Saturday, September 17, 2011

Michele Bachmann wrote a book. Yeah I know, surprised me too!

Well there is really no big story.  After all EVERYBODY who wants to be President seems to write book these days.

However I think the title needs some work.

How about, "Bored of Superstition?"

Or, "Whore of Perdition?"

Or, "Eyesore of Ambition?'

Or, "Boudoir of the Mortician?"

Just trying to help.


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    She purposely picked THAT picture for her book??? What's her message supposed to be with those crazy laser eyes? -

    "Satan and I Command You to Vote for Me!"

  2. Anonymous2:43 AM

    What were you expecting, "I Cured My Husbands Homosexuality" from her?

  3. Anonymous2:50 AM

    How about: "Whore of Conservatism."

    It seems to fit.

  4. Merry3:34 AM

    The crazy eyes thing continues.

  5. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Okay, now THAT cover looks photoshopped. I know her head is huge, but it looks even more grotesquely obvious in this photo. Her body looks thin & stretched out. If the body wasn't so distorted, the headshot would be okay.

    I'm assuming she or her people had control over the cover. What is with her and weird photos...

  6. Crazy eyes must have borrowed the half term governor's water bra for the photo.

  7. I am not the first to point this out, but her head has been photoshopped onto her body.No one can turn like that and her head looks huge!

  8. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Lore of Fiction

    Labor of Contradiction

    War of Dereliction

    Outpour of Infliction

  9. Anonymous4:41 AM

    That is the worst title ever.

  10. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Of course she's had plenty of time to write a book, I'm sure she's kept journals about her extraordinary life of conviction the same way Simple Sarah from Wasilla did as a cheatin, snortin and ballin housewife neglecting four kids and whatnot.

    Michele has nothing impeding her leadership with all the foster-mothering of 1,000 pregnant girls, turn-over in staff, hiding in bushes, running screaming from bathrooms from gay nuns and authoring the only piece of legislation in her Congressional history, the Patriotic Energy Sucking Pro-Choice Lightbulb Act.

    Oh, and running for President also too, which has nothing to do with her view on homosexuality and farm subsidies.

  11. Anonymous5:13 AM

    The person who made that front cover is the same person who did the recent Newsweek cover! She just can't get a break can she. She needs to hire her own photographer and gain editorial control to stop this happening to her. ;-)

    They have stuck 2 pictures together to make her. One with her directly facing the camera and one with her at an angle. Then they have totally screwed with her face. Surely she can pose for a picture without looking weird. What's with the crazy eyes all the time?

    -Nick G

  12. What is it with the Giant Bobble Heads on these Republican women? Started with Nancy Reagan…

  13. Anonymous5:25 AM

    It's the same outfit she wore for her and Marcus' staged sex show to prove she's not just his Heterosexual Accountability Partner, but his wife.

  14. Anonymous5:27 AM

    "Boudoir of the Mortician" lmao

    Reminded me of the band, "Morgue Orgy"

  15. Anonymous5:55 AM

    What is it with these two women? Sarah and Michele both have these giant heads with these huge manly faces sitting atop a petite frame, then they add big hair. They look like bobble head dolls! With crazy eyes!

  16. Anonymous6:40 AM

    That is a very strange photo to use. Her head looks photoshopped on her body.

  17. Anonymous6:44 AM

    WTF is actually going to buy this book? Bachmann doesn't even have a scary horde of mindless obedient bots like Palin does.

    Let's just call ol' crazy eyes "SORE LOSER."

  18. Anonymous7:42 AM

    "Stupid & Proud" An essay on willful ignorance, fake patriotism, & Christo-Fascism

  19. Anonymous8:42 AM

    "Edge of Insanity"

  20. It looks horrible! Is that the real cover? It looks like it could be titled "I pulled that out of my ass, and you can, too!"

  21. Anonymous11:59 AM

    She my still be the VP nominee, no matter who is on the ticket (Romney or Perry). I don't think the far right will settle for anyone less LESS conservative than she is on the ticket, and that there will be a firestorm if those who the righties view as 'liberals' (ie, Romney, or even Perry) are in the top slot. The far right insisted on putting Palin on the ticket, and it's not unimaginable that they will not settle for anyone who is less to the right than Palin. Alternatively, they will trot out someone who has not been in the limelight (ie, not properly vetted by anyone), but who is no less 'conservative' (far right) than Bachmann.

  22. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The Zombie Stepford Wives. The woman not only looks hideous, she is hideous.

    A woman spoke to me with tears in her eyes, she read this book, and ever since, she's suffered Mental Retardation.

    Don't say I didn't warn you eco friendly fluroescent bulb using liberals!

  23. Good lord; I didn't know that there was a bobble-head figure of Bachmann out there somewhere! But why is it pictured on Bachmann's book???


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