Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Andrew Sullivan gets his second wind, easily deflating the arguments of the "journalists" aligned against him.

From The Daily Beast:

There is also the matter of consistency. When a politician has publicly claimed she has produced a birth certificate and hasn't, is it illegitimate for the press to ask why she simply lied about this? Can any sane person misremember such a thing? And if she's claimed she has released it, what on earth is the ethical reason for not asking her to do it along with medical records? When she publicly derides skeptics in speech after speech, is it not the press's duty to see if her derision has empirical validity? Or are we skeptics supposed to just sit back and be mocked by a pathological liar putting her own credibility against ours?

We all have cognitive biases. I have one - profound skepticism of anything Palin says - and may be judging evidence in ways that others wouldn't. But so do Justin and Ben and Weigel who have an interest in dismissing the possibility that they may have missed uncovering the biggest hoax in American political history. That same cognitive bias question applies to Loy and Quinn. It does not mean they they may not be right. It just means that their cognitive bias is as real as my own.

Now we're talking!

Time to tighten up our defensive armor and sharpen our rapier like wits, for the battle to reveal the most egregious Sarah Palin lie of all has really just begun.


  1. honeybabe1:18 PM

    oooh! palin is being called on the carpet. let's see how she responds to this. she has a habit of NEVER ignoring comments about her...so many, many negative comments.

  2. Go Andrew!

    (I would call it his ninth or tenth wind. He's in this for the long haul.)

  3. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Hi Gryphen,

    I thought I should tell you that the birth certificate of an adopted child is called an "Amended" birth certificate. It has the adoptive parents names on it- but it does look a bit different than a regular birth certificate in that say "Amended" somewhere on the document- it varies from state to state. In Alaska, an adoptee may request and receive a copy of his Original certificate with his birth parents names on it when he's 21.

    I can see that this would be another reason SP would not want to release the copy. If it says AMENDED on it, then we would know she adopted Trig.



  4. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I love him!

  5. Anonymous1:31 PM


    Doing the "Happy Snoopy Dance" here!

    Damn if that wasn't a satisfying piece of brilliance to enjoy.

  6. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Damn, this is getting good. Sarah's lies are catching up to her, her day of reckoning is near.

  7. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I honestly don't believe Palin will get away w/a damned thing - especially during the upcoming couple of months.

    Alaskans know what a liar she is - has proven to be time and time again - and, was proven to be 'unethical' by our State Legislature, etc.

    She'll be getting everything she deserves. Proof sources will be shown/disclosed as back up too.
    Sarah doesn't have a proof source out there for any of her statements and never has had. What a lyin' fraud!

  8. Anonymous1:42 PM

    If she chooses to keep fighting this then her political career will be even more dead than it already is. She must address this in a straightforward manner or even some of the faithful might begin to question why she will not.

  9. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Sarah... RAM said you needed more press.

    Andrew is just helping you get what you want.

  10. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Hi Andrew (Gryphen - hope you don't mind that I'm using your site to get a message to Andrew. I assume he reads your posts and at least has someone monitoring the comments section). I live in Wasilla and know Sarah.

    I do believe she gave birth to Trig.

    I think there is something on the birth certificate she doesn't want known (maybe wrong birth date, time, locale, etc.)

    I also know Cathy Baldwin-Johnson. Cathy would not lie and Cathy would never tell a patient leaking amniotic fluid that it was okay to travel from Texas to Alaska.

    I think, when the truth finally comes out (and I believe at some point it will); that we will all discover Sarah did not tell Cathy she was leaking fluid - but that she probably called her and simply said she felt different and slightly stronger Braxton-Hicks. I think the truth will reveal that Cathy encouraged Sarah to be checked out in a medical facility before returning to Alaska.

    I think Sarah told her parents she was leaking fluid in Texas, but I would not be at all surprised to learn that the first time Cathy found out about Sarah's leaking fluid was on the evening news when the rest of the State learned of this from Chuck.

    Sarah lacks judgement. On many fronts. She is not fit to serve the United States as our commander and chief of the military. Her judgement is faulty and reckless.

    Her silence on these matters allows her to continue playing her Madonna and DS Child Victimhood ad nauseum.

    Cathy needs to be shown by competent medical attorneys that she is in no way obligated under patient/doctor confidentiality to remain silent in the face of Sarah's deceit.

  11. ManxMamma1:48 PM

    Andrew rules! And Gryphen is close behind!
    Berta @1:24, your input is great.

  12. Anonymous1:50 PM

    He took them to the cleaners. I'm having a ball on Salon. :)

  13. Anonymous1:51 PM

    God Bless Andrew Sullivan. He has not given up reporting on the very odd lies of Sarah Palin.

  14. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Chicken Republican are scared to face real questions. They are trying to see if there is a big hole behind the oval office, where they can be crowned Kings or queens, without debates. We are watching.

  15. Anonymous1:57 PM

    This is great!! The evidence has been presented......it's up to the thinking public to make up their own minds.

    The evidence that either she was a danger to her unborn baby and herself and to a jet-full of airline passengers, or a masterful lying deceitful, dishonest, cheating, woman, and a woman who used this hoax to swindle money from unsuspecting donors, through speeches, books, etc.

    These are the facts. Would anyone even leave their dog in her care?

  16. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The greatest tragedy revealed has been the disgusting shallowness of our Media. Worse than Palin passing off lies as Gospel, is that our Media is passing off their OPINIONS as fact. Not one of these spineless buffoons has bothered to look at the series of FACTS causing such an outcry. No, they simply pronounce the situation unbearably yucky and declare Mission Accomplished! Now where have I heard that before?

  17. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Good for Andrew for bluntly calling her a liar.

    Let's see how Quittypants responds to that. I bet she will be as quiet as a little mouse.

  18. Anonymous2:04 PM

    And, as usual, she is taking out her anger on the President in her latest facebook rant. She is trying to hard to stay relevant :>))

  19. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Go Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Woo hoooo! I'm stocked up on popcorn and wine..ready for the big game!

  21. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I previously posted here that it is the lie that Sarah released Trig's birth certificate that convince me that Trig may not be hers.

  22. Anonymous2:08 PM

    There another little matter of inconsistency: when a politician repeatedly says she had her child at 8 months, in Mat-Su, and then suddenly starts saying she had the child at 7 1/2 months in Anchorage, a journalist's BS detectors should start pinging.

    I realize they can't pay attention to EVERYTHING. But if you're not going to do the research, don't shoot your mouth off. Although I suspect it's not as benign as ignorance. I suspect money or at least influence is involved in most of these cases.

  23. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Actually, the biggest hoax was Bush being "elected". TWICE.

  24. Bigtoe2:09 PM

    I'm getting thirsty eating all this popcorn. Give me more, give me more! Give 'em hell Andrew!!

  25. Anonymous2:12 PM

    And so why has she been silent for nearly a week? Can't RAM think up any more horrific names to call the President? Has she run out of 'bumper sticker' phrases to rev up the base? If they don't hurry and try to debunk this, the books will be out and we may never see Sarah again. (fingers crossed!)

  26. Enjay in E MT2:14 PM

    Wholeheartedly Agree -

    If Sarah has her mouth open - a lie is being told! Here are a few right off the top of my head:

    Thanks but no thanks to the bridge
    I sold it on E-Bay.
    Death Panel
    Fiscally Conservative
    Lifelong Hunter
    Commercial Fisher in AK
    "Bus Tour"
    Managed a Small Town as Mayor
    Commonsense solutions
    "All of them"

    Now if she can lie with a straight face about her "Bus Tour" or can't name favorite founding father or what she reads..... she can lie about the bigger things

  27. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Did Andrew Sullivan just throw down the gauntlet? I think he did. Love it!!!

  28. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Ah hell Berta, she could just use some of that famous white out stuff so common in her medical documents...

  29. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you sheila. Her friend "saw" the little trigger pop out!!

    FeistyShelia Shelia
    @joemcginniss I'm friends with a nurse who was there when Trig was born, watched Sarah push him out. You're an idiot.

    Here is her website:


    And WESLEY "thank god i was only asking to verify $carah's pregnanacy and not gender" LOY

    He has a nice website too;


    I am sure they won't mind answering some questions.....

  30. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Andrew is like a pit bull with a bone.. and he is not going to let go.

    Wonder what Levi told him in the green room? Maybe Andrew knows this is a real juicy bone.

  31. Ratfish2:21 PM

    Palin lied about why she was eloped (it was because she was pregnant, not because her parents couldn't afford even an inexpensive wedding).

    Palin lied about the Bridge to Nowhere (she campaigned for it and was not governor when the state received the $$, so she never told Congress "thanks but no thanks").

    She lied about low taxes and small government (she was all for ACES- the largest tax increase in state history- and the state operating budget grew by a record 35% in just 2 years).

    So why would anyone of right mind even consider that she isn't lying here?

    I mean: What doesn't she lie about?

  32. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I find it odd that there has been little or no mention that the first seventy pages of Geoffrey Dunn's book are now available to read at Google.

  33. Anonymous2:21 PM

    In the meantime, Sarah is out there hurling another viscious attack against the President. She still hasn't gotten the hint that she is not popular and the vast majority of Americans don't give a F about what Palins opinions are.
    She is yesterday's news. I mean when DOESN'T Sarah attack the President??? She has NO credibility.
    Sorry RAM!
    You might have to go back to your twitter attacks RAM because you cannot remove the focus off Sarahs deceptions by writing more irrelevant attacks against President Obama.
    President Obama is so calm, cool and collected. He has such a common sense pragmatic way of dealing with problems. Sarah will never understand the importance of this type of approach. She keeps beating the same old drum over and over again, never growing, never learning from her mistakes. Sarah is really pathetic in her attempts to be relevant.
    It is over Sarah. O - V - E - R !!!!! You can't stop the truth from coming out. Hiding and lying will not sa e you anymore!!!

    And all of us here and on the other blogs are going to enjoy watching your downfall.

  34. Well done!

  35. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Thanks for the insight, Berta.

  36. Ha. I made the same point in comments here a few days ago, only without the cool British accent.

  37. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I don't expect any comment from the former mayor of Wasilla on this issue just yet. Not to any 'LSM' person, and not to any blogger.

    I do expect that either tomorrow or Thursday additional 'evidence' such as the recently revealed 'bump viewings' will be made available to the 'press'. I doubt that this evidence will be compelling. I predict that there will be at least two persons giving the confirmation that they
    actually 'know' that she was pregnant. I also predict new photographs or video will be a part of this 'new proof'.

    Attention media: the "Fools Needed! Apply Here!" sign is up at RAM's.

  38. Olivia2:45 PM

    YES!!! I knew he wasn't finished!

  39. Olivia2:49 PM

    How can you tell when Sarah Palin tells a lie?

    Her mouth is moving.

  40. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I still stand by that the baby paraded out on stage when Palin was tapped by McCain was not 4 months old. A premature 6 lb baby supposed born 18 April does not catch up in weight/size and get bigger than a full term 4 month old in the regular 4 month timeframe.

  41. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Man, I don't know if he's her son or not, but keep it up Sullivan! You're damn right the press should be asking one of the people they cover the most to please connect her claim with producing her son's birth certificate with the REALITY THAT SHE HAS NOT.

    And while they're at it, to please ask her what the fuck she was thinking to take a 3000 mile journey right when she was going into premature labor with a special needs child?

    Are we all supposed to pretend that all of the above is fucking normal and no big deal????

  42. Virginia Voter2:57 PM

    Sorry 1:45 I call bullshit on all you anonymous Wasilla pussies that say you know Sarah. You won't even put a fake name on your post, so I believe you about as much as I believe Sarah.

    After three years, all we have is Ivy Fryes boyfriend and some other random who say they saw a fabric covered belly. That's it...no one who felt Trig kick in utero, no one who just happened to give birth on the same day and saw Sarah in the hospital or leave the hospital, no happy family around moms bed, and more importantly no post partum boobs for Sarah. I won't even go there with the Wild Ride.

    So 1:45, tell me again how you know Sarah?

  43. Anonymous2:57 PM

    just pulled out my son's BC - adopted him in the '80's. NOWHERE does it say amended. However, it does state his real birth date and place of birth.

    SP would have a hard time explaining a birthdate for Trig that does not jive with April 18th PLUS Trig may have been born in the state of Washington.

  44. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Could it be that Trig was born to Sarah, but earlier and very premature AND, if all the facts were made public, it would be obvious that he had been conceived at a time when Todd was on the Slope??? Hmmmmm...not Todd's baby. Now THAT would be something Sarah could not spin in her favor.

    Remember, Sarah was much heavier in those days. And she wore unfashionable, bulky clothes. The svelte woman of today was born on the campaign trail in 2008, care of the McCain campaign stylists. Remember, too, that she was "working at home" a lot. If no one was looking for a pregnancy, it may have been easy to hide. Especially if Trig was very premature. I wonder if the Wild Ride was staged because he was scheduled to be released from a medical facility.

    Don't call me crazy....this is just a theory... I simply can't buy the "facts" as Sarah has spun them. So, it occurs to me that just because it seems obvious that Trig was not delivered by Sarah on April 18, 2008, it doesn't mean she didn't deliver him at all. Maybe that's why this thing has been so hard to crack: there are lies laced with truth.

  45. Anonymous3:12 PM

    @2:s1: "I find it odd that there has been little or no mention that the first seventy pages of Geoffrey Dunn's book are now available to read at Google."


  46. Laura Novak3:17 PM

    Brad Scharlott & I scrape each other off the floor after dissecting the state of the media: Palin, Loy and even my old buddy, Limbaugh:


    Join us. And thanks to Gryphen for keeping us up to date!

  47. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I'll have Andrew's baby if he wants one, no strings attached. I'm sure my husband won't mind. : )

  48. Sullivan's beard is so luxurious. Joe Miller, see it and weep.

  49. I just spent an hour looking at information about amended birth certificates. It appears that most amended birth certificates DO NOT have the word "amended" on them. The piece of information that is useful on an amended birth certificate, in the case of adoption, is the filing date. I found no information concerning the actual look of an Alaska amended birth certificate at birthsearchers.com. In fact, I had trouble finding ANY information about the look of the amended certificate, except for the change of parent name, the filing date, and the original date and place of birth. If we are going to continue to talk about Trig's birth certificate as either an amended certificate or his original certificate, we need to have the actual factual information about how this is done in Alaska. Anything else is just talking.

  50. Anonymous3:41 PM


    Sarah might well be Trig's Mom but his labor did not begin in Texas and end at Mat-Su Regional on 4/17-4/18 2008. If Palin truly is the Mom of Trig she would have birthed him early, perhaps in Feb 2008, maybe around the time of the "sad, stoned looking Sarah in the giant orange scarf photo" time period. Given that even Providence in Anchorage does not have on staff a pediatric cardiac surgeon and often transfers infants with those complications to Seattle for surgery, I feel that Trig was born at 26 weeks or so, flown to Seattle and there spent his first 2.5 months of life until he was brought home, perhaps by the Heaths, so that Sarah could take delivery of him on 4/18. Any other scenario is odd given that Trig did not look preemie and was robust enough to be taken into public only 3 days after his "birth". That alone is child endangerment, if he was indeed born preemie and Down with the accompanying compromised immune system that those children can have

  51. Anon@2:57, thanks. That is what I found with what little info I could glean about the actual look of an amended birth certificate. It varies somewhat from state to state, but from reading internet comments by adoptees, it appears that in most cases the certificate looks the same as an original one, except for filing date. So I will repeat ONE MORE TIME: The only information on Trig's birth certificate that may reveal something other than Sarah's version(s)is place and date of birth, and filing date. People please feel free to confirm what I found so that we can stop this annoying guessing game about the certificate. The one thing we agree on is that we would all like to see it.

  52. London Bridges4:01 PM

    So let's speculate:

    1. Trig born earlier than April 18.
    2. Bristol is involved (forced to drop out of school)either as mother, caretaker, or other.
    3. an adoption could be involved.
    4. An abortion may be involved, though this may never be revealed.
    5. Todd may not be Trig's father.
    6. Date of Sarah announcing her pregnancy was directly related to McCain winning the nomination.

  53. Anonymous4:04 PM

    GO, Sullivan! We LOVE you!

    O/T: I posted the other day that my mom is reading "Going Rogue" and has no problem with the wild ride story as it's presented there. But after reading another 100 pages of the book, she says Palin might have been great in Alaska but ought to stay there and doesn't have the knowledge for a national leadership position. !! Whew.

  54. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Speaking of odd lies: Ms Palin announced on March 5 that she was 7 months pregnant. Then she said she delivered her baby prematurely on April 18. How can that be 7 1/2 months, as she recently claimed? On whose calendar is 44 days a half month?

  55. Anonymous4:09 PM

    3:41, 3:08 here.... your theory is plausible, but why keep Trig's birth a secret? That point is what compels me to believe it may not be Todd's baby.

    Alternatively, perhaps Trig is Todd's, but they kept his birth secret as they had planned to adopt him out. (to distant relatives perhaps??...after all, Todd had a love child out of the spotlight)...UNTIL it was discovered Sarah could be the VP candidate and they wanted to contain any eventual discovery that could derail her ambitions. Hence, the short "pregnancy."

  56. London Bridges4:17 PM

    More speculation:

    7. Wild Ride date was earliest Sarah could claim the child. The re-pubic-an oil conference in Texas was a must attend for Sarah in order to beef up her skimpy credentials. Having an earlier birth and leaving the child or traveling with a newborn would make Sarah look like, surprise, surprise, a bad mother!

  57. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Anon at 2:16: Particularly interesting that Joe requested this "nurse" contact him, "Sheila" backed off, citing HIPAA. But . . . if this "nurse" was concerned about HIPAA, why did she blab to her friend? Can't be more than one or two nurses in the supposed birthing room, so she's in danger of being disciplined or fired already. That is, if said birth was actually attended by said nurse.

  58. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Sheila said her friend, a nurse watched Trig be born, such a big liar. It is against HIPAA to say anything. If she watched him be born it wasn't $Palin giving birth.

  59. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Anon @3:08 " there are lies laced with truth" To me that exactly sums up why this is so hard to settle. I think that's how Palin has gotten away with her untruths for so long. There are nuggets of truth in her stories which she stretches or edits to suit her purposes at any given time.

  60. Anonymous4:32 PM

    1:45 "I think Sarah told her parents she was leaking fluid in Texas, but I would not be at all surprised to learn that the first time Cathy found out about Sarah's leaking fluid was on the evening news when the rest of the State learned of this from Chuck."

    Why was premature Trig's delivery induced if amniotic sac was intact?

  61. London Bridges4:37 PM

    more spec:

    8. The Gusty photo shoot was staged a few days before the announced birth date. Gusty said it was real. This means that it was a real shoot on that date, and Sarah looked like she did in the pictures. However, Sarah did this in order to better document that she looked pregnant before the fake birth date, and she wore a commercial fake pregnancy suit.

    Now this is VERY IMPORTANT! if it is revealed that Trig was not born on the date that Sarah has alleged, she should be required to answer each and every question in this mysteriously. DO not let her off the hook with unanswered questions.

  62. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The truth must be closer to getting out, because the scent of 'bot desperation is stifling in here.

    Notice the latest tactic?

    They're pretending that they believe Sarah LIED... not about HAVING Trig, oh no, they're pretending that *that's* been settled now and that she gave BIRTH to him, but she's just lying about when he was BORN.

    Yup, they are getting more and more desperate to keep up the pretense that Palin birthed Trig, obfuscating and sock puppeting for all they are worth.

    They MUST be really, really scared!

  63. Anonymous4:56 PM

    To 4:32 - No, you're right. I think she WAS leaking - I'm just saying I doubt Cathy knew it started leaking in Texas until she was watching the evening news (assuming she watched it). I assume Sarah did one of her classic little mini-lies wherein she probably told Cathy, "Heck, whadayaknow? My water broke once we were almost to the Trunk Road exit!" when, in fact, it broke in Texas.

    I know this is so upsetting for so many of you who are totally convinced she didn't birth Trig. And, because this is Sarah we're talking about, maybe she didn't.

    I'm just saying, as someone who lives here, knows her and knows hundreds of people she knows - I truly believe she did birth him (others out here don't think so. I'm just trying to be intellectually honest).

    But if she didn't birth him - it means at least a few others were in on her cover-up - probably including Cathy B-J; and I just do not see how Cathy could be involved in anything so tawdry as a cover-up of that nature. Is it possible? Yes. I just don't think of Sarah as capable of pulling something this massive off. Think about it - she stumbles through answering simple questions. She's really supposed to be capable of pulling off a covered up pregnancy? It doesn't fit her profile (wanting to birth a DS baby at age 44).

    And, another thing - there is no way she was thinking this better positioned her for the VP nod - if anything; quite the opposite is true. Evangelicals value stay at home moms of small children; esp high needs babies. Even if she did contrive and pull off this hoax - it wasn't because she thought it would position her better for VP attention.

  64. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Cathy is being made to look like a very, very bad doctor, one who put a mother and baby in grave danger.

    The information she's provided since Trig's presentation is suspiciously scant, considering she was given the ok by Sarah, herself, to speak about the pregnancy and delivery.

    She signed Sarah Palin's medical letter and she made a statement to the press (with a lawyer next to her). She has said it wasn't unreasonable for Sarah to take the wild ride.

    For her own sake and for her reputation, she needs to set the record straight. Right now, she looks like a complete hack.

    I wouldn't let her treat an ingrown toenail, let alone attend my pregnancy/birth.

  65. Anonymous5:05 PM

    see how logical explanations help to illustrate the absurdity of her claims?

  66. Kimosabe5:36 PM

    Dr. Johnson's letter was obviously written, or at least edited, by a lawyer. It very carefully does NOT relate her personal observations wrt SP (at least about baby Trig), but rather what SP reported to her. Very lawyerly, and very weaselly. I doubt she is proud she was so controlled by SP and the campaign.

  67. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Anonymous 4:56PM says
    "I'm just saying, as someone who lives here, knows her and knows hundreds of people she knows..."

    Please talk to every one of those hundreds of people to see if they have photos of Sarah Palin's assorted pregnancy/miscarriages. Hundreds of people that really know Sarah Palin must be laden with photos. And did any of the hundreds of people that know Sarah Palin have many of photos of Bristol Palin 2007-2010?

    Thank you for providing as much information as possible.

  68. Anonymous6:06 PM

    There is a consistent string of photos/video of Sarah Palin in Jan, Feb, Mar 2008 that do NOT show a pregnant belly. In the interview where Palin crosses her legs and leans forward, there is clearly evidence that she is NOT noticeably pregnant just 7 weeks before the presentation of Trig.

    I think the theory that Sarah Palin had a baby in 2008 isn't supoorted by the facts.

  69. Anonymous6:10 PM

    1:45PM says "I also know Cathy Baldwin-Johnson. Cathy would not lie..."

    Ah, but the problem is CBJ has LIED. The "medical letter" signed by her and released just before election day contains factual errors. CBJ has NOT corrected the information and thus continues the lie to this day.

    CBJ did LIE to every single USA voter. Not a small time liar, CBJ, she's in for the BIG lie.

  70. Anonymous6:20 PM

    good catch, 4:32. The doc would not have induced a non full term at risk baby if the amniotic sac was intact.

  71. Anonymous6:28 PM

    WTG Andrew~
    Thanks for all that you are doing. And, my thanks to all of the bloggers that have stayed with this story. Your patience and persistance are paying off.


  72. Anonymous6:33 PM

    6:06, 3:08 here. but if she had already had the baby, bending over would not be out of the question.

    and by the way, I am no bot. this is the first time that I have speculated "out of the box," so to speak. when it comes down to it, all I know is that Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig on 4/18/08. beyond that, any crazy plan is possible.

  73. Anonymous6:48 PM

    It seems incredible that not one person who "attended" the "birth" of Trig will come forward with the truth - nurses, nurses aides, people who deliver the meals, etc.

    It would be So simple to put this matter to rest - I mean, what's the big deal about producing Trig's birth certificate -- if he really was birthed by the Quitter? Is she denying it because it keeps her in the news?

    That is about the only issue that is doing so - note on AK Dispatch that "$arah" (aka RAM) has a Facebook (of course/coward) diatribe against Obama and Libya and no major media news/blogs have even bothered to mention it. HaHa!

  74. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Is there a way to trace an order for a fake pregnancy suit?

    How many were shipped priority to Wasilly?

  75. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Women who have actually given birth are insulted by Palin's ludicrous version of events.
    If the media ever gathered a panel of mothers together and had them review Palin's written and oral descriptions
    of her L and D ,
    they would be shocked at the women's outrage.
    If they then showed the women the photographic evidence from the flat abdomen becoming a square pillow
    and then exploding into a beach ball ( in the space of a few days ! )
    to the very large and obviously full term infant passed off as a preemie-
    there could be a riot.
    Maybe seeing this reaction , the media might bring themselves to cover the story.
    The sisterhood of mothers is not going to let this absurd tale go unchallenged, even if the media does.
    There are so many holes in her story that it's impossible to cover them all.
    How did Palin disguise her leakage throughout the conference and flights back home ?
    Was she wearing an adult diaper ?
    Did they sell those in the hotel gift shop ?
    Having contractions and not showing
    some facial or body reaction to the contractions is hard to imagine.
    Not one person noticed even a wince from Palin all day at the conference ?
    Or a sudden movement of her hands to her abdomen
    during the contraction ?
    Or checking her clothing for wet marks ?
    Everyone who has experienced a sudden stabbing pain knows how one
    instinctively reacts.
    The photos from the conference showed a
    very relaxed and calm Palin.
    There have been no comments from any of the attendees that Palin exhibited any signs of discomfort ( Leakage ! ) or pain.
    Any woman at the conference would have picked up on a pregnant Palin showing
    even a subtle " tell " of labor.
    It's a sixth sense .
    In her press conference , she said her delivery after the Pitocin drip was easy and relaxed .
    Ask any woman who has had a Pitocin drip to describe what it felt like .
    Easy and relaxed it's not.
    If her doctor falsified a medical report , it could be a felony with a prison term.
    Speaking of physicians.
    I wonder if Ron Paul's entry into the race might inhibit Palin from running.
    In a debate, that cranky OB-GYN Dr Ron Paul might turn to Palin
    and ask the probing questions that the media refuses to.

  76. Anonymous8:22 PM

    7:32, oh what fun to have paul sr. interrogate the little fraudster!

    Also, too, don't forget the nugget from the last batch of emails (the MSNBC FOIA request from 2009). There was one dated the 19th or so from a family friend named John (?) to Todd. It was congratulating him and Sarah on the birth of Trig. Apparently, this family friend had also been in the airport in Seattle on the 17th where Todd and Sarah were waiting on the second leg of the trip from Dallas-- their flight to Anchorage. The friend comments that he saw them, but had no idea Sarah was in labor, since she was sitting CALMLY, reading a book.

  77. Anonymous9:36 PM

    to 7:32
    That sums up exactly why I have been following this for the past few years. I have had 4 children and nothing about her story makes sense- I just don't know how she gets away with it? No one I know would accept that story if I said it!!!

  78. Dear Mr. Sullivan: "profound skepticism of anything Palin says" is not "cognitive bias." It is common sense.

  79. Anonymous7:08 AM

    6:33 if you are still trying to establish the meme that Palin gave birth to Trig at all, then you are a bot.

    Nice try though.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.