Tuesday, April 05, 2011

E! True Hollywood Story takes on Sarah Palin. I do not have high hopes for this. Update!

From Mediaite:

Former Republican vice presidential candidate and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is about to get the tabloid documentary treatment from E!, according to the network. A network spokesperson tells Mediaite the E! True Hollywood Story: Sarah Palin is set to air April 24.

Should Palin supporters ‘be afraid — be very afraid’?” Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey asked John Ziegler, who has licensed an interview of Palin for use in the E! story.

Ziegler, who produced the election documentary Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted says he has high hopes for Palin’s THS:

"I totally agree that on paper this would seem to be a disaster waiting to happen. After all, Hollywood tends to be at least as politically biased as the news media, but I have a feeling Palin supporters might be pleasantly surprised.

I could be wrong and I have been fooled before by lefty media members pretending they will be fair to get access (Howard Kurtz immediately comes to mind), but the E! producer I dealt with on this was far more knowledgeable about what really happened to Palin during the 2008 campaign than any mainstream media member I have been interviewed by since the film came out, including Matt Lauer and Barbara Walters."

E! expects to formally announce the Sarah Palin “True Hollywood Story” this week.

I made some phone calls today and could not find ANYBODY up here who had even heard of this thing.

There is no way they could have interviewed too many Alaskans, that were NOT deeply ensconced  in the Palin camp, without the word getting around.  Which suggests to me that this is going to be a whitewash.

Especially if they went to John Ziegler looking for the truth. Ziegler is currently attending a 12 step program to break him of his Palin panty sniffing addiction.  Clearly he fell off of the wagon.

It is still possible they managed to get some juicy stuff on Palin without talking to any Alaskans, or authors who have done in depth research for their books, but I would certainly not go through all of the trouble to set my TIVO expecting anything explosive to be revealed. In other words, no, the Palin-bots probably do not have anything to fear from this "expose."

And that is too bad, because if they had just spent a little money, and flown a producer up here, we could have made sure they had a highly entertaining and provocative program guaranteed to have eyes glued to the idiot box, and Palin-bots pulling their hair out, for the entire scintillating program.

Oh well, we will all just have to wait for the books.

Update: Having pro-Palin blogs promoting this program only reinforces my feeling that the fix is in. This will most probably just be a love letter to Snowdrift Snooki.


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Gryphen, what is really funny about this is the timing of a "True Hollywood Story" for a potential Presidential candidate. If I was in the running, the last thing I would want airing is a "True Hollywood Story" ... who the frak takes someone as a serious candidate with this type of production on the tube? BWAHAHA!! I only hope that no $$$ go into the Palin's coffers from the production of it.

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:21 AM

    Unfortunately, the slack-jawed Palinbots barely read, unless it's postin's at PeeCentral, or if they're paid to troll on other sites. They'll sit in front of their TV machines, drooling and scarfing down paint chips, when this sanitized dreck is aired. Maybe a drinking game for the rest of us is in order.

    BTW, wouldn't a True "Hollywood" Story negate Queenie's original stance against all them "starlets" (can't remember the actual quote) when she first started flapping her gums during the '08 campaign?

  3. Anonymous3:13 AM

    If Zielger is involved in anyway, it will be a 100% white wash. That's all you need to know. Besides who really cares about her anyway? Didn't her "book" cover her life? Why would anyone waste a single second of film on this dope. Her sell by date is long expired.

  4. Anonymous3:54 AM

    ETHS is like a harlequin romance, fluff and nutty without having to have any real hard thinking going on upstairs.

    I watch ETHS only when I want to not pay too close attention and when I know that half the story is really missing.

  5. angela4:33 AM

    E! True Hollywood is pretty much like all the entertainment tabloids. Palin's got a direct link to them and they LOVE her. And if Zeigler is talking about it, there will be orgasms all over the screen. Yep--Sarah whines about "Hollywood" but that's all she wants to be is a celebrity. Poor Sarah.

    It will be fun to watch how they bend over for her. They'll be licking the skank like a newborn kitten. Which is better, I guess, than watching her do it to herself.

  6. Anonymous5:29 AM

    My first reaction was the Palin's are political celebrities.
    Palin is not a credible nor serious politician. After the reality show more people woke up to Palin's true self. I find a tabloid/Hollywood vehicle consistent with Wasilla Hillbilly 'middle finger' givers.

    Excellent points made about Palin professing disdain for Hollywood despite she using Hollywood all to their advantage then bashing the same people to divert attention. Lol she brings a photographer charging for photos on her book tours.

    There are middle class working people who watch E fantasizing they could be famous or on DWTS oblivious to having a political party launching them and needing to dress and groom them.

  7. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Keep in mind that the producers didn't interview anybody real or feature characters other than Palin family/friends on the TLC debacle, Palin's Alaska.

    The entertainment industry's attempt to keep Sarah Palin relevant and drawing the last blood of Palin interest.

  8. Anonymous5:35 AM

    My guess is that this is nothing more than Palin making sure of getting some good TV press BEFORE Game Change hits the air and books hit the shelves.

  9. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Don't dismiss this too lightly. Look at the timing. This is likely a rebranding effort paid for by some right wing corporation. EI is watched by young people-an important demographic. We underestimate what is behind $P at our peril. I say "our" because her bullseye rhetoric has shown up north of your border.Keep up the good fight.We are in danger of assuming that no sensible person would take her seriously. We forget the power immense sums of money have.I have often thought that she is the shiny tinsel distraction to stop us noticing what is waiting in the wings- a person who will sweep in and be so much more reasonable and intelligent that no one will have noticed the carefully orchestrated ploy.How about a Jeb Bush/Mario Rubio ticket?

  10. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I'm sure E! had to interview many folks in order to produce their story - perhaps Lou Sarah and the whole mess of other alter egos. I'm sure they all raved to E! about their beloved goddess.

  11. Anonymous6:08 AM

    One could always hope that this was announced on April 1.:-)
    But her promos seem to shoot her in the foot.
    People watch but it is for mistakes and then have more ammo for the laugh machine that seems to be left out of the productions.

  12. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Palin will fit right in with the current crop of THS characters.

    Sarah: Duchess of York
    Hulk Hogan & Family
    Dog the Bounty Hunter
    Kate Gosselin
    Holly Madison
    Charlie Sheen
    The Kardashians
    Mary Kay Letourneau


  13. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Sarah Palin, one big FAIL after another.


  14. Ohhhhhhhh, $P just might be too busy truckling to the Jewish vote and claiming to observe Passover to say she watched the show. April 24 falls during Passover this year.

    If someone takes the Palin family loaf of Wonder Bread and stomps on it, they probably figure it qualifies as "unleavened," or "at least not as leavened as it once was."

  15. Anonymous6:43 AM

    E True Hollywood Story featuring Sarah Louise Heath like you never saw before...A porn star wannabe from Alaska grinding and stripping away in all her glory in 5 uncut versions.

  16. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Remember - It was E's Guiliana Rancic that interviewed Bristol through the DWTS - doing the role play of Bristol being the interviewer with the opening of 'Heeeeey'.

    E's Guiliana was also the interviewer of the tour of Bristols AZ house where part of the discussion was 'Gino'.

    Guiliana is a space cadet that played up the 'Bristol is a victim' and trashed Levi.

    So don't expect anything and invest any hope in this BS story.

  17. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Are taxpayers being billed for part of the cost of this load of tripe also, too?

  18. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Think about it. This is a rigged show that is probably designed to head off whatever damage they think may show up in the books that are coming out. You know, white out moments and such. Maybe the Palin handlers have seen advanced copies of certain books, and want to get their story out there first. Or maybe they are just guessing.


  19. Anonymous7:02 AM

    If they didn't interview anyone, then the piece will be made up of previous videos plus some narration. This is Sarah's version of an announcement, and it has the same gravitas as her reality show had in explaining Sarah's deep political philosophy. It has the same depth as a photo op visit to Israel. A Hollywood Story means that Sarah is a celebrity, not a politician. And, right now, her star is fading. Michele Bachmann has a real organization and has made real visits to Iowa.

  20. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Heck Gryphen, all they need to interview for this show is all the different personalities Mrs Todd Palin has, plus all the fake Sarah Palins that tweet and post on social networks for her and all the little C4P minions. Kind of like they stacked the voting on DWS.


  21. Anonymous7:13 AM

    How much you want to bet this is a prelude to a new E! reality show for Palin? They're wooing her with a kiss-ass bio, but they know if she signs up for a reality show, the best recipe for ratings to show what a screw up and meanie she is. In short, the textbook reality show formula.

  22. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Gryphen, you have to realize that Palin is not a politician. She is a celebrity. E! does celebrity stories, and promotes the notion of celebrity worship. That's all this is.

    In the end, stuff like this, without the balance of stories of true substance, will only contribute to the weakening of Palin's image as a politician.

  23. Anonymous7:31 AM

    @ 2:19 AM

    Agreed. Impromptu trips to Israel and tabloid interviews do not a presidential candidate make.

  24. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Maybe they will do a remake of "The Picture Of Dorian Grey" with poor old aging Sarah playing the part of the picture!

  25. nswfm7:46 AM

    Why not have the Alaska bloggers team up to do a youtube rebuttal? Why shouldn't you guys milk it while you get out the true story? The longer you wait, the more you allow her and her family the gritting and money-hiding opportunities.

  26. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Anon @ 6:o9

    You forgot Jessie Ventura.

  27. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I never see that photo--taken on her wedding day--without thinking about the little bun named Track she already had in her oven.

  28. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Everytime the Alaskan Queen "steps in it" due to her stupidity and ignorant dumb-duff remarks, marching orders get issued, and someone comes running out from the "camp" and either comes up with idiotic tribute songs, aids SP in writing books about herself (designed to spiff up her horribly tarnished image), produces moronic reality shows featuring her and her dysfunctional family, arranges for her to take trips to make her appear as some foreign policy guru, and on and on. With Dunn's book coming out, along with another, the camp is going all out to neutralize any damage these books will do. Her "handlers" design, implement, and back these moves to keep her propped up, and in the media spotlight. It takes major money to support these endeavors. She may have a PAC for some source of money to back and promote her, but more than likely, there is money coming from other undisclosed sources, and probably lots of it. She is too valuable as an Obama attack dog, and right-wing smear lackey who is out there to guarantee votes from the sheeple, as well as to confuse and distract the political dialogue resulting in keeping the base agitated and motivated.

    It could definitely be the case that they are "keeping her out there" to run a distraction game. There has always been the possibility, that Jebbie and some extreme-right fundie for the veep candidate will come popping out from the wings where the major strategists have them waiting. They will "unite" the moderates (what's left of them) the t-baggers and right-wing talibangelcals and possibly some independents, because they will appear so much more sane and rational than the current group of flakes and idiots floating around out there such as Trump, Bachmann, Huckabee, Pawlenty, and the Alaskan Queen.

    E! offers little substance, and lots of celebrity drivel. The program is basically a waste of time. It's an SP "and camp" attempt at an "antidote" for the National Enquirer story, along with the fallout that will occur when the books come out.

  29. Anonymous9:35 AM

    My husband used to work for E! One thing you can be sure of - they will do the least amount of work possible to pull this show together. Which means they'll pull from existing interviews and footage, NOT track down real Alaskans for a broad and more accurate view of Palin. It will be a fluff piece, done on the cheap.

  30. Anonymous10:00 AM

    New National Enquirer in the mail today - Sarah & Todd featured prominently on the cover.

    Headline reads: Sarah palin's worst nightmare about Todd....a love child!

    Also mentions their vicious fights; and inside is an article about Bristol and Gino Paoletti, Sarah wants him to sign a confidentiality agreement, fearing he will spill all the beans about her family secrets that Bristol told him.

  31. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Pretty embarrassing wedding photo. That shirt looks like a jammie top.

  32. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Bristol Palin earns $262K for teen pregnancy work

    Read more: http://www.adn.com/2011/04/05/1793385/bristol-palin-earns-262k-for-teen.html#ixzz1Ig27ZVAI

    So that's what whoring paid back in 2009. Not bad for being the 18 year old daughter of the Governor of the State of Alaska with no other skills or education except just enjoy doing the nasty with the boys in town.

    I wonder how much money Tawd made or paid out doing the nasty?

    What did Sarah get from doing the nasty? Only 4 inches on a good day.

  33. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Anonymous said...
    New National Enquirer in the mail today - Sarah & Todd featured prominently on the cover.

    Headline reads: Sarah palin's worst nightmare about Todd....a love child!

    Also mentions their vicious fights; and inside is an article about Bristol and Gino Paoletti, Sarah wants him to sign a confidentiality agreement, fearing he will spill all the beans about her family secrets that Bristol told him.

    10:00 AM

    Why does everybody associated with the Palins have to sign a confidentiality agreement? What if this dumbass became POTUS, does that mean the White House staff, Congress, Secret Service and the pool boy has to sign one too?

  34. Anonymous11:28 AM

    @10:00 - please tell us the details of the NE love child story! Who's had Todd's baby? Thanks!

  35. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I don't see any wedding rings on Sarah's or Todd's fingers and Sarah looks pregnant. I guess that's how Grandmom Sally, mother Sarah and daughter Bristol rolls. Their legs says "I Do" before their lips says, "I Do".

  36. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Good News: DWTS seamstress thanks God everynight because Mark Ballas's new dance partner Chelsea only uses 25% of the fabric they used to cover Bristol with.

    Bad News: DWTS fired Omar the Tent Maker (Bristol's costume designer).

    Bad News: Spanx is filing Chapter 13 because Bristol is not on DWTS this year and they lost 50% of their business trying to keep Bristol's gut and fat ass from spilling out on the dance floor.

  37. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I see a direct connection between the upcoming Palin tribute on "True Hollywood Story" and Sarah Palin's application to trademark her name.

    The application is at the approval stage right now, awaiting opposition comments, before being finalized. Palin filed for a trademark last year, so she's been preparing for a celebrity "career" for quite a while. (Of course, Bristol has been in on the game also too.)

    In the meantime, Sarah has been (successfully) using all kinds of gimmicks to keep herself in the news nearly every day by posing as a politician--and raking in those PAC dollars, to say nothing of causing serious damage to our national discourse. It's a grand grifter scheme, which she's managed to get away with...so far.

  38. Anonymous12:04 PM

    April 24..? Easter? Weird timing.

  39. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I sure hope that it is exposed that Sarah Health was PREGNANT when she married Toad .....and there is questionable evidence that she was pregnant by another man, not Toad.

  40. Anonymous1:14 PM

    She looks so utterly freaky in that photo that I can't stand to look at it.

  41. Anonymous1:44 PM

    @1:14 - I agree. The crazy oozes from her very pores.

  42. I couldn't resist quoting some of your juiciest comments about the E!THS whitewash at Mediaite this afternoon, Gryphen, especially the one about that smarmy John Ziegler. ;-)

  43. Anonymous7:21 PM

    What no big HBO production?


  44. Anonymous4:24 AM

    maybe they actually talked to her friends and people who know her personally, from back then and today.

    It would be a huge change

  45. Anonymous4:30 AM

    E Hollywood Story gives a pretty good summation of their subjects. Though usually the subject doesn't specfically interview her/himself, close acquiantnces and friends do.

    I think it will be the closest thing to truth out there.

    I had a thought earlier about the Lorenzo Benet book. He was the one who gave details about Sarah "discovering she was pregnant" mentioning Todd found out but stayed silent. Benet also is the only one who's mentioned Curtis Jr and his confrontation with Sarh at work. Now, I've always doubted the latter occurred because He was not the type to meddle. The families are pretty close and still are but he was the most respectful man when he was alive.
    Benet also said Bristol stayed with an aunt while she was pregnant.

    My point: 2 things I mentioned are not true in the least and one is pretty farfetched as well.

    One really can't trust anyone to report on someone else life unless that reporter is the person in question.

  46. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Well, if Game Change is allowed to severely distort campaign events, why can't E hollywood, though they usually tell it like it is, with pictures and videos

  47. Anonymous5:07 AM

    The picture reminds me of the Us Mag photos of Bristol and Levi last summer. When I saw both sets I immediately thought "with child".

  48. "One really can't trust anyone to report on someone else life unless that reporter is the person in question."

    Riight… SO the only person who can report credibly on Sarah Palin is? Sarah Palin?

    So, which verson should we "trust", would you say? The version where she was 8 months pregnant and gave birth to Trig at Mat-Su? Or the version where she was 7 1/2 month's pregnant and gave birth in Anchorage?

    Did she not look pregnant, or did she need to hide her pregnancy? Which is it?

    (I won't hold my breath waiting for your responses, dear.)

  49. E! THS about SP is set to air on GCI Cable channel 27 at 9pm.


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