Sunday, February 06, 2011

President Obama appoints LGBT leader to Faith Council. Oh you KNOW this is not going to go down well with certain Christian groups!

From Yahoo News:

The White House on Friday Friday announced the appointment of Nancy Wilson, the head of the Metropolitan Community Church, the nation’s largest denomination serving LBT churches, to the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

A leading LGBT pastor, Wilson currently serves as moderator for the Univeristy Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, where she is one of few women to lead an international Christian denomination. She previously served as senior pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Los Angeles, the founding MCC church.

Wilson is one of 12 appointees to the Council, which, according to a news release, "brings together religious and secular leaders as well as scholars and experts in fields related to the work of faith-based and neighborhood organizations in order to make recommendations to the government on how to improve partnerships."

I think that President Obama will probably go down in history as the most pro-gay President we have ever had in office.  Of course with the repeal of DADT that is probably a no brainer.

I also would not be surprised if he were to come out in support of same sex marriage during his second term.

That would be amazing.


  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    And she's a woman!

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    A real leader would come out in favor of it during their first term.

    You must always stand up for what is right, not what is politically expedient.

  3. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I don't think PO will actually support same sex "marriage". He seems to believe more in civil "unions", if there is a difference. There may be, in the nuance of the wording, but still be the "same" as far as benefits to couples.

  4. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Maybe Palin would be contented with a sliding pay scale. 100K for real Christians, 80K for Catholoic, 50K for LGBT (but at least Christian), 10K for Muslim, Buddists to donate their time.

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Very interesting. That president of ours is so very clever. Can't wait to see what Rachel says about this and to see the sparks fly.

  6. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Jim DeMint just crapped his pants.

  7. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I'll be so glad when news like this is no longer "news", and people are not judged or discriminated against because of their sexual orientation.

  8. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Such a contrast to Regan, who let the Aids crisis go unchecked throughout his presidency.

    Oh yes this will send those, oh so pious, conservative evangelical christians, into a snit.
    I wonder if the Quitter Twitter Queen aka Queen Esther will have a word salad pronouncement about this?

  9. I would like the government to move away from partnering with the faith community. But since it does, this is a stellar appointment.

  10. Oh for the day when everyone is judged by "the content of their character"...

  11. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Oh lookie, lookie, photo ops galore:

  12. Randall7:48 AM

    I'm curious to hear/see Sarah's garbled run-on incoherent rambling bombastic any of em, all of em, good commonsense constitutional self-defecating Reaganesque response to THIS!

  13. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Ha, ha, these are a hoot!

  14. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Where you are happy, I am disgusted.


    Because until George W. "Professional Christian" Bush stole the 2000 and 2004 elections, there was no such thing as the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. It is not to Obama's credit that he is perpetuating this unconstitutional travesty.

    An only-for-show appointment to it notwithstanding (check the Obama administration's notorious doublespeak and foot dragging on repealing DOMA and DADT for its real opinion of gay issues), not disbanding this signature Bush council from the get-go makes Obama look he's as big a panderer to the fake Christian crowd as Bush was.

  15. Anonymous11:09 AM

    anon8:40, check with HRC for Pres Obama's accomplishments. He's quietly done a lot of meaningful things for the gay community through regulatory actions.


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