Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rachel Maddow on Herman Cain and his suspicious ties to Americans for Prosperity.

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This is one of the most informative Rachel Maddow segments I have ever watched, as it contains information about Condoleezza Rice's new book, reminds us that Nancy Reagan planned Ronnie's schedule around his Horoscope, and discusses Herman Cain's strange obsession with numerology and the fact that he currently serves as the Koch brother's pet negro. (Yes I know that sounds racist, that's because what they are using Herman Cain to do IS racist.)

If you ever wondered how Herman Cain has managed to take the lead in the GOP field without any significant "on the ground" political organization or apparently a working frontal lobe, THIS segment should answer all of those questions for you.

The Koch brothers are using Herman Cain as a human shield against charges of racism directed at them and their AstroTurf political group, the Teabaggers. 

In my opinion Cain is a complete and utter sellout, and an embarrassment to the memory of Martin Luther King Jr., and a slap in the face to the Civil Rights movement.


  1. Virginia Voter2:27 AM

    Well, the Kochsters are awful at making campaign videos.

    Everyone thought this was a joke, but it's for reals y'all



  2. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I agree, Gryphen, Cain is a major sellout; he's an empty shirt fronting for the Kochs.

  3. WakeUpAmerica3:34 AM

    Definitely a Kochroach or Kochsucker, whichever one you prefer.

  4. I think people of color have figured Cain out for themselves....as he sorta sticks out in the GOP BS field.

    I am watching intently to see how this all plays out as the racist GOP crowd will never contain themselves and vote for Cain.

    Rick Perry is a clown...wake up America.

  5. Anonymous3:59 AM

    I had no idea "Herb" was this connected to the Koch brothers until I saw Rachel's reporting. Fortunately, the Republican base will never elect him because they are racist at heart.

  6. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I tell you, if the average GOP voter doesn't wake up and see how they are being used to screw all of us, we are in big trouble. I hope OWS continues until America sees the truth. Thanks, Gryph, for helping!

  7. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Pet Negro?

    Stay classy.

  8. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Herb Cain is an Ugly American just like Sarah Palin. So arrogant in their new Ivory Towers that they disdain their 'betters' and carry their politics of umbrage and resentment into everything.

    Sarah Palin calls feminists a Cackle of Rads and sums up equality to Title IV, not Suffrage or any of the painful steps women took to Sit Down and Shut Up.

    Herb and Sarah enjoy the freedoms and access to wealth that those before them sacrificed for, without Suffragists, feminists, abolitionists, civil rights movers, these turds would just be a housewife and a manservant.

    In fact, no matter how you cut it, they are.

  9. Anonymous5:07 AM


  10. angela5:09 AM

    The problem with uber rich old white men like the Koch's is they truly think they are shielding the baggers against charges of racism with Cain. It's hysterical that Herman Cain buck dances for the Kochs, insults African American democrats and the poor and the Koch's think he's going to split the black vote.

    Yes, indeed, Cain is one of the Koch's poodles. And I'll bet he's getting paid big ass money to continue to be theirs. You are not out of bounds to say so, Gryphen.

    This is the same brilliant kind of thinking that the McCain bunch came up with when they threw Palin in the ring. They thought women were stupid and the Kochs think we are all stupid, African Americans especially.

    Citizens United is an evil piece of shit. Another Koch buck dancer, Clarence Thomas, needs his ass kicked off the Supreme Court for getting on his knees to rich bastards like the Kochs.

  11. Anonymous5:15 AM

    The GOP has one brain cell and they keep using the same ole ,same ole, Palin, Cain, racism, Diviide this one cell, in many parts of hate, bigotry at any cost. They can't stand the fact that a man of color, our President is doing a great job,inspite of their obstructions.

    What they fail to see, is that when they attack him, they attack themselves,after all he is half white and American.

    They prefer to live in the gutter with the Kochroaches.Kain is a real sellout,like sarah he is in for the money. To people like Newt,Kain,et al its all about the money and they claim to love this country.

  12. Just because Herb was successful in business does not mean he has the brains to pull this off. He doesn't. The guy is stupid. Like Sarah, every time he has an unscripted interview, he blows it. Can't think on his feet. His apples and oranges thing at the debate was hysterical. And the guy's open mouth next to him after the abortion question is hysterical. The man is a laughingstock. Poor conservatives. Their choices are limited to crazy, crazier, and craziest. Or the Mormon. lol.

  13. This post gets 12 comments so far, the Buchanan post gets 55, all others get similarly dismal ratings/comments. The ruffle ear baby post, though, gets 224 comments. Perhaps that's why you devote yourself to absurdity.

    Lex parsimoniae

  14. Anonymous6:15 AM

    i highly doubt cain was successful in business if he has been taught so long at the lap of AFP.

    sometimes i wonder if the gop is really interested in winning the presidency or just going through the motions.


  15. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Teabaggers are racists full of hate. Herbie Cain will never be nominated by them. He's wasting his time. They will not allow a black man to be president. He's simply their current token negro ala Michael Steele.

  16. Anonymous6:36 AM

    This is unbelievable! And yet just what our research into the larger SP hoax picture has taught us:

    --unlimited, unaccountable campaign funds will = a Madison Av PR campaign of unprecedented size
    --it will elect a puppet for Kochs et al.
    --Cain is what SP should have been, was intended to be, but she blew it by being a loose cannon.

    I'm amazed that Maddow is not being muzzled, prevented from telling it like it is.

    Big red circle around Nov 5 on everyone's calendar, okay?

  17. Anonymous7:05 AM


    Herman Cain says he'll sign a constitutional amendment banning abortion.

    Geez Cain knows even less about the constitution than Sarah Palin!!

    I get the idea guys like him think being president is just as powerful as being a dictator.


  18. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Teabaggers are racists full of hate. Herbie Cain will never be nominated by them. He's wasting his time. They will not allow a black man to be president. He's simply their current token negro ala Michael Steele.

    Yet the author of the blog gets a pass for Pet Negro.

    This site is ridiculous.

  19. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Operation Koch/Cain must be stopped !!

  20. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Yes - Herb Cain is just the puppet who stepped into Sarah Palin's spot now that she's blown it.

    Now I understand so many more of her weird references to an untraditional campaign, etc...she was still counting on being "The One" - not necessarily the one chosen by God...but the one chosen by the gods of greed: Koch Bros.

  21. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Rachel's show is one of the most researched and fact finding currently on national TV. She apologizes when she makes errors (I watch her daily and few have been made) which you find none of the other channels doing (especially Fox News).

    I encourage folks to watch her show - you'll become very well educated about politics in the USA. We have a lot to be worried about in this upcoming election on the national level.

    Yea, President Obama for the wonderful job you have done, and been doing these past three years IN SPITE of the Republican jerks currently sitting in the U.S. Congress. The DO NOTHING elected folks that are not representing the majority of us.

  22. Anonymous7:36 AM

    3:34 You are right on!!!!

  23. hedgewytch7:46 AM

    As soon as I saw Herman Cain come onto the GOP stage, I saw it for what it was. It was the exact same thing they did when the GOP nominated Micheal Steele to be the chairman.

    Didn't work then. Not gonna work now. Steele ought to give Cain a little "heads up" call - not that I expect Cain to actually listen to advice....

  24. hedgewytch7:46 AM

    As soon as I saw Herman Cain come onto the GOP stage, I saw it for what it was. It was the exact same thing they did when the GOP nominated Micheal Steele to be the chairman.

    Didn't work then. Not gonna work now. Steele ought to give Cain a little "heads up" call - not that I expect Cain to actually listen to advice....

  25. Anonymous8:01 AM

    This site is ridiculous.

    7:19 AM
    Oh Sarah you're just mad because Gryphen isn't talking about you. You're yesterday's news. Get over it.

  26. Anne In DC9:22 AM

    Gryphen, you called it exactly right when you called Herman Cain their pet negro. I am a black woman who finds Cain a major embarrasment to blacks just as I find Palin and Bachmann embarrassments to women. He has the same willful ignorance, intellectual incuriosity, and self-unawareness as these two, and Perry is another fool like them.
    Cain is a self-serving phony who brings up race when it suits him and also minimizes it when it suits him. He obviously has no appreciation for the role the Civil Rights Movement played in paving the way for any success he has had. He doesn't impress most of us blacks, because we see him exactly for what he is. After he insulted us with hat "brainwashed" remark, he can forget about any support from the majority of us. The more he talks, the more he alienates even more voting blocs like the unemployed, the OWS protesters, gays, Hispanics, and women because of the policies he supports that would allow unprecedented intrusion into our reproductive lives. He is an all-around loser just like his Kochmasters.

  27. Anonymous9:54 AM

    It is amazing how the Koch Bros. have gotten their fingers into so many pies in America. Even here in Alaska they have a great deal of influence in our economy (gas prices) and the oil industry. They own a part of TAP and are trying to get their hands on power generating industry here. I would not doubt there are many other states e(example: Wisconson & power generation facilities) where these 2 Billionaires are behind the scenes manipulating and tweaking things.

  28. Thanks for posting this Gryphen. Rachel did a good job.

  29. Omigod, this idiot Cain did not even know what the fuck the neo-conservative movement is! If you're going to be a pawn for a movement, Herb, at least know what the fucking movement is called. Sheesh, this idgit obviously does not know his head from his ass!

    But you know, this makes sense to me now. Cain must've had his head up his ass the entire time since 2000 when everyone else in this whole goddam country learned who the neocons were and what their plans were for us. How's that view for you, Mister Pizzamaker? Same as yesterday, huh? I wonder why.

    Mr. Herb, here's how you will know the difference--- that is your head that you have inserted inside your ass. I hope that helps you understand why the Koch boys call you shit-for-brains behind your back.

    Yesterday, one of my best friends, Curtis,(a pretty damn brilliant mother-fucker who also happens to be black) told me,

    "Cain is a perfect stereotype of what we used to call "a house nigger" who wears a white jacket with a towel draped over his forearm and sits at the feet of his old, pale, pasty-white cracker bosses, pouring them drinks and saying 'Yessuh, boss' while he praises them about how smart and wonderful they are, all the while they sit their soft, doughy asses in a cushioned rocker on the front porch, drinking mint juleps and criticizing how lazy their field niggers are."

    All I could say was, "Damn, Curtis, I wish I could say that!"

    He laughed and said, "Say it man! But be sure to put quotes around it and tell 'em a black guy told it to you so they don't get all PC and dignified on your ass and act like you're a curse to the progressive movement! Haha!"

    Then Curtis put his serious face on and told me that I could say what I wanted as long as I tell the truth, and besides that, any thinking black person would agree because it was so obvious that Cain is just a tool that the corporate masters behind the TeaBagger curtain are using because he will be able to say the things that a white candidate would be called a racist if he said the same words.

    He went on to say that Cain, just like Sarah was basically a paid shill who would be pandering to these special interest groups while also serving as an attack dog along with Palin to try to keep President Obama on his heels on the defensive instead of speaking to the people about the serious ideas the country needs to solve our economic problems.

    So, Cain, you suck. And Sarah, the same goes for you, also, too.

    Here's a recent photo of Sarah and Herb, her "Flavor of the Week"


  30. hedgewytch11:21 AM

    @ 9:54. The Koch Brothers own the only refinery in Alaska -Flint Hills Refinery - you know the one that price fixes the fuel oil so that we pay the highest prices in the nation for fuel that is produced right in the state.

  31. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I found it strange the way "Herb" just popped up..I hadn't heard his name before until suddenly he is running for President.

    Thank you for giving me the background information which explains who financed his sudden rise to political conscientiousness.

    I missed Rachel last night. I hate doing that, as I find her, for the most part, a voice of intelligence in a world going ever crazier. I still don't understand her reluctance to talked to Joe Mc about "The Rogue".

    Love how "clever" our trolls think they are these days. Always hoping to divide and conquer us. I do notice that Sarah must have quit paying the teenagers to post their fairy tale remarks, as we haven't had as many of them lately.

  32. Anonymous12:39 PM

    oops..before the grammar patrol corrects me...I tried spell checking consciousness and obviously picked the wrong choice with conscientiousness

    I do know the difference. Sure wish there was an "edit" button for posts.

  33. I'm black and I totally agree with calling Cain the Koch brothers "pet negro". People in the black community have been dealing with sellouts like Cain and allen west since the days of slavery. They were the ones always running to the master, telling him about the others who were planning to escape; always looking for a pat on the head and approval. That's Cain in a nutshell...looking for the tea party's approval and hoping those whites see him as an "acceptable black". Pat Buchanan said the other day that blacks were more american during segregation. What this racist means is, to him and his ilk, that blacks were more american when they "knew their place". Times have changed too much for them and it makes for very scared bigots, but they'll always have puppets like Cain they can order around.

  34. Sgt. Preston3:59 PM

    One thing to keep in mind about Herb Cain:

    He did not start a pizza business; he was handed one. He's a business-school management type who worked for Pillsbury. They owned Godfather's Pizza, and when it was faltering, they brought Herb in to try to fix things.

    Apparently he did pretty well on that assignment, but that's not the same as conceiving, launching, and growing a business from scratch.

  35. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Rachael is amazing!

    Virginia Voter, at the first comment has his pathetic ad, which shows the insanity and ignorance this man portrays.

    Anne in DC- Thanks so much for your comment! Gryphen doesn't have a racist bone in his body and if ever there was a case where a person is a "Disgrace to their race", Herman Cain has sold his people out. I'd venture to say that he's a discrace to the entire human race in good conscience.

    This "Corporations are People" law is the Republican Angenda's Ace in the Hole.

    We gotta get out the vote, support OWS and put a stop to this travesty of Justice. Clarence Thomas is in the bagger's back pocket, as evidenced by his wife's activism, and should have recused himself from voting. How people can turn a blind eye and not speak up is beyond me.

    off topic

    Gabby Gifford and her husband have a book coming out detailing their lives and her road to recovery when Sarah was a victim of blood libel.

    Let's do our part to make it number 1.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.