Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The Fox News reporter was NOT hit by a Wisconsin protester. Yet another lie from the network for GOP propaganda and misinformation.

Early yesterday morning I posted about a Fox News reporter being heckled by Wisconsin protesters who claimed, while the camera was conveniently turned away, that he had been struck by one of the protesters.

Many of you expressed doubt concerning his version of events and, as usual, you were right.

Here is the incident caught on camera by a fellow protester who put it up on Live Leak.

As you can hear this Mike Tobin panty-waist is still playing the victim (Gee no wonder Palin likes this network!) and acting like he was assaulted when if you watch closely at the 0.46 mark on the video all that happened was somebody in the crowd tapped him on the arm with two fingers. (At the end of the video it is replayed in slow motion with helpful descriptions in case you can't quite make it out.)

So once again Fox News is caught lying to their audience about what is really going on in Wisconsin. Gee I can't imagine WHY the Wisconsin protesters are so upset with Fox News!

Of course it could be that in the bizarro world the Fox news people live in that being tapped on the shoulder is considered aggravated assault just like whatever Mike Tobin was doing is considered "journalism."


  1. Here is a link describing the interview I told you about, between Geraldo and Tobin.


    Tobin has obviously been to the Palin school of victimhood. He's busy making the story about him. He knows damn well he could report outside of the hostile crowd (yes, I would be hostile too if I was there). He deliberately continued to report in the middle of hostile protesters because it made him look like a victim. Maybe Richard Engle could give him a few pointers about "dangerous" situations for a reporter.

  2. Anonymous5:02 PM

    How about a Fox Producer staging enthusiasm for the live feed at one of the Tea Party rallies? That's good Fair and Balanced How What When Where non-Left Sarah Palin slanted journalism for ya.

    And I think stomping on the head of an unarmed 20 year old girl 90 pounds soaking wet at a Rand Paul rally classifies more as an assault than what frightened this panty waist, as you call him. What a lying pussy.

  3. Anonymous5:08 PM

    This is not the first nor will it be the last time Fox outright lied during interviews.And Geraldo should have been charged with treason for drawing a map in the sand where our troops were stationed during the first Iraq War.At least Greta after she was threatened with a lawsuit stopped with the lies back them.Geraldo just kept right on lying and putting out false information. The thugs are the governors people blocking windows and stopping people from entering their capitol building.Blocking windows and door ways create a fire hazard.

  4. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Another excellent example of Faux News' propagandizing about a non-event. They are so very good at fabricating issues and make-believe. Too bad they can't recognize reality even when it taps them on the shoulder.

  5. Anonymous5:20 PM


    Lara Logan could have a talk with this guy.

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    So refreshing that Fox won't be moving into Canada.

    I wish we would enact a regulation that forbids lying on broadcast news.
    It seems like a no brainer. But since we have 'no brains in charge' we have fox news.

  7. FEDUP!!!5:53 PM

    O/T: The anti-women rethugs are trying a new wrinkle: Calling a nine-week old FETUS to testify...


  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    pantie-waste. Just sayin'

  9. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Fox News is as close to a stool sample as you can get.

  10. majii6:11 PM

    I watched the video earlier today on the Raw Story site, looking for signs of an assault, and there was NO assault. I think Tobin and Fox Snooze thought that theirs was the only video of the event, but it wasn't. The protesters in WI were right when they shouted, "Fox lies!" because Fox does indeed lie 24/7/365. If Fox didn't lie, it couldn't pay its bills.

  11. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen !
    I am so glad that someone recorded this...and feeling so defeated that none of the Fox viewers will ever see it or get the story straight...as far as they know, the poor reporter plunged in amongst the hateful vitriolic mob of liberals. It is disgusting what Fox "news" is allowed to get away with.

    Thanks for all you do !

  12. Anonymous6:21 PM

    It's funny to hear the Fox dweeb's hand-wringing about vitriol towards the media when Fox constantly remind viewers that they're not part of the MSM.

  13. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Everyone should really start filing complaints with the FCC. It may not do anything, since it is now also controlled by right wingies, but it may start to gain some momentum. You never know.

  14. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Heads Up!!

    Daily Show Jon Stewart takes a hit at Palin in his opening tonight!!!

  15. MadCityKaren7:24 PM

    Brought to you by the same "news" organization that claimed that we are "rioting" in Madison. (Oh, and the comment of "utter lack of civility" ... these shitheads crack me up! Again, it's been a very peaceful protest that has gone on for over 2 weeks now.)

    Arrests? Not happening.

    But, I bet that the conservative troglodytes that watch Faux Noise are eating everything this guy says as the truth simply because he happens to be there. The rest of us that have been there know better.

  16. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Rethuglican appearing on Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell tonight called the people protesting in the Wisconsin capital 'slobs'. Isn't that special and reaching out to endear state voters!!

  17. Anonymous8:02 PM

    If you want to find Palin, she's lined up for the promot special at Taco Bell.


  18. Anonymous8:06 PM


    Joe Miller needs Help!

    Joe Miller needs MONEY!

    Joe Miller needs MONEY! To go on a CRUISE! With his wife. To meet Mike Huckabee!


    The fun just keeps on coming. A Facebook message sprayed across the ether by one "Amy Walker" invites us all to contribute money to buy Joe and Kathleen Miller tickets on the big "Christian-based . . . Alaska Freedom Cruise" headed for Southeast in June. That's the one featuring "Special Guest Host Gov. Mike Huckabee" (actually ex-governor of Arkansas, Fox commentator and presidential hopeful).

    More actual details about this 'time of need' (only $3,500 needed for the cruise) at the link.

    I don't know if this belongs here or at Alaska WTF.

  19. Gasman8:27 PM

    I don't use this particular word too often, but in Mike Tobin's case, I think he merits an exception. Tobin has got to be the biggest pussy currently on the air.

    Now that exculpatory video has been posted, what will Tobin's response be? Will he be pursuing assault charges? Has he sought medical attention for the blunt force trauma he received? Jesus, I've been hit harder than that by toddlers.

    There was a time when journalism was a fairly grizzled macho profession. Not anymore.

  20. Anonymous8:39 PM

    They should've pantsed him.

  21. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Well I'm happy to see some dumb bimbo finally grew a brain cell. Sheen's soon to be ex took out a restraining order against him and a short time ago, finally had the twins removed from his home.

    I would suspect to make it easier and safer being Sheen is over the edge and there being numerous media peeps camped outside his home, Police were the ones to attend to remove them. YAHOO!

    The fact Sheen is totally in denial and he is allowing his 'girlfriends' to care for the kids. They are 'highly paid' by Sheen porn participants who would be out of there in a nano second if he stopped paying them. They truly do not have the kids best interest and welfare in the forefront of their fried brains. I'm sure the sloppy threesomes goings on and the drugs floating in that house -- it's about time the mother grew a brain cell.

    Maybe there is hope in the Palin compound. Yearightsure - Hell would breeze first!! What was I thinking!!!

  22. Anonymous8:59 PM

    "Take a moment to view just a few of our clients.

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