Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell discusses the oddity that is Herman Cain and two of the strangest campaign ads of this political season.

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I actually was going to post that second ad yesterday, but had trouble coming up with anything coherent to write about it, and later just became too busy to go back and try again.

As you can see by Lawrence and Jonathon Capehart's response I was far from the ONLY person rendered speechless. I still contend that Herman Cain is a bright shiny object meant to distract us, and that he is only playing the part of a Presidential candidate, with no actual desire to even have the job. Essentially Sarah Palin in black face.


  1. ywc_achieve6:19 AM


  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Cain ad says 'I'm blowing smoke out my ass' & smile says 'I'm gonna screw ya as I'm fake as fake can be. Now buy my book'

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Rachel Maddow showed exactly what and who is behind Cain.This story needs wider exposure--it is very scary indeed.

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    If you missed it, here is our president on Leno!

  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

    "he brought yellow flowers"

    so...a cowboy brings flowers to some gal in a shack. a booze drinking fellow and his friend tease the guy about being as yellow as the flowers. cowboy asks why is it always about color with you liberals. then liberal spits on cowboys boots and CUT -

    ad continues with an actor playing an actor discussing acting and works that into a jab at anyone who reads a script written by someone else.


    seems like we the audience need to fill in a lot of blanks on the cain ad.

    so why is the last line about the woman holding a chicken?

    did i miss the blue pill dispensary AGAIN?

    no boots on the ground - just money in the pocket. the new gop.

    motto: lines? we don't need no stinking lines. we just some yellow flower toting cowboys looking for a sweet lass with a chicken.

    (heads spinning in audience)

  6. Pat in MA6:57 AM

    Colbert went after Cain and this ridiculous ad last night on his show, too. Challenging Cain to a "smile off" noting that one of the many crazy parts of the ad is the eight seconds it takes him to creepily smile at the end.

  7. Dinty7:00 AM

    The ad makes alot more sense when you realize that Mark Block (the smoking dude) has clearly been drinking (listen to his slurred speech).

    I also like the way his head nods "no" whenever he is saying anything positive about Cain (I'd love to play poker with this guy).

    Cain's creepy smile at the end, though, that is what makes the ad so weird in my opinion.

  8. SP in blackface: exactly. If SP hadn't been such a loose cannon, this would be SP now, instead of Cain. But she WAS a loose cannon, with lots of baggage, much of it unopened in the MSM so far. So the Koch folks needed a new person to "energize the base" in preparation for the election. So they just changed out SP with Cain. To test the waters, to see how these two ads do. To see what will sell best for the Madison Ave unlimited-funds media blitz that is to come.

    And if the media blitz doesn't work, there's always Diebold-fraud.

    Fasten your seat belts, and circle Nov 5 on your calendars.

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM


    Don't you wonder how these candidates gotten as far as they have? Out of the entire group, Huntsman is the only that seems sane.

    Obama/Biden 2012
    Biden or Clinton 2016 with Obama as Secretary of State.


  10. Sally in MI7:03 AM

    "Sarah Palin in black face." Exactly! An attempt by the Kochs to show that the Good Old Rich White Boys' party is really, see, really, inclusive. We like blacks. Really. We appreciate women. Really. No, we do. All those bills meant to put women and blacks back in their 1950's persona? Ignore those. Just like you should ignore the fact that the GOP in 10 months has out forward NO jobs bill. None. Nor will they. Ever.

  11. That was the most bizarre thing I have ever seen!

  12. Anonymous7:17 AM

    The Republican Alan Greene.

  13. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Take America back from what?!? From the brink of progress?

    Fucking retarded.

  14. jadez7:25 AM

    they are making fun of how dumb the republican voters are.

    heres the deal ..cain knows a black guy can never get real traction in the republican party.

    in fact, the polls reflect the hate that repig voters have for the mormon guys religion.
    and they reflect the racism they have against the ahhh gay guy/...i mean perry ..because of his stance on those brown immigrants.

    and they also relect how stupid the repig voters are who think 9-9-9 is a tax plan when it was taken from a video game!

    i tell you all in complete honesty that cain and his koch brother backers are really just making fun of the people by seeing how ridiculous they can get.
    sorta what glen beck does.

    cain..will continue to get large fees for speaking and THATS the only reason he is in this.

    to bad the media wont point out that cain is a joke and he INTENDS to be a joke.

  15. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Notice the same happening with Cain as it did with Palin. The MSM is building him up. All for ratings.

  16. hedgewytch7:48 AM

    Colbert, Jon Stewart, David Letterman, O'Donnell; seems the question is who HASN'T seen this "campaign ad" and doesn't think it is completely Bat Shit crazy or a spoof?

    Makes you kinda wonder; a) are they that completely clueless, or b) do they think the American people are?

  17. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Completely OT, but I'm getting a little tired of Beyonce's ruse. Woman ain't carrying a baby any more than Sarah Palin was in 2008.,,20539800,00.html#21073037

  18. OverMountainMan7:56 AM

    Goddamn it !! Nick and his family are one of my sisters best friends, I cannot believe he is a Cainster, He is from the Cullowee section of Jackson Co NC , When my sister sees this she is going to go off on him, I hope the fucker never works again !!

  19. Anonymous8:05 AM

    saw this ad on conan last night -- he ran another silly one right after and so i thought it was a joke, even tho he said that it was real ad...i'm still shaking my head...oh please someone should start making a whole bunch of spoof ads of these.

    really i am speechless!! and giddy!

  20. Anonymous8:24 AM


    Thank you.

    You nailed it.

    Cain IS a joke, and the Koch bros are funding him.....

    They KNOW he can't win/will never be the Repub nominee, but they are pushing the 'Overton Window' for 2016...IMHO..

    They know Obama won't lose in 2012, but they are doing their best to make 'crazy talk' seem like some sort of rational discourse.

    Cain himself is clearly an obliging tool, as the process increases his 'GRIFTABILITY' by a power of ten.

  21. Anonymous8:25 AM

    OverMountainMan said...

    Goddamn it !! Nick and his family are one of my sisters best friends, I cannot believe he is a Cainster, He is from the Cullowee section of Jackson Co NC , When my sister sees this she is going to go off on him, I hope the fucker never works again !!

    7:56 AM


    If that ad is an example of his "acting" skill, I am surprised he's ever worked at all.

  22. Cain is a brilliant marketer. He is getting a lot of attention and he will reap the reward in speaking fees and book sales. Much like Sarah, but he is no psychopath. He is the Cheshire Cat.

  23. Anonymous8:47 AM

    ...just when I was thinking it was a hillbilly-esque attempt to support gay, then cut (several times) to the guy's caboose in Civil War re-enactors' beechnut dyed breeches (wide screen, don't fail me now)....

    W. Tortoise

  24. ottokatz9:00 AM

    I truly believe he's trolling the Republican party. That he's surprised at how high he is in the race, and doesn't want to get off because of the money he's raking in. If he's in the primary race here where I live, I plan on registering as a Repub. just so I can vote for him. Get the popcorn!

  25. Obviously they are trying to appeal to the older male vote here cause that dude looks like a fucking human ashtray. Gray skin, gray hair, gray-brown decaying teeth. Gross, and I bet he smells gross too. I can't look at that dude without gagging.

    On another note, do you notice how suddenly Cain is now surrounding himself with lots of black guys? Security, handlers, and even guys who just stand in the background and sternly nod while he's speechifying? It's too funny, like Herb's the right wing Malcom X or something. Just take a look the next time you see a clip, my husband, who is black, just started noticing it last night.

  26. Anonymous10:17 AM

    The man in the commercial said he went into a bar in Iowa and veterans were smoking??BIG LIE. You can't smoke in Bars in Iowa.Typical lying Rethug.

  27. GMAFB cain aint no mfer in "black face." Obviously you folks don't know what the fuck black face is.

  28. "Anonymous said...
    The Republican Alan Greene.

    7:17 AM"

    Green is harmless and sort of lovable unlike anything on the repugbagger side.

  29. deebee1:32 PM

    Cain's job is to attract the dissatisfied black voters from the dem party, and when he becomes an "also ran" will leave his supporters with no reason to go to the polls.
    Just another way around the bush to subtract votes for Obama.

  30. Anonymous1:42 PM

    You know who is crying? Mittens.

    Cain pops up and does his motivational speech thing and throws out a simple-minded 999 plan, and polls as good or better than Mittens, who has been running for president since he was 12.

    These ads are not the statements of a man who is serious about governing our nation. Cain is laughing all the way to the bank as he pulls in the same hillbilly crowd that Granny dazzled.

    It makes me sad for America that the best and brightest are not seen on both sides of the aisle. Instead, idiots like Palin and Donald Trump think they can throw their hairpieces into the ring, and the media just laps it up.

  31. Insert shot of the GRINCH's smile getting bigger and bigger as his plan to Steal Xmas dawns on him...

  32. carollt3:04 PM

    I saw that ad and laughed out loud. It was so wierd, it was funny. But I am a smoker and no one in my lifetime has ever gone for the smoker's vote. Hey, the stats say we are still 25%; that is quite a voting block. Too funny.

    I thought the ad was a riot, but I will be voting for Obama. But as I told one of my Republicans friends today, I just might make some trouble in the primary and vote for Cain just to make trouble.

  33. I think James Fallows at the Atlantic Magazine hit the nail on the head when he said "Cain 2012: The Best Ad Yet [] Way to get under Obama's skin!"

    Fallows is the most considerate person on the Internet, and was a speechwriter for Jimmy Carter. He's probably right that Cain's having fun with a subtle jab at Obama.

    Still, I blame McCain/Palin 2008 for making it acceptable for clearly unqualified candidates to hoodwink Tea Party voters. (Just might be a blessing in disguise for Dems.)

  34. Anonymous11:27 PM

    He's what we used to call a "user"

    As first generation natural born American woman of immigrants, seeing this filthy rich ignorant disgrace of a man let himself be exploited for personal gain (book sales, motivational speeches, interviews, news commenter for Fox News in his future) while mimicking (sp?) the blacksploitation film stereotypes people of all races fought so hard to abolish, makes me want to vomit.

    He insulted Hillary Clinton and our president, in his "Foreign Policy" speech, accompanied by black men dressed as pimps at a Horse Race Track, no less. The vile excuse for a human being that introduced him actually tied the Deomcratic Party to the KKK, blamed them for Racism, etc etc.. we all know the schtick.

    How much more vile will things get when they pick any nominee? Few Republicans have come forward to address and condemn this.

    Obama all the way!

  35. ibwilliamsi6:40 AM

    Mark Bloch just looks ill. If his goal was to look like those guys in the Veteran's bar in the midwest who've been sitting in a bar drinking and smoking all day, then he's met it. Gray pallor with no muscle tone and kind of drunk just about sums that commercial up.


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