Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bristol Palin addresses the rumor of Tripp's name change.

I hate these guys and I would not usually subject any of you to having to listen to their juvenile garbage, but there are some interesting pieces of information to be learned here.

Number one Bristol HAS asked Levi to allow her to change Tripp's name and sign over all of his parental rights, which by the way I find reprehensible. However according to her that was two years ago.

She also confirms that she is currently living in Arizona and, in around about way, that she is playing house with her new boyfriend Gino Paoletti.

Another thing that she mentions in an almost casual way is that Levi has only seen his son about three times since the end of DWTS back in November, and then only for about four hours at a time.

The visitation schedule that was agreed on gives Levi much more time than that:

Under the terms, Palin, 19, will have primary custody of the toddler, while Johnston, 20, will have just two days a week to visit his son. According to the agreement, his Saturday visits must be between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and his Wednesday visits can start at noon and go no later than 6 p.m.

So Bristol is already in non-compliance with the set agreement which means that Levi could easily take her back to court and renegotiate his custody arrangement.  And now that she has taken Tripp and relocated with him to Arizona without a new arrangement in place she is in defiance of a court order and he could force her to come back up here and reopen the whole case.

I can tell you right now that the Alaska courts do not take it lightly when somebody defies a court ordered visitation agreement.  My ex-wife tried to take my daughter out of state and our judge labeled that "kidnapping" and suggested doing so would negatively impact HER custody rights.

BTW I sent this video to the National Enquirer and told them that the shoddy reporting they did on the name change story could negatively impact the Shailey Tripp story. However like I have said, THAT story is the real deal.

Gee I wonder how Bristol feels about the fact that her son shares a name with the woman that her father paid to have sex with him.  And yes, Todd DID pay for the sex.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Did someone hack her twitter account?

    Anyway, the whole visitation agreement was ridiculous to begin with. It's unequal and restrictive. How he agreed to that I'll never know, unless he's not that interested in being a father. It almost seems like Mercede is more interested.

    How can he visit Tripp if the kid's in Arizona? Isn't that a violation of the custody agreement? Levi must be agreeing to all of this otherwise none of this would even occur.

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Damn is she ever dumb. A radio show??? Will be cancelled within a week.

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Pay? Physical evidence? the doofus used a credit card!

  4. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Maybe BP really wants to change Tripp's first name to honor her father Tawd. You know, change it to "John".

    Why does she always sound like she is stoned?

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I made it through about 2 minutes of umms and errrrs and giggles. To say Bristol is monosyllabic is being kind.

  6. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Why does she always sound like she is stoned?
    7:11 AM

    Because she is a dullard?

  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    IS Ms. Tripp the mother of Tripp? is TriG even remotely related to the Palins?

  8. Anonymous7:31 AM

    She has a face for radio and a voice for...well, the internet.

  9. Anonymous7:33 AM

    No, Bristol never "addresses" anything, really.

    Why does the courtview AK site show that a "vital statistic form filed" was, well, filed?

    Also, "name change filed" and "restore to former name"...

    The custody case is still open; all Levi has to do is petition the court for another hearing, giving cause, such as the removal of Tripp from AK, support moderation, etc.

  10. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I wonder if she is aware of all the drama happening behind the scenes with her Mom & Dad. When asked if any more Palins would be moving to Arizona, she said she had no idea. Seemed rather clueless. Perhaps they are estranged.

    If she goes through with her upcoming speech will the pregnancy rumors be put to rest?

  11. Anonymous7:41 AM

    My first thought is Up is Down in Palin world. Cohabitation with a formerly denied and lied about boyfriend ( child is her life, a burden and she can't ever go out) then give abstinence speeches.

    So, "family first" is in reality contradictory actions again demonstrating these people have no integrity, christian morals or boundries.

    The bell has rung for another round of intimate personal revealations and false allegations to defermate the character of others then play the victim for what they set up for self serving gain.

    Ahh, the sweet irony of the Palin women emasculating menrhetoric (vulgar too) and lying to objectify them as sexual perverts while Todd pays prostitutes and the knocked up teen cohabittes with different guys. Yipee, another round of the Palins, all American Christian poster family who think nothing of attacking people sexually while distorting they are the most pure in the land.

    I believe they have gone too far for the public was shocked by Tiger Woods secret sex life who had believed Tiger was above those things and a role model, sincere and down to earth also.

    Honestly I hope there is concrete evidence papa bear paid for sex and that Bristol is shacking up. It is the Palins who have already brought our country down to the rest of the world and to the majority at home. Palin's response to Tuscon is the beginning of her end by her own hands.

    Overall any facts or truth about the Palins discussed or addressed they react as victims denying and lying while projecting it is someone else lying. Smoke and mirrors of personality disorder behaviors.

  12. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Bristol the sex pistol confirmed the story about her attempts to change mealticket Tripp's last name. And also too, she sounds like she's not telling the whole story about the custody issue.

  13. TNbluedot7:43 AM

    OK. I just wasted 5 minutes of my life listening to that waste of oxygen.

    Whoever is willing to pay her to be on radio is a few crayons short of a box. She puts a sentence together as well as Snowdrift Snookie!

    And the guys she's talking to... yikes! Sound like a couple of really bright dudes on the way up in the broadcasting business... not!

    I hope Levi gets legitimate counsel and gets the custody/visitation details worked out equitably. She needs to be in big trouble for taking that child to AZ.

  14. padoreva7:45 AM

    While Sarah stiffed the hairdresser and the barristas, Todd at least had the courtesy to pay for what he stiffed.

  15. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Let's face it, Levi and Bristol, mentally, are still children. And as hard as it is to say, Levi will go his own way. He may love his son but without the day-to-day interaction, and the constant fighting with the Palin's, for his own health, he will walk away and he should.

    Not all people know how to parent. And Bristol is to young to know the ramifications that her behavior will have on their son.

    To bad the adults surrounding these two are even more juvenile in their behavior.

  16. Anonymous7:56 AM

    My new theory. I had almost given up on the idea that Bristol had birthed Trig. Now its all clear. Bristol gets pregnant, and mommy covers for it by faking a pregnancy. Names baby TriG to rub her face it in. Then Todd gets hooker pregnant. Mommy tells Bristol it's time to fake a pregnancy to cover for dad. Bristol names baby Tripp to rub her face in it.

  17. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I can't bear to listen. My blood pressure cannot take it. But, I wonder if the reason Levi seems so reticent to take action is that these people all have potentially damaging information about one another, and so there is this paralysis that can only be broken by someone outside their circles.

    Perhaps he has been threatened that he better not make trouble for her, or someone will divulge something not very flattering about him or a member of his family? I personally alway give Levi the benefit of the doubt, my gut tells me he isn't a bad person, but he may be in something way over his head, regardless of the good or bad advice he is getting.

  18. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Bristol is living with Gino, what happened to the abstinence oath? Doesn't she realize she is a "role model" (barf) to millions of young women? Candies should sue her for the $$$ they paid her.

  19. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Was Todd ever arrested for soliciting a prostitute? We know he´s guilty. I wonder if there is a mug shot somewhere.

  20. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Thanks for the narration, Gryphen, I can't stand to listen to the brisstal.
    OT--please go over to HP and read/watch the ENTIRE post about Beck and Piven. If your blood was boiling before about the right's violence, then take some blood pressure medicine before you spend the time. I am sooooo very mad about the whole thing that I could scream. When is the FCC going to hold Murdock/Ailes responsible for their FUCKING BULLSHIT??????--sorry, I am very upset. Now I understand better why scara did NOT mention Beck's name on the hannitypants show. She would be smart to distance herself from that wacko--fortunately she is not that smart.

  21. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Let's get back to Shailey for just a moment, may I ?

    Here's what the APD arrest report for March 5th and 6th have to say.

    11/06/1974 10-03948

    PRACTICING PROSTITUTION 09/27/1991 10-03948



    Note the charges, Tripp was not charged with "practicing" prostitution, Thomas is.

    The other two are just charged with prostitution, not sure why the difference.

    There's also a birth announcement in the Anchorage Daily News for a Kashawn Thomas on October 14, 2010 with no father listed.

    Here is a Google earth map of Bradley's house in Anchorage, her ex husband Eldridge, now deceased, also has ties to Louisiana, just as Tripp/Tremblay/Hawes.,+Anchorage,+AK+99507&gl=us&ei=8PY6TcfOAY66sAO0vt2oAw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ8gEwAA

    These girls have a colorful background, go look them up !

  22. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Anon 7:33, yeah it's weird that the case is still not resolved. But in the events log there's nothing about name change.

    It's interesting though, that when the case was originally filed by Bristol she filed it Jane Doe vs John Doe and motioned to speed things up. Now, it seems like they don't mind dragging things along. Maybe her strategy now is to extend things as long as possible hoping that Levi having to spend more time and more money and deal with more paperwork will just tired him out and he'll give up. Or maybe they're waiting for him to self destruct and she'll get full custody. Whatever the reason is, she must figure time is on her side now where it wasn't before.

  23. Anonymous8:07 AM

    And BTW, if Bristol had originally put "Tripp (etc) Palin on the birth certificate instead of using Johnston, those entries would make sense ("restore to former name", etc), since we already know about the filing to show Tripp as "Palin-Johnston", don't we?

    This brings into the mix that perhaps Bristle doesn't really know who the father is, and never intended to marry Levi, no matter how Mommie Dearest set it up to save the family reputation?

    Levi, get a DNA test.

  24. Anonymous8:08 AM

    You stupid chunky bitch. Of course Levi hasn't seen Tripp in 2 mos. How could he? You moved his ass to Arizona.

  25. What if we found out Sarah Palin’s last pregnancy was Piper and Trig & Tripp were birthed by Bristol Palin & Shailey Tripp and Sarah adopted both of these boys to keep the real scandals behind the scene a secret?

  26. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Levi file a restraining order from her removing that kid from the state until you make a new custody arrangement.
    How do does her mother feel that having a baby as a teenager and than living with another man is MORAL? That women always says that the left has no morals or double standards. Taking about her own family again!!

  27. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Gryphen, I heartily agree with you that she is living with Gino. However, my cousin doesn't. In order to prove her wrong, I listened to the whole segment (YUCK!!!) and didn't catch anything that seemed to say that she was cohabitating with Gino. Would you please clarify what words gave you that impression?

  28. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Nice try, Bristol. Your appearance only makes people wonder why Todd isn´t the one on the radio denouncing the soliciting a prostitute ¨rumors.¨

    Credit card, huh? I was hoping he paid for his ¨massage therapy¨ with political campaign contributions. Ideally, with SarahPAC funds.

  29. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I appreciate all the updates . However, did I miss something ? I thought that somewhere credible ,I had read that Trig was Shailey's Tripp's or some other womans? At any rate possibly not Ms. palin's .Is that true?

    It certainly also appears that Tripp has been Kidnapped.I sometimes I feel empathy for clueless BP . She did not have much love as a child nor did she have good role models .

  30. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Levi needs a good lawyer, a court ordered and supervised DNA test, and that stuff costs money. Maybe it's time for Levi to write that book after all.(OK, he can't write. But he can dictate it to someone). He does need the money, and he's being played for a fool by a nasty family.

  31. Anonymous8:23 AM

    i like how those two knuckleheads as her personal questions like did you write a check for your new house? and she's too young and dumb to not answer it. it sounded to me like they were more interested in scooping new info than in bristol or her privacy.

    and how on earth would she handle a radio show on her own. no 'sparkle' there and not all that bright either (sorry, i have been trying to be less mean spirited about comments) but really, there's nothing there worthy of hosting a radio show. no worldly or national intelligence, just like her mother.

    she's only 'famous' because McCain put Palin on the '08 ticket. otherwise she'd just be hanging in Wasilla with a baby or two and not much more.

  32. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Right, anon @ 7:57. How do they explain the disconnect between her words and supposed philosophy (though it sounds like it has morphed into a "pause and put a condom on" one), and her actual behavior and choices? Is she going to say they are abstaining?

    Really, it's so f'd up. It's like "I can say anything I want, just like my mom, and you all have to just accept it"!

    They are such con artists.

  33. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The two "men" on that radio show behave like a couple of 7th graders.
    Well, Bristol is now on record flaunting her wealth and saying she needs no funds from Levi. That's good.

    Plus, I thought Bristol promised Oprah she'd be abstinent til marriage - how does "shacking up" with a guy named Gino fit in that equation?

  34. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Sarah Palin invents new words for 2011:

    Toddry: the vulgarness, indecency, and shamefulness of Todd.

    Toddriness: Todd's vulgar, indecent and shameful activities.

  35. Anonymous8:39 AM

    This empty-headed, inarticulate, incurious, boring young woman is responsible for the care and education of a very young child. It's appalling. Maybe the nanny supplements the child's intellectual environment or maybe the child is a drift in a wasteland of ignorance and neglect.

    And after Tripp there will be a string of other infants growing up in the same stunted way. Kids sure do get a raw deal in this world.

  36. Ratfish8:41 AM

    8:18 AM

    Re use of campaign funds: While not SarahPAC, if I remember correctly there is a donated of $900 in services from Ms. Tripp to the Palin/Parnell campaign.

    Perhaps APOC would be interested in finding out if the services were legal or illegal, and to whom they were provided.

  37. Anonymous8:42 AM

    In reality,... who fucking cares what this High School Drama Queen slut does !

    She counts for NOTHING!

  38. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Has there EVER been a DNA test? This seems to me to point to the fact that he is not the father.

  39. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Gryphen, would you please clarify what words gave you that impression that she was cohabitating with Gino?

  40. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Where I go to church "cohabiting" with your boy friend is called living is sin and is considered a mortal sin.

    Granting that a lot of people do it by they and their families usually shut up about the holier than thouishness stuff.

  41. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why does she always sound like she is stoned? 7:11 AM

    Would you stay sober if you lived in that family?

  42. Anonymous9:06 AM

    God grief, what would Bristol Palin add to a radio show? She is a barely graduated from high school made-up media personality who cannot create a cognizant sentence without help. Really, what has she done that is remarkable? I remember watching Paris Hilton on a farm show with my teenage daughter and we both thought it absurd and surreal. But, mostly we thought she was a pointless human being.

    This culture has truly taken a dive.

  43. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Am I the only one who thinks that Levi is probably glad to be relieved of responsibility for a child (if it pays him to do so, even better) so he can get on with his hillbilly kid life? I spend my days teaching guys of Levi's age and not one of them really wants to be saddled with a responsibility that keeps them from driving fast cars and partying.

  44. Anonymous9:09 AM

    God, 3 porkers sandwich.

    So, Gryphen, I stand by my original statement, Levi is and will be pushed around by the Palins.

    BTW, why is Bristol advocating abstinance while co-habitating? Great role model!!

  45. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I believe that since Bristol and Sarah have formally set themselves up as role models, they should be questioned.

    Christian leaders everywhere, Christians everywhere, and people who find faith personal, should be offended by the behavior of this entire family. It makes Christianity look like a joke and a great way to make money.

  46. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Stop whoring out our religion Bristol and Sarah et al!!!

  47. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I am inclined to think that Tawd probably threatened Levi's Dad with loss of job up North because Tawd has contacts with those people. I suspect Levi has a lot of pressure on him.

  48. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Is that an old photo? I expected to see post-partum or close-to-partum.

  49. Anonymous9:29 AM

    something in her voice tells me she if lying....oh, that's right she is a Paylin so she IS lying!

    The tell was there when asked if she just wrote a check for the house and then again when she was talking about changing the kid's name.

  50. I changed the term "cohabiting" to "playing house" because in the interview she does not admit that she and Gino are essentially living together. My information about their living arrangement came from another source, not the interview.

    Gino actually appears to have his own place close to Bristol, but spends much of his time with her and Tripp.

    Sorry for the confusion.

  51. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Did anyone else hear, at 4:28, that she started to say she's working on a book, caught herself and said she's working on a few other projects??

  52. Anonymous9:45 AM

    My church, Protestant (ecumenical university-based, just outside major metropolitan center) does not take a hard line on cohabitation, but then again some Christians don't think Protestants in general are real Christians, haha! Just goes to show, always points of dispute, between religious and non-religious people both. In fact, I just remembered my minister's son is currently doing that very thing, and they are quite happy he has found a compatible mate!

    These Palin jokers have always shown, at best, minimal demonstrations indicating they are actually practicing Christians. They throw a scriptural reference in, they hang out with Franklin from time to time, it's so superficial and hence suspect. The Lord above knows well that their behavior is anything but Christian (dare I say, referencing the anti-you know what would not be exaggerating things, given the charisma factor).

    I am not sure they are involved in any sustained relationship with any church or even an organization as high profile as Samaritan's Purse. I think that Haiti trip was a political setup, solely, intended as prelude to a trip overseas to Israel and the UK.

    As we all know, that was before the you know what started to hit the fan... What a difference a month can make!

  53. Anonymous9:47 AM

    She seems rather dull. Her "celebrity" status certainly isn't built on anything relating to her character.

  54. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I listened to it, and there's absolutely no skill on Bristol's part, so I don't see her doing a radio show. Media is always looking to use the Palins, not utilize their non-existent skills. She's too dumb to figure this out. She also seems too dumb to realize that these two radio dopes are AS MUCH trying to exploit her as be on her side. They say things very carefully, humor her, and speak to her in the same short sentences and tone you would use with a 7 year old.

    I found it ridiculous how the jocks acted as if this was SUCH an outrageous rumor, when Bristol just admitted she has asked Levi "many times" to sign over his rights. So what is so outrageous and false about it, that the papers weren't actually signed? They could be TOMORROW for all we know.

    Bristol answered questions, sort of, but hesitated or withdrew on two of them: The one about whether more Palins are moving there and the one about Gino. So there's more to both stories.

    The only thing this interview accomplished was to perpetuate the meme of Levi not caring about his parental rights. And since the custody case is still open, that's what she's striving for. I think she hopes to outlast and out maneuver Levi on this, hoping he gets fed up and just does it. Her assertion that after signing papers Levi would "still be" the father, is ridiculous. Why would there be visitation? It's hard enough for him now, and his name is on the birth certificate. And once she marries....of COURSE the stepfather will adopt Tripp, leaving Levi way, way out of the picture, being no more relevant than a sperm donor.

  55. Anonymous9:50 AM

    This is funny. Guiliani, the Wasilla Steamer's best NYer friend, announced that he may run for president if the W. Steamer runs, to provide an alternative choice ie the lesser batshit of the two bat-shit crazies. Its on Huffington Post.

    Does this mean that the W. Steamer and Rudy wont be going to any ball games together anymore? See Rudy is as big a bitch as the Wasilla Steamer and twice as good at the game. She is going down. (But, we know, not on Tawd.)

    If anyone doesnt know what Wasilla Steamer means, search for its cousin, the Cleveland Steamer. I believe it is an appropriate name for such a foul individual.

  56. OverMountainMan9:57 AM

    Listen to her answer at the beginning when the DJ asks her "Did you write a check for this house " I had to listen 3 times then get my wife to confirm what her answer was, She said " Yeah "HE" did " Who is "He"

  57. Anonymous9:57 AM

    "Gino actually appears to have his own place close to Bristol, but spends much of his time with her and Tripp."

    Makes no difference to me if he maintains a separate mailing address. It matters where you're spending your days and nights.

    It's amazing to me that for being a "single mom" Bristol has not been technically "single" very long. Is there any length of time at all, from high school forward, that she's been without a man?

    I know single moms who are not dating, because they are too busy earning a living from 8am -6pm, caring for the children 6pm - 9pm, doing chores 9pm-11pm, then waking up at 4 or 5am and starting all over again. They also have to use vacation days to leave work to take care of the child when they're sick. These rules do not apply to Bristol, of course, so she must figure why not live with whoever she wants?

  58. Virginia Voter10:01 AM

    9:41 and 7:02-

    At first I thought that the @Bristol_Palin was a fake twitter account too. It had about 6,000 followers, with no one following.

    Yesterday it was hacked, and the person who got into it started tweeting about the over 300 direct messages he/she found in that account about a $1.5 million dollar book deal, Willow being on DWTS, and lots of other stuff which I found to be unbelievable.

    Today, all those tweets are gone, and I still don't know what to make of it. I too heard Bristol start to say "book", but really, who knows, who cares, and this interview proved once again that Bristol is a lying, petty sack of shit just like her mother. No one is buying what the Palins are selling, and DWTS will lose all credibility if they put Willow on. Willow and Bristol are not even mature or smart enough to manage a facebook account, much less write books and give speeches.

  59. Anonymous10:10 AM

    "playing house with her new boyfriend"??

    Abstinence continuing, I presume. What does Candies think of this? Hmmmmmmmmm

  60. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Playing house with her boyfriend? While preaching abstinence before marriage? HOW DO THE BOTS JUSTIFY THIS IN THEIR MINDS?

  61. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Bristol on Oprah January 22,2010 - one year ago today.

    Video of Bristol confirming her GUARANTEE she will not have sex before she's married.

    Well that went out the door sometime back about July when she was back with Levi.

    Forget the name of the other kid before that who asked if she was pregnant.

    Now this dufus Gino.

    Let's call it what it is - a slut who makes the rounds as these are only three that we know of.

    It's going to be where each time Tripp walks into Bristol's bedroom, he'll have no idea who it is sleeping with her. A new face each time. And she thinks that stable for a child. No - that's abuse, neglect, etc.

  62. Anonymous10:34 AM

    It's time to grow up.
    Tripp is NOT a pawn in this game you are playing. When he is old enough to understand the things you have said and done he is going to hate you. Remember, what is on the internet lasts forever, it can't be erased. Get your shit together and start acting like an adult.

    It's time to grow a pair! Man up, get a DNA test and if Tripp is your son, DO THE RIGHT THING!

  63. WakeUpAmerica10:47 AM

    Hey, Bristol! How about addressing the rumor of Tripp's name? According to your mommy dearest, there are no coincidences. Shailey Tripp? Tripp Johnston?

  64. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The only way that Levi's lack of response makes sense is that either Sarah has threatened him with something that could be really devastating or that she is paying his child support on the condition that he stay away. He is very immature and confused and unfortunately doesn't have anyone guiding him.

  65. Anonymous10:57 AM

    She isn't even averagely bright, is she? There's only one thing she can do, and she's already, shall we say, losing the freshness of youth... it's being worn away.

    I would say she doesn't clean up very well, but she's not trying to clean up. Honestly, I love long, beautifully groomed hair. I haven't the patience to grow mine long and deal with it, but I love the look. In all her pictures, she just looks droopy. And with all these babies, the rest of her is starting to match her hair.


  66. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I'm so happy to see that Bristol is back to her pre-pregnancy weight. When did she have that baby she was gestating during DWTS and the trip to Haiti? Her face is finally not at all bloated like it was in that pic walking from the Cheesecake Factory with a friend and a take-home sack of cheesecake for that midnight snack.
    Just a little bit longer folks and we won't have the Palins to analyze day in and day out. We'll move on to more intelectually stimulating conversations.
    Jen from Indiana

  67. Anonymous11:01 AM

    An old picture being used with this new broadcast in order to reinforce the illusion that Bristol is pregnant.

    She's very guarded in what she says because she's been told to be careful. But she's also not very bright and will screw up if she gets interested in a topic. That's why she is no good for much more than a few words in her answers.

  68. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Wholly crap Gryphen!! Is the Todd Palin story a transgender one??!!!!!!

  69. Anonymous11:04 AM

    7:31 am & 7:45 am

    Absolutely loved your comments. Great wit and right on !!

  70. Anonymous11:05 AM

    To whomever mentioned a credible place or source for info on trig and other things, there is no credible source. No one knows the truth except sarah, todd, bristol, maybe levi (big maybe), and maybe the other immed palins.

    All websites and crap only have thirdhand more distant info. Most of the drama is greatly exaggerated like all drama is

    I think this interview proves bristol as a private person though. Just because she's a public advocate doesn't mean the world needs to know all about her. That's just common decency

  71. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Anon 9:41 -

    Yes, I caught that, too.

    Working on a book?? About what? How to screw and become an unwed teen parent???


  72. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I'm really quite surprised how people will jump to so many conclusions when they are fed info by Bristol. Like, as if the picture is current, as if she is living in Arizona, as if she is living with her boyfriend, etc., etc., etc.

    What was evident in the interview was that Bristol was being very careful with her answers. What should have also been evident is that the interviewers were rehearsed with their questions. This was of course meant to get some ideas out there to cause more confusion. It seems to work every time too!

  73. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Why are we still reporting these details? Its between levi and bristol and nothing is going to change that. Each are obviously living separate lives. Let's stick to important matters: sarah palin. Bristol nor todd has anything to do with what will eventually bring sarah down. Tis the only truth

  74. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Interesting the type of outlets Bristol and her horrible mother use 'so the world can hear their stories'....

    But, Bristol has an example that she has followed that most children don't and thank God for that!

    I'll wager that Levi absolutely hates dealing w/the Palin family and I can't say I blame him.

    Also, love the fact we are not hearing from sister Sarah. What a relief that has been!!

  75. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Is this radio show in Alaska or Arizona?

    I thought she was going to Texas for a speech today, is that true or not?

    That girl can't put a sentence together let alone a radio show.

  76. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I loved when she said, he just has to sign over his rights, but could still see him whenever he wanted. Oh, really? As soon as he signs over his rights will be the last time she ever allows him to see his son. Why should he just "sign" them away? And I love how noone asks her why Levi has only seen his son a few times since DWTS. maybe because she was in LA and then Arizona? Who will pay for him to see his son?

  77. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Gryphen, how long do we have to look at those ugly suckers before you put up a new post? Just sayin/

  78. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Anyone who get's involved with THAT family deserves what they get.

    'gino' is a fool. Unless he's paid off, he should run, and run fast.

  79. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Sasha Obama spoke in Chinese to the President of China. Now there is a child getting an education. She and Malia will grow up to be lovely young women who make a contribution to the good of society.

    The Palin children, not so much.

  80. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I'm not sure it's a logical step between "Levi has seen Tripp three times" (paraphrased) and "Bristol is not in compliance with the custody agreement" (paraphrased). We've never seen any indication from Levi, such as a court filing, that he has tried to see Tripp and been refused.

    I'm not saying Bristol ISN'T in compliance; the Palins seem to think they're above the law. I just don't think it's been proven.

  81. Kimosabe1:01 PM

    Look, young Levi is probaby a nice kid, but is also your basic hockey-jock drop-out party boy. Like many, if not most, young men in his position, he likely does not want and could not handle the heavy burdens of parenthood. He should, tho, have to at least contribute toward his child's support, even if he does not have, and does not want, custody or even frequent visitation.

  82. Doesn't sound like Bristol got either the tv show or the gig as an entertainment reporter that she thought she deserved.

    Is Bristol paying attention to what's happening with her parents and what appears to be the karmic result of their harassment of Trooper Wooten and others? She may want to drop the talking points to make herself look good and Levi look bad and do what's right for Tripp. Her parents did her no favor when they taught her to lie.

  83. Anonymous2:38 PM

    You know who Bristol reminded me of? Her mom, in the fake Sarkozy interview. She's not as shrill, but otherwise exactly the same cadence, giggling, and tentative (monosyllabic) replies.

  84. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I wish my Dad had been as interested in my sister and I as you were in your child.

  85. Anonymous3:14 PM

    9:45 The Palins don't attend church in the Valley anymore although they professed to belong to one in the very beginning of Sarah becoming a 'star'! Think there is one actual photo of the girls and Toad attending a Sunday service quite awhile ago.

    There is the photo of Sarah having the 'hands on' thing done in front of the congregation - years ago. There was a fire at that particular church, to which Palin apologized...never have heard the outcome of the investigation about the fire and know there was one done (supposedly there could have been records there that the Palins didn't want seen)?

    Anyway - reported from a church member - Palins haven't been seen there in eons. Fine christian family that THEY ARE NOT!

  86. Anonymous3:42 PM

    This interview is next to sarah palin getting spoofed by none other than Nicolas Sarkozy...

  87. Anonymous4:14 PM

    So did she & Tripp file for PFD as AK residents?

  88. My mother considered taking us to Wisconsin where she was from and her family lives after my parents' divorce but found that she couldn't without my dad's permission -- never mind that he didn't pay his child support or exercise his visitation rights. I'd advise Levi to get things right so he has an airtight case.

  89. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Virginia Voter, yeah I was wondering about that, that's why I asked who's hacking her account. Most of what he published is probably bogus, but it's legit that she talks to a porn star. Who knows, without the Palin money and with little education, maybe it's a career move she would have had to consider ;)

    You know, as evil as Sarah Palin is, I prefer having to listen to her than any of her freeloading family members. At least Sarah worked for what she has. And she has an excuse for her bad behavior because she's legitimately crazy. The rest of them are just flat-out dopes.

  90. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Was Tripp actually born to Shaleigh Tripp?

    What happened to the baby born December 2007?

  91. Anonymous4:51 PM

    What on earth will she talk about on the radio. Deejays tend to be quick-witted or at least have something to say. And what will she say in her book? What's the title: The Big Middle Finger: One Teen Mom's Journey to Get Back at the Haters.??

  92. Anonymous5:04 PM

    When will Levi get smart and get an effective attorney for crying out loud?!

  93. No baby? She doesn't look pregnant...did she already have a baby? I would like to know what happened to all of the pregnant thing...Dang!

  94. If Bristol spoke in public today, surely someone took a picture of her. It's a must see, but it has to be accurate. Does anyone really know where she's living? It would seem that someone would have captured a picture of her in Arizona that wasn't a year old. I smell another cover-up - or a white-out. OMG! A late term abortion? Also, I still think that Sarah's mother/daughter trip to NYC in 2007 was for a Bristol white-out. Who really knows, though?

  95. Anonymous5:42 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Was Tripp actually born to Shaleigh Tripp?

    What happened to the baby born December 2007?

    4:34 PM"

    How does the story go....Trig was Tripp before
    he was Trig???? What are the odds TP would
    have banged a ho & had a grandson both named
    Tripp? Until the Palins, I've only heard the
    name twice, once is a baseball player, Tripp
    Cromer, and the other was someone I knew
    years ago, and his last name was Tripp.

  96. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I have been married twice. Once very young and it of course, did not last.
    I remarried years down the line and never would dream of taking my sons last name from him, even as his father choose not to be in his life. He has never paid a dime in child support.

    I held my tongue, cried many tears and kept a journal someday my son will read of the true love I had to hide my pain and deal with his.
    He may come to have some relationship with his dad someday if the "tides" should fall that way. But he will not hold grudges on any pain I caused him by badmouthing his father to him.

    Bristol is really a mini mean Sarah. She cannot see that she is doing mean things to her son that he will someday see.

    I hope Levi gross a pair and tells her to stop playing slap and tickle with that grease ball and bring HIS SON BACK To ALASKA or all hell is to pay.

  97. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Gryphen, I'd like to repeat what someone else posted. I too wish my father had cared about me and my siblings as you did your daughter.

    I saw your statement about "playing houe". I misunderstood and retract my previous sttement about "cohabitating".

    I feel frustrated giving the benefit of doubt or keeping expectations open then learning Bristol Palin lies habitually also claiming she had no time for fun or friends and does not date. She lied through three boyfriend relationships with Ben, Levi and this Gino. I can only guess such lies are self serving to promote the poor me single mom meme and enhance the Virgin Mary identity.

    When in political campaign mode Sarah spins more lies about Bristol. Bristol like most kids are ok as they are. It is damaging when a parent tells whoppers about them. The whole situation disgusts me as a mother, human, woman, and from experience with an ex who played parental alienation games. The pain people suffer is horrific except for the one person lying to play people. They "feel good hurting others".

  98. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Any chance Todd paid for massage only?

    That is probably a naive question for I am aware of massage parlors that are actually places of prostitution in the guise of massage.

    It makes sense if a man wanted massage he'd go to a place that did not offer prostitutes. What man not into paid sex would want to be associated with going to a house of prostitution?

  99. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Didn't she start to say something about 'other rumors' then back down?

  100. Anonymous7:54 PM

    just read at AKWTF, that Levi Johnston was also 'visiting' Ms. Tripp the same time period as Todd.

    I suspect little Tripp may actually be Todd's child. Maybe both babies are Ms. Tripp's children.

    TriG?? don't know where he came from....but surely the Palins know where they found him.

  101. We can hate the BM show but basically I heard them snorkling or brown-nosing to get certain information on record.

    They might not be consciously pranking her but the undertone, to me, is there.

  102. Listening, I just can't picture BP as "doin' it," as the BM said; she hardly puts a sentance together. The information she confirms isn't forthcoming from her but prompted by them.

    Sorry, I don't believe she could be an on-air personality for much time - you have to be much more invested in, more interested in, the celebrities you are interviewing. You have to be paying attention and keep on getting them to talk. She hasn't the experience or intellect or interest to sustain that.

    But hey. What do I know about AZ?

  103. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Spot on Gryphen. Great post!

  104. Your ex-wife wasn't Sarah Palin's daughter.

    If Levi is going to try to go to court, he'll need to drop that useless Rex and get himself a real family law attorney. What he'll use for money who knows, since I'm sure what Bristol didn't take, Rex did.

    If he has any money left, spending it to take this to court will probably deplete the remainder to no end. The Palins either have the courts in their pockets or in their crosshairs. They instill fear to reduce incidences of defiance. What do you think would happen to a judge that dared rule against any Palin?

  105. Oh, and is she shacking up with Gino yet still abstinent? They're not married. She's still the Candies no nookie poster girl, right? What does this do to that contract and that cash cow?

    I find it difficult to believe Gino would be living with her and yet not getting any.

  106. Anonymous4:54 AM

    BriStol in Bryan:

    Why did she bother for 10 minutes --

    "I just want girls to know abstinence is a reasonable alternative and that all life has value," Bristol Palin said toward the end of her 10-minute speech at a charity fundraiser benefiting the nonprofit Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance, which takes an anti-abortion stance.

    What a joke! She's NONE of these and notice the second reference to a book in the last two days --

    "I didn't set out to be an author, a speaker, or a dancer," she said as the crowd laughed. "But I do have a story to tell."

    You've got to be kidding me --

    Bienski introduced Palin to the audience and said she'd accomplished more in 20 years than most people can hope to accomplish in a lifetime.

    Major fake smile and bumpit on $arah's mini-me:

  107. Anonymous5:20 AM

    WOW, what a draw the DWTS star is... 200 people. Bryan, Texas has a population of more than 65,000 and is only about two hours from Houston and Austin.

    The fundraiser supper benefiting the group drew about 200 people, including Bryan Mayor Jason Bienski, to the Brazos Center on the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.

  108. Anonymous7:20 AM

    "Mem's Political Scrapbook said...
    No baby? She doesn't look pregnant...did she already have a baby? I would like to know what happened to all of the pregnant thing...Dang!

    5:10 PM"

    Must have had it between DWTS end & the
    trip to Haiti.


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