Sunday, May 01, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is dead!

David Gregory from MSNBC has just reported that the President will announce in minutes that Osama Bin Laden is dead.  

That he has been killed by US forces and that we are in possession of the body. 

Just like to take a moment to say "Screw you!" to Alaskan teabagging loser Joe Miller.

Bin Laden may be dead but radical Islam's war against the West is not. Wake up, Obama #WTP

Do you smell that?  That is Republican desperation.

How is this for karma, George Bush's "Mission Accomplished" speech was given eight years ago on May 1, 2003.

Just could NOT sit down and shut up, even during such a momentous night for America, could you Sarah?

Thank you, American men and women in uniform. You are America's finest and we are all so proud. Thank you for fighting against terrorism.
2 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

The President is now speaking. Go turn on your televisions.

President described how they located Bin Laden months ago, and then put together an operation to kill him.  Today a small team of Americans killed Osama and took custody of his body.

President is reminding us we are NOT at war with Islam, and that Bin Laden was NOT a Muslim leader.  He was a murderer.

Great speech!  I will put it up later when I can get the embed.

Pres Bush: "Earlier this evening Pres. Obama called to inform me American forces killed OBL...I congratulated him & the men & women...

Tweeted by Keith Olbermann.


  1. Olivia6:52 PM


  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    This is really going to piss off Sarah. She wanted to take credit for capturing him, as well as balancing the budget and saving old people. Damn.

  3. Olivia6:54 PM

    I can't wait to see the Palin and Trump spin on this.

  4. whoa whoa whoa! That would be awesome! Neener Repubs too! Bush couldn't be bothered. HA-ha!

  5. Anonymous6:56 PM

    This is just going to gall the rightwingers that a democratic president did it.


  6. Anonymous6:57 PM

    And Celebrity Apprentice was interrupted just when we were gonna find out who was going to get fired in Trump's boardroom!

  7. Anonymous6:57 PM

    And this will change - what, exactly?

  8. melissa6:58 PM

    Thank God! What an evil man lacking in any and all humanity and empathy.

  9. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Trump will take credit, I'm sure.

  10. Anonymous7:00 PM

    And Celebrity Apprentice was interrupted just when we were gonna find out who was going to get fired in Trump's boardroom!

    6:57 PM

    Exactly! Lol. At this point, is there even a point for the Republicans to draft a field of candidates for 2012? Can't wait to see the approval numbers this week!

  11. Damn, the rethugs are so going to be pissed.

  12. quills7:01 PM

    good news, however backlash will surely come sooner or later and will be profound...

  13. Anonymous7:02 PM

    May 1, 2011
    Obama wins 2nd term.

  14. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I guess McCain doesn`t have to hunt him down now.

    As if!!!

  15. 6:57 pm

    Forgot your happy pills today? You know, it's never too late to go take them.

  16. Anonymous7:04 PM

    It would be nice if Bush spoke tonight.

  17. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Only a true hater could bring Sarah Palin into this.

  18. Excellent news. So, I guess he really was doing a daily TV show on C-Span!

    And our Democratic president got him.
    Good show.

  19. Will Palin let Obama be a reel Amurikun now?

    Kudos to our military men and women!

  20. KatieAnnieOakley7:06 PM

    And tomorrow, Rush and Fox News will tell the world how this was a bad thing...

  21. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I didn't believe it would ever happen! I thought the Bush family was thick as thieves with the Saudis.

    I bet this will totally piss off the Republican hawks.

  22. abo gato7:07 PM

    The conservatives are going to lose their shit over this. Will be great fun to watch!

  23. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Let's pray there isn't much retaliation. radical muslims are NASTY motherfuckers.

  24. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I am so happy I'm shaking! Rock on,
    Mr. President!

    I have never felt safer as I have with
    Obama as president. With Bush, he'd
    only been president a few months & 9/11
    happened. Then it was constant war, and
    talk of war, and spying on citizens, and
    so much evil, and the country had a dark
    spirit. But since Obama took office
    I've breathed easier, because I knew he
    wasn't motivated by hate and fear
    mongering, he was motivated by hope
    and optimism. I'm very proud of him.
    Mission accomplished, indeed!

  25. According to Faux News and Trump, it's a hoax. They are called "The Deathers"

  26. Was this really in the middle of Apprentice? How appropo

  27. Anonymous7:10 PM

    YES, YES YES!!!!!!

    Mission Accomplished!!

  28. wakeUpAmerica7:10 PM

    almost too bad that he is dead. Would have been interesting if they brought his sorry ass back alive.

  29. wakeUpAmerica7:10 PM

    almost too bad that he is dead. Would have been interesting if they brought his sorry ass back alive.

  30. Remember John McCain pretending he knew where Osama bin laden was hiding out during the campaign?

    So, was he found hiding out at Dick Cheney's compound?

  31. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Bin Laden has been dead since December 13, 2001. Don't let the current new stories fool you.

    “In all likelihood , OBL died on December 13, 2001 at Tora Bora.

    News of his death was broadcast on NBC, CBS, Fox as well as confirmed by contempora neous accounts in the Pakistani press.

    In an interview given to a Pakistani newspaper following 9/11, Bin Laden denied any involvemen t in the attacks, and said that it was un-Islamic to kill innocent women and children.
    The last authentic video of Bin Laden from the fall of 2001, shows a thin faced, gaunt, ill looking individual who, according to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, appeared to be in the last stages of kidney failure and may have suffered a stroke, as his arm appeared to be injured or paralyzed.

    On December 14, 2001, a video, serendipit ously "found" in a house in Karachi, Pakistan, was released, showing a much heavier, fat-faced individual who, it was claimed, was Bin Laden.

    The individual signed a document with his right hand- the real Bin Laden was left handed, and gloated about the 9/11 attacks being a wild success- even claiming that he had anticipate d that the jet fuel from the aircraft striking the buildings would be hot enough to melt the iron in the structures and cause a partial collapse.

    The real Bin Laden was a construction engineer who obviously would have known that modern skyscrapers have framing made of steel, not iron.

    The truth does not fear exposure.

  32. Gasparilla7:16 PM

    The first card was played last night, and now this...

    I predict, there is much more to come.

  33. Anonymous7:19 PM

    7:03, what on earth is there to be happy about? You think Al Qaeda will not redouble its terrorism efforts in order to avenge its fallen leader?

  34. I see the conspiratards are already coming out of the the Republicans will be denying that Obama could have accomplished this, demanding to see the long-form death certificate, and speculating that maybe bin Laden really died in Kenya.

  35. Anonymous7:23 PM

    *doing the Happy Dance*

    COOL BEANS and ALL THAT!!!!!!!!!!
    This is some GOOD NEWS!!!!!

  36. Anonymous7:24 PM

    "Only a true hater could bring Sarah Palin into this."

    ARE YOU KIDDING??? Sarah is all about President Obama. Do you not listen to her?

  37. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Bush could not get him.

    President Barack Obama got him......

  38. Andrea Mitchell just said this is the anniversary of "Mission Accomplished".

    Haha...suck it Baby Bush!!

  39. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Good news!

    Symbolic jesture.

    There will be retaliation.

    THe REPUBs including the crazies such as Scarah and the Donald will belittle and critize the entire event. And blsme the president for wahtever may happen next.

  40. ...Wow.

    But I feel quite skeptical...He's dead, but he's been dead for years. I want to see a fresh body with today's newspaper with the body and DNA proof that it's really him...

  41. Anonymous7:29 PM

  42. Anonymous7:30 PM

    @6:57 PM,

    Bitter, Much? U.S. troops are supposed to start leaving Afghanistan this year.

    This is good news. Sucks to be you.

  43. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Congratulations President Obama! You have won the 2012 Election!

  44. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Thanks for posting this, Gryphen. I was just about to go to bed when I decided to check in here one more time. Now I can't wait to hear our president speak. Not only do I have the joy of knowing an American enemy is dead, but I have the joy of knowing this is killing the Republicans that this happened under Obama's leadership!

  45. Good lord, I thought we heard the last from that idiot Miller. I guess it would take huge news like this to get him to pop his head out of that big rock he's been hiding under.

    I wish the president would get his address written already!

  46. Funny stuff Anon 7:00pm

  47. Anonymous7:36 PM

    @7:04 PM,

    "Only a true hater could bring Sarah Palin into this."

    Piss off.

  48. Anonymous7:38 PM

    7:07 PM:

    Radial christians are just as bad.

  49. Anonymous7:38 PM

    of course fox has to spell his name different

  50. Ex Cat7:41 PM

    Who knew he was hiding in trumps hair? Too soon?

  51. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Hey Quitter, THOSE are called cajones. You will never have them.

  52. Strong words from the President. I'm proud of him.

    I'm surprised Fox didn't go to a split screen to critique the President while he was delivering his address. Assholes.

  53. emrysa7:45 PM

    osama bin laden has been dead for a long time.

  54. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Memo to Sarah: While you were quitting, the POTUS was dithering, remember? Fuck off you half-witted bitch.

  55. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Yikes ! Gryphen, I'm sorry if a ton of people have mentioned it already - but please fix the typo in your last sentence !!!

    ("killed Obama'????) whoops :)

  56. melissa7:47 PM

    Thank you God for President Obama, a real leader and President!

  57. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Sorry...I meant this one,

    "Today a small team of Americans killed Obama and took custody of his body."

  58. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Just heard the president's address. Poor, poor Sarah, you'll never be able to do anything as well as our president. It's clear now that Obama's leadership is all over this success. And Joe Miller? Suck it, you LOSER!

  59. Anonymous7:49 PM

    And the President trumped Trump again tonight.

    His show's last 5 minutes got cut for 'breaking news'.

  60. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Great news!!! Thanks President Obama and the forces.

  61. Radial christians are just as bad.

    Yeah, they can be tiresome.

  62. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Unfortunately, Al Queda resembles the many-headed Hydra these days. Our support of the those want to overthrow their despots in the Middle East could very well help us in dealing with the terrorists. This all feels like a puzzle where the pieces keep moving on their own before you can finish it. Things are about to get 'interesting' and possibly dangerous for a spell, but I sure hope not.
    M. from MD

  63. He's not dead. A plastic surgeon altered another man with similar dna and vital stats to make him look like Bin Laden.

  64. The Donald wants to see Bin Laden's long form death certificate and to check the age of the paper.

  65. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Gryph, u stated in your blog that "Americans killed Obama"... May wanna change that.

  66. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I am in the financial district and people literally stopped their cars and got out to celebrate. NY is going to be insane for awhile.

  67. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Already Palin's minions are posting comments on her FB page that are reprehensible concerning our President and his live speech. I despise these UNpatriotic so-called "Americans"...they truly have no clue as to what a REAL American is. Disgusting. If anyone can stomach it, go read what some of these freaks say.
    Thank you to our military, thank you Obama.

  68. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Twitter blew up with pro military tweets. Thank you to our fellow Americans who fight for freedom. Thank you Republicans and Democrats for supporting the war.

    Eff you Gryphen for attacking Sarah on twitter for thanking the military. You're a coward.

  69. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I wish the networks wouldn't show us celebrating in the streets. That's bothersome.

  70. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Ex Cat 7:41

    Now I understand Seth's joke from last night about feeding the fox under Trump's hair with the leftover food. Bin Laden has been hiding under the combover, combback and combforward!!! If you unravel it, it's about 3 feet long!!!! LOL

    Good one Ex Cat!!

  71. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Gotta love how you say that they got Obama!

  72. Well isn't it interesting that some of the trolls are grinding their teeth about this news?

    God Bless America, God Bless President Obama and God Bless Gryphen and all you good people here. Good night, pleasant dreams.

  73. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Jus checked out c4p there's some nasty at $carah over her divisiveness on this quote"this is one of those United States" moments and shame on her" for being such a narcissistic bitch

  74. Anonymous8:04 PM

    My dad's comment, when the news announcer said Obama's speech was delayed: "He's trying to compose himself because he's so upset that bin Laden is dead." (Yeah, my dad thinks Obama is a Muslim terrorist who was born in Kenya.) And then my dad said George W. Bush really deserves the credit.

    And I thought, "I can't wait to hop onto IM and read SANE comments about this."

  75. DetroitSam8:05 PM

    Anonymous @7:04 PM

    Sarah Palin is truely a despicable excuse for a human being who deserves all of the hatred and contempt she has EARNED.

  76. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Obama deserves no credit. The credit goes to the military. Remember that. God Bless and thank Goodness people are thanking the armed forces.

  77. I hope this will bring some peace to all of those families who lost loved ones on 9/11.

  78. Peeps should pay attention to what 7:16 is saying. That's exactly correct. There's much more to this than meets the eye. Personally, would rather have some truth about the 'real' masterminds and perpetrators of 9/11. Wondering when folks will wake up.

  79. JenniferinVA8:07 PM

    Everyone needs to tweet Joe Miller and Sarah Palin and tell them what petty assholes they are. You know it Bush was the one who got OBL they would be fellating him (or maybe I mean teabagging him). They are both so transparent, but really, would it kill her to just once say something positive about Barack Obama?
    Please tell those two teabaggers how nasty they are!!

  80. Ratfish8:07 PM

    Typical Sarah Palin.. Couldn't say anything nice about the commander in chief who ordered the operation.

    She must be pissed that he just won re-election.

  81. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Anon at 7:56:

    Fuck you. The point is that Sarah and the other Rethugs are boiling in their own bile because they can't stand that this happened under President Obama's leadership. He deserves thanks too, though Sarah would choke on her own tongue before that ever happened. The military couldn't do their jobs without a commander-in-chief. Obama has shown real leadership, not the half-assed premature ejaculation of Bush's "Mission Accomplished" nor the half-assed half-governorship of the Quitter, but a real Mission Accomplished.

  82. Anonymous8:09 PM

    See me Sarah just has to get in on the good news, fuck you Sarah Palin and you too Ram.

  83. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Republicans will immediately attempt to rewrite this history. Please do not tolerate anymore lying from the likes of them.

    And if they start stirring the anti-muslim pot, I hope you will join me in speaking up. Remind those chicken shit fake christians
    that those they choose to hate share the same God they themselves claim to worship.

  84. meena8:10 PM

    Fox News- Greta is not happy with the Pres. speech she wanted to hear ALL the details how he was killed , mission details etc.

  85. Gasman8:11 PM

    So, this liberal Kenyan socialist president is a pussy?

    What can anyone in the GOP say but "job well done?"

    Not meaning to engage in a partisan gloat, but what the hell: this ABSOLUTELY clinched Obama's re-election. No fucking way any of these GOP buffoons can even shine Obama's shoes.

    Tell me where they bury bin Laden so I can shit on his grave.

  86. Anonymous8:11 PM

    We need to remember that Bin Ladin was trained by the United States CIA to fight against the Russians in Afghanistan.

    Was he a monster? Yes. Was he a monster spawned by the US? Yes. Is it good that he is dead? Yes.

    When we spawn monsters, we need to be aware that they may well turn on us.

    Palin should remember that...

  87. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Anon 8:06

    Three words:


  88. Ratfish8:12 PM

    Donald Trump and Sarah Palin just held a press con fence demanding to see the birth certificate of the body.

  89. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Listen trolls,

    Obama was the one who authorized this action. Obama was the one who first determined that the intelligence was strong enough to be followed, and that a mission should be developed. This took time and leadership. Had the mission gone bad, or the intelligence prove false, Obama would have been blamed. Obama deserves credit and thanks for this, and he will get it, while you stew in your juices.

  90. Anonymous8:14 PM

    8:06 pm


    Fuck you idiots. Yes, President Obama does deserve credit, he is our leader. You dipshits really need an education on how the military leaders/soldiers and the President works.

  91. Anonymous8:14 PM

    melissa said...
    Thank God! What an evil man lacking in any and all humanity and empathy.

    6:58 PM. Are you talking about Bin Laden, Joe Miller, or Donald Trump?

  92. Laurie8:15 PM

    President Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, joking about Donald Trump:

    “All kidding aside, we know about your credentials and experience. [On ‘Celebrity Apprentice’], the men’s cooking team did not impress the judges from Omaha Steaks, but you recognized this was a lack of leadership, so you fired Gary Busey.

    “These are the kinds of decisions that would keep me up at night. Well-handled, sir. Well-handled.”

    And now we know what has been keeping President Obama up at night!

  93. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Sarah Palin/Ram


    Arizona shootings


    Blood Libel

  94. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Goodbye to bad rubbish, fucker.

  95. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Did anyone notice that the timing of the rlease of the news interupted the Donalds celebrity apprentice show???? Maybe he should not have pushed Obama for the birth certificate so hard....

  96. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Obama deserves no credit. The credit goes to the military. Remember that. God Bless and thank Goodness people are thanking the armed forces.

    8:06 PM

    Fuck you Sarah. Go back to eating your crunchwrap you cunt.

  97. meena8:23 PM

    McCain commends Obama on bin Laden

  98. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Is Joe Miller living with Sarah in the mansion in Arizona, Americans are curious, eh?

  99. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Donald just got trumped, Sarah just got bitch-slapped.

  100. My first thought was that this was going to make Obama bulletproof when it comes to reelection. And then I though it's really going to piss off Sarah!

  101. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Anyone that tried to take this moment away from us should be called out for the unpatrioti­c, petty, partisan crud they are. They should be eviscerate­d. At a moment when this country is finally pulling together and feeling a sense of unity not felt since 9-11, if they make this a partisan attack in ANY way, they should be stomped like bugs.

    This is NOT a partisan moment. This is a moment we should be sharing as friends, neighbors, and citizens. This is OUR moment and its up to us to honor the people who died properly. My brother gave his life in Iraq fighting this damn war and I can finally feel some sense of closure. It wasn't for nothing after all.

    Bless you Mr President. My family thanks you.

    That being said...Pal­in snark countdown begins NOW...10..­9..8...

  102. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I went to Scarah's Facebook page. Now her followers are ganging up on a Muslim woman who posted a comment regarding how happy she was that this TERRORIST was killed. They are, as usual, blaming ALL people of the Muslim faith for Bin Laden's actions. I am so sick and tired of these ignorant jerks. And yes, its true, they are congratulating BUSH for this. Sick.

  103. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Remember people -- All these trolls and Rethuglicans creamed their jeans when Bush strung the banner up "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED".

    And now they say Obama should not get credit.

    The Rethuglicans and Trolls should FOCUS!!

    Definition of FOCUS:
    F fuck
    O off
    C cause
    U u're
    S stupid

    So when you can't say it, just tell the person to FOCUS and they have no clue!!!

  104. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I wonder if Haliburton built bin Ladens compound?

  105. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Check out Joe McG's blog, he just kicked Sarah's miserable ass to the curb.

  106. All the big mouth right wingers that "knew how to get Osama" and Bush's "mission accomplished"...WHO got Osama???

    That's right....Obama...the ONLY POTUS that had to jump through hoops to PROVE he was an American.

    How proud of yourself are you now "the Donald??

    And Palin had better go back to "fish pickin'" in Alaska, because none of your second guessing Obama will be tolerated now.

  107. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Joe MacGinniss has a couple of good posts out tonight. One pointing out that Sarah's tweet and her refusal to congratulate the president shows off her pettiness, and another hilariously saying that the GOP should just give the nomination to Sarah, since they haven't got a prayer now.

  108. Anonymous8:38 PM

    ANON@7:07 PM, Yes indeed.

  109. Anonymous8:38 PM

    ANON@7:07 PM, Yes indeed.

  110. Anon 7:56 Sarah wouldn't give our great President any credit, she is a jealous Bitch! She lost and will never win again.

  111. Anonymous8:39 PM

    A couple pictures from NYC:

    A couple funnies:

  112. Anonymous said...
    Obama deserves no credit. The credit goes to the military. Remember that. God Bless and thank Goodness people are thanking the armed forces.


    Obama LED ~~~5~~~ meetings before ~~AS COMMANDER IN CHEIF~~~THE ~~~POTUS~~~~GAVE ~~~THE ~~~ORDER ~~THE~~~ ORDER~~~TO KILL AN CAPTURE BIN LADEN.

    During WW2, the army did not operate with out Patton, the Brits without Churchill, the Third Reich without Hitler, The Mongols without Genghis Khan the French armies without Napoleon, America's first army without General Washington.



  113. Anonymous8:45 PM

    LMAO at the Republicans critiquing Obama making jokes last night. Let's face it Palin, Trump, Bachmann, etc., the guy is running circles around all of you. He knew damn well you would make fun of him for telling a few jokes after being abused by you asshats for years. He knew you would step it in once again. As predicted, you did. He can tell a joke, order the end of the world's worst terrorist, and make certain aid to gets to the Americans suffering from the devastation of the tornadoes while the idiots on the right are still trying to defy his birth certificate. Face it, he could accomplish more with both hands tied behind his back that the Insane Clown Posse could ever do.

  114. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Reminder 8:06 - he is Commander in Chief of that military.

  115. Anonymous8:49 PM

    The Republicans can keep saying that Obama had nothing to do with this. Really. Let's compare what happened when Bush and Cheney did with the intelligence they received, i.e. WMDs, vs the end result of Obama receiving intelligence and ordering the attack. It seems we have a commander in chief! Booya!

  116. @ Anon 8:20pm
    Did anyone notice that the timing of the rlease of the news interupted the Donalds celebrity apprentice show???? Maybe he should not have pushed Obama for the birth certificate so hard....

    I just read that on Twitter. 15 minutes right before the end of the show.

    Awesome. The Donald got roasted at the WHCD, then his show is cut off by the news that OBL is dead.

    It's been a good weekend...

  117. Anonymous8:49 PM

    WoW, Palin thanks the military but not the President? He is the Commander-in-Chief afterall, what an asshole. Without his say so this wouldn't have happened.

  118. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Make no mistake: this was America’s most smashing success of the 21st century. That it puts egg on Sarah’s face is the least of it.

    But the egg is there. U.S. soldiers killed America’s most dangerous enemy. And Barack Obama was commander-in-chief when it happened.

    Sarah can tweet all the thanks she wants to American men and women in uniform.

    But her failure to credit their commander-in-chief shows her up as the shallow, petty self-promoter she is.

  119. This could not have happened without the cooperation of the Pakistani govt and that is thanks to the President and to Hillary, who told them that they knew where he was and could tell us if they wanted to.

  120. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Joe Miller can just shut up and go away.

  121. Enjay in E MT8:52 PM

    Not sure where I am on this:

    Ecstatic our military has completed a major objective.

    Encouraged this is may be the beginning of the end of our war(s) in the Middle East.

    Sad so many more lives have been lost.

    Distressed it has taken almost a decade to accomplish.

    Relieved it was our President in charge when this goal was reached.

    Pray the extremist network has been dismantled sufficiently to prevent retaliation.

    I hope Cheney and McCain will choke on their words that they knew where Bin Laden was years ago.

  122. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Anon@8:19 PM, thank you, lets not ever let the deaths in Tucson, Arizona be forgotten. Among them a nine year old child.

  123. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Trump: Analyzing the culture in the Omaha Steakhouse Kitchen
    Palin: Analyzing how many tweets it will take to get the media's attention again.
    Obama: Analyzing how the intelligence machine could succeed in taking down the worst terrorist America has ever experienced while making certain aid is sent to those suffering from the devastation of the tornadoes.

  124. Anonymous8:53 PM

    "Sarah can tweet all the thanks she wants to American men and women in uniform..."

    I'm waiting for Sarah to congratulate her "combat veteran" son Track for his contributions to Bin Laden's death.

    The only way Track would of killed Bin Laden is if Bin Laden rode the school bus with the brake lines that Sarah's proud non combat son Track cut.

  125. Anonymous8:56 PM

    President Obama deserves all the credit for this.He issued the order to go in and take Bin Laden out.As far as the idea that Bin Laden is already dead we have the body and that is all we need for proof.All you right wing jackoffs can suck it.

  126. Anonymous8:56 PM

    No other place I get to say this, so I will say it here.

    Osama bin Ladin - Fuck you, you mother fucking piece of shit! Rot in hell! I'd escort you to the gates just to wave goodbye if I could.

    Thank you, Mr. President. I don't care how, I don't care why. Thank you.

  127. Hello everybody. I've been keeping track of things for the past 2.5 hours through Twitter and CNN. Here are all the details.

  128. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Olivia said...
    I can't wait to see the Palin and Trump spin on this.

    6:54 PM

    I'm imagining you have your middle finger up and saying "I can't wait to see the Palin and Trump spin on this."

    Is that what you meant Olivia?

    I thought so!

  129. Anonymous8:58 PM

    One can only imagine how old prickteaser Sarah has been seething over that little black guy in the Whitehouse had the audacity to not even mention her name last night and old Howler monkey faced Trump has been planning his one-ups-man-ship revenge all day only to find that Obama's hand of a FULL HOUSE beats both of their hands of 5 JOKERS!

    I won't consider it a a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED until Bush, Cheney and the rest of the warmongering republican dictatorship is drug out of their "hidey holes" and prosecuted for their war crimes.

    So all you teabagging trolls go stick your head back up your ass, this is all way over your IQ level of comprehension.

  130. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Hey Sarah......take a note....President Obama has NOT been dithering. Accept it honey, you are so out of your league and a vindictive bitch.

  131. Anonymous9:05 PM

    It was only through Obama's diplomatic efforts that the team that courageously killed Bin Laden were able to enter Pakistan for this mission. And the mission took place only after President Obama's orders to do so.

    President Obama is definitely an active player in this, and anyone who denies it is an idiot.

  132. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Without the alliance of Pakistan this would not have happened. It took a lot of savvy and teamwork that our military commanders, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama were able to work with the Pakistani government. Can you imagine the Pakistani government wanting to work with idiots like Sarah Palin and Donald Trump????

  133. Anne In DC9:07 PM

    It takes an extremely shallow nitwit to make the suggestion that the Commander In Chief, President Obama, had nothing to do with the success of this mission. In fact, he ordered it. I like the quiet, measured way he went about it in direct contrast to the juvenile, macho blustering of GW and his minions. Palin is probably steaming with jealousy and bitterness, since she doesn't have the class or decency to praise the president for his role in this. How does she think the military operates in the absence of a strong Commander In Chief? Then there are other bloggers who truly embarrass themselves when they display their ignorance by changing the president's name to Obama Bin Laden or some other idiotic moniker.

  134. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Answer us this, trolls, if the mission had failed, who would have gotten the blame? OBAMA. If the risky mission had failed, who would have had to appear before reporters to explain why Americans died in such a risky manuever? OBAMA. Yeah, so...let's think about that for a second.

    I'm disgusted that people are making this partisan...and it's not the ones who are referred to so lovingly, I'm sure, as "libtards" doing it...It is a FACT that we closed in on Osama YEARS ago and pulled our resources away to fight a nonsense war in Iraq. It's a FACT, you chumps.

    And you can say Obama shouldn't get credit for this all you want. Obama himself would probably say he doesn't deserve credit. That's how the alleged "arrogant" president rolls.

  135. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Watching people outside of either New York or at the White House.

    Someone holding up their laptop or iPad and it says:

    Obama 1
    Osama 0

  136. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Now Sarah Palin has to spin spin spin. She'll be pissed and frantic to try to make this a negative.

    Lou Sarah, President Obama still never acknowledges you. All your anger is wasted because you're nobody. Go get some more plastic surgery.

  137. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Joe Miller is a huge loser and Sarah Palin is a jealous and bitter trailer trash piece of garbage. Tons of people are tweeting her back and telling her she has no class and should thank the President.

    Just another example of what a sick jealous mentally disturbed person Sarah is. She is not leadership material.
    And Joe Miller isn't even worth writing about. What a low class bitter loser. Go form your own country Joe and take Sarah and big hair in Texas with you. Add orange fat head trump, crazy eyes loopy Bachmann, disturbed Beck and the rest of your fruitcake friends and go ahead and form your own Christan country. With so much freedom!! You can't marry or love or sleep with who you want, women have no choice over their bodies and the return of only Christian prayers in school. That's Sarahs idea of freedoms.
    Hypocrite be gone!!!!!

  138. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Anon 7:06, what do the Saudis have to do with this?
    He was in Pakistan and not allowed back in Saudia Arabia for years.

    For the idiot who called Gryphen a hater for bringing Sarah into this: you really are a stupid person. Sarah brought herself into this with her tweet about this. Hundreds of people tweeted Sarah and called her classless! Pawlenty and Romney congratulated the president. Were all of you brought up in barns without manners. Trash!! Sarah and Joe and people like you only embarrass themselves. There's nothing worse than sore losers.

  139. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Good grief! Where did all the nutters come from today? I came here specifically to be among friends and celebrate our Commander in Chief. My first thought was "can we go home now?". I realize that there may be retaliation and there are other cells of Al Qaeda to contend with, but seem to be small in any one place, including Afghanistan. We need to get out of that sinkhole and regroup, establish a new plan for dealing with terrorists wherever they're located. Thanks Mr. president for authorizing this op and thanks to our brave soldiers who carried it out.

  140. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Of course the president deserves some credit for this. Obama is the one who gave the order for this mission to take place inside a foreign country. A country we are not at war with.

    We know from the way he has handled himself over the past two years that he does not have a itchy trigger finger like some brash, big talkers we know. He, with his advisers, evaluated the intelligence and gave the go ahead for the mission to take place.
    The first part, carrying great responsibility for the lives of our troops and possibly innocent people, was his job and the next part was for our highly, skilled, highly trained, brave men and women.

    We know president Obama well enough by now to know that he would have accepted responsibility if the mission had gone wrong. The President clearly showed relief that our men and woman were not harmed carrying out this action.

    The credit belongs, of course, to the men and women of the best military in the world and the entire chain of command that worked to snatch some justice from a man who is responsible for so much pain and destruction.

    People unwilling to acknowledge our president's role in this are petty and small. Their refusal to give credit where credit is due does not take anything away from the president. It shows just how greatly they lack a sense of fair play.

  141. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Anon 7:56, you are not too bright. HUNDREDS of people responded to Sarahs tweet. It was extremely bad taste and poor form to not congratulate the president. She is the coward and not Gryphen!

    And those of you saying Osama has been dead for ages?? OY VAY!! Do you believe in vampires and Big FOOT.
    Maybe we should be more worried about aliens from other planets. Forget Al Quaida!

  142. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Greta wants to know how it happened? Well apparently OBL was shot in the head. Is that graphic enough for her?

  143. Ratfish9:41 PM

    Joe Miller is sick and pathetic.

  144. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Just imagine how pissed Trump is. Last night he had to sit there and get owned by President Obama. Tonight, his show is interrupted by Obama's speech regarding the death of Bin Laden. Just delicious!

  145. Trump and Palin are children playing at politics. Obama is actually getting the job done while they conduct circus sideshows.

    Palin is a classless woman. Even Mittens and T-Paw and President Bush acknowledged President Obama's efforts. Palin? Still sour grapes, still vindictive, still immature - doesn't mention Obama in her tweet. Typical.

    Congratulations President George W Bush and President Barack Hussein Obama and US military, CIA and special forces for a JOB WELL DONE. Today - we are all Americans.

  146. slowhand10:01 PM

    What a slimebucket that Joe Miller is. Couldn't he say "good job, Mr. President" ??

  147. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Only the AIP folks, like Sarah Palin and Joe Miller, have the anti-American spirit to say something like they did tonight. Hey, Sarah fans. If you diminish tonight, you ARE ANTI-AMERICAN. LIKE SARAH.

  148. I saw something earlier on a website that said President Obama said Bin Laden was dead and I thought it was some kind of comedy and ignored it, lol. Wow. During the GWB administration I kept asking why they did not just send special forces in to find him. Then I found out they did and when they asked for the order to shoot him they were refused it. Then they gave him a corridor to escape. Something is wrong with that scenario. The GWB administration was a total cluster in so many ways.

  149. Gryphen's tweets are included in the Best of Twitter:

    I've been tracking Twitter for 3 hours for the best tweets, reactions, photos and jokes from around the world.

    See Daily Show creator, Daily Kos creator, the man who ended up live blogging the raid in Abbottobad­, Pakistan, Fox News fails, BBC Obama dead spelling error, Gryphon the immoral minority Sarah Palin blogger, tweets from ppl at Politicalg­ates blog, New York Times, Al Jazeera- English tweets, reactions from Indians on Pakistan's role and much much more.


  150. To $arah and her retarded bots:
    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
    - G.W. Bush, 3/13/02“I don’t really think about him very much. I’m not that concerned.¬” - Bush on Bin Laden in 2004

    Spin that!

  151. Anonymous10:30 PM

    If it was known in the beginning that Bin Laden fled to Afghanistan, why in heck did Bush/Cheney send American kids to war in Iraq? Maybe it's true that Cheney was in cahoots with Bin Laden...

  152. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Went to Sarah's Facebook page. There are some delusional people posting there.

  153. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Watched a bit of FOX News covering this and they had to say good things about President Obama...think it was especially killing Greta - she kept saying she wanted to know more about the situation!!!

    Some on the right will try to find some negative to this 'plus' for President Obama. It's going to irritate the hell out of them that this was accomplished under his Presidency and direction.
    Sorry, it isn't going to work folks. We are growing to love our President more and more each day. He is doing a hell of a job in spite of the Repubs constantly trying to stop him.

    The Republicans in the House need to work on creating jobs and they are doing everything they can to counter doing so, hoping to keep President Obama from winning the next election.

    They better start playing nice or their asses are going to be grass come next election cycle for their particular seats. Most Americans are getting pretty sick and tired of watching their idiotic action ... from Ryan's Budget to being so anti-abortion to cutting budget items to help the poor, trying to cut Medicare, Medicaid, public radio, and on and on and on.

  154. Now I am dying to see the soldiers involved in the operation.

  155. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Thank you, President Obama!!!!

    PO promised he would focus on capturing Bin Laden, including going to Pakistan if needed! He did it!!!

    He got 'er done. Way to roll, Mr. President!



  157. EX Cat11:25 PM

    I wonder what part of Commander In Chief sideshow sarah doesn't get? Face it, Loser,you will never have a clue.

  158. Anonymous11:30 PM

    After reading some of the crap that is being written here -

    I have to say this -

    President Obama gave the order on this. If it had failed, can you imagine what our country and world would have been saying? The deed was done and done well and don't forget that the President is in charge of our military.

    He was a step ahead of the negative Republicans - in that we killed Bin Laden and KEPT THE BODY because he knew the matter would have to be proven to the many unbelievers that would come out of the woodwork. They will look like idiots just as did Trump with the long-form certificate of birth.

    Did those of you on the extreme right listen to President Obama's speech tonight where he directed a portion of it to the topic of 'muslims'? I suggest you listen, or listen again, so that you stop telling your continual lies about muslims. (You especially Joe Miller!)

    We have a wonderful President that is doing a hell of a good job in spite of those that try to stop him every step of the way.

    The majority of Americans are pro America and pro President Obama, VP Joe Biden and especially thankful for the efforts of President Clinton and George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, the CIA, special operations and our military as a whole.

    Oh, and for lovely Mrs. Obama for the love and support she provides our President and I'm sure she is of great comfort to him.

    God bless you, President Obama!

  159. They have already buried Bin Laden at sea. I hope they have lots of proof it was him because people are going to start with the conspiracy theories if they don't. I want to see a picture, bullet wound to the head and all.

  160. Anonymous11:35 PM

    THis haapened on the 8th anniversary of Bush hanging his mission accomplished sign, ironic huh!
    Great job by our Commander -in- chief President Barack Obama, the CIA, and our special forces.
    The one thing not mentioned yet is that Bin Laden was a multi-billionaire and used his funds for terror. While there are other terrorists, it's got to hurt them financially.

  161. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Obama just got his 2nd term. Hey Sarah, how ya like THEM apples!!


  162. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Anon @7:04PM

    "Only a true hater could bring Sarah Palin into this."

    You mean a true hater like Palin? Does your mommy know you are on the puter?

  163. Here is a link with a picture taken from Pakistan TV showing a picture in graphic (yet grainy) detail of Bin Laden's head with a bullet wound.

  164. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Palin = vindictive, jealous of President Obama's success, racist, liar, unethical, and best of all - Alaskunt!

  165. As I think of those 343 Firefighters who perished at the World Trade Center, chills are running down my spine.

    Thanks to the President, and thanks to our men and women in the military.

    I loved the World Trade Center. Windows on the World was my favorite restaurant simply because of the incredible view.

    Rot in hell Osama.

  166. Anonymous2:09 AM

    FROM: 7:56 PM
    "Eff you Gryphen for attacking Sarah on twitter for thanking the military. You're a coward"
    Actually...eff YOU, 7:56 Pm.

    Mrs. Palin needs to keep her phony mouth off our military. She has NOT EARNED the right to even speak about them, let alone FOR them.

    Mrs.Palin falsely took credit NUMEROUS times for having a son in combat in Iraq. LIE. Track Palin was NEVER in combat. Anywhere. Ever.

    But that did not stop Mrs. Palin from falsely laying claim to reflected military glory as part of her political agenda.

    How DARE she use the brave American military to further her lousy, self serving agenda?!


    Now I'll join Gryphen and other good members of this blog in congratulating first, Sec. of State Hilary Clinton for her momentous efforts in establishing decent enough diplomatic relations with Pakistan that allowed us in there to pull this off.

    And next to our President Obama, CIA Director Panetta, security team members, U.S Navy Seals and all other military and CIA members who partook in this successful mission and brought down the terrorist Osama Bin Ladin.

    (And in case I didn't make it clear, FUCK YOU Sarah Palin and 7:56 pm as well.)

  167. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Another reason for The Chump to hate The Pres......stole his thunder the Monday morning after he got roasted at the WHCD. Chump was just waiting to get on Faux news and flap his jaw in revenge--now, no one is going to listen.....ha! The Chump was smacked down and he can't respond.

  168. Anonymous3:59 AM

    to Sarah, The Donald, Joe and the rest of you truly unpatriotic dolts. The president is the commander in chief and the small band of navy seals killed osama. Give credit where it is due. much respect to the president and navy special ops team....go obama!! go Navy !!

  169. Anonymous4:11 AM

    @ Celia Harrison, that picture is a fake. It has been circulating on the internet for two years.

  170. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Barns/Yarns @ 7:52 PM

    "The Donald wants to see Bin Laden's long form death certificate and to check the age of the paper."

    Later, later (while he dismisses it with his hands.)

  171. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Anon @ 8:06

    Whether we say God Bless the Troops doesn't help or change things whatsoever. They are still in harms way because George W. Fucking Bush put them there for manufactured reasons and put our economy in the tank while at it.

    No one deserves credit or kudos for this, this is something that had to be done, it was the SEAL's job - that's what a huge piece of our taxes go toward right?

  172. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Only true haters would bring Palin into this.

    That is laughable given Palin's deliberate demonizing relentless blathering Obama is the extreme opposite of her anti American, a terrorist, etc. Etc.

  173. Anonymous4:51 AM


    In fact, Osama bin Laden was reported dead by US news outlets sometime during the Bush administration. I remember it very clearly. I'm sure with some digging the quotes can be found.

  174. Anyone who is under the impression this is " Mission Accomplished" is simply deluded - his death (however welcome)changes very little in terms of defeating radical Islam.

    That said the world is a far better place today for the demise of Bin laden - may he forever rot in the bowels of Hell.

    Yours Aye
    The Big Dollop

  175. TruthSeeker5:44 AM

    Great pointed comment over at Palingates by "An Alaskan":

    "We all know why Osama bin Laden had to be shot in the head. Explain to us again Sarah Palin, why Gabby Giffords was?"

  176. Anonymous6:34 AM

    7:56: "Eff you Gryphen for attacking Sarah on twitter for thanking the military. You're a coward."

    You know damn well Gryphen wasn't attacking her for thanking the military.

  177. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Why bury him “according to Islamic tradition”?? Did he deserve it?? Why not place his body on the 49th floor of a 50 story building that’s going to be blown up and imploded?? Let him be buried and torn to pieces under 1000′s of tons of toxic rubble!! (HUH? Just copied this from c4p)

  178. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Will anyone on Fox dare remind Sarah Palin what she said in the 2008 campaign?

    "Senator Obama has also advocated sending our U.S. military into Pakistan without the approval of the Pakistani government,” Palin said. “Invading the sovereign territory of a troubled partner in the war against terrorism.”

    And John McCain flatout said he wouldn't go after bin Laden in Pakistan without permission from their government.

    In short, we wouldn't have gotten bin Laden on their watch.

  179. Beldar "Obama/2012" Conehead7:12 AM

    Thank you, Mr. President. A grateful nation salutes your leadership, along with the amazing skill, courage and professionalism of the strike team.

    Please begin the declaration of victory in this horrible corner of the world and bring our troops home.


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