Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sarah Palin's Alaska named worst reality show. Gee ya think?

From TV EYE:

She lost the vice presidency and quit the governorship, but Sarah Palin can count herself as a winner as her one-season reality travelogue "Sarah Palin's Alaska" was named worst reality show from the Hollywood Temp Diaries, bumping last year's winner "Jersey Shore" as well as such deserving nominees as "Bridalplasty," "Bad Girls Club" and "16 and Pregnant."

In addition, Palin won worst female in a reality program, edging last year's Snooki, as well as Kim Kardashian, Camille Grammer of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" and Shanna Moakler, host of "Bridalplasty.

Finally, Sarah Palin gets the recognition she deserves!

That show was so bad it actually made me hate Alaska for agreeing to co-star with her in that televised abortion.

And do you know the worst part?  You know aside from Palin's high pitched scrotum shrinking whiny voice?  That the makers of that disaster screwed Alaskans out of 1.2 million in tax credits. Gee no wonder Alaskans can barely stand the ungrateful prima donna.


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    man....that camille grammer is a real f'ed up impaired beotch.
    Sarah, you beat the queen of crazy to become Galactic queen of crazyass mofo's.

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Who gives these "worst" awards. Last year Jersey Shore which is one of the highest rated shows on cable. They gave a worst male award to Ryan Seacrest, who hosts the #1 show on television.

    Something tells me no one is going to lose sleep over being named "worst" by an organization/website to which no one has heard. I am sure they did this for the click and to make themselves feel important.

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I don't know SP seems to consider any coverage good (which I assumes means awards too). In her world this will probably make her proud. After her proud to be - what was it? trailer trash in Wasilla - I think this verifies it.

    The sad thing is that all the people I know (me included) that have wanted to visit Alaska don't ever want to step foot near that state. In fact, I cringe when I hear the word Alaska.

    I know it is not fair and sometime I will get to see your wonderful state but first I have to get the screech out of my head.


  4. I wouldn't use high ratings as a defense against the "worst show" label. Just because American tv viewers have terrible taste doesn't mean these shows have any redeeming qualities. I am waiting for the day I can actually find something to watch on tv. I hope the producers of Survivor burn in hell. It's their fault. As for Sarah getting to be the "worst," it couldn't happen to a more deserving publicity seeker. The show was ultra fake, she came off as a know-nothing bitch, her family is lame, the tax ripoff is lame, Sarah's attempts at injecting politics were lame, and, and, oh lame lame lame.

  5. Now, if $P had any class, she would do what Natalie Wood did when named Worst Actress of the Year by the Hasty Pudding Club. Natalie hied herself to Harvard and graciously accepted the award.

    Since she'd been nominated for an Academy Award a year before, said Natalie, with enormously campy dignity, she thought it was only proper to accept any "award" she was offered.

    Of course, I think all of us can say with clarity and conviction that $P is NO Natalie Wood, of blessed memory.

    However, we do now know that $P's performances in $PA were fully acknowledged by a jury of her reality-show peers!

  6. Why isn't anybody asking the ex gov why she gave tax credits to businesses?
    Why should business any business get help from a government?
    Isn't this where the fat should be trimmed from any government budget?
    if the business can't make it on it's own, then doesn't it deserve to fail?
    Isn't that what the tea baggers want?

  7. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The best reality show might well be "An Idiot Abroad"! No, it has nothing to do with grifters.

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "scrotum shrinking", gryphen...tell it like it is...

  9. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I really don't understand the appeal of most reality shows. I've watched a few episodes of different ones, but all I saw was idiots showcasing their trainwrecky lives for a chance to be on television. WTF?!?

    That said, Sarah Palin is a perfect fit for the world of reality TV.

  10. Beldar7:11 AM

    One can only hope that "Sarah Palin's India" fairs better next season.

  11. Anonymous7:12 AM

    She was also listed as producer so how much did she scam the people of Alaska....and this is a law she signed..should have been titled "How to steal from Alaska while you were watching"

  12. Anonymous7:12 AM

    If you google "Sarah Palin grifter" you'll only get thirty five thousand results- that's not all that much.

    For God's sake, leave Sarah alone!

  13. Anonymous7:12 AM

    God, why won't she go away? She is a
    famewhore extraordinaire. She is worse
    than Paris Hilton at the height of her
    unearned fame. But at least Paris has
    made a career for herself (jewelry, perfumes).
    $P? Just a nothin' wantin' mo money from rubes.

  14. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Love this photo! I think it may have bumped off the pouty-face one to be my new favorite photo of Sarah! What a nasty expression, and it goes great with the white trash trucker hat. If I'm not mistaken, this was taken when she went to the races out east, and wore the trashy white t-shirt with the visible black bra and the huge inflated knockers? Pure class. Very presidential. They are going to have a great time in India laughing at her. Remember her big speech in Hong Kong? People from the audience were interviewed afterwards calling her an idiot.

  15. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I am waiting for the day I can actually find something to watch on tv. I hope the producers of Survivor burn in hell. It's their fault.

    Let's put a group of hungry, dirty, cranky people on an island and have them compete for a cash prize. We can watch them eat bugs and make complete fools of themselves!


  16. Anonymous7:21 AM

    On another topic but,

    Deadliest Catch crew member Justin Tennison was found dead in a motel room in Homer Tuesday.

  17. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Gee, all those tax cuts just for Sarah to promote herself and her growing family of grifters. She just loves America spreading the wealth around and into her pocket. So she is a socialist, you betcha.

  18. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Title for Bristol's new show -

    Pregnant, no baby daddy and uneducated grifter

  19. Anonymous7:30 AM

    sarah sweetie is the worst of the worst with no redeeming values. she is nothing more than a hick grifter who has insufficient brain cell activity to discern how very stupid and more stupid she is. Of course, her mental health issues do not allow any empathy, self-awareness, or intelligence. she is just plain stoopid.

    Hollywood Diaries is a humorous and job site in "the industry" that is well recognized.

  20. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Wow. You'd have to really suck a whole lot to be worse than "Jersey Shore." Fortunately Snowsnookie™ Palin™ was up to the challenge!!!!

    Oh, and that ugly-ass Pimpin' for Jesus™ cross hat is tackier than anything the Jersey Shore freaks wore. I guess that was Bristol's fault too also, huh Sarah?

  21. Anonymous7:39 AM

    SP's show should not have received tax incentives because it has soured more people on Alaska than it has generated interest.

    Sarah Palin continues to be huge embarrassment and liability for Alaska.

    I think the awards will sting because her ego cannot accept any criticism whatsoever - particularly if it remotely touches upon her look (the little she has left) and her intelligence (whatever little she ever had).

  22. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Even Kate with Eight couldn´t save SPA from sarah.

    whisper LOUD, whisper LOUD, aim, FIRE, miss, daddy reload

    Caribou: (WTF?)

  23. Anonymous7:46 AM

    That picture is of Sarah in her truckstop hat after she apparently climbed out of an 18 wheeler while stopping for gas to go in the big rig. Bet those hats are sold at all truckstops for reel Americans.

    Her mouth is engaged again in a weird grimace, is it the mental illness or the meds?

  24. bws587:48 AM

    The site that originated the Bennies is a hoot,plus it's about/done by the temp workers in Hollyweird

  25. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Those bollywood types ought to love Ms Sarah - but she'll never be able to understand a word they say to her. Hope she's got a good "translator" LOL.

    Wonder if she'll speak about job shifting from US to India, like when you call your CC co for info and end up talking to Bangladesh?

  26. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Is she wearing dentures?

  27. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Sorry Gryph, just posted a comment that was supposed to be on the India trip. Maybe you could bump it down for me? thanks.

  28. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I agree with anony 6:26. It really doesn't matter anymore. The worse the better. Sad but true.

  29. Rural Juror8:06 AM

    Best cinematic representation of Alaska ever: Never Cry Wolf

    No Snowdrift Snooki in sight and a true representation of the best of Alaska.

  30. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I really thought she might have a chance to win Miss Alaska 1984 . However she did not lose ya know, she came in second. Oh well .you betcha ,wink wink .

    She does have a track record .

  31. Anonymous8:15 AM

    "I think these guys are the toughest men on the planet," Palin said. "Girly men don't ride the Iron Dog."

    Did she just insult all men who don't ride the Iron Dog?

  32. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Scandalous Sarah Todd, now the APD

  33. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Looks like she has two pairs of glasses on in that picture.

  34. Enjay in E MT8:22 AM

    I look forward to the day when Jeopardy has clues under "formerly famous" with an answer of:

    "Quit & Failed"

  35. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Okay folks, what is up with that grimace of her's? Seriously, I know I do not make faces like this because when I do make this face it feels completely unnatural to me. Thankfully.

  36. Rural Juror8:33 AM

    Oops, my bad.

    Never Cry Wolf is set in Canada, not Alaska (I've always thought it was Alaska!) but they did film some of it in AK and it's way better than the worst reality show as mentioned here!

  37. Anonymous8:38 AM

    In all fairness this law has brought 2 movies to Alaska over the past year which also brings income to the state. Though some crappy reality show from TLC really? The bitch probably wrote off that $ half a million motorhome as a business expense no less. Anything to get away from supporting her country.

  38. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Maybe Bristol could paint her house,one room each week,they could call it the "Watching Paint Dry Show".

    I just can't watch reality tv.Its appeal is beyond me.

  39. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Sarah's face might just freeze in that grimace.

  40. Anonymous8:50 AM

    While I can't stand her, the characterization of her "cheating" the state out of 1.2 million in tax credits is a bit misleading. In order to compete for the work and television and film dollars that are out there every state offers tax breaks to production companies to come shoot in their respective market.It creates work for local crew people and the companies spend money (LOTS OF IT). Now, Sarah's celebrity may have made the kickback unnecessary, because she was the show. But as an example, a TV series is shooting here in Oregon, but the story is set in Boston. Because we have enough locations that can pass for Boston, and those tax breaks are part of the equation, it's shooting here. This got started in the US when Vancouver, Canada started offering incentives to shoot there. "Runaway production" was killing everybody in the US, even LA, which is ground zero for TV and film. As soon as the tax breaks started, the work came back. The benefits to the local economies far outweigh the tax breaks. Oh yeah, and Sarah Palin is an idiot.

  41. Chenagrrl8:55 AM

    Has anyone asked how much Alaska netted from the Brand's moments with reality (TV)?

    What would the state have netted in taxes before the $1.2 million credit and what will it get now?

    Also, surely someone in the state travel office can give you what can be expected in travel income (folks who watched who want to visit.) from the show? Right?

  42. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Hollywood sunglasses and truckstop hats with Cheetah print hooker shoes and Wonder Woman bracelets; this glamour puss should put together a clothing and accessory line for dummies.

    She's make a fortune off the Palin-bots.

  43. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Sigh. To 7:48, please do not refer to the citizens of India as "those Bollywood types."

    I just wrote a comment on the India visit post defending people here as being essentially non-racist progressives, independents (and I should have added moderate Republicans, if there are any left).

    Then you come along and wrote that - probably not intending to sound racist in any way, but guess what? It is not an appropriate descriptive because of the way in which you said it.

    Bollywood is a term applied to a specific genre of mostly Hindi-language movies made mostly in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. (Mahrashtra is a state in India so writing it this way is just like saying Seattle, Washington.)

    Bollywood is certainly not a derogative because India took over as the world's most prolific producer of films thirty years ago.

    That said, using "those Bollywood types" is akin to saying "those shucker and jiver types" to many of us. It was the "types" that made it open to criticism becasue you used the term "Bollywood" to conjur up a reference and image of a country of mostly non-Causasians. Why not have simply said "Indians?" Please be more sensitive and aware from this point forward.

    I do not think you meant it as a racist phrase, but the way in which it was used makes it open to misinterpretation. None of us here really want to or intend to insult one another on the basic of race, ethnicity or national identity.

    Now - if we are talking about loyalty to Sarah Palin and other right-wing nutters, then insults are more appropriate, hehe.

  44. Anonymous9:49 AM

    That outfit was from the Belmont Stakes. Apparently Sarah thought it was a NASCAR race, not a dressy event.

  45. Anonymous9:57 AM

    More from the Daily Beast

  46. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Is there an award for political celeb who misused a giant opportunity to feature a state instead featuring absurd propaganda about s'mores, off the wall spin average families drop 20 grand upwards for a day of togetherness, etc. Culminating with her daughters unleashing dysfunctional disproportionate abusive name calling to a white trash finale.

    Presidential, first family worthy? Not. Financially lucrative? You betcha!

  47. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Sarah Palin Wins Two Golden Trashcans for Littering TV with Her Image

  48. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Oooh, she's getting those old lady lips. Not a good look for the GOP pin up girl.

    Gee, she is just like me!

  49. Anonymous11:02 AM

    She didn't vote for herself enough.

  50. Kimosabe11:03 AM

    Actually I took "BOllywood types" to mean shallow and show-bizzy, not racist at all. Just the milieu for a now world-wide media whore.

  51. More Juicy Bits From the Sarah Palin Tell-All

  52. Anonymous11:29 AM

    O/T: Sarah only wears glasses to try and look "smart".

    Wow. How desperate is her need to be someone else? What a pathetic moron. Her "open doors" have led her into a small padded cell with no way out.

  53. Anonymous11:37 AM

    @6:26 AM said,

    "Something tells me no one is going to lose sleep over being named "worst" by an organization/website to which no one has heard."

    Except for petty, thin-skinned $arah Palin.

    Bye, troll.

  54. Anonymous11:43 AM

    So gorgeous!!!

  55. Anonymous11:43 AM

    7:12 AM,

    Yeah, but there are millions of other negative things that DO come up when you type $arah Palin's name in Google.

    P.S., We'll leave $arah Palin alone, when she leaves us alone.

  56. Anonymous11:46 AM

    7:12 AM,

    Fuck what people search on Google. $arah Palin is a grifter. Period.

  57. It was clear that $he did NOT know how to hunt, fish, or climb. It was sad to try and pull it off as a "reality" show. There was NOTHING real about it.

  58. Lou Sarah12:22 PM

    Wow you guys, I just found this article about the Iron Dog Snowmachine race, with a quote from Sarah!!

    "I think these guys are the toughest men on the planet," Palin said. "Girly men don't ride the Iron Dog."

    Hear that, you haters? Todd's definitely NOT a girly man. So I guess that's the end of those flippin' rumors!

  59. London Bridges12:40 PM

    The people from India said, "Never mind!"

    The had been reading that Sarah Palin was one sick puppy and thought it was one "sikh" pupil.

  60. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I read this comment on another blog, how funny.

    "Sarah is use to losing beauty contests, elections etc. So now that she has won something, Sarah will you STFU"


    Sarah palin was for healthy eating before she was against Michelle Obama's nanny state.
    If the gov. of a state put out a similar proclamation, isn't that too a nanny state?
    Same thing with breast feeding.
    For such a young women, she has such a poor, poor memory, or is she just lying?

  62. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Lou Sarah said...
    Wow you guys, I just found this article about the Iron Dog Snowmachine race, with a quote from Sarah!!

    "I think these guys are the toughest men on the planet," Palin said. "Girly men don't ride the Iron Dog."

    Hear that, you haters? Todd's definitely NOT a girly man. So I guess that's the end of those flippin' rumors!

    12:22 PM

    "Girly men don't ride the Iron Dog."

    Is this another Palin family homophobic comment?

    Not very presidential
    of ya Sarah :(

  63. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Why didn't you print the picture from the waist up, Gryphen so we could see Palin's "girls"?

  64. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I need some closure on this whole Bailey book. Are we gonna get to read it or not?

  65. Anonymous2:30 PM

    From one of your posts yesterday, a commenter said: "Feb is almost over and the 'bergs seem to be bouncing off".

    I have to disagree. The polls clearly are showing that the "'bergs" are having an effect.

    I think we are all hoping for an announcement one day that Sarah has announced that she is through and is never coming back. That's probably not going to happen. The best we can hope for, in that respect, is that she is convicted of crimes and headed for prison to do some time. That would be great but won't happen overnight, either. However, what matters most are her prospects for continuing in politics and that is where we have seen great improvement (for us,not her). And that's where I think the 'bergs have been helping the most.

  66. Anonymous2:57 PM

    ‘Where the Rogue Things Go’

    Where the Rogue Things Go follows each of Sarah’s pathetic missteps on the campaign, while simultaneously illustrating the legions of fans who inexplicably grow and grow until they surround her at every campaign stop like trees in a thick forest. But Sarah must also win over the snarling, filibustering, tea-bagging monsters that lead America’s right wing. She does so with her greatest ploy of all—she bewitches them with a single wink and they crown her Queen of the Rogue Things.

    This cautionary tale continues Sarah’s story into a tragic future where now President Palin and the Rogue Things go on an unconstrained rampage of extreme conservatism that sends America’s economy, environment, and culture back to the dark days of the Bush/Cheney years. With childlike clarity and colorful artwork, Where the Rogue Things Go offers a smart rebuke to Palin’s lipstick-on-a-pit-bull rebranding of failed right wing policies.

  67. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Wow - poor reading comprehension here, people. 7:12 was kidding. Read the comment more carefully.

    "only 35,000 results". C'mon folks, lighten up.

  68. Anonymous3:58 PM

    What's up with the pics from the Spouses' Luncheon? Did someone steer you wrong, Gryphen?

  69. Anonymous8:32 PM

    That picture says it all: wannabe tough-girl.

  70. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Gadfree, the woman can make the most horrid faces! Not an attractive person inside and outwardly.

  71. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Crappy Sarah produced a crappy show. Palinbots are delusional. Todd employs hookers. Bristol can't dance. These are the truths of our time.

    Oh, and we finally learned what Sarah reads. She reads these blogs.

  72. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Gadfree, the woman can make the most horrid faces! Not an attractive person inside and outwardly.

    10:20 PM

    With a face like that, how in the hell does that woman get pregnant?

  73. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Hey, is it true that Sarah Palin made her decision to speak in India based on 'outsourced'?

  74. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "Those bollywood types ought to love Ms Sarah - but she'll never be able to understand a word they say to her. Hope she's got a good "translator" LOL.

    Wonder if she'll speak about job shifting from US to India, like when you call your CC co for info and end up talking to Bangladesh?"

    Caucasoid faggot, Hollywood aka Trashewood is way more shitty and shallow and has been since it's inception infact what you're seeing is an imitation of your shitty pop-culture.

    "I just wrote a comment on the India visit post defending people here as being essentially non-racist progressives, independents (and I should have added moderate Republicans, if there are any left)."

    Get a grip you retarded coconut bitch, fucking wannabe chimp.

    "Actually I took "BOllywood types" to mean shallow and show-bizzy, not racist at all. Just the milieu for a now world-wide media whore."

    That applies more to that trash compactor "Hollywood" more.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.