Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy 21st Birthday Bristol Palin! Now let's see if you handle being an adult better than your mother.

Today is Bristol's 21st birthday, so we can officially retire her as one of the "children" that Sarah is always complaining we are attacking. (Because as you well know, telling the truth about somebody is "attacking" in Palin-speak.)

In my opinion this is the perfect time for Bristol to officially step into adulthood as her mother's now defunct political career will no longer provide the kind of reflected fame that Bristol was leeching off of to sell books, gain lucrative endorsements like the Candy's abstinence campaign, and convince producers she could be of ANY interest to viewers of reality programs.

Now that the Grizzled Mama seems to have gone into hibernation, what is next for the junior grifter/worst ex-girlfriend ever/homophobic reality star personality?

Whatever she does I would predict that it will have to be something related to her very own personal talents, since Granny Grifter may have done her last politically flavored lap dance for cash. So what talent does Bristol have?

Well she could...no the plastic surgery ruined that.

Okay well she has....no every woman has that.

Oh I have an idea, she can...no NOBODY will buy that.

Well don't worry I am sure it will come to me...I think.

In the meantime you can get a giggle from this pro-Palin fan site fawning all over Bristol's many "accomplishments," and then view the Huffington Post's slide show of, I kid you not, Bristol Palin's "Style Evolution."

P.S. For those who are curious about Bristol's plans for her birthday, my understanding is that she is currently in Wasilla and that her gal pals have something "epic" planned. I believe the Wasilla police are on high alert.


  1. Amusing. When did she go to Wasilla? According to her tweets (well the responses to them) she was in LA over the weekend, and crashed her truck, and got an OWI...

    Hope her friends don't plan anything too crazy for her...

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Happy Birthday, Pistol! You're lookin' good!

    (that's my favorite picture of her, thanks Grypen)

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Bristol plans on buying some vacant land in Wasilla and starting her own Bed and Breakfast. She plans on renting tents to interested tourists. The tents will be accompanied with an igloo of chilled wine coolers. She will hang a used sheet outside and show “The Undefeated” at nightfall and provided autographed abstinence posters to the tourists.

  4. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Man, if propaganda weren't a word, you'd have no blog. Keep writing the fiction, bring in those grifted dollar bills to yourself.

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Wow, what a list of accomplishments. Going to a dinner and going on a flight somewhere does not make one accomplished.

    I guess they must have really low standards.

    My sons have traveled all over the world. One son has two master's degrees and the other one is a PhD student (physics). They will never see the amount of money that Bristol has made for doing what?

    Oh, that's right. She gave birth as a teen and she is an unwed mother to boot. I thought those were "accomplishments" that the religious right does not like?

    Silly me. How stupid am I for educating my kids!

  6. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Be great if rumor of her DUI crash in LA was true...

    Strong, happy, happy family.

  7. Anonymous7:16 AM

    That's the reason she's in Wasilla to celebrate her 21st birthday. If she celebrates with her posse in an "epic" way, she and her entourage will not be arrested there. Daddy controls the police.

    Wine coolers for everybody!!

  8. Anonymous7:20 AM

    SP is not hibernating, she's giving another speech in Mississippi on Saturday at 3pm. I think it is part of 4 speeches sponsored by the Extraordinary Women's group. IMO she's either taking the advice of going televangelist, or another try at grifting and loading up her personal PAC from these people. She just can't stop, that's why it is important to expose the truth. I noticed there are a couple of NEW PAC donation sites when you google her name. Wonder where the money actually goes?! The stupid of her supporters burns.

  9. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Well, the slide show sure show how her weight has fluctuated.

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    6:59 AM
    Man, if propaganda weren't a word, you'd have no blog. Keep writing the fiction, bring in those grifted dollar bills to yourself.

    Poor English = troll alert

    Batten down the hatches Wasilla!! Or the tents, its gonna be a big night!

  11. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Once the reality show goes nowhere, ending her short lived claim to fame, wonder what her next move will be? Her "career" is pretty much over. What else has she got? She's no longer a teenager, no longer a fresh-faced Alaska newcomer, never had any talent, is famously lazy and rude, and TICK TOCK... Biggest Loser?

  12. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I found "The Rogue" on our library's ebooks have been reading it electronically. All I can say is this family deserves any bad vibes that come their way. And a BIG "THANKS" to Joe McGinnis for writing his book and telling the REAL Sarah Palin story. What a sham she is, among MANY other things. I surprised, after all I read about the book after its release, is how many NON anon sources there are. Even if you discredit the non-anon sources, there are plenty who go on record about the sour taste that Sarah has left in their mouths. She really scorched a path in her wake. What nasty people she AND Todd are. I don't see any indication that Bristol is any better.

  13. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Let the legal drinking begin. This should be fun. Any bets on how many DUIs she'll have this time next year?

  14. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Police on high alert..you are so funny Gryphen!

    How's about Bristol goes to college now that she's an adult?

    That would be a true accomplishment.

    (Btw, notice how those short swipe posts are showing up again all of a sudden? That you, Todd?)

    See, these people just WISH we'd go away and stop looking at them.

    Naht gahnah happen, sorry.

    You count on stupid Americans to hand you their cash, Sarah and Todd. We are not stupid Americans.

    You really don't want to be using the "grifting" term, either. Just reminding everyone what you are doing.

  15. (ahem)7:39 AM

    Bristol has had a very busy year.

    She's been working hard on her ground-breaking television show with her best friends Kyle and Kyle's brother (YOU try having cameras follow your every move when you're sitting in the nail salon with your son on your lap or when you're riding a mechanical bull.)

    She went to Korea with her mom (that was really an adventure since Bristol and Sarah thought Korea was just a country the writers of MASH made up).

    She had to remember all the stuff in that book and actually answer questions about it and also write her name.

    Um...I can't think of anything else she did, but you'd better believe whatever it was, she did it bluntly.

    Bristol is turning 21 and I'm sure she will have a drink or two to celebrate. The only time she ever had alcohol before was those wine coolers on that camping trip that one time. She hasn't touched alcohol since. Bristol made a horrible mistake so that other girls don't have to. In fact, because of Bristol's horrible mistake and abstinence since then, Willow also abstains from drinking and will do so until she's 21.

    Bristol is going to celebrate her birthday surrounded by her friends and her family at Sarah's house. Even Trig is going to be there if someone can arrange to pick him up and drive him over

    ...and someone will, because that's the kind of family the Palins are! This is true.

  16. Anonymous7:40 AM

    She might look at where Octomom got, using her kids as a source of income. Not exactly a role model. Bristles looks used up for a 21 year old, doesn't she? Are her many friends pitching tents and stocking up on booze? Who will be the "lucky guy" to steal her virginity this time? What happened to Ben and Gino??

  17. Anonymous7:40 AM

    The kids _n Bristol are sharp as pistol when they do "The Bristol Stomp!"

  18. Anonymous7:42 AM

    If the pic with the brown sweater (and Mark Ballas) shows up - I think they have photo-shopped her silhouette here. God, the complicity. It's all about the $$$. Bristol Palin and her clan sell magazines. They are a tabloid editor's dream.


  19. @ Gryphen

    You said 'defunct'.

    {chuckling a la Family Guy}

    @ Anony 6:59 AM

    If grifting weren't a word, then $arah would be known for STEALING, which would make her a goddamn thief.

  20. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Nine months from now, there will be another "godson or god daughter" Her house must be getting crowded by now with her illegitimate kids. Is she still chasing after Levi?

  21. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Bristol -- be a good daughter -- set your mom and your sons free from the lies!!!

    Sigh -- the hours, weeks, months, years, I have put into uncovering this story -- at the end of it all, I ask: Sarah, set your family and friends free.

    Bristol stand up for yourself and let the world know you are a mother to beautiful sons. There is no shame -- no one wished you harm with your pregnancy with "Tripp2" -- I have cried for you Bristol, you may never know that, but I have.

    Please. You will regret so much in your later years for this silence.

    Give yourself the best gift you will ever receive...Honesty.

  22. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Abortions in Korea only cost $340...

  23. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Bristol says on her fakebook, she has no twitter account but there is a fake one.
    :) Fake.
    As the other poster said she will celebrate in Wasilly or Alaska b/c she won't get in trouble there.
    In LA her mom couldn't get her out of trouble.

  24. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Bristol's style evolution? I thought the Palins didn't believe in evolution?

    All changes in species overtime have been a result of corrective jaw surgery - that's it and nothing more to it.

  25. Enjay in E MT8:03 AM

    Can't figure out what that look is in that picture ......

    "Slutty low budget porn sex kitten come hither look"?

    Anyway - Happy Birthday, Bristol the Pistol

  26. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Ano @ 7:08 : I hear ya! I am in the same boat with my daughter who has just successfully gotten her MBA... and is jobless. :/

  27. Anonymous8:16 AM

    What truth?

  28. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Sunshine, Bristol doesn't have a twitter account.

    She's been in Wasilla for a month.

  29. Dinty8:17 AM

    I was smart and foresaw this day, investing in wine cooler futures 6 months ago. I AM GOING TO BE RICH!

  30. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Octomom was on Mark Cuban's new TV show CelebriDate...

    Look for Bristol to appear on it soon..

  31. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Sunshine1970 - what is an OWI?
    Pat Padrnos

  32. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Ahem, makes me laugh every time! You are too good!
    NancyB in SC

  33. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Happy 20th birthday Bristol - 1991 is the YEAR, now we need to pin down the DAY....

    when exactly were you born? does your mother know?

    where were you born? does your mother know?

    have to ask because she doesn't remember when or where TriG was born and you were born so LONG AGO. That has to be tuff for her muddled mind to remember. Did you write the date on her hand or yours?

  34. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Still bitter and twisted hey gryphhy poo?

    Get over it dude. The Palins are history and so's your blog.

  35. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Isn't it amazing how corrective jaw surgery causes your lips to swell up like pillows?


  36. Anonymous8:41 AM

    It's funny that you stil feed the ridiculous notion that Obama is attacked more than anyone else.

    I don't see ignorant people spreading lies about HIS family.

    All Sarah has ever said about him personally is "I am glad there's a gerat family in the White House."

    Criticizing policies is one thing and Obama has some BAAAAD policies (if you can call them that). But perpetuating myths and lies about her and her family is immoral.

  37. Anonymous8:45 AM

    She looks "horrid" in that pic!
    They did something to her nose. Something not good :(

  38. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Well, this settles the question I had earlier when Bristol was in the bar riding the bull. What the heck was a good UNDERAGED Xtian preachin' gurl doin' in the bar in the first place.
    Doin' what fundamentalists do best? Drinkin' & screwin'?

    Years ago, a close friend's very fundamentalist JW Pastor brother (47or48 Yrs old), his wife & an beautiful 18 yr. old girl came to visit them. We were invited to a bar-be-que to meet them. The 18 year old girl was the daughter of a rich Texan, in his congregation, who Pastor & wife lived with. Fairly early in the evening, Pastor literally told his wife to go to bed (around 9:30pm). She went without an argument, being a good submissive wife. After she left he & the girl had their hands all over each other and were drinking heavily - bourbon & seven. He was the one who was mixing her drinks - we were against giving an 18 yr old booze.

    She looked at her drink & said - "this is interesting, I never had this before". Someone asked if she meant she'd never had liquor before. She laughed & said "We take our bourbon straight in Texas." They were still outside drinking & fondling when we left. Beyond disgusting.

  39. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Wow! It seems like just last year she was 20! Where does the time go? Happy Birthday, Bristol! Keep your chin up when blowing out those candle's - that plastic stuff is extremely flammable and could melt your veneers! Just saying!

    Now the pressures on Willow, wonder who's going to be the truffle sniffing pregnancy test oinker now?

    "Fashion Evolution" and "Bristol" don't quite match up. Look at her role model and mentor- grandmamma Sarah.

  40. It's hard to judge those kids, they're the product of a narcissitic mother, a dysfunctional family, chaotic life and the insanity of being dragged into the national spotlight.

    I think Track has the best shot at overcoming this, as he's aligned with the wonderful and sane family he married into and has distanced himself from the insanity.

    The others, well, are messed up, I think, and no one to help them. Sad.

  41. Jeanabella8:51 AM

    Intelligent and educated children who can't find a job and are broke, are in a temporary situation because of the breakdown of the economy caused by the greed of Wall St & Corporate Congress & SCOTUS.
    Comments comparing these well brought up children to Brisdull and her family do not compute.
    Palins making $$ is because they are willing to let the masses laugh at them. People love train wrecks and that's what the Palins are.
    I'd rather have educated children who can take care of themselves throughout their life, than ignorant media whores that I'd be ashamed of like BP.
    In life, your word and integrity are priceless. The Palins have no integrity.
    The greed is palpable and will be shunned.

  42. hedgewytch8:52 AM

    Ah, now the birds are going to come home to roost. The free money is trickling away and the spigot is not going to be turned back on.

    I gave the Palin's some advice through this blog about a year ago to put away a good chunk of that change in a nice interest bearing account - it will be needed in 2012. There's going to be bills that the PAC can't pay anymore to upkeep the 2 houses in Az., the new cars (insurance rates sure suck for a 21 yr old female a bad driving record) aren't cheap to upkeep, and those darn kids just keep on growing and needing things like food and clothing.

    Be pretty ironic if in the next few years Bristol finds herself broke and wondering if she can qualify for gov assistance like food stamps.

  43. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Oh, Bristol, if you only could back up a few years and start all over again.
    Would you choose not to damage your pretty face with disfiguring surgery?
    Would you break free from your parents and make peace with Levi, in order to establish a permanent and stable home for your son(s)?
    Would you realize that education is forever, while celebrity is gone with the wind? Would you choose a career path and prepare for the future?
    Would you find a friend, or hire a trainer, who's mature, wise, educated, stylish, and humble, and follow her example each and every day?
    Would you try being a real Christian, loving others, loving yourself, and giving to those in need? Finding peace in your heart and offering peace to those around you?
    Bristol: it's not too late to start now!

  44. Anonymous9:01 AM

    "Slutty low budget porn sex kitten come hither look"?

    Thanks Enjay, I couldn't quite quite identify the "look" she is trying to portray in this photo ... ewwww! ... but you nailed her, uh, it.

  45. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I will forever be grateful to Bristol for letting us all know her mother's plan not to run for the presidency was made months in advance of her official announcement in October.

    Thanks Bristol!

  46. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Do ANY of the Palins REALLY know when their true birthdates are ?

    I doubt it. They just go by what sarah tells them.

    For instance, on what dates will bristol's 3 kids celebrate THEIR birthdays ??

    Maybe they'll all have 2 birthdays every year; the real date, and the date the palins told the press for political purposes !

  47. Anonymous9:03 AM

    What ever happened to the house(s) in Arizona ?

    Do they ever spend any time there ?

  48. Anonymous9:03 AM

    From the You Can't Make This Stuff Up files:

    There's a "Palin Avenue" in Galt, CA. And guess what?? It's a DEAD END!


  49. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Hi Bristol !

    Quick question - how are you going to spend the 4 Alaska PFD checks you got ?

  50. Anonymous9:06 AM

    The pics on Huff: Why were her boobs so small in the photo at the airport (#4), as opposed to at the rnc (#3)? The rnc was, like, a day or two later, right? Why did her chest swell when nothing else got that big? Why would they just pad her chest?

  51. Anonymous9:12 AM

    So Bristol is 21, hopefully she will grow up over night and act like an adult and let Tripp visit his other family the Johnstons.

  52. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Well, it looks as if she'll be donning her hooker pumps, her nasty wigs and her inappropriate outfits again...and screeching the Sarah Doctrine:

    Extraordinary Women Conference Adds 'Screeching Queen' Palin to Three Additional Events


  53. KatieAnnieOakly9:25 AM

    The reason she's in Wasilla is because she wrecked her Dodge pick-um-up truck last week!!

    - KatieAnnieOakly

  54. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Sarah, the Dead Fish, is going with the flow....to whomever will still pay her to stand up and spew her vituperous lies. She is now grifting the ladies of the religious right. Sarah, The Whore of Babylon or should that be Babyland?

    And Bristle? No talent, no looks, no smartz.... She will now have to shake her "tamborine" and pass the collection plate for her mother, forever.

    Bristlepants made her bed - apparently several times - and now she will have to lie in it. Most young adults begin their lives at 21; Bristle's is ending at 21.

    It's sad really. Bristle was enabled by her mother to pursue fame and fortune, and became a laughing stock to the rest of the world, a cautionary tale.

    Perhaps she should join a nunery and repent her sins in earnest.

  55. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Sarah, the Dead Fish, is going with the flow....to whomever will still pay her to stand up and spew her vituperous lies. She is now grifting the ladies of the religious right. Sarah, The Whore of Babylon or should that be Babyland?

    And Bristle? No talent, no looks, no smartz.... She will now have to shake her "tamborine" and pass the collection plate for her mother, forever.

    Bristlepants made her bed - apparently several times - and now she will have to lie in it. Most young adults begin their lives at 21; Bristle's is ending at 21.

    It's sad really. Bristle was enabled by her mother to pursue fame and fortune, and became a laughing stock to the rest of the world, a cautionary tale.

    Perhaps she should join a nunery and repent her sins in earnest.

  56. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I feel sorry for her. I also am sorry that so many people enjoy speaking harshly of her. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

  57. Anon @ 9:03, just checked out deadend Palin Avenue on my computer map. Exactly as you said. Thanks for the laugh.

    BTW, is that really a photo of Brisdull? I'm thinking it's of someone on one of those cheap "reality" shows. Or has she really distorted her face THAT much?!?!

  58. Anonymous9:42 AM

    anon 8:16. She could not have been in Wasilla for a month since her mother said she was picking her up in LA to go to Korea with her. Also she was seen in LA within the last month. It is on twitter that she did wreck her truck while drunk there and TMZ has covered for her.

  59. Anonymous9:56 AM

    OWI = Operating While Impaired/Intoxicated

  60. Anonymous9:59 AM

    There is a reason why grifters and con artists are drawn to churches and religious organizations: They are easy targets.

    I knew a man who made his chump change speaking at local churches about giving up a life of drugs after he found his Lord and Savior. The congregation loved his tearful confession, and gave money to help him find his way forward, which he used to buy more drugs. He laughed about it!

    Sarah's doing the same thing.... saying what these Christian ladies want to hear and raking in their donations. I'd like to warn them, but I am sure they are loving their new ripe and juicy Tammy Fae Bakker, and wouldn't hear anything that doesn't fit with their new fantasy. It takes two to grift.

  61. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Anon 9:42, I didnt say she was in Wasilla the whole month. BUT she was there at the start of Sept for a week, went back to LA (where her friends visited, she went to a gun range and rode the bull) She was back in Wasilla by the third week of Sept.

    Do remember that Bristol doesnt have twitter.

    Gullible saps.

    "I feel sorry for her. I also am sorry that so many people enjoy speaking harshly of her. As ye sow, so shall ye reap."

    The blogs are for cowards.

  62. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Anon 9:33, don't feel bad for her. Bristol is one of the strongest people youll ever meet.

  63. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Anon 9:03, Bristol is a landlord with two homes rented.

    but thanks for being nosy. I guess when you have no life and are fulfilled by living someone else's, I shouldn't mock you. It's just so sad.

  64. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Oh, I love a good post that brings out the ignorant, judging morons.

    Keep feeding your fairy tales libtards.

  65. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Anonymous said...
    anon 8:16. She could not have been in Wasilla for a month since her mother said she was picking her up in LA to go to Korea with her. Also she was seen in LA within the last month. It is on twitter that she did wreck her truck while drunk there and TMZ has covered for her.

    9:42 AM


    That's total BS !! How the hell can they cover up an accident like that ? Lohan, Hilton, etc all made the front pages with their traffic accidents, does the 'pull of sarah palin' reach all the way to Los Angeles ?

    Any traffic accident involving bristol palin should be front page news in every paper and on every gossip website; especially if it was DUI/DWI/OUI (alcohol/drug related)).

    C'mon press, do your frickin' job and expose this latest cover-up !

    It has gotten beyond ridiculous that the palins keep skating on every illegal thing they do !!

    (ps; all names NOT capitalized because they don't deserve it)

  66. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Anon 7:08

    So I guess you have a beef with ALL of Hollywood and had one long before Bristol entered stage left. HUHHHH?
    You've never vocalized disapproval for pretty people in Southern california who make money solely because they're pretty?


  67. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Anon 7:10

    Just keep proving to us that you're an unhappy little person. I am praying you see the light one day and become a nice person.

  68. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Anon 7:22,

    GASP. Bristol's a normal person with a normal female body that fluctuates with every given day.

    How incredible.


  69. 8:41 AM

    You are the problem. A typical, ignorant, uneducatedm, lying, racist repugbagger.

    Don't compare our President to that insufferable bitch, you fucking idiot.

    Go clean your skid marks on your drawers.

  70. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Anon 7:25,

    Lame, superficial response = the ignorant liberal wenches who wouldn't know truth if it bit them are here.

    Gryphen knows VERY well he reports bad rumors and outright lies. He also knows that if he were to retract some of them, he'd have NO credibility.

    Propaganda, thy best friend is IM. Heck, thy best friends are all the hateful blogs. Where else are you going to find strongly distorted libtard blog posts?

    What's funny is, if you were to actually meet the people you ignorantly attack, you'd like them.

  71. Tamtam10:14 AM

    " the REAL Sarah Palin story"

    Yes because a fictionalized account of her childhood is REAL good literature.

  72. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Happy Birthday, Bristol. God help you.

  73. I don't know if this has been posted but ozmud has another good post up about mooseyak lying stankass and the marathon.

  74. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:17 AM

    She looks like she should be stuck to the inside of an aquarium with that ersatz glam pose.

    Hint, Bristol: Marilyn Monroe did it MUCH better than you ever can. So sorry you obliterated your natural good looks with all that bogus "Ricky Hollywood" surgery. You now look like every other Real Housewives Of .... wannabe. You'll realize all this someday, I hope.

  75. Anonymous10:18 AM

    "Is she still chasing after Levi?"

    Wasn't it Levi who continued fawning after her? yes I think it was. You know when he wasn't admitting on tv he cheated on her. It's funny how he once admitted that then "wrote" his piece of fiction rewriting his past.

  76. Anonymous10:19 AM

    " I have cried for you Bristol, you may never know that, but I have."

    You've cried for someone you don't know, someone who's lied about on the web constantly, and someone who is living a wonderful life?

    Because that's illustrates you as a mature, sane person. NOT.

  77. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Anon 7:59, Your comment makes zero sense.

  78. Anonymous10:22 AM

    You know what @ 9:33, as YOU sow, so shall YOU reap.

    WE are on the side of right here. This family was allowed to enter the national consciousness for very misguided at best, but evil at worst, reasons. They were foisted on an unsuspecting nation. We were victimized when that happened, and we came very close to having an unqualified person in the office of Vice President of the United States of America. Do you have any clue how wrong that was? How dangerous?

    Now Bristol continues to be in the limelight precisely because of that moment back in '08.

    WE are fighting back. There is simply no reason to pay attention to her except for her status as a celebrity. She needs to go to college and stop making money off of nothing other than fame. Fame is empty.

    Don't lecture me from the Bible. I know what a real Christian is, and neither you nor Bristol nor Sarah is one.

    "We shall know them by their fruits"....how about that one? Let's see some true Christian acts on their part, how about, for starters.

  79. Anonymous10:23 AM

    OMG - She looks horrible!!!

    Just read on the delusion site that Palin is going to be on Greta tonight. They are hoping that she will announce that she is running. Those people are beyond pathetic.

  80. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Here is the movie trailer for Sarah Palin: You Betcha!

  81. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hi $arah at 6:59! you are so transparent. A little jealous the money and attention is on the wane?

  82. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Well said anon 8:57. Bristol, I've always wanted to support you. I grew up in a dysfunctional family and have been recovering from an overbearing mother for years now. I love her dearly, but I had to find my own path, my own voice. When you truly feel good about yourself and your accomplishments, the anger and resentment melt away. Find the book "What Color is Your Parachute", figure out what you're good at- your true, honest talents and pursue them. It's not too late. Stop being a sideshow. Do it for your son. Be a strong role model for your sisters. Make it a happy 21st- it's your choice.

  83. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Just look for the name Palin in the California court docs. Actually, the Alaska Courts name index also is a real Palin roster. Such a family to look up to.

  84. Anonymous10:57 AM

    They don't know the meaning of the word 'adult' in the palin kompound. Not do they understand 'style'.

  85. Anonymous11:06 AM

    @9:01 am
    ""Slutty low budget porn sex kitten come hither look"?

    Thanks Enjay, I couldn't quite quite identify the "look" she is trying to portray in this photo ... ewwww! ... but you nailed her, uh, it."

    Actually, I was thinking it was the "omigod, I'm allergic to shellfish!" look.

  86. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Looks like someone in the Palin household started drinking early this morning.

  87. Anonymous11:12 AM

    DUI in 3...2...1...

  88. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I think Track has the best shot at overcoming this, as he's aligned with the wonderful and sane family he married into and has distanced himself from the insanity.

    the family he SHOULD still be allowed to marry into in December, barring SP's photos being sold to the magazines......

    no wedding YET.

  89. emrysa11:30 AM

    hahahaa good laffs in the comments today gryphen.

    why is it so important to these bots to repeat over and over again that brisdull is STRONG?

    hey bots, you know what they say about guys who have to repeatedly talk about how big their dick is, right? well what about people who have to repeatedly claim someone is strong? same conclusion applies - it is the opposite of what is claimed. you people don't help your ignorant redneck heroine at all with these comments. but it is funny!

  90. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Anon at 10:19:

    "You've cried for someone you don't know, someone who's lied about on the web constantly, and someone who is living a wonderful life?"

    Yeah, Bristol has such a wonderful life that she spent the morning of her birthday trolling the internet and angrily responding to every single comment about her.

  91. (ahem)11:31 AM

    I can't believe how nosy all of you are. For your information, Bristol goes to the bathroom every morning at 7:49 sharp, she has dark blue coffee mugs, and last Wednesday night, she spent 38 minutes googling "the abominable snowman." Get a life, you cowards.

  92. Anonymous11:36 AM

    ""Just read on the delusion site that Palin is going to be on Greta tonight.""

    Well it won't be hard to predict that 8 minutes...Obama bad, blah, blah, blah...Obama rides a bus...Obama is campaigner in chief, blah, blah, blah...she's so predictable.

    Oh, and also too, now she's a certified official expert on South Korea since she just spent a minute and a half there.

    Oh, and also too, she'll be busy bashing the 'trade agreements' that just passed, she'll be talking about how ugly Obama's bus is and that it's 'made in Canada'.

    Of course all of this is while she's sorting a way too oversized patriotic symbol of one kind of another.

    If you could look under the desk, she most likely had some fancy, dancy hooker pumps hidden away.

    It's just gonna be another friendly, pre-fed chat with ReGreta so she can keep fulfilling her contract obligations.

    I wonder which 'roadkill' she'll have plastered to her BALD head when she shows up.

  93. Omfg, Bristol is all over this thread...10:13, 10:18, 10:19, 8:41, all use the same expressions, verbiage, and even repeats "it's funny" in their posts . Don't you have anything better to do on your birthday honey? Are you THAT pathetic.

    BTW, for all you 9/11 conspiracists from yesterday, please go watch South Park episode Mystery of the Urinal Duece. Maybe a little potty humor will enlighten you.

  94. barney11:39 AM

    8:16 am anomys says She's been in Wasilla for a month.

    Really now, cause Sarah said she was going by La on her way to S.Korea to see Bristol and supposedly Bristol went with Sarah to S.Korea. So who is lying about where Bristol has been for the last month? Is it lying Sarah or anomys here?

  95. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Sad little Bristroll:

    I hope that eradicating every shred of dignity you might have ever had is at least earning you time and a half on this "holiday."

  96. Anonymous11:44 AM

    "Man, if propaganda weren't a word, you'd have no blog. Keep writing the fiction, bring in those grifted dollar bills to yourself."

    @6:59 AM

    Projecting much, $arah? Fuck off, grifter!

  97. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I just heard this cover song of Hank Williams Sr. (not the jerky kid) song by Jack White
    Bob Dylan helped produce the CD so ya know it is gonna be awesome!

    Here it is:

    Your dear old mother taught me well
    She makes me wanna ring her bell
    Of all the things she said to me
    I sure remember the word "please"

    I know that you know that I know
    That this can't go on
    I know that you know that I know
    That this is all wrong

    It's hard to follow her allures
    I love all mothers but I may not love yours
    The shame and guilt do wear me down
    I've got the most outrageous secret in town

    I know that you know that I know
    That this can't go on
    I know that you know that I know
    That this is all wrong

    If love is bound to end
    I cannot comprehend
    What they define as wrong and right

    The whole wide universe
    Is now put in reverse
    The rules are set and I oblige

    Your dear old mother taught me well
    She made me wanna ring her bell
    I know it's wrong but it's so good
    Word gets around in the neighbourhood

    I know that you know that I know
    That this can't go on
    I know that you know that I know
    That this is all wrong

    If love is bound to end
    I cannot comprehend
    What they define as wrong and right

    The whole wide universe
    Is now put in reverse
    The rules are set and I oblige.....

    and on for a few more bars, I immediately knew this would be my
    "Palin memories song" (but in a bad way)now every time I'll hear it I'll smile knowing that I know that sarah and bristol know that we know!!!!!!!!!! all about Trig and all the babies
    and what not


  98. Anonymous11:48 AM


    ^April Morlock talks about Bristol pregnancy in 2007.

  99. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Bob Dylan wrote of Hank Williams in his memoir 'Chronicles, Volume One,' that "Intuitively I knew, though, that his voice would never drop out of sight or fade away." from 'The Lost Notebooks of Hank Williams' is a new collection of songs which draws from notes and lyrics left behind in a briefcase by the country legend at the time of his unexpected death at age 29. Indeed, Hank's legacy lives on.

    sarahs unfortunately will also, but not in good way!

  100. Anonymous12:01 PM

    "Still bitter and twisted hey gryphhy poo?

    Get over it dude. The Palins are history and so's your blog."

    @8:34 AM

    Get over it, bitter, twisted, dude. This blog is not "defunct." People (including yourself) do not post comments on a "defunct" blog, dumb-ass.

    Get a dictionary, stupid.

    The Palins, unfortunately, are not history, because they won't go away.

  101. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Does anyone have further details about the truck wreck? Bristol will fade out just as scarah has. Scarah still has a few infatuated fans that send her money and think she can be coaxed into still running for POTUS by sending tons of postcards to Wasilla that urge her to run. Some even are sending checks to her for $20.12. She must love that! Anyone know if she is still working at FOX? Hard to believe people can be so deceived, and still contribute to a truly lost cause.

    She seems to have gone out of sight since Korea, and despite a couple of articles here and there saying her screech was successful, the truth is it was anything but, and an embarrassment to the USA.

  102. Anonymous12:16 PM

    So sad. That girl should be finishing her senior year in college at this point. She wasted all that time chasing fame and fortune, her fame will slip fast and the small amount of money she made will, too. Such a waste of all the privilege she was born with. Complete loser she is.

  103. Cracklin' Charlie12:23 PM

    Anon 8:41:

    Is there any way you could provide us with a list of PRESIDENT Obama's "bad" policies? Sounds like you might not know what those policies really are.

    And the saying goes...He who sows the wind, shall reap the whirlwind. Your mother has been sowing the wind for the past three years, with her violent rhetoric, and now she is reaping the whirlwind. She asked for it.

    She would have been better off to just shut her mouth.

  104. Anonymous12:26 PM

    All Sarah has ever said about him personally is "I am glad there's a gerat family in the White House."


    @8:41 AM

    You are a liar. You are crazy. What is wrong with you? $arah Palin is notorious for bashing Barack Obama.

    The latest Pew poll study shows that Barack Obama has been getting the most negative coverage, while the media has been giving the republicans a free-ride.

    $arah Palin has made personal attacks against Barack Obama and his wife. In Palin's second book, she called his wife a racist. Accusing Barack Obama of being "hellbent on destroying America," and lying about him wanting to murder Trig and her parents with imaginary "death panels" is not simply "criticising" his policies.

    $arah Palin a demagogue. She is divisive and a liar, and made a career out of spreading myths and lies about others.

    Barack Obama has been called a terrorist, he had to show his birth certificate, he has been linked to Black Panthers, etc. He and wife were attacked for doing a "terrorist fist bump." You are crazy.

    I didn't notice $arah Palin criticising the baaaad policies of HER party when they ran up the deficit, and tanked the economy. Who gives a shit what she thinks? She's a quitter, and has no solutions to fix the country, anyway.

    If you're mad that M$M doesn't attack Barack Obama's family (the way you would like them to) that's because Barack Obama doesn't put his family in the spotlight, and his children don't act like brats in public.

    The Obamas are a classy family, and the Palins are the trashy family. The trashy family will natually get more negative headlines.

    The Palins are assholes, and deserve what they get. They brought it on themselves.

  105. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "I feel sorry for her. I also am sorry that so many people enjoy speaking harshly of her. As ye sow, so shall ye reap."

    @9:33 AM

    Do you feel sorry for the many people $arah Palin speaks harshly about?

    Seriously, shut up.

  106. Anonymous12:35 PM

    "Anon 9:33, don't feel bad for her. Bristol is one of the strongest people youll ever meet."

    @10:02 AM

    Hahahahaha! Step awaaay from the wine coolers.

  107. Anonymous12:43 PM

    "Anon 9:03, Bristol is a landlord with two homes rented.

    but thanks for being nosy. I guess when you have no life and are fulfilled by living someone else's, I shouldn't mock you. It's just so sad."


    @10:04 AM

    Funny you should call anyone nosy, about a girl who has "written" books about her personal life, and wants to star in a "reality" t.v. show.

    Why would any sane person want to live the life of a Palin? I guess you don't have much of a life either, since you keep trolling this blog. How sad.

    Get lost forever Palins, and we'll stop being "nosy."

  108. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "Oh, I love a good post that brings out the ignorant, judging morons.

    Keep feeding your fairy tales libtards."

    @10:05 AM

    I love a good post that brings out the angry, hypocritical, fairy-tale trolls who come here to feed us fairy-tales about how "strong" the Palins are! Keep those fairy-tales coming, TEA-tards! You're hilarious!

  109. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Until I read Joe's book, I had no idea that she had had so much cosmetic surgery done.

    Sad really, because no amount of cosmetic surgery will undo the damage caused growing up in a dysfunctional home with a mentally ill parent.

    WWWJHD - What work would Jesus have done?

  110. Anonymous12:54 PM

    "Anon 7:08

    So I guess you have a beef with ALL of Hollywood and had one long before Bristol entered stage left. HUHHHH?
    You've never vocalized disapproval for pretty people in Southern california who make money solely because they're pretty?



    @10:07 AM

    Are you admitting that Bri$tol is no longer pretty? It's the Palins who are the hypocrites. $arah Palin slammed skinny Hollywood starlets, yet $arah Palin and her grifter family were running around at Hollywood swag parties. Now her damn daughter wishes she was one of those Hollywood starlets. What a joke the Palins are.

  111. Anonymous12:58 PM

    GASP. Bristol's a normal person with a normal female body that fluctuates with every given day.

    How incredible.



    @10:09 AM

    What "normal female body" flucuates with every given day? Mine sure as hell doesn't.

  112. Anonymous1:13 PM

    @10:13 AM

    Do you even know what a wench is? Moron.

    If Gryphen reports rumors and lies, then $arah Palin can always pick up the phone and call her lawyer. What's the bitch waiting for?

    $arah Palin is a lying grifter who strung people along. She never had any credibility. $arah Palin is employed by the hateful Fake News, thy name is unfair and imbalanced propaganda!

    "What's funny is, if you were to actually meet the people you ignorantly attack, you'd like them."

    Ewwww, gross! In your dreams. That's quite an ego you've got there, Bri$tol.

    Why then do so many people who have met the Palins dislike them, then? Hmmmmm?


    I'd rather be a libtard than a teatard.

  113. Anonymous1:14 PM

    @ 12:16

    That girl should be finishing her senior year in college at this point.

    when all you have is a fake diploma purchased by Governor Mom, you can't get into college. Any of 'em, all o' 'em.

    Maybe she can qualify for an online course or two where HS diplomas don't matter.

  114. Anonymous1:15 PM

    In that picture she looks like she's making that freaky sound that Anthony Hopkins character did in Silence of the Lambs.

    Or maybe she's just hungry.

  115. Anonymous1:21 PM

    "Is she still chasing after Levi?"

    Wasn't it Levi who continued fawning after her? yes I think it was. You know when he wasn't admitting on tv he cheated on her. It's funny how he once admitted that then "wrote" his piece of fiction rewriting his past.

    @10:18 AM

    Levi Johnston, re-writing the past? He must have gotten tips from his baby mama.

    Who cares that Levi Johnston cheated on Bri$tol Palin? He's not the one pretending to be an abstinant angel, and perfect christian, blah, blah, blah. It's not Levi Johnston and his family who tried to snaek into the White House, and who have worked so hard to further divide this country.

    Bri$tol's book was a work of fiction, too. Just whiny bullshit.

  116. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "You've cried for someone you don't know, someone who's lied about on the web constantly, and someone who is living a wonderful life?

    Because that's illustrates you as a mature, sane person. NOT."

    @10:19 AM

    It must be wonderful for Bri$tol to live a "wonderful life" and make tons of money, without actually having to work.

    You sooo tower over us bloggers with your sanity and maturity, the way you constanly come over here telling us to "leave Bri$tol alooooone!

    Why do you even bother?

  117. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Sweet delicious Palin-troll tears.

  118. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I can't believe how nosy all of you are. For your information, Bristol goes to the bathroom every morning at 7:49 sharp, she has dark blue coffee mugs, and last Wednesday night, she spent 38 minutes googling "the abominable snowman." Get a life, you cowards.


    WTF are you talking about? YOU get a life. Weirdo.

  119. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Hey Bristol, how does it feel to be a has-been at age 21? And not even a real has-been, just a wannabe has-been. That photo is the one that captures the "real" Bristol - all plumped up and no where to go.

  120. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I love how your blog is still flourishing while the Wasilla Hillbillies are an international laughing stock barely worth a mention in the tabloids anymore.

    Of course that will all change when the truth comes out.

    BTW, why hasn't Lou Grifty claimed that money from Professor Scharlott yet? A lot of people are paying attention now. Just think how many charities that could use that money. What are you waiting for Grifty?

    And hell's bells, that photo. Talk about the anti-aprhodesiac. Now I know what people mean by hemorrhoid face.

  121. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "Isn't it amazing how corrective jaw surgery causes your lips to swell up like pillows?"


  122. Anonymous2:40 PM

    @ 1:33, ahem is amusing his/herself, and hopefully others.

    Maybe you haven't noticed, the past week or two.

  123. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Yee haw - birthday bitchtroll comments! Nothing brings 'em out like a Bristle post - which, suckers, losers, poor grammarticians (it's new!) etc. is why we love these posts - we LOVE to see how fucking stupid you are. Keep it going, Oh gryphhyy poo, get a life, losers, boring, blah blah blah - you're hilarious, stupid fucking whore. How many kids do you have now? Pathetic.

  124. Happy 21st Birthday, Bristol! I wish you a wonderful, joy-filled year ahead. I hope you grow in awareness and insight to honor your truest self and live life to the fullest.

  125. Cracklin' Charlie3:13 PM


    You get someone every day. Rock on!

  126. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Wasn't she getting a large chunk o cash from Sarah Pac as administrator or some such.

    Hope she invested her cut well.
    As opposed to spending it all on herself.


  127. Anonymous3:36 PM

    So... is it her 20th or her 21st birthday???????
    Why is EVERYTHING PALIN so @#$%^ confusing and/or an outright lie?????

  128. Anonymous3:49 PM

    LOL @ all those who either are trolls or who are newcomers (sorry in that case) who complain about 'Ahem'!

    FWIW: 'AHEM' is imitating one of the trolls and pretending to be one of them. He/she is trying to take the work away from the trolls so they do not have to post here.

  129. Anonymous4:32 PM

    AND "ahem" is Soooooooo much funnier than April/Bristol/Sarah/Todd/Paid troll. Especially when they're on xanax or vodka or both!

  130. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Is it really her 21st birthday? In the past there have been 2 different birth years reported.

    BTW Brisket who's your Daddy? We know who Track and Willows fathers are but not yours.

  131. Anonymous5:06 PM

    So... is it her 20th or her 21st birthday???????

    who cares? either way, she's freakin' ugly and she did it to herself.

  132. Anonymous5:12 PM

    haha Bristol's response to people asking her what she's doing is "Im not the typical young and dumb 21 yr old"

    This is true. Bristol was never one to go out and be shitfaced crazy.

  133. Anonymous5:15 PM

    "Why is EVERYTHING PALIN so @#$%^ confusing and/or an outright lie?????"

    Because none of you know her or them and everything you believe to be true about them is either a hateful lie or distorted rumor.

  134. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Let the legal drinking begin. This should be fun. Any bets on how many DUIs she'll have this time next year?


    Hopefully not with her child in the car.


  135. N'yah5:19 PM

    I ask all of you to join me in this. Feel free to take this, modify it, whatever.

    Dear Bio Channel,

    For many years, I have enjoyed the programming offered by your channel. I loved the in depth profiles showcased on the A&E network and I was thrilled when Bio got its own channel. My family has watched many Bio programs and as a parent I like knowing there are shows which entertain and educate.

    Due in part to these reasons, I am shocked to hear that Bio is featuring Bristol Palin on a new show. I do not believe Ms. Palin would have any measure of notoriety were it not for her high profile teenage pregnancy. I sympathize with young mothers having been one myself...the issue is that I would not have put myself up on such a pedestal and therefore implied others should be like me.

    In this age of MTV paying teen mothers thousands of dollars to showcase pregnancies and groups of high schoolers getting pregnant "together" as if it were an after school activity, I really do not think it is appropriate to feature Bristol Palin in a reality show. Between her being paid over four hundred thousand dollars for ventures she only was part of due to her teen mother status and now being featured in a new show, why would other young ladies think anything aside from "teen pregnancy sells"?

    When you factor in the incidents where Bristol has used racially or socially inappropriate language or gestures, I feel strongly that Bio should not feature Bristol Palin and I believe research on Bio's part would indicate many others feel the same way.

    If Bio indeed showcases Ms. Palin in such a manner, I will no longer patronize the Biography network. I enjoy many of your programs and features, but I simply can't abide building an entire show around an individual who would not be known to the public were it not for a teenage pregnancy upon which she has already made half a million dollars.

    At some point, someone needs to say "enough". I sincerely hope the Biography network will stand up and say "we made a mistake. We will not be featuring Bristol Palin as the center of any Bio program".

    Most sincerely,
    [my name]

    Biography.com has several options you can use to send messages- facebook, feedback forum, etc.

    I think I might post this on every thread that comes up for the next few days. Anyone want to wager how long it'll be before BristolBot tells me this is sooo, idk, immature???

  136. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "Propaganda, thy best friend is IM. Heck, thy best friends are all the hateful blogs. Where else are you going to find strongly distorted libtard blog posts?

    What's funny is, if you were to actually meet the people you ignorantly attack, you'd like them."

    What's REALLY funny are dipshits like you who seem to think "libtard" blogs are the only ones with these problems. ENjoy your delusional fantasy world where rightwingnuts never do anything bad or mean...

    ...And get that log outta yer eye, will ya?

  137. Beldar Couture Conehead5:32 PM

    Gryphen, "style evolution" is just a baseless theory invented by athieists and clothing salesmen to suggest that the way we look is subject to free will and descended from monkey fashions. True believers know that Jeebus picks out our wardrobes and makes our important style decisions for us. (of course, even this can't explain what Bristle wears much of the rime but hey, Jeebus works in mysterious and sometimes unfashionable ways...)

  138. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Bristol's 18th birthday was 'celebrated' in NY being offered up for babysitting services by SP to SNL's Tina Fey, who was a little shocked and later said "You'd think on your daughter's 18th birthday you'd want take her out for a mom & daughter dinner or something"

    Sarah Palin is not much of a mother. Let's hope Bristol does far better.

  139. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Bravo! Gryphen!

    Thanks for sharing the defender troll comments. They're helping your defunct blog stay afloat!

    Genius, sheer genius!

    When will they ever learn? Oh, nevermind, who cares?

  140. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Las Vegas should take bets on how long it will be before Phantom of the Trailer Park appears on Wannabe Celebrity Rehab.

  141. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Happy 21st BD, Bristol. It's a crying shame, you know, the difference between this ghastly pic and the fresh-faced girl you used to be when your mother thrust you into everyone's faces.

    You're an adult now. Pursue an education, for yourself and for your kids.

    What a travesty.

  142. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Anonymous 918am said... "Well, it looks as if she'll be donning her hooker pumps, her nasty wigs and her inappropriate outfits again...
    Extraordinary Women Conference Adds 'Screeching Queen' Palin to Three Additional Events"

    Oh, wow....d'ya think she'll wear her sideways bumpit butt too?

  143. Anonymous8:52 PM

    "Anon 9:03, Bristol is a landlord with two homes rented."

    That's only because she has to keep moving to get the fuck away from her crazy ass, control freak narcissist of a "mother."

  144. Anonymous6:19 AM

    She still has gal pals? Not that best friend she recruited to break the pregnancy news to Sarah and Toad. That one who blurted it out while B and L just sat there. On that new blog written by Allison thepalinplace.blogspot.com (I can't find it on google LOL) there's stuff about something on Mercede's blog that Sammy wrote and it wasn't adoration!!! Bristol and that girl are NOT friends now.

  145. Marleycat8:07 AM

    Isn't it odd, Bristol - a single mom with 3 children has two beautiful homes, 3 counting the one she shares with the Massey brothers but cannot live on her own as an independent adult, despite massive support personnel, as well as Willow to take care of the children. Psychologically unable and unprepared to be a grown-up. ABNORMAL! Can't function - ADL's are beyond her emotional, cognitive, and intellect! Why are none of Palin's grown children with children able to separate from the family unit? Why are none in college pursuing higher education? Not smart enough? Sarah Palin has hamstrung her children, she will not give up her control of them!

  146. Pursang7:13 PM

    Wow, the last time I saw a mouth like Bristol Palin's it had a fish hook in it.

    Talk about plastic surgery gone wrong, that is one scary mug. Where can I buy a Bristol Palin Halloween mask?

  147. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Ah yes, the carp-lipped porn star shot. Classic.

  148. Anonymous1:49 AM

    still no word/website from FRED or MeAgain?


  149. 1) It's always funny to read ANONYMOUS posters whining about what cowards post on blogs...

    2) Given that my sister has mental retardation (at 42 they still don't know why) I have no problem being called a "libtard." It runs in my family. Maybe Trig will grow up to be one, too.

    3) That is one horrible angle for a photo of Bristol.

    4) Why would Sarah Palin need to "pick up" Bristol from LA to go to Korea? Did they drive there?

    5) It's sad how Palin supporters insult Levi because he still loves the mother of his child. (Wasn't his alleged "cheating" done while they were broken up?)

    6) Nobody talks trash about President Obama's children because they are boring! They act like regular kids and stay out of trouble.

    7) What does Bristol Palin riding a mechanical bull at a bar in WeHo have to do with her doing charitable work... or has Bio changed the focus of the series?

    8) I work with the porn industry and other than a "celebrity" sex tape, Bristol's not got what we look for.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.