Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tomorrow is the Grizzled Mama's next public appearance. Or maybe not.

From the Daily (I kid you not) Toreador:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will speak at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center today as a part of Lubbock Christian School’s annual fundraiser.

More than half of the 1,400 tickets for the event already have been sold to corporate sponsors in bundled, expensive packages.

Tickets are being sold in sets of 10, ranging from $2,000 for 10 tickets on the lowest level all the way up to $25,000 for 10 tickets on the highest level.

Not only will the higher-level tickets be closer to the stage, but their purchase also comes with an opportunity to take a photo with the former Republican vice-presidential candidate.

Peter Dahlstrom, Lubbock Christian School superintendent, said it is unlikely any individual tickets will be sold.

The school is bringing Palin in to speak for her energy and excitement, he said, in hopes of sparking interest throughout the Lubbock community to attend the annual fundraiser and donate to the school’s cause.

Well I am for one am not too sure how much "energy" Palin will have on hand considering the disastrous last few weeks, nor am I absolutely sure she will even be capable of giving a speech tomorrow. But if she does I certainly hope somebody catches it on video, though with all of the tickets going to corporate sponsors it does not sound like there will be any press invited.

Gee I wonder how much a speech by a politically wounded Caribou Barbie goes for these days?

Could she still be demanding $75.000 per speech? Inquiring minds want to know.

And what do all of you think?  Will she show up?  Or will she have a "family emergency" and have to skip it?


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Will Toddcat be there with her....maybe he needs a massage before he goes....LOL!

  2. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Honestly, is there not another Christian out there for sale for speeches?

    I predict that the Palins will be doing a roadshow on how they put their marriage back together through Christ, their Saviour. Everyone loves a comeback kid. However, if he was with boys, they will deny that. Or maybe not, with the power of God anything is possible.

    I am like you Gryphen, I wont be happy until she is in jail.

  3. Anonymous3:50 PM


    Who cares?


  4. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Maybe she'll show up in Texas and double down on the blood libel meme.

    It couldn't get much better than that.

  5. Anonymous3:53 PM

    It looked like it said tonight.

  6. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Palin is generally so defiant (I almost typed deviant; that would apply too), I can certainly see her showing up tomorrow with her chin raised high in that "go ahead and hit me again" pose. Inside, of course, she is mush, just devastated by being criticized. I think her facade will crack soon, but probably not tomorrow.

  7. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Speaking of speeches...
    This sure looks like Willow. This is "Supposed" to be Brisdull speaking for 10 minutes about abstinance.

  8. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I bet that she shows up with Toad to make her followers not take stock in the latest revelations. It is her only way to save face, and shoot the bird at the world

  9. Her contracts allow her to send in a substitute. Bristol's already in Texas and gives a dynamite 10-minute speech. She could fill up the rest of the time with a tango.

    I'll guess that Sarah will show up, medicated and with a large entourage to push her on stage...or not.

  10. Anonymous4:03 PM

    From the Lubbock Christian schools dress code page:

    "It is difficult enough to be a Christian boy or man today without additional stimulation from his Christian sisters. We will probably be more bold next year in asking some students to wear things longer and looser."

    Wow, it's the GIRLS fault!!!

  11. Anonymous4:03 PM

    10 tickets for $25,000 - WTF.

    And the TrailerTrash Wasillabilly & her cult baggers complain about no jobs - really. Each corporate scum will spend 25,000 on the scammer slimbucket but bitch about taxes and can't hire people.

    And it's for a fundraiser.

    Disgusting but why would we think it would be anything but this from her. If there is $$$ being paid to her to line her pockets - she'll be there.

  12. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck4:04 PM

    i suppose if this is a fundraiser for a publicly owned facility (such as the City of Lubbock) then the purchasers of said tickets ought to be public information - correct?

    from the civic center website: "The Civic Center was dedicated in 1976 to the memory of those who lost their lives in the 1970 Lubbock Tornado. Built on the site of the tornado, this 300,000 square foot facility is flexible enough to accommodate large events or small specialized gatherings. The structural layout and architectural design of the facility combine beauty and versatility making it a convenient and impressive accommodation for any event, be it a meeting, trade show, concert or convention. "

    ahhhh. a site that was destroyed by a tornado will be visited by a disaster of another sort....haha

    seriously - someone should do a request for a list of corporations that are buying tickets so the town knows who is funding its civic center.

  13. Anonymous4:05 PM

    She'll show up. If you wave a dollar in front of her lumpy face, that whore will do a trick for it.

  14. Gryphen,
    For money she will be there! This snake oil family is a disgrace.

  15. Must read! From this month's Lubbock, TX Journal - Link goes to full article, comments good too!

    Submitted by Paul Lyle on Sun, 2011-01-02 16:15
    Why I don't like Sarah Palin; let me count the ways:

    "I can’t stand that nasal, chirpy voice. The only place it would be acceptable is outside my bedroom window with the other birds on a sunny spring morning. But certainly never at the White House.

    Her pretentiousness strains credulity as she tries to pretend she’s not pretending to be one of us. If she were only half as cute as she thinks she is.

    She is a poor role model for young mothers and wives.

    She has demonstrated poor judgment the way she’s advised her ditzy daughter, Bristol, to try to become a professional TV dancer. There are some things you just don’t let your daughter (or son, for that matter) do.

    One is, you don’t put the girl in an obscenely sexy dance costume that proves to the world that she hasn’t yet lost her baby fat—hers or her baby’s—and then sit in the cheering section while she performs suggestive body movements to music with her stud-of-a dance partner. All that was missing was the pole. That Bristol Palin can’t dance is one of her minor limitations. Have you ever heard her try to talk like an adult?"

  16. SME1314:11 PM

    She will show up and then find a way to slip in a few comments about all the lies people are spreading. That is exactly what she did with the Trig rumors, she never directly addressed it, just made sure her puppets heard it was all lies..... even though it wasn't.

    My guess is Tripp pleaded no contest so the evidence against Todd was never brought into court. I wonder how much Palin's paid for that.

  17. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Someone just called me about this. They were all excited so you know who they 'like' unfortunately. We do not even mention the word politics in any discussion we have, ever, as there is no chance of her having a civil conversation. She usually hangs up on me!! It's the BP twit page.

    I'll actually be in DC this week. First Lady has invited me to be part of council she's creating. Mom not happy, oh well :)
    about 4 hours ago via Twitter

  18. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Here's a barber in Lubbock that's been looking forward to the Palin even for a while. He's had a piggy bank out for his customers to fund a Palin prez run.

  19. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I think she's already in Texas. Who else would put that ugly bumpit in Bri$tol's hair?

  20. Anonymous4:26 PM

    But, there are hungry whores out there on the horizon per WTF that will be ratting out Toad. Unless they buy their silence. Most of their money must be going to paying people off.

    If they had just been the people she claimed they were...

    Hope she doesnt wear that short skirt and tight black leather jacket!

  21. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Pathetic Palin pass up a buck??? She'll probably come out dragging a cross on her shoulder and the bots will eat it up.


  22. "What if this Christian school decided that using someone who engages in violent rhetoric isn’t the best way to raise money? Considering the shooting of Omaha principal and vice-Principal last week, Mark Breaux, Lubbock Christian Elementary Principal, or Glen Smith, the Secondary Principal, might wonder about the appropriateness of Palin. Here are their email addresses...if you want to ask them."

    Peter Dahlstrom Superintendent, Senior Bible Mark Breaux Elementary Principal Glen Smith Secondary Principal

    above information is from:

  23. angela4:30 PM

    She'll be there. There's easy money to grift …. She never misses a chance to vilify the POTUS, the country at large and burn down what she can. Even at a school fundraiser.

  24. Anonymous4:31 PM

    'more than half of the tickets have allready been sold'....


    the event is less than 12 hours away...

    thats a really, REALLY nice way of saying...

    'we're nowhere close to selling out...but as the time gets even closer we will just give out the tickets to make sure she doesnt play to a half empty croud (again)'

  25. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I do hope someone will share info. Didn't she do that Safari Intl gig last week? I didn't hear anything about it.

  26. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Cookies anyone?

  27. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Utterly laughable: A washed-up ideologue with a fuck-happy daughter and philandering husband giving a "speech" at a Christian school.

    Spare me.

  28. Anonymous4:38 PM

    She'll be there because she's a media ho.

  29. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Gawd she spoke for 10mins eh? Does that include all the laughing and applauding?

  30. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "Palin to make stop in Lubbock today"

    So shouldn't we know by now whether or not she's there?

  31. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Palin limps in fourth in key Republican activists' poll

    Sarah Palin may want to express-freight her sled and dogs over to New Hampshire where support for her as the Republican nominee for president turns out to be tepid verging on chilly, according to a first poll taken in the electorally critical state this weekend.

  32. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Sarah Palin: The worst president we'll never have

    You've got to hand it to Sarah Palin. Despite all her faults, she really has a knack for making the story all about Sarah.

    After all, when news broke a few weeks ago that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) had been shot in the head at a meet and greet with constituents, who else but the Mama Grizzly herself could have manipulated the tragedy so well as to make herself out to be the victim and not the 14 wounded and six killed?

    The former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate is no stranger to the blame game. During the 2008 presidential election, it was Katie Couric who was out to get her when she asked Palin what publications she reads. And after the election, Palin blamed the McCain campaign for practically everything that went wrong. It wasn't her who made the mistakes — it was the Republican establishment that was trying to bring her down.

    Not long after the shooting, Palin's fiery rhetoric soon garnered attention as perhaps having influenced the shooter. When some began to reference a controversial map from the 2010 midterm election, on which Palin's political action committee had pasted crosshairs of a gun sight on Giffords' district to signify a Democrat who conservatives should "target," Palin was silent, and the map was soon scrubbed from the website (although a Palin aide did laughably try to argue the crosshairs could have been perceived as "surveyor's symbols"). When commentators singled out her obsessive use of gun rhetoric ("don't retreat, reload!"), Palin was silent. In fact, it wasn't until almost a week after the shooting that Palin actually opened her mouth in a video statement from her Alaskan mock-Oval Office.

    For eight minutes, with an American flag perched over her shoulder, she decried the shooting and expressed her sympathies for the victims' families. She proclaimed America's greatness. And she played the victim. Journalists and pundits, it seemed, were to blame for the negative attention of her incendiary rhetoric. Their attention to those details was distracting and encouraged hate — unlike her rhetoric, of course. Indeed, she was the victim of "blood libel" — a term whose meaning Palin seemed oblivious to and that sparked outrage from the Jewish community because of its roots in alleging Jews kill Christian children for their blood on Passover.

    But Palin's woe-is-me response demonstrated exactly why she will never be president.

  33. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I think she'll show because she knows that if she doesn't she's giving the last word to the bloggers who will then run away with news that she quit her appearances after the story of Toad's hooker massages broke. But look for even tighter then usual security to restrict recordings & photos because she won't be able to hold back her anger and doesn't want the evidence that she's cracking to get out.

  34. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Perhaps she will be signing copies of this:


  35. Virginia Voter5:11 PM

    Hmmm, I would try to find out who's on the Board of Directors at this school, and see what their ties are to the oil industry, then cross reference it with the SarahPAC donor list.

    Went on the website to this school, and it's not exactly a big money place...highest tuition is really only $7K per year for grades 9-12. Granted it Texas, but in my area, private school tuition is double that, with the exception being Catholic schools for in-parish members only. Most Christian schools could not afford to front the exorbitant speaking fee.

    I guess they will make some money...selling approx. 700 tickets @ $200 each = $140K . I would love to see who the "corporate sponsors" are. That's the real story here...Sarah will show up, that greedy whore knows her gravy train is screeching to a stop.

  36. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Remember too, Toad is the only one she listens to....not her advisors. So, this will be interesting.

    We need to write them and give our input about Palin prior to her 'speech' (quote/unquote)!

    Fly safely, quitter governor.

  37. Anonymous5:16 PM

    The article was posted the 23 Jan and it said that the event was today. I must be reading wrong?

  38. Anonymous5:22 PM

    There don't seem to be any tickets for sale for the event. Is it all private ticket sales?

  39. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I'm really surprised that a Christian school in Lubbock, TX would even consider her as a speaker given the history of Lubbock as a very strong church town. It has only been within the past two years they allowed liquor stores within the city limits.

    So now I'm wondering, given the current issue of the NE and the buzz on the net, have they had second thoughts? Is it too late to get a substitute (NOT a Palin) to fill the slot?

    One would certainly hope so. What an embarrassment to the school leaders that they've invited the wolf into the hen house.

  40. Anonymous5:24 PM

    She fears the money train ending. She'll be there, she's Sarah Pay-lin.

  41. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Talk about "The Great Texas Raid"! This takes the grand prize. Wonder when somebody will put an end to all this flim flamming? Some people in Lubbock know the score. See comments at this link:

  42. Anonymous5:31 PM


  43. Here is there email address and phone # phone: 806-796-8700
    fax: 806-791-3569 if people would like to bombard them with shame on you for having such a hypocrite speech at a Christian school or event, whatever it is. I suggest you be very polite, very nice and just say how disturbing this is considering her hypocrisy, inciting hate, racism and violence. Considering that Jesus would NEVER behave like her or condone her behavior. Any of it!

  44. Anonymous6:03 PM

    The way I know Sarah for the past two years, she will show up just to give a fingure to her critics.

    Second... Shame is not in her blood. Scandles is what makes her fame go up higher.
    The best way is not to follow her. If we can all just ignore and not write anything about her appearances, She will get the message. But as long as we keep talking about every step she makes, we are all elevating her. That includes myself.
    Paying attention to her is what has made her famous. She prays that we keep talking about her, trust me.The more we cover her, them she smiles.

  45. Anonymous6:04 PM

    SO what is the story with bristol getting into with the staff at the Club Paris today?

  46. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Over at Alaska WT (I don't use the F word) that goes to an account of a talk Bristol supposedly gave, and there are two pictures. I'd bet big money that's no Bristol. It doesn't look like her much at all. Plus, what's with the weird dress thing -- some kind of now-you-see-it-now-you-don't print?

  47. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Iceberg Iceberg...Gryph!! I'm sick of this woman and her merry band of brain dead followers.

  48. Anonymous6:38 PM

    This woman is the antithesis of any sort of spirituality.

  49. Anonymous6:41 PM

    This reminds me of last year's Sacramento event. Most of the cost of underwriting Palin (to the tune of over $90,000 bucks) was paid by the presenters themselves.

    So many of these appearances are no more than self fulfilling prophesies, tickets bundled, true costs underwritten, by the organizers.

    And in many cases, where there is a true benefit involved, the actual beneficiaries receive very little, after the cost of Palin showing up is subtracted.

    I'm still waiting for her speaker's fee to the Iowa Right to Life to be rescinded as she promised.

    Just can't get over this bitch. Just can't, she is such a liar and a grifter, sucking the country I hold so dear down, down into her sewer whirlpool.


  50. The only place she can find now that will buy her brand of crazy talk is a christian school in Texas! Perfect! I feel so sorry for the brainwashed people who have that higher power that tells them how to think and act, instead of just being humans that should know better.

  51. Gasman7:13 PM

    I'm not sure I understand any non-profit spending so much on a fundraiser. What percentage of the total raised would be going to Palin? This seems like a pretty irresponsible expenditure for any non-profit group to make - aside from the fact that Palin is a moronic twit. This seems more like a money making venture for Palin in which the school gets some too.

    Did I mention that Palin is a fucking imbecile?

  52. The screech at Lubbock TX was scheduled for tonight. Any reports of a cancellation or an appearance?

  53. I remember when $he was SRO.
    O, how the mighty have fallen.
    BP couldn't even sell 200 tickets out of 1800 in Bryan TX.

    Is she still on at the gun show? I heard they were writing off her contract.

  54. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Does Bristol have the same dress on when posing for pics and giving her 10 minute speech? Seems not from what I can see. She also seems to have a rather big protruding rear end in the speech pic. She also has a huge wood podium to hide behind.

    Just observin and sayin.

  55. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Poor Sarah. Don't you think she looks tired?

  56. Pursang8:34 PM

    Wingnut Welfare at its finest.

  57. Anonymous8:35 PM

    7:58 PM

    A Doctor Who reference? Yay! Although Sarah is no Harriet Jones, who went on do something noble for the good of mankind, to redeem herself for killing a whole race of aliens. Plus, Sarah would probably pretty much assume you know who she is and assume that you understood that you better jump before she says JU

  58. Laurie8:40 PM

    The article about the Lubbock speech seems to be a press release, released a day early. The calendars of the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center and the Lubbock Christian School show the speech on Monday, January 24, 2011. It is listed as "An Evening with Sarah Palin."

  59. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Has anyone debunked the twitter page of:

    as this is a tweet sent earlier which sounds 'fishy'

    "I'll actually be in DC this week. First Lady has invited me to be part of council she's creating. Mom not happy, oh well :)"
    about 7 hours ago via Twitter for Android

  60. deebee8:59 PM

    I smell money being laundered in a Whirlpool of brainwash.

  61. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Hey Willow your mommy got a look at the lay of the land and guess what she saw?

    She saw your daddy doing the nasty with several Alaskan Hoes.

  62. Anonymous9:06 PM

    UPS delivered a box to Sarah Palin's house addressed to Todd Palin from
    Men's Chastity Belts R Us.

  63. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Sarah: Taaawwwddd... what IS that smell?? It, it it smells like cow crap.

    Todd: That's just the cattle lot outside of town, hon. Nothin' to worry about!

    Sarah: TAAAWWWDDDDD.... Get it OUT of my nasal cavity! You IMPOTENT idiot!

    Todd: Sorry, Sarah Palin. I'm SO sorry, Sarah Palin. I'm SORRY.

    Sarah: You motherfuckerasshole!

    Todd: "thud"

    -end story-

  64. Anonymous9:45 PM

    "I just want girls to know abstinence is a reasonable alternative and that all life has value," Bristol Palin said toward the end of her 10-minute speech at a charity fundraiser benefiting the nonprofit Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance, which takes an anti-abortion stance.

    WTF? 10 MINUTE SPEECH? There are people who crap on a toilet that takes longer than Bristol's speech. You are kidding me, 10 minute speech? 10 minutes? Who pays any body for a 10 minute speech? There is nobody in the world I would get up, get dressed, drive to and stand in line for a 10 minute speech. Does Bristol have anything to say? Not even 15 minutes?

  65. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Thats not all the daily posted OMG too funny

    Former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin hasn't just gone rogue, she's been steampunked! That is in comic book form, of course.

    "Steampunk Palin," created by Ben Dunn & Jim Felker, features the former U.S. Vice Presidential candidate clad in full steampunk regalia, smiling like a superhero and holding what appears to be some sort of (*gasp*) firearm.

    "Energy catastrophe has struck worldwide! Massive oil spills, nuclear meltdowns and more leave us desperate for viable energy sources to rebuild global society and technology," reads the (admittedly quirky) comic book description.

    Sarah Palin gets steampunked"Inspired by a little tea party, Sarah Palin hits upon the answer: steam power! She begins the 'Steam Initiative,' touting geothermal energy as the cure for what ails ya. 

    "The heads of Big Oil and Nuclear Power are less than happy with this trend, and they send their agents to do in the Rogue Republican. Luckily, she comes prepared with a set of steam-powered armor! Standard equipment, don'cha know?"


    You can pick up a copy of "Steampunk Palin" for $5

  66. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Sarah would give a speech sitting on a toilet seat as long as there were cameras and a paycheck to be had.

    This woman has no morals whatsoever and her daughters are carbon copies of her. She has taught them to be just like her.

    They have no shame because they have no morals.

  67. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Hookers usually can't pass up a buck or unless it is impotent! Seems she knows a thing or two about that!

  68. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Did Willow get her new truck yet? If not maybe Willow could dance for donations?

  69. Anonymous11:24 PM

    5:28 Great link; loved the sense of local voices.

    Took me a few minutes to realize the comments were written back in September, before any recent events.

    And yet, before the election, they in general are pretty clear-eyed about her greediness and evident lack of commitment to higher service to the country.

    This at a time when she was buzzing around raising money and promoting her book tour.

    Guess we will know tomorrow.

    Gryph: are you going to contact any of the local media and ask them what they see and hear? whatever paper that is mentioned at 5:28 seems to be on the ball. It would be fun if they recorded some live video and posted it here for all to see!


  70. Anonymous11:27 PM

    To Virginia Voter: the reason it is so cheap, they only teach Bible class at this so called school, no writtin', no ridding and no math. Just abstinence!

    The dumber the are, the more they contribute to the Sarah's family get rich scheme! Granny Grifter at her finest!

  71. Anonymous11:34 PM

    The school's website says it has 347 students.


  72. Anonymous11:44 PM

    6:04 article on Bristol is so over the top with fawning attitude and the saintly attributions...

    the woman who wrote the article (and is a novelist in the horror sci-fi world) seems like she was seeing what she was hoping for, not the gal from Wasilla standing right there.


    ps I am going to be glued to my screen for the SoU speech; shall we meet back here after? who better to share with, I say!

  73. Anonymous1:39 AM

    You have the goofiest photos of Palin....

    What happened to the WTF blog connection you had on your site?

  74. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Looks like she is the only speaker. Should be interesting to see if she shows up. The 1 comment to this article says she is not a Christian ("stop using the word "Christian" alongside her name."). From the Lubbock Avalanche Journal: "Palin set to speak today at fundraiser
    Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, is set to speak today to a Lubbock audience. Palin, who will be the sole speaker in the fundraiser for Lubbock Christian School, will meet with Lubbockites during a reception at 7 p.m. at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, said event producer Andy Hartman.

    Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, is set to speak today to a Lubbock audience.

    Palin, who will be the sole speaker in the fundraiser for Lubbock Christian School, will meet with Lubbockites during a reception at 7 p.m. at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, said event producer Andy Hartman.

    Palin is set to speak about 8 p.m. as part of the two-hour event expected to attract an audience of about 1,400 people.

    Tickets to see Palin are sold out — they have been since 38 hours after the event was announced in September, said Stephen Warren, development director for Lubbock Christian School.

    Tickets were sold in groups of 10 on several levels, ranging from $2,000 for 10 tickets on the lowest level to $25,000 for 10 tickets at the highest level. Higher-level ticket holders will sit closer to the stage for Palin’s speech and can pose for a picture with Palin at the reception before the speech.

    Hartman said Lubbock Christian School officials chose Palin for the event because of her name recognition and Christian values.

    “Just having a national, prominent speaker come here — to hear what they have to say about the climate of America,” he said.

    Hartman said Palin has not announced the topic of her speech, and Lubbock Christian School officials did not have speech requests for the former governor.

    Security at the event will be tight, Hartman said, and those attending are asked to bring a photo ID and arrive about 15 minutes early.

    Palin was the 2008 Republican party vice presidential candidate and served as governor of Alaska for about 2 years.

    Her autobiography, “Going Rogue: An American Life,” sold more than 2 million copies, and she was named on Time Magazine’s 2010 list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

    Warren in September said the school has had 20 previous fundraisers, beginning in 1985, when former Dallas Cowboys Coach Tom Landry was the speaker.""

  75. London Bridges3:11 AM

    Sarah will not retreat! She will drop another LOAD!

  76. Anonymous3:27 AM

    @8:40 PM

    I guess they are covered if Sarah doesn't make an appearance.

    The first sentence on that site states:-

    "All dates and events are subject to change and /or cancellation without prior notice."

  77. Anonymous3:59 AM

    "More than half of the 1,400 tickets for the event already have been sold to corporate sponsors in bundled, expensive packages."

    My guess is these were probably bought several weeks ago. I can't imagine that they are going to sell many more and I'd be surprised if the "corporate sponsors" can find many people to give the tickets to. If they go through with it, the Civic Center may look a little empty.

  78. Anonymous4:35 AM

    That photo of Bristol & the little Asian girl just proves that not ALL Asians are geniuses.

    And BTW, Andree McLeod got a real death threat, not a made up one like Twitler.

    Why was this brushed over the the police?

  79. Anonymous5:34 AM

    To 3:45 P.M. I love, love your "Toddcat"

  80. Anonymous5:39 AM

    4:03 it's been the girls fault since Eve.

  81. Aunt Snow5:41 AM

    seriously - someone should do a request for a list of corporations that are buying tickets so the town knows who is funding its civic center.

    Sorry, it doesn't work that way. The Civic center is renting its facility to the school's fundraising arm, just like it would to any other client. The only scandal would be if they were giving the school a preferable deal, but I imagine they are not - most operators of public facilities are pretty professional.

    You might be able to find out who bought tickets because the school itself might post the names on its site as benefactors. That's not uncommon.

    Still, I'd love to know what the final gate was, what the facility bill was, and how much $$ was left over after paying Palin.

  82. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Anyone read "her" essay about Reagan in USA today? She calls him our lifeguard and says we need another one to "rescue" us. I guess Americans aren't really that exceptional after all if we're that helpless.

    Oh, she also takes a barely veiled swipe at Obama by saying the world looks to the White House for leadership...and so we should remember Reagan's "steel spine." Some patriot she is, hinting to the rest of the world that America is currently led by someone with no spine.

  83. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck6:18 AM

    aunt snow -- i am sure you are right, but i still think it is worth pursuing because the event location is a public investment and it makes its money by renting its facility. The school, according to a post earlier, only has about 345 students and is doing a fundraiser? Did they provide the facility for a lower cost? What percentage of the gate will go to actual scholarships?

    are any of those students even curious about this?

  84. Anonymous6:26 AM

    How is a little school in Texas able to pay Sarah Palin's asking rate for speeches? And why is a mostly corporate audience going to be there to hear it instead of parents and children who attend the school??

  85. Anonymous6:33 AM

    So now she's available for fundraisers at schools? I'm going to bring this up at my son's school's next PTA meeting! How much extra to get her to bring cookies?

  86. Anonymous6:37 AM

    If it's a fundraiser for a Christian school, then I assume she'll be doing the speech for free? Right?...right?

  87. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Anon4:35, no, it doesn't prove that. If you look, the "little Asian
    girl" is way LESS than impressed; it's her scrawny fawning idiot adoptive dad who's impressed. The little girl is appropriately thinking WTF??

  88. Punkinbugg8:59 AM

    Anon @11:34pm. LCU is small, but not that small:

    (From The Christian Chronicle, official news blog of the international newspaper for Churches of Christ)

    "Lubbock Christian University posts second-highest enrollment
    September 10, 2010:

    Lubbock Christian University in Texas has recorded the second-highest enrollment in its history, hitting 2,028 students this fall, according to the university’s registrar."

    Lubbock is more widely known as the home of Texas Tech University (my alma mater), with an enrollment of 31,637 students, and I know about a dozen of them. The Daily Toreador is the TTU daily newspaper.

    The Lubbock Avalanche Journal is the city's daily paper. (Avalanche is ironic, since the town is located on the flat-as-a-flitter South Plains. Picture "a waffle iron with Monopoly houses on it". h/t Molly Ivins)

    Cotton, cattle and oil = lotsa money in Lubbock TX.

    Even still. How could a little-bitty "Churcha Christ" school afford Sarah Palin?

    Unless Randy Neugeberger is the reason. He is represents Lubbock and its environs in the House. His claim to fame is for shouting "Baby Killer" on the House floor in March, 2010:

    "It appears the guilty party is Rep. Randy Neugeberger, who blames the heat and emotion of the moment and claims to have apologized to Rep. Stupak for this breach of decorum. Neugeberer is one of the 11 "birther" Republicans who co-sponsored a bill saying presidents must "prove" the location of their birth. Curiously, when asked to furnish his own birth certificate to the staff at ThinkProgress in a show of consistency, Neugeberger tersely declined."

    Ahhhh. Lubbock. Whyyyyyy?

  89. FEDUP!!!10:15 AM

    Gryphen: You did not see the date of the story you quoted: It was from Sept 22, 2010, NOT a recent date!
    By THAT time, 'more than half' of the tickets had already been sold. So, by today, most likely, it is a sold-out even.

    Don't know if she will show up, though, having read about her near-meltdown state-of-mind..

  90. Anonymous11:50 AM

    So you think that Sarah did not KNOW what Todd was doing?


    Who do you think was funding his adventures? i.e. go away and don't bother me!

  91. Anonymous12:17 PM


    Isn't that an old pic? I seem to remember that dress from a different event....

  92. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Stop blaming Todd. Little do people know, Todd has been telling Sarah where he has been going. It's her fault she is so damn dumb. All this time Sarah thought Todd was going to to see their insurance agent at Allstate Insurance the Good Hands people. She was not paying attention, Todd said he was going to see the "Blue Hands" people and forgot to mention massage parlor. So you tell me whose fault is it?

  93. Anonymous3:54 PM


    5:31 PM

    Agreed - very preggo - the shots of her at the podium - she looks way more pregnant than her mother's fake pregnancy ever did

  94. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Did she show?

  95. ottokatz6:29 PM

    Comments on the Toreador website are turned off, no way to ask if she bothered to show up or not.

  96. Punkinbugg8:00 PM

    I stand corrected. It's not Lubbock Christian University (LCU); it's Lubbock Christian School, a K-12 academy located adjacent to the University's campus.

    And it looks like most of the COMMENTS are negative on the city newspaper's website.

  97. Who cares if she makes a speech and the tickets are expensive? If people are willing to pay then so what?


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