Monday, October 24, 2011

Just a reminder.

I can't speak for everyone, but personally I love this, and think it should be e-mailed to EVERY so called liberal who feels that slamming our President for the things he has NOT done, is more important than giving him credit for the things he HAS done.

(H/T to Andrew Sullivan.)


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Doughnuts go directly to our thighs, too. Gimme the lemon-filled and two apple fritters.

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Our President ROcks!

    President Obama, thank-you!

  3. Pat in MA6:32 PM

    America really DOES run on Dunkins'

  4. He can bring me doughnuts any time.

  5. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I wouldn't brag about killing anyone. But I understand how he needs to throw some red meat out for the knuckle-dragging 'patriots.'

  6. Thanks, President Obama. It looks like Cain is imploding; Perry is exploding and Bachmann just lost her campaign staff in Iowa. When is the next Debatcle?

  7. Anonymous7:29 PM

    6:39 - Please note that President Obama has not "bragged" about killing anyone. He announced, but did so in a calm, solemn manner - unlike Bushie boy who felt compelled to call victory in Iraq while dragging around the crotch belt of his flight suit in front of a huge banner.

    "Bragging" is the word spin being put out by the GOP/TP/Faux News dippy-doddlers. It is not even close to accurately describing our President's intent or demeanor.

    Please don't use words in a such a cavalier fashion (aka mindlessly repeating the spin)unless you are one of the dippy-doddlers yourself.

    Congratulations to our President for being an effective leader, not a sound-bite spinner.

  8. otto katz7:32 PM

    I love this president. I hate how people blame him, when it's the freaking Republicans blocking everything he is trying to do.

  9. Anonymous7:57 PM

    to anon @ 6:39

    Obama did not brag about, nor kill Qadaffi... his own mistreated people did that. Osama Bin Laden was a man who helped to plan and finance a group responsible for terrorist attacks against the US and Allies.

    I would prefer to see a trial but as a former soldier I actually know about the realities of combat, and the first duty being protecting your fellow soldiers.

    There is NO "knuckle-dragger" out there who will change their mind based on THIS Presidents actions.

  10. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I find blind allegiance to any politician disturbing whether it is done by liberals or conservatives.

  11. Anonymous8:16 PM

    wikileaks WikiLeaks
    You can help WikiLeaks fight the banks: Add our campaign popup to your blog/site. Full instructions:
    7 hours ago


    Go on President Obama wit yo bad self.

  13. "Anonymous said...
    I find blind allegiance to any politician disturbing whether it is done by liberals or conservatives.

    8:12 PM"

    Who has blind allegiance? palinidiotbots? We all know the repugbaggers do.

    Oh yeah, btw who fucking asked you?

  14. Anonymous8:52 PM

    anon @ 8:12

    blind allegiance? is that you sarah???

    No, I don't think so. This is obviously a Ron Paul Bot.

    Enjoy losing... you Libertarian fool!

  15. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I'll take an apple fritter, please! The man has soul (and doughnuts!)

  16. Gotta say this again. Best. President. Ever!!

    Let's give him a Landslide in 2012!

    And, P.S., Donald Trump, maybe it's time to get out the White House Correspondents Dinner reel as a reminder of how well that Birther thingy worked out for you last time. KARMA, Baby! Classic FAIL. Public humiliation. What a pathetic loser you were shown to be. Now your life is even more in the shitter than before. But, don't despair! Maybe, with some major sucking-up, your new BFF, Rick Perry, will let you hold the Miss America Pageant at N*****head Ranch! As Rick would say, "A girl can dream . . . " And I hear Orly Taitz is a shoe-in as "Miss Congeniality." Cue Sarah and her flute?

  17. Michelle would be righteously pissed about the donut thing.

  18. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Thank you, Mr. AWESOME President!

  19. Jon Huntsman proves himself to be the only Republican candidate with the gravitas to have me consider him as a qualified presidential candidate, much less an adult:

  20. Despite my last post, I am still an Obama man, despite my misgivings

  21. Anonymous11:20 PM

    FYI Gryphen:

    Four people with ties to Schaeffer Cox arrested on tax fraud charges in Washington

  22. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I totally agree with you about President Obama, so you really should check your blogroll and remove some of the deranged far lefty websites.

  23. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:18 AM

    Love this!

  24. Anonymous3:56 AM

    @ 8:52 PM Game of Life

    "Oh yeah, btw who fucking asked you?"

    Hey Game of Life, you are really rude and obnoxious. Most people on this blog do not berate other posters with such hostility. Please knock it off.

    I've been visiting this blog for 3 years and since you're somewhat new to posting here, why don't you notice the tone and language of posters in general and act accordingly?

    R in NC

  25. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Game of Life is treating the lying trolls too nicely if you ask me.

  26. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I wouldn't brag about killing anyone. But I understand how he needs to throw some red meat out for the knuckle-dragging 'patriots.'

    6:39 PM
    The knuckle-dragging patriots a.k.a. Teabaggers will never give President Obama credit because he is a black man. So your comment makes no sense. Nothing he does will ever be good enough for the knuckle dragging republiscum neanderthal teabagging conservative terrorists (or patriots as you call them)

  27. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I find blind allegiance to any politician disturbing whether it is done by liberals or conservatives.

    8:12 PM

    I find your attempt at trolling pathetic and transparent. Your strawman argument is illogical and idiotic. You must be Sarah or Bristol.

  28. Anonymous7:32 AM

    This is an oldie but goodie - I had that pic posted on my fb site about a month ago!

  29. You left out that he passed much-needed sweeping healthcare legislation, something that seemed like a total impossibility just a few years ago.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.