Saturday, January 22, 2011

I think we might have been a little too hard on Sarah Palin lately. I would like to suggest that she take a vacation to someplace warm. Hey how about Australia?

Come on, we all have to admit that Sister Sarah has had just about the WORST couple of weeks that any of us could imagine.

As a matter of fact, according to the Globe, the Wasilla Ice Queen has recently had a MAJOR meltdown.

You know I always take what the tabloids say with a grain of salt, but this one definitely has the ring of truth to it.  I have very little doubt that the Grizzled Mama has dealt a great deal of stress these last few weeks, and from what certain sources have told me in the past about how she handles bad news this sounds quite believable.

Add to that the increased stress which certainly must result from learning that the world now knows that Todd likes his rubdowns to include happy endings, and you have a perfect storm of bad news which could easily result in a complete nervous breakdown.

What better time to head off for a relaxing vacation in sunny Australia? After all how could anything possibly go wrong while relaxing on the white sand beaches and hanging out with the friendly laid back blokes from the land down under?
Under Australian law, inciting violence is a serious crime: an offense which could even trigger the prosecution of members of the US political class and mainstream media who called for the assassination of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to his attorney.

"Our main concern is really the possible extradition to the US," he said. "We've been troubled by the sort of rhetoric that has come out of various commentators and principally Republican politicians — Sarah Palin and the like — saying Mr. Assange should be executed, assassinated."

Stary added: "Certainly if Sarah Palin or any of those other politicians come to Australia, for whatever purpose, then we can initiate a private prosecution, and that's what we intend to do."


So I guess Palin might consider crossing "visiting Australia" off of her bucket list. You know, for the time being at least.

Well what can I say?  Once you have attracted the incredible amount of bad karma that Sarah Palin has, there really is no good place to hide.


  1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:25 AM

    IMO, Scarah has appeared unstable for a long time now. I always thought she would have a nasty public meltdown, though; something that would be SO obvious as to not be easily swept under the media rug (and clearly indicating that Queenie isn't capable of taking that "3am phone call"). From what I can tell, her last two TV appearances have come REAL close, and I haven't even watched the entire videos (who can?). A nice little emotionally compromised episode is something to look forward to. Yoo hoo--iceberg, iceberg...

    Veering slightly OT: Still so upset over KO, but remember that he has a lot of options open to him: radio, blogging, writing. With his talent, I'm sure we haven't heard the last of him. I'll miss the wonderfully evil twinkle in his eyes, though. We still have broadcasters who aren't afraid to speak truth to power, and now it depends on us as well. We have IM and Gryphen, and other blogs. Screw Comcast, Fox, ABC (Disney)!! It's up to all of US now...spread the word, speak up, write it down. We as citizens have power to express our thoughts through ideas, not the violence (implied and real) the lowest-common-denominator RW craves.

    Sorry if this doesn't sound terribly clear--no coffee yet!

  2. Irishgirl4:34 AM

    Interesting. Palin is shattered by the blame over the massacre. The massacre itself doesn't seem to weigh too heavy on her thoughts. As usual, it's all about her.

  3. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Fix title: some not come??

    Yeah. Not pity from me for Sarah ever.But yes, concern that she never gets the mental health help she needs to go away and out of our faces 24/7.
    She reap-ith what she sow-ith finally also too.
    How's that karma-ey payback-ey thing workin out for ya Mrs. Palin??

  4. Anonymous4:57 AM

    To hell with her.

  5. Anonymous4:58 AM

  6. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I hope you read this Palin. I don't buy yet another attempt to get sympathy for yourself. I can believe you're in meltdown mode but only because the "I hate violence.", "RELOAD only meant go vote", "Blood libel means only a false accusation". Beck & Rush neither one were able to stem the tide of anger against you. Nobody bought the boatload of spin so now you're going for "waa-waa, I'm having a nervous breakdown. But hey America, get over it and let's get back to me being POTUS because I'm so pretty".

    Bull.Shit. I'll get over it about the same time little Christina Green's parents, brother & grandparents get over it or when Gabby Giffords and her parents and husband get over it. And when the other victims families get over it.

    Suffer Palin. Your tears are for yourself - not for anybody else. Focus on how much fun it was to get your Cult fired up.

    AND in case nobody's noticed, the violence is still going on. Congratulations John McCain, GOP, Teabagger freaks and all the others who played a part in this, fanned the flames or kept silent while these psychos incited violence.

  7. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I'm going to run out and buy three "Globe" issues, hot chocolate, popcorn and schadenfreude pie.

    So her "north star" is going nova? What a pretty sight.

  8. Anonymous5:41 AM

    In case anyone forgets Palin hates violence when it is directed at her.If it is towards any one else,hey no problem.The bitch has the blood of a 9 year old girl on her hands.I'll grant that Lougner is a loon but no one lives in a vacuum and Palin was by far the leading proponent of violent rhetoric.Who knows if this shitbird may have been trying to impress Palin ala Jodie Foster by John Hinkley.Stranger things have happened.People in the public eye have a responsibility to be careful about what they say.Palin claims blood libel but I'll be damned if the blood isn't on her hands.

  9. Anonymous5:43 AM

    I would LOVE to know whose idea it was to name the grandson Tripp?? This is too good to be coincidence, besides $arah does not believe in coincidences. Ms. Tripp had better change the batteries in her smoke detectors. So the unravelling begins, none too soon. Bet Cindy and Meghan McCain are secretly celebrating.

  10. Virginia Voter5:44 AM

    Sarah's next venture should be the Real Housewives of Wasilla...seriously, she puts those other delusional self absorbed bitches to shame. That is exactly where she belongs, with the other manic, substance abusing, scandal ridden fame whores whose sole purpose in life is to be a celebutard.

    She's the entire dysfunctional package- sexually deviant husband, delinquent kids, undiagnosed psychological problems...oh my God it would be so awesome. Her stupid TLC show was just the precursor.

    I don't know why the fuck Politico is still writing serious articles about this train wreck, but whatevs, it just makes them look stupid. Sarah is the Queen, of the trashy tabloid media with her trashy tabloid family.

  11. Anonymous5:48 AM

    What's ironic is that the article describes the shooter as deeply disturbed as evidenced by his incoherent writings with psychotic, rambling "word salads"!
    So maybe he went crazy from reading transcripts of Scarah's speeches and Fox appearances.

  12. Anonymous5:48 AM


    Inside title is "PALIN MELTDOWN".
    Glove cover title "SARAH PALIN BREAKDOWN"

  13. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Great idea Gryph. Todd & Palin can load up the RV and drive down to Australia (tee hee), Palin tweeting all the way about their adventures, about how Todd is such a great driver, steering around all those waves en route - oh wait, Todd is in the s**t house now.

    Who else can Palin get to drive her? How about Brad Hanson?

  14. Anonymous5:54 AM

    @Anon 5:17AM

    I totally agree with you!!! She is a narcissistic sociopath and none of this has hurt her one bit. She has just shifted gears.

    If a sociopath cannot get your undying adoration they want your pity.

    A sociopath can be in a room full of people all pointing and laughing and the only thing they feel is anger, never shame and they are not capable of self reflection.

    $P is not having a nervous breakdown she is just going with plan B.

    Scarah is not done and we will see her for a long time. But hopefully she has been removed from a possible presidential run. Which thankfully I think is happening.

    If she can't be in the spotlight she will satisfy her sick personality with revenge and I only hope she realizes it was the GOP that was responsible for bringing her down. They think they have her "handled" - they don't.

  15. Henry Kissinger is wanted in France, Argentina, and Chile for was crimes, yet he is still regarded as an elder statesman by many in our country. I almost threw up when President Obama had him over to support START. Kissinger was ineffective and duplicitous and cost many of my generation their life. I loathe the bastard.

    Also, I sincerely hope Loughner's attorneys bring at least a civil suit against the Divine Ms. P. and numerous others who have sown a thriving garden of hatred where we are just beginning to reap the bitter bounty.

  16. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Once all of Palin's skeletons fall out of the closet, her ever shrinking group of backers and supporters will quickly distance themselves from her. The requests for $100K speeches, book deals, reality shows and Fox appearances will soon end, and have already diminished, and her tweets and FB postings will no longer be acknowledged by the media.

    Michelle Bachman won't allow Palin to campaign with her, since it will taint her family values platform. Hannity, VanSustern & Beck will stop returning Palin's phone calls, begging for more victimhood "interviews". Fox will pull the plug on her home studio and she'll be a dried up has-been.

  17. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I was listening to NPR and heard this invitation to Australia myself. I could only laugh! Good thing she wasn't in the Oprah audience when they won the trip, huh?

  18. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Palin has two Reno speaking engagements both with hunting groups. I think she's finally found her niche.

    (formerly known as the Weatherby Big Game Trophy Award)

    Sarah Palin will be our keynote speaker at this year’s January Award Dinner. You won’t want to miss her presentation! This year’s dinner will be held on Tuesday, January 25, 2011, the night before the opening of the Safari Club
    International Convention in Reno on Wednesday, January 26, 2011.

  19. Anonymous6:12 AM

    The chickens are coming home to roost. Even with her remarkable ability to self-delude, all this coming at once is bound to crack her. Too many fires especially with the emails on the horizon.

    Todd's indiscretions may only matter in how SHE is affected, but she OWNS the Tuscon incident whether it's fair or not. That's why she couldn't resist responding--twice. If she had competent pr staff and not ass-kissers, we might now be praising her instead.

    But no, she continues to personally mine the Heaping Mountains of Distain herself every time she opens her mouth, or twitter or Facebook. I actually think the Globe article is one of the more sympathetic pieces on her. I highly doubt there's an actual "insider," but it wouldn't take much imagination to describe the most likely scenario.

  20. Who wants to bet Tripp Palin was named after Todd's prostitute girlfriend, because Shailey Tripp got pregnant with Todd and Sarah decided to adopt Tripp Palin from Todd's girlfriend and then had Bristol wear mommy's fake pregnancy belly for those 9 months to make her look like she was the mommy and that's why Tripp is named Tripp?

    My, my, my....we wonder what the truth is and ole Sarah is not saying a word for the first time in her life!

  21. Here are some of the people who listen to her, Beck, Rush riled up.

  22. Anonymous6:39 AM

    No, No, NO! She might appear to be down, but she is not OUT yet. Too bad anyway. Think of little Christina Green. No amount of, kicking them when they are down, will do. I hate to be so cold hearted, but TFBad. Scara, you can dish it out, so, honey here comes the "take it" part. The only way to salvation for your soul would be to ask for forgiveness.....Yeah, you blew those chances more than once. Your so tough, suck it up, there is more coming your way.

  23. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Looks like Todd is trending on yahoo ;)

  24. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Sarah, the perpetual victim, wants to blame the media for talking about her and linking her as a cause for the shooting.

    What seems closer to the truth is that every person who saw her cross hairs map then saw Gabby commenting on it, blames Sarah for spewing such hatred.

  25. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I guess the Tundra Turd isn't enjoying being on the receiving end of nastiness. Of course this is more like being on the boomerang end of things as she created the nastiness.

  26. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Love and KS@4:25

    about KO--I agree. I rarely watch TV--the vast wasteland...but did tune in to enjoy KO and his rare combination of sharp intellect and compassion. Rachel Maddow is very good and maybe with time will mature in her craft, but KO really knocked it out of the park most of the time.

    I won't be tuning in to MSNBC any more as a protest.

  27. Anonymous6:57 AM

    @ Cletis Stump re: Kissinger

    also add Richard Nixon, The CIA, and Chilean Dictator Augusto Pinochet. Pepsico, ITT, and other large U.S. corporations; also guilty parties in these crimes against the State and against The People of Chile.

    but this is about Stupid Palin and our wish to have her disappear - hopefully full time lodging in a mental institution.

  28. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Is Ms. Tripp the mother of all the babies we've seen? Is Bristol's real child/children going to come out of the closet any time soon?

  29. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I'm SURE it's just a 'coincidence' but isn't it curious that Ms Palin's speech to the Hunters is on the same night and just about the same time as President Obama's State of the Union address to the nation.


  30. laprofesora7:07 AM

    That is my favorite picture of her. It looks like she's realizing you can't fool all of the people all of the time...and she's in it up to her Spanxed behind.

  31. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Some nutbag bot on Politicususa attacked my comment that Palin is a coward, afraid of her own shadow and always points her finger out but never in. This idiot took offense and called my post ignorant since I didn't like to kill beautiful animals for sport, and then in another post, commented that Palin is a strong woman, who stands up for faith and values. She stated that after five kids, she is still "fit and lovely". I about puked. I remined her of Palin's attackes on Obama and his family, and how the bots don't care about what she does, just that she "looks good and says what they want to hear".

    FAMILY VALUES? Whose the Maanson family? This family is one fuck up after another. I come from a family who had problems, but we NEVER came closed to this sort of messed up shit. Affairs left and right, mysterious 2 week pregnancies, knocked up daughter, shacking up with her boyfriend, kids who use drugs and alcohol and vandalize the neighborhood, lying, cheating, calling people pedophiles when you don't like them. And this is just what we know about now! I can tell you, if these are family values, you can keep 'em.

  32. Anonymous7:40 AM

    The cold sore on her lip that just won't heal lets the world know that she's been feeling stress on a continuous basis the last few weeks. And the stress is just going to keep on building, isn't it Sarah?

  33. Anonymous7:46 AM

    "Irishgirl said...
    Interesting. Palin is shattered by the blame over the massacre. The massacre itself doesn't seem to weigh too heavy on her thoughts. As usual, it's all about her.

    4:34 AM"

    Like on election night, she wanted to
    give her own concession speech. Like the election
    was hers to win or lose.

  34. Anonymous7:53 AM

    So, she's "distraught" and "having a meltdown" and "shattered by blame over the Arizona massacre" -- but not so much so that she'll turn down a trip to Vegas and $100,000 speaking fee on Tuesday !

  35. Anonymous7:53 AM

    from Politico:

    First in nation, last with Sarah Palin.

  36. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I still want to know why they keep her hidden
    away. She is only seen with minders, and usually
    only for public appearances.

  37. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Great publicity for a potential presidential candidate. If Sarah fell apart over a couple of deaths in Arizona which really were not directly her fault, how would she handle the issue of declaring war on another country if she was the president? George W. Bush froze for seven minutes when he heard about the news on 9/11, and that was his fault for ignoring the presidential briefings which warned that Bin Laden was going to strike in the US. Sarah would not be able to act quickly in a crisis if this story is true. Great qualification for a future president.

  38. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Michelle Bachmann is just waiting for Palin to go under even more because she raises more funds than Sarah, has stronger backing, and is regarded by those mental stumps Limbaugh and Beck as being just as "pretty."

    So, Sarah, don't worry. Your mantle of hate and ignorance is alive and well with Michelle Bachmann. Must hut a bit to realize that someone you deigned to endorse is actually stealing your thunder.

    Mind you, MB is as looney as Sarah ever was (see, we are talking about her increasingly in the past tense though she will hang on like a shriveled rapid bat for a long time yet).

    We do need to start looking at who the GOP is ginning up for 2012 now that Sarah's star is waning.

    We also need to watch what the House GOP is doing because, folks, it's not over just because Sarah is imploding.

  39. Anonymous8:31 AM

    some great comments today. sharon 1943
    and anon 5:41 well said,thanks! it sounds like things KO would say. I sure will miss him.

  40. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I've been wondering lately when she would have her 'Hillary' moment: getting misty and choked up over things. Her supporters' reactions should be epic.

  41. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I hope there are some boots on the ground at her next 2 January speaking gigs, if she's allowed to attend. I wouldn't be surprised if the audience is blessed with her victimization, raging nastiness and narcissism times 10. Whose going to be in her cross-hairs as her next targeted 'pedophile'? She's not happy unless she's unhappy and orchestrating some attack. She's gotta vent and she hasn't been texting so it's been bottled up, building only to explode very soon! Sit back and watch as Mt. $aint $arah erupts! Now I would pay money to watch this!

  42. Hey hey hey hold on now! Keep that woman OUT of my beautiful country! Aussies have enough to deal with right now, with the floods in Brisbane and Melbourne, we don't need another plague!

    As an ex-pat living in the US & seeing first hand just how much trouble and misery Sarah Palin has wrought in this wonderful nation - I do NOT want her to ruin my country too with her vile rhetoric!

    If Palin wants to be left alone - then she needs to leave US ALL ALONE!

  43. Anonymous9:42 AM

    The Wasilla Steamer is so sad. She is used to people huddling around her when she cries. Its all about Sarah. Its a clever article. I even found myself wiping a tear from my tiny eye.

    And, the Globe article doesnt even address her later remarks and sociopathic inability to address others that were killed/hurt that were directly linked to her words.

    We know Sarah. When Guiliani thinks he can run against you as an alternative, you know you are toast. See your "friends" are turning on you, just like you did to them. Feels good dont it?

  44. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Yes, she hates violence. Yet, beats the hell out of a fish and watches an animal unnecessarily suffer. SHe likes watching things suffer. That really creeps me out.

    She just doesnt like suffering herself.

  45. Anonymous10:03 AM

    By labeling people she hates with words that generate universal revulsion like pediphile, she attempts to give license to punishment of those individuals. Lets just say Gryphen, if she had any power, she would be torturing you like those animals she inhumanely killed (fish, caribou) feeling very self-satisfied that she was doing the world a favor because it, like hunting for the family, would be ok.

  46. Anonymous10:30 AM

    " Victoria Paige said...
    Hey hey hey hold on now! Keep that woman OUT of my beautiful country! Aussies have enough to deal with right now, with the floods in Brisbane and Melbourne, we don't need another plague!

    As an ex-pat living in the US & seeing first hand just how much trouble and misery Sarah Palin has wrought in this wonderful nation - I do NOT want her to ruin my country too with her vile rhetoric!

    If Palin wants to be left alone - then she needs to leave US ALL ALONE!

    9:23 AM"

    We'll keep Sarah, if y'all will recall Rupert
    Murdoch. He is the devil. Sarah is just a
    lesser demon sent out to torment.

  47. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Rudy Giuliani doesn't want Sarah to run for president. He is actually warning her not to. This is interesting- and not because Giuliani even belongs in the race.

    Rudy Ghouliani:
    AKA: A noun, a verb and 9-11.

    But if he runs against Sarah it will be different.

    He can expand his speech!

    A noun, a verb and a scandal.

    A Toad, a rumored scandal, a friend of the family.

    A former governor, a rumored scandal, a business associate of Toad.

    A house of prostitution, a rumored connection, and a campaign donation.

    I don't want Ghouliani as president and I don't even want to see him run again- but I'd pay to see the FORMER US Attorney for the Southern District of New York* poking holes in her fitness for office.

    * Rudy and his crew of prosecutors convicted and SENT TO JAIL Ivan Boeskey, Michael Milken, the heads of the 5 NY mob crime families and many assorted other wrongdoers. If there is a certain smell in the air Giuliani will notice it. Has he already?

    If Sarah had a clue, this statement by Giuliani that he would run in opposition would be very disturbing. Even Sarah knows there is no way in the world for Giuliani to win. So why is he saying this?

  48. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Two Years Till Ceremonial Presidency Ends, Then Return To Normalcy Under Palin

    Posted by M. Joseph Sheppard's Recovering Liberal on January 20, 2011

    The rebalance, or rather return to normalcy, which commenced in November 2010 with the massive reaction-or shellacking- of the Democrats will be complete in November 2012.Then we only have a couple of months to wait until America returns to the traditional conservative roots.
    As well as the presidency and House, the Senate, with so many Dems up for re-election, should be safely back in Republican hands. Presuming the Supreme Court has no further changes, the situation will be as it was under Bush with Congress, the executive, the judiciary, and the majority of governorships proving once and for all that America is a right of center nation.However, so strong is the traditional political conservatism of America
    that even with all those factors, if it hadn’t been for the economic crisis hitting just before the election, McCain, who had pulled into the lead, might have won.
    The missteps of the untried and inexperienced Obama administration, the pull of the radical “progressive’ wing and the hubris of a badly misunderstood victory led to one of the biggest defeats in history for the policies and standing of the president, his team, who have departed one by one, and over
    60 congressmen.

    Oh, these people are so stupid...

  49. Unfit for office...any of them...all of them.

    I swear I think we care more about Sarah then her family and friends do. Which family member or friend loves her enough to stop the charade, tell the truth, and get the whole family into serious psychological counseling? And, no, the Rev. Franklin Graham doesn't count.

  50. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Question: Did $arah actually say that Assange should be executed? I knew that pipsqueak Tucker Carlson did, but I had not heard such of Palin.
    The breakdown news doesn't surprise me. I suspect this is one of many over the last six months or so.

  51. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I've been wondering lately when she would have her 'Hillary' moment: getting misty and choked up over things. Her supporters' reactions should be epic.

    8:37 AM

    I don't think $arah is capable of a 'Hillary' moment.

  52. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Palin whined "Why does everyone hate me?!
    What did I do??? Waaa! Waaa! Waaa! You can't
    spell Amerika without ME! ME! ME! ME! You
    can't have Amerika without me! I'm the victim here!
    Fuck off, Amerika, you don't DESERVE a
    Palin as your! So there!"

  53. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Anyone tempted to believe the MSM meme that Loughner was a lone lunatic with no political philosophy should check out:

  54. Anonymous12:30 PM

    POOR,POOR SARAH,finally getting what she deserves.

  55. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Rubdowns with a happy ending? You made me laugh there!

  56. Anonymous12:39 PM

    What rill hunter is going to listen to Palin, the 7 shot wonder, whose phrase "don't retreat, reload" is now linked to the AZ massacre? She is a disgrace to big game hunters and has lost all credibility as the Mama Grizzly. Her BS reality show wasted the life of a beautiful animal just to make people believe she was a natural outdoors-woman and needed to restock the freezer, but she proved the opposite and made a mockery of herself. I bet turnout will be low because real hunters have lost all respect for Palin.

  57. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Sarah has no conscious so how could she be devastated. If she is, it's out of anger that her poll numbers suck. Not because she feels ANY responsibility about Tucson

  58. Linda Arizona2:15 PM

    "Come on, we all have to admit that Sister Sarah has had just about the WORST couple of weeks that any of us could imagine."

    ....Not as bad as the Tucson victims had it.

  59. Anonymous3:24 PM

    It's really too bad that the United States of America doesn't have the same laws....we'd see Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly in jail!!!

    But, perhaps Palin misdeeds are going to be proven in the upcoming future and we'll actually be able to see her in an orange outfit. The other women in jail would be very, very hard on her too, I would suspect!

  60. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Maybe Sarah would like to volunteer for target practice and take a bullet through the brain. Then maybe I could muster up a tiny bit of sympathy. Maybe.
    I would feel differently if a dem would have created the crosshairs map with $arah as a target and talked about reloading, but that was not the case at all was it $arah?
    Dems are too educated and classy to exhibit that type of trailer trash mentality.
    I think that we the taxpayers should haul $arahs ass into civil court as we are the ones footing the bill for the Tucson incident.

  61. meena5:56 PM

    Leno jokes about Todd affair on Palin

  62. Anonymous7:27 PM

    PPP Poll: Palin Barely Edging Obama -- In Texas!

    Hee Hee

    Watch Bush's lap dog Whorehouse Perry drop her like a plate of week old buffalo bisquets.

  63. ajweishar7:45 PM

    Meltdown? Who saw that coming? Based on the thundering silence, Palin may have taken out Ms. Mansour. Hopefully the ghost isn't in ICU with blunt force trauma from soup cans and a Blackberry.

  64. Anne In DC1:36 AM

    I find it hilarious that her ignorant lemmings dismiss unflattering facts about her words and actions since 2008 as "opinions." They are still trying to draw false equivalencies between her and our president in order to rationalize their support for her, which is not based on logic or facts--only the fact that she shares their horribly skewed world view.

    With such a visibly dysfunctional family as hers, how can anyone seriously look at her as an icon of family values? In addition to her many personal shortcomings that render her unpresidential, the escapades of her older children and her husband would serve as needless distractions from important issues if she ever became president.

    Her "woe is me" act is utterly sickening, and underscores how utterly self-centered and childish she is. She has always been this way, but for her to make the Tucson tragedy about her without acknowledging that the horrible coincidence of Rep. Giffords being shot should make her more reflective about what comes out of her mouth. Both the self-serving excuse for a speech on the day the president spoke in Arizona, and the whinefest with Hannity, have brought into clear focus the main reason she has no business in politics. She is a hot mess of mmaturity, ignorance, selfishness, hatefulness, and lack of empathy.


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