Monday, April 04, 2011

Tim Pawlenty has another movie trailer like response to President Obama's campaign announcement.

Look I don't know what apocalyptic scarey-ass America Tim Pawlenty lives in but I for one am planning to avoid it like the plague.

And by the way I have zero confidence that IF indeed our country were in such dire straights that Tim "critical lack of charisma" Pawlenty would be up to the job. Personally I picture him hiding under his bed and sucking his thumb while sitting in a pool of his own urine.

In other words we don't need Clark Kent.  We would need....

Now you're talking.

By the way, have I mentioned that I am a little excited about this campaign season?


  1. Proud of Obama5:35 PM

    I'm excited, too, Gryphen. And ready to work my fingers off for President Obama. BTW your blog is a hoot. Keep up the great work.

  2. Anonymous5:40 PM

    This guy is delusional if he thinks he has a chance in hell to even come close to measuring up to our president.

    If he has to use artificially inflated, testosterone driven, tough guy marketing to sell himself, it just lets me know that he's really just a little worm.

    Personally, I can't even stand to look at the guy, he's just such a creepy little numb-nut.

  3. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Republicans do not have solutions to solve our nations problems; all they have is FEAR!!

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    We do need Obama! That picture is great.

    What we also need is for these right-wing fundamentalist religious rapture/apocalyptical nutcases to stop coming out of the woodwork presenting us with their total lunacy, outrageous comments and media-attention gimmicks. There's not ONE in that whole gaggle of kooks that would be good for this country.

  5. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I'm with you Gryph! I will be working hard to ensure that President Obama continues to represent us. All the other aspirants for this job are embarrassing. GO OBAMA!


  6. Anonymous6:00 PM

    From Wonkette:

    When Tim Pawlenty wants to relax, he goes to Jeez, Pawlenty, stop measuring the drapes in the White House! You don't have to be the most presidential presidential candidate ever. Yes, if you somehow thought Pawlenty was boring, despite all those lens flares and jerky camera movements and the cyborg sound effects he makes in his videos, he wants you to know that he masturbates to collected clips of strapping men pulling off their clothes and beating each other to a bloody pulp. "You know, guy stuff! Masculinity!"

    The just-out-of-office Minnesota governor confesses a love in his new book for "watching two guys, gloves down, helmets off, pounding each other while the ref stands back and lets it happen."

    FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP. (Haha, some Politico intern had to read a book written by the personification of the color beige.)

    "Occasionally, if I really need a good mental break and I can't get out on the ice for one of those old-timers' games, I'll sit at the computer when I'm home at night and pop over to to watch a few of the latest videos," Pawlenty writes in "Courage to Stand," which comes out Tuesday.

    When he can't "get out on the ice" and beat up defenseless elderly men he has to go huddle over the computer in the basement in the middle of the night and get his fix with the porn of that? This really does not seem like something he should be talking about.

    He says he'll call his wife, Mary, over when he sees a really exciting one.

    "I know she has zero interest in watching those fists fly, but it's interesting to me," he adds.

  7. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Let me get this right...Timbo hasn't announced yet, but we have his EXPLORATORY committee making doomsday ads?

    Did I get that right?

  8. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I am so sick of the fear card, the GOP plays it because they have no answers. It is time to stop looking for boogeymen and approach our problems with some clear and unbiased thinking.

  9. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I've seen ham and cheese sandwiches more interesting than T-Paw.

  10. honeybabe6:26 PM

    truly i think the whole repub wisconsin, indiana, florida, anti-union, anti-women and anti-poor and help the rich and corporations will inspire lots and lots of us to get in on the action. i think they have the same agenda in alaska.

  11. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Tim Pawlenty is dead in the water.

    He slashed funds dedicated to infrastructure, and a bridge collapsed, with hundreds dead, to our nation's witness.

    That was the reason why he missed out on the 2008 nomination. How do you think that will play out in the 2012 national election?

    He is the best argument for the Democrats against the Republican's budget slashing that even God Himself could imagine.


  12. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Me too, excited to participate to get Obama re-elected.

  13. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I've tried to give Pawlenty the benefit of the doubt and assume that maybe he just hired an overzealous staff to do his campaign videos, but I just couldn't do it. His talking points are the same tired, inconsistent, hollow nonsense we've been hearing over and over for the last few years. Since he's got nothing to say, he's banking on fear and doing so as if we haven't heard it a million times before. Yes, I have fear, but it's not of some scary black Kenyan usurper character in the White House; it's these fucking so-called conservative clowns.

  14. Dinty7:39 PM

    I'll repeat a great joke from Bill Maher from a few weeks ago:

    "Do you know any goodTim Pawlenty stories? Neither does he"

  15. Anonymous8:16 PM

    The President has my support. I am very left wing, and have been disappointed in some things, for sure. But I have never seen such blatant, violent racism exhibited against a sitting president in my entire life. And I will volunteer again to make sure he is re-elected; the alternatives from the GOP are too frightening, stupid, and worthless.

  16. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Tim completely destroyed my home state of Minnesota. No way in hell am I going to let him or Palin destroy America!

    Lots of good shit about T-Paw will come out-flip flopped on the Twins stadium, refused to fire his Lt. Gov (she was in charge of MNDOT at the time of the I-35 Bridge collapse), pardoned a sex offender only to have the offender re-offend.

  17. I am also very excited about the next campaign. I see a bitter fight brewing, nice and bloody, just like we like it.

  18. I'm looking forward to this election cycle too. In 2008, I couldn't stand being away and had to return to the U.S. to share the impending victory with friends. Two days before the election, on the spur of the moment I made a 33 hour bus trip (not being one of those rich GOP folks) from Mazatlan to Tijuana and into Southern California to connect with other Obama supporters...and that with hours of god-awful movies all the way. (I saw Ghost Rider dubbed in Spanish three times.) Still I wouldn't have traded it for anything, and you can be sure I'm not leaving the country during this campaign season and election. No way!

  19. Gasman9:52 PM

    Pawlenty is a sniveling little piss weasel that spends half his time trying to dis Obama and the other half trying to ingratiate himself to the GOP crazies. His only redeeming quality is that he has enough decency to not go full birther. He is still an asshole.

    He is a milquetoast little wuss who lacks the cajones to go toe to toe with any of his GOP rivals let alone President Obama. Pawlenty is Señor Huevos Raton.

    But then, I guess he is no more pathetic than anyone else the GOP has put forward as POTUS fodder. They are losers one and all.

  20. Anonymous9:55 PM


    Mother Jones reports "Huckabee Hearts Secrecy"

    There's a Mike Huckabee mystery that won't go away.

    Send a public records request seeking documents from his 12-year stint as Arkansas governor, as Mother Jones did recently, and an eyebrow-raising reply will come back: The records are unavailable, and the computer hard drives that once contained them were erased and physically destroyed by the Huckabee administration as the governor prepared to leave office and launch a presidential bid.

  21. Anonymous10:06 PM

    I believe it is going to get very ugly...we need to all do our part.
    President Obama urges us not to resort to criticism but rather to arm ourselves with the facts, use them to inform. And lets stand up for the rights, freedoms and dignity of All Americans. Please stand up to the fear tactics they continue to employ to attempt to weaken and divide us.

    As a resident of Minnesota, I can tell you Pawlenty is another spend and charge Republican. He was the man in charge when we experienced the tragedy of a major bridge collapse during rush hour, lives were lost. Our Minnesota Rich enjoy a lower tax burden than the rest of Minnesotans. He panders to his audience, if he is on Fox Lies he is a Tea Bagger, if he is on Morning Jackass he adapts a more moderate stance, if he is on Rachel Maddow he tap dances. The dude is uninspiring and dull. We can not afford to give the reigns to any Republican.....there is to much yet to accompolish. And they have little regard for 98% of America.

    Sioux Sue

  22. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Tim Pawlenty has baggage.

    Frank Vennes Jr. and Tom Petters.

    If Tim Pawlenty decides to run for President of the United States, at some point he’s going to have to explain his relationship with campaign contributor, Tom Petters associate and convicted money-launderer/cocaine-and-gun runner Frank Vennes Jr.

    Tom Petters was convicted in December 2009 for running a $3.6 Billion ponzi scheme. Which Vennes is alleged to have been involved with.

    Various Minnesota politicians were apparently involved in trying to obtain a presidential pardon for Vennes, prior to the Petters Ponzi being exposed.

  23. I do not support you any more.

  24. Anonymous1:37 AM

    the Koch Bros have promised $88million to the GOP campaign. Whoever they choose will be the nominee.

  25. Anonymous2:18 AM

    They decided to play the fear card again. Look GOP, after over 10 years of war, 8 years of "watch out we might be attacked!!!" propaganda and 3 years of trying to claw our way back from the shit hole you put us in, we aren't interested in hearing your bullshit fear anymore. Like FDR famously said years ago during the OTHER big crises in this country, "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself", which is essentially YOU and your ilk. Now sit down and shut the fuck up!

  26. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I'm another Minnesota resident and I totally agree with all the comments from other Minnesota residents who had to put up with Pawlenty (of nothing) for 8 years. He is trying to make up for his boring personality by shock and awe so he won't be outdone by the other Minnesotan named Michele. They are both nuts and I can't imagine either of them carrying even their home state. In 2008, Pawlenty was too boring for McCain and he is trying way too hard to overcome his shortcomings and disastrous record while governor of Minnesota.

  27. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I'm another Minnesotan and I stand with all the comments made here by my fellow Minnesotans. I am so glad to have Pawlenty out of MN office. (And I am so glad to have Mark Dayton now as Governor.) Truth be told, Pawlenty has been out MN office since 2008. He has been campaigning for POTUS since the 2008 elections. No time for Minnesota. Thank goodness.

    His exploratory campaigning reveals him as he is: a politician who will shapeshift to promote himself; nothing there for the constituents.


  28. Gryph, I'm as big an Obama booster and life long liberal Democrat as there is on this blog, BUT - you've gotta stop posting that stupid picture of Obama bursting out like Superman.

    It's as "bot-y" a picture from our side as we accuse the Republicans as doing on the other side. I do not like the term "Obama-bot" at all and that picture reinforces that stupid Republican meme.

    Now, maybe I'm alone on this, and other IM readers will tell me I am. But, in any case, please deep-six that graphic. There are so many fabulous pictures of Obama out there - any picture of that "grin"! - that you could post.

  29. Any comments from other readers about my request of Gryth NOT to keep posting that picture?

  30. Anne In DC11:43 AM

    His record in Minnesota is not the only reason I'm less than impressed with Pawlenty. I remember only too well the role he and Palin, along with other Republicans, played in throwing moderate New York State Republican DeDe Scozzafava under the bus on the grounds that she was a RINO, back in November 2009. In conjunction with Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Dick Armey, and others, they badmouthed this poor woman because she wasn't conservative enough. But she turned the tables on them by dropping out of the race and endorsing her Democrat opponent, I think his name was Bill White. In any case, her erstwhile supporters voted White into office over Conservative Party's Doug Hoffman, whom Palin and the others endorsed. Hoffman didn't even have a clue about the area (NY-23) he planned to represent, which made him look especially bad. I will always hold this against Pawlenty, and his lack of moral courage in this instance is on top of his lack of either charisma or any positive ideas on how to run this country.
    Howard Fineman was being too nice when he gave Bachmann and Pawlenty praise last night on Lawrence O'Donnell's show.


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