Saturday, January 22, 2011

Becoming "Daddy."

A number of you have expressed irritation that I keep prodding Levi to fight for his custody rights and to not let the Palin family cut him out of his son's life. 

And I have a message for all of you. Fuck off!

 If you don't like what I write on this blog then let me draw you a map of the internet so that you can find your way to a blog that you can agree with every time.  This will never be that place.

When it comes to Levi I hear the same thing from the critics among you.

He is too young.

He is uneducated.

He is outmatched by the Palins.

It might be best for him to just let it go.

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, and BULLSHIT!

Let me tell you a little story.

I am the product of a teenage pregnancy.  I was born when my mother was fifteen years old. Yes you heard that right, FIFTEEN years old!

My dad was four years older than my mother and he ran for the hills just as soon as he finished giving my mother two more mouths to feed. But hey, who needs a male role model?  That was what TV westerns were for!

My mom had NO idea how to be a good mother.  For God's sake the woman once  forgot all about us and left my brother, sister, and I alone at the matinee that she had dropped us of at for an entire hour after the double feature was already over!  The only reason that we were not kidnapped and sold into slave labor was that I was such a horrible little shit that nobody in their right mind would come anywhere near us.

My mother finally came to get us all apologetic, telling us that she had been drinking sleeping and lost track of the time. I love my mother so I forgave her, and maybe this will be he year that I don't bring the incident up at Christmas to embarrass her in front of the rest of the family.

My mom was far from perfect, but we always knew that she loved us, and when we needed her she was always there. (No not after a movie let out, but you know the other times.)

Before my daughter was born I was a a little on the wild side.  I stayed up all night, got into fist fights, drank until I was sick, and had more crazy hot monkey sex than Hugh Hefner in his prime sitting in a bathtub full of Viagra. (That last part has really nothing to do with this post, I just wanted to brag a little.)

When my daughter arrived I was 27 years old and had been coaching kids for a number of years, so I just KNEW I was prepared to be a dad.

My first thought at seeing that little angelic bundle of joy looking up at me was "Oh my god!  I can't DO this!  I am completely unfit to care for this tiny, fragile creature!  I need to immediately find an appropriate foster placement for her so that she can be raised by people who know what they are doing!"

However my wife at the time was completely unreasonable and would not just let me drop her off at the animal shelter or something, so we brought her home with us. 

My first instincts were right, I sucked!  I made all kinds of stupid mistakes.

I accidentally let her eat a half a jar of Vaseline, which did not poison her but made her poop come out at 110 miles an hour, and ended up going through diapers so fast that I eventually just tied a Hefty garbage bag to her ass until the lubricant had worked its way through her system.

I let her almost choke to death on a melon ball which I could not dislodge even though I had taken CPR five times but which  my mother, who had NO training whatsoever AND left little kids to die at the movie theater, was easily able to dislodge by turning her upside down and doing EVERYTHING wrong.

Oh, and I also took her to her first day of kindergarten dressed like this:

I am not sure which one of us the other parents felt the most sorry for.
How this child still managed to love me and want to spend time with me is a complete mystery.

You see I had no idea what I was doing, but it was okay because I was not alone.  She was always right there with me.

For every one thing I taught her, she taught me ten. And slowly I learned how to be her dad.

And if I can do it, so can Levi.

So what if he is uneducated, or immature, or over his head.  Hell, who wasn't?

The most important thing he has to be, is consistent.  He has to be there when Tripp needs him, to try even if he might fail, and to show that he will never leave. Not ever!

Great parents are not born, they are made.  And they are made by the children who need them to be great.

Just the other day my daughter brought her friend over to my office and told me I had to "do that daddy thing you do."  I had no idea what my daughter wanted so I told her friend to "get a job, stop leaving all of the lights in the house on,' and asked whether or not she "thought I was made of money!" Apparently that was not what my angel had in mind so she told me to "Try again."  This time I looked into her tear streaked eyes and said "Everything will be alright, remember you can do anything you want if you just set your mind to it, and the people who truly love you will stand by your side you no matter what."  And then I hugged her.

As they left my daughter beamed her big beautiful smile in my direction, put her arm around her friend, and said "See I told you my Daddy was the best!"

If  indeed I am honey, I have only you to thank.


  1. Wow--what a great post. You are so painfully honest. I applaud you.

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    You're right. Great post. I hope Levi reads it.

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    wow. well said.
    the kids are the most important.
    you did a good job dude!

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Gryphen, you are an awesome father! All kids should be so lucky. Your blog is great, you are wise and honest and if people don't like it, they don't have to read. Be you. Be honest. That's what a person can (and should) do.

  5. Anonymous8:23 PM

    And, THAT is what a great Dad is. Good on you, Gryphen. I hope that Levi reads this. KUDOS

  6. Anonymous8:25 PM

    What a great post. I would love to see Levi step it up, I would applaud it. And it sounds you are a great dad :)

  7. Anonymous8:27 PM

    And this is why I love this blog honesty honesty honesty even when its painful and personal

  8. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Well said and from the heart.

  9. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I have stated this before on your site. I am 48, have four grandkids, and my dad is still my hero. He worked six days a week and at least 10 hrs a day and when he got home, I was jumping up and down screaming, "Dadddy's Home, Daddy's Home". He rarely got a moment alone and he always made me feel like I was the most important thing in his whole world. I lost my mom three years ago, and I miss her so, but I was always daddy's girl.

    I love him beyond all belief. I am what I am because of his love. Every child should be so lucky.
    Levi, trust me. You will NEVER forgive yourself! Make time for your son.

    My husband's son died at three days old and we lost our child when I was 4 months pregnant. You have what we never will.

    That little boy Tripp, needs to know how much you love him. You don't have to spend money, just time. Love that little guy and let him know he is the most important thing in your life.

  10. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Gryphen, that was a great post.

    I might suggest though that some of the comments made towards Levi are just expressions of fear and frustration.

    Many of the people may feel their own past pressing close upon them just as you have because of the scenario surrounding Levi.

    I think most people want happy endings, they want people to be the best they can, and when they aren't they see their own imperfections in them and project their own fears and anger towards someone like Levi.

    Your passion is one the great things about this blog. It generates your ability to say truth to power even when it may truly endanger you or your livelihood.

    I would simply suggest that your may be so angry and impatient with some of your readers because, in a way, their comments may come too close to things you said to yourself at one time. Maybe people counted you out, didn't think you cared enough when, indeed you did. Those things stick with you through the years.

    Not all nay-sayers against Levi care about him, but some do. It's just that they don't understand why he's doing things the way he is.

    If only Levi could be as open and honest as you. If only Levi would simply open up - even to just you or Sade and try to explore exactly what it is he feels or fears.

    You are a loyal man with deep passion and a devotion to your child. Your passion for your the welfare of your daughter might just be projecting onto Levi.

    We all want him to care and to share in the life of his child - if indeed Tripp is his child, but wishing will not make it so, no matter how much you or we want it. He himself must face whatever it is he feels at this time and place and come to terms with it.

    Until he does, none of us should judge him one way or another. If he cares, he cares. If he doesn't, he doesn't. We need to give him time and space and privacy to sort things out just like you did so long ago.

    Peace be with you, Gryphen. We all believe in you because you are the man you are.

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    So apparently rather than a place to openly discuss the issues that you write about, this blog is actually an exercise in narcissism. A place where all non-trolls are expected to withhold critism and agree wholeheartedly with your POV. Bottom line is, you ripped into Levi about the name change stuff based on an item in the NE that you didn't bother to to check out until after your rant. Are your readers to blame for that?

  12. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Great post Gryph.

    I'm not a huge fan of Levi either. But that's besides the point.

    People seem to forget that this poor guy was just dating a girl, and then WHAM! He's plucked out of the wilds of Alaska and trotted out on the national stage. Just to support is girlfriend's family.

    What happened after that family hung him out to dry? A couple of characters (A lawyer and his thug), see big dollar signs and fill this kid's head full of spin.

    The media chewed him and spit him out. Rightfully so. But none of this means jack when it comes to his rights to see his kid. The mother has been a class-A c*nt throughout all of this. But, I'll be nice and tack it up to immaturity. He needs a real advocate in his corner. Not some shyster like this Rex fellow.

  13. momcat4obama8:51 PM

    Jesse - I think I love you. That was beautiful! And I know you have Levi's best interests, as well as Tripp's, at heart. I just wish you had his ear, too. I am an attorney, and I used to do Family Law, and you are so very right: very few judges are pleased when one party arbitrarily decides what is best for the child, especially when that decision is to remove the child from the other parent's contact. BUT - they are even less impressed when the parent who has had his/her rights trampled on does NOTHING! If Tripp begins bonding with Bristol's new man, it will be traumatic to take him away from him. So if Levi doesn't act - he will lose everything, and he won't get any help from the courts.

  14. FEDUP!!!8:57 PM

    I still content that Levi might not be the daddy of Tripp... He refused to do a DNA for whatever stupid reason and 'because the kid looks like he did whe he was that age'. Levi: MANY kids look the same at that age! As long as they have the big things in common, like hair/eye color, many people just assume that they look the same. It has even been told to adoptive parents that their (adopted) kids look just like them, and when the others find out; OOOps!
    I agree with you, though, IF levi is the father: NO excuse to not be part of his life! You might not have the $$$, but you certainly have the time, and at least a card and a phone call once in a while will take you a LOOOONG way!

  15. Anonymous8:57 PM

    what 8:40/1 said!

    as for 8:40/2 -- angry much?

  16. Unfortunately I don't think there will ever be pictures of Levi and Tripp like those of you and your daughter. There are dads who can walk away, and there are moms who will let them. (And in the case of Bristol - moms who will push the dad out of the picture.)

    But if Levi does come to his senses, he needs to get 1) a good family lawyer, 2) his GED and 3) a job. Those are the tools he needs to put his life on a more normal track.

  17. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Anon 8:40 TROLL

    F U ! and git ye back to pee land right now!

  18. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Great job, Gryph!

  19. Anonymous9:11 PM

    You're right, and and you're a great dad. :)

  20. You were a great dad because you had to be.
    And, you cared.

  21. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Narcissist? Please. This guy has deep feeling on this topic, knows about it personally from the vantage point of both child and parent, and isn't so desperate to be liked and/or be part of his online community that he held back from giving us a piece of his mind.

    I call that INTEGRITY, and a clear demonstration of Gryhpen's ability to keep himself separate from his own blog. He is actually the opposite of a narcissist. This post isn't about his ego, it's irrespective of it. He isn't afraid of losing any of us, he risked alienating folks because he cares deeply about this - you go, Gryphen!

    As for me, I have tried to cut Levi slack because of the nefarious powers of the Palins, but perhaps that's misplaced sympathy where Levi doesn't need or deserve any, I don't know.

    Thanks, as always, Gryphen. Surely you are a wonderful father, as you "show up", with love - most important in parenting!

  22. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I am friends with a woman who's ex husband was on one of the Real Housewives shows. He is an EVIL man, and with a long story that won't really matter here, he has tortured his kids and is the King of Parental Alienation not wanting his kids to have ANY contact with their loving mother.

    The Palin's are doing their damn-dest to Alienate Tripp from not only Levi, but Mercede and Sherry. It's all part of their sickness and happens more often than not.

    I hope the Family court system is better in Alaska than it is in Southern California. As you say, MOST courts don't like a parent that plays games with court orders or alienating a child from the other parent.

    I do have to say, that it "appears" that Levi is letting this slide. I hope for Tripp's sake, that he is not. He will NEED his Dad to save him from the depths of hell that he will be dragged in to with the Palins. Levi needs to SAVE Tripp!

  23. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I have hesitated to weigh in on this subject, as I have no idea what is true and what is not in regard to Levi's situation. Is he or isn't he the father of Tripp? Does he know for sure?

    Frankly, even if he knows (or suspects) he is not the father, he has claimed that role for himself and, personally I think he should live up to it. Children are not puppies you can bring home and love and then return to another family when they don't suit your lifestyle. Once you make a commitment to a child, in my mind, you should live up to that commitment. If he knowingly took on the role of dad, he needs to live up to that role, no matter what.

    The comment that bothers me the most is when people say that Levi deserves to walk away because the Palin's are so difficult, despicable, or whatever. So an adult, albeit young, who has the potential to be a solid influence in a child's life should just walk away? If the Palin's are, indeed, that despicable why would you leave an innocent, impressionable child with them? And don't tell me that one day, when he's grown up, Levi can make it up to him. It doesn't work that way. You cannot undo the influence of living in a dysfunctional family after the fact. There will be some damage. Tripp could likely grow up with the same "family values" as the rest of the Palin clan. If he doesn't, then he certainly would have had a difficult existence, if the Palins are as bad as they are presumed to be.

    I have NEVER understood the concept of saying my husband/wife was so abusive, alcoholic, disagreeable-whatever-that I had to save myself by leaving him/her. But you will knowingly leave your child/children behind to deal with this impossible person? I'm sorry, but a real parent knows and accepts that he/she owes their children more than that.

  24. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Chill, gryphen. Good parents are not born they are made. Some by thier children. That is a gift.

    But not everyone is in the place for that to happen. Only Levi can make that choice. It may not be his time.

  25. SME1319:46 PM

    You are SOOOOOOO right G. Levi needs to man up and be a father to that child and he needs to stop taking the easy way out.

    The absolute last thing he should even consider is signing over his parental rights, that is a bell that cannot be unrung.

    It is easy to blame others for his situation but Levi holds the main responsibility. HE needs to file a court action to bring his son back to Alaska. He should also request that SHE PAY all travel costs if she isn't forced to move back. She has the means to do it. And she is the one who moved the child without the courts permission.

    So Levi if you're reading this it is time to man up and be the dad that boy needs. You cannot get this time back and if you don't one day Tripp will resent you for all you didn't do as well as all the garbage the palin's have filled his head with.

    Do the right thing.

  26. Awesome!

    Gryph rocks

    Not so sure about Levi, though.

  27. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Wonderful post - thanks so much for the glimpse into your world :)

    Levi appears more and more to be the product of really bad advice. He desperately needs more aduilts in his world who have his back instead of his wallet in mind when he needs guidance.

    Keep reaching out to him - for all of us :)

  28. Gasman9:54 PM

    Gryphen, I'm definitely with you on this one. I hope Levi reads this.

    As for your relationship with your daughter: MAZEL TOV! You are blessed.

  29. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I agree with you Gryphen. Levi needs to pull his head out of his ass and be a man. It doesn't take a man to have sex and knock somebody up. But it sure as hell takes a man to be a father. It's not about you now Levi, it's about your son.

    So get a real lawyer, not a publicity hound, and stick up for your and more importantly your son's rights to have a father son relationship and DEMAND that you are not shorted on your scheduled times.

    You're giving Alaskan men a bad name.

    I posted something basically similar to this on Sade's last post about Bristol contacting her new boyfriend, but I must have hurt her feelings, cuz she didn't let it on the comments.

    Oh well. You can go through life as a perpetual victim, or you can get back on and try again when you get bucked off until you get it right.


  30. Hannah bell9:59 PM

    Gryph, I love picturing you with your big muscles and your tacky everlast "lookit meeee, I go to the gymmmm!!!" shirt...dealing with super slick projectile poo. In fact, I'm pretty sure Vin Diesel owes you some royalties for ripping that off. And possibly The Rock needs to cut you a check as well.

    But seriously. LEVI...I know you read here...and for God's sake son...whatever deal you made (or more likely those dickless buffoons Tank and Rex made FOR you) where you sold your soul aka your parental rights in exchange for not being persecuted by Governor Promhair and Tawdry Tawd...Gryphen CAN and WILL help you. Son, you will regret this your whole life if you do not change course now.

    If you have doubts (or factual knowledge) that Tripp isn't your biological son (between Tripp's blue eyes and the fact that Bristol nails anything with a Y chromosome...nobody would blame you) then speak up so people know you're not a jackass who doesn't care about his son. It does not, repeat, does NOT matter if someone in camp palin made you sign some type of "confidentiality" agreement. It us NOT legally enforceable.

    Call your sister and have her put you in touch with Gryphen. He may well be the only real ally you've got in this game, Levi.

  31. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Perhaps Levi needs you to "do that Daddy thing" for him. He certainly needs someone who truly cares about him to give him guidance. It seems to me that he has pretty much simply been thrown to the wolves and left to try to figure things out by himself and I don't think he has the ability to know which way to turn. I have been following this blog for the last couple of years and I know there are good people in Alaska. I just wish some of you could help this young man out. His future and the future of his "possible" son may depend on it. Bless all of you sane and sensible Alaskans for what you have suffered through with your ex-gov. And bless all of us "outside" who have had to endure her and her antics since she has been unleashed on us. We feel your pain....

  32. Anonymous10:08 PM

    My only comment is that this is something Levi must come into on his own. The passion and love must come from him in his way and on his thinking. It's hard to explain. My half brother desired most to live with his dad (2 hours from mom) and dad didn't hate having him. However, his dad liked being a free man much more and just wouldnt pay child support and wouldnt engage in compromise with mom. Therefore no one trusted that the preteen would be safe, despite the kid's wishes. I'm not saying this is Levi (which I don't believe it is) but he really does need to do this on his own.

    He needs to reassess why he won't confront Bristol. He needs to soul search. Only he knows the truth. Aside from the Palins, ONLY HE knows Bristol and how she thinks. His sister cant' help him. His parents cant help him.

  33. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Levi's caught in a place where 1. he knows he should be in TRipps life 2. he knows Bristol means HIM no harm 3 I would hope he knows he was in the wrong about all he's said/done publicly and that hes immature but willing to learn

    My only suggestion is that he sincerely apologize to her family (not just for public) and on his own terms. (I mean drive his ass over there and stand outside the big red barn until someone hears him.

    THAT would show great maturity and hopefully make them listen. These people are not unreasonable. Theyre fighting immaturity because of image. (ok Levi maybe get Sarahs # from Bristol and call first. you might actually get shot if you just go over there)

    But seriously. Thats HIS FIRST STEP

  34. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Gryphen, I truly want your feedback on this. Given ALL the inconsistencies surrounding Tripp's birth...and the fact that we were told in the 'abstinence isn't realistic' Greta interview that Levi was at the birth but now we have Sarah and Bristol both saying Levi was NOT PRESENT at the birth...really, what do you think the odds are that Tripp is Levi's? Bristol said she had "several girlfriends" at the hospital with her...yet not one chatty, tech savvy teenage girl breathed a word or photo or even a facebook status - "OMG, just witnessed miracle of life with my bff Bristol!!!!!"...or any other indication that Bristol was telling the truth? Really...WHAT are the odds?

    I'm starting to feel that the mild facial resemblance between Tripp and young Levi is coincidental...and the Palins once again used Levi as a fall guy. I think it's possible that when he started to fight for his rights...they did the evil cackle and "oopsy! He's not really yours! Leave us alone or we'll make your life a living hell...and you just might find your mother's legal troubles pick back up again..."

    Given that Bristol's pregnancy was admittedly according to McCain staffers announced to steer people away from the rumours about Bristol being Trig's mom...and the just-like-mommy eerie coincidence of there being NOT ONE SINGLE photo of happy new mom Bristol, proud new Grandma Sarah, or excited auntie the hospital...does that not give you serious, serious pause about taking for granted that Levi is the biological father of the child we know as Tripp?

    I mean

  35. That was wonderful, Gruff, I mean Gryff. Keep on telling Levi to be the dad he wants to be.

    My mom, um, wasn't so hot, but I love her nonetheless. I feel sorry for her because I'm not her favorite but she has burned thru all her other resources and is left with me. Yet, every day when I tell her I love her, she says she is so lucky to have me. Go figure.

    I am an MOM because of my kids:
    Mean Old Mom.

    My 17-year-old told me just last week that I was "the greatest Mom and she had told her grandparents in Florida so at Christmas." [not sure why it came up]

    I, too, have made tons of mistakes, but not as bad as my parents; maybe I improved on their schtick.

    Stick with it, Gryph, Tripp needs Levi as much as Levi needs Tripp.

  36. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Yes, you have become a great dad because you made the effort. Just remember, we all make mistakes, but we have our children's best interest at heart..we just keep trying to do better. In the end, they will know they are loved.

  37. Anonymous10:21 PM

    You did it again, Gryphen. You made me laugh and cry until the tears are running down my face. I read it to my little angel, who happened to be home this weekend. The 'daddy' lines sounded very familiar to her since she had heard them many times!

    Thank you for fighting the good fight, Gryphen, for all children who need their dads in their lives.

  38. Powerful post! I'm calling my kids tomorrow. ♥

  39. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Levi's lost because he dropped out for whatever reason when he was 16. His parents don't have the means to give him naitonally acclaimed advocacy or fantastic jobs. He obviously isn't getting the supports to complete his high school education (though I hope he's driven just enough to be doing so albeit slowing)

    Does Levi not get along with mom well? Why wouldnt she have been there to make sure he was finding respectable work? I know he lost his good slope job but finding SOME employment in AK isn't impoosible, even with no education.

    A boy like him usually would scare a girl's parents. I mean that hourlong meeting with Sarah and Todd this summer was pretty great for him to engage in. They laid out things he needed to do if he wanted to marry Bristol, yet he just proposed willnyilly.I dont think anyone's acted too immature here, they're just scared and want THE BEST for her.

    He has shown to me he wants to get along, didn't he say in his last interview that he doesn't wish to fight anymore? Thats pretty mature.

    Levi - it all starts with an apology - sincere and in person and not necessarily with Bristol's knowledge. You can't be happy with what you said in the engagement article. You want to make yourself look great in your almost inlaws eyes. Take the mature route hun. Apologize. Prove you're getting your GED. Prove you have longterm plans and a dream for your life incl family life. Prove to them you're not a deadbeat. Prove youll never backstab again.

    THATS what all people want to hear.Trust me. I come from where you are. My wife's father nearly strangled me and I graduated on time and always had a job. AND never went public with slander.

    Do it for your son. He needs to know you want to "love" your inlaws

  40. Anonymous10:33 PM

    ok guys, let's cut the anti family values crap. Tripp has it good with Bristol's family. Hes well taken care of and loved. They have a positve family who supports one another.

    Levi needs to want to work honestly with them. He needs to sincerely call/go there, speak his plea to end the bullshit and say, "Hey I am this this and this, I deserve this please tell your daughter I'm trying". BEcause to me, I believe it's solely Bristol who is pushing him away. Trust me, Sarah wanted Bristol to marry him in 08-09. When she saw the intense fighting, she may have supported B to dump him to spare Bristol the anger she was feeling but all her public appearances she needs th eless amount of drama the better.

    And does BRistol REALLY seem like the girl who is going to listen to all her mother says? I mean, who is that girl? Shes still young and thinks she's doing the right thing because Tripp's happy and smiley and cute. I really think Sarah knows what it's like for Tripp to not have Levi, despite Tripp's attachment to other males. Bristol has been "quoted" in mags saying she wants Levi to be like Todd, working and doing everything to support his family, if that means slope work where he's hardly home, thats what he did.

    Levi hasn't quite proven himself of that yet. And THATS probably what scares her. he posed for playgirl. He did some interviews. He's friends with a producer in LA. Not a life every 20 yr old wishes for. Cmon Levi get that GED. you're the only one who truly knows Bristol and what she possbily is thinking and what she wants. I know she's changed from the girl you first banged and incidentally knocked up. I know she changed from that first moment in April 08. Thats how life works. Have you changed? Have you matured? Are you two maturing in the same direction? Soulsearch. Go to a cabin in remote alaska and just think.Then call Sarah and plead your case

  41. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I am sorry to hear you are saying so many people are telling Levi to give up. I want to thank you for supporting him. I saw the video of Bristol with the two radio hosts and her attitude was disgusting...saying that Levi should just get it over with. I know a woman who went to jail for taking her child out of the state. I would love to see him pursue that in court. But sadly, so many of these things are seen as the parents fighting and so they have a hard time determining what is in the best interest of the child. For me, this one is very clear. Her lack of respect for his rights is what is at issue here. I hope he is reading this and realizes how important this is...and finds the strength and support to do what is right for his son.

  42. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I don't know if anything in the usweekly article was true, but Levi needs to show more of that character. After the second breakup we pretty much went back to being immature. He needs to want to have the father/son chat when tripps a teenager. He needs to want to be respected by tripps other family. I know this applies to Bristol too but I'm discussing Levi because hes the one who isn't seeing Tripp. He needs to want to leave the spotlight as Bristol is seemingly doing and get a respectable job. I'm not going to knock his past moneymakers because that brought him money to help Tripp but now he needs to buckle down and grow up. Stop going out drinking. Grow with his girlfriend maturely and make enduring relationships.

  43. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Great post! And spot on. The most important thing about parenting (I'm a great-grand-mom now) is to be there, and to care. The rest will work itself out somehow.

  44. Anonymous10:55 PM

    aw, you're daughter looks like you there. Nice story. Yes all parents have regrets. We cannot fault anyone, including Sherry, Keith, Todd, Sarah, whomever.

    EVeryone is the best parent they can be.No one's in danger of becoming Ted Bundy so I think we're good

  45. OT - Bristol was in Texas tonight, exaggerating her plight before an audience of 'about 200'(translate: probably less than 200). The article includes a photo.

    Listen to Uncle Gryph, Levi!

  46. Anonymous11:00 PM

    There's not much mystery anymore surrounding Tripp. He was born in Dec 27th. Levi reported being there in the middle of the night sometime. Im guessing he was away at work. It was reported Sarah drove Bristol to the hospital around midnight and stayed with her the whole time. The pictures shown from the hospital were the Levi/Tripp one and Todd/Willow/Piper. with willow holding Tripp.

    Thats the story Sarah basically told in ABH. Levi hasn't talked much about that day but in one of his longer interviews the interviewer wrote about Levi having Sarah Palin in the room while his first son was born.

    Tripp is authentic. Trig is still the mystery

  47. Whoever keeps commenting that Levi should apologize to Bristol's parents...yada yada yada...hasn't been paying attention.

    Levi has rights through the court system. I think the tide's turning for him to exercise those rights. He can go armed with video from Palin's reality program showing the babies in a moving vehicle without seat belts.

  48. Anonymous12:04 AM

    G - appreciate your sharing, little change of pace. Not totally sure "fu" was necessary, but it's your blog. I have been here since the resignation, I think. I have to say, I don't give a flying Flock about Levi personally-he is dumb, immature and lazy. There are countless sad stories like this. I have no idea if Tripp is his, he may not either. He has been used very poorly by the Palins, including Bristol. Shame on them, but on him, too. HE was ready to play along.

    This advice about going to sarah is total BS. she wants you quiet and/or not credible, and out of Bristol's life. and that is IT. she is not trustworthy. Bristol is utterly repulsive, just like her mother. Sells pictures of her kid, goes on reality show, complains people invade her precious "privacy". Lies, constantly, like her mother. also stupid immature and lazy, plus also MEAN. Good riddance to her. Make sure the kid is yours, fight for your rights but don't sell your soul. and whateever you do sell your story, for America. that's what we really care about. sorry but that's true.

  49. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Great post, Gryphen!

    I laughed my head off at your suggestion of making a map of the internet for the numbnuts who think someone else's personal blog is an engraved invitation for them to slam the blog owner. Great idea.

  50. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Great Post Gryphen!
    I wish everyone would understand what having a male role maodel in a child's life can mean too. Thats why I am disgusted with bristol with holding visitation, she is meeting her own devious wants instead of her sons. So many men are uninvolved with their children and it is heartbreaking when one is being prevented from it.

    I would like to also point out LEVI IS FOLLOWING THE CUSTODY AGREEMENT to the letter. By not talking about the Palins in any bad light. Sarah will destroy herself, Levi talking is unnecessary at this point.
    I know while we all would like Levi to talk a little dirt, right now he is doing the correct thing for himself and his son.
    Though I would encourage Levi to retain different legal counsel than he had previously in the custody case.

  51. Very thoughtful post Gryphen. You're a great dad and I appreciate your reason and good heart. Thanks for sharing....

  52. Actually, a person gets one chance with the kiddos and it's over too fast. You're right.

  53. Anonymous1:53 AM're going to make me cry with these daddy posts. Keep it up. It's the truth.

  54. AKRNC2:20 AM

    I certainly hope Levi reads this post along with all those idiots who think it's a great idea for Bristol to just up and move to Arizona leaving her child without a chance to be near his father on a regular basis. They may think Levi is all wrong for Bristol, which may be right, but has she ever shown good judgment when it came to men in her life? She's got this new guy living with her and says he's been more of a father to Tripp than Levi ever has. I'll have to reserve judgment on him until I see if he marries her and sticks around if she gets pregnant again. However, Bristol and her family NEVER gave Levi and his family a decent chance to be around Tripp. I have no doubt that Todd and the rest of the family made it practically impossible for him to see his son. Levi was misled by attorneys who apparently worked for his mother initially and believed they actually cared about his well being! LOL, name any attorney who does and it will be a first! He got a lot of incorrect information from day one. He had Bristol, Sarah and their extended family badmouthing him in the press, so he retaliated. I can't say I blame him although it wasn't the intelligent thing to do. However, if Sarah and Todd actually cared about their grandson rather than their egos, they would have encouraged Bristol to try to keep a relationship going for the sake of her son. It's not like they are around all the time for Todd to be the man in Tripp's life. Bristol, grow up and allow Levi to be part of Tripp's life or he will grow up to despise what you and your parents have done, taking away the opportunity for him to know his father. He'd also be entirely accurate in his assessment of Palin and the rest of the family.

  55. Anonymous2:33 AM

    There is nothing wrong with the way you dressed when you took your daughter to kindergarten. You cannot imagine how many single-moms would love for the father of their children to do the same. Your daughter was lucky and now she knows it.

    One day Tripp will know how lucky he was to have relatives like Mercede.

    One day he will know.

  56. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Great post Gryphen and you're absolutely right. My father left when I was four - I've recently reconnected with the children he went on to have (he died in 2000). They said he hoped we would find him someday. Whaaaa? You left us high and dry without any child support, not even birthday cards and we'd come looking for you? Get lost loser.

    Tripp might be more forgiving than me (most people are!) but the time is now. Although who knows - maybe Levi knows he's not the father. Who knows?!


  57. Anonymous2:53 AM

    O/T from the Bryan-College Station Eagle: Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, who became a single mother at 18, came to the Brazos Valley on Saturday with a message for other young girls: Abstinence is the only sure-fire way to avoid pregnancy.
    "I just want girls to know abstinence is a reasonable alternative and that all life has value," Bristol Palin said toward the end of her 10-minute speech [10 minutes?] at a charity fundraiser benefiting the nonprofit Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance, which takes an anti-abortion stance.
    "Abstinence," Palin added, "is not about morality, it's about reality, because it's the only thing that works every time." …….

  58. Anonymous3:13 AM

    That outfit is so funny for a special day. Shows fashion is still a weak spot with men.
    To meet their new baby sister, my husband brought them in what I call backyard clothing-holes, paint and mismatched. Oh and the hair was not brushed. OMGosh, I laughed so hard thinking the nurses must think we are dirt poor.

    You are right-parents stumble, do the wrong things, but we show our kids that it is okay. Let's start over and try to do better.

    Being there for your daughter was your gift to the both of you. It led to a bond you cannot shake and a love strong and true.

    Levi needs to grow a pair and take back his child. Even a poor uneducated dad can be a good dad.

    Those Palin's can only teach Tripp their nasty mean habits that will make him an asshole someday.

    Great Post! You and your daughter are extremely lucky to have each other.

  59. ManxMamma3:36 AM

    Gryphen you're more than a great dad. You're a pretty decent human being. Thanks for being you.

  60. Bristol will make a that Levi can take to court. I really think he is hoping to prove her an unfit mother. And I hope he has the goods on tape or pics. How hard is it to hire a P.I.?

  61. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Great post, you should be a role model to single fathers every where.

    Every word of it, true.

  62. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Levi has been bullied and pushed around, and more than likely threatened by the Palins, just like they have done to countless others, and he feels like he doesn't have a chance against them. I hope Levi finally stands up and fights! He probably has enough information to hurt Sarah, possibly even take her down. He needs to use what ammo he has, and then with the courts help, start being a father to his son.

    Great post, Gryphen. It touched my heart, as I have a similar story in my background. I hope Levi will realize that he has friends and allies, like you, who will help him. All he has to do is ask.

  63. Anonymous4:03 AM

    As one of the dissenters defending Levi's behavior, I accept your argument. My dad left us for a much younger woman (20 yrs) when we were teens. He was pretty much a shit anyway. But, he was a professional--a doctor, so he was granted all kinds of error of margin. But, it truly fucked up everyone's lives. Girls with daddy issues generally do not grow into happy confident women. I didnt have any problems but my sister is a total mess to this day.

    So, Levi, get it together. YOu are no longer a child and you have some rights. Get rid of your representation. Find someone else. The Palins are chickenshit outside of Wasilla. That is what this entire Website is about--what Chickenshits they are and their laughable antics.

  64. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Gryp, I don't know what anyone said to upset you but this seems to have struck a nerve.

    I understand you want Levi to do certain things, but you can't MAKE someone do something or be something they don't want to be. You know that. If it's your spouse, you can't change them and if it's your kids you have to let them make their own mistakes. I don't really think your life, as inspiring as it is, translates directly to anyone. It's yours.

    Also, you were 27 when your kid was born. Levi was what, 18 or 19? That's a tremendous difference. You were close to thirty, Levi was just out of high school. You can't compare the maturity level.

    I don't care how bad Levi's lawyer is, he still has rights and he can enforce them if he chooses to. He hasn't chosen to. Tripp is in Arizona, and the mother did not move there because of a job change or other pressing reason. There was absolutely no reason. Her family is in Alaska, not Arizona.

    As an aside, also I don't know why you dragged your mother into this. And in any case she was only 15. Whatever she did wrong as a parent you should forgive. You were 27 and had it rough, WITH a wife. Imagine her at 15, with no spouse.

  65. Anonymous4:09 AM

    totally agree with you. The longer Levi waits, the more valuable time he is losing.

  66. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Just to re-iterate and clarify my last post a second ago,.....there is a difference between interest and non-interest. You can be a fumbling dad at any age, but if you're interested it will be ok. If the interest is not there, you can't create it in another person. Levi would be a good dad. But that's NOT the issue.

  67. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Those activists will be crucial in the state's next big test: the 2012 primary. For an early gauge of what activists were thinking, ABC News and WMUR-TV conducted a state party-sanctioned straw poll that gave former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 35 percent support.

    U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, who like Romney previously ran for president, came in second place with 11 percent. Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who visits the state this week, had 8 percent, with 2008 vice presidential nominee former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin at 7 percent

    She's toast, it's over!

  68. Anonymous4:27 AM

    You are a beautiful man.

  69. London Bridges4:30 AM

    Another Palin inciting violence cartoon - a keeper!

    Go to January 15th!

    Sorry don't have a direct link!

  70. Anonymous4:31 AM

    First, let me say that I am glad that things worked out for your family. I'm glad that you were ready to have your first baby. I'm sorry that your POS "father" ran out on your mom and your family.

    That being said...Levi isn't you. Yeah, he's young. Big deal. I went to school with a guy who became a dad at 16. He married his baby's mother when he turned 18, and they are still together, with a total of 4 or 5 kids. Being young doesn't mean you won't accept responsibility. However, has it ever occurred to you that maybe Levi doesn't WANT Tripp? As I have posted numerous times, I was married before. I got pregnant and I was 27. I decided to have the baby after talking with my then husband. He was completely uninterested in the whole situation. He didn't come to doctor's appointments. He came to only ONE ultrasound. He and his mother took me to the hospital after a gall bladder attack and I was put in and my labor induced (I was due to be induced the next day due to high blood pressure). I ended up in the operating room for a c-section, and he refused to be with me during that experience. I was terrified, in pain, and had no one with me...until my older sister came in with me. I am forever grateful for her doing that for me. Once my son was born, I tried to get my "husband" to help me...and he categorically refused unless I insisted, or kicked him out of the bed to make a bottle or get a diaper. Eventually, when my son was 4 months old, I made the decision to file for divorce. THEN he acted as though he had always wanted and loved the baby. He was full of shit. He never held the baby when he cried. He never tried to feed the baby a bottle. He never tried to change the baby. But as soon as I filed divorce papers he was all up in arms about how I better not take his son away. He agreed to a 6 hour every other Saturday visitation agreement - and that was because I said he didn't have to pay child support until he got a job (which he still does not have - and my son is nearly 5 years old). I didn't trust his mother to drive (he doesn't drive himself) because she had almost gotten my ex's little sister and I killed by driving 90 miles an hour while her blood sugar plummeted into the low 30s. She knew she was feeling badly and she did nothing. So I insisted on my driving the baby to see him and picking him up when it was time. I asked him to give me a bit of gas money on occasion (which he had, since I was asking only for 10 or less - his parents had that easily). He agreed...and then bailed. He stopped calling. He stopped messaging. And I was flat damned if I was going to contact him. If he had no interest in seeing his son, I wasn't going to force the issue. Eventually, he got in touch with me (almost a whole year later), claiming he was bad into drugs (which I already knew), and that he needed time to himself but he still wanted to see the baby. He still called my son "the baby" even though by that time he was 2 years old. He was still buying 12 month clothing and expecting it to fit. By this time, my son had been diagnosed on the autism spectrum. My ex had told me when I was pregnant that he didn't want to have a "retarded" baby and he couldn't love one that was. I told him about the diagnosis, and he bailed again. He agreed to give his parental rights up and my new husband just adopted my son this month.

    Maybe Levi just doesn't want to be a father. It doesn't change the fact that he is, but you can't force a guy to take responsibility just because you may want him to do so. The courts have done that with the child support finding.

    I don't expect this comment to be posted, in all honesty, because I'm not kissing ass. But it's my opinion and I stand by it.

  71. Anonymous4:36 AM

    My son became a father at age 17. As expected, he was terrible at it for many years, and didn't even try much for a long time. The mother was also a child, and the two kids did not stay together to raise their child. She would disappear for up to a year at a time, only to show up on my doorstep or my mother's doorstep on xmas eve. My son gave up over and over, only to try again to connect with his son. In the last couple of years before my son was killed, he finally managed to establish a relationship with his son, and a civil interaction with the mom. Because he was determined to be a father, I got my grandson back (he's 16 now and planning to go to college in Japan), and my son had a couple of good years being daddy to his son. It is never too late as long as you are still alive.

  72. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Levi is a dumb underachiever and even though you seem to want to see yourself in him, I don't think it's there. Leave the poor SOB alone to make his own choices.

  73. Anonymous4:54 AM

    9:34 You clearly comprehend the situation when a parent saves their own self and leaves the kids with the sicker parent.

    Children do figure this out: "if" mom was so "crazy" then why did dad leave us with her and cease seeing us? Duh...Depending on the age of a child and their cognitive development this often is processed as I do not matter for the two people who are supposed care, protect and meet your needs do not care about you.

  74. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I am glad that you had the insight to behave like a parent.

    The Palins and Levi's behavior is however predicated on immediate gratification of material goods etc. And, their needs are insatiable. Sarah sees the presidential election as some high end beauty contest and the kids' behavior indicates their upbringing. Bristol giving the finger to everyone on DWTS even upset my elderly mother. Material items, sex, drugs, expression, whatever, they have no boundaries.

    I get really tired of people on the outside blaming Sarah's handlers for her errors. If Sarah truly had a handler do you think that first book she wrote would have been like that? Sarah's a provacataur (sp?) but without a brain. She has confidence but no self-introspection. God-As-Valet is her religion.

  75. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I've read you voriciously for two years Gryph. There were days where you made me yell, "Yes," or roll my eyes, or think you've gone too far or not fa enough.

    Today you made my cry.

    Them are the sentiments of a poet father.

    I miss mine.

    Good luck to Levi. I've been on his side since they cleaned his stinky red-necked ass off for a shot-gun wedding for the benefit of both the fundies and blue-blooded Right alike to save face for an already immediately apparent mistake it was to put a Palin on a ticket.

  76. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Don't know you, but gawd, I love you. What a funny, and beautiful post. I waited 10 years to be a parent because I did not think I was prepared, and I am finding no matter how hard I try, I am still is an evolution. As the child grows the job changes and you can never anticipate what those changes are---even as my children turn into adults, they need me on levels I had never considered AND am still not prepared for. Open minds, hearts and arms is what gets you through it and lots of funny posts like these. Thanks Gryphen.

  77. Anne In Texas5:14 AM

    Apparently Bristol was here in Texas yesterday talking about abstinence.

  78. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Any parent that seeks adn acts out to alienate the other parent does not truly care about the child/children. It is abusive to destroy a parental relationship, relationships with extended family, caring and sincere other adults to better control a child. Granted it is done by brainwashing a child the alienating parent is the ONLY person who loves them and deceiving them that no one else does. In my situation the alienating parent also lied and projected it was me who tried to control they never see the father.
    Like you, Gryphen, it isn't something one would want for their child having lived the consequences and damages of a parent abandoning the children.

    Honestly I can't imagine being 20 years old and that being broadcast on national tv, tabloids much less Oprah and Harpers Bazaar.

    Frankly, since the roll out of Sarah Palin I wondered how she could claim "support" of her daughter and Levi and both have dropped out of school. That is the opposite of what would help two teens expecting a child.

    Gryphen, I appreciate your honesty. I will no longer ruminate regrets for what I did, survived or endured with my children's father, second guess maybe I should have walked away long before. There are extreme situations a person choses to endure for genuine love and concern for their children and it is not the easy route.

    BTW, that is nonsense about any narcissim. If anything this blog is anti narcissim.

  79. Anonymous5:17 AM

    If I was a Christian woman I might believe that God was smiting Sarah. See Sarah, both God and Tawd are tired of your shit. Marriage may be a business relationship, as you once stated, but Tawd needs to take care of some personal business every now and then.

    And Levi, this is a good time, while everything is in disarray, to get your kid back.

  80. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Sometimes your authenticity and vulnerability break my heart Gryphen.

  81. What Jo said! "Wow -- what a great post. You are so painfully honest. I applaud you." I can't agree more!

    I loved what you wrote, and most especially how you summed it up: "Great parents are not born, they are made. And they are made by the children who need them to be great."

  82. Molly5:24 AM

    No contest: I'm very embarassed for your daughter, seeing you in that Everlast shirt and sweats.

    Oy vey!

    But Gryph, do you not see even a slight difference btw you at 27 and married and Levi at 19 (?) and not married?

  83. I have agreed with you all along Gryphen and am glad that you want him to fight for his son. My son is a single father and even though his ex is NOT a bad mother...she was young and not really ready. My son took jobs that paid crap so he could take my granddaughter to work with him. (from the time she was two weeks old and mom went back to work) Eleven years later he still takes her to work when she's home from school, he has her 4 days a week and is the best father ever. Children need both parents and yes! They also need their dads, no matter what. I was a single mother and my children did not spend a lot of time with "dad" when they were growing up and both suffered greatly from that loss. It was not my choice so when a man walks away, children suffer! Great post!

  84. Anonymous5:49 AM


    Sending you a {{{{{hug}}}}. Very powerful post.


  85. I have to throw my two cents in here. We don't know what's going on in Levi's mind. We don't know what's going on in his heart. We don't really know what goes on behind the scenes with him. Well, you might know a hell of a lot more than us, Gryph, but I'm sure not all. So here is where I'm going to play Devil's advocate:

    Levi, (with his incompetent buffoon duo of Rex/Tank) is up against a very wealthy, very powerfully-connected and very corrupt family. A family that has shown themselves to twist and pervert the law and courts in their favor. Was that what you were up against Gryph, when you fought for your daughter? Have any of us been up against something like that? Who the hell are we to make judgment on Levi when we don't have all the facts? And why the hell is it any of our business?

    It's NOT our business. But that being said...

    Levi, you have a whole world of people out here who do care about you and Tripp and want the best for both of you. We have in the past offered to donate for a new legal team for your custody battle if you need/want it. I'm sure many of us still would. Gryph would help you, if you let him. There are also some very brilliant minds in the readers of this blog that I'm sure would lend a hand as well. All you've got to do is ask.

    Maybe Levi's just over-fucking-whelmed by all the shit the Palins have put him and his entire family through.

    I'm still pulling for him.

    And Gryph, I really did absolutely LOVE your post. Thanks for putting it out there. It's honest, heartfelt posts like these that have kept me coming back for 2 1/2 years.

  86. Anonymous5:58 AM

    You're right. It doesn't take an education or a certain age to be a great father. My dad pretty much sucked in spite of having a degree in psychology and being 26 when I was born (I have 2 older sisters who got shafted as well), because he was selfish. He liked to drink, play golf and be an asshole, which is not conducive to being a father, let alone a good role model for 3 impressionable young ladies. Thanks for sharing something so personal with us readers. Now if only more men were like you...

  87. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I have to agree about the outfit! Although the teachers probably thought you were cute.

    Girls need their daddies, whatever they wear.

  88. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I have learned over the years, Gryphen, that "just because" one person can do whatever does *not* mean that everyone else can. You have overcome a lot of hurdles in your life, and are to be commended for it. But those hurdles are also preventing you from being able to look at Levi's situation objectively. My father stayed; it would have been easier on all of us if he had left. Some people are not capable of parenting. That's the sad truth.

    And when someone tells me to fuck off because I disagree with them, that's what I do, because I know it is useless to reason with them.


  89. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Great post. Will you be my Dad? Mine was always there, but he resented my very existence. She had to do things for me in secret or they'd get in a big fight. Even buying school clothes.

    When I brought them to live with me after Mom got Alzheimers, it was even worse because he was then dependent on me. One night, I asked him why he had resented me so much. He replied: "Your mother always wanted to do things for you." I said: "But that's what parents do." His reply: "Well, not me."

    I'd have given anything to have had a Dad like you. You're awesome, Vaseline & all. =)

  90. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Since my Dad was a schmuck, I have watched other men as fathers and husbands. And, I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of good men out there. When I was very young, I realized that my Dad was aberrant and from then on I was responsible for my own behavior. He was a side show. And, he hated me because I knew what he was.

    For some reason, now that I am an accomplished person, he feels the need to take the credit for my successes. Funny, I paid for college, I ate poop climbing the ladder, yet... So, I avoid him. Just because one is your parent doesnt mean he is not toxic. I didnt have to go through counseling to grasp that.

  91. Anonymous6:19 AM

    While I applaud your own personal journey, I have another point of view to share. I gave birth to my son at age 18. My son's father was a self-absorbed son of a very rich family who gave ME an ultimatum; "either give your baby up for adoption or expect to be shunned by all of us." Yes, they would have been required to pay child support but that was it. I chose, instead to sign away all rights to future earnings for my child, in return for being left alone to raise him, along with my very supportive family. And it was probably the best thing I could have ever done. He, the father, turned out to make mistake after mistake with other women, leaving a trail of heartache behind and a team of messed up kids in its wake. I eventually married a man who WANTED to be a dad to my son and was and is the perfect father. My son has gone on to become a responsible adult with a family of his own now. The bio dad has never once reached out to him and my son has expressed on many occasion his gratitude to me; providing a stable home life for him. Sadly, I don't think Tripp has the better possible parent to advocate for him like I was able to do. If Levi's family had the power and resources, instead of the Paylin clan, this story might have a different ending. I just think that he sees the writing on the wall and knows that this child is the "rope" that Bristol will use in a non-stop tug of war. If Levi had the financial and legal backing to fight the Paylins, then I think he should, but if there isn't a chance in hell he'd win, I can understand how he would let go of Tripp. To save Tripp from the constant back stabbing that is going on right now. I thank you for being a good dad Gryphen. If all dads could have the fortitude you have shown, there would be many more well adjusted kids.

  92. Ok, I laughed out loud at the photo [been there, done that]. But I'll be smiling all day for having read the truth about what a struggle it is to be good enough to be the parent of your own child. It's a lifelong process, as you have discovered, good 'til the very last breath.

  93. TruthSeeker6:26 AM

    Gryphen, what a wonderful post.
    I so adored my father. We did not talk much but I absolutely loved simply being in his company.

    Just to be with him was enough for me and when my father did speak, he always spoke kindly, to me and about others.

    Your daughter is lucky to have you ~ and vice versa.

    Levi, let your destiny be to be a father to your son, every day, in some small or big way.

  94. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Everything Gryphen writes here is so true. Children need to know they are loved unconditionally by their biological parents. I married a man with full custody of 2 young girls, whose mother flitted in and out of their lives all during their childhood. No matter how loving our household was, how committed I was to the girls, the love they craved was from their biological mother. They are in their mid thirties now, with children of their own, and still wish their biological mother could be a positive factor in their lives.

    Levi, and all other non custodial parents, need to stay involved in their children's lives, no matter how hard or inconvenient. Letters, phone calls, skype, etc are essential if geography interferes with in person contact. The mental health of their children is at stake. The primary custodial parents must cooperate.

  95. Anonymous6:43 AM

    One more thing, Gryphen, that Levi needs to know. Tripp will never - AND I MEAN NEVER - get over the feeling of abandonment if he fade out of his life. I know. I'm 62, my father is long dead, and the feeling is still there.

    That being said, Leiv is a selfish, immature putz for not fighting for his son. Without Levi in his life, that little boy will surely grow up to be another dysfunctional Palin.

  96. I think as many posters have pointed out, there is a vast difference in maturity levels between 19 and 27. And in a person's basic make-up, too.

    What you did regarding your daughter was indeed heroic, but you are not Levi. (And thanks god for that!). I think we all have an idea of the pressures he's under from the Palin Wrecking Crew. I'm 60 and while I think I know what I would have done in this case, it's difficult to know what I would have done at age 20. (Also, I'm a woman so it isn't the same).

    I just don't think it's as cut-and-dried as you want to make it. "Be there for the child or be damned". It's a conundrum that I'm glad I never had to face. (My ex-husband became much more active in my sons' lives after we separated and divorced because he had make an effort to see them as he wasn't living with them. He's been a superb father and a partner-in-child-raising with me, but then he was in his early 40's when we separated and the boys were 12 and 14.) There's no doubting he was much more mature when we separate than Levi is now.

    I just find it difficult to totally condemn someone because you (or I) did things differently.

  97. People change. Levi is young. Still hope for him. It will never be easy with that shrew as Tripp's mom but it can work.

    He is a kid but honest. Sure he made mistakes but who hasn't at his age. Everything he said about the Palin's before his "apology" has come true. The books, tours, money making schemes, and Sarah in the limelight. I wish the best for Levi and Tripp.

  98. Anonymous7:28 AM

    you are very sweet - BUT, would you have done the same if this WAS NOT YOUR CHILD?

    Poor Levi....

  99. Anonymous7:29 AM

    This may be your best post ever.

  100. Anonymous7:32 AM

    "Levi's lost because he dropped out for whatever reason when he was 16."

    yes, so did Bristol. She was pregnant at 16. Was she pregnant again at 17...? don't think so. I she pregnant now? probably. Was she pregnant last summer? probably, but not with the same baby she is currently carrying. Where do infants go at the Palin compound? It's a regular day care center there.

    Faked pregnancies seem to run in that family.

  101. Mrs. M7:34 AM

    I wanted to comment yesterday but this post left me without words... all I can say is it is beautifully written and the way you shared your story it's easy to understand exactly how you feel and why you feel that way. Well done!

    Oh, and that picture is AWESOME! I hope you have it framed somewhere in your house.

  102. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Gryphen -- you rock. For real. That was one of the most heartfelt, sincere posts I've seen since I've been lurking around here. The thing is, you are absolutely correct in your estimation of what it is like to be a parent. If we all just did the best we could, the world just might be a better place. Lucky daughter you have!

  103. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Bravo Gryph, Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!

    - kellygrrrl

  104. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Ohhh, that is so sweet. Brought tears to my eyes. You were a good dad - NO, you ARE a good dad.

  105. I loved this post. Well said.

    Thank you.

  106. Anonymous8:07 AM

    You are absolutely right. My mother was (and is) seriously mentally ill. Some people cannot learn how to be a good parent; but everyone else can. I was terrified of being a parent, thinking I might do as my own mother did. But as soon as I found out I was expecting my first I knew I would do better. Now I have two grown and one coming up and I have enjoyed being a parent more than anything else I've ever done. Levi has a mother and sister who love him. He has no practical excuse unless his life has been threatened and if that's the case, he should report it to the police.

  107. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I certainly agree with you on this one Gryphen...but not so sure Levi is ready and mature enough yet.

    He may very well end up with regret at not trying harder and being consistently present for his son...many young fathers (and mothers) do. It's the hardest job in the world and being basically still a kid himself, who is being advised by less than ideal people, I am not so sure Levi is going to rise to the occasion as you did.

    But I do applaud the fact that you encourage him to try. Children need to know their fathers as well and their mothers. Each has something of value to offer and the kids who have both parents consistently in their lives are doubly blessed.

  108. Anonymous8:29 AM

    When I woke up this morning I had no clue that I would be reading that you were telling me to Fuck off and go somewhere else because I had wrote MY feelings about Levi on your blog.

    I was so shocked and upset that I never made it past those remarks in your post.

    I will spend some time today trying to get over it. I love this blog and for all your faults, I love what you write about. I have no intention of NOT coming here. Posting again might be another matter.

    I'm not sure but maybe a little clarification is in order? Was it JUST the list of things you wrote down (he's outmatched by the Palins...) or was it the WAY those posts were written?

    Mine were meant with best intentions and because I felt comfortable enough on this blog to post them.

    I, with feelings hurt by your comments, will stand by what I wrote and hope that you can be a role model for Levi. Even if he doesn't appreciate it or acknowledge it.

    I'll read the rest of the post later. It sounds like it was pretty good.....

  109. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Bravo! This is one of the many reasons you are my favorite blogger.

  110. It still looks as if some have missed the point of this post.

    My mother, after given birth at fifteen, became a GREAT mother. She worked two jobs, received her GED, and kept all of us kids out of jail and unencumbered with a teen pregnancy of our own. She made plenty of mistakes, but she did all of the important things right.

    Levi HAS shown that he loves his son. Remember that when he first went public and spoke out against the Palins it was to fight for his son who they were keeping away from him.

    And the reason he tried to reconcile with Bristol was because he was trying to find a way back into Tripp's life permanently. So yes I know that he loves his boy.

    Now why he will not take Bristol to court, I am less sure of. But from what Mercede has told me he really thinks he cannot beat them.

    Which is why I want him to understand that he can.

  111. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Levi-Your son is waiting for you to do the right thing~!

  112. Anonymous9:02 AM

    What is really odd is that the few very negative comments that you DO get all 1) seem to be written by the same person; and 2) generally come up early in the blog entry, which means that the person is reading you every minute to catch everything that you write. I don't regularly check in with blogs that I know I don't agree with on a fundamental level. I think Ms. Negative is working for the Palins, or is a Palin herself. If she thinks she's going to change minds here, she's talking through the wrong blog.

  113. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Anon 10;23--sorry they aren't his in-laws and he doesn't owe them anything after the way they treated him-used him. Bristol and Levi are adults and should be handling this without her parents involvement. They both need to think only about Tripp (if Levi is the Daddy) no one else and nothing else matters!

  114. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Best post ever Gryph!


  115. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Levi needs to do five things:

    1. Hire a lawyer that specializes in family law and carefully examine all of his options.

    2. Find a good family counselor and start going to sessions, preferably with Bristol (perhaps that could be made part of a legal agreement).

    3. Get his GED or finish high school. Attending some college or vocational training would be even better.

    4. Get a REAL job and stop depending on photo spreads and interviews in magazines for his income.

    5. Grow up. Yes, it's unfortunate that he was thrust into this situation at a very young age, but becoming a father means learning to put your child's needs first.

    Both Bristol and Levi need to stop playing emotional games with each other, grow up and consider what's best for their son. And the families need to stay out of it except to provide POSITIVE support for all three of them.

    This isn't an episode of Family Feud where the winner gets a nice prize...this is a child's life.

  116. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Thank you Gryphen. I am 45 years old. The youngest of 4. My parents divorced after years of acrimony, throwing objects at each other's head fights and hard drinking on both their ends. My father never looked back when they divorced. Not only did he not have a clue how to be a dad, but he never really wanted to be one.
    I used to say, even when he was around, he was never around.

    I watched a friend of mine fight for his daughter for a decade. Fighting horrible false accusations, constantly trying to get the time he was legally allowed to have with his daughter, fighting to keep his daughter near him and struggle to maintain a relationship that was constantly being undermined by the mother. Here it is a decade later and he has a wonderful relationship with his daughter. She grew up and realized what her mother had done, and appreciated all the effort her father made on her behalf. And that he never gave up.

    I wish, wish, to this day, that my father had done the same for me and my siblings.

    And I bless everyday that I watch my own husband playing and interacting with our son.

    Never give in. Never give up.

  117. Awesome post, Gryph. Your comment at 8:42 is how I read it, and your FU is justified. This is YOUR blog, I agree some need a map and a checkmark to un-bookmark this site.

    Take care.

  118. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Thanks for offering support to Levi, Grphyen, should he want it.

    As I've said before on this blog, I wish people would speak and treat Levi w/kindness. He went undercover awhile ago - stopped doing interviews, etc. I cannot imagine what he has been through w/the horrible Palin group. (He was no match for any of them!) He's not a moron as some say - he's young and inexperienced.

    And, he appears to tell the truth...remember what he said about the Palin marriage...he was correct and it's being proven today.

    I'd wager he's trying to gather some sense to his life. As to his son, I would suggest a DNA test since Bristol had the reputation of sleeping around.

  119. Your daughter is one lucky, lucky girl to have been raised by you.

    Great post, Gryphen. Once again, you've earned my admiration and respect.

  120. Your daughter is one lucky, lucky girl to have been raised by you.

    Great post, Gryphen. Once again, you've earned my admiration and respect.

  121. Anonymous10:56 AM

    WOW.... that brought a tear!
    I guess you have to consider the wardrobe choice for the first day of Kindergarten your very own Movie incident!

    Thanks for the wonderful post.


  122. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Gryphen said....

    "Now why he will not take Bristol to court, I am less sure of. But from what Mercede has told me he really thinks he cannot beat them."

    You can't win if you don't try. You can't complain if you don't try. You'll never respect yourself if you don't try. You are basically acknowledging you are a loser if you don't try.

    Don't judge a man by how many times he gets knocked down, judge him on how many times he gets back up.

    Hell, in this case, Levi threw the fight.


  123. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Griffin, my mother also was pregnant and married at 18. It was a disaster and she still has not recovered. Aside from it being a hard road to hoe in 1948, it also was a terribly judgmental culture at the time and she still suffers low self esteem. Using "biology is destiny" as a roadmap for life is a crappy plan. Sensing she lost a lot of her youth to tending to a family my mom made a few really bad decisions in her middle years.

    The good thing that came out of this is how very seriously my siblings and I have taken parenting our own children. I think you too have learned from your situation. Teen parenting creates generational problems and some of us have had to struggle pretty hard to break free of its life-changing and life-contracting effects.

    I think this is why I have such intense reaction to Sarah and Todd Palin's poor parenting skills. They may have started their marriage pregnant, but they sure didn't seem to prepare Bristol for any other life.

  124. Gryph, I think anon@1.24p really has it tagged. She really makes sense.

    We all know what you went through to keep your daughter in your life. As I remarked above in a post, you did a remarkable job. BUT, if it was easy and everyone could/should do it, then what you did wouldn't be "remarkable". You had it in you to do, the maturity level, smarts...but not everyone does.

    I'm not writing this to absolve Levi of wrong in any decision he might make about Tripp, but just to reiterate that it is HIS choice to make, for the reasons he chooses to make it. I hope he fights to stay in his child's life, but we're bystanders here. It's not our problem (I realise that sounds "cold", and I don't mean it to be) it's HIS. He's the one ultimately responsible.

  125. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I've been following your blog for a long time, without commenting -- but really do feel compelled to jump in here to tell you that this is quite simply the best ever post about the challenges (and joys!) of parenthood...

  126. wow, so painfully honest. I love it!

    As for your daughter going to kindergarten dressed like least you spared her both a mullet and a bowl cut (and I'm a girl).

  127. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Gryph, you made me cry. I admire your efforts to be a good dad even after falling down repeatedly. Your story is inspirational and I thank you for sharing it. I hope that Levi reads this and takes it to heart.
    That being said, he will make his own decisions. We may think we know what would be better, and we are probably right, but we can't force any human being to do something against their will. We can only hope that he will seek wise counsel (perhaps he'll reach out to you) and do what's best for dear Tripp.
    Thanks again for opening up your life to us. You're a great dad. I'm pleased to "know" you through this blog.

  128. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Gryph - I admire how you stepped up for your daughter, and it appears she is lucky to have a dad that loves and adores her, and whom she loves and adores. I'm happy for both of you.

    My guess, based on limited observations, is that you are smarter than Levi, although perhaps you looked like Levi at 20 years old. I don't know.

    However, I don't think we can assume everyone has the same inner resources. I agree with you that what's best for Tripp is to have an active, loving father. I suspect he's more likely to step up with support than with condemnation.

    I thought of this issue when reading The Daily Dish today:
    . . . What I find amazing is that when it comes to designing the mental and cognitive realm, we somehow assume that human beings are without bounds.

    I'm not excusing Levi. Tripp needs what infants and toddlers need, and Levi doesn't appear to be doing what is needed. What I don't know is the obstacles in Levi's way, the cost to Levi AND Tripp to move those obstacles (I've seen custody cases that make mincemeat of the children), and Levi's inner resources. For all I know Levi is depressed. What looks eminently doable, just isn't within the capacity of some people when depressed - just like you can't run with a broken leg. So while Levi should be spending time with Tripp, I don't know how to judge the fact that he isn't.

  129. ajweishar5:56 PM

    Great sharing, great message. Your critics are not looking at the big picture. Levi has to rescue his son from the insanity of the Palin world. What, just because they are wealthy they are better parents? That whole world is self destructing as the skeletons come dancing out of the closet. The Johnston family looks more like the real deal, rising above hardship, slander, and Palin's attorneys. Just look at how Mercede and her mother remain civil while enduring attacks that would send Sarah into a week of Twits and Becknity interviews. Tripp need a sane family and his dad.

  130. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Mr. Gryphen, I like your style.

    My father and I had a come to Jesus moment when I was 25 or so--just a metaphor, both of us were Atheists--when he kept standing me up when I'd be in town and have made arrangements to see him. He had trouble with alcoholism, and although he started off being kind of reptilian, PTSD from being in 3 wars and a couple of POW camps didn't help very much. Maybe he had more reasons for being a flake, like having been left by the rest of his family when he was 12 because he wanted to stay in school. The last time he stood me up, I wrote to him and said we could either act like father and daughter or not know each other any more.

    That man came through for me after that and we became friends. It meant all the world to me. He didn't live all that much longer.

    So sometimes it's not only the father who has to make the right moves. But it surely is easier if a parent does than if a child has to figure out how to.

    Just sayin.

    San Jose

  131. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Guess we are all supposed to be touched by this? Yet you criticize Palin (Sarah and Bristol) for being bad parents? All parents learn as they go, and none are perfect, as you point out.

    Why not give others the same forgiveness ou give yourself?


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