Monday, August 29, 2011

In the least surprising news of the day, Dick Cheney is still a liar.

I have the hardest time imaginable believing ANYBODY from the Bush administration.

But if I had to choose somebody, it would be Colin Powell hands down.

If the video does not play for you, try clicking here.)


  1. Sally in MI4:26 AM

    Yes, had the Bush administration not turned Powell into a liar in front of the world, I think he would have been the first black President.

  2. cuppajoe4:44 AM

    I have ALWAYS respected Colin Powell. This interview reinforces my feeling that the man was, and is, solid as a rock and always strong in his beliefs, that he served patriotically and to the best of his abilities for the good of the country and his president, and that Cheney was pissed because Powell couldn't be made a tool of Cheney's.

    I hope it is Cheney's head that explodes after his poisonous bile is released to the public. Couldn't happen to a more disgusting, pro-torture, anti-American thug than Cheney.

  3. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Didn't General Powell do a wonderful job of diminishing Cheney? With total calm and not a hint of rancor, he ground Cheney into the pavement.

  4. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Sorry, forgot to include link re Powell and Vietnam:

  5. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Powell has redeemed himself for the time he served under Bush.

    Saying McCain chose wrong in putting Palin on as a V.P. running-mate selection, honoring all soldiers of color and faith, and calling Cheney to the mat - he has called it like he see's it, which is a trait that the Tea Party adores.

    Want to guess how they are taking this uppity Black person's views, biting the hand that fed him?

  6. Anonymous5:38 AM

    As a high ranking military officer who didn't get his commission because his daddy was some Congress Critter, he is the epitome of the honor, respect and integrity. I remember at the conclusion of the first Gulf War, BOTH parties lobbied for him to be their candidate. He wisely declined, but he could have been darn near president by acclamation.

    I'm not surprised he's standing up to Cheney's wild ass lies. He's still royally pissed the Bushies lied to him about Iraq, and got him to repeat those lies to the UN. I hope he writes his own book about what really happened during the Bush fiasco. I would believe every word.

  7. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Dick.. please go to Spain for a book signing.

  8. Nikogriego6:10 AM

    I'll never forgive him for the United Nations presentation about the alleged weapons of mass destruction that were supposedly everywhere in Iraq, which was totally false.

    Now we have a completely broken country, millions dead, infrastructure destroyed, factional fighting, and huge incentives to hate the US.

    Even if was trying to be a good soldier, his loyalty should have been to the US, not to George W. Bush.

  9. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I dont understand whats so bad about Bush or Cheney.

  10. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Cheney has been more honest than Bush about their administration's torture policy: he openly states he'd do it again if he found himself in a panic.

  11. We don't see him often enough these years. I don't even know what he's doing now, but I have always admired him, and it was great to watch this interview. What a difference between him and Cheney. Our country needs more men like Colin Powell.

  12. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I watched that interview and applauded him.

  13. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Such an eloquent man.

    No surprise that Cheney has espoused the "talk to the hand" mindset. He's a bitter old codger.

    I still giggle thinking of him being tooled around in the wheelchair at President Obama's inauguration. "Dr. Strangelove," anyone?

  14. What's been so striking to me in this recent coverage of Cheney's book is his appearance.

    Clearly, it seems his health has declined. He looks almost gaunt, definitely frail.

    And while it goes against my nature to wish someone ill, I can't help but wonder if part of his decline isn't due to his own evil and hate eating him up from the inside. A bit ironic that what ails him is his heart.

    I believe he really is driven by dark forces, and I find some peace in this evidence that evil people reap what they sow.

  15. So I almost never go to C4P because it's depressing. But I do occasionally check SP's FB page, esp in moments like these when I half-expect her to spout off with something, either as a reaction to pressure or to cultivate some coverage.

    Was just there and she hasn't said anything.

    But I did see this comment from one of her followers, and it struck me as such a terrific example of the ignorance of a subset of our population:

    "Sarah, can you please explain again in simple language for the Harvard eggheads who still think raising taxes will work to restore our economy."

    That's right, folks. Simple ideas in simple language ALWAYS trump Harvard eggheads. How we run our family's accounts are the model for managing national finance. Let's not trouble our pretty little heads with complex thought or anything. We'll just smile & not to whatever Sister Sarah says, and who gives a f**k if we're just handing more of our money and our futures to the super-rich and the mega-corporations. Go Sarah!!!

    No wonder our country is in such a s**tpile. Ugh.

  16. Anonymous7:53 AM

    @6:14 am - if you don't yet understand what is wrong with Bush and Cheney, then I doubt you ever will. They were/are dishonest and responsible for the deaths of many people around the world and the hate they spread continues to this day.

  17. Invisible Dragon8:48 AM

    I was totally crushed when I learned that Powell's UN presentation was a steaming crock. Out of all the players at that time, I really trusted Powell. I still can't decide if he was tricked like the rest of us or if he was somehow sucked in by methods still unknown.

    I do think he could have been president before that speech. I certainly would have voted for him.

    And he will always be a better man than either Bush or Cheney, UN speech or not.

  18. Anonymous9:08 AM

    6:14 - you said you "don't understand what's so bad about Bush or Cheney" - have you been asleep for the past decade?

    Goodness, it doesn't take a high IQ to understand the damage those two did to this country. They favored the rich, they sent young men and women to their deaths needlessly, they lied, they hide the costs in terms of both money and lives from the American people of the Iraq War - a totally senseless and needless war, they turned their backs on Americans who needed help during and after Hurricane Katrina, Cheney profited financially from the Swine Flu swindle, they committed war crimes, the shafted the middle class, and set back public education decades while underfunding it. They deregulated financial markets thereby laying the groundwork for the recession we are now in. Their lax attitudes towards financial managers empowered people like Bernie Maddoff to swindle thousands of people and undermine millions of others who depend upon retirement pensions. All this is only the surface of the damage these two crooks and buffoons did.

    I go could on, but why should I? You need to read up on recent history. Because of your own lazy intellect and those of others like you, our country has been damaged almost beyond recovery. Thank goodness for a competent and compassionate man such as President Obama.

    Start reading. Start thinking. Stop being a mindless twit. Your own future is dependent upon your ability to learn from this shameful past. If you don't learn, you will continue to vote for and support creeps and crooks such as these.

  19. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Colin Powell is a true patriot, so unlike the faux patriots such as Bush, Cheney, Palin, Perry, Bachmann and the rest.

    He, like President Obama, exercises a calm and cool intellect. Both share a high sense of honor and commitment to this country that we all should emulate.

    I remember seeing his closest aide being interviewed on MSNBC several times over the past couple of years, and each time his aide's indignation over the shameful Bush-Cheney treatment of Colin Powell shone through. He knew firsthand what a raw deal his boss was getting and what shitheads and liars Bush and Cheney were.

    History will not be kind to either George W. Bush or Cheney despite their ego-tainted claims otherwise. I wish the current administration would let those other countries extradite Dick and George to war crime trials. It is one of the few regrets I have of the past three years - that both Cheney and Bush got away with destroying this country's integrity through their war policies and financial incompetence and lies.

    Praises to both Powell and Obama!

    It must really piss-off the TP and many in the GOP to see two black men hailed as heroes and great leaders.

  20. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I was thinking more of Mr. Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life"!

  21. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I have had a great deal of respect for Colin Powell. Cheney is repulsive, and I am not going to watch his interviews or read his new book. He's been all about big money, and we see how Halliburton has profited from the war. How many American people out there have finally come to realize what Cheney has really been all about?

  22. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Chaney just continues to prove is a rabid cur.
    He is just plain mean to the core. He had not business being in the position of power that he was. Just another strike against Duhbya's total lack of judgement.

    Not to mention lack being able to judge other people's hearts and souls.

  23. Anonymous8:00 PM

    "I dont understand whats so bad about Bush or Cheney."

    Sounds like one of the early Sarah Palin interview answers.

    This, folks, is why we need to fully fund public schools and truancy officers.


    What galls me most is Cheyney, with no holds barred, comes out with both pistols firing (and his lawyer in a safe underground bunker) while looking frail and on his last breath shows how cowardly this man is. The visual of anyone speaking the truth against him is in his favor now, but history won't be kind to him at all.

    Anyone buying any of their books is a buffoon.

  24. hauksdottir8:47 PM


    I'm not as trusting as you are... perhaps because I'm of the Vietnam generation, when so many of my classmates were sent off to die in the mud for corporations and their lies.

    Powell lied and lied and lied again.

    "Yet behind this warm, cuddly, self-assured image is a mountain of dirt that the mainstream media refused to mention as they tripped over themselves to kiss Powell's brass. The problems with Powell are numerous and could probably fill a book-length expose. In the interest of time, here's a boiled-down look at the skeletons in Powell's foot locker."

    He covered up the My Lai massacre. Even worse, he EXCUSED THE DELIBERATE KILLING!!! OF CHILDREN!!!!!! (My keyboard can't express my outrage and disgust for War Crimes against the truly defenseless.)

    Add this from the Gulf War: "Despite his rather inept handling of the situation, Powell became a war hero for presiding over a lopsided slaughter--which included burying Iraqis alive and massacring them as they retreated--that left around 200,000 Iraqis dead (including tens of thousands of civilians), compared to 147 Americans killed by the enemy (with an additional 207 killed by accidents or "friendly fire"). Furthermore, Powell targeted for destruction Iraq's water systems, power supplies, civilian factories, and other non-military targets, actions which are war crimes."

    quotes from 2001, here:

    And, IIRC, he was also involved in the Pat Tillman cover-up. He is a consummate liar.

  25. Anonymous6:14 AM

    To Anony @ 6:14am
    Where the he-- have you been for the last ten years?


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