Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ruopert Murdoch nearly hit by pie plate full of whipped cream while testifying today. Updated with Tweets!

(This is a replacement video, because the first one was yanked.)

I LOVE that Murdoch's ninja wife knocked the snot out of this guy before security can even reach him.

I will add my tweets later.

Update: Here are my tweets during the Murdoch's testimony before the British Parliament.

Murdoch's statement that this is "the most humble day of my life" in front of UK Parliament, may qualify him for a Razzie. Horrible acting!

So to be clear Rupert Murdoch has absolutely NO idea what is going on in his companies. Is that about right?

Is that Murdoch's wife behind him? The cameras should focus on her face while he testifies. I don't believe she has a good poker face.(Murdoch's wife, Wendi Deng, kept shifting her position and making faces behind her husband while he was testifying. You could tell when she was concerned about what he was saying. At this point I had no idea she was preparing for battle.)

Proof that Murdoch is an American Republican. He says he is NOT responsible for what happened at News Corp.

James Murdoch is a very accomplished bullshit artist. Surprisingly Rupert, much less so.

Parliament needs to focus on Murdoch senior. He is the weak link here. Junior is VERY slick.

That "Willful blindness" question seems to have effectively harshed young James Murdoch's mellow. Don't you agree?

Somebody tried to jump Murdoch? THAT is the guy I want to see interviewed. (I missed the initial attack, and only saw it seconds later on playback form MSNBC, which at first was only showing the reaction from James and Wendy Deng slapping the comedy right out of the guy, before her non-ninja approved high heels made her lose her balance.)

Damn! His wife totally bitch slapped the guy!

It looks like the guy got pied. (At this point I had no idea what was all over him.)

Oh, the guy tried to hit Rupert Murdoch with a pie. Apparently thinks he is on the Benny Hill Show.

Murdoch's ninja trained wife stopped the guy from getting goo on her sugar daddy.

Yes I know that "goo on her sugardaddy" sounds vaguely sexual, but that was probably just an accident on my part.

MSNBC is reporting that the man tried to hit Murdoch with a "white substance." Just leave it alone Gryph. Don't make the bukakke joke. Damn! (Someday I am confident I will mature.  Just not today.)

Murdoch has NOT considered resigning? That arrogance will be his downfall.

At the closing of the testimony from Charles Montgomery Burns and his sidekick, Smithers, they were allowed to read from a prepared statement which you can find here.

I have to say I found that testimony fascinating, but I do not think that even Murdoch's super slick son was effective enough to convince the Parliament that there was not some serious wrong doing on the part of father and son.  Well father at least. 


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    ROTFLMAO! Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM


  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    "I LOVE that Murdoch's ninja wife knocked the snot out of this guy before security can even reach him."


    Murdoch is getting exactly what he deserves. They should award the comedian a medal. I'd have pied her too!

  4. Tiger Wife: I protect you long time.

  5. I'm sorry, but that is just wrong.

    No matter what this guy did, there is no reason to reduce testimony before a government body to a circus sideshow. No excuse at all.

    It is disrespectful to the PROCESS of law.

  6. Anonymous9:12 AM


    Now Iḿ wishing some hippie grandmother will snatch sarah´s wig off her head.

  7. Anonymous9:14 AM

    And when murdock junior was asked about Milly Dowler, he actually forgot her name as he tried to say how awfulit was that someone hacked her phone. He sat there silent trying to remember it, someone in the background gave him the name and he continued with his fake horror. I hope these two get a double room in prison.

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Your readers will likely enjoy this from the same artist who did The Undefeated poster I put in the comments yesterday. No one escapes this mockery if it is deserved.


  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    LOL! That artist friend did this while I was posting above!


  10. Pat in MA9:25 AM

    Stupid. And don't they have security checks? How did this guy smuggle in a plate and shaving cream?

  11. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Ha! That was funny. But-his wife needs to work on that bitch slap technique.She fell to the ground right after she hit him.Too bad it wasn't a shoe-that might have hurt something other than that dirty S.O.B's pride.

  12. 10catsinMD9:33 AM

    Sorry, I think his wife should have been knocked flat also too! Murdock got what he deserved!

  13. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Imagine if Rupert M. got the pie in his face! Now that would have been pretty funny. Having security wipe the meringue off his face. That image would be on Time Magazine's Man of the Year.

  14. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I agree with mlaippa @9:09 am.
    It is disrespectful of the court of law. We can't keep the repubs in this country accountable for their heinous crimes. We can't address or react to the heinous disrespect of the president of the USA. Yet we can condone actions like this, regardless of the country and issue at hand. Let's get civilized, folks.
    Caroline in MI

  15. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I agree that the guy with the pie is funny, but the major news outlets are leading with the Balloon Boy headline, rather than Rupert and his corrupt business practices.

  16. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:03 AM

    This is Murdoch's own personal Karmagheddon. Hopefully, it'll be Sarah's turn soon!

  17. Anonymous10:04 AM

    You are too funny!

  18. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Behavioral scientists take note: today's Parliamentary hearings will be a clinic on how high-functioning sociopaths can procure sympathy, deflect blame, and dodge accountability for heinous crimes by mimicking genuine human emotions, feigning humility and injury, and, above all else, scapegoating.


  19. Beldar Fah Seeshush Conehead10:27 AM

    Hang in there, Rupe!!! Don't let the pansy ass liberals push you around. Don't retreat!!! RELOAD WITH REALITY, wrinkly old white dude!!!

  20. Virginia Voter10:35 AM

    Crystal Sage....TIGER WIFE! Well played.

    Murdoch's son was turning splotchy and his ears were bright red...a true sign he was lying, or at least uncomfortable with his answers. Since Rupert is the anti-Christ he can lie as easily as he breathes, but James, not so much.

    This scandal will end with the resignation of David Cameron the British PM, mark my words. He is in this shit up to his eyeballs. It is wider and deeper than anyone can imagine. Cameron will be out of office within 2-3 months tops.

  21. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Gee, does James have a stuttering problem or is he just REALLY guilty? Once again, in my advancing age, I am embarrassed to know that there are morons running the world out there and they probably can't even wipe their ass. Rupert was a complete flop and I was embarrassed for him. I understand he is old, but he is beyond clueless. Looks like his minions were keeping him out of the loop and running circles around him, or he is more evil than everyone says he is with his lies and lack of accountability.

  22. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Resign? Never! He's a hard nosed Republican! People will respect him more for being a jerk.

  23. Anonymous10:44 AM

    We would all have liked to have done that to Murdoch but the sad thing is -- that will be the headline. It's like handing Murdoch a 'free victim card' and not be the story of how 'hands off' the 3 of them were heading the company. So in the end, I would have bitch slapped the fucker too - for total stupidity. It showed how Scotland Yard - for many years thought to have been 'good' at their job where fucking idiots knowing there were only about 50 seats in the room. DUH - the asshole had a blue shopping bag on his person when he entered. Did Scotland Yard morons search people -- appears not. How fucking stupid of them -- the egg is on their face.

  24. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Wasn't his wife in a pink jacket? The woman who thumped the attacker was wearing a gray jacket.

  25. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Typical of corporate CEO types who claim that they must be paid giganto-mega-bucks because they are so important that the organization can't run without them. Until the fewmets hit the windmill at which point it's all "I didn't have any knowledge of what was going on."

  26. FEDUP!!!10:46 AM

    So, let me get this straight: Murdoch has NOTHING to do with the day-to-day operations, yet he IS THE ONLY ONE who can save the mess his company has gotten into through no fault of his? Yeah. Right.

  27. Anonymous10:49 AM

    David Brooks slams Palin:

    "Show Horses" (Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann) LOL


  28. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I agree with you 10:22. These are high-functioning sociopaths who are gaming the system.

  29. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Perhaps this incident was staged by the Murdochs to make it look like some bully pie-thrower was picking on a feeble old man who had to be protected by his 42 year old wife?

  30. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Actually it was the grey suited woman(lawyer) who interfered first and kept the pie smasher from doing his thing to Rupert.

    If the security was so tight, how did this guy get in? They have had problems in the past so I thought they were as tight as Fort Knox.

  31. wakeUpAmerica10:55 AM

    Funny as hell. Good for the guy having the chutzpah to go after that hemorrhoid Murdock. Too bad he couldn't do a three-fer and get his lying son and wife as well.
    ROFLMAO!! Politics is such a joke.

  32. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Fuck Wendi Deng. I hope the pie guy sues her for assault and gets all the money she's counting on Murdoch to give her when he kicks her out for cheating on him with whichever ancient guy she "falls in love" with next.

  33. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I think the shareholders of NewsCorp need competent leaders. The Murdochs and the people they've put in place seem incompetent and irresponsible.

    I was truly offended by Rupert's attempt to dismiss his culpability by saying essentially he had better, more important things to do than follow the disreputable scandal sheet simply because "it's such a small part" of his business empire.

    I think we all know that policy is set from on high, not down in the trenches. It is not just one newspaper that is being investigated for playing fast and loose with laws and ethics. I contend that there is a culture of corruption and do whatever-it-takes mentally in NewsCorps.

    There have been too many former and current employees come forward to say this is an fluke in a minor paper. That "minor" paper has a circulation of millions.

    Murdoch left Australia because of scandals and because he couldn't conduct his business in the sleazy way he does here. America needs more not less regulation of corporate practices, particularly in the realm of media.

  34. eclecticsandra11:02 AM

    Reminds me of the Palins with the birthday cake in Piper's face. I think it is a British thing.

  35. Anonymous11:02 AM

    He absolutely deserved it. Yes, I laughed. But, I think it's unfortunate that he can now claim to be a "victim". WAHHHHH-WAHHHH! STFU Rupert!

  36. Anonymous11:06 AM

    C'mon dude, he wasn't hit, but AlMOSST hit :-(

  37. Anonymous11:09 AM

    He deserved this and more.

  38. Anonymous LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn said...

    This is Murdoch's own personal Karmagheddon. Hopefully, it'll be Sarah's turn soon!

    10:03 AM
    that or the Murdochalypse as I read somewhere yesterday.

  39. Anonymous11:26 AM

    looks like it was the woman in the grey suit that deflected the pie away from Murdoch

  40. Watched this and Rebekah's testimony. Very interesting that both Murdochs and Brooks had no idea what their subordinates were doing. Which means they really are lying.

    Johnny Marbles is the comedian who threw the pie. The pie now has its own twitter feed...

    Been following ExNOTWjourno2 on Twitter. Absolutely fascinating. Although Piers Morgan is denying having anything to do with the phone hacking, she seems to be saying that yes, he did have something to do with it.

  41. Anonymous11:31 AM

    It is difficult to care whether he was Boston Cremed. It is rather sad that this is the headline that is being reported in major news organizations. It might be more important to mention that Murdock took absolutely NO responsibility for any of this.

  42. https://twitter.com/dcagle/status/93400098968576001

    ....when you need to be alone...go see a Sarah Lou film

  43. Anonymous12:00 PM

    rats. the video has been removed. 8(

  44. Anonymous12:11 PM

    you're on a roll today Gryphen-- thanks for all the laffs! & I agree with you re: pieing-- just makes Murdoch seem like a victim wtf

  45. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Great, thanks to this dumbass clown, here is the focus of our pathetic media:


    Tiger wife, my ass. Try pissy bitch taking out her barely controlled rage (see her face during Rupert's sad attempt at testifying) on a moron with a shaving cream pie. People now tweeting, "Go Wendi!". Ugh, we're so doomed.

  46. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I'd like to let you know that now that I have went and googled 'bukkake'...well, you may as well go ahead and make the joke

  47. Anonymous1:15 PM

    A Meme Begins: Murdoch Wife’s Wiki Page Updated To Describe Her ‘Ninja Background’ Following Attack

    And then some guy tried to pie Murdoch in the face only to get punched by the CEO’s wife, Wendi Deng.

    Guess which part of the proceedings the Internet is focusing on?

    With even one of Murdoch’s most aggressive questioner on the panel, Tom Watson, agreeing that Deng has a strong “left hook,” it’s no surprise that a meme is being born. Our own Alex Alvarez caught the first sign of it on Deng’s Wikipedia page with a strange edit


  48. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Please Gryphen...never ever mature. I am in stitches reading you post and I am at work..this is not good. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

  49. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I think that Murdoch paid handsomly to have someone do this to him.
    He suddenly becomes the victim and Wendi looks like the fierce and devoted wife.
    This man deserves no sympathy whatsoever.
    His power-hungry and despicable business practices helped to support 2 wars that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties, help to depress our economy, and relentlessly inflict the imbeciles Palin, Beck, Huckabee, Santorum, etc. upon the public.

  50. Anonymous2:15 PM

    On the contrary, Gryph, I think they did a good job of mitigating the damages to their company and their personal reputations. I don't necessarily believe it, but James the Lesser certainly was a smooth operator. I was quite impressed with his responses, especially when he caught himself using too much business jargon and rephrased things in plain English. He's very articulate and accessible, two obvious traits of a con man (and some nice men, but I wouldn't bet on it here). One almost could like him. I switched off just before the pie incident though, darn! Too bad the angle on the video is so poor. Loved your tweets.

  51. Anonymous3:41 PM

    was it whipped cream or shaving cream?

  52. Anonymous3:44 PM

    10catsinMD - I'm with you. Murdoch
    will skate. Any monetary losses he
    'suffers'will come out of his pocket change. These types don't do jail time. If the pie thrower had conected before the little trophy wife jumped in, it would've been the only penalty that old goat Murdoch would've gotten. He &
    his son & the rest of that cabal
    aren't humbled by anything, just sorry they got caught.

    Sharon TN

  53. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Read Wiki about Wendi. She is quite a number. In China she got friendly with a married couple, asked them to teach her English and sponser her. Got thrown out of the home she weasled her way into by the wife. The husband (30 years older) married Wendi, then she cheated on him within months and that was that.

    Onward and upward.

    She can't go more upward than Rupert, and she is 42.

  54. Just before the shaving cream pie attack of comedian and activist May-Bowles aka Jonnie Marbles he tweeted, "It is a far better thing that I do now than I have ever done before". When the pie thrower was arrested he kept making this statement, “I cannot comment on an ongoing police investigation.” He is my favorite kind of smart ass.

    Anonymous 10:22 AM: Let me add a hell yes to your comment.

  55. Anonymous5:18 PM

    "Knocked the snot" out of the guy? Please, more like she flailed away at him before falling flat on her face.

  56. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Wow, I'm not getting why some leftie guys are cheering this dragon lady on. Gryphen, Russell Simmons, Nicholas Kristof...is it because she's Asian? Would you be cheering on Karl Rove's wife if she did the same thing in the same situation?

  57. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I have to agree that this prankster showed a great disrespect for the law. The sole focus should be shed on RuPert and Chronies.

    I find it extremely insulting to the victims and to all who watched this poor old victim gazillioniaire, who has power, wealth beyond excessive, play the "I don't know what's going on in all my publications at any given time, I'm just a "job creator" who doesn't run a tight ship" schtick.

    The son and gold digging wife just sit by and let the cooks run the asylum?

    He's so humbled, because he got caught.

    And Gryph, maturity is highly overrated, don't ever change!

  58. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I watched the hearing too, but was NOT impressed by son James. He had the talking points down, but clearly doing nothing but brown nosing the committee to the max. "Poor us, that was before my time, we're SO sorry, we have a very strict ethics policy, those few bad apples made us look bad, we're good, ethical, got right on it etc." Couldn't lie with a straight face - unlike his father.

    Anyone who believes Rupert wasn't personally directing this whole culture of deceit, dirty tricks and lies across all agencies in his corrupt media world is a fool.

  59. A UK Reader3:05 AM

    A very funny and astute article about the Murdoch hearing in today's Telegraph in the UK:


  60. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Who was the woman in grey suit that defended Murdoch from the pie thrower?


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