Monday, February 14, 2011

Welcome to your Monday morning WTF?

This YouTube video is described thusly:

Michael P. Vigilante worshiping through song and dance with "Mighty to Save" and "Caroline" at Grace Community Church to give honor to the LORD, Jesus Christ.

And Michael seems cool with it since it seems he was the one to upload it to YouTube.

However I have to wonder if Michael showed this to anyone else before he decided to share it with the world.

Say something nice Gryphen.  "Uh well..he..I kind know..uh..he seemed to be enjoying himself."

Since this took place in a church I thought perhaps we were about to witness a miracle. I don't know like perhaps Michael might miraculously learn to dance, or find the correct pitch, or suddenly find the courage to come out to his parents. But nope he just butchers two songs like fatted calves and then uploads the massacre to YouTube.

I have to agree with one of the commenter's over at YouTube, I ALSO would like to have seen camera turn and pan over the audience.  I can hardly imagine what the look on their faces must have been.

However I have to say I did not hear one suppressed giggle or gasp from the audience, which kind of makes me believe that the congregation of Grace Community Church have to be numbered among the nicest people in the WORLD. Unless of course they were simply in shock.


  1. Rural Juror2:23 AM

    That's just sad. He looks like a kid singing and dancing in his room when no one is looking. Napoleon Dynamite grows up and starts a church?

    Sadder still are some of the comments on YouTube. People are fucking delusional.

  2. abo gato2:56 AM

    I'm thinking there wasn't anyone there.....he just recorded his little adventure in an empty room.

  3. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Well, he does seem to be having a good time, and, well, he seems quite sincere, but . . . who can concentrate on the words of the hymns with the rather manic gyrating?

    As they say in the south when confronted with odd people, "Bless his heart."

  4. Anonymous3:25 AM

    OK, OK, I admit, I got thru the first minute...


  5. Anonymous3:37 AM


    if there is a Gawd, even he/she is cringing!

    bill in belize

  6. angela3:42 AM

    I have to give it to him--I would have feared flying hymnals.

  7. Ouch. I thought maybe he was singing to an empty church so I listened to the part between songs and people were clapping. Maybe it's one of those really mellow, accepting places. It's nice that he feels free to sing. I just hope they don't let him spend his savings chasing American Idol around the country.

  8. Wow, does Jesus have a boy band? This guy could totally be in it. The neo-zoot suit he's wearing is the cherry on the sundae.

  9. oh my. i have never seen that in a church before. he was totally trying to cop michael jackson moves from all 4 decades we saw him dancing. if not for the carpeting on the altar, i'll bet he would have moon walked. he even did the pointing and locking, though for some reason omitted the crotch move. in another setting, maybe a bar, he might have been fun to watch after a beer or two, but in church? if i had been there as a child, my mother would have dragged me out laughing and crying. hell, she would have been doing the same. she once went to a night of nuns doing liturgical dancing and laughed the whole two hour drive home.
    i won't write my husband's comment about this video.
    one last thought. michael - aptly named, no? though i think mj would be rolling in his grave if he saw his long practiced moves butchered thus - should have done the caroline number fist and then left us with that first masterpiece at the end, bringing us out out on a high note (though he had some trouble with the high notes). whatever that last number was should have been the thing to leave people with, though i'm not sure they would have been able to shake it any time soon.
    best wishes to you michael. keep on spinning, man!

  10. Anonymous4:14 AM

    OT, what's up with all the old posting under "Sarah Palin's least favorite blogs?" Furthermore, they all have to do with her supposed pregnancy with Trig. Are you giving us a hint of things to come, Gryphen?

  11. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Wow! it self-corrected with your new posting. Never mind.

  12. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Cool moves. Was he trying to bring the other Michael back from the dead?Thanks for the giggle, Gryphen. I am going to laugh about this all day. I think this guy needs to pray for some new eyes and ears, but it sure is sweet to see someone who is really into what they do regardless of what the rest of us see.

  13. Anonymous4:31 AM

    No wonder the Palin's live in such a delusional bubble. They think they are talented, smart and have abilities worthy of payment in a realm that believes using the LORD gives them such a license.

  14. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Ummmm - maybe there was no one else in the church! Can we take up a collection and buy him a shirt and tie for his nice pin-striped suit? And if there is enough left over, we could throw in a few voice lessons.

  15. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Thank you, Gryph, for making me laugh this morning. Being raised a Southern Baptist, I was just happy to see dancing in the church, no less. And some of his moves reminded me of Elaine on Seinfeld, which was truly funny. Alas, I could only get thru the 1st number. I loved it when he said, 'C'mon church'. But it made me seriously doubt there was really a congregation there, he seemed to be in his own lil bubble.

  16. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Those "airplane" spins must have got to his brain.

    Honestly; I couldn't watch for very long.

  17. Kittykat525:31 AM

    I bet the first week he did this they probably had some 911 calls from parishioners concerned that he was having a seizure or something. Now when he starts pretending to be Liza Minnelli, Madonna, or Michael Jackson, everybody just kinda daydreams while hoping that they don't get chosen to be in the lap dance sequence.

  18. I liked the shhhhh sound he made when he slides or turns. I hope he is doing it with his mouth.
    The saddest part of all, I suppose, is that he recorded this, watched it, loved it and uploaded it. All those possible detours on the road to public humiliation he passed up. Not one of his friends came to his rescue and told him the truth. "No, Blake(or Stone, or Derek) you really are NOT that talented. Sorry."
    Come to think of it, he's a lot like Palin.

  19. Anonymous6:28 AM

    WTF!? Who is that!!??

    Jim Carrey??

    Gawd how ridiculous some people can be.
    The dude should be embarassed.

    --Gypsy Girl

  20. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Michael seems to be enjoying himself..I understand how music can fill your spirit, but his enthusiasm seems to have gotten ahead of his talents.

    Wait on the Lord? Get off your asses and make your lives worthwhile....God would appreciate that very much. And in the process, extend the same courtisies to others that you would extend to yourself.

    I wish Americans would keep their religion personal, we would be well to master our own lives before we attempt to master the lives of others. Namaste.

    Sue in Minnesota

  21. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Gryphen - I usually enjoy your blog but this post leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Why do you feel it's OK to mock this guy and how he celebrates his faith? He's not spreading hateful ideas. He is not talking ill of others. He is just celebrating his love in his lord through song and dance and sharing it with others. You who preach acceptance and tolerance of gays and lesbians should be more conscience of tolerant of other's differences. Now his singing and dancing is not my cup of tea and I don't find it very entertaining or spiritual, but I'm certainly not going to poke fun at him, that is just obnoxious and childish. Maybe you and the rest of your readers should consider rethinking your post and comments. Say classy and save the the jeers and jabs at those who truly deserve it.

  22. The churches are now going to overflow with dancers and singers lining up for their spot on DWTS since Bristol danced her way into stardom. (If only they could get the backing of tea party votes as well) Now that Sista Palin has let the world know that it’s okay that Bristol danced because the Bible says to dance and make a joyful noise…(doesn’t say you have to be good at it) Never mind that most of these churches don’t believe in dancing…it’s against their religion and they think dancing is of the Devil. Keep in mind though…anything goes now though because they have made a pack with the Devil and her name is Sarah Palin… betcha…wink!

  23. Anonymous8:01 AM

    If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit.

    Seems so applicable to so many of the Christ-i-cons...

    Heard another great "euphemism" I hope we will see often... at all appropriate opportunities... fright-wing Republicons.


  24. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I viewed this really NOT wanting to like it it but given how much he seemed to be enjoying himself AND that he seemed to put his whole heart and soul into am I to judge. With that said: I still didn't like it.

  25. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I think he's got ants in his pants.

    Denise (Michigan)

  26. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Michele Bachmann was once quoted as saying that she was, "a fool for Christ."

    Move over, Michele.

  27. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The theme of the music pissed me off so I only listened to 2 minutes of it. But I don't think it was all that bad. Oh, and I'm a Palin hater too.


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