Friday, September 16, 2011

On Hardball it's Palin-bots and ex-Palin-bots on parade attempting to minimize the impact of the McGinniss book.

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Clearly Shushannah Walshe is still shotgunning Palin brand Kool-aid, but Frank Bailey serves as a fairly effective counterpoint right up until Mathews hits too close to home with the Domionist talk forcing Bailey to make the attempt to change the subject.

By the way just imagine how much better Bailey's book might have been if he had not been so  worried about protecting himself from possible legal action? If that had happened it might have been Joe McGinniss commenting on HIS book instead of the other way around.


  1. Anonymous6:23 PM

    That Shhusshannahh Walshe is such an incredibly stupid twit. Am more anxious to see the last of her than even the grifter herself.

  2. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Hi Bristol welcome back! Quick question: how did Todd react when you told him you were naming your son after his prostitute?

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Hey Bristol why did you let Sarah steal your baby? You're a bad mother that's why.

  4. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Bailey's going down. Due process may be slow, but if the FBI is looking into Gov Walker aides for the EXACT SAME felonious behavior that Bailey admitted to in his book, guess who's next. BAM.

  5. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I talked to my folks tonight. Both of them are sick (my Dad's illness is terminal), and they had just gotten back from my Dad's doctor appt. I don't know how it came up, but Sarah Palin got mentioned, and my Dad said maybe we could hire her to mow the lawn. It was SO FUNNY...two years ago he would have gotten upset if I made a sarcastic comment about her. Thank you, Sarah Palin. You made us all laugh this evening when things are so tough for both my parents.

  6. Anonymous6:35 PM

    The book may be having an impact.
    Palin at 3 % in CBS / NYT poll released tonight.

  7. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Shushannah Walshe is such a poor excuse for a journalist. How any show can in all good conscience employ her a as guest commentator is beyond me.

    Like Mike Halperin who seems to be a regular on Morning Joe, Shushannah doesn't seem to be do her homework, content upon merely mouthing the lines fed to her by whatever celebrity politico happens by.

    It sounds odd to call a woman a panty-sniffer, but truly that what Shushannah seems to be at heart. She sometimes musters a bit of cover, tries hard to sound independent but her true colors are really clearly on display.

    Frank is simply simple. I think he is trying to do the right thing but his indoctrination into fundamentalism hampers his ability to think independently.

    It seems to me that Frank is struggling, trying to cast off the burden of decades of indoctrination, but it I don't know if he can do it. At least he is trying. Just wish he has stronger intellectual tools at his disposal.

  8. Virginia Voter6:44 PM

    Shushanna Walsh sounded like the had a mouthful of marbles during that piss poor interview. What a total dork she is.

  9. Gasman6:45 PM

    Bailey deserves some praise to be sure, but I still feel that he pulled his punches WAY too much to be viewed as any kind of hero. Let him come totally clean, even if it tarnishes his image, THEN I'll sing his praises.

    However, I think McGinniss is equally undeserving of praise due to what he did with the intellectual property of Bailey, Morris, and Devon. I think that Bailey is a vacillating little shithead who parses his weasel words very carefully, but he did have free and clear rights to his own text - with the consent of his co-authors.

    I hope that Joe's book causes great discomfort for Sarah Palin and I hope that he makes millions off his book and then I hope he loses a huge chunk of that in damage awards. I would consider THAT a satisfactory outcome.

    Neither Bailey nor McGinnis are wearing white hats, just differing shades of grey.

  10. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Gryphen, this is Hardball we are talking about. Chris Matthews is inconsistent in his "hardball" approach. He's a sucker for women, particularly blonds. He always tries to sound reasonable, wanting to be liked, not feared or respected. I never expect much in the way of tough questions or penetrating follow-through. He's too busy reveling in the sound of his own voice, his own opinions.

    I don't think he will ever delve into Sarah's wrongdoings in any depth. After all, though he laughs at her, she is a woman and like the good little Catholic boy is was raised as, he will defer to giving her the benefit of the doubt, respect above reason.

    The MSM doesn't want to admit it made a mistake.

    Has anyone been keeping up with Keith lately? We keep forgetting to turn over, sad to say. Has Olbermann address the Palin revelations?

  11. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Hopefully, Joe's book brings the Palin fiasco down! That is what is needed - she cannot be allowed to hold another elected office. The woman is a fraud and proof is available now - between the publications of Bailey and McGinniss.

    Yea! FINALLY! And, there is more to be disclosed before the end of the month. Cannot happen fast enough.

  12. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I find it frustrating with MSM as they all turn to these idiots like Walshe. Because she wrote a book, because she posts on DB -- they think she's the 'know it all'.

    She's a space cadet in the bunker with Palin. How else would this idiot get comments or interviews with the Palins.

  13. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Keith Olbermann is scheduled to appear on Bill Maher tonight.

    Happy Maher is back!!

  14. Anonymous7:01 PM

    6:45 pm, Olbermann was just on Bill Maher, and sadly, he said that this stuff shouldn't matter.

    I told you, every liberal goes over the top with their "not wanting to seem like they're attacking" bullshit.

    This stuff matters because Sarah's a FRAUD and a hypocrite, and has been selling an image that is so far divorced from reality it isn't funny. And that image is the entire basis for her candidacy.

    Not to mention, she has had absolutely no problem spreading extremely negative shit about everyone else. Ever since her days of running for Wasilla mayor.

    Maher did say that McGinniss will be on Maher's show in a few weeks, so hopefully he will point this out. I wish he was on tonight.

  15. Anonymous7:07 PM

    And the LA Times again making excused for Palin. They say "an unmarried Palin slept with Glen Rice" and basically said what's the big deal. I love how they slickly negate to mention that she was dating Todd at the time.

    They also downplay marital affairs as not a big deal. You could make that argument, but not if you're selling yourself on family values and being real America.

    But I think this quote that they quoted from Joe in the Rogue says the real motivation why the media is pretending to be against Joe (aside from wanting to pretend to act oh, so high-brow/and wanting to bend over backward to dismiss the "media bias" accusations):

    The time has come to strike the tent," McGinniss begins the closing chapter. "[N]o matter how much my book sales might benefit from a Palin presidential campaign in 2012, I sincerely hope that the whole extravaganza, which has been unblushingly underwritten by a mainstream media willing to gamble the nation's future in exchange for the cheap thrill of watching a clown in high heels on a flying trapeze, is nearing the end of its run."

    Everyone who has read the book, obviously has read that quote in it. And they're pissed that Joe directly called them out.

  16. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Walshe really had a hard time with the questions, she basically spoke in word salad. She said Palin would run now and a lot of other shit that didn't make any sense at all. My husband said she looked like Sarah.

    Chris Matthews is a dork and accepts any dumbass answer from her. She appears uneducated and lacking in answers.

  17. Anonymous7:18 PM

    When you think Matthews has turned a corner about Palin, his next segment on Palin, he comes out sounding like a 'sniffer'.

    In much the fashion of Palin according to Bailey and Todd calling to ask what kind of mood she's in, with Matthews, you never know that day which side of the fence he's playing on.

    As for Bailey, I think he progressing - gradually coming to grips with himself. You can't flip on a dime -- it does take time when you've been so deep in the trenches to 'turn' and adjust as in many ways, your life has been turned upside down.

  18. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Whoa, Frank Bailey pivoted quickly when the fundie/dominionist base she built her support from was questioned.

    I think Frank did the best he could with "Blind Alliegance" but he is still freaked-out and unwilling to admit how dirty he got in the service of a charismatic but unbalanced woman.

    As for Joe McGinniss... I was very intrigued by his comment that he only used 10% of his material on Granny P.

    Only the events that could be verified by two or three people, or one person who had impeccable credentials.

    I am still waiting for my copy of "The Rogue" but hope to see his "on the cutting room floor" material; some of the 90% he didn't use, someday soon.

    Thanks for your story about your dad, Anon6:34pm. It brings me hope about my dad, who put a SP 2008 sticker on the back of his minivan. He hasn't mentioned her in a while, and I think the Glen Rice story may be his breaking point.

  19. Seriously! I thought Chris read Bailey's book. How uncomfortable to ask one of Sarah's unqualified, dominionist cronies to comment on her cronyism.

    I hope Frank and the gang appreciate that McGinniss' book is propelling sales of 'Blind Allegiance'. Perhaps they can do a rewrite for a 2nd edition.

  20. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Matthews doesn't like Palin, but he's not gonna pile on right now. He is also someone who falls victim to going over the top as to not appear to express bias (aka express truth).

    It's irritating, because someone really needs to come out and forcefully quote some of the quotes and say that this is a big problem in our politics.

    I do like that Chris focused on the political aspect. In his effort not to be attacked over the personal stuff, he mentioned all political things.

    The most significant is the level of cronyism employed by Palin. This is cuts Palin, because she's trying to paint her self as anti-that.

    Chris showed a quote from the book that talked about all of the unqualified friends Palin hired for important jobs.

    It also plays to how completely inept she is.

  21. telah7:29 PM

    Anon 6:52, took you long enough. Of course Trig isn't Bristol's baby. We're all just deluded. We'll all be so happy when Bristol collects the $10,000 Brad Scharlott is offering for proof that Trig is indeed Bristol's sibling, rather than her offspring. Thank you for pointing this out. Thanks for stopping by.

    Can you go away now?

  22. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I'm not sure what McGinniss could be sued for. He passed the draft on but he didn't write about or quote any part of it.

  23. Bristol P.7:35 PM

    Chris has a huge crush on my mom, he takes one look at her in a short skirt and thinks 'That is the reason pretty women should be in politics'.

    My mom is very good at luring in horny men. And women that believe if they ruled the world there would be no wars. PUMAS and the like.

    Bristol P.

  24. Smirnonn7:37 PM

    OT. And disturbing.

    Just got back from a visit to SeaO'Pee. Don't go there often, just for an occasional laugh. Anyhow, this hit me right away. Some guy posted:

    "My Dear Friends in Sarah,..."

    DEAR FRIENDS IN SARAH?!?!? Whoa.... WTF!!!! :) What, do they think she's the second coming of Christ (My dear friends in Christ.......)?????? Cultish at best.

    The other thing that amused me is the sense of misplaced hope that they all harbor. Some guy actually said he was "bubbling over" with anticipation. Wow. Maybe they should think twice about holding their breath.....

    But, on the bright side, don't dispair little bots just because she let Constitution Day pass by without announcing her candidacy. I think there's a new moon on the 27th. Maybe she'll announce THEN!!!!! Or, Columbus Day isn't that far off.......


  25. Anonymous7:42 PM

    >>The time has come to strike the tent," McGinniss begins the closing chapter. "[N]o matter how much my book sales might benefit from a Palin presidential campaign in 2012, I sincerely hope that the whole extravaganza, which has been unblushingly underwritten by a mainstream media willing to gamble the nation's future in exchange for the cheap thrill of watching a clown in high heels on a flying trapeze, is nearing the end of its run."

    Everyone who has read the book, obviously has read that quote in it. And they're pissed that Joe directly called them out.


    You hit the nail on the head there! These faux journalists are doing all they can to cover their stupid, opportunistic asses in this fiasco. It's disgusting and deeply disrespectful to Joe. But as time goes on, this will keep getting more and more coverage and eventually one of the more reasonable and seasoned adults in the media will pen an op-ed or make a statement on a Sunday show that will bring it all crashing down to the scam that it has been.

    And Bristol you can kiss your show goodbye for sure! It ain't gonna happen baby, so you might want to apply for a job at McDonald's or something. Your mother toxified this country and everyone's life that she touches. Sorry you have that legacy, but it's a fact. Levi will soon drop the bomb on your lies and the wave will hit again, then the 'Babygate' book will hit and another wave. Then there will be more air time with Frank and Joe and Levi since all of their stories will corroborate the truth of the fraud that is your mother. She drank too much of her koolaid and thought she was indestructible, got away with everything, and could continue to poison the political discourse, encourage violent acts and dishonor our president on the airwaves.

    God seems to be busy with thwarting her from every angle, rather than opening that door for her to 'plow

  26. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Anyone saying Matthews doesn't like Palin is a fool. He always says that she is so facinating and invigorating to American politics.

    The man is totally smitten. He will worship any woman in a short skirt.

  27. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Tweety's a smart guy and many times he's dead-on right about some issues--however, sometimes, like with these Palinbots, he's totally clueless. He probably doesn't have time to read the blogs or stay current on these arcane issues regarding Palin like we do. His heart's in the right place, he just needs to be educated. And Bailey seems like such a sincere guy; my heart goes out to him. We have to feel some humanity for these people who've sold their souls to Sarah, even the die-hards at the Putrid Sea. They're looking for a Messiah, but Sarah's not their salvation. It will be a sad day for them when they finally realize the truth.

  28. Anonymous7:46 PM

    One of the reasons journalists are commenting negatively about Joe McGinnis' book is chivalry. A majority of males (especially of a certain age) are brought up to defend a woman's honor. Simple as that. If a woman is going to be a politician, she should run on her own merits. Those do not include being a good mother or wife, or if you were a virgin before you were married. It shouldn't matter. Unfortunately Palin and her ilk have made that part of her narrative, and now she's being called out on it. You can't have it both ways, Sarah.

  29. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Frank Bailey? Just a piss ant!

  30. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I can't wait for how the Sunday shows will cover this subject.

    What's funny is that everyone is talking about Sarah, NOT Michele B, NOT Rick Perry, and so once again she is sucking the oxygen out of the room by being her utterly toxic self, historically, and currently.

    The ONLY thing she can do to shift the conversation is to ANNOUNCE.

    But THEN the REAL SHIT hits the fan with people coming out of the woodwork, backing up everything that Joe and Frank and Levi and Brad S. and Laura and Audry and Regina...and of course Mr. Jesse Gryphen, have been saying forever, and it will NOT be off the record or anonymous, because these people are ready and waiting to spill, it just takes the spark to start the fire and the spark would be her, she's pretty f*cked either way, since this story is NOT going away anytime soon and we are fast approaching the deadlines that even she the 'maverick' has to adhere to.

    Oh this just gets better and better (squealing with utter glee)

  31. Anonymous7:57 PM

    The Chicago Tribune, which refuses to print Doonesbury this week is also painting Palin as a sympathetic character under assault from that nasty nasty man. This is suppose to make her candidacy even more appealing. I can see the new campaign poster, "Vote for Sarah because you feel sorry for her." Bailey said that Sympathy is Sarah's best asset.

    The problem that Palin has with Glen Rice is that she was supposed to be a journalist (sportscaster) covering that guy's basketball game. It is inappropriate for the journalist to have sex with a subject that she was covering.

    In the end, if Sarah decides to run, she will have to answer hard questions, not stuff like burnt mac and cheese. The first question that requires a complete answer is "Why did Sarah quit her job as governor," and "What does that say about her ability to serve a full term as president?" (If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen).

    The next step will be for Sarah will be a complete financial disclosure. I don't think that she wants to go there any more than Donald Trump did. If the Tea Party thought that it was fair game to ask for Obama's birth certificate, we can ask to see Trig's. Sarah's record of crony capitalism in Alaska will bite her in the butt. The gossipy stuff is fun, but Brad Hanson is a diversion. Those cheating Republicans stayed in office when they were caught seeing a hooker (Vitter), hiking the Appalachian Trail (Sanford) or having sex with a co-worker and bribing her husband and family (Ensign). It doesn't matter any more.

  32. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Bristol if you want us to stop harping on it all your mom has to do is show us the DNA test results or admit she faked the pregnancy. I don't see what the big deal is.

  33. Anonymous8:04 PM

    OT - the 20th is certainly a red letter day: Joe's book, Levi's book and, how could we forget Big Hair Alaska. I'm so glad someone reminded me. (snark)

    Big Hair Alaska
    Back on my Feet

    Jessica is transitioning from taking care of her daughter, who was in a severe sledding accident, to being at the salon full time. The salon is in Bridal Hell as 4 brides and their bridal parties will all be coming in on the same day.

    And if that isn't exciting enough, there's another episode right after that.

    Jessica needs a new stylist to help with the workload and so begins her difficult search in the small town of Wasilla, Alaska. The local Roller Derby team take over the salon as they prep for their big bout that night.

    Now that's going to worth tearing yourself away from Joe's book for - amarite?

  34. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I don't know if anyone watched the same interview I did on Chris Mathews. Miss Walshe and Mr. Baily both pretty much were in agreement that Palin is dishonest, trusts nobody, is not religious and likes to destroy people who get in her way. This was in no way a interview that favored Palin

  35. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Walshe is terrible. Has no business on TV. Can't even get a coherent sentence out.

  36. Anonymous8:12 PM

    When you think of all the dirt that has been dug up on Sarah by total strangers (like bloggers and writers and journalists), and then to imagine the dearth of dirt that is yet to uncover that her friends, family, acquaintances and all the people who got thrown under the bus that are afraid to talk due to the possible retribution from her flying monkeys, it really does boggle the mind the depth of corrupt behaviour, both personally and professionally, that this woman and her husband engaged in through the years.

    It is my deepest hope that someday, ALL the DIRT will be uncovered and she will be convicted, both in a court of law and in the court of public perception, of the crimes against our very humanity that she has committed and put away for a very long time in the psycho/mental prison ward she has earned. Her water bras and red stilettos won't carry much weight there.

  37. Anonymous8:18 PM

    In response to the poster at 7:07

    You/they overlooked the fact that Palin was a paid professional when she slept with someone she was reporting about.

    Yup, the lady that can't stop criticizing journalists and the media could not maintain a professional, ethical relationship.

    Wonder what they teach in journalism school about that? Wonder if the station she worked for had a policy about that kind of thing?

  38. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Leno isn't afraid like Matthews and that simpering Walshe.
    Tonight , Leno said Palin had a one night stand
    with a University of Michigan basketball player
    and Rice wasn't denying it, etc, etc.
    Leno was in awe of Palin.
    " Not only can she skin a moose,
    she can bone a Wolverine ! "
    The audience roared and we were surprised that it got by NBC censors.
    Leno then held up a mock up cover of a new book by Glen called " Rice a Roni ,
    the Sarah Palin Treat."
    Hey Todd, must make you feel like a real big man to have all of America
    mocking your wife's booty call behavior !

  39. Anonymous8:21 PM

    LOL OMG! Just watched Jay Leno's opening monologue [btw, he's got the Batshit Crazy one on tonight for anyone's who's interested. Well it could be good for a laugh & 1/2 anyway.]

    He had a great PAYlin joke and I almost missed it too.
    New autobiography by Glen Rice.

    "Palin-A-Roni: My Life With Sarah Palin" by Glen Rice

    Well since I tuned in for the OM, I might as well subject myself to idiocy torture by waiting to watch the Dim-Wit Dull Lightbulb and hear her batshit crazy talk.
    Oh and her lies too.


  40. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Dear Palin Klan,
    That includes Trig's mom Brisket,Granny Lulu and purse carrying,sacheting Tawd.........DNA test kits available at any Walgreens for approx $29.99 plus tax.
    No need to thank me at all, just go on the TeeVee and show us the whole process. It's a win, win situation, either Lulu collects or Ol' Brisket Eater collects.

    before the final financial split is done, it may benefit you to pick up a few extra kits.

    Little Rabbit

  41. Ang Ree8:29 PM

    @Anonymous at 6:41 pm
    "It seems to me that Frank is struggling, trying to cast off the burden of decades of indoctrination ..."

    When he truly realizes the enormity of his "sins," that's when he'll fully atone for them -- by telling the WHOLE truth.

  42. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Oh gawd Batshit Crazy is blowing kisses to the audience.
    Please Michele, you're NOT a Hollywood starlet.

    But LOL, she got in dig at PAYlin's expense.
    Jay asked her about her campaign and she said that she's "in it for the Marathon & not for the Sprint."

    Ouch, after the 1/2 term quitter ran her "supposedly" 1/2 marathon, that's just gotta hurt & get under the quitter's thin-skin.
    Oh & she also threw out that "crony capitalism" shit.

    Oops, commercial break ...


  43. Bailey's still a winner vs Joe: he has the first-person account and the email documentation to back it up.

    No wonder Joe went ballistic against Bailey, Devon and Morris.

    Joe hasn't shown us anything we didn't already know about with the possible exception of a tall, dark, athletic stranger.

  44. Anonymous8:52 PM

    ANybody else catch Leno tonight? He showed Bachmann for the ignorant bitch she is.

    Polite but persistent - why is it our comedians have to do the journalists job these days.

    I miss Johnny Carson and Dick Cavett.

  45. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Some guy actually said he was "bubbling over" with anticipation.

    Wasn't that Onan's problem? Tissue dude, before you stain the carpet - better yet, isn't that what a shower is for?

  46. Ang Ree8:56 PM

    Seems like Joe & his publisher have been VERY strategic about what parts of his book can be leaked and what can't.

    Since I'm not among the chosen who've received an advance copy, I can only wonder: are stuff like the "burned mac n' cheese" and "Sarah Palin's Wild Rice" just appetizers ?

    Maybe someone who has a copy of "Rogue" (Gryph?) can verify that the best stuff is yet to come ?

    I'm hoping that the relatively "tabloid"-ish items revealed so far are just the beginning of a major p.r. build-up which will climax with revelations of MAJOR wrong-doing on 9/20 when the book officially goes on sale.

  47. Anonymous8:59 PM

    If the story at Alaska WTF is true, then Sarah has had more than a one night stand with Rice. Wonder if Todd knew about Rice before he married Sarah and if he relishes knowing six years later Rice was doing Sarah. I've got to believe someone in the Palin family is fed up with Sarah's antics and dismal of her motherly doings and is sourcing some of this information.

  48. Anonymous9:07 PM

    The way it sounds is that palin doesn't mind using her womanly assets to get what she wants. Too bad it took her several colleges to sleep her way through school...oh wait


  49. Some long-time cult members are getting very depressed:

    "Please don't flame me, but I can't blame the Gov. if she doesn't run at all. She doesn't owe me or any of us anything. Do we really realize how much she has already sacrificed to speak up. She has already done more for the conservative movement- and really this country, than most will ever realize. what has she gotten in exchange? Vile filth spewed at her and her family from the beginning."


    "As for all of us- I am crying as I write this. I'm heartsick. I only met the Gov. once but right now, I wish I could go hug her and all of her family. if any of you are FB friends with Bristol - give her and her family love from all of us. For you haters reveling in all of this, participating- hang on, you'll get yours. Maybe sooner than you think- so remember that when you lay down to sleep tonight. There is a God, whether you believe it or not, whether you fear Him or not, and you will surely reap what you sow."

  50. Sick of the media9:11 PM

    It amazes me that some people are criticizing a book that isn't released yet, and many probably haven't read. Bill Maher and Keith Olbermann were saying things like who cares, and is this just a personal attack! Have they read it yet?? And why does the media report be media only report the gossip from the book. They miss so many important things related to her performance politically. Im glad Joe is doing a lot of interviews and I'm crossing my fingers that a few other journalists start investigating these things and get off their duffs and dig into how unethical the Palins are and the lying. Someone needs to hold Johm McCain responsible as well for choosing Sarah!

    To any media people out there, read the damn book AND analyze the FACTS before criticizing this book as filled with irrelevant unsourced gossip! More lame stream media not doi g their jobs! Get your heads out of your asses and admit your terrible job at vetting this dangerous incompetent vapid woman for a VP

  51. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Book or no book....I turned that video off as soon as she walked down the stairs in the white jacket withe the HUMUNGOUS boobs she does have. Bristol at the RNC with the HUMONGOUS whatever was under that dress boobs. I could not stop LAUGHING!

    Do you think we're STUPID, Palin family? This is ALL YOU HAVE??? You really DO pander to the lowest of the low, don't you?

    OMG.....what ID-10-Ts.

  52. Bretta 8:42

    Unfortunately the Bailey book was very badly written and not interesting. People need to read the book, not get bored and put it aside. Joe McGinniss is an engaging writer..the book seems to really deserve the hype and he had no personal agenda, excepting normal concern for our country, so he was able to write as an investigative writer. I don't think there is any comparison. I have only read the snippets so far and I think it does the job. Geoffrey Dunne's book was also very well written and held my interest all the way through. It's too bad, the Bailey book should have been better. I thought it would be great.

  53. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Anonymous @ 6:34 PM:

    Your Dad has a wonderful sense of humor, and so do you. Thank you for sharing such a life affirming experience.

  54. Anonymous9:35 PM

    There is NO case against McGinniss and that's exactly why they haven't sued him. I mean Bailey, et al. And Bretta, have you read Joes book? 99.5% of us haven't since it's released on the 20th. The Bailey book was not very interesting sorry. I read Dunn's without a problem. Joe is a great writer and knows how to hold interest. I can't believe people think he leaked the book to benefit his own. That is pretty ridiculous, sorry. Maybe he made a dumb decision I agree. If I'm wrong I will admit it if a court finds him guilty. But I just doubt there is a case. Who leaked the book in the first place?? It wasn't Joe. He and others received a copy. The editor who want it out is at fault. Are they pressing charges against that person??

  55. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Hey Todd, must make you feel like a real big man to have all of America
    mocking your wife's booty call behavior !

    8:20 PM

    Now you know why Todd wrote such nasty comments about a book that he hasn't read.

  56. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Dear P-bots,

    You already have a Messiah. His name is Jesus. He is the son of God. You can pray in His name. You can worship Him, and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit.

    If you truly love Sarah Palin, then don't worship her. She is not holy. She is not the daughter of God, at least not any more than you are. She is a human being, fallible, flawed, less than perfect, liable to throw you under the bus. Jesus will never do that.

    Think about it. Please.

  57. DominionistEscapee9:54 PM

    LOL at the Sea o'Pee comment quoted by 9:08 p.m.:
    "There is a God, whether you believe it or not, whether you fear Him or not, and you will surely reap what you sow."

    Yeah, that's what is happening to Sarah Palin right now. I wonder if there are any of the 10 Commandments she hasn't broken??

    I encountered a bot the other day who became quite hostile when I questioned certain of her assumptions (not even about Palin, but about what "all liberals believe"). Because I was in a professional role, I couldn't (and didn't especially want to) engage, but I was taken aback at how combative and disrespectful this person was.

    I felt horrible about the encounter for the rest of the day--and have brooded about it ever since--but when I got home, the Glen Rice story had just broken. Of course I've been following it with interest and some amusement. And I'm relieved that next time I see this bot, I won't be the one having to frantically spin in order to defend my point of view1

  58. Anonymous11:46 PM

    My take on the interviews with Walshe & Bailey was a little different than some expressed here.

    On the subject of SP running, Walshe still feels she WILL run, to prove everyone who says she won't run wrong. Not because she wants the job, because she just can't let go of anything. I think she's correct there in her assessment of how $P operates - out of impulse & vindictiveness.

    I can see SP thinking "I'll show them, I'll show them all. I'll run & I'll win. In your face all you doubters."

    My take on Bailey's Dominionist question was that his answer was cut short so appeared somewhat incomplete. Matthews didn't really give him a chance to finish, after talking about Palin's extremist religious beliefs. Bailey's short reply seemed to indicate that he doesn't feel she IS religious at all which would be an accurate depiction. Listen again, I may be wrong, but that's the impression I got.

  59. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Chicago Sun-Times:

    Listen, everybody knew Joe McGinniss was doing a hatchet job on Sarah Palin the day he moved into a house in Wasilla, Alaska, right next door to her and Todd and the kids.

    As we said then with great subtlety: What a creep.

    Now McGinniss’ book about Palin, The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin, is out and it’s every bit the cheap shot we expected. Relying almost completely on anonymous sources, he does his best to trash her marriage, her mothering, her integrity, her intellect and her work ethic.

    To delve into the caustic claims McGinniss makes is to play his game. We will largely refrain.

  60. Just finished Joe's book. I'll be writing a review after I recover from my severe cold and get my stuff ready for work next week.

    He gives more credit to Jesse, Shannyn, Jeanne and others than has anyone writing about Palin yet. Also to Andrew Halcro, Paul Jenkins, Tom Brennan (a longtime friend of McGinniss) and - again - others.

    His sense of crusty humor comes out rather well, better than in most of his previous books. The material, however, makes it easy to do that.

    Joe doesn't come across as being as generous toward peoples' faults as did Geoffrey Dunn. But Dunn is a remarkable person in that respect.

    Structurally, the book may be the best yet about Palin, in that he brings up themes that recur, but they never recur like he's pounding them into the reader. He weaves them into the narrative.

    It doesn't have an index, which I think drops it a notch.

    Moore and Devon, who have been whining about Joe, should be glad that this book's release will probably result in a temporary spike in sales of Bailey's pathetic, insincere attempt to look inward. I'm sure, should Devon, Bailey and the other guy be stupid enough to sue McGinniss, they will be unable to disprove Bailey's book sold better because of McGinniss' book's mentions of Bailey and Devon, which are truthful and intriguing.

    One of the things that struck me most was his recounting of how Dewey Taylor's truck was vandalized, shortly after Dewey delivered some furniture to Joe's place on Lake Lucille. Dewey is one of my closest friends - we've known each other since 1975, before he came to Alaska.

    He's never told me about the vandalization. And I've never told him about how in February 2010 my Subaru was trashed after writing severely about Palin.

    Cost me $3,500. Unlike Dewey, my insurance didn't cover it.

    McGinniss describes the fear people here in the Valley endure better than any major writer yet.

    He's unabashed in bringing up failures of Alaska media to accurately describe what Palin really is, yet manages to write about it in ways that should, hopefully, result in some self-examination by places like the ADN, KTUU, APRN and so on.

    For those of you here at IM on the TriG beat, Joe goes as far as his publishers would let him.

  61. Anonymous12:28 AM

    It really pisses me off that Mainstream Media feels that they are above unraveling Palin's personna. How much time did they devote to Weiner's tweeted photo?

    The media has been all so eager to chase Palin around on her summer vacation, to pretend as if she was the GOP frontrunner while ignoring those who had announced their run, and yet they don't want to go after her the way they would go after any other politician?

  62. Anonymous12:40 AM

    The rapture occurred and we just haven't noticed - this is hell on earth having the main stream media gloss over what an abomination Palin is. Hello? Try reading for comprehension Matthews. 3+ years of many excellent blogs, books and articles exposing her mendacity, menagerie of free association, utter lack of decency, compassion, civility, honesty, common sense and education. I still can't believe this woman (still not sure about that part) wasn't completely written off after the Couric interview. Somebody help me out - why is Sarah Palin considered remotely relevant by the msm? How can anyone in their right mind entertain the thought of this dreg holding public office of any rank.
    Palin is a nightmare; I can't wait to wake up.

  63. AJ Billings1:21 AM

    Interesting article/review of the McGinnis book over at Alternet

    The Rogue is full of named witnesses testifying against St. Sarah. Former state trooper Gary Wheeler, head of Palin's security detail when she became governor, notes that she was a lazy chief executive. "For six years I was with [Frank] Murkowski and [Tony] Knowles," Wheeler told McGinniss, referring to her predecessors as governor. "For them, the job wasn't forty hours a week, it was eighty…For her, it was a part-time job." He asserts that Palin spent much of her days shopping, coming to work at 10 a.m., and leaving by 3 p.m. He says she bought about 100 pairs of sunglasses her first year as governor.

  64. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Just watched the clip. I thought Bailey did an decent job. Yep, looked a bit down, but he spoke in complete sentences. I think he has learned from his on air time (unlike $p). He was on point and using proper English. OTOH, Walshe was a sputtering idiot.

  65. Anonymous2:03 AM

    @7:37 PM

    I went there too (sea of pee) and I read some of the same stuff!! The comments all had something in common: a reverence toward Sarah. One commenter said "I don't know why she is doing what she is doing but I accept that she must have a plan" or some such bullshit.

  66. Anonymous2:13 AM

    9:08 shares this comment from a true believer (in Sarah) "There is a God, whether you believe it or not, whether you fear Him or not, and you will surely reap what you sow."

  67. Anonymous2:17 AM

    @9:35 I so agree! I read Dunn's book with interest. I could not get through Bailey's book (the writing did not hold my interest).
    I've read Joe McGinniss before and he is a terrific writer. I can not wait to get his book. He may be taking some heat right now for what he did to Bailey, et al. and I don't condone what he did, HOWEVER, his book will do very well. He is an accomplished and well respected author, period. And I am so thankful that he took on this project.

  68. Frank Bailey can't see Palin as a Dominionist because he believes in that crap. He does not understand the psychology and sociology behind that frightening movement in Christian religion. Palin is the psychopathic authoritarian leader and he is the follower of the authoritarian who never questioned his own moral compass and did whatever Palin wanted. Palin like so many other Dominionists believes she was specially chosen and the rules for everyone else do not apply to her. There were and still are so many of her sycophants who are not qualified to be in their jobs completely ****ing things up in Alaska. Bailey's lack of insight demonstrates that problem.

  69. Anonymous3:37 AM

    If I remember correctly, the National Enquirer gave Brad Hanson and some others a lie detector test, before printing the details of his affair with Palin. After Edwards, they wanted to be sure their facts were right. Now he denies the affair? How much did THAT cost them?

  70. Anonymous3:38 AM

    6:34 Sorry to hear about your folks. Their sense of humor is still intact, and that helps. Tell your dfather NOT to hire Palin to mow the yard, she quits half way through!!

  71. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Remember how Bill Clinton was crucified when he was running for president? Books were written, Enquirer articles were published. How many MSM defended him? Yet this skank from Wasilla, with very little actual brain power is defended constantly. Maybe it is time they questioned McCain and his team, asking WHO was responsible for vetting this VP nominee, and did a piss-poor job. Now Bristles is parading around LA with her "godson" and nobody questions her about that? These Palins are nothing but liars and opportunists, and they get away with it. So used to lying and having the lies accepted that they do not even bother with TRUTH anymore.

  72. Here, Anon 8:04, I bring you the prequel to Big Hair.

  73. Cosmic Karma!!6:33 AM

    Peeswimmer said

    "remember that when you lay down to sleep tonight. There is a God, whether you believe it or not, whether you fear Him or not, and you will surely reap what you sow."

    Sure thing, Swimmy. The best part of that? If you really believe in all that hoo ha, then God is freaking pissed about all the lies Sarah's told to you people and all the money she's grifted from your families. I can't imagine he would be pleased with what she did with "Gift from God" special needs PR prop Trigger. Her disrepectful treatment of Todd, including a sexual relationship with one of his friends. How she treats poor angry Piper on her fake "family vacation" bus. What she did to that's pure evil.

    Anytime there was a problem, from Mayor of Wasilla on up, Sarah ignored JESUS's biblical advice to "turn the other cheek" and instead cooked up vendettas against everyone she disagreed with, all the way down to Alaskans asking questions which were their right as citizens. No one dared question Queen Sarah, because as anyone who has been around a true narcissist knows, a narcissist is NEVER in the wrong.

    Sarah's now reaping what she's sown everywhere she's been since high school, and it's only just the beginning.

    I'm not even a traditionally religious person, but GLORY HALLELUJAH!

  74. Anonymous6:37 AM


    This is the second mention I have seen today about Bristol's "godson" being with her in L.A., but when I google it, I can't find any mention or images.

    Do you have any more info on this? Like who's kid is it supposed to be and how long has she had him with her in public?
    Could you provide any links to the topic?
    This stuff all fascinates me way beyond reason, but I want to see grifters FALL!(though, sadly, it seems that no matter how big the scandal, the Palins seem to eek through.)

    Any info you have would be much appreciated.

  75. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Phil Munger
    Thanks for the review. Like many others, I am anxiously awaiting my preordered kindle book.

  76. Anonymous7:45 AM

    7:54 - Don't look for much hope with the Sunday talk shows.
    Unfortunately, since the mainstream
    press has dissed Joe M., no one who wants to stay on TV is going to
    really ruffle any feathers. The
    talking heads will 'skim' over it,
    definitly not go in depth over the
    drugs taking, lousy mother stuff
    or sexcapades. The focus will be,
    is she gonna announce. That's why
    blogging is so vital. Just my opinion.

    Sharon TN

  77. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Oh It looks like Bristol is going to be thrown under the bus again. This "Godson" talk, even if he is real is to take your eyes off of the Sarah story!


  78. Anonymous11:55 AM

    This is O/T but I just want to give Celia Harrison @3:36AM a H/T. I've been here for a while (years). Celia is always Spot On.

  79. Chenagrrl12:01 PM

    Did the state ever get reimbursed for that $4,000 helicopter trip for the cons. What a buncha dolts! Proof only that men think with only one organ. A star? Musta been quite a ride with the stiff breezes over the Juneau Ice Field, or what's left of it.

    Also, what's up with the Shushannah tooth sucking thing. So professional. On camera? Really!

  80. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Shushannah is still trying to flog her book, all complimentary to Palin. How did she get on national TV with a speech impediment like that?

  81. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Anon 6:34 My heart goes out to you, and your dad seems to have a great sense of humor!

    Shushanna is nothing more than a Palin bot, as far as I'm concerned, and I do reserve a small amount of pity for Frank.

    Slogging through his book, he came across as less genuine than I expected, he knows a lot more, and yet went easy. She practically took him away from his family, he feels guilty about it, but leaves loose strings and gives Sarah a pass. Reading Devon's posts shows he could have done much more.

    I've always been a fan of Joe's writing, what he did may have seemed horrible, but from what I can tell, he didn't use any of the material in his own book.

    And seriously, how can we judge Joe's book, when we've only seen snippets? The book, as a whole, is the end product. Joe knows exactly what he's doing. The doonebury clips are genius. And looking back now, his blog filled it's purpose.

    Sarah drug this guy's reputation through the mud in her fake tee vee show. Every chance she got, she used her words, and her kids, and Todd to assasinate his character.

    Sarah's getting what she dished out, and more. People are seriously interested in what Joe has to say, beside the gossip clips we've all heard about, I'm confidant he'll deliver.

    Now, when will the MSM follow suit? The NYT gave her a pass, but women like Hillary Clinton sure as hell wouldn't get the same treatment.

    If it weren't for the blogs, the truth would have been buried long ago.


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