Thursday, July 07, 2011

A message from the Muslims who share our country, My Fellow Americans.

The vilification of the Muslim community in America is one of the saddest, and most profane things to happen to any group of people in my lifetime. The attacks of 9-11 provided, for some, the excuse to wage a holy war right in the heart of our country, and to bury their fellow citizens under shovelfuls of hateful rhetoric, shameful accusations, and religious intolerance.

As many of you know, I am not much of fan of ANY religious belief, but I DO love people.  And these are simply people.  What's more they are OUR people.  And they deserve our acceptance, our respect, and our protection.

To learn more please visit this website.

Thank you.


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Personally I think all those crazy middle eastern religions like Christianity should be outlawed.
    (snark on)

    I think their are dangerous extremists in every religion and I also think that most people who practice any religion are NOT extremists. That said, our fore fathers made sure there would be a seperation of church and state. It has worked well for all of us for a couple of hundred of years and I do not like the trend to mix the two at all. It would end our country as we know it.

  2. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The irony is that the most anti-Islamic Americans are Fundamentalist Christians!!

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    7:16 AM

    They CLAIM to be(_fill in the blank_) Christians.

  4. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Off topic, Bristol on The View.

    None of the co-hosts hugged Bristol -they normally do, including Elisabeth.

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    O/T...Bristol is on the View right now trashing Levi....he needs to speak up. Anyway i refuse to watch more of her and give her ratings

  6. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Those "Christians" who follow Palin and Bachmann are the ones who are the "extremists." = I say so, as someone who use to go to church and conducted home Bible study.

    Our forefathers knew the implications of severe religious idealogy, therefore we must continue the separation of church and state. Our country is built on freedom of religion. I, personally, have gone on to study most of them. I have very good friends from various religions. I enjoy attending their events and experiencing the love and acceptance that all of them share.

    We can't judge a whole people, by the few nuts.

  7. Anonymous7:53 AM

    What a great website. It makes me proud of the many people who have stepped forward in getting out the message. It is worth perusing!

  8. Anonymous7:59 AM

    O/T- For those wondering about the relationship of Bristol & ABC, you can thank Candies for that. They bought her way onto the 1st show where she had the wooden cameo & they have been putting her in ABC ever since.

    On topic, great post. Thanks for standing up for Muslims.

  9. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Good post Gryphen- Thanks

  10. The narration gave me creepy, cold shivers. Truly ugly. Our fellow Americans deserve much better.

  11. angela8:10 AM

    Thanks for the post gryphen.

  12. Anonymous8:26 AM

    O/T - Breaking News

    News of the World will stop publishing with last issue on Sunday.

    "Alastair Campbell on PM:"People again will find that extraordinary you've got these 200 people without their jobs whereas the people who presided it [are secure". He also questions if it's a "bit tactical" for BSkyB deal."

    I agree with Campbell. Murdoch is more interested in BSkyB which will be a disaster if Murdoch takes that over.

    I also believe that News of the World will resurface under a different name. Murdoch believes himself to be smarter than the low life working folks.

    That it has been revealed about the voicemail of a murdered girl, dead military members and others that the news is drip, dripping out -- Murdoch and his hacks aren't in the driver seat anymore. They have awoken the sleeping tiger.

  13. Anonymous8:33 AM

    This just blew me away, not because I share your world view, but because it's America's diversity that makes it Exceptional.

    Very Powerful!

    Thank You

  14. Anonymous8:49 AM

    O/T re Murdoch Umpire - News of the World closing and Now a 2nd Paper being investigated. Yahoo!!!:

    Crooks and Liars has a post:
    UPDATE: And now a second paper under Rupert's umbrella is under suspicion for doing the same thing.

    Today, The Independent reported that hacking allegations have engulfed a second publication of Rupert Murdoch's -- The Sun -- his "best-selling" daily paper in the U.K. Previously, the scandal was confined to Murdoch's News of the World tabloid. From The Independent:

    Detectives are looking into allegations that a second newspaper at Rupert Murdoch's News International may have used hacked voicemails to publish stories about the private life of a prominent public figure

    When is the US going to investigate Murdoch!! Here's hoping.

  15. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I was swayed to think poorly of anyone of the Muslim faith, when none of the "normal" ones came forward to condemn the evil actions of the crazy element in their midst.

    But then, it dawned on me that all the "normal" people of the Christian faith, have gone eerily silent as one standing up to say that the Taliban-like actions of many American religious leaders, is not representative of a Jesus-based belief system.

    All of which adds up to a very sad portrayal, of anyone in America who considers themselves "religious."

  16. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Wow -- that is really powerful.

    Thanks for sharing Gryphen. I will pass it on !

  17. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Love this. Everyone should see it. Thank you for posting.

  18. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Thank you. :)

  19. Anonymous3:42 AM

    when i see someone in islamic garb in my daily life, like a cashier in a supermarket wearing that scarf, i feel like telling them, "this is america - act like it, or go somewhere else"


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