Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sarah Palin to spend one hour answering questions in front of journalists in Long Island today. Here comes more damage to her credibility!

From ABC News:

The Arizona shooting, President Obama's performance, a possible presidential run and other topics will be on the agenda Thursday when the former Republican vice presidential candidate appears at a luncheon of the Long Island Association, the region's largest business group.

Palin has agreed to answer questions posed by the president of the organization for about an hour with cameras rolling, LIA President Kevin Law said. "It will be interesting to see and hear what direction she thinks this country ought to be heading in," he said.

"Maybe this is the start of a presidential campaign," said Republican strategist Ed Rollins. "She has been beaten up by the media for doing nothing but her Tweets. This may be the first foray. Of course when you stand up in front of the cameras, you have to be on guard and make sure your answers are precise."

The Long Island Association has previously welcomed former presidents and other national leaders to speak at its meetings, but the meetings are usually closed to the media at the request of the speaker, Law said. Palin, however, who has been criticized for limiting access to her by the mainstream media, has agreed to allow cameras and reporters record the conversation.

This could very well signal the end, not the beginning, of Palin's 2012 campaign.

There is a reason that she has desperately avoided taking questions on camera that were not pre-screened beforehand, or coming from supportive questioners like Fox News, right wing radio hosts, or the Christian Broadcasting Network. She can't do it!

All it takes is for this guy to ask her some policy question about Egypt, or the economy, or which is her favorite Constitutional amendment for her to get that deer in the headlights look in her eye and to start sputtering like an antiquated outboard motor.  The woman simply does not know much of anything, and without serious prep time, or an earpiece she is dead in the water.

Unless of course this is all staged, and she DOES have access to the questions ahead of time, and somebody has written down the answers phonetically for her to read. (most likely in her favorite color of crayon.) However if that is the case we should be able to discern it by watching the video of the Q and A.

I still think this might be a very telling episode in the slow motion train wreck that is Snowdrift Snooki's political life.

Update: I tweaked the headline since it was a little misleading before.


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM


  2. London Bridges6:09 AM

    These will be all pre-screened questions. You betcha!

    Or she'll answer something like this:

    Reporter: What do you thing of the middle east?

    Sarah: Bristol is not pregnant.

  3. I crossed the street because I was afraid. I was afraid to walk past this man in a black weather torn leather jacket who was with another woman, and a tall lanky dark tanned Indian, all three kind of sprawled on someone’s front lawn, with their feet visiting the pavement...

    If you want a fun diversion- am writing a book- this is the beginning of the scraps I am weaving together...

    Leave a comment to give me hope...

  4. Anonymous6:12 AM

    She's been studying the questions since December, dontcha know?

  5. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Gryphen, she definitely has the questions prior to this event. She would never agree to this otherwise. She can't handle it, which is why she avoids Bill O'reilly these days. He goes off script.

  6. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I think she feels on top of the world now that she's been having some "Todd-free". What's going to happen after the Iron Dog is no longer an excuse, though?

  7. So who's to say the questions won't come from preselected questioners?

  8. I thought the article said they were prescreened. So she will be prepped.

    It amazes me that people actually want to promote her for any public office. Why does she NEED prepping or promotion?

    Ugh, brutal knownothingness.

  9. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I smell a big rat; namely Todd Palin and his indiscretions. This is a diversion to keep reporters/bloggers from digging too deep as more rocks get turned over and more slimy things try to crawl away. (Gates, CPAC $ laundering, etc.)

    Bright shiny object being dangled in front of the media. Ohhh we hear Ms. Palin speak without a script!

    There are no coincidences, right Madame peri-menopause? New manager knows his stuff, eh? LOOK AT THE LOSERS HE WORKED FOR

    Okay, snark and caps off now.


  10. This may be staged like her Tea Party question session she resorted to write cheat notes on her hand to pull one over.

    I am tired of her and politicians 100% replying verbal attacks condemning their opposition. It would be refreshing and informative to hear "I" statements in regard to policies, problem identification and well researched and thought out solutions.

    I'll be surprised if Palin can do more then demonize Obama and link incoherently a strong of catch phrases and talking points culminating in babble she cat find her way out of.

    The majority wants specifics post near major depression of economic collapse.

  11. Punkinbugg6:26 AM

    Ahh someone beat me to it: Earpiece. Google "George Bush earpiece" video and see many examples of how it's done. Add AZ Governor Jan Brewer to see how it can fail. Epically.

  12. Anonymous6:30 AM

    OF COURSE it's staged! Anyone who doubts that...I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!

  13. Anonymous6:32 AM

    There is no way in Hell she can or will answer random questions off the top of her head. This has to be staged.


  14. Anonymous6:36 AM

    This gets a big whatever from me. I would be shocked to learn that these questions are not prescreened. I would hope that the media will not report on her answers unless they do due diligence and learn whether the questions were prescreened or not, but I won't hold my breath on that one!

  15. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Were NOT that stupid Sarah Palin.
    This is not the main stream media. This is the President of an organization that she is speaking at. They are buddies.

    Sarah Palin will not be answering off the cuff questions are you kidding me. These will be rehearsed and studied. But it does not matter it will be the way she answers them.

    No way in hell will these questions be impromtu!!!!

  16. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Hey, Ed Rollins: Our media reports on Sarah Palin's tweets as if they're news. That is not "beating up" on her. It is ridiculous and shoddy "reporting".

  17. Anonymous6:40 AM

    The grifter surely has access to the questions ahead of time, but guess what, she still can't do it!

  18. Anonymous6:42 AM

    The questions are always pre screened by Sarah and her handlers before hand.

    She knows the answers already. Trust me on that one. GOP NJ Congressman Scott Garrett did the same in last elections. He ran away from all debates, and just accepted one close to the elections, he had answers and questions in advance.
    I know that because I was in the audience sitting next to one of his handlers, who had questions and answers on his paper.

    They all cheat, and that is Sarah Palin's play book.
    She agreed because she has been given questions and answers in advance.

  19. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Go gosh no, ed rollins. this is NOT the begining of a presidential campaign. It's all staged, with questions pre screened. Palin does nothing off the cuff.

  20. My guess is that she has been prepping for this, she does already have/had the questions well in advance and that she will just dance around the questions just like she did when she debated Joe Biden. I think she will be treated with kid gloves from the media and come out being the rights darling again, just like it's always been. At this point, I cannot see Sarah going down because the media still gets ratings from her regardless of her unpopularity, lack of intelligence and mental problems. She is a cancer that just lives on!

  21. All questions will be screened in advanced. Her handlers feed her the answers and her acting coach shows her how to look cute and act presidential. Even with help she still looks and acts like a fool.

  22. Anonymous6:50 AM

    We will know by her answers if the questions were prescreened or if she has an earpiece under whatever wig her handlers plopped on her head.

    Sarah Palin is simply incapable of speaking off the cuff with any coherency on anything remotely complicated.

  23. Anonymous6:51 AM

    The reason she's been so quiet lately is because she has been trying to memorize the answers to fluff questions, knowing that there will not be a single follow-up question. One question, one response and then on to the next question, not matter how badly she flubbed the previous response. Or an earpiece. Or very large cue cards held up beyond the audience's view.

  24. Anonymous6:51 AM

    That picture is so annoying - she looks like a sad rabbit. LOL.

  25. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I agree with everyone. This interview is "staged". But, even then, will Palin give precise answers or go off on her word salads?

  26. Janet in Texas6:55 AM

    Come on Gryphen, you know damn well that ignorant bitch is not going to answer any questions that haven't been given to her beforehand. This is just another set up deal. That woman disgusts me.

  27. Anonymous6:55 AM

    You talk as if the questions would be ones that Palin didn't know..

    It's all planned, her answers are on her hand!

  28. Anonymous6:55 AM

    idk. obama stumbled through many a rally and Q&A and came out fine. But as President, ALL his interviews are insanely scripted, even down to saying what's on his ipod. There's few people in politics who give succinct answers to probing questions. It's all about the camera for politicians which is why it may not be a good thing at all to televise congress hearings etc. we shall see how tonight goes.

    btw, Bristol is back some place warm, that includes a lake.

  29. SmallAxe6:55 AM

    This is real tough, you wanna know her answers before hand? Here you go, remember doesn't matter what the question is she will repeat some word salad variation of:

    "Common Sense solutions for Real Americans"
    "Lame Stream Media Gets it wrong again"
    "Founding Fathers knew what to do, we need to go back to what they were doing and get away from Gov't spending"
    "Ronnie Raygun, Ronnie Raygun, Ronnie Raygun"
    "Michelle Obama wants to tell your kids what to eat"
    "Government is not the Answer"

    Rinse repeat, remember common sense solutions, God, Raygun repeat rinse.

    Tell me it will be any different.

  30. Anonymous6:56 AM

    don't get your hopes up. i seriously doubt there will be any hard balls thrown her way, and she has such a way of rallying those talking points in a word salad mix with perky snark, she could easily charm everyone.

    and dare we suspect that she has had access to the questions for as long as the terms were agreed on? i thought we could.

  31. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Of course, $arah Palin has the same old, softball questions in advance. She has already memorized what she has been told to say.

  32. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I agree that even knowing the questions ahead of time, even writing on her hand, she still mangles answers and proves she is a terrible candidate. I don't know what's happened to her brain, but her condition has gotten considerably worse. Could all that plastic surgery have affected her brain, which was already feeble?

  33. Anonymous7:00 AM

    It's one thing to answer some pre-rehearsed questions and answers in front of the main stream media. It's another thing to answer questions that are posed by the main stream media. A friendly guy, questions that have been agreed to in advance, it doesn't matter. Let the media ask the questions, and then you'll have something.

  34. Anonymous7:02 AM

    BTW- This lunch is sponsored by corporations (hence, our $). Check out the organization's website for the list of sponsors.

  35. AKRNC7:03 AM

    There's no friggin' way that she didn't receive the questions ahead of time. Sarah hasn't been on any network other than FOX for a reason, she's scared to death to reveal her ignorance. There will either be an earpiece with a bulky jacket to cover it or she will be reading answers to pre-screened questions.

  36. Randall7:04 AM

    ...imagine the fun if someone could hack the frequency of Sarah's earpiece and fill her ears with nonsense answers...

    oh wait...


  37. "Palin has agreed to answer questions posed by the president of the organization for about an hour with cameras rolling...."

    is not the same as 1 hour of questions from actual reporters...

  38. Anonymous7:06 AM

    It doesn't matter. Palin has had pre-screened questions before, and she still fucked up. The way she answers questions doesn't help, either. She's a mean, snarky bitch.

  39. little $arah grows up and does a presser? sorry. do 3 hours on 3 consecutive Sundays on all of the major networks and maybe you might gain a shred of cred...

  40. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Hmm, maybe she will be wearing an earpiece, as an adornment.

  41. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Q: What's your plan to create jobs? The tax cuts were extended yet jobs aren't coming. What, specifically will you do?

    Q: What specific program cuts will you make to the budget? What would you do with Medicare and Social Security specifically?

    Q: Rumsfeld has admitted Iraq had no WMD's. What do you say to the families of 4400 dead service people and should the former administration be charged?

    Q: You say there's too much government regulation out there. Was there too much regulation in 2008 when the financial markets imploded?

    I could go on all day.....

  42. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Wonder if she'll be fitted with a hidden ear piece? She's such a mumbling, bumbling twidiot . . . and the entertainment value is waning a bit. Perhaps the donations are too, eh sarah? Oh yeah, and another attempt at deflection (for sure), but you have far too many "skeletons" to account for Mrs Toad Palin.

    Tick tock toots!

  43. Ding, ding, ding! Anonymous 7:06, we have a winner!

    Yes my point was even with pre-screened questions Palin is more than likely going to make a huge gaffe. Remember this IS Sarah "blood libel" Palin we are talking about.

    These furtive steps toward attempting to appear more accessible to the media will be very informative, and I think will potentially further damage Palin's brand, until she simply loses all but the most wingnutty support for her Presidential bid.

  44. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I don't trust her now even more then before . She will never change, she is just getting sneakier . She is also getting better advice on how to appear like she is intelligent . This may all be pre-rehearshed as a trial run . Trying to polish her to say the "right" words and curb the petty crap. She will always be an evil , hateful wwitch . watch out!! She is a rat.

  45. Considering that she's enjoyed such complete deference by the MSM and practically every business group, I do not doubt for one second that she will be getting pre-screened questions. And studying well-formulated answers provided by others.

    There has been an obviously orchestrated campaign to keep this woman in our faces and on the Presidential track and her backers are pulling out all the stops and calling in every favor to prevent a final train wreck.

    Do not doubt it.

  46. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Bring her on! We Dems love her on the campaign trail!

  47. Molly7:31 AM

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Sorry. Sarah being taken seriously just does that to me.

  48. Enjay in E MT7:32 AM

    Scripted Event -
    she'll still screw it up jumbling words

  49. Anonymous7:38 AM

    What happened to a "very major media publication" doing a story on babygate?? Or was that the whole Shailey Tripp thing. The Tripp story hasn't gone well yet either.
    But hopefully soon? Someone should edit her blog posts and web page.
    I heard the reason the enquirer backed away is because they were threatened by the Palins with a lawsuit.

    Sarah won't do well in these interviews or in debates but that won't stop her. She's delusional. Something legal or illegal I should say needs to bring her down.

  50. Molly7:39 AM

    It doesn't matter if the questions are or aren't given in advance: the thing is that she already knows what answers she is going to give, no matter the questions.

    Remember in her "debate" where she just blabbed on even when it didn't answer the question, and she even said ahead of time that she was gonna do that?

    So someone asks her something, anything, say, on Egypt, and her "answer" is ready to go, with the talking points she is given on Egypt, even if it doesn't answer the specific question asked.

    No thinking involved. As usual.

  51. Maybe she's been cramming, and that's why we haven't heard from her...Yeah, I don't think so either.

    It started at 11EST. Will they post this gem on their web site, or how does this work? We'll be able to tell immediately whether she had the questions in advance. But that wouldn't really help her, as others have said.

  52. Anonymous7:48 AM

    "unless it is staged"


    OF COURSE it is staged! AND she has spent the past month memorizing her answers!

  53. Um, anonymous@6.55a - Obama is one of the quickest off-the-cuff thinker/speaker we've ever had as president.

    And he often stops and thinks about a question before answering it - surely a novel concept to the Bush presidency. Please watch the You Tube video of him with the Republican retreat where he sat and answered questions and made general mincemeat out of those who asked them.

    To even begin to compare Obama's intelligence with Palin's is to insult all Americans.

  54. Anonymous7:55 AM

    you said 'reporters' but the artical says from the president of the club,,, big difference.

    bill in belize

  55. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Please say it's televised or that there will be a recording somewhere after the fact! I want to see this disaster in the making!

  56. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Some are tweeting Palin's appearance #PalinLIA

  57. Guaranteed, she will just issue forth words having nothing to do with anyone's questions, as usual.

  58. Anonymous8:03 AM

    NOT pre-screened questions? And I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

  59. Anonymous8:04 AM

    After translation by the media, Sarah Palin will sound perfectly coherent.

    It's all in the spin.

  60. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Her new COS is like another Dr.Frankenstein, trotting out HIS newest version of this monster. I can't wait for the monster's new "big words" and window dressing (lack/height of bumpit, color of suit, type of jewelry.) These old white guys program and dress up THEIR inflatable doll the way THEY want her to look and act. That's the show, watching some old asshole's wet dream come marching onto the stage.

  61. Anonymous8:07 AM

    To Randall @7:04 AM
    "...imagine the fun if someone could hack the frequency of Sarah's earpiece and fill her ears with nonsense answers...

    oh wait...


    ROFL on that one. That would be fun!


  62. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Just to get in the DOOR it costs $400. Tables costs $5,000, and "sponsors" are spending up to $50k to hear her at this thing.

    I'm guessing it will be HIGHLY rehearsed.

  63. From a HuffPo commentor:

    Am I understand this right? "Palin has agreed to answer questions posed by the PRESIDENT of the organizati­on" that is paying her to speak to them - NOT questions from the mainstream media anxious to cover this worthless event? Are these questions going to be provided to Palin in advance or is Palin going to provide the questions to the president in advance? In addition to her payment, she gets free advertisin­g from the media attending this softball session. Lady knows how to work the media - publicity that money can't buy.

  64. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Sarah Palin To Answer Questions From Business Group In Front Of Mainstream Media

    ...Mandel sees nothing risky for Palin in appearing before a bank of television cameras.

    "At this point, she's been around. The headlines about her lack of experience answering media questions, that was over two years ago," Mandel said. "She's been before innumerable microphones since then. She's somebody who has honed her message and gained a tremendous amount of experience in public give and take."

    Wow, that is so off the mark, it is ludicrous. She's been in front of microphones that have been purely pandering to her and her comfort. Hardly any real challenges to 'hone' her message. Her message has always been the same, 'guns, god, Obama sucks, family, war, flag, constitution, lamestream media, I hate Obama even more.'

    I hope that some of the reporters ask her if she has gotten her questions in advance, that would be interesting to see her flat out LIE on camera. You know her voice will go way up to a squeal, since that's what she does when she is outright lying.

    And why the hell is it 'news' that Sarah is going to speak to the press. Can you imagine any other politician creating 'news' this way. Good god, they speak the press ALL THE TIME, because it's part of their job. And BS on she's not a politician, she's just a private citizen, because she NEVER STOPPED being a politician, ever, not once, and it's ridiculous for anyone to say otherwise.

  65. Anonymous8:11 AM

    ¨Here comes more damage to her credibility!¨

    Puh - lease!

    She has no credibility.

    I know Todd has sex out of wedlock. I want to know if one of his trysts was with a minor, a teenager.

    That is the question everyone hereabouts want answered.

  66. Also, if Palin had no intention of running, she would not have accepted this event.

  67. Anonymous8:13 AM

    This IS the beginning of her presidential campaign.

    And she probably had a copy of the questions beforehand, so she could prepare what she is going to say.

    Palin even knows she can't wing it.

  68. Anonymous8:13 AM

    This was tweeted a short while ago:

    "@reidepstein: Our JT Madore reports @sarahpalinUSA has arrived in Woodbury for the LIA lunch. She didn't stop for the 8 Tea Partiers waiting for her car."

    Didn't bother to stop for 8 TeaPartiers waiting for her? Nerves? Fear? Diva-ness?


  69. Anonymous8:14 AM

    This fun. Thinking of all the old saws that fit. These have become standards in our culture because they are true.

    Silk purse - sow's ear.

    A Sarah is a Sarah by any other name.

    Can't make a leopard change its spots.

    Can't teach an old dog (sorry Sarah, it first) new tricks - particularly if she is a willfully ignorant b*tch.

  70. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Screw-up Sarah wing it?

    Nah,it isn't possible.

    Even scripted, Sarah's ego takes her off message.

    Word-Salad Sarah make it? No way.

    Guess her new Chief of Staff is trying out his wings. I'm not sure anyone get this load of pooh off the ground. I wonder how long he will last? Should we take bets as to when she throws him under the bus?

  71. Virginia Voter8:20 AM

    Yawn, same shit , different day in the life of a know nothing grifter.

    Here let me all save you the trouble of listening to this worn out one trick pony:

    Blah, blah, blah, common sense constitutional solutions. Blah,blah, blah, lamestream media...blah, blah blan rein in spending, shrink government, blah, blah blah, Obama sucks , blah, blah, blah.

    Granted there's always a good gaffe to make fun of because Sarah's mental or psychological disabilities take over, but rest assured, there will be no surprises for Sarah at this borefest. Sarah always fucks up no matter how easy the questions because she is borderline retarded .

  72. Anonymous8:25 AM

    There's gonna be NO damage to her credibility! Are you kidding?!

    Reporters aren't going to ask questions. Just the president of the association.
    And look who they are. This is her BASE of support, for crissake.
    They're going to make her look great.
    Of course the questions are "pre-screened"; most likely prearranged.
    They will not be fielding questions to ask her. I am absolutely positive that she will herself provide the "questions."

  73. Anonymous8:25 AM

    6:55, ignorant, uninformed or ill-informed people should really just refrain from offering their lame opinions on any matter.

    If you have paying attention at all, say to the actual world around you, not the talking point pablum fed to the moronic audience of FoxNews, you would know that President Obama is fantastic at answering off the cuff questions. You must have missed one particular day during the health care "debates" when he not only answered every question posed by the GOP, but he WIPED THE FLOOR with their silly nonsense. It was a beat down from which they still have yet recover. Why do you think Palin hates him so much? He can do what she only pretends to do.

  74. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Sounds sort of like the monarchies that used to let the peasants in to watch them eat. Same thing - the press won't be active participants in this theater, but she'll be able to say: THE PRESS WAS THERE.

    Journalists in the mainstream should either wise up and just a) not cover it (who cares what some old granny who couldn't even complete a single term of statewide office has to say) b) send one or two to cover it, or c)issue HUGE, BOLD DISCLAIMERS under the headlines that explain how this was a staged event.

  75. jadez8:32 AM

    the questions are never the problem, its the format.
    for ex. she may not allow follow ups so there is no way to pin her down.

    thats what you should be looking for.

    and i doubt they would agree to give her the questions ahead of time.
    it seems clear she has been spending the last few weeks preparing for this.

    this is a test run for sure.

  76. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Are you kidding? Of course the "questions" are pre-screened. And
    likely the reporters have been,too.
    She'd never expose herself without
    every safety net in place.

    Sharon TN

  77. FEDUP!!!8:53 AM

    OK. Haven't read any of the responses yet, but SOMETHING SMELLS BIG TIME HERE!

    a)Palin has all the questions up front (or at least the topics).

    Remember the other day, when that double showed up at the CPAC? I said it was a dry-run to see if she (they) could pull it off for future interviews during a potential run for POTUS.

    The case for a) actually could be made because she has been so totally incommunicado the last few weeks - maybe someone was with her at whatever compound, drilling her in all the potential topics, and maybe she actually *did* learn something (won't hold my breath for that, though...)

    Since I (thankfully) don't have a TV anymore, it is up to you guys to make sure and tape the whole video, and check for issues.
    Good luck! (Sorry that some of you will have to listen to the screeching!)
    I know, however, that we have some VERY observant sleuths on here! :)

  78. Anonymous9:05 AM

    It doesn't matter. Palin has had pre-screened questions before, and she still fucked up. The way she answers questions doesn't help, either. She's a mean, snarky bitch.

    7:06 AM

    Ding, ding, ding! Anonymous 7:06, we have a winner!

    Yes my point was even with pre-screened questions Palin is more than likely going to make a huge gaffe. Remember this IS Sarah "blood libel" Palin we are talking about.

    These furtive steps toward attempting to appear more accessible to the media will be very informative, and I think will potentially further damage Palin's brand, until she simply loses all but the most wingnutty support for her Presidential bid.

    Also too, has she actually been studying and preparing for this event? To memorize the carefully prepared "questions" and her "answers" that will show her to be Presidential ( or at least competent)? It seems unlikely that she has expended much effort doing this- based on her past history. But IF she has actually been workin' hard to git 'r dun, then there is a guaranteed Palin fail of epic magnitude coming.

    In this world there are people who are always SNAFU, no matter what they touch it turns to sh*t.
    The LAST thing anyone ever wants to
    hear them say is " I'm working really hard on this" and "this time it will be different". When those words are heard, and the SNAFUer in chief is really focused; it is time to RUN AND HIDE!

    That is because the problem is not that they haven't tried, or tried hard enough. There are not just a few details to fix for next time with these unfortunates. The problem is that they CAN'T do it.
    They have somehow landed two levels above their level of competence.

    It is like the veterinarian and the helper that picks up the messes the dogs leave behind, one can do surgery AND pick up the messes, the other can't.

    It is possible that she's actually 'workin' so hard as she kan' trying to turn over a new mama grizz here- if so it will be a disaster. This event is not broadcast live is it?

  79. Anonymous9:06 AM

    No matter what happens this will not change the fact that she is very unintelligent. Her handlers may have groomed her for live television but her low IQ remains the same.

  80. Anonymous9:07 AM

    6:55 AM,

    The difference is that Barack Obama didn't come off as a complete dumb-ass. He flubbed some stuff, but Palin is just down right stupid, and seems incapable of learning anything other than talking-points. Not only that, Barack Obama can handle unscripted questions, and is quick on his feet, unlike Palin. Remember the live t.v. smack-down he gave to republicans last year?

  81. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Here's Sarah's speech:

    Second verse, same as the first.

  82. Anonymous9:13 AM

    "Sarah will take you questions now..."
    Aren't we lucky that she feels gracious today!

    Who cares? Everyone else takes questions, w/o fanfare, on a regular basis. What is this, a coming-out party?

  83. As a Long Islander and former member of the Long Island Association, I would be very surprised if the questions were NOT pre-screened. This group mainly consists of conservative Republicans, who constantly cry about the cost of healthcare for their employees and want healthcare reform repealed. They are all about image and would not risk making Sarah, or any other Conservative/Republican look bad during this dog and pony show.
    Of course, this doesn't rule out Sarah coming off badly all on her own, despite any help she's given!

  84. Anonymous9:13 AM

    So Palin has been quiet as she has been searching for answers "posed by the president" you know, fool me once..fool... Why is this fluff show getting attention, as per usual, she will have the media transcribe what she says, and this new Chief of Staff,is he from that area? I was always convinced she had an ear piece for the VP debate.
    She is going to try to re package herself.Bachmann has the tea party crowd and is actively visiting the early states, An interesting article at Frum Forum, young people Dems/Repugs are not buying Palin Brand......there is hope. A funny comment on another she going to wear gloves!

  85. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Once again, she's got her skirt hiked up to her hoo-hoo. I guess that's her insurance.

  86. Anonymous9:15 AM

    6:56 AM,

    If $arah Palin's 2 year charm offensive/media blitz hasn't worked, why would this work? She will charm the same idiots who already love her.

  87. Anonymous9:17 AM


    "Bottom line the bad guys aren’t going to follow the laws." (Best interview with Palin I've ever seen. Questioner is Kevin Law.)

  88. Virginia Voter9:17 AM

    Here's a picture that was tweeted...Sarah put on her best short black skirt:

  89. Anonymous9:24 AM

    She's going to give the media a chance but if they don't behave, she'll go back into her bubble. Awe, that would be a shame.

  90. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck9:25 AM

    since this is a business owners conference - maybe they will ask her about her business ownership(s) and what she learned about in her various failures.

    that would be fun.

    so sarah, why couldn't you even make a carwash profitable? oh, and can you give all of us business folks some clever ideas on how to be profitable in a post-bush economic climate?


  91. Your headline states Palin is going to answer reporters questions. The release published states she agreed to answer questions from the President of the association.
    Which one is it or both?

  92. Politico report on the lunch:

  93. Anonymous9:36 AM

    One thing that is comforting is that Palin is now in charge of hiring her staff. The only thing that she cares about is loyalty. She is going to fill her staff with lots of people like RAM, die hard palinbots. These people will never push her, or tell her she is wrong like the McCain campaign staffers did. Her speeches are going to be about 0% content 100% winking.
    She is also really thin skinned and paranoid. She emailed Steve Schmidt about addressing Todd Palin's AIP membership because she saw a few protest signs. Now that professional staffers aren't there to say no to her and hold the crazy in, we will see her respond to every accusation with more craziness and lies.

  94. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Crazy bitch, doest not get it.
    As predicted,nothing new.. Guns,
    Jabs at first lady, President Obama,fake sympathy for Gabriel Gilford.

    "Sarah Palin stood by her support for the "freedoms" in gun-buying that exist today, saying she prays for the "full recovery" of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords but that her would-be assassin was "an evil sick person" who was intent on "fulfilling his mission."

    Palin made the comments during a discussion with the Long Island Association, a rare, free-wheeling public appearance for the former Alaska governor.

    Continue Reading

    Asked about last month's shooting in Tucson — and the Long Island Railroad shooting that claimed the life of Rep. Carolyn McCarthy's husband Dennis in 1993 — Palin said "there are already on the books many gun control measures and I do support those. ... "I don’t support taking away even more freedoms from the good guys. …The bad guys aren’t going to follow the laws that are on the books today. They’re not going to follow any new laws that are put on the books either."

    Certainly out hearts go out to the victims and pray for the full recovery of Gabby Giffords," Palin said, adding, "the criminal, he was an evil sick person. And adding another law to the book would not I believe have prohibited him from somehow some way fulfilling his mission and the mission he was on was to harm fellow human beings."

    Palin also used the appearance to blast President Barack Obama over government debt and mocked First Lady Michelle Obama over pushing breast-feeding today a packed crowd at a Long Island business group, saying the White House is keeping the country on the "wrong road" in the wake of the new budget rollout.

    “ I think that’s an overstatement to even say that we are even making a dent” in the national debt,” Palin said. “It’s not even really a dent…(it’s) a little thumbprint there.”

    She added, “It amazed me the other day watching the president ….tell the American public, and the press is letting him get away with saying, his new (plan)….doesn’t add to the national deb. That’s not true. His spending plan does add to the national debt…that is the wrong road to be on. That is not what’s going to cure the economic ills in our country.”

    Palin, who is considering a White House run in 2012, charged that Obama is “trying to get away with telling the American” public “that his plan is a good plan”

    And she defended her swipes at the press, saying, “That’s sorta what I do.”

    As for breast-feeding, she waded into the discussion about the first lady's promotion of breast-feeding babies, saying, "No wonder Michelle Obama's telling everybody, 'you'd better breastfeed your baby.' Yeah, you'd better, because the price of milk is so high right now!"

    The business group’s president, Kevin Law – a Democrat who used to work for Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy – invited Palin several weeks ago to speak to their function in Woodbury.

    The LIA has host several political bigwigs in the past, most recently former president Bill Clinton last fall.

    Both former Presidents Bush appeared together before the group last year, which has also heard from Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani in the past.

    But the Palin appearance was eagerly anticipated, with a crush of media showing up about four hours in "

    Read more:

  95. Anonymous9:40 AM

    It's past the lunch hour right now in NY! Waiting to hear the outcome. :-)

  96. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Reading some early reports and she is so predictable...slams the Presidents budget, slams the first lady for breast pump comments. Interesting, she also said that she hired her chief of staff because Todd is tired of doing it all for her! LOL

  97. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Palin goes palinistic about everything to cash in.

  98. Anonymous9:44 AM

    # "Time on the ground is very important. ... I know when I ran for VP I had exactly four days to prepare… [for] being on a national stage. Four days isn’t a whole lot of time to prepare. It’s not even enough time to pack a bag."
    # "As for potentially an unconventional run and an unconventional cycle, that’s what going rogue is all about."
    # "I am still thinking about [the presidency]. I certainly haven’t made up my mind. ... I hired a chief of staff because to tell you the truth Todd’s getting kinda tired of doing it all for me."

  99. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Sarah Palin gave her clearest open flirtattion yet with a presidential run today, saying there's "no one" more qualified for that type of multi-tasking job than "a woman, a mom."

    After saying she's still considering it but doesn't have an answer, Palin told a gathering of Long Island business officials that no one immediately comes to mind for who she would back if she doesn't run.
    Continue Reading

    “I don’t have a name to give you right now, but what I would look for in character is someone who’s been on the front lines understanding how to administer and how to lead a team. ... Gosh, nobody’s more qualified [for the] mujltitaksing than a woman, a mom… who’s administered locally, state, with energy isues, so maybe a mayor, a governor maybe.

    During her appearance before the Long Island Association, a rare, free-wheeling public appearance for the former Alaska governor, Palin stood by her support for the "freedoms" in gun-buying that exist today. She said she prays for the "full recovery" of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords but that her would-be assassin was "an evil sick person" who was intent on "fulfilling his mission."

    Asked about last month's shooting in Tucson — and the Long Island Railroad shooting that claimed the life of Rep. Carolyn McCarthy's husband Dennis in 1993 — Palin said "there are already on the books many gun control measures and I do support those. ... "I don’t support taking away even more freedoms from the good guys. …The bad guys aren’t going to follow the laws that are on the books today. They’re not going to follow any new laws that are put on the books either."

    Certainly out hearts go out to the victims and pray for the full recovery of Gabby Giffords," Palin said, adding, "the criminal, he was an evil sick person. And adding another law to the book would not I believe have prohibited him from somehow some way fulfilling his mission and the mission he was on was to harm fellow human beings."

    Palin also used the opportunity to blast President Barack Obama over government debt and mocked First Lady Michelle Obama over pushing breast-feeding today a packed crowd at a Long Island business group, saying the White House is keeping the country on the "wrong road" in the wake of the new budget rollout.

    “ I think that’s an overstatement to even say that we are even making a dent” in the national debt,” Palin said. “It’s not even really a dent…(it’s) a little thumbprint there.”

    She added, “It amazed me the other day watching the president ….tell the American public, and the press is letting him get away with saying, his new (plan)….doesn’t add to the national deb. That’s not true. His spending plan does add to the national debt…that is the wrong road to be on. That is not what’s going to cure the economic ills in our country.”

    Palin, who is considering a White House run in 2012, charged that Obama is “trying to get away with telling the American” public “that his plan is a good plan”

    And she defended her swipes at the press, saying, “That’s sorta what I do.”

    As for breast-feeding, she waded into the discussion about the first lady's promotion of breast-feeding babies, saying, "No wonder Michelle Obama's telling everybody, 'you'd better breastfeed your baby.' Yeah, you'd better, because the price of milk is so high right now!"

    Read more:

  100. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Did you know politico is "live blogging" her speech at the event?

  101. Anonymous9:48 AM

    This is a case where she is damned if she does, damned if she don't.

    I welcome her engaging in Q&A, even if they are pre-screened, because she still fails miserably with her lack of political and economic acumen.

  102. It's certainly odd when a political wanna-be has removed herself so far from media scrutiny, that it is indeed big news when she allows press to attend one of her speaking engagements. I have to give her credit, she is absolutely so brave to let those cameras and recorders and reporters into hear her speak, live, unscripted, off the cuff! So, so, brave. She is certainly blazing new trails for those who follow in her footsteps. Before we know it, the media will be reporting everything, from everywhere, live and unscripted! We'll see the President delivering the State of the Union, live on the internet and TV! We'll see LIVE televised debates between candidates, there could also be live coverage of the daily happenings in our House and Senate Chambers! Then Palin can shout it to the world that it was her, yes her, that first allowed important public speaking engagements by those involved in politics to be recorded and filmed and shared with the public. ;-)

    Seriously, I somewhat agree with Jaye @ 6:24am, that this may be a diversion from recent Palin news, or this could have been planned long ago as a "release the Palin" moment whereby she holds her nose, jumps into the deep end of the pool and begins to attempt to behave like a garden variety candidate rather than some hothouse flower that can only communicate through social media.

    Remains to be seen, but whatever happens, it will no doubt be interesting to behold.

  103. Anonymous9:52 AM

    anon 6:07AM
    My first thought also, too.........earpiece. Watch for her hair to be down to cover her ears. And, I believe the questions will be prescreened. But I also believe she will still make an embarrassing ignorant spectacle of herself.

  104. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Bet anything it'll be staged.

  105. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Politico article:

    "As for breast-feeding, she waded into the discussion about the first lady's promotion of breast-feeding babies, saying, "No wonder Michelle Obama's telling everybody, 'you'd better breastfeed your baby.' Yeah, you'd better, because the price of milk is so high right now!"


  106. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Ben Smith from Politico said this was the best interview of Palin he's ever seen. Ugg! Now we know the ?'s were prescreened.

  107. Anonymous10:00 AM


    Are you kidding? Of, course the questions are pre-screened. Palin is not even taking questions from reporters. She's taking questions from the president of the organization that's holding the event.

    This is pretty much the same set up as her little staged Q&A session at the Tea Party convention, where her base asked her easy questions while the cameras were rolling.

    $arah Palin may have been rehearsing this for a while, but the fact that she is still not taking questions from actual reporters proves she is still too incompetent.

  108. Anonymous10:04 AM

    >>Your headline states Palin is going to answer reporters questions. The release published states she agreed to answer questions from the President of the association.
    Which one is it or both?

    9:28 AM

    Rene, you may want to read that headline again...'Sarah Palin to spend one hour answering questions IN FRONT OF JOURNALISTS...' doesn't mean they're asking the questions, they're just RECORDING the event for the press. So Gryphen was absolutely clear in his statement.

  109. Anonymous10:10 AM

    and Damage control going on in the Palinbot land:
    Here they go 3.2.1

    "There are a few loud voices in Alaska that are dependable in their hatred for Sarah Palin. For the most part, they are extreme left wing liberals or rejected Palin administration job applicants and they are certainly still out there. The media in Alaska, like most other places in the country, is no different. One of their favorite memes is that Sarah Palin is a quitter."
    To read more check C4p and Alskans4P. Disgusting and pathetic

  110. Anonymous10:11 AM

    What a news flash! Sarah will answer questions in front of reporters. She will NOT be answering questions FROM reporters. The Queen has spoken.

  111. Anonymous10:12 AM

    How can anyone think that $arah Palin could possibly have been cramming these past few weeks, and learned anything? The McCain campaign couldn't help her. Palin seems to have actually gotten dumber these past two years. I don't think she is capable of learning all that hard stuff. Plus, she's lazy. Why would anyone think that after all this time, she would have suddenly learned something now?

  112. Reepicheep10:18 AM

    The Quitter is going to need some big clean hands and a fine point sharpie to write the answers to an hours worth of questions.

  113. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I wonder if SP will have a John Rocker with Sports Illustrated type of interview.

    JOHN ROCKER has opinions, and there's no way to sugarcoat them. They are politically incorrect, to say the least, and he likes to express them.

    On ever playing for a New York team: "I would retire first. It's the most hectic, nerve-racking city. Imagine having to take the [Number] 7 train to the ballpark, looking like you're [riding through] Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing."
    On New York City itself: "The biggest thing I don't like about New York are the foreigners. I'm not a very big fan of foreigners. You can walk an entire block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English. Asians and Koreans and Vietnamese and Indians and Russians and Spanish people and everything up there. How the hell did they get in this country?"

  114. Anonymous10:40 AM

    It's NOT an open forum, NOT a press conference, NOT even a conference speech with a Q&A session.
    It's a paid appearance at a private event, for business affiliations that have been supporting her since Meg Stapleton and the governor's office.
    The same people who are Todd Palin's Iron Dog sponsors.

    ~~ Nobody's "asking" her any questions. ~~
    "Questions" about what?

    It's a staged event that they will have reporters record. They get free broadcast time as "news." Great move, I'd do it too. Snippets of her "address" will be carried by every television and cable station in the world, by morning.

    This should be handled by the major media IGNORING it and REFUSING to air it.

  115. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Breast feeding!

    I thought these reports were a joke. They aren't.

    Brestfeedingmoms4palin. That site has now endorsed someone else also too.

  116. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Gryph, I think ya got it wrong. She wont be answering questions from reporters, instead she will be answering questions from the President of the Association who by the way has paid for her apperance so no doubt the questions will be scripted and she already has the answers

  117. Anonymous11:09 AM

    She mocked Mrs. Obama. About breast-feeding.
    Yeah, I want her for president.

    What a bitch.

  118. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I just read Politico's story about this event. It's the same old shit with $arah Palin. She bashed the President and the First Lady, crap about the deficit, trashed his budget, guns, Gabrielle Giffords, took swipes at the media, blah, blah blah... She was her usual snarky little bitch self.

    Palin said that she's qualified to be president, because she's a woman and a "mom." That crap, again. She's playing gender politics. She think's she can fool the majority of women in this country into voting for her. It reminds me of all her talk about a stampede of "pink elephants" during the midterm elections. Now, there are less woman in the current congress, than in the previous one. Palin is delusional. She is not qualified to be president. Period.

    As usual, all Palin does is take swipes at people, instead offering her own brilliant plan. At least Barack Obama HAS a plan. $arah Palin doesn't have a plan. But I guess Palin doesn't realize that Barack Obama's budget proposal doesn't really matter, since budget bills originate in the House, which the G.O.P. controls. The G.O.P. will have to come up with their own budget, and it will be awful.

    $arah Palin is a fraud who is trying to fool the country into believing that she is qualified to be president, and that she has any clue as to how help solve this country's problems.

    If the bitch wants to run for president, I say bring it on! You will lose!

  119. Anonymous11:20 AM

    9:59 PM,

    Of course, he think's the interview was great. Politico is a right-wing. I read some of what she said. It was nothing new. The usual talking points, and mean-girl trash.

  120. Anonymous11:47 AM

    "Once again, she's got her skirt hiked up to her hoo-hoo. I guess that's her insurance.

    9:13 AM"

    did she wear underwear? people do look, especially the front row. Most don't want to, but when it's in your face, it's hard not to see.

  121. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Let' not get too excited, these are not question from the MSM or even asked live from the audience. These are pre-canned pre-answered questions.

    The only suspense is how many times she will rub her thighs and caves and read her palm during the answer partof the to real Q & not real A.

  122. beldar8:08 PM

    that's the same face my dog makes when the teapot whistles ...

  123. Anne In DC3:51 PM

    I watched this excerpt of her making fun of the First Lady for the latter's sensible suggestion on breastfeeding. Even if I didn't know that as governor of Alaska, she designated October 2007
    Breastfeeding Awareness Month, her mockery would still make her look monumentally stupid. This knowledge just takes it to a new level of stunning stupidity combined with dumbfounding dishonesty. Those fools were laughing like hyenas, which is also a reflection of THEIR mentality as well.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.