Saturday, January 22, 2011

This is why, though we may be angry at MSNBC, we STILL need to support Rachel Maddow.

This kind of compassionate intelligence on the progressive side MUST be supported by everybody who still wants there to be SOMEBODY that they know will tell them the facts, whether they be good, bad, or ugly.

Now with Keith gone Rachel has become more important to us than ever before.


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    O jeez, it is going to be a raucous ride through primary season:


  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    No can do . . .

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    ps my server can't read the last two videos you posted; could you put the links in here? Thanks.


  4. rmclement1:25 PM

    I absolutely agree! Rachel is brilliant, articulate and always gracious. I love the way she always asks the right-wingnuts if she has said anything untrue about them & they always have to admit she hasn't. She also should be commended for sticking with stories long after the catchy sound-bites used by other "journalists" have been used up. Lord knows what the whole story is behind Keith's departure, which I sincerely mourn, but it sounds as if it has been hard on him. That, and losing his father, has earned him a much-needed rest, I'd say. Let's hope he re-appears somewhere to continue to get the word out. He thanked Rachel for her support; I feel he would approve of us supporting her.

  5. 10catsinMD.1:33 PM

    Ahh, the beauty of Reagan. If you ended up on unemployment, you now paid taxes on it. I think one very bad year, I owned taxes on less than $5,000 income. I ended up paying $23 due on less than $500 and it became the worst screwed up mess ever.

    Yet, the wealthy made out like bandits.

    From Carter to Reagan, for Carter, you rarely saw limos in DC. He cut them out as a cost savings. When Reagan came in, all of a sudden they were everywhere. Gas guzzling, run you down any which way.

    Had friends who were air traffic controllers. They went on strike to get a better system and more controllers and less hours.
    Mr. R. promptly fired them all and gave them the middle finger. Make do with the current system and flying by the seat of your pants.

    Rachel did great here. Those guys were determined to out shout her, but she would not let them do it! So pround of her for that. Such rudeness on their part, but they're the ones who scream rudeness when you interrupt them.

  6. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Love Rachel. She is a true gem and MSNBC would be insane not to keep her, regardless of the ratings.

    Gryphen, O/T, but do you know if Todd is actually participating in this year's iron dog race.

    He is listed, along with Eric Quam, as being on Team 11.

  7. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Rachel is a superstar. Can't wait to see what the future holds for her.

  8. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Lawrence O'Donnell is interesting to watch too. He doesnt put up with much shit. We need to support Democratic voices whereever they may be. I will always support Keith because he was good to his Mom.

  9. While you're mourning Keith, take a few minutes to drop Obama a thank you note for approving the predictably disastrous Comcast/NBC deal - and point out that approving yet another media consolidation vaporizes yet another campaign promise.

  10. London Bridges1:47 PM

    Sarah political cartoon:

  11. London Bridges1:51 PM

    Another Sarah comic:

  12. ManxMamma1:52 PM

    I love Rachel. But I am so angry at the moment it will be difficult to support her on MSNBC. However, I will continue to watch her, but never again will sign onto their website.

  13. I love Rachel!

  14. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I would have liked her a lot better if she told the truth that the Russians oppose SDI because they know it's not defensive.
    Also, I worried about Rachel having a fascination with the military now and being fully supportive of it. She's no Keith Olbermann when it comes to telling the story the way the left needs it to be told.

  15. Anonymous2:20 PM


    Of course, if she should tone down her approach, then I will reconsider.

    I think Ed Shultz, abrasive and loud though he can be, is there fighting for the middle class, tooth and nail. Though, I think he probably sees his days numbered at MSNBC because, he, like Keith, has had some run-ins with the same executives.

    If Rachel gets fired, though, MSNBC and Comcast can go down the toilet altogether.

    I will watch for Ed and Rachel's sake - Lawrence is a good guy, but more appeasing some times than I would like. If riled, though, he can be gangbusters like Keith.

  16. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Maybe he needs a good rest. He's been going full throttle since the last presidential race. Perhaps signing up with the Washington Speaker's Bureau would be a good place for him to still get some nice visibility. He doesn't have to talk about Sarah, but I'm sure he has wisdom on a lot subjects. I read that he got his contract paid through 2012, so he isn't in need of a "job" right away.

  17. SME1312:43 PM

    Update on KO.

    UPDATE: The New York Times' Bill Carter reports that Keith Olbermann's exit from MSNBC was "weeks in the making." According to Carter, Olbermann and MSNBC have both signed on to an agreement which bars Olbermann from returning to television for a period of time, though he is free to take a job on the Internet or the radio. Olbermann is also not allowed to comment publicly on the specifics of the deal, and there are restrictions on when he can give interviews about his departure.

  18. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I will ALWAYS watch Rachel as well as Keith no matter where he ends up. Can hardly wait to hear the entire story about his departure. He sure is getting the press coverage and responses....over 30,000!

    As to the rest of the crew at MSNBC - like Ed, but don't ever watch Chris Matthews. O'Donnell OK but not as good as Keith.

  19. Anonymous2:51 PM

    CNN Blitzer's go to guy - Donald Trump. Pumping him whether he'll run. He said he'd know by June. Who gives a rat's ass about that rat nested ego head. He to is a 'Reality' show joke. Hmmm - Familiar. Trump/Palin - they each whore their own!!!!

    Asking what he would do with China. Yea - exactly what's needed is a manipulative, lying, bankrupting bully.

    Trump also continues to rant the Rethug talking points that the US is the highest taxed country. Sorry - the US is not.

  20. YAY Rachel! Love her, love Ed Schultz, Love my MSNBC!!

  21. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Good for you Rachel! I give my hat to you, I would have probably smacked him while he was "yapping his mouth off in nonsense"

  22. Anonymous3:44 PM

    TThat was one of the best parts of the show last night. My husband who isn't into politics was laughing when she did it. The audience went crazy when she stood up that we could hardly hear what she was saying. When it was over most of us yelled our support and love to Rachel and she smiled and waved. Still mad that they wouldn't let us have our cellphones. I just can't find it in my heart to watch MSNBC anymore. Maybe if they fired most of their morning and day staff and put on more progressives I might come back. I want to see Joe gone. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of the firings the next people to be fired will be Ed then maybe Lawrence. So in the end we will have Joe Scarbutt start off the nightmare and Rachel ending our suffering every night with yes sir wimps who will kiss Comcast rich f***ing @sses in between the two. We should never surrender and should always fight against the powerful corporations. They must not win.

  23. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Because I don't get tv reception since the digital revolution, I watch Rachel (and Countdown...) on line at the MSNBC site.

    One of the reasons I love her so, is the wealth of information available at her blog, which is just there at the bottom of her show page. Every day, there is scads of backup and extra information for every portion of every show she can be very 'heady' stuff that takes slow and careful reading, but such a fabulous use of what just now is being called 'new media'.

    As in, RAM is a master of 'new media' per some of the recent articles about her.

    Well, I challenge RAM and Ms Palin to do at least as good a job as Rachel Maddow and her crew in backing up their statements with evidence.

    THAT is how we strengthen our republic, with educated citizens who can then participate in informed debate. And Gryphen, you are helping by continuing this blog; as we all interact we can be struggling to find our way to better critical thinking and writing.

    I thank you again for this forum.

    (From Chris Hayes' hosting gig last night:

    The ‘Ryan Roadmap’ leads to an entitlement raid and
    middle-class tax hikes in order to enrich the wealthy



  24. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Is Lawrence O'Donnell a liberal? I don't know much about him. How do you all feel about him and also Ed Shultz. Ed gets pretty angry and he really fights for the average American. He reminds me of a lot of guys I knew living in the Midwest. I watch Chris Matrhews but I hate how he talks over his guests. He will ask a question and then not let them get an answer out.

    I will miss Keith too.

    I like Rachel but sometimes her sarcasm gets on my nerves a bit. It's just a personality thing. I love the information she presents but I was surprised to see some of her ratings at Take a look and see what you think.

    Also we don't know what Keith is like to work with.
    I heard he argued ALOT with his bosses and was really arrogant. Did he quit or was he fired?

  25. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Rachel is one of the best things -a side from Keith - to come out of the Bush years. I am so thankful that Keith mentored her and championed her show.

    She is one of his legacies and great in her own right.

    May she live long and prosper while educating us all on the things that matter. She can cut through the crap faster than anyone and do it with humor and style!

  26. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Damn, she is one smart woman and always has the facts on the tip of her tongue!

  27. Anonymous3:59 PM

    ive never understood why rachel's ratings are behind most hosts. does she even break 1mil? Sad

  28. Punkinbugg4:10 PM

    Ah MSNBC. Here they are, showing "Lockup" and "To Catch a Predator" allllll weekend long, and then tomorrow they will complain about low ratings.


    If they would just show reruns of their best stars on the weekends, that just *might* lead to higher ratings on weeknights.


  29. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Why do I find AlaskaWTF website so offensive?? When ever I read there I feel like vomiting. And I'm no Palin fan.

  30. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Anon 3:47

    O'Donnell is left of left!!
    Here is what his wiki page says:

    O'Donnell calls himself a "practical European socialist" in a Newsmaker Interview dated November 11, 2005.[19] On November 6, 2010, O'Donnell re-declared himself a socialist on the "Morning Joe" show. The MSNBC host stated, "[U]nlike you, I am not a progressive. I am not a liberal who is so afraid of the word that I had to change my name to progressive. Liberals amuse me. I am a socialist. I live to the extreme left, the extreme left of you mere liberals

    People should read his wiki page as he is a very interesting person.

    For instance, he won an Emmy for producting & writing on The West Wing. He has acted, created and produced on a number of shows.

    He's work in politics for a number of years under Senator Moynihan. He was staff director of the US Senate Committee on Finance, once again under Moynihan’s chairmanship.

  31. Ignia4:32 PM

    While I can agree with the sentiment... MSNBC didn't appear to fire Kieth.

    This seems to have been initiated by Kieth himself.

  32. Anonymous4:35 PM

    would love to see KO go to work for Obama as press secretary.

  33. Anonymous4:43 PM

    If you want to see something disgusting, go to this website, where the Wasilla Steamer will be speaking. It is not only poorly written but its all about the killing and not for meat! Lets kill a lion or leopard. Better yet, lets have our kids do it. Makes me retch.

  34. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Ed Shultz actually was a republican and voted for Reagan until he saw the light. Well I didn't need to see the light while Reagan was in office. Ed Shultz is an opportunist who claims to be very liberal but I don't trust him.

  35. Anonymous5:17 PM

    We need to take a deep breath and think this through.

    This is the longest that Keith has ever been in one place. It is not at all fair to assume that this is a matter of him being 'fired'. It is entirely possible that he made demands that they would not agree to.

    If they were trying to quiet voices on the left, they would have to fire everyone except Joe and Mika.

    Keith will be fine, and will share his thoughts from another venue.


  36. I think that Rachel will do well remaining in her current time slot @ 9:00 p.m. Piers Morgan's ratings are dropping like a rock. He can't always book Oprah and Howard Stern. Of course Faux News has its own fan base and Rachel et al will never crack through that anyway. I am a big fan of Lawrence O'Donnell; have been for a long time. I am also far left of liberal and agree with his political philosophy. He is also a brilliant writer and he has worked within the belly of the beast - like Chris Matthews (and even Asshat Moaning Joe.) Ed Shultz is a good guy too, but most of all, I like the brainy team of Maddow and O'Donnell. To be honest, sometimes Keith leaned (not forward) but towards bombast to get his point across. Still LOL when I remember the Keith parody by Ben Afleck on SNL. Spot on.

  37. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Anon 4:16 -
    I agree completely on AlaskaWTF.

    I commented there, 3 times, about their use of a picture of Sarah with rifle sights on it. The only thing in my comment that might be flagged was the word 'despicable'.

    I said that the use of that image was despicable, and suggested that was a bad idea.

    All three times, my comment was not published. Just because I criticized Diggler using that word. I used no other critical word.

    Who would want to go to a website that is so afraid of criticism as Dirk Diggler? Not me.

  38. Anonymous5:26 PM

    @ 4:16, some of the post content and thread comments there cross a line, definitely. Still a useful part of the Palin watch picture.

  39. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I'm using Firefox and the placement of ads and the video is messed up. Bristol's radio video is in this story. In the story about Bristol is an ad. This happens a lot at your site. Is it how the links get coded?

  40. And of course HBO has disabled the video. I watched it last night, and Rachel was amazing, as always.

  41. This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Home Box Office.

    Was there a video or is that what you wanted us to see?

  42. OT:

    Diggler is over the top with his posts and comments. It almost looks like he's asking to be sued. Or is it just me?

  43. Anonymous6:15 PM

    @4:43 and remember, she is scheduled to speak on the evening, at just about the time of the State of the Union address.

  44. Anonymous6:16 PM

    The video you have linked is no longer available. HBO hammers down on all youtube Maher links.

    Here is Maher's tweeted link to Rachel talking about Keith leaving.

  45. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Rachels ratings are not that low relatively speaking. She is higher than CNN in the same time slot. You have to compare similar shows- do a google search.

  46. Gryphen: you do know your posted video has been pulled - by HBO

  47. Anonymous7:09 PM

    By dumping Olbermann ComCast has also turned off the taps of the requests for donations that Keith taught his viewers about.

    Olbermann earned enough each year to live from several life times, so he is not hurting but those charities are.
    Hopefully Olbermann will land somewhere that is accessible to and heavily trafficked by cable viewers (I watched the videos on internet usually with breakfast) because cable is still the most heavily trafficked media.

    And hopefully he will continue requests for Arizona transplant patients and free clinics.

    It would also be nice if some of the MSM and more widely read blogs would shame ComCast for dropping their support for the person who supported those very worthy and life saving causes.

  48. Anonymous7:23 PM

    at this point the only way i am going to be happy with msnbc is if they give alan grayson a show at 8pm.

  49. I love Rachel and maybe it's a generational thing, but I find her easier to relate to then to Keith, though I am a fan of Keith's as well. I remember watching her during the coverage of the 200 election, and wishing that someone with her talent could have a TV show, and tada! Here she is.
    She will be appearing I think 2Feb at Rutgers University, my alma mater, where my mater (Mom)still works. I am so jealous, I wish I had known, I would have made plans to fly down and visit family then (we are 450 miles away). I am asking my Mom to take good notes. It's in the morning(9:30, I think) just in case there is anyone in the area who would like to hear her speak.

  50. Gasman7:37 PM

    I'm sorry, but as of now, I will not watch any NBC programming whatsoever. The most effective blow that I can individually strike back with is to let the powers at NBC, and their sponsors, know that I am no longer going to watch any of their programming. I agree that Maddow and O'Donnell are good, however, the executives who run their network are not. The NBC ban in this house has already begun.

    I'll not boycott their sponsors, but I also won't see their ads so I'll have not the slightest idea who they are. As far as this consumer is concerned, their big ad buys on NBC are useless. It may not be much, but it's what I can do. As far as I can tell, aside from Maddow and O'Donnell, I'll not be missing much. I haven't thought much of NBC news since Tom Brokaw had his nose jammed up W's ass. In my estimation, they've never gotten much better.

    Sorry Gryph, I'm not with you on this one. We don't need to be silencing voices like Olbermann, we need more of them. And when they do silence the one man who probably did more than any other journalist to call out the bullshit of the Cheney/Bush regime, I say we need to make a bunch of noise. Olbermann carried MSNBC on his back and these assholes tossed him out because he wasn't deferential enough? Fuck 'em.

  51. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Love Rachel but Keith was the soul of MSNBC.

    I'm boycotting anything that's NBC from now on.

  52. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Punkinbugg said...
    "Ah MSNBC. Here they are, showing "Lockup" and "To Catch a Predator" allllll weekend long, and then tomorrow they will complain about low ratings."

    Exactly! Who wants to watch people in prison all weekend?? I work a lot of evenings, and don't always remember to record Keith and Rachel. Why doesn't MSNBC show reruns of their evening shows on weekends? Even FOX has weekend programming.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.