Sunday, February 06, 2011

Snowdrift Snooki dares to use the fight for democracy in Egypt as an excuse to attack our President!

From the Brody File:

Sarah Palin: “It’s a difficult situation, this is that 3am White House phone call and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House it it seems that that call went right to um the answering machine. And nobody yet has, no body yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and I'm not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from DC in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. And in these areas that are so volatile right now because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And we do not have all that information yet.”

This pathetic excuse for a public servant did NOTHING while Alaska villagers went without food and heat in one of the harshest winters on record, left her office to go to her home in Wasilla halfway through almost every work day, and concocted a gas pipeline deal doomed to fail, and yet she actually has the temerity to judge how President Obama is handling the situation in Egypt?

This woman is more than just an idiot, she is a selfish,hateful little bitch!

Just listen to her rant about wanting to change how the media does its job in this country, which she seems to feel she is uniquely qualified to spearhead due to the journalism degree it took attending five colleges for her to earn.

Sarah Palin: I think much of the mainstream media is already becoming irrelevant. Because there is not balance in many cases, david, there is not truth coming out of the mainstream media and I know that first hand, I live it everyday. And what would give me great joy is if what would become irrelevant is just the untruthful the misreporting out there. I want the mainstream media, and I’ve said this for a couple of years now, I want to help ‘em. I want. I have a journalism degree, that is what I studied. I understand that this cornerstone of our democracy is a free press, is sound journalism. I want to help them build back their reputation. And allow Americans to be able to trust what it is that they are reporting. We’re so far from being able to trust what so many of the mainstream media personalities, characters, feed the American public that it scares me for our country. What would give me great joy is what would become irrelevant is the misreporting that comes out of the mainstream media.

The reason she is so desperate to render the media irrelevant is because she is well aware that if they keep reporting the truth about her that they will render HER irrelevant.

And in my opinion the sooner the better.


  1. The tundra turd had no Clue who Mubarak and what continent Egypt was on was until last week.

  2. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Wow - not only is she dead wrong on her opinions she also sounds the most incoherent ever! I think the pitbull has a case of rabies - she's foaming at the mouth.

  3. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Now that S is a brand, how does her beloved lamestream cover her? In general anything said by or on behalf of a brand can be considered 100 percent self-serving. This really changes nothing, but it does bring it into clear focus. Sarah and soup, tires, and wart-removal products are now in the same category. The technique then is to ask "experts" to comment on the brand's claim.

  4. Chenagrrl4:14 AM

    Arrgh Gryphen, that last one was mine. about brand.

  5. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Make sure to read the comments from the source article. Even the base is starting to run away...

  6. "will render her irrelevant.... the sooner the better."
    amen to that brother!
    what, does she think the obama admin has the next leader of egypt hand-picked and ready to pop right in there like a puzzle piece. that would be her solution. so i guess she has ruled out free democratic elections for the egyptians in the fear they will elect someone she doesn't approve of. as if she could even pronounce the name of one egyptian. as far as i can tell, these protests are fueled by the abuses of mubarak and the people want a freely elected democratic leader to fairly represent them. egypt is politically very different from iran. could the egyptians elect an (i'm not even going to try to spell the holocaust-denying iranian leader's name, but as katie couric - you know sarah, your friend! - says, it sound like "i'm a dinner jacket", sooooooooort of)? maybe they could, but that is up to them. we pretended we were the protectors and instigators of democracies everywhere for so many years, you would think we might begin to believe it.

  7. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Sarah Palin is a stupid, stupid uneducated monkey who constantly takes cheap shots at our President because she is so eat up with jealousy and bitter hate.

    This woman should be deported from the USA because of her fear-mongering and vicious lies. She is so un-American and will stop at nothing to destroy this country while keeping her hand out saying "Gimme gimme gimme more money".

  8. Anonymous4:34 AM

    If Palin® runs for President, she will have to run as the leader of the "Know-Nothing Party". Her arrogance is astounding for someone so stupid.

  9. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I think Sarah Palin is already becoming irrelevant because she is senseless. There is no truth coming out of her and Alaskans know that first hand. We live it everyday. And, what would give Alaskans great joy is if her untruthful and ill-considered statements out there become irrelevant. I want Sarah, and I’ve said this for a couple of years now, I want her to STFU. There is no possible way to build back her reputation and get Americans to be able to trust what she is saying. We’re so far from being able to trust what she feeds the American public that it scares me for our country. What would give me great joy is if Sarah moves to South Africa (It's a country, Sarah). Perhaps Sarah could move even farther away to Antarctica to colonize her own country ("Asinine-istan"?).

  10. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Great post, Gryphen. Now that her beloved journalists are reporting that her speech in Denver on May 2 has been canceled, someone find the "negative comments" and "threats" that led to the event been canned. I cannot. I suspect Palin pulled out once she realized that to do that, she'd have to miss the first GOP debate. Poor RAM screwed up again, and since they can't admit that, they are citing a liberal media dedicated to stirring up so much hate for Sarah that she is not free to speak at this $200 a head dinner supposedly honoring the military she respects so much. Fits right in with this Canadian radio blather. She is nothing is not opportunistic.

  11. Virginia Voter4:36 AM

    HOLY SMOKES, Sarah's diarrhea of the mouth word salad spinning is almost untranslate-able here. So she wants to "help" the media?? Like that will ever happen.

    Seriously, I have said this for years, Sarah has some type of learning disability or mental deficiency. The garbling , rambling words that mean nothing, the mispronunciations, and malapropisms she always says after all this time indicate that she is just incapable of comprehending complex issues and sounding coherent when she speaks. No matter how many millions she spends on consultants, speechwriters, and publicity, she still winds up sounding mentally challenged. In many ways, it is fascinating.

  12. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Answering machines went out in the 90's. She, and her lousy metaphoric attempts, are so yesterday. How old are her speechwriters? Let's focus on someone who still has some clout & backing. Palin is no challenger; she's an old paid troll--a political whore who is treasonous but whose time is over. She & Gingrich can go sit in a tree shouting to each other.

  13. womanwithsardinecan4:49 AM

    If it sounds like a stupid, mean bitch, then it is a stupid, mean bitch. She must be rotting from the inside. Nobody can consistently put out that putrid hatred of hers that she aims endlessly at our president unless they are a steaming pile of rotting entrails. If I could get my hands on her with a roll of duct tape, she WOULD sit down and shut up, and I WOULD subject her to a Clockwork Orange scenario. Imagine her taped to a chair, that screeching maw of hers duct taped tightly shut, while we tell her for hours that she is NOT the president, Reagan would think she's a crock of shit, and her husband isn't even faintly dang. Oh, and we would wipe off all her makeup and take pictures. Juvenile? Sure. Satisfying? You betcha.

  14. Anonymous4:51 AM

    So what exactly does this idiot think our president should be doing? Sending in troops to help the Egyptian dictator suppress the people who are rising up in a spontaneous movement to bring democracy to a land where we have done our best to suppress it for 60 years?

    As for the journalism thing, so she's back to saying her degree is in journalism? For a while she was saying it was communications? Any of 'em, all of 'em! Oy. Where are the investigative reporters to dig up the truth on this lying piece of shit, who has no degree and no fifth kid?

  15. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Palin is projecting. She is the queen of lying andaking things up. Her goal is that people only listen to her and believe her. She has brainwashed many she is a servant of God and the one who speaks truth amongst others she ongoingly casts as liars.

  16. Anonymous4:58 AM

    My question is, why does she never make sense?!!? Run on sentences do nothing for her credibility! Get this woman out of the public now please! All she is doing is dumbing down the American people.

  17. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I'm not entirely sure she does have a degree - not a legitimate one. She jumped from college to college, and I would not be surprised if she claimed more class credits than she actually completed.

  18. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Sarah's correct...the media needs to start telling the WHOLE truth. Let's start with the Tundra Turd. Where did Trig come from, Sarah?

  19. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Most of the misinformation she complains about is from Fox, the network she works exclusively with!! Does she REALLY have a degree in journalism? Has anyone seen it? What she is doing is trying to imply that any news about HER family is untrue, she could care less about the country, just her little piece of it. The repub. party must be full of people who have no interest in finding INTELLIGENT people to represent them. Settling for this shrew makes the entire party look bad. Oh, well, her and Gingrich!!

  20. angela5:08 AM

    "I want to help 'em"

    Holy crap on a cracker! Palin is a delusional psychopath. Or is she stoned out of her mind and we all the victims of some kind of massive joke?

    I'm sorry, this nitwit needs to shut the hell up
    and finish out her commitment to whatever expensive private clinic will take her.

  21. Anonymous5:09 AM

    She did say one thing spot-on:

    "We’re so far from being able to trust what so many of the mainstream media personalities, characters, feed the American public that it scares me for our country."

    I immediately thought of Rush Limbaugh.

  22. Anonymous5:11 AM

    More confession by accusation from the Queen of OppositeLand.

    Slip the BS filters into your headphones, it will be noisy until she decides to shut up.

  23. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Just one of the many insightful comments from Balloon Juice on this very subject:
    That woman is just one crazy-ass motherfucker. I don’t know how else to say it.

    My translation is as follows:

    Incoherently Angry Old White People of Real ‘Merika, the events in Egypt are a sign that Armageddon awaits us, and I know you are feeling me when I say that the Muslin Anti-colonial Black Kenyan Soshulist Liberal Smarty-Pants Uppity Illegitimate So-Called President can’t be trusted – not with Grandma’s Medicare and not with rational realist foreign policy maneuvers. For I am chosen by Jesus, and therefore will put in a good word for you with Him that will ensure that when the Angel St. Ronnie appears during the Rapture and shoots laser tractor beams from his eyes carrying all non-Muslin Applebee’s salad bar eaters up to Heaven, you are on the A-list.

    Something like that.

  24. Warrior895:22 AM

    "Nobody has explained to me how....(insert your own)" = people have explained it, I just don't get it.

    She truly has a mental/emotional disorder. Borderline personality? Bipolar? I don't know, but when a person tells you the exact opposite of what is true, there is something WRONG.

  25. Anonymous5:24 AM

    So the logical response is, what lies have been told and by which MSM? If she's going to accuse like that, she needs to give specifics to support her claim..... you know: who, what, when, where? Remember those?

    The Egypt thing just isn't even worth commenting on, it's just so whacko on so many levels. No surprise, there.

  26. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Any real potential Presidential candidate would KNOW that it is precisely this sort of situation that cannot, should not, be discussed openly by the White House to the media. So much is at stake here, not to mention the fact that any utterance by the WH can, in and of itself, have a profound effect on the outcome.

    Palin speaks as though Egypt were some sort of territory of the US, as though we OWN the country and its people. What would she have us do, take over ALL of the countries in the Middle East that are currently experiencing unrest?

    Of all the things that Palin has done or said, I find these recent statements most disturbing, as they underscore just how dangerous she would be in the WH. Not Palin particularly, as she would just busy herself with having her hair and nails done, while the real powers behind the queenly throne would be the ones putting these horrific policies into place. They would make Cheney look like Howdy Doody in comparison.


  27. She got another thing right:
    "[N]ow more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House."

    Fortunately, we have it.

  28. Randall5:34 AM

    Before I even listen to what Sarah has to say - I'd like to first see her point out Egypt on a map.

  29. PhilaPhan5:39 AM

    B said...She got another thing right:"[N]ow more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House."
    Fortunately, we have it.

    From SP's rant, it's obvious that it takes a "sound mind" to realize this. Unfortunately, SP obviously doesn't have one.

  30. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Please Gryphen.. tell us she will be history soon...

    Hope the iceberg hits before Bristol's book... then all the money they paid the ghostwriter will be wasted.

    The entire family needs to just disappear...

  31. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Can she even keep her "degrees" straight? What is it, Communications or Journalism?

    She's definitely trying to discredit the MSM...setting up her adoring masses for the iceberg moment, I suppose. They can all say, "See, this is the kind of misinformation that Sarah told us about!"

    Keep talking, SP...I mean digging...

  32. Anonymous5:45 AM

    This is off topic, but....
    I just read on HUFFpost that bush has cancelled a trip to Switzerland because of the threat of being arrested, for the torture he agreed to inhis Administration..
    this,is the best news I've heard in a long time.
    Bush, afraid to travel. Now it's cheney's turn and a few more in this administration.
    read it and rejoice.

  33. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Scara wants to help the media. Her comment is so unbelievable on so many levels. First, she can't claim she has a degree in journalism or communication because the women can NOT speak or write a correct sentence to save her life. Second, how would she help the media when she refuses to talk to them. Third, the only media out there that is lying is faux news and she works for them, so go ahead, honey, help them by looking in the mirror first. She has completely lost her mind. I would be happy to start a fund where we bought matching straight jackets for her and glenda--Any takers???? Does anyone suffer any pain while trying to get through reading one of her rants?? I swear my brain starts to smoke and my eyes burn while trying to comprehend the words she mashes together. I bet we could come up with a new medical condition explaining the symptoms.

  34. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Her grammar is sucktastic.

  35. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Sarah is irrelevant.

    Don't worry Sarah, the President is on the job.

    Egyptians will decide who is next in Egypt.

    And Sarah, when POTUS does respond, his words won't be limited to 140 characters.

  36. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Stupidity bordering on treason.

    (I confess though that I really wish the interviewer had asked her about Suez. No way she could babble even 2 xentences on that complex topic.)

  37. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Anonymous @ 4:36 AM said...

    ... Fits right in with this Canadian radio blather. She is nothing is not opportunistic.

    Canadian? - CBN = Christian Broadcasting Network from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Or am I missing something?

  38. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Did she really pay a professional writer for this garbage?

    Sounds more like Sarah wrote it.

  39. Anonymous6:12 AM

    OMG! "...and I’ve said this for a couple of years now, I want to help ‘em. I want. I have a journalism degree, that is what I studied."

    The absolute clueless nature of this creature is revealed in the above statement. Help 'em?
    Here is how Palin would help 'em:
    1) Get Glenn Beck's chalkboard at a deep discount. He won't be needing it much longer.
    2) Help 'em sexually harass their staff but still receive a Bill O'Reilly type paycheck.
    3) Have the Christian Broadcasting Network become the new CNN.
    4) Have rapture updates every 30 minutes.
    5) Nominate herself for a Pulitzer
    6) Promote the Hannity charity that bilks the public under the guise of helping soldiers while Hannity's posse travels via private planes
    7) Have your largest shareholder from the Middle East control your programming.
    8) Help 'em ignore the fact that an absolute incompetent, ignorant fool was nearly elected into the White House. Oops, they already have this mastered.

  40. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Oh yeah. Egypt needs Sarah to come and save the day.


  41. Anonymous6:16 AM

    We argue that we want to encourage democracy in the Middle East with our wars, but when the citizens of the Middle East take steps towards democracy, the rethugs think otherwise. It isn't our country. We don't pick their leader.

  42. Anonymous6:22 AM

    She doesn't know who the White House wants to take over in Egypt? Um, well, maybe she should fucking try reading Huffington Post because for the better part of the week they've had it on their front page: White House in favor of transition led by Suleima!

    And I'm sorry, but the prez has been doing a great job on Egypt. I know the pundits from the left have branded him as flip-flopping or backing whoever's leading, but in my opinion, he has been brilliant. Technically, Mubarak is better for our security, and the WH wanted to keep him in power, but then, seeing how committed the people were, they changed tracks and started pressuring Mubarak to leave. And look what happened: Wednesday there was a bunch of thugs paid by the government came out, then the next day, after BHO talked to Mubarak, that stopped. There's no doubt in my mind that BHO stopped that. He has handled this excellently and her complaints about this just make her seem out of touch and more idiotic than ever.

  43. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I actually hope she keeps this up - attacking our president about everything. Why? Because it's completely turning off the public at large. Her approval ratings have only fallen since she began her jihad against progressivism and our elected president. Keep it up, lady, you're only making yourself look bad, not our president. (In fact, he keeps looking more and more classy by comparison!)

  44. Hey, Sarah, here's an idea for you: as you're such a advocate for media accuracy, and already a highly-respected commentator at Fox News, why not use your considerable influence and begin your retarded crusade to restore journalistic integrity there? Once the other media organizations witness your success at Fox, I'm certain they'll all come clamoring for your help. You could be the next Murrow or Cronkite, I tell ya!

    It's a no-brainer.... so should be right up your alley.

  45. Anonymous6:24 AM

    John McCain should have worn a t-shirt while campaigning with Sarah...I'm with stupid.

  46. Anonymous6:27 AM

    So she's complaining that our president isn't revealing any intelligence they might have, when just a couple months ago she was calling for Julian Assange to be hunted down like a terrorist for leaking intelligence. What a nitwit.

    As for her paranoid Glenn Beck talking points about the "Muslim Brotherhood" being behind this, so what if they are one of the involved parties? We're talking about a largely Muslim part of the world. And there's lots of groups and individuals involved in the protests. We're talking about a country where most of it's people live on two dollars or less a day, with frequent bread shortages. Pretty much the situation in France right before the Revolution. Why the hell wouldn't millions of people eventually revolt against such circumstances?

  47. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Hysterical - ...when applied to the mainstream media.
    Absolutely spot on... when applied to FAUX News. you know, the Murdoch/Ailes misinformation campaign that sued to win the verdict that news shows DO NOT have to report the truth. See Jane Akre/Monsanto case.

  48. Anonymous6:28 AM

    You know what? This woman never left the 2008 campaign. Even though she and McCain lost. While everyone else proceeded to get back to work - including McCain - she quit her actual job to keep campaigning a campaign that ended over two years ago. What a weirdo.

  49. Anonymous6:30 AM

    This is a great opportunity for Sarah to expand her foreign policy experience.

    Sarah, why don't you bring a Fox News crew over to Egypt and find out who is next in line to govern.

    Let us know how that goes.

  50. 10catsinMD6:31 AM

    She is snarling in that picture. She hasn't a clue as to how to look good when talking. Amazing! Plastic surgery and loads of makeup do nothing as she snarls, spits, and burbles word wickedness.

    I have tried to mimic her facial expressions and it hurts my soul to do so. It brings out a great bid "euwww" in me. Yuk.

    If she patents her name, then just think of all the pseudos that we can invent as tongue in cheek. Will she know the difference?

  51. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Is she hinting that there was some sort of organized conspiracy to bring down Mubarek? Is she even aware of the rampant poverty in Egypt and the simmering tensions over food shortages there the last several years? That it was just a matter of time before people took to the streets??

  52. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I haven't approved of everything Obama has done as President, but I give him an A+ on being the far classier ADULT compared to bitter Sarah.

  53. Anonymous6:39 AM

    If you relinquish the hope of making sense out her words, and read them instead as beat poetry, it's actually rather entertaining.

    $arah Paylin is a performance artist. Nothing more, nothing less.

  54. Anonymous6:44 AM

    To 5:45. Yep, it's called Headupyourasssofaryoucantseethelightoday'rhea.

  55. She actually has no real beliefs, no position on anything. If she even knew what she believed or what her policies were she could speak off the cuff, even, and make sense. She is all over the place. It could be funny, but only if she had not come so close to the White House, even as vice president. Thank you, again, John McCain. This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

  56. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Under a President Palin Administration, my Department of Journalism headed up by RAM will constantly put up Facebook posts and Tweets to 'inform' American's about what seems to perhaps be the situation under a sound mind as the Chief Executive of the nation and a shining beacon on the hill for other countries that seem to be experiencing uprisings and it is those that seek that sound mind, ummm, in the White House to progress sound decisions informing the people about our collective defense and security against those also, who seek to destroy us. Too. And there is no need to follow up or clarify because such common sense is not questionable and anyone who asks us anything in the first place are guaranteed the truth because that is all a Palin speaks and it has been said and proven and it's nice to be wired in such a way so the great people of this awesome country don't have to worry about it. God bless America under a Palin Nation.

  57. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I majored in mathematics and computer science. Do I ever forget and say I majored in statistics and information technology?


    It's kind of like remembering where you birthed your children, Sarah, somethings you just don't forget or mis-speak.

  58. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Clean up journalism? Why don't you start by stop reading off a prepared script when you give your paid "interviews" to Fox???

    As for Obama and Egypt, he's playing it about as I would expect any US president to. Not running off his mouth like certain people who never will be president would, and instead waiting to see how things unfold. When millions of people are taking to the street and there's utter chaos, things can change on a dime. To make some dramatic pronouncements prematurely would only be asking for embarrassment later (something Palin should be familiar with!)

  59. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Please, please $arah, don't shut up.
    Let your mouth continue to run away with your brain. You are such comic relief, bless your heart.

  60. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I doubt if Sarah Palin was qualified to the the Mayor of Wasilla, let alone Governor of Alaska. She has some serious problems.

  61. Anonymous6:53 AM

    She's an expert at journalism, eh? Wants truth in media and truth on what's going on in Egypt? I see an opportunity for her to do both. Why not head over to Egypt with Fox then and see what's really going on so you, little Sarah from Wasilla, can set things straight for the American people. (And going there after things have settled down won't count, sorry.)

  62. Anonymous6:55 AM

    C'mon, the joke is over. If people have dirt on her that will take her out of contention for any political office, let's hear it. This has gone on long enough and a future with her in any office is too scary to contemplate.

  63. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Just HOW is she planning to help journalism? Will she give seminars to the network reporters? How does she require their attendance?

    When she is president, she will decide what media gets to live and what media will be banned.

  64. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Hey $arah. I have a degree in journalism, too. But when I speak and write people understand me and don't make fun of my prose. You, on the other hand, are a blithering idiot who couldn't write their way out of a wet paper bag. I'd like to actually see that degree and your transcript of classes and grades, please. Since you are making such strong statements about what a knowledgeable and respected journalist you are, I'm sure you won't mind backing it up with proof.

  65. Anonymous7:05 AM


  66. Right. Like President Obama can explain Egypt to Sarah in a Tweet.

    Sarah, let me make this perfectly clear. It is not our president's responsibility to explain history to you. It is your job to do your homework. This is complicated. Our president is spending an inordinate amount of time talking to people and getting facts. It's just not possible to explain that level of detail to you in 140 characters. If you need an executive summary, have RM write it. He's too busy to get you up to speed on the political history of the Mideast.

  67. laprofesora7:07 AM

    "...there is not truth coming out of the mainstream media and I know that first hand, I live it everyday."

    Damn right she lives it every day, because she's the one hiding the truth from the media about babygate, housegate, troopergate, hookergate, etc.

  68. Glad you brought up the crisis in rural Alaska. Her impotence needs to be broadcast frequently and loudly.

    She also failed to lead when Mt. Redoubt erupted with oil storage tanks sitting at its base. She held no news conferences, issued no news releases, although she managed a belated, meager note on her SarahPAC webpage. And how about her response to the April 16 '08 avalanche in Juneau that resulted in massive power outages? I believe she couldn't even handle being around when Walt Monegan was fired or during the contentious debate/vote for her AG candidate.

    Anyway, comparing the situation in Egypt to a '3am phone call' that was mishandled is batshit crazy. I agree with the comments here that she made her dictatorial leanings quite obvious. Also, too, her ignorance and cognitive disabilities are, once again, on full display.

    The other part of this interview that was telling (and disturbing) was her acknowledgment that she has to keep relying on 2 Timothy 1:7 "knowing that God does not give us a spirit of timidity or of fear, but he gives us a spirit of power and love and a sound mind". She believes she has a sound mind because 'the Bible tells her so'.

  69. Anon 6:47 - "Under a President Palin Administration...."

    OMG! That is almost too perfect! Are you okay?

  70. Anonymous7:31 AM

    "there is not truth coming out of the mainstream media and I know that first hand, I live it everyday"

    Does she realize that she just said probably the most truthful thing that's come out of her mouth in years?

  71. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Sarah blowing smoke out of her ass again. She's so painfully out of her league.

  72. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Be sure not to miss this orchestrated family photo event designed to show Sarah in yet another 'iconic' setting. Hurl.

  73. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Have you read the comments on the Brody File article? Hardly anyone is supporting her!!!

  74. Anonymous7:53 AM

    If the media had actually investigated her, she would be irrelevant now. Your lips to God's ear; please, please, please.

  75. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Good Gawd this woman is beyond stupid!!

    Gryph, for the love of your country...ICEBERG PLEASE ICEBERG!!

    I'm begging you! I don't know how much longer I can take this IDIOT!!

  76. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Sarah Palin™ Doesn't Trust Egypt's Protesters

    Because we all know it's really scary when religion creeps into politics! Do they really want freedom in Egypt? The journalist in Sarah Palin™ remains skeptical. Plus, it's way easier for the US to keep backing dictators around the world than to step back and let people take control of their own destiny. Democracy is messy, you know. And what about The Media?

    I want the mainstream media, and I've said this for a couple of years now, I want to help ‘em. I want. I have a journalism degree, that is what I studied. I understand that this cornerstone of our democracy is a free press, is sound journalism. I want to help them build back their reputation."

    Sarah Palin will save democracy, a free press, and keep religion out of foreign countries' politics all at the same time if she's elected president.

  77. Anonymous8:03 AM

    ...And while we know their trademarks will only apply to political campaigning and public speaking, there are a few consumer products we'd like to see:

    Bristol Palin Dancing Shoes

    Slip on a pair of these babies, and you won't need vote-fixing to come out on top! Could be manufactured by Candie's.

    Palin Pals All-American Cereal

    Made of grain from the heartland, this delicious cereal is unencumbered by the health concerns of evil Marxists who want to take away your children's fun. Made with plenty of wholesome high fructose corn syrup; red, white, and blue cookie pieces; and marshmallow salmon.

    Bristol's Life Choices ChastityPants

    These stylish unisex undergarments constrict blood flow to the genitals, thus inhibiting sexual arousal. Special combination locks can be operated by parents, partners, or corporate sponsors. Comes in Purity White, Virginity Pink, and Blueballs Blue.

    Sarah Palin's Mama Grizzly Costume

    Is your daughter's boyfriend trying to sneak upstairs again? Maybe he'll think twice next time if he's attacked by a grizzly bear! This lifelike bear suit will turn a metaphorical Mama Grizzly into a real one, complete with teeth, claws, and authentic Roaring Action. Also useful for political rallies.

    Read more:

  78. Anonymous8:06 AM

    The trolls seem largely absent from this thread. Do they think Sarah Palin is secure after this Brody interview? Why is it that only babygate brings out the "I know Sarah and she is ..." troll defenders?

    Worried much, Sarah?

  79. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Are you sure the whole interview wasn't a parody?

  80. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Sarah Palin shows ignorance on Egypt

    6 Feb


    2 Votes


    Once again proving she has merely an elementary grasp on global politics, Sarah Palin has criticized the Obama administration for not “telling the American people what it knows” about Egypt. Palin also stated that America “should not stand” for an Egyptian government run by the Muslim Brotherhood. Palin has no diplomatic skills, whatsoever.

    What Sarah Palin does not understand is really quite simple. America is not the center of the universe. The entire planet does not revolve around American interests. Obviously, no one wants to see Egypt fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, an extreme fundamentalist group. However, the United States has no right to interfere in the internal politics of a foreign nation, particularly an ally. Aside from publicly urging Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to cede power, President Obama has no recourse, at least not overtly.

    Anything the United States is doing to influence or assist the Egyptian Revolution absolutely has to be done under the radar. Palin does not understand that putting an American face on the uprising in Egypt will do far more harm than good. The Egyptian people do not trust us, they do not like us and they do not want our help or input. And I don’t blame them. For thirty years, the Egyptian people have knowingly lived under an oppressive regime, an oppressive regime that the United States has supported for decades.

    Why would these people care what Americans want or think?

    more @

  81. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Memo to Paylin: We the people of the USA and the POTUS of the USA do NOT get to appoint the next leader in Egypt. Your thinking is skewed and screwed.

  82. Anonymous8:18 AM

    That whole interview is a cluster of words that sound so inept and out-of-touch.

    On Egypt, she doesn't think there's enough information coming out? Does Sarah think that POTUS is going to send HER CIA confidential files for her perusal? She's nuts!

  83. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Wanting to "help journalism" to a person like Paylin is like Hitler wanting to help journalism by appointing a Goebells and nationalizing all of the "media"...that's how she would help them alright. She would control the message for any of em, all of em. You betcha!

  84. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Compare and contrast SP's comments with President Obama's Cairo speech in June, 2009.

    See the difference?

  85. Have you noticed that she is no longer a "contributor" to Faux? Just those canned interviews are all they offer. Why don't they use the studio in Wasilla and have her give regular reports? Maybe, just maybe, Faux has realized that she is toxic to their brand. She is like the little kid who thinks she has a right to know all the details of her parents divorce. I trust that our current administration is working hard to help resolve the very delicate situation in Egypt. I do not demand that I be told every little detail of the negotiations. It's called diplomacy and it is an art and a science. Something way over the head of Sarah Paliln.

  86. Anonymous at 6:30 am: I totally agree. I think Sarah could do more for Egypt and the U.S. and tell the American people what is really going on if she assembles a FOX news team (make sure it includes sucks-up-to Greta VS, and the crier Beck (I am sure they would love him over there) and just totally immerse herself and her real journalists in the situation. Today. I will be watching!

  87. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I have been googling Sarah Palin evey day to see what new idiocy she is involved in. Comments related to Egypt and "other countries" have done it for me. I don't have any curiosity about her any more. She is nothing more than a boring nut. Curiosity finally cured.

  88. Damn......she's an idiot. Or as Aaron Sorkin said about her, "She's jaw-droppingly, stunningly, incompetent."

    Don't stress too much, people. As soon as the powers that be decide who they're going to back for the 2012 Republican nomination (and it WON'T be the aging Snowdrift Snooki) all kinds of information will miraculously surface so the Repubs can finally get rid of her. She's an idiot who can't help their cause at all; they've finally realized it after the Tuscon debacle, and when the time is right.......she's TOAST.

  89. Anonymous9:30 AM

    The last time that Sarah had a real substantive talk about foreign policy with an international head of state was the phone call from Sarkozy.

  90. Anonymous9:50 AM

    The Mask of A False God: The Real Record of Ronald Reagan

    ...What Reagan did accomplish was to usher in an era of business first, people second that has continued to 2011, and is singularly responsible for the ongoing destruction of the middle-class and elevation of corporatism and theocracy to the detriment of America.

    Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times, nearly tripled the federal budget deficit, gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants and their families, increased the size of the federal government, and presided over an unemployment increase after cutting taxes for the rich but raising them for the middle class and the poor. Republicans and conservative groups are hard-pressed to admit to those aspects of the Reagan presidency, but regardless their efforts to rewrite history, the records are there for all to see.

    During the Reagan presidency, he was responsible for helping to destroy unions for big business and is directly responsible for mining disasters in West Virginia where he assisted Don Blankenship of Massey Energy to prevent unions from protecting coal miners. Despite historical truth that union membership helped create the middle class in America starting after the Second World War, Republicans are continuing their narrative that unions are responsible for the economic woes the country is facing today.

    The conservative notion that cutting taxes creates jobs and increases revenue is ongoing from the Reagan era and during his first year in office when he cut taxes, the government went deeper into debt and despite raising taxes 10 more times he was never able to rein in the federal deficit. His economic policies are still the stuff of legend for conservatives, but instead of helping American families, he was responsible for an income disparity that saw average incomes for the top wage earners triple or quadruple while the median income has risen only 30% (adjusted for inflation).

    The rise of the religious right in America is in part due to Reagan’s deal with the devil (moral majority) by giving them a voice and a foothold in politics in exchange for their voting bloc. Reagan’s unholy alliance with the likes of Jerry Falwell has been a thorn in the side of women’s rights and religious freedom that continues to this day with Republicans making every attempt to restrict a woman’s right to choose in the 112th Congress.

  91. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I read this blather while listening to an interview with SOS Clinton on NPR. It made it so clear that if SP wants to know what is going on she should listen to some of that lamestream media and get some real news on the subject. But as Reagan said, "Facts are stupid things."

  92. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I have no doubt that intensive discussions and negotiations between the US and Egypt are going on as we speak.

    We made a complete mess out of Afghanistan and Iraq with our inept and poorly planned invasions and, understandably, few people in the Middle East trust Americans or the US government.

    There are many people who are highly experienced in diplomacy and who understand the delicate nuances of Middle Eastern politics, religion and economy who I am sure are intimately involved in this situation. I trust them to know what they're doing better than a nutjob from Wasilla who couldn't run a town of 7,000 people.

  93. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "This woman is more than just an idiot, she is a selfish, hateful little bitch!"

    THERE IT IS!!!! From the time she initially burst upon the political scene this has been obvious. I refer to her as the Countess of Contumely. ANYTHING the president says or does, she attacks. Fortunately, most of her attacks make her look like the complete fool she is. It's a smear, fear and destruction game she plays. Paul Slansky once wrote an article referring to her as "preternaturally ignorant", a "rabid witch" and a "demagogic harpy"--all very true. Would be nice if she went away, but that's probably not going to happen until the power and mega bucks backing her make that decision and/or the scandals become too huge and numerous to cover up. Meanwhile, keep the pressure on and call her out! You are doing a terrific job of that!

  94. Anonymous10:06 AM

    "Virginia Voter said...
    Seriously, I have said this for years, Sarah has some type of learning disability or mental deficiency. The garbling , rambling words that mean nothing, the mispronunciations, and malapropisms she always says after all this time indicate that she is just incapable of comprehending complex issues and sounding coherent when she speaks. No matter how many millions she spends on consultants, speechwriters, and publicity, she still winds up sounding mentally challenged. In many ways, it is fascinating.

    4:36 AM"

    Yup--and THEY HIDE HER from the public!
    If she is photographed, she is with HANDLERS.
    Very curious. They keep her under lock & key.
    She is severely mentally ill, or very low IQ.

  95. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Like I keep saying....Palin needs to be given tests (where we all see the results!) on Alaska's history, history of the mideast, history of our government, civics, oil industry/energy (that McCain said she was an expert!) and parenting.

    Wager she'd flunk them all! She is not qualified to head anything on the city, state or national levels. (The first two have already been proven and she flunked horribly!

    Vet her in Alaska people!

    Can hardly wait to hear what else is going to come out about her. So, so hope it/they pull her out of the spotlight - after the media talks about it 'forever'!

  96. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Notice that we are not hearing about Toad from she is talking about Bristol (in CA). Not physically seeing the Toad either. Can hardly wait to get the entire story on his escapades.
    Pretty obvious he is in the doghouse!

  97. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Sarah Palin, I have been to Cairo and you haven't.Thus, I have greater foreign policy experience in the Middle East than you do.

    The world is full of folks who feel the way I do, and wish you would stop embarrassing the US.

  98. Anonymous10:39 AM

    A great one-two punch for the repubs would be a Palin-Michelle Bachmann ticket. Oh, the hilarity.

  99. Maybe $arah ought to go to Egypt and bring them some cookies.

  100. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I love seeing that the handling of Egypt by President Obama and his Administration (Hillary and Joe especially!)has been outstanding. Especially noted by me are his thoughtful announcements, of the matter, to the U.S. This man is so smart!

    Can you imagine if McCain and Palin had been in the White House? Scares the hell out of me!

  101. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Wasn't it a communication degree? Is there any way to confirm this? Even if the college won't do so, if a commencement ceremony program for the year of her supposed graduation, it should list each graduate and his/her degree.

  102. Anonymous10:51 AM

    What. A. Bitch.

    I used to think it would OK for somebody to just blckmail her with all the dirt and she would go away. Now I want her publicly humiliated as much as possible and in jail for what I'm sure are various crimes. She is not just a joke, she is dangerous and the pushback from critics seems to embolden her.

    SHE is attacking Obama about not having a "sound mind" in the White House...projection defined.

  103. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Oh Scarah, everyone is making fun of you and your ignorance, republicans also too.

  104. Anonymous11:01 AM

    No one is more appalled than I about the things that Sarah Palin has done - from the lies, the deceit, the manipulation and exploitation of her children and all of her capitalizing upon fear and ignorance to generate more fear and ignorance.

    But I hate it, Gryf, when you call her a "bitch" and use other unnecessary slurs. These do not advance your arguments. In fact, this kind of thing sets you back - it sets all of us on the progressive back because it makes us look intolerant, hateful and spiteful, and so strengthens, rather than weakens, Palin and her supporters.

    You give her and them justification to use the victim card.

    If you can't elevate the tone of your debate without weakening your arguments then you should quit doing this, because, for you hurt us all.

  105. Her credibily on the Egypt issue is questionable at best. I mean there is no WAY she can see Egypt from her house.

  106. Anonymous11:05 AM

    To Anonymous 7:38....thanks for sharing the horeback riding photos. I find it interesting that the same cowboy boots Sarah wore that day, were also worn by Bristol that night at Queen Palin's speech. They were still dirty. What a mess...Bristol showed up with her new Jay Leno chin implant and her mother's borrowed filthy cowboy boots. this family has millions and still cannot dress aprropriately.

  107. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Sarah, ya got no game.

  108. Anonymous11:24 AM

    That particular image of $carah, headlining the thread, has always reminded me of a foaming at the mouth, brownshirt nazi

  109. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Anon @ 6:520 am "I doubt if Sarah Palin was qualified to be the Mayor of Wasilla, let alone Governor of Alaska. She has some serious problems."

    Absolutely right. When she was mayor, they had to hire a City Manager, because Simple Sarah was too stupid to perform the duties of mayorship.

    And when she was governor, Todd was actually the shadow governor, as again, Sarah was way over her head. In fact, she was away from legislature for so long that they began wearing "Where's Sarah?" buttons.

    Sarah is a walking, talking, moving example of sickness and stupidity.

  110. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Sarah,the great outdoors woman,hanging on to the saddle horn for dear life in the pics from the Reagan ranch.She is just useless.

  111. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I am soo embarrassed for all Real Americans everytime she opens her mouth. Why don't we start a "SHE DOESN'T SPEAK FOR ME" petition and show her how many knowledgeable, thinking Americans are sick of her mindless rhetoric.

  112. Anonymous1:32 PM

    She might want a refund on that degree because she certainly is no communicator. And the FOX media is already getting her "help". You can see how well that's working. Anyone else want to sign up?

    Now if we want journalists in the WH, there are a lot of good ones out there. Off hand, I'm thinking Gwen Iffil and Brian Williams would make a great ticket. And Brain didn't even finish college so he can woo the anti-elitist crowd!

  113. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Pinhead Palin claims to have a degree in journalism from one of the 5 colleges she visited. Does she really have a degree? Has anyone ever seen it?

    Why not take up a collection and send her to Egypt or preferably to Afghanistan so she can "reload" to her hearts content while fixing everything and bringing Democracy and peace to all!

  114. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Very funny, 5:17am.

  115. Anonymous3:48 PM

    6:47am is channeling Sarah expertly! Be careful not to do it too long as it'll fry too many brain cells.

  116. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Anonymous 11:01 AM said:

    >>But I hate it, Gryf, when you call her a "bitch" and use other unnecessary slurs. These do not advance your arguments. In fact, this kind of thing sets you back - it sets all of us on the progressive back because it makes us look intolerant, hateful and spiteful, and so strengthens, rather than weakens, Palin and her supporters.>>

    He just calls it like he sees it honey, and I, for one, am in total support of that.

    I completely disagree with your statement, so I would appreciate that you don't speak for me.

    Get off your puritanical high horse and get into the 21st Century instead of taking some high falootin' stance and projecting it on all of the other readers here.

    If you don't like the way Gryphen expresses himself, there are lots of other places to go on this big, glorious net.

    People come here EXPRESSLY because Gryphen tends to not sugarcoat his assessments. He says what a lot of us want to say and sometimes do. He says it with humor, snark and intelligent analysis. He calls it LIKE IT IS.

    She IS a bitch. So why not just put it out there. If your delicate sensibilities can't handle that, then I suggest you whine to someone else.

    >>You give her and them justification to use the victim card.>>

    Sarah and her crew suck the big tit of the victim card and nothing Gryphen says will change that. It's how she's wired and it's how she's taught her kids to behave, so it's not likely that Gryphen has too much influence in that arena.

    >>If you can't elevate the tone of your debate without weakening your arguments then you should quit doing this, because, for you hurt us all.<<

    No one's feeling hurt here, so again, stop with the projecting your judgements on others. You're entitled to your opinion, but scolding Gryphen is bullshit. It's his blog. Period. You don't get to say whether or not he blogs or he doesn't. You just get to express your opinion, the same way I am doing.

    Whenever anyone opens their sentence with "No one is more appalled than I" they immediately telegraph their position for all to see. Your sanctimonious BS doesn't fly here.

    We're all appalled with all of the crap that Sister Sarah has pulled, and we all want her to go DOWN, but coming her with the intent of STIFLING how Gryphen expresses himself is just plain RUDE. Would you go to someone's house and tell them how to behave? RUDE.

    Get over yourself and then come back and contribute something useful instead of this damn whining crap.

  117. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Blather, rinse, repeat. Sigh...two years is enough!!!


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