Sunday, January 23, 2011

Preview of the President's State of the Union speech.

Sounds pretty good so far.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The House and Senate need to pass a rule... anyone that yells out while the President is speaking will be escorted out of the House by the Sargent-at-Arms.

    Joe You Lie Wilson needs to keep his mouth shut.. and show a little respect for the office.

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    It's a strange development of our media-crazed culture that all over news-sites and blogs today are these "previews" and conjectures of what the President would say.

    As a Be-Here-Now sort of person, it seems wasteful of time and attention. Why not wait until he says it?

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    The link for the video is Bristol with the radio guys.
    I'm on Firefox. What gives?

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM


    Hope all is well for our Alaskan Friends after the earthquake. Here in Southern California, we get very nervous from after shocks. My best to you guys and hope damage was minimized.

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I hear this as a call for us to get back to work. We must get behind the president on the issues important to us and show our support by peaceful and civil participation. Let's let our voices be heard.

    2012 can be a year for a Democratic resurgence. Get ready to do your part.

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    @anon10:52 and all:
    you made a very good point, WE are the solution. get off our lazy butts... Entrepeneurs: Green industry; Contractors: Grants available to build low-cost housing; People: Mentor young youth, esp. from single households who can use a helping hand-join Big Brothers/Big Sisters; Political: Register voters, visit minority communities and give seminars on the democratic process and why its important to them. -- lots of ideas- add more!

  7. I would enjoy a weekly State of the Union by our President - a voice of reason, hope and inspiration.

    Re: earthquake metion in previous comment - hope all is well in Alaska

  8. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Any solution to any problem in America can be solved on only these steps:

    1. Identify the problem
    2. Set achievable goals to mitigate the problem
    3. Institute programs to achieve those goals.


    Our employment problem is not caused by immigrants, schools or our people.

    Our employment problem is created by companies that take our jobs away to foreign countries thereby eliminating a source of workers here who can afford to buy the goods produced in those foreign countries. Period.

    When we bring those jobs home, we then have American workers who will be desirous, and able, to buy those goods.

    1. We are running out of fossil fuels.
    2. We need alternative sources of "fuel" to meet our needs.
    3. Encourage development of alternatives that do not depend on foreign government.

    While continued development of fossil fuels can buy us a number of years to make the transition to alternative fuel sources, we must identify those sources and begin to make them available now.

    I sure am glad I voted for this guy!

    He wants to find a way. Given the support he asks, he will find it.

  9. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I wish some leader in this friggin country would tackle the bullying problem in schools. There's daily evidence that schools aren't doing ANYTHING. Parents move their kids around, which makes them a victim and gives the kid further complexes. Then the parent feels guilt and personal hatred at having moved their kid to another school.

    Cmon national leaders. Do something!

  10. Anonymous7:34 PM

    This is nice:


  11. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Proud to be a Democrat.

  12. The excessive blinking of the eyes is disturbing. What is up with that??


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It just goes directly to their thighs.