Thursday, October 27, 2011

After their acts of aggression toward the protestors the other day the Oakland police might have a serious problem. A problem with members of the United States Marine Corps!

Courtesy of Business Insider:

Marines around the world are outraged by the injuries inflicted by police on Scott Olsen at Tuesday's Occupy Oakland protests. 

The following picture is taken from the Reddit thread "How I feel, as a United States Marine, about what occurred in Oakland." 

This man is not alone. In the five hours since the thread went up there have been over 600 comments. 

The overreaction by the Oakland police may turn out to be a turning point in the OWS movement. The outpouring of anger directed at the police has come from all quarters, and it has been matched by reinvigorated support for the protestors.

Rachel Maddow helps to put these protests in a historical perspective.

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The revolution has begun.


  1. Not What You Want To Hear7:01 AM

    I watched the videos of what went down and I can't adequately describe what I felt. Tears, outrage, fear...and yet, the sense that a turning point has indeed occurred. You can write about the police state, you can provide example after example of news stories, but seeing it on actual video cuts through it all. There is no way anyone can view the images of screaming, fleeing protestors and hear the booming sounds of those bombs being fired at them and not instantly see what we have allowed the police in this country to become. It is terrifying.

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    People who condemn the police in these situations have NO IDEA what goes on during these protests. The protesters in NY are NASTY!!!

    They're wasting the city's dollars with their violence. Cops need to be elsewhere, not babysitting a bunch of hippies.

    I stand with the 53%.

  3. Wow.

    Don't we learn from history?! Sheesh!

    I've never heard of the Bonus Army before. It seems this was quite an important part of our history, especially on the verge of the Great Depression and this is never taught. Not in any of my high school classes nor in my college classes.

    As Frank Rich & Rachel said, this OWS movement is growing. And I'm glad it is. I'm glad to see the Repubes/Conservatives being put in their place after calling this a 'mob' while the TPers were a movement (more like a bowel movement, though...). I'm glad to hear the President and the Democrats, although staying quiet about it for the most part, DO support it.

    And the police and governments need to remember, just about everyone has a phone with video ability. At Occupy Oakland, the police may say they didn't use rubber bullets, but ummm...there are photos, casings, and injuries consistent with rubber bullets. So, don't lie. It makes the authorities look sooo bad and they're trusted even less.

  4. City girl for life7:12 AM

    No offense to anyone, but I want these fool out of my space. They're annoying, rude, violent and dirty. They're starting to prove that when "liberals" get together, havoc breaks loose. Yet when conservatives get together, it's a respectful affair, WITH NO LITTERING OR TROUBLE.

    That doesn't mean there aren't unsavory things that come from the right. It just means I would rather put up with people protesting FROM the right. More mature.

    Anyway, this was my twitter status last night leaving work:

    I'm about to get back in a cab and 'army tank' these protesting FOOLS terrorizing the streets of downtown NYC. Call it Tiannemen (sp) Square part deux. That's right, I said it. Turn on your tv's folks. This is what they're doing to our city!!

  5. Anonymous7:15 AM

    It's interesting to me that some people have no hope or faith in themselves, yet others of all ages are currently STILL opening their businesses, taking their vacations and going about their lives. And these are middle classers.

    Makes you question WHAT protesters are actually complaining about and who they really are as people.


  6. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Go fuck yourself, 7:06.

  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    And god help us...those in power never are willing to give any of it up once they have had it.
    I support this revolution.

  8. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Soldiers protect our right to free speech so they can be assaulted for demonstrating. Something is very, very wrong. When Teabaggers brought machine guns, the police didn't do one damn thing.

    As usual, the GOP only use the military men and women as props for their agenda.

  9. I support OWS. I support most of what I have heard are goals of the OWS. But what is the end game? Do we need Congress to act? Not likely with this Congress. Do we need the President to act? I am afraid of escalating violence. As was said in the video, there are always crazy people and provocateurs (sp) that can happen in any movement (either side). This is going in a very disturbing (and yes terrifying) direction.

  10. Anonymous7:39 AM

    7:06am. Seriously? Nasty as in long dreadlocks? I found the teabaggers obese, repulsive, nasty and dangerous. So what! You can't discuss one thing they did other than "they were nasty". You are a tool spewing Fox Talking Points. It won't work here.

    Discuss one act of aggression that these Americans have done. Show me the evidence!

  11. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Nice try trolls. Fuck you.
    I read an article this morning discussing how this is what the tea party should have been. Interestingly enough, it IS how the tea partiers started out - I have several friends who supported them in the early days - but they were immediately co-opted by organized GOP groups primarily funded by the Koch brothers and Dick Armey. This distorted the meanings of the protest and dwindled the movement to racist, white, evangelical Christian, right wing conservatives - a group many in the 99% would not be interested in associating themselves with (including me). I support OWS and think the movement may shift the conversation to the REAL issues facing REAL Americans and away from the corporate-run non-grass-roots tea party ridiculousness.

  12. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Semper Fi!

    Wearing a three piece, charcoal gray, cashmere suit.

    On my way to the office stopped by the nearest ¨Occupation¨ zone.

    Popped open my car trunk and dropped of ten cases of MREÅ›.

    Growing stronger every day.

  13. Anonymous7:41 AM

    7:06am. Interesting perspective. What violence are you referring to? Please provide evidence. I do recall Tea Party protesters bringing assault rifles to protests. That was scary! Yikes!

    The only violence I've seen was what was instigated by the Republican plant at the museum in New York. The situation is well documented by legitimate news journals.

  14. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.

    Some of the comments here. How very sad.

  15. Anonymous7:43 AM

    OMG...the trolls have emerged from their stinking little caves.

    Just goes to show that they are afraid!!

    I support OWS from the other side of the world.

  16. Anonymous7:43 AM

    City Girl. Poor whittle city girl! Are they interrupting your mocha locha latte run? Aaaahhhh!

    I want specific incidences of violence documented by you! Tea Partiers had assault rifles. These protesters....nothing violent.

  17. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Aaahhhh, Gryphen, you've been invaded by the paid Koch bloggers! Yikes!

  18. City girl for life said...
    ...Yet when conservatives get together, it's a respectful affair, WITH NO LITTERING OR TROUBLE.

    ...It just means I would rather put up with people protesting FROM the right. More mature.
    7:12 AM
    Really? When people wore guns to Presidential town halls, that was respectful? More mature?

    When people carried signs at presidential town halls that said the tree of liberty needed to be watered with the blood of tyrants, that was respectful? More mature?

    When people carried signs calling the President of the United States a "lyin' African", that was respectful? More mature?

    When ignorant teabaggers too stupid to realize that Medicare was a government program screamed at elected representatives to keep the government out of Medicare, that was respectful? More mature?

    When conservatives screamed and drowned out fellow citizens and elected representatives at public town halls, that was respectful? More mature?

    When a conservative politician on the floor of the House of Representatives screamed "You lie" at the President of the United States, that was respectful? More mature?

    You are sickening. As long as there is no litter, and "the trains run on time", you'll be happy. That is disgraceful. And un-American, in my view.

  19. Anonymous7:46 AM

    7:15am you don't seem too bright. You might want to get an education before you post comments on the internet. You sound like a deranged lunatic. I hope you get the help you so desperately need very soon. You are a moron.

  20. Anonymous7:49 AM

    7:06am = LYING TROLL
    7:12am = LYING TROLL
    7:15AM = LYING TROLL

    Please ignore these liars. They are not telling the truth. They are useful idiots for the 1% spreading propaganda.

  21. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Local yokel cops need to watch out - they might need some outside help someday.

    Case in point:

    In the state where I live, the big prison is in the middle of nowhere. And a very sparsely populated, poor, violent nowhere.

    One night, on the way to an execution, a State Police car was pulled over by the local cops and given a speeding ticket.

    The State Police said "fine- we'll pay the ticket. Just so you know, the next there is a riot and your little po-dunk police force can't handle it and need to call us for back-up, we'll be sure to obey all the traffic laws. We wouldn't want to speed to get there to help you guys out."


    I wonder what will happen when the Oakland cops need backup or co-operation from other agencies - or go to the tax-payers for a tax increase to help them out?

  22. Anonymous7:50 AM

    At 7:12 At least they are not carrying guns and spitting on people. Threatening to kill anyone like the Tea party.

  23. Anonymous7:53 AM

    The OPD made a HUGE mistake. This is going viral and there's nothing the 1% can do to stop it. They are desperately posting lies and propaganda all over the internet in an attempt to spin this story. They're even here on IM. Guess what liars: Its not gonna work. Give up now. OWS is bringing change to this country and you are helpless to stop us.

  24. Virginia Voter7:54 AM

    I have said it before, and I will say it again, OWS has jumped the shark in its method , not its message. When Kanye West shows up in his $25,000 watch, it's time to roll up the tents and sleeping bags and figure out how to take this message to your local representatives, and take action.

    The right wing is desperately trying to discredit the protesters as hippies, burnouts, and idiots by passing out bongs, and rolling papers, and film it for Fox News. This tragedy of the Marine who served his country so bravely, and now is in critical condition , should be the last straw. This has got to end

  25. jadez7:55 AM

    the revolution HAS begun!

    so get off your asses and get involved.

    you cant keep crying about what is going on if you wont join and make some changes and fight to take back our country for the people and from the corrupt rich and the crazy right wing loons willing to bring the country down cause they hate everything that isnt pure white!

    cant join? then give donations like i can only do to help with provisions and moral support!

    do what you can to help.

    the time is NOW!

  26. Anonymous8:07 AM

    yes kindly FUCK OFF Trolls! This was a Soldier!

    You sick anti-patriotic mo'fos...

    Teabagger's are the nasty, sick but mostly stupid fuckers!

  27. The people who are in the police force, and the people in the protest, and the veterans -- they are all on the same side, or should be.

    The Kochs and Murdochs are congratulating themselves that they have set us against each other, for the eventual benefit of the 1%. Which I guess is the continued obfuscation and distraction of the work our President is trying to do. So someone like Cain might be elected next.

    The angry marine photo is v moving -- esp (to me) because the marine, the vet, the police person, and I are probably very similar in most of our life issues.

  28. Anonymous8:08 AM

    @7:15 "A reL American doesn't live on handouts." Agreed, but what about the 300% increase in wealth at the top in the past 30 years, while the rest of us have stayed the same or LOST ground? We did everything right. We got college degrees, bought only homes we could afford, paid off all debt, and we still cannot get ahead because my husband's successful company rewards the executives, not the people who make it successful. There is nothing wrong with expecting the 1% to pay their fair share. And to those who say, "oh but they give back and they will stop" I say...crap! When I have another couple of thousand to spend, I will give back even more than I already do, too. Nobody in OWS is looking for a handout. They want their jobs back, a fair shake, and a living wage. THAT is, or was, the American way.

  29. Cracklin' Charlie8:11 AM

    Marines vs. Cops?


  30. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Cops always overreact. Did it during the Viet Nam protests and look where that went. OWS is going to continue to grow. The people are fed up with this government for the rich and more and more people are waking up and taking to the streets. You can't keep taking money from people who have no more to give and no jobs to apply for.

  31. Thx for the Maddow clip. I had never heard of the Bonus Army either.

    Giant irony: if the gov't had just paid out the $1000 per, it would have been a vector in favor of helping the Depression: all that money would have been spent in each recipient's neighborhood, paying local merchants, who in turn would also spend most of that money.

    Wiki says: "Some 3,662,374 military service certificates were issued, with a face value of $3.638 billion."

    Wow! They shudda just paid it! deficit spending would have been okay. Forget the fact that they earned it. Just putting that much money out into the economy in this nicely equitable way would have been great fiscal policy. Just like it would be now, instead of seeking to cut and constrict gov't spending.

    In the end, Wiki says "In 1936, Congress overrode President Franklin D. Roosevelt's veto to pay the veterans their bonus years early."

    I wonder if anyone ever tracked the actual (vs. theoretical, conceptual) effect of that money on helping fix the Depression? I wish someone who knows about this would give us a little history lesson. It seems so apt for our time, right now.

  32. Anonymous8:33 AM

    The excrement is going to hit the air conditioning. This isn't a bunch of hippies looking for their next drum circle. It's real, and it's global.

  33. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Have you SMELLED the "occupy" filthy hippies? Have you SMELLED the park where they do their "business" (and I don't mean a paying job)? They are a hazard to public health, and their infestations need to be cleaned out. Any vets who join a mob like that are assuming the risk of being treated like the rest of them.

  34. Anonymous8:36 AM

    7:06 You stand with the 53%? Frank Luntz would be so proud of you.

    You and all the trolls here, go back to holding up your Sarah Palin calendars with one hand.

  35. In fact, I propose this: Give each veteran's family $1000 right now, in memory of the poor handling of the Bonus Army, the poor fiscal policy of that era, as a statement that we are smarter now, and to acknowledge the difficulties of the 99% right now.

    You could add to the recipient families: anyone unemployed for longer than X months and policemen.

    The effect of this would be a huge jump start to the economy.

  36. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Anon @ 7:15

    Troll, God Save this country from "Conservatives" who take pleasure in denying social safety nets for Americans working hard to turn the corner; while they accept federal farm subsidies just for owning land, and public dollars for personal gain opportunities.

    Christine O'Donnell, the Koch Brothers, Michele & Marcus Bachmann, Joe Miller, Sarah Palin, et. al.

  37. Enjay in E MT8:58 AM

    A troll or two squiggled out from under their rock. Must have hit a nerve!

    I'm old enough to remember dead students @ Kent State, Freedom March, MLK speeches, women burning bra's and many protests from the 60's & 70's over the draft & Viet Nam. Streets lined with Police & National Guard in Riot Gear. Bloody protesters.

    Shame on the Oakland Mayor / City Council and Police.

  38. Anonymous9:03 AM

    VV and others - most towns now are getting Occupied. You can do it through FB or get info from OWS on how to do it for your own town. I'm doing it locally and getting donations to bring down to Occupy Boston.

    "The revolution will not be televised, the revolution, will be real!"

    Oh and trolls - wow, same lingo as bristroll, how immature and sad - ahhaah!

  39. "Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,"

    I'm not one who swears much, but to all the Kock-sucking trolls on this thread, I say a huge, "FUCK YOU!!!"

    Your fat, illiterate, toothless, hillbilly Teabaggers brought guns to their racist rallies and there was NO tear gas fired at them or their scooter chairs.

    Thanks for keeping on this, Gryphen!! I'm with the 99%, 100%!! And we won't wait until there are "Four dead in Ohio," or Oakland.

  40. Anonymous9:13 AM

    "This is what they are doing to our city"...."Tienanmen Square"?

    Is that supposed to be a coherent set of statements?

    I know a young Chinese person who was involved in Tienanmen Square and was later forced to serve extra army time as penance. What they did was unbelievably brave - not to take away from the bravery of these OWS protesters, in their own way - 'cause the Chinese government don't mess...

    The OWS are slowing down your ability to get around Manhattan?

    Get over yourself. If you have a job, there but for the Grace of God go YOU. It could happen to any of us.

    Something has to give, and hopefully this can coalesce into a political movement that cleans house in Washington.

    Btw, if anyone doubts the importance of making sure the GOP doesn't get back into the White House, I have two words for you: Supreme Court. They have stacked the deck in favor of big money already, just think if a GOP president had the chance to appoint additional conservative Justices.

  41. hedgewytch9:14 AM

    Here I am out in remote land and unable to partake in any of these wonderful protests going on across our nation. But thank goodness for the internet; I can at least participate that way by educating myself above and beyond what the regular TV news is saying, pass the message along, and keep myself up to date as this incredible uprising of patriotism spreads across our nation.

    I am so excited to see the American people wake up and start to take their country back from the 1%.

  42. Anonymous9:26 AM

    7:39 has it correctly. The Tea Party had as its primary focus the TARP bailouts. Then the left vs. right divide and conquer strategy co-opted the movement. This is what they are now trying to do with OWS but it's backfiring big time. The crooks in DC on both sides of the political spectrum are all bought by the too big to fail banks and multi-national corporations. Do you think Obamacare helps the people, or the insurance companies and Big Pharma? Harry Reid got a waiver on Obamacare for the state of Nevada because Nevada can't afford it. Pelosi got waivers in CA, too. No money for teachers and textbooks, but Wow!, the police sure are suited up in all the latest in riot gear. Who's paying for that? Is the Dept. of Homeland Security making sure you are safe from "terrorists", or are they protecting Empire from the fed-up masses? The banks did not actually pay back TARP, they transferred the losses onto AIG, backstopped by the US taxpayers. Wall Street got their bonuses. Wachovia, admitted laundering Mexican drug cartel money, paid only a fine. Our Justice Dept. is scrambling to cover up the fact that we sold guns to these very same cartels. Guns? Drugs? Money-laundering? Afganistan, where the poppy growing business has blossomed since Empire took over. Bank of America illegally foreclosed on millions of homeowners, using robosigners to produce forged documents. No one sent to prison over that shit. Yea, Right-wing Tea-Party Patriots were pissed when their 2nd Amendment rights were threatened, but now we have 1st Amendment rights being threatened, where are they? Being brainwashed by the left vs. right media, which is owned by Corporate America. So yea, when your local power company wants to raise your bill to pay for their new "smart meters", and the CEO is raking in millions a year, you're eating Ramen noodles, your kids are in over-sized classrooms, and you are told don't be a whiner; If you are not pissed you are being brainwashed by someones agenda. We don't need a revolution, we need The Rule of Law enforced. Start with that lying Attorney General Eric Holder and that tax-cheat Tim Geithner. Crooks running the show. Yes, President Obama, he whole world IS watching.

  43. Anonymous9:39 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    They're wasting the city's dollars...
    7:06 AM"

    Good! Let the bureaucrats see they can either spend money creating jobs or they can spend it this way, by force.

  44. Revolution is right.

    What politicians don't realize is that the people outnumber the police. They also outnumber the military.

    When the people cease to respect police and military and fail to follow directions or do as they're told, you have revolution. Aggression and force will only serve to swell the numbers of the people against tyranny and oppression. And yes, that could very well be our own Government.

    It's part of our history.

    I said it years ago. There will come a point when the people will rise up and say enough, no more. And when that happens, the police and the military will not be enough to enforce the Fascist agenda. In fact, as we have seen, there are those in the police and military that will stand WITH the people, not against them.

    American Spring. Coming, coming, here.

    I stand with the 99%.

  45. Anonymous9:42 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    7:06am. Seriously? Nasty as in long dreadlocks? I found the teabaggers obese, repulsive, nasty and dangerous. So what! You can't discuss one thing they did other than "they were nasty". You are a tool spewing Fox Talking Points. It won't work here.
    7:39 AM"

    ITA. Remember the teapubes calling the black senators niggers? Remember them showing up at Obama's speeches with guns? Remember the assorted bomb plots? That is nasty. That is violent. That is un-American. But, since it was the feeble-minded elderly, it is ok.

  46. Anonymous9:43 AM

    8:34AM = LYING TROLL SCUM. The only thing I smell is your FEAR. Are you shaking in your boots you little coward? You should be.

  47. eclecticsandra9:51 AM

    It seems that the opposition is to the act of protesting, not the substance. Where are the good, logical arguments in favor of the job creators getting their due? If these are truly trolls being sent to disrupt things, let them add to the discussion rather than comments on the problem of sanitation in a mass movement.

  48. Ahhh. I just got out of a meeting. My department will be eliminated in exactly one year because they are going to outsource the call center which takes care of newspaper circulation, retention, telephone sales and customer/tech support, legal notices and obituaries. At least I have a year to figure out what to do and I get a 'nice' severance package.

    I am and have always been the 99%. I can't really join the OCW movement right now in front of city hall (Austin, TX) because I need the income, but if I can't find a job once my severance is gone, I know I'll be out there. And I believe in a year it still will be, unless Obama can get these GOPers off their asses and get a nice big jobs bill passed.

    Eff the big corporations. Eff this company I work for. I'm quite bitter right now. I don't know when I'll feel better about this.

  49. I might add keep all of this in mind the next time "net neutrality" comes up in Congress *IF* we even hear about it.

    The only way to control the spin is to control the net. As long as people can communicate without a filter or the spin of the right wing media, the truth will get out. The minute net neutrality is gone and the internet is controlled by the ISP providers, et al, you will find censorship at an all time obscene HIGH in this country. You'll find those Facebook posts and those videos and pictures of the TRUTH gone. Some of those twitter messages you sent will just disappear, having never been displayed. The ONLY way the fascist right and retain control is to take the net, control it and censor it. And you know that the artificial people who claim they "own" the net will NOT be allowing anything that threatens their bottom line to become public.

    Net neutrality. It *is* about you. Every freedom loving patriotic American should demand that the net be free, open and neutral, not owned and operated for profit.

  50. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Scott Olsen, 24 year old Iraq war (Empire-building) veteran, came home with a clue. Shot at close range in the HEAD with a rubber bullet, while protesting with his Vets For Peace group. As fellow protesters come to his aid, an explosive device is thrown into the group. This is an act of terrorism against citizens exercising the right to peacefully assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Will the military support the constitutional rights of citizens, or take their paycheck from the corporatocracy?

  51. Sunshine1970.

    Don't wait.

    That year may end up being 7 weeks.

    Start now and be aggressive. When you find a job give notice and leave asap. They obviously won't need to replace you. And if it means giving up the severance, so be it. Better to be going from one job directly to another than having a few crumbs of severance to delay the unemployment ins. and then the foreclosure and/or draining of the retirement account to follow.

    I'm the 99% too.

  52. Not What You Want To Hear11:17 AM

    Virginia Voter, it doesn't do any good to complain to our representatives. That's the impetus for the entire OWS movement: the average citizen has no real representation anymore. Our politicians are owned by transnational finance and other monied interests. OWS is about empowering people to take back their own power. You can't do that invisibly by writing some pathetic letters to a representative who doesn't give a shit.

  53. Anonymous11:32 AM

    It's one troll and she's an asshole.

    I came of age in the 1980s and knew plenty of people like her, Gordon Gekko wannabes, Alex P. Keatons without the humanity.

    Here we are in 2011 and this idiot is still screaming about hippies.

    Open you eyes, anonymous, there is no 53% and the 1% robs you blind and shits all over you. The two biggest consumers of welfare are:

    1. Southern (right-leaning) white people and,
    2. corporations

    This country was literally founded on the right to protest, you anti-American, yuppie-wannabe POS.

  54. Looks as if some our SarahPAC trolls have found themselves another income stream. (cf. 7:06)

  55. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Now we are talking! OccupyOakland is planning a General Strike on Nov. 2. This is what the movement started as, an economic one, before the left/right bullshit tried to use it to its own advantage. If the slaves refuse to work, what's the Pharoah to do? If the longshoremen join in, whoo-hoo, the Chinese will be pissed as they won't be able to get their goods to Walmart. That's it slaves! Get'em where it hurts! In the pocketbook! What the fuck do we need too big to fail banks for? Who needs a big house full of plastic Chinese crap. Don't purchase their shit, Don't use their banks(do business with local credit union), Don't consume their oil(limit driving), stop being mindless consumers with a credit card. Use cash and cut up all the fucking cards. Starve the Beast.

  56. mlaiuppa @11:05 AM said...

    Don't wait.
    That year may end up being 7 weeks.
    Start now and be aggressive. When you find a job give notice and leave asap. They obviously won't need to replace you. And if it means giving up the severance, so be it. Better to be going from one job directly to another than having a few crumbs of severance to delay the unemployment ins. and then the foreclosure and/or draining of the retirement account to follow.

    I kind of have to wait it out. My rental lease isn't up until July, and I really don't want to have to pay to break it--can't afford that--then pay some sort of rent until it's leased again. My job is guaranteed through October 2012. If it is up sooner, I'd still be eligible for a severance package. Also husband and I have decided to move from Austin to Omaha to be closer to family. I can't up and leave yet anyway until I have some sort of direction of what I want to do. I already let my bosses know, and they said I can transfer within the corporation (not lose any benefits and keep my 5 weeks vacation), and are already working to get me names of people to contact now so when the time comes I will have some sort of income. (And yes, I just check I'll still get the severance package since this is forcing a move.)

  57. Smirnonn12:39 PM

    The powers that be best tread lightly. OWS is gaining momentum and, God forbid, should things escalate the frustrations due to the economy will boil over. There's a lot of pissed off people in this country right now.

  58. I support OWS. I'm making less than I did 12 years ago doing the same work.My health insurance keeps going up and covers less.The middle class is shrinking along with union membership.Thanks OWS for giving us a voice.

  59. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Gryphen -- at some point, could you do a post listing things we can/should do to support the OWS front-line people, like move money on Nov 5, stay home Nov 2, phone in to prepay a pizza or two for protesters; -- and what else? I bet your readers will have creative suggestions. I can do the foregoing, but I want to do more -- but cannot be physically present at a protest.

  60. I'm planning to set up an "Occupy your Community" table in my front yard this weekend. We are in the midst of two occupations, one orderly and articulate, and one chaotic, aggressive, and word-salady. My point in setting up in my yard is to show the aggressive group that you do not have to piss off the entire progressive community to join the Occupy movement and make a difference. I plan to hand out information on local organizations that help low income and homeless, lists with emails for Congress and other PTB, suggestions for local places to donate or volunteer, and information about the various occupations in the area. People need to get creative and stay non-violent. They need to work hard to enlist the support of their communities. Less soapboxing and more specific ideas.

  61. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Thank you Gryphen!!

    1:10 and everyone - you can find tons of information here:

    If anyone is in Boston or surrounds, there's a huge rally on saturday in Dewey Sq - TONS of people.

    I say still call your members of congress - let them know that you support the 99% - it matters, because we vote for the fuckers!

    See now THIS is MY America!

    btw - have you noticed that once the idiot trolls are called out for being so insanely fucking stupid they stop posting? We always think you're stupid - why do you post in the first place?? Does my head in. But good for a laugh I suppose.

  62. Anonymous @7:06 am
    CityGirlForLife @7:12 am

    You remind me of how many of my classmates in one particular high school class reacted to the 1970 Kent State killings:
    "The police justifiably shot/killed students because they threw had rocks thrown at them."

    So I'm familiar with people who justify all police actions without thinking through alternate courses of action. I've mentioned before here that I was on a hung jury where one woman who was perfectly reasonable during jury selection crossed her arms during deliberation and would not budge from her belief that "Police can do no wrong."

    Two worthy #OWS tweets from today:

    1) An "Occupy" poster in the style of Shepard Fairey's "Obama" poster (the Anonymous mask covers Obama's face).
    Of course this exists .. via TweetDeck
    2) Jon Stewart:
    #TDSBreakingNews Congress approval rating hits record low of 9%. #WeAreThe91Percent

    Tweet URLs:!/daveweigel/status/129652949419962368!/TheDailyShow/status/129678465552236544

  63. Anonymous3:29 PM

    When these cops union contract and their jobs are attacked by the Republicans and baggers, who will stand with them?

    Do they not understand they are being used? They are being sent to attack their own kind.

  64. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "The protesters in NY are NASTY!!!"

    Which is why New Yorkers support them. Of course most in NY city are New Yorkers.

    "I stand with the 53%.
    7:06 AM"

    So you stand against those who have been laid off as a result of the recession.
    You stand against the disabled, the majority of who, through no fault of their own live in poverty.
    You stand against the majority of elderly.
    You stand against high school and college graduates who cannot find work.

    Just guessing, but you are a Republican?

  65. Anonymous3:44 PM

    7:06 & 7:12 Now aren't we the righteous. Your so above and superior to what? Your brothers & sisters gathering to defend your rights? Yes, they leave some litter behind, and some are NY street-smart. Take your bottle of Mr. Clean and shove it where the sun don't shine. Regards, A Vet...

  66. I've had a busy day photo-documenting our local Occupy movement. Kerfuffle at noon when one protester attacked the Occupy kitchen because he felt like he was being made a scapegoat over the tent issue. I missed the tent discussion that set him off, but I did see him plow into the kitchen and knock down their shelter tarp. Then at 5pm I attended the general assembly. It was orderly, with the primary discussion being the proposed move to City Hall. Most were supportive of the move, as the occupation of the town square has been turning the town against them. In contrast to the serious-minded democracy occurring in the general assembly, 15 feet away was a group of assholes who were drinking and smoking (illegal on the Plaza)and talking loudly enough to make it difficult to hear the people talking at some points. I was taking pictures of the entire event, and began taking pictures of the party assholes. They yelled at me to stop taking their pictures. I yelled stop breaking the law. They yelled, I flipped them off. About three of them came over and got in my face. I got in their face and told them to stop acting like assholes on the Plaza. One guy started taking my picture. I laughed and said snap away dude. They finally wandered back to their beer and cigarettes and weed and dogs while I caught a few more minutes of the assembly before going home to fix dinner.

  67. Anonymous9:55 PM

    What part of "you can't wring your hands and roll up your sleeves at the same time" do all the dillusional, egotistical fool trolls understand?

    I guess, since the shallow swimmers's pool all but dried up, they squirmished on their bellies and landed here by mistake?

    Here's the carnage comparison:

    six killed, fourteen wounded

    We just got one in a coma.

    Happy Now?

    Feck Off, Go Home and touch yourselves while drooling over Prunella De'Silla picture. On your way, get a fresh set of batteries for your glow worms!

    We ARE the 99 percent, We're here, we're staying, The Marine's and Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan support us because they ARE us.

  68. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Dayum, Gryphen!

    Call the Guinness Book of World Records!

    I do believe you have more trolls than Mimi Bobek!

  69. Not What You Want To Hear3:16 AM

    womanwithasardinecan, that is a a really, really good idea - to set up an "Occupy your Community" table in your own front yard with the kind of information you plan on handing out. That's one of the great things about this movement, how it's inspiring people to come up with creative ideas of their own to help reclaim the average citizen's voice.

    And as someone who has argued with you in the past about PETA, my sympathies to the protestors you had an altercation with. I know how feisty you are, lol.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.