Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can somebody please explain to me why Shep Smith still works for Fox News?

Obviously he has stopped drinking the Kool-aid, and does not seem to be working for the GOP, or their corporate overlords, so just HOW is he still at that network?


  1. ottokatz9:05 AM

    This has got to be fake, right? How can they be telling the truth on FOX?

  2. He's a "Token".
    I love Shep and would see him more if he was somewhere else.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    And both those guys probably belong to AFTRA, too. : )

  4. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I love it. Maybe he's just the first voice there who will now speak the truth to the airheads who normally listen to Beck, Limpballs, Hannity, etc. Maybe the tide is turning on that network? Oh, be still my heart!

  5. KatieAnnieOakley9:13 AM

    Shepard Smith is the ONLY FOX anchor that has a brain. I noticed it over a year ago. And no - I don't know why he still works for FOX. I'm sure they'll remedy that situation soon enough, sadly...

  6. Anonymous9:15 AM

    He is for sure the lone voice of sanity on Fox, and I don't get it.

  7. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Shepard makes 7 or 8 million a year, gets 5 weeks vacation, can go home to Oxford, MS every weekend and see his dad. Fox doesn't encourage him to travel to war zones. It's easy money for a guy who thought he'd have really made it if he got to be anchorman of the news in Nashville.

    Roger Ailes can point to Shepard and say "real journalist". Once in awhile Shepard says things, like with Juan, that probably generate a lot of "Fire him!" email from the FoxNews fans - which Ailes probably gets a big kick out of.

    He throws some red meat to the folks sometimes though. Check for his interview a couple days ago with the WI Sen Dem Minority Leader. He pushed him pretty hard about how shouldn't the Dems be in WI doing their jobs, not in IL.

    There is no one who can report breaking news better than Shepard, whether it's a car chase or the events of 9/11 or Tucson.

    (No, I'm not his Mom writing in!)

  8. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I wonder this all the time. He's actually sane and not stupid. He has no business there.

  9. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I've never been so happy to hear someone just speak the truth. Expecially on the Republican TV Channel.

  10. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Token Liberal. With him on you can't say Fox is nothing but crap.

  11. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Shep is their token minority...

  12. I was asking that same question with my FB friends. Hubby and I think that they keep him to make it look fair and balanced but this whole thing yesterday might be the end for him. I hope it is and he goes to MSNBC or somewhere that he can be the honest person he seems to be in many areas. I have seen many times that Shep has gone against the faux BS and lies...

  13. Anonymous9:50 AM


    Plain & simple.

  14. Clearly he's their "token".

    This way they can say they're "fair and balanced".

  15. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Gee, I wonder that as well.

    I also wonder if Fox is having buyer's remorse over hiring Juan Willisms. At least in this interview, he was joining Shep in going against the corporate lies.

    Maybe they are just Fox's token "fair and balanced" symbols. Either that or they are trying to CYA themselves due to Beck's increasing instability.

  16. Anonymous10:12 AM

    He's the Fox's answer to MSNBC's Scarborough

  17. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Is he in a union? Maybe this issue hits closer to home. From what he says, it sounds like the right has alienated their middle class base in an attempted power grab. I say it's about time that the general pop starts to realize who they are really voting for...corporate fat cats. The GOP has no interest in what's good for our country they can only see as far as the next election. A my way or the highway attitude is no way to run as diverse a country as this. Concern for the welfare of ALL makes us ALL stronger. Which means Unions because without them our middle class is toast and you can kiss this country good bye. We will become a country of indigent workers with no say in how we are treated. Boss man says work all weekend and you say well my kids birthday party is this weekend he says your lucky to have a job there's ten people banging on my door waiting to fill your slot. The right tries to make it sound like anyone who fights to maintain their living is greedy while CEOs are collecting huge bonuses on the back of the middle class tax payer.

  18. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Americans for Prosperity (of the Koch Brotherhood).

    Even stranger is the fact that Murdoch donated one million dollars-on behalf of News Corp shareholders- to the Republican Governors Assn. behind this charade, presumably to reimburse Walker for his late night long distance telephone bills.

  19. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Roger Ailes Told Employee to Lie

  20. imnofred10:26 AM

    I second what Mo Rage said. Shep is the only one on Fox who doesn't simply push the Republican and the Conservative agenda. He actually reports the news in an unbiased fashion.

  21. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I can see Shep's last FOX News paycheck from my porch.

  22. Anonymous10:40 AM

  23. Anonymous10:57 AM

    From a comment at Palingates.

    "I watched these gems from late November 2009's GR "bus" tour. With just the snippets of emails I've seen, from the manuscript, the things she says here are just OUTRAGEOUS! She is so full of herself,it's breathtaking. She talks about how much she loved her job, the ethics complaints, how much money they personally have spent defending her, why she quit and how quitting and the book tour was going to help Alaska, being pregnant with a DS child, rumors, how she doesn't respond to the little slights, how she hopes she never has to write anothe rbook about herself, and, and AND! In light of what has been revealed, YIKES! I was not able to find the interview with her on the bus with wiggly Trig who she finally had to pass off to someone else. I'd still love to watch that mother-son "lovefest" again. Another observation, there are so many differences in her mannerisms, etc. between then and now.

    Grab your favorite beverage and prepare to be amused:"

  24. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Amazing, Fox News actually gave a decent summary of what is happening in Wisconsin. While I'm mostly conservative, I can't stand to watch that channel.

  25. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I would never have known about this if you hadn't posted the clip, thanks for sharing this. I can't say how surprised I am to hear anyone with actual facts on that network.

  26. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The question should be, "How can Shep Smith sleep at night or face himself in the mirror every morning?"

  27. Anonymous11:17 AM

    It has to be one of the following:

    a. Money (as previously mentioned)

    b. He's gathering material to write that tell all book when this thing finally implodes

    c. He has a picture of Ailes with a goat

    d. All of the above

    Seriously, my guilty pleasure IS watching Shep daily. The only voice of reason in that whole shop.

  28. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Sorry O/T

    Gryphen, ya seen this ??
    POSTED BY "NEWJERSEY" on Malia Litman's blog -

    "...But Republican Sarah Palin’s planned trip to India next month is being panned by the editorial page editor of the New Hampshire Union Leader, the largest newspaper in the state that holds the nation’s first presidential primary."

    In a blog post entitled “Palin going for the outsourced vote?,”

    Read more here

  29. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Don't worry, the retraction is comming soon....right as he gets kicked out the door.

  30. Anonymous1:49 PM

    in car chase narration, there's just no competion for Shep

  31. Most of Fox's viewers think union busting is a good thing, a worthy goal. So Shep isn't upsetting them. when he says that's the goal.

    It's those inclined to support unions who need to hear their budget busting arguments, or should I say "lies."

  32. Anonymous2:28 PM

    As far as Shep being a member of a union, he had a brief speaking part in "Volcano" 15+ years ago. Don't you have to be a member of Screen Actors' Guild to have a speaking part in a movie?

    Oh, his line:

    "This is the moment of truth."

  33. Just to add another layer to this fascinating onion, Shepherd Smith is gay. (For those living in a cave for the last five years.)

    BTW, what's the going price for a soul these days?

  34. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I wish Shep would go to work for another network (MSNBC, CNN etc )... he's too honest and too good for FOX ! He deserves better.


  35. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Shep is too good, too smart and too honest to be associated with the likes of the FOX channel in any way. Hope he considers moving to another network(s) like MSNBC, CNN, etc. He deserves better .


  36. Anonymous4:18 PM

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    Vanity Fair®

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    Hit them where it hurts!

  37. Anonymous5:58 PM


    Use a dishrag instead of a paper towel!

  38. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Use cloth napkins instead of "Vanity Fair"!!!

  39. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Install a bidet

    (not kidding. My DH only uses TP on vacation where there are no bidets)

  40. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I've been spreading the word on boycotting Koch. Email to everyone in your email addressbook and post to FB. It's a revolution!

    Anyway... on a calmer note. Before the day ends, wanted to sneak in a Happy Birthday to Gryphen. Hope you had a fantastic day.

  41. Here's hoping this video goes viral:

    American Workers Vs. Multi-Billionaires

    The Lyrics

    Scott Walker works for multi billionaires
    John Boehner works for multi billionaires
    while corporations get billions in welfare
    and millions in this country been out of work for years

    Sarah Palin works for multi billionaires
    American workers vs multi billionaires
    they wanna end social security and medicare
    while millions in this country don't have a dime to spare

    Can main street get a bailout
    Tell the president our checks weren't mailed out
    Tell the house of representatives and senate
    And whatever business got the stimulus and spent it
    Now they getting record profit that's tripling with no limits
    But they cutting jobs and unemployment benefits have ended
    How we gone live with no income coming in
    And the little help we get is cut from the budget then
    What's the role of government
    Do workers stand a chance if multi billionaires are running it
    Oh now you worried bout the deficit and cutting it
    But when them banks needed billions you had enough for them.
    Them car companies you had bucks for them
    2 wars rebuilding 2 countries guess we stuck with them
    the average citizen just ain't lucky then
    cause we be getting pimped so I guess we getting fucked again

    Rush Limbaugh works for multi billionaires
    Bill O'Reilly works for multi billionaires
    while corporations get billions in welfare
    and millions in this country been out of work for years

    Sean Hannity works for multi billionaires
    Crazy Glenn Beck works for multi billionaires
    they wanna end social security and medicare
    while millions in this country don't have a dime to spare

    When did the American worker become the enemy
    Why is wanting a living wage such a penalty
    What happened to justice and liberty
    These billionaire haters wanna crush us literally
    On the box is Murdoch and his foxes
    And if you watch it you might as well be an ostrich
    They terrorists cause they hold facts hostage
    24 hours straight of we hate what Barack did
    If you want to unionize your a communist
    But if you buy a congressman they just call you a lobbyist
    It's so obvious but here's where the problem is
    they act like regular Americans but they sloppy rich
    Why you think they wanna cut taxes
    cause every single one of them in the higher brackets
    This ain't white or black it's class warfare time for action
    Just look at wide the gap is

    American workers vs multi billionaires
    The middle class vs multi billionaires
    while corporations get billions in welfare
    and millions in this country been out of work for years

    Rupert Murdoch is multi billionaires
    the Koch brothers are multi Billionaire
    they wanna end social security and medicare
    while millions in this country don't have a dime to spare

  42. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Shep for the most part sees both sides.This is not the first time he has done this.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.