Sunday, May 01, 2011

Thin skinned Donald Trump calls Seth Meyers a "stutterer," says having a "good time" right now is inappropriate, and defends his use of the "F" word in speech.

From Mediaite:

“Well, I really understood what I was getting into. I didn’t know that I’d be virtually the sole focus . . . I was certainly in a certain way having a good time listening. I don’t think the American people are having a good time paying $5 gasoline . . . I was thinking to myself as they were doing this, that you know, the American people are really suffering and we’re all having a good time. I thought it was inappropriate in certain respects.”

So taking a moment to forget the high stress of Washington politics and poke fun at some of the craziness that journalists are forced to cover is "inappropriate in certain respects?”  But telling  the American people that the man they are relying on to fix the country's problems might be illegitimate, and that they should mistrust and fear him, is perfectly reasonable?

You know I hate to repeat myself, but FUCK YOU Donald Trump!


  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    let me second that and add something.


  2. meena3:53 PM

    California College Pays $115,000 for Sarah Palin Speech

  3. Chump and Screech (trump/palin)2012!!!

    Can you IMAGINE the fights they would have....LOL

  4. laprofesora4:00 PM

    Yes, Donald, we know how concerned you are about the average American paying $5 for a gallon of gas. Your compassion is overwhelming. To quote Gryphen, "Go fuck yourself, Donald."

  5. OT, but I thought you might like to share my fantasy (hey, get your mind out of the gutter!).

  6. California Dreamin'4:15 PM

    "What I would do is get China to change its ways. We have all the cards. China is rebuilding itself on our backs."

    Wow, he's almost as delusional and self absorbed as "you know who". Um, Donald, it's not CHINA who is the problem. The problem is AMERICAN companies outsourcing the manufacturing of goods to save a buck! And we don't have all the cards, you schmuck! The good ole US of A is in hock to China up to our eyeballs. I'll join the chorus here....Go FUCK yourself!

  7. Trump just doesn't get it and he never will. Everything is about him, even having his ass kicked is spinned into his being honored. Yea, he's going to make China do what he wants...right.

  8. Anonymous4:30 PM

    This is the thing, all these idiots (and the Donald himself) getting indignant that Donald Trump was the butt of jokes, that it was inappropriate to make fun of him or have fun at all, blah blah blah - how dare they say that the President of the United States does not have the right to defend himself when he has been so relentlessly disrespected?

    He has tried to ignore these people and take the high road, basically, for several years now. How dare they say now that he isn't even allowed to respond at all, and in the mildest way possible - with HUMOR?!? Particularly at a traditional yearly event which regularly uses humor has its centerpiece. ("inappropriate"?)

    I think Obama is right to feel angry about this, deep down. Despite this, he has maintained his good humor throughout their disgusting campaign to damage him through baseless innuendo. The double standard - as in, if he were a white guy they wouldn't have thrown these questions at him - is appalling.

    They can insist on creating a false issue based on a lie, but they can't claim he isn't allowed to have a reaction to the injustice of it, when they persist.

    Donald Trump and his overinflated ego needed to stay away from that dinner last night. He knew he would get attention, which is what he wanted. Guess he didn't count on looking like the horse's ass that he is. He could have played it to his advantage, but he didn't.

    That's nobody's fault but his own.

  9. I'd have to agree, with everyone else: Donald Trump, go FUCK yourself!

    And BTW, that really was an entertaining interlude at the WHCD--even the comedian was funny for a change. We watched it multple times. The President had me at "Maholo". ;-)

  10. Anonymous4:33 PM

    He's worried about American's paying $5 a gallon gas?

    He told the press that he learned of the President releasing the long form birth certificate as he was flying in his helicopter. His helicopter folks.

    I think Donnie worries about filling his limo the way John worried about paying taxes on his eight houses.


  11. angela4:41 PM

    What a whining crybaby.
    Just because he's a racist pile of shit and got back some of his own crap he's whining that Americans are suffering and people shouldn't have been mean to him?

    Wow. Now he's proved what we all have known all the time--- Trump really doesn't have balls. Maybe he can fire someone and take theirs.

  12. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I just wanted to say, when I saw Trump's wife's name in the previous post, I thought it said melanoma. I would wish for him to be married to melanoma!

  13. Balzafiar4:47 PM

    What utter bullshit!

    Obviously trying to change the subject, pretending that he's really concerned about the struggle people are having paying for everyday needs.

    El toro poo-poo, Donald! Go fuck yourself!

  14. Anonymous4:49 PM

    "that I'd be virtually the sole focus..." Really? Could he be any more of a smug narcissistic punk ass jerk? He makes it so easy to see that he's got no game, no game at all. That's the best he's got, it was all about me and besides he's a stutterer? Ha!

  15. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Again, "Mr Trump, please stop taking out your aggression, due to having a tiny penis, on America"

  16. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Now the asshat decides to focus on real issues??? Seriously? As soon as the tables are turned, he starts talking about the American people rather than birth certificates and transcripts. Hypocrisy, they name is Donald Trump.

    Obama has taken this shit for two years while they have wasted the time of the American people. Obama spends two minutes laughing about their insults, and they start whining.

  17. JenniferinVA4:58 PM

    What a thin-skinned dink! My brother is a stutterer and it is nothing to laugh at like those Fox assholes were doing. Not to mention that Seth Meyers IS NOT a stutterer, but that fact wouldn't keep Trump from making a cheap shot.

  18. Anonymous4:59 PM

    What a piece of work this dork is...that he has so many fans is frightening.

    I saw a comment by someone who is forever posting religious stuff on Facebook, going on about how she admires Trump and his attitude about all them foreigners...then goes out on her OWN limb, suggesting "we" simply NUKE any country that we don't like, or has a different religion than the official one she thinks the U.S. has.

    The whole concept of Christianity has dried completely up in such people--including Trump.

    (Does he claim to BE one? He'll have to sing their tune, if he wants the rightwingnuts to back him. I can just hear him: "Fuggin-A RIGHT, I'm a goddam Christian!")

  19. honeybabe5:00 PM

    president obama was wonderful even tho' i, too, miss the old obama from the 08 campaign. probably it's amazing he has accomplished anything given all the stonewalling from the repubs and tea party folks.

  20. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I repeat...Trump is an asshat.


  21. Donald Trump is just another piece of shit that the Repubs & baggers have paraded out to attack President Obama.

    Just like Sarah is paid to lie and distort everything in order to trash the President.

    I pray that Sarah and Donald and the rest of the lying deceitful ones get their worst nightmares and that they are shaken to their toenails. They are only for the rich and they continually fuck the rest of the American people.

  22. He's an idiot. I really wish the media would have a Trump Blackout so that the rest of humanity wouldn't be bombarded by that piece of excrement's bs. Of course, there are those who are having too much fun poking fun at The Donald *rolling eyes*.

  23. Anonymous5:15 PM

    The orange man with the stupidest hairdo in America calls Seth a stutterer? You wish you were funny, Donald. Then you might "get" why we've been laughing at you SINCE THE 1980s!
    Oh, and fuck you!

  24. Does Trump even have a clue that, if it weren't for his inherited money, no one would have married his sorry ass? Does he really think that a "rill person" and not a gold digger would bed him, an alarming haired jerk whose mouth resembles a sphincter?

    If not for his inherited money, he would probably be working at some minimum wage job. And probably not worried about gas at $5.00 a gallon because he couldn't afford a car.

  25. Anonymous5:45 PM

    This is a man who implies that the President could not possibly have gotten into Columbia and Harvard Law School by by virtue of his hard work and intelligence because he 'heard' somewhere that Obama was a poor student. Graduating Magna Cum Laude from Harvard Law School and being selected as president of the Law Review aside, Obama MUST have broken some rules or had some special help because he's....
    you know...

    And Trump is suddenly an arbiter of what's 'appropriate'??????

    I try to avoid allowing myself to hate anyone, but I HATE Donald Trump!

  26. Anonymous5:46 PM

    He's just like Palin. They both insult people all day long and then whine like toddlers when the tables are turned.

  27. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Donnie Trump is the new "teeny weenie" version of "Ima Victim" that the screetching harpie Sarah Palin loves to play. Do you suppose that he has been taping her and practicing the role??? He sure did learn it fast!

    BTW, if the asshole thinks now is not the time to take a FUN BREAK, then why was he there with his slutty looking wife???

    AND all over the media playing IMA VICTIM today, pooching his mouth out like a Howler Monkey, while giving us all more of his bullshit to make us laugh even more???

  28. emrysa5:51 PM

    man you know the donald is really grasping at straws to call seth meyers a "stutterer."

    seth fucking KILLED IT last night! I watched the video this morning and laffed like hell. he did an excellent job.

  29. meena5:55 PM


    We have to check Rachel show tom- Megan McCain is the guest and Rachel got a chance to speak to Palin @ MSNBC party:

    Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin may prefer the vanilla mocha back at the Mocha Moose in Wasilla — but she got her caffeine fix on with a Diet Coke during the White House Correspondents’ Dinner weekend festivities. At the height of MSNBC’s after-party at the Italian Embassy just after midnight- Palin’s hostess Greta Van Susteran ran off to find the guest bartender, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, and procure the needed caffeiniated beverage.

    Surely Maddow was happy to oblige, after the former vice presidential nominee said how much she “admires” the journalist.

    “Your work ethic shines,” she said to the MSNBC anchor.

    An interesting admiration, to be sure. Earlier, while on the red carpet with her husband, Todd, Palin named Van Susteran as her choice for today’s most influential journalist.

  30. meena6:02 PM

    WTF is wrong with MSNBC??

  31. Anonymous6:13 PM

    May I ask why Donald attended the dinner if he feels this way? Anyone with a functioning brain knows that the WH Correspondents' Dinner is a frivolous occasion, designed for fun. Not a "think tank". So is Donald's brain non-functioning or is he just a gigantic asshole? The jury is out.

  32. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Meena, Tomorrow on Rachel, shes discussing her visit to the NRA thingy.

  33. Another Republican that can dish it out, but can't take it. Just a big goofy hair douchebag. Like Palin.

  34. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Donald Trump is the last man in America that would give up a pampered lifestyle, no matter who in America was struggling.

    He just couldn't stand OTHER PEOPLE at the dinner laughing and having a good time, while he was (rightfully) being made fun of.

    Just like the contemptible woman, he can dish it out, but not take it.

    Donald Trump put the "dunce" hat on, and has no one to blame but himself if people point and laugh.

    Trump / Palin 2012 - Comedy gold as these two idiots make fools of themselves.

  35. Enjay in E MT6:28 PM

    The Donald was sooo pissed last night - couldn't run, couldn't hide, just had to sit there & take it. He is like Palin - will plot his revenge in more in-direct ways.

  36. Anonymous6:31 PM

    "...but FUCK YOU Donald Trump!"
    And ROYALLY!!! Hee hee.

    This idiot is such a clown, he has drawn this kind of fire. What a major schmuck!!!

  37. Anonymous6:51 PM

    HA! I bet Obama knew about Bin Laden being killed last night!
    Take that Donald Trump!

  38. Gryphen

    Breaking News

    President Obama to announce Osama bin Laden is dead -

    MSNBC website - NBC news

    stay tuned

  39. Anonymous6:59 PM


    Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!!
    The US has his dead body.

    I'm sure Palin & Trump will do everything to spin this on the President. Haven't figured out how - but I'm sure they will give they're best try.

  40. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I will not vote for anyone who swears. Period. Bristol looked like trailer trash when she said that if she won Don't Watch This Show that it would be like giving everyone the finger-- did his high Trumpness admire that? Next we will see Boobies III saying it. No class. Bristol Momma has thrown around some trash talk that was very, very tacky. I didn't like Clinton for what he brought to the national stage for sex-- he should have known better. Is this the stamp of being presidential in the Republican eyes?

    If the Dems stoop, I will vote independent.

  41. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Yeah! President Obama took out Osama Bin Laden! He made the call to take him out in Pakistan, no civilians were hurt, Go to to see his speech!

    What an amazing leader!

    What Bush failed to do for eight years, Obama did in his first term!

    "Forget You", Donald Trump.
    "Refudiate" that Sarah Palin
    "Bite Me" Karl Rove
    "Eat Shit" Dick Cheyney
    "Mission Accomplished" GW Bush!

  42. Gasman8:19 PM

    Trump is a cowardly little shit, AND he is too stupid to realize that he is the butt of national jokes.

    Does he think this response makes him look like he was cut from presidential cloth?

    Trump is DOA as a candidate, but that doesn't mean he isn't stupid enough to run anyway.

    Please God, please, oh please, oh please, oh PLEASE!!!! LET DONALD TRUMP RUN FOR POTUS!!!!!!

    Trump/Bachmann 2012:
    Because we need more stupid fucking racists.

  43. I couldn't agree more G - what an asshole! And so what if Seth is a stutterer?! Good for him for getting up in front of a crowd and giving you the crap you deserve, you low-life scumbag. Unbelievable that anyone would seriously consider him a candidate for president...I agree with Seth too - I thought he was running as a joke.

  44. Anonymous9:08 PM

    State Sen. Leland Yee, who criticized UC Stanislaus for not releasing how much it paid Palin, praised the college in Lemoore for being more transparent.

    "I'm very pleased the foundation disclosed how much they will be paying Palin," Yee said. "I'm a little disappointed by the fact that Palin is a millionaire and our students are struggling, some of them cannot afford to go to college. I was hoping Sarah Palin would defer the fee and do the speech for the goodness of the college and for our students."

  45. Gryph:

    I second your emotions - Fuck him!

  46. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Ha Ha Ha Ha

    While Trumpster is looking glum during the POTUS's brilliant comedic delivery, POTUS also had a top secret mission underway to eradicate Bin Laden. Talk about multitasking! Now doesn't the Trumpster's whining look even more pathetic?

    The 2nd best thing about the news tonight is imagining Paylin and Trumpster banging their heads against the wall.

  47. Anonymous4:16 AM

    He may SAY he was "having a good time" but I bet he was not having NEARLY as good a time as the rest of us who were rolling on the floor laughing at Seth's jokes. "The Donald" did not LOOK like he was enjoying himself. He, like Palin, is NOT presidential material. How would they have time to run the country when all they do is focus on themselves??

  48. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Why isn't Sarah Palin calling press conferences and throwing a giant hissy fit about Trump saying Meyers is a "stutterer" like stuttering is bad and stutterers are less than? I thought she got her panties in a knot over any perceived verbal slight against any real or imagined form of "special needs." No?


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