Bristol?

    Now Bristol is "happy" and "very happy." Is Sarah meaning about the engagement to the Italian Stallion, Gino? He is about 10x more the leg hound than Levi could ever be. I can't see Sarah wanting to cast Gino as Bristol's sex/love interest. Sarah really does not do her homework.

    It is very interesting that no media is treating the Bristol finds romance story as they would a popular celebrity. It is screaming more and more that she is only manufactured and a fantasy put out by Palinbots, tea partyers and Sarah Palin.

    Bristol Palin is attracted to a special type of Wasilla boy. Not so much Gino's type. Hockey team and prom date player. That's more like it. He was romantic, too.

    Levi Johnston and Joel Kenworthy

    Also in this photo is Tyree Graham (RIP, drug overdose).

  184. Anonymous11:59 PM

    KiheiKat says:
    December 22, 2010 at 9:16 am

    Today AKWTF said he made a mistake saying it was Willow who was pregnant that it’s just Bristol.

    Someone posted a link to GPs My Space page. It’s gone private, but in the area where it says; “my mood is:” there is a red, very angry face. Possibly he wasn’t told about his marriage plans or being labeled as the father? =) Hey, GP get a DNA test & run away quickly! The money won’t be worth dealing with the Palin Mafioso.

    GP is also the ex BF of Mercede, Levi’s sister. Those boys & girls in Wasilla do get around.
    tommi says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    December 24, 2010 at 3:46 am

    U.S. Congressman, abolitionist, “Father of the 14th Amendment” John Bingham, confirms understanding & construction Founders/ Framers used regarding birthright & jurisdiction- House of Representatives March 9 1866:
    I find no fault with the introductory clause which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that EVERY HUMAN BEING BORN within the jurisdiction of the United States OF PARENTS NOT OWING ALLEGIANCE TO ANY FOREIGN SOVEREIGNTY IS, in the language of your Constitution itself, A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN

  185. Anonymous12:02 AM

    In what "Bizarro Universe"(defunct Constitutional Republic) can the child of a tourist take Command-in-Chief of the U.S. military?
    Now that is the question you all, here, had you an intellectually honest bone in your bodies; ought be asking. Instead of spending/wasting countless hours speculating about some 20 yr old kid's (mis)adventures


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