Sunday, October 30, 2011

Palin-bots form support groups to help each other get over disappointment that their idol quit on them yet again.

Courtesy of ABC News:

Sarah Palin’s most passionate supporters held an online forum today to assess what they should do going forward, now that the former Alaska governor has announced she won’t enter the GOP 2012 field. 

Participants of the forum, called Grizzlyfest, came together for three hours to praise Palin, plot how they will continue their grassroots political organizing in 2012, and how they will choose 2012 candidates after Palin stunned the group last month when she announced she would not seek the GOP nomination. The running theme of the event was that despite their chosen candidate’s decision, they will stay active in conservative politics. 

Josh Painter, who runs the blog Texans for Sarah Palin, acknowledged that many supporters he knew were still “coming out of shock” at Palin’s decision, but that Grizzlyfest was an “excellent opportunity” to assess “where we are and where we are going.” 

The forum at times sounded like a support group aimed at re-energizing the group who had devoted so much time to supporting Palin — some even moving to early states to campaign for the non-candidate — convinced she would run for president.

Wow, that is just sad. 

But what can I say? We tried to tell these morons what was about to happen to them, and in response they called us "haters" and told us "You'll see, when she announces YOU will be the ones eating your words!"

Uh huh. Well you just can't help some people.

Anyhow I took dip in the Sea O'Pee for the first time in a month or so, just to see how this "Grizzlyfest" thing came off, and stumbled onto this bit of comedy gold:

We just wanted everyone to know that Governor Palin tried really hard to call into the Grizzly Fest Summit today. Unfortunately, there is an issue with Blog Talk Radio that we didn’t know about previously. Alaskans cannot get through to Blog Talk Radio shows (which is the format we used for Grizzly Fest) using the normal line that those of us in the lower-48 use. Due to technical difficulties, Governor Palin was unable to join us but it wasn’t for lack of trying. As I said, she did try and for a long time I might add. Please note that we were able to talk to Chuck Heath Jr. in Alaska because we called him. 

To those of you who asked whether Governor Palin was the “mystery guest” for the third hour, you are correct. That was who we were waiting for to wrap up the summit.

I'm sorry what?  The "Blog Talk Radio" cannot be used by Alaskans?  Well isn't that a rather ironic coincidence?

Not to be a skeptic, but if they could call Chuck Jr. why could they not have also called the Palin household? And if she has not deigned them important enough to share her home number with them, couldn't Chuck have called on their behalf? He is her brother after all.

Because, and once again trying not to be a skeptic here, it kind of sounds like she blew them off, like she has blown off so many before them, and they are just making excuses to cover up for the fact that she considers them insignificant annoyances that she no longer has any use for.

As a matter of fact, I would be willing to bet that she actually spends more time monitoring THIS blog, then she ever spends visiting the Sea O'Pee.

I mean let's be serious, if you are REALLY talking about "defunct" websites, then I think the Sea O'Pee certainly meets that criteria. Don't you agree?


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    When Sarah is done with someone or some group, she is done and she doesn't seem to look back.

  2. OMG! These people will believe anything. This was right up there with "the dog ate my homework." So Palin really, really tried to reach them. And they called Chuckles. They're not even privy to Palin's home phone number. Probably because she is so out of touch with reality, Todd doesn't want her talking to anyone, not even her fans.

  3. Anonymous4:33 AM

    That was my thought, too, when I read this on C$P. I mean, they have been planning this event since early October, with all the Big Cheese Palin supporters as headliners. When you read that even Tammy Bruce and Mansour can't even grab her attention (with Chuck Heath, Jr., um, not so much a consolation prize, I am thinking) - even with Palin camping out on her Blackberry 24/7 - then you know that Sarah is gone gone gone.

    Let's face it, C$P'rs: SHE'S NOT ALL THAT INTO YOU. She never was. She's just into herself. Couldn't even raise a text message from her on her Blackberry???

    Time to get out of the pool.


  4. Anonymous4:36 AM

    She DID make personal calls back in August to a bunch of people. I remember seeing some teens ecstatically posting screenshots of their phones.

  5. Anonymous4:51 AM

    They no longer have a purpose in her life? I'd say that they are like little gnats.

  6. Anonymous4:54 AM people really must be isolated that you can't call the lower 48. Does that mean you have to conduct all business via dog sled? How does that fancy studio of her's work then?

    Let me get this straight. Not a single person from Alaska called into the show? Hmmmm, maybe that's because she doesn't have a single person left up there who believes a word she says.

    What a farce. How can anyone believe such a pack of lies? Oh, never mind, I just remembered who I was talking about.

    Good point that her brother could have contacted her if she was really interested. She clearly has written those poor dupes off and they can't see the handwriting on the wall. I will explain it to you SHE DOESN'T GIVE A DAMNED ABOUT YOU, NEVER DID, NEVER WILL! (Sorry about the shouting, but that's the only way to communicate with idiots like them.)

    Send your money to some worthy charity that will use it to feed and clothe people, not for private jets and bendy straws.

  7. Anonymous4:54 AM


    How about QuittaPalooza.

  8. A. J. Billings5:14 AM

    I was just over there, also too, reading up on C$P, and all about the exciting Grizzly fest radio worship sesssion.

    They are claiming that they will provide an "earthquake" so that her Highness, the Exalted Queen will deign to finally run for President after all

    Don't those $arah fans realize that deadlines have passed for getting her on ballots?

    Do they not know that worshiping Paylin puts them in the .00001 percent of Americans who are so deluded as to support the Quitter-Grifter?

    So go ahead, and write her name in on your ballots Paylin fans.

    The 99% know that she's afraid to run because of the media attention and the upcoming scandals that would derail her forever.

    Besides, to actually run and have a chance to win, she'd be all shackled up by them Repubs that she refudiated, and have to debate, also too, with he, who rode with shots and bells, and why isn't my pipeline built yet?

  9. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:15 AM

    You mean these geniuses in charge didn't test the phone system beforehand? Of course Miss Wonderful couldn't call in due to "technical" issues. Of course she adores her followers and tried rilly, rilly, RILLY hard to contact them so they could have their thrill of a miserable lifetime. In fact, I'm sure she was so prostrate with grief that she could barely function for the rest of the day. Remember how she enjoyed her little dinner in Iowa at the steakhouse with Them the night before her big marathon? My Gawd, I remember that angelic, grateful look on her face. She was so overjoyed and overwhelmed to be surrounded by all that Bot love, judging from the videos I saw, that she had to duck out right away to hide all that emotion, right?...Oh, wait.

    Is this still an ongoing attempt to syphon more buckaroos from the feeble minded? Sarah, please consider a career in either the Home Shopping Network or televangelism, already!

  10. Anonymous5:17 AM

    wow - these "people" are truly pathetic. I guess the first sign that you're part of a cult is that you have no clue that you're part of a cult.

  11. Randall5:19 AM

    But... but... she's so purty!

  12. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Great post, Gryphen !
    Poor bots :(

  13. TNbluedot5:30 AM

    Hahaha! Priceless!
    Best unexpected comedy of the day.
    Morons all.
    They need to take their leader's example and just quit already.
    You just can't make this stuff up!

  14. Anonymous5:32 AM

    You said everything that I was thinking. At least they have Bristol's career-launching show to look forward to (November, right?) and a big ski wedding coming up this winter when we'll see a 20 lb. "newborn" baby finally announced for the happy couple. And all that happy family time that Sarah has devoted.
    I'm sure that April will tell us again how Bristol is both a strong independent girl making it on her own but also so close to her family that she is there more than not. Do any of these kids that Sarah has raised to be so independent really live on their own completely? And how the kids are so lucky to have such a strong father figure but Tripp doesn't need his. And Sarah chose to attend college (not necessarily getting one of those degree things but they're just a title that you don't really need) but college wasn't important enough to make it a priority for her kids. Everything Palin seems to be nothing more than a sad circus.

  15. jadez5:34 AM

    HAHAHA... what a bunch of dumb "ma-roons". one should feel sorry for these people because they all support the woman known as palin, mother of 4 who is mentally ill.
    and that crazy woman has harmed lots of people.

    seems the few people making a profit on line off the palin antics what to keep these dopes and their money coming back for more.

    i can picture the grifter semi passed out on her bed locked away with a cold rag on her forehead and 20 empty cans of red bull scattered about.

    pencil in hand stearing at the IM blog while speed dialing the penguin yelling at her to get more comments up!..


    can you all imagine the real insanity that is the palin household?
    i tell you all palin is far more bizarre then what has been exposed so far.

    what a creepy family.

  16. LisaB25955:39 AM

    Honestly, if you google "Blogtalkradio" and "Alaska" you can see a gajillion broadcasts that appear not to be limited by Alaska. Syrin has a link on blog using the app!

    The idea Palin couldn't call in because she lived in Alaska is BS.

  17. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Did you hear CofP got busted? Come to find out, it's a big dope ring....
    Just a bunch of dopes, standing around in a circle.

  18. Anonymous5:54 AM

    If she is still soliciting donations to her Pac, isn't that illegal? She probably did not want anyone calling her at home because all the babies are hard to keep quiet, and there are a slew of them now. Maybe she is recovering from more cosmetic surgery? These fans of hers are beyond help. "Lost cause" describes them and her perfectly. Maybe someone should have called Appleby's to ask if the "happy, laughing Palin family" is there. According to the trolls they spend a lot of time there, all laughing and loving and happy as can be.

  19. In the old days, these people would have been called 'chumps'. Palin's fans believe in someone who does not really exist.

    They believe that she was unable to call in to their sob fest when she has a network television studio in her house. She was unable to talk with them because, even though she has the best modern communication equipment at her fingertips, she could not access their whine fest.

    When will they realize that she was frightened to talk with them just as she is frightened to talk to anyone in the media who might lob even the tiniest criticism her way? She did not call because she did not want to be told of their disappointment in her. She only wants to hear about their undying adulation.

  20. Sally in MI6:07 AM

    I was on a site that was printing out comments from the GrizzlyWackFest, and these people are just being duped. I cannot understand how people can hate progressives and Obama so much that they cling to this pale imitation of a politician and mount her on a plaque as if she were Goddess of Right. They have all her talking points down pat, and use them over and over again. Sorry, guys, they still are either lies or nonsense (or both.) Palin is never running for President. She is a coward, and now that she's very wealthy, she needn't bother about which wig to wear, or which stiletttos to pull out. She doesn't need you any more, and we all know how she treats the people she is done with.

  21. Gasman6:11 AM

    OK, just how much of a loser do you have to be if your obsession with Palin prompts you to "[move] to early states to campaign for the non-candidate — [because you were] convinced she would run for president?"

    Jesus Christ! These people are psychotic!

  22. angela6:30 AM

    Some of those poor rubes actually moved?

  23. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Of course, Palin then emailed the c4p to say how sorry and disappointed she was that she couldn't talk to them. No wait, she couldn't be bothered to make that little insincere gesture to her followers.

  24. Anonymous6:47 AM


    Anonymous said...

    How about QuittaPalooza.

    4:54 AM

    ANON , you got that right!!! I hope you will allow us to use this :)

    The bots are completely delusional. If Chuckie Jr could call in , then why couldn't Granny Lulu?! The obvious answer is BECAUSE SHE DIDN"T WANT TO!!! get it now bots, she only wants your $$$$$$. Come on now, send in another donation today! It's hard to pay out the monthly bribes and to house Briskets many babies! Send $$$ now ! Tawd needs some new high heels!


    Little Rabbit

  25. Tyroanee6:50 AM

    I just can't go to the's like standing in a room full of teenagers that never got asked to the prom.

  26. Anonymous6:52 AM

    One poor cultist is so distraught over her not running that he is looking to move to Wasilla. dragging his poor wife up to the holy land of palin.

    He said that if the world comes to an end, as it surely will now, he at least wants to be near his Dear One. No, not his wife.

    This is a fascinating phenomenon. Very similar mindsets as those that followed Koresh, Jones and Manson.

  27. Anonymous6:57 AM


    Boy, you shitbirds are dense.

    How many times do you have to be told sarah will not talk to you unless you give her money?

    Give sarah money, and she will talk to you right now. In fact, she will come to you and get the money.

    Got it?

  28. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Meh...these poor rubes and chumps can do whatever they want in their own useless lives. It's their kids I feel sorry for.

  29. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I've been writing this in IM comments for years and years: THE BOTS ARE STUPID, e.g. DUMB. In other words: NOT SMART. There are even a few of them who think an occasional display of polysyllabicity (and other nonsensical jargon in Latin) is indicative of an extraordinary level of critical thinking. No, you're still dumb when you use "big words" incorrectly. Elephantus non capit murem. Why did anyone ever care about or give media coverage to the 'bots, the dumbest of the dumb? Cui bono? Only corporate media benefitted.

  30. Palin Poet7:07 AM

    Laugh at us, huh? You just wait. You just keep underestimating her.

    Wait until the facts come out. Governor Palin never resigned. And Governor Palin was re-elected as Governor of Alaska. And the Governor secretly put on scuba stuff and plugged the BP oil geyser.

    And our Governor is secretly leading in all the polls for 2012.

    We shall see who gets the last laugh. Wait until the truth comes out that Governor Palin was the one who brought out Osama bin Laden´s head out on a stick.

    You just keep underestimating her.

  31. justforpostinhere7:08 AM

    No, I thought the best comedy gold was when the bots reported that Chuckles said that Sarah was "out chopping wood".
    Yep. He really said that she was "out chopping wood".
    The bots went crazy...writing "I'd like to see some elites chop wood".....ha ha ha ha. They actually believed that Sarah Palin was out in 20 degree weather chopping wood. SURE SHE WAS. HA HA HA

  32. Anonymous7:16 AM


    Brilliant, trolling! Sadly, I have seen them post screen shots of ¨handwritten¨ thank you notes they thought were written and signed by sarah.

  33. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Chuckie Jr is the Palin liaison to c4p. They think he just pops in once in a while, but actually it's his assigned post. BP drew the long straw and got IM. :)

  34. Anonymous7:20 AM


    The talk along the rope line is mighty different these days, isn´t it?

    The Lord´s Prayer Warriors will always prevail over your prayer warriors.

  35. Anonymous7:28 AM

    What a zinger of a post. Makes my day.

  36. BJeFF7:29 AM

    Just wondering about this ↓ ↓ ?
    ". . . We just wanted everyone to know that Governor Palin tried really hard to call into the Grizzly Fest Summit today. Unfortunately, there is an issue with Blog Talk Radio that we didn’t know about previously. . . ."
    If 'whatsername' rilly, rilly, rilly tried, several times (?), but could not get thru? Just how did she let them know all this info - and 'How rilly, rilly, rilly, disappointed she was, not being able to call into their 'Grizzly Fest Somewhat' -- How did she 'get thru' to let them know all this (nonsense)?

    Guess, that is not for us to know and/or worry about, ya think? LOL

  37. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Anonymous said...
    She DID make personal calls back in August to a bunch of people. I remember seeing some teens ecstatically posting screenshots of their phones.

    4:36 AM

    Thank You for that nugget, she made "personal calls" and there are screenshots?

    Something defies logic there.

    What did the screenshots "say"?

    Did it make sense?

    Did it show her phone number?

    Or were they texts? Tweets?

    Where's the link to these screenshots?

    This would have been big news, and I'm sure we would have seen reports and or interviews.

    My guess is it was spam, or magical thinking.

    Can you get them and get back to us?

    "living is easy with eyes closed"
    The Beatles

  38. And the grifting continues.... Chuck Heath Jr. announced that he has a book coming out in Spring 2012. More trees wasted....

  39. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Anon @ 6:57

    Yes, they've figured it out, or they read your comment. This morning someone came up with the wild and crazy thought to set up a fund for donating to support more Fests.

    You knew it was coming, bots.

  40. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Imagine that you lent a friend a chunk of money. Sometime later, you get the sinking feeling that he isn't going to pay it back. But, he has a beer with you and makes you feel good, and by the way, could you give him a little bit more just to tide him over for a little while. Soon it becomes obvious. The guy doesn't answer your calls or emails. He avoids you with one excuse or another. He hopes that if you lose contact with each other, you'll forget about the debt. He is never going to pay you back.

    Sarah's devoted fans gave their hearts, souls and money with the hope that she would run for president. She strung them along by acting like a candidate, criticizing Obama and thinking about considering making a decision. If they were foolish enough to keep giving her money when it was starting to look as if Sarah would not run, that's sad.

    The Pee People have to look at their donations as a bad investment. Sometimes, when you invest in a venture, it doesn't work out. There go all your hopes, dreams and money. At least you are in good company, and you have others who can share your pain.

    Sarah has thrown many others under the bus before the Pee People were organized. She invoked some kind of devoted following, and eventually people saw her for what she was. As for communicating with loyal fans who gave her money, the least that Sarah could have done was to pre-tape a message that could be played during the fest. The fact that she didn't even do that much shows how little she cared about them, personally, in spite of the constant love letters that they wrote about her.

    We need a better analogy. It's like any relationship where one party is rather fickle and doesn't respect the feelings of the other and they break up. There are plenty of pretty women who dated rich men for their money. They were called Gold Diggers. When they filled their pockets, they moved on. The good news is that someone dumped Sarah first, meaning that the people who once thought that she looked like a great candidate (Murdoch, Ailes, Koch Brothers) cut her loose earlier this year and turned to someone else. You have to wonder how long Sarah knew that she was not going to be a candidate. My guess is-- since she gave that Blood Libel speech.

    I hope that the Pee People are sufficiently broke and heartbroken so that they will not invest in any of the other Republican candidates.

  41. Yeah, right sure, "technical difficulties" - Well these folks seem to have technical difficulty in understanding how to cross the street by themselves - so it doesn't surprise me that they fell for it yet again. Schmucks.

  42. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I really don't care. A fool and his money are soon parted. Crying over spilled milk, whining, and wishing it was a bad dream doesn't help.

    Sorry bots, it's called "buyers remorse". caveat emptor.

    Someone has a bridge they want to sell you, beachfront time shares in Indiana, and emails from guyana that promise millions if you send a thousand dollars to a p.o. box. Sarah Palin is in that league of leeches.

  43. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Sure. A commercial broadcast studio in her house and has never missed a Fox News obligation.

    She managed State of Alaska business by cell phone and text messages.

    This is how she'd administer the country if she was president. Teleconferencing in to six-party talks with North Korea, from Wasilla.

    The emails released by the state reveal that she NEVER actually DID anything. The executive office was running the state!

    The Yahoo email account disappeared - no transparency, no accountability, no record of government communication. No one in a position of authority EVER did anything about it, took any appropriate action.

    Alaska corruption? Backroom deals in smoke-filled rooms? "Corporate cronyism"? Quid pro quo?
    Alive and well. The foxes are STILL in the henhouse.

  44. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Her speaking fee is $100,000.

    There's nothing more to be said.

  45. Anonymous8:05 AM

    My god, this is funny and sad. And frightening. It's frightening to think that people are this stupid.

    As so many of their trolls like to say to us, they should really get get a life.

  46. Anonymous8:10 AM

    As Governor, Sarah spent more time lazing around in bed monitoring this blog than she spent in the Governor´s mansion.

    She considers the C4P folks ¨creepy old men¨ and prefers IM because she would rather spend time with people nearer her own age or younger.

    Sarah wants so desperately to be liked by us, to fit in, to be a part of our lives.

    Too bad. She will never be IM material.

  47. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Looks like Chuck Jr isn't quite ready to jump off the Sarah gravy train.

  48. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Yeah, I guess Chuckie, jr. couldn't give them Sarah's number so she just wouldn't have kept tryin'.

    Besides that, for crying out loud if she was the "mystery" guest they sure didn't have this planned out too well now did they? Seems just like everything these idiots set up just never comes out right. You think they'd just give up by now instead of looking stupid - again!

  49. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I hope Chuck Heath Jr. isn't still a classroom teacher in a Jewel Lake area elementary school.
    If I was a parent, I would remove my child from his classroom. He's inappropriate and unfit as a school teacher.

  50. Anonymous8:37 AM

    The Chucks are pimping the bots to make their own $$$$. We know how much Sarah does not like sharing her money with anyone. Hope this doesn't cause a rift in the family.

    And, if it was a technical telecom glitch, just schedule a make up grizzfest part deux and I am more that certain that Sarah will show up.

  51. Anonymous8:43 AM

    8:05 said: "Her speaking fee is $100,000. There's nothing more to be said."

    NOTHING MORE? Really? In other words, that's all that matters. Cost to family and others, not important. The fact that she quit on her state, not important. NOTHING but the fact that she can make $100,000 is ALL that matters. That's some values. BTW- How long do you think those $100,000 speaking gigs are going to keep coming? IF that's ALL that matters (which is what you did say) it may be she is out-of-luck with a lot of life left to live.

  52. For real??
    Is Chucky Jr. really writing a book?
    What could it be about?
    How he helps his $i$ter Grift?
    If he IS writing a book, it will be just like all the other books spawned by any of those Pathetic Palins.
    They CANNOT tell the truth, even if they wanted to!!
    So why waste any money on one??
    What has Jr. done with HIS life that warrants a book?

  53. Her fans want to destroy her. They're like a jealous lover who kills the object of their affection rather than lose them. They're fairy tale went beyond seeing Palin in the White House. Many of them thought they'd be there with her...if not in actual WH jobs, there'd be invitations to the inauguration, special parties and events throughout her term.

    Gryphen, Bailey, Dunn, McGinniss, Wallace, and Schmidt...and all the others...have been telling the truth. The woman is mentally ill. She CAN'T run. It makes me freakin' angry that her fans--the people who supposedly care about her--want to push her off a cliff.

  54. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Most popular Halloween mask according to CNN is Sarah Palin.

  55. Anonymous9:38 AM

    She could have spent 25 bucks on a throw away phone and never had to listen to them again. Sarahpac would have paid for it. It's like that boy in highschool trying to break up with you and you wont give up.

  56. Anonymous9:40 AM

    And how do they know they were really talking to chucky jr?

  57. Anonymous9:41 AM

    8:05 AM: "Her speaking fee is $100,000. There's nothing more to be said."

    Do you ever pause to check if what you write is not smart or are you only intent on rattling off snide comments?

  58. Anonymous9:43 AM

    When Sarah told Greta or whoever on Fox that she had a fire in her belly, she was duping her fans and she knew it. She knew they would take this as the sign that she was running.

    Normally, this term is used to pronounce one is divinely directed to do God's bidding because the conviction in their belly/heart is so strong. It's biblical talk - a way of telling they have no choice but to take on the divine mantle.

    Of course they thought she'd run. When she announced she wasn't running, it shocked them. She left them and her divine calling at the altar. Sarah blaming her kids and her devotion to motherhood doesn't jive with the prophet's mission of having a fire in the belly. The "fire" is supposed to surpass all other things, the person who has the "fire" is determined and unstoppable in their conviction to do the thing they are convicted to do.

    I think she is in hiding and afraid to stand up to them. She gets her brother to pick up the pieces under her bus.

  59. Anonymous9:44 AM

    She DID make personal calls back in August to a bunch of people. I remember seeing some teens ecstatically posting screenshots of their phones.

    4:36 AM

    Personal calls to random supporters? Or friends of her kids who are on the SarahPAC payroll? Cuz there's a difference, you know.

    It's interesting that Chuck Jr said she was out chopping wood. I thought she was supposed to be trying rilly, rilly, rilly hard for a long time to call into the Fest? How could she be chopping wood and trying to connect to an internet conference simultaneously? Oh, wait, this is the woman with abs of steel who could fly for 8 hours while leaking fluid--far above us mere mortals in all respects.

    But any C4Pers reading here, riddle me this: How could Chuck know Sarah was out chopping wood? Either he was AT her house, or else he had just spoken to her (of course, there's option #3, that he was just makin' stuff up)--either of which should indicate to you that she wasn't nearly as unable to communicate as she would have you believe.

  60. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I love this from lynnrockets' blog:

    "The Sarah Palin hangover continues. After announcing that she would not run for President, Sarah Palin's brainwashed supporters are at a loss. They have absolutely no idea who to worship and throw money at now. In an attempt to come up with an answer they held an online forum called "Grizzlyfest" last week. Josh Painter, who runs the blog Texans for Sarah Palin, acknowledged that many supporters he knew were still “coming out of shock” at Palin’s decision, but that Grizzlyfest was an “excellent opportunity” to assess “where we are and where we are going.” One thing that was clear by the end: real disappointment remains despite a willingness to try and stay together as a cohesive group without a leader. Ah Sarah, we hardly knew ye!In honor of the troops, please remember to click on the song link below to familiarize yourselves with the tune and to have more fun singing along with today’s Sarah Palin song parody.

    It’s All Over Now song link:

    IT’S ALL OVER NOW(sung to the Rolling Stones version of the song “It’s All Over Now”)Well, Palin was around way too long
    She winked those eyes, went to Hong Kong
    But her heart’s now broken, that’s no lie
    Tables turn and now it’s her turn to cry
    Some crackpots used to love her, but it’s all over now
    Some crackpots used to love her, but it’s all over now
    Well, she thought that she’d be crowned a queen in D.C. Town
    She’d spend book deal money to buy herself some fame
    She has no clout, that must be a blow to her pride
    Tables turn and now it’s Sarah who cries

    Some crackpots used to love her, but it’s all over now
    Some crackpots used to love her, but it’s all over now
    (musical interlude)Well, on Meet The Press Sunday morning, did you hear what they said?
    “Palin’s political future is all but dead”
    Brooks, Dionne and Murphy really smacked Palin down
    Now the whole world knows that she is just a clown

    Some crackpots used to love her, but it’s all over now
    Some crackpots used to love her, but it’s all over now
    Some crackpots used to love her, but it’s all over now
    Some crackpots used to love her, but it’s all over now"


  61. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Chuck Heath Jr said on Grizzlyfest he and Chuck Sr are writing a book about their AK experiences to be released in May. Don't you know Sarah will be showing up at their book signings to encourage sales/scam and for attention???

    The most frustrating thing about Palin and family is watching hateful liars become multimillionaires.

  62. Anonymous9:47 AM

    She is in a sanitarium somewhere. Probably Arizona. Or maybe her last plastic surgery went bad.

  63. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "Grizzlyfest" - what an unfortunately hilarious name!

  64. Anonymous9:58 AM

    HOly crud, jut put the boots on and waded into the sea o' pee - they're resorting to incantations - when do they sacrifice the goat?

  65. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I spent some time over there yesterday and the delusion is very strong in some of them. Most of them know better than to post any words that seem "doubtful" because they get the shit knocked out of them by the other posters.

    Instead they just all cruise along on the "delusion train" wearing blinders and stroking each other.

    I really have to admit that I've never seen anything quite like it.

  66. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Chuck told everyone that Sarah was out "chopping wood". I found that pretty funny because she doesn't have an upper body that looks as if she's ever chopped a stick of wood in her life!

    The eat that crap up at C4P, though. There was a guy that said that she must be choppin' her wood now 'cause she's done huntin' for the season. (I wonder if she's more accurate with an ax than she is with a firearm? I hope so or someone could get hurt!)

    You go Sarah, you don't need to natual gas or electricity, so siree, the Fox News Wasilla studio runs on wood baby! That's the 'laska way, Last Frunteer baby! See that fireplace that she poses in front of? It's Real! It keeps the lights on and the cameras powered. That whole studio is powered by clean burnin' birch!

  67. Anonymous10:23 AM

    heh, heh. chuckjr must have just read these comments, he's just posted at p-pond:

    Hi guys. First, thanks to all of you for putting this event together. I know it was a lot of hard work, and despite the phone problems, it was a success.

    For those of you who are wondering how I was able to get on and Sarah wasn't, here's what happened. I was given a call-in number which I was supposed to dial at 11:45 Alaska time. I tried multiple times (at least 10) to get through but was always met with a busy signal. I finally sent Nicole Coulter an email and told her to call me (I included my personal number). She called within five minutes and I was able to go on air. The same scenario played out with Sarah, but her segment, as you know, was to air at the end of the program and they ran out of time.

    I'm sure there was some panicking going on at the studio, but I know you guys were working as hard as possible. You did a great job in a short amount of time and the next time you hold one of these events, I'm sure a lot of the bugs will be worked out.

    So, thanks! Keep fighting the good fight,
    Chuck, Jr.

    mmm hmmm...

  68. Anonymous said...

    She DID make personal calls back in August to a bunch of people. I remember seeing some teens ecstatically posting screenshots of their phones.

    4:36 AM

    Ummm...were these teens...BOYS?? The crazy woman seems to LOVVVVE the young, fresh, teen guys! Do share those screenshots...all knowing TROLL!

  69. Sarah's fans remind me of that one Japanese soldier they found years after WWII, who still thought the war was going. Deluded, much? Oh well, there's always Orly Taitz, the "Birther Queen" who just announced a run for the U.S. Senate. Hey, a Queen's a Queen, right? And "crazy" like that needs a LOT of $$$, right, Sarah?

  70. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Chuck Jr. explains:-

    chuckjr Moderator Today 01:48 PM
    Hi guys. First, thanks to all of you for putting this event together. I know it was a lot of hard work, and despite the phone problems, it was a success.

    For those of you who are wondering how I was able to get on and Sarah wasn't, here's what happened. I was given a call-in number which I was supposed to dial at 11:45 Alaska time. I tried multiple times (at least 10) to get through but was always met with a busy signal. I finally sent Nicole Coulter an email and told her to call me (I included my personal number). She called within five minutes and I was able to go on air. The same scenario played out with Sarah, but her segment, as you know, was to air at the end of the program and they ran out of time.

    I'm sure there was some panicking going on at the studio, but I know you guys were working as hard as possible. You did a great job in a short amount of time and the next time you hold one of these events, I'm sure a lot of the bugs will be worked out.

    So, thanks! Keep fighting the good fight,
    Chuck, Jr.

  71. Anonymous11:23 AM

    So Chuck Jr. and Sr. are going to write a book about their experiences. They are clinging to the last hope of making a couple of bucks from Sarah Palin's name. As I remember, Bristol's book didn't do all that well. At least she had a basic story: unwed teen mom, it's hard, that should be a warning to you girls out there, do as I say, not as I did. By the way, what ever happened to Bristol's TV show? Did it slip along with Sarah's approval ratings?

  72. Took a walk over to the crazy part of the internet...C4P to be exact...I must have walked into a mess because some folks weren't happy with the explanation that the Crazy woman couldn't call's one of the head bot's explanation....

    Nicole Olmstead Coulter Moderator 19 minutes ago in reply to Deena
    We were HONORED that Gov. Palin would even CONSIDER callling into our show. She is a very busy woman and she gives so much to the conservative cause. The fact that she was willing to phone into a blogger summit speaks to her immense character and humble nature.

    Here are the facts: We told an aide to Gov. Palin that we would make time available in the last 15 minutes of the program if she would like to call in. She did not have "two hours" to figure out how to call in.

    She called the number we provided at the time we suggested, and the number DID NOT WORK because of an Alaska-specific issue with BlogTalk Radio. We were all scrambling very hard to find a solution but we ran out of time.

    We had the same problem with Chuck Heath Jr. but we didn't realize that it was an Alaska problem. We had time to roll his interview over into the next hour.

    With Blogtalk Radio (the version we had) the livestream cuts off after three hours.

    We ran out of options. We learned some lessons, and we're very sorry for the trouble we caused Gov. Palin. It was out of everyone's control. then Chuck Jr. leaves a comment also....

    chuckjr Moderator Today 01:48 PM
    Hi guys. First, thanks to all of you for putting this event together. I know it was a lot of hard work, and despite the phone problems, it was a success.

    For those of you who are wondering how I was able to get on and Sarah wasn't, here's what happened. I was given a call-in number which I was supposed to dial at 11:45 Alaska time. I tried multiple times (at least 10) to get through but was always met with a busy signal. I finally sent Nicole Coulter an email and told her to call me (I included my personal number). She called within five minutes and I was able to go on air. The same scenario played out with Sarah, but her segment, as you know, was to air at the end of the program and they ran out of time.

    I'm sure there was some panicking going on at the studio, but I know you guys were working as hard as possible. You did a great job in a short amount of time and the next time you hold one of these events, I'm sure a lot of the bugs will be worked out.

    So, thanks! Keep fighting the good fight,
    Chuck, Jr.

    Yeah sure Chuck...I think he MEANT to say..."Keep sending money"

  73. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Hmmmmmm... I feel like I have heard this before........"and the Great Pumpkim will rise up on Halloween night and bring all the good boys and girls presents. Trust me Charlie Brown you just have to believe. They will see."

    Linus sits in a pumpkin patch on Halloween night waiting for the Great Pumpkin to appear. Each year the Great Pumpkin invariably fails to appear, and a humiliated but undefeated Linus stubbornly vows to wait for him again the following Halloween.

    Thank you Charles Schulz. Even kids get the point. Just because you believe and want it to be true does not mean it is. Sarah is the
    Great Pumpkin and her followers are Linus as they miss out on the rest of the world enjoying reality.

  74. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I think @8:05 is saying that these PissClowns couldn't cough up the speaking fee, therefore, Stupid Sarah wasn't gonna be doin' any speakin.'

    Tricks don't give anything away for free.

  75. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Anonymous @ 8:43 AM and 9:41 AM, chill out. What Anon at 8:05 AM meant was C4P did not PAY her the $100K so she did not call them up. Get it now?

  76. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:57 PM

    With nothing else to do this afternoon, I disguised myself as a potted palm and hung around the main lobby of The Heartbreak Hotel while the smitten teenagers mingled and yakked about their little online PalinInsanityFest. One person was reciting his very own uplifting (and endless) fantasy "letter" from Ronald Reagan (Ronaldus Magnus), trying to convince Sarah to run. Others were growling at each other like grizzlies. Several were clutching Bibles and praying fervently over and over for SP to save them from the evil Libruls who h8 the country. Here's what I overheard (all dialog verbatim):

    "Not having Sarah Palin on the ticket is like going to a Beatle's concert, and finding that they've been replaced on the bill by Herman's Hermits!"

    "She's running! That's all there is to it."

    "I suggest that when making our comments that we don't just reiterate Sarah's achievements. Instead we should poke fun at the Palin haters and distractors, make them look ridiculous and obviously in need of serious treatment..."

    "I have HUGE respect for each of the moderators and guests. BUT, with all tremendously-DUE respect, could they PLEASE talk LESS about themselves and their history and how they came to know about and support Gov. Paling, etc.?"

    "...Chuck, Jr.'s momentous words, but spoken in the low-key manner of this GREAT guy...that he will keep working on his sister to reconsider her decision, stole the show...indeed stole the whole month of October (with apologies to the World Champion Cardinals). We now have something to PRAY AND PRAY AND PRAY about: Lord, please inpsire Chuck with just the right words at just the right time..and please open Sarah's heart to her bro's words. This has been a great day!! SARAH 2012!!!"

    "someone needs to get on a plane to alaska and beg her to reconsider."
    "take flowers!!!"
    "better yet she is a gun lover buy her an antique gun."

    "We are Coming for Our Country...with the Fair Lady Warrior of the Far North Country leading us, God willing!!"

    "...The mass of voters, pimped by the MSM, are just too ill-informed to see what a 3rd party with Palin might do to restore America."

    "Dear God, give Chuck wisdom to drag his sister by the nap of her head and get her to run. In Jesus name, Amen. Chuck will be my hero forever."

    In my leafy lagoon, I watched the Bots chase the last commenter away with sticks, and was trying to figure out who in the world "Gov. Paling" was. Then I noticed a bright, blinking billboard hanging high above the Bots' heads. They were constantly aware of it, kinda like a Big Broth--uh, Big Sister thing. Yep, the SarahPAC banner is still there, beckoning all True Believers, Grizzled Old Fanboys and Frustrated Patriots to empty their pockets in the hope that The Great North Star will suddenly jump up, drop the Crunch Wrap Supreme, turn off Bridezillas and decide to save Amurika.

    I need a drink.

  77. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The "explanation" given is almost as suspiciously contradictory and loopy as the Wild Ride.

    She was out chopping wood. She was not out chopping wood. I tried to get through, but couldn't, but then I did. The same thing happened to Sarah but even though we had already figured out the problem and how to solve it, somehow "there was not time enough" to have Sarah do the same thing, or text her or call her.

    Or, she was out chopping wood.

    Heath, Jr. sounds driftier and griftier than Sarah, even.


  78. Anonymous1:13 PM

    And what about the panelist Kristen Hendershot?? Did SHE made it on air without a problem?


    If this panelist made it on air without problems, then the story is a damned lie. Or if she had the same problems, but got on air, and Chuckish had them but got on. . .with plenty of time to repeat these solutions with Palin in anticipation of same. . .then the story is still a damned lie.

    Or, she was out chopping wood.


  79. Linus and the Great Pumpkin.

    So apt.

    Huge High Five to the genius who saw it first.

  80. Anonymous1:26 PM

    What's sad, I take that back, what's funny is how much money those retards gave Sarah Palin.

    Sarah and her family had a good old time at the expense of all those ass holes that gave her money, bought her books and dvds, paid to hear her speak and paid to have a picture with her.

    Gotta hand it to Sarah, for a mother of uneducated kids, Sarah pulled off a great con job.

    Those fools gave her money and Sarah took it.

  81. I think @8:05 is saying that these PissClowns couldn't cough up the speaking fee, therefore, Stupid Sarah wasn't gonna be doin' any speakin.'

    Tricks don't give anything away for free.

    12:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous @ 8:43 AM and 9:41 AM, chill out. What Anon at 8:05 AM meant was C4P did not PAY her the $100K so she did not call them up. Get it now?

    12:49 PM


    Thank you. It could have been read either way, but I think it's the version that Sarah don't play for Free, yo.

    (Everyone here already has one a$$hole~ they don't need to be ripped a new one just 'cuz you misunderstand their post. Let's proceed with caution, eh? When we're in certified Troll Territory, well, then, get your GRRRRR on, right, Scarah? =)))

  82. Anonymous2:13 PM

    fuk it, i'm gonna "write a book" too

  83. Not What You Want To Hear2:31 PM

    LOL, that was excellent, LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn. If there is one thing I would genuinely thank Sarah Palin for, it would be for introducing us to the seriously entertaining people who make up c4p. They are hands down one of the most flatout fucking crazy groups I've ever witnessed.

  84. I wonder if the upcoming Chucks' book will include the story about how Chuck, Sr. led a mob to harass and intimidate the school board members who dismissed his friend Ray Carter, an elementary school principal who ignored parent complaints about a teacher sexually abusing young girls.

  85. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I'm betting that many of these rubes are also waiting for the second coming of Elvis.

  86. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Some nitty-gritty:

    - Have any IM folks in the lower 48 recently organized a Blog Talk Radio session with Alaskans calling in? Any problems?

    - Syrin may have an account, but has she had a session involving callers from the lower 48? Any problems?

    I'd ask her except tomorrow, I'm going camping for a week and will have virtually no cell/land line access & no email access.

    - Anyone know if the phone system description below is true? (I made new paragraphs for ease of reading.)

    From a C4P regular about the purported GFest tech problems:

    it is a simple problem.

    Do to the methodology of long distance telephone communication with AK the direct dial to certain types of telephone numbers can not easily be made. Same thing in reverse.

    You must remember AK doesn't have the same infrastructure, including telecommunications, that the lower 48 has.

    It is still several years behind. It wasn't more than 5 years ago that certain numbers calling more than 25 miles was "outside" the metro calling area and required additional "patching" through a long distance carrier -- and extra cost.

    The same is true for Wasilla. The local phone company must tie into the long distance carrier to travel via the undersea cable or earth station. Once it arrives in the lower 48 then it is patched again to a long distance carrier then to the "new local" carrier who may or may not have a forwarding agreement with the specific carrier that is hosting the telephone number.

    there is no "number-gate" it is just the connections are not everywhere. We in the lower 48 generally are spoiled with technology and have forgotten the wilderness areas do not have the same installed plant that the larger cities and surrounding areas have.

    Same person:

    cell phones are only available in some areas. In fact cell phones have twice the connectivity problems as land lines.Think about it -- you are in a desert and there are no cell towers for 100 miles -- will your phone work -- nope. or the mountains -- same thing

    I know she has a cell phone (blackberry) but then it is the same connectivity issues plus at least 2 more -- conversion to land line multiplers that may not have a one-to-one match up with the long distance carrier, local carrier and local exchange office or the teleconference modal system or a host of other reasons.

    Can anyone confirm or refute?

    Another option is to contact Blog Talk Radio which I'd do myself except for the trip. Bad timing, it turns out.

    Thanks, Molly

  87. Anonymous4:33 PM

    @ 9:43 not biblical or divinely directed at all. Possible origins come from the days of coal and wood fired steam engines.

  88. Anonymous4:39 PM

    @ 1:23 - yeah right - so if they had a problem with Chuck's connection earlier they didn't have an IT someone to troubleshoot? The BS in addition to the pee is so deep over there you need hip waders. Noe I finally get it though C4P = Cesspool of Palin - right?

  89. Anonymous5:04 PM

    They are SO GRATEFUL that their SARAH tried for 15 minutes to dial the phone.She took time out of her day!

    The fools cannot comprehend that they pay her salary and should demand that she take 8 hours out of a day to speak with them.If she cannot be bothered,they should fire her.

  90. "Anonymous said...
    I'm betting that many of these rubes are also waiting for the second coming of Elvis.

    2:45 PM"

    Waiting for Elvis? They saw Elvis!

  91. I was just reading her FB page and her fans are stupidly sickening. What really sickens me is the people from my old church that actually really "like" her. Some of my new friends that "liked" her I know don't mean it, some of them posted negative comments and were immediately banned for life. So much for free speech. I feel like making stupidly sweetly sarcatic remarks like,"Oh I just love you, you are the smartest woman in America. I'm so sad you chose not to run. I know you must stay home and care so consistently for Trig with all the love you can muster." NOT! How can people I once knew be so incredibly stupid?? They cut this president down and they're the morons. I feel like defriending them all and let them wonder why.

  92. Poor Sarah got a busy signal so she gave up and chopped wood. She seems to get great coverage on her Blackberry when Alaska has spotty cell service. I still say she's lying. She's still playing these poor people for money. One more tease.

    "I'm betting that many of these rubes are also waiting for the second coming of Elvis." (Anonymous)

    No, they believe that Elvis is alive.

  93. @ goodness...if they twisted themselves anymore over there... we would all have to dip them in some cheese!!
    WTF is wrong with that group? My best friend lives in Anchorage and we talk quite often....I live on the West Coast....we have NEVER had problems talking on a landline or cell phones....those fools will grasp at any straw not to face the fact that the Grifter has MOVED THE FUCK ON!

  94. Smirnonn7:40 PM

    These pee pond people need SERIOUS meds. Reality does not intersect with their perception.

    Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would realize that Paylump never intended on running. She CAN'T - she's not at all qualified or even sane enough to run. But she does understand a good grift. Her pretend, drawn out, fake decision making process was nothing more than a money making tease.

    Hey palinbots - she's OVER you. You've served your purpose in her griftopian world. Move on, find some other idiot to idolize.

    "Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows (the fool)."

    - Obi Wan

  95. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Like Michael Meyers, she just keeps rising up, destroying everything in her path...

  96. Anonymous9:02 PM

    You'd think they would have gotten the hint when she practically ignored them at the restaurant in Iowa. She couldn't even look at them.

  97. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Creepy Chuckie, Jr writing a book?

    What the fuck could Creepie Junior have to write about other than the Corrupt Crony Capitalism of having his sister (and former lover, perhaps, as many have hinted regarding) appoint him to the Board of the Mat Maid Dairy.

    Yeah, I WOULD like to read the truth about that, little Creepy Chuckie, Jr. But I doubt that you would want the truth about your role in that boondoggle to be in the public spotlight.

    All of you Palins are nothing but a sorry bunch of grifters who sucked the public teat dry and then found a goldmine of stupid people for which to do the same.

    A sorry bunch, indeed.

  98. Alright folks, for those who aren't aware, "Chopping Wood" is actually a euphemism for a "hand-job" which we all know is a common euphemism for an act of masturbation, usually performed by one person on another.

    So yes, in every sense, Sarah was "chopping wood" for the 61% male, 79% over-55 yr old crowd of limp dicks at C4P. Those fat, old, stupid fucks keep dreaming that Sarah is, one day, going to fuck them---any of 'em, all of 'em--- but all they'll ever get for writing those checks to SarahPAC is a hand-job. And since they close their eyes in anticipation, they obviously don't even notice that their masturbatory partner is either Stephen Bannon or Chuckie, Jr, not Granny Grifter.

    But hey, you old farts at the PeePond can tell your TeaBAGGER pals that "It sure as hell FELT like Sarah was chopping my wood."

  99. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Palin must hold some type of record for the most bizarre pictures by a single person.

    I don't think a normal person could go out of their way to pose like Sarah's retarded trailer park looking pictures.

  100. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Maybe the thing for these broken hearted people to do is to travel to Wasilla and knock on Sarah Palin's front door.

    Sarah is always telling people to come up to Alaska, so why not surprise her and pay her a visit?

  101. Anonymous11:23 PM

    I hope Creepy Chuckie does not write a paragraph about how he used to watch Sarah parade around the house naked.

    We don’t need that trailer park pornography in America.

    Creepy Chuckie and Sarah can keep their sick memories to themselves.

  102. Anonymous10:48 AM

    What a load of bullshit. Those idiots will believe anything.

    I live in Anchorage, Alaska and have never had ANY problem whatsoever dialing an outside line (to the other 49 states or even Canada). Even though yes we are more than a thousand miles from the nearest state there is no difference in how we are switched into the network that the lower 48 uses. Blog Talk Radio would just see any Alaska line as coming from a different area code (as it would a line from any given state). We are not international so it's not like we have to dial special numbers to get a lower 48 line. It's just usually either (area code) then 555-5555, or (1)(area code)555-5555.

    The stupid, it burns!

  103. Anonymous10:57 AM


    Alaska actually has a pretty robust telecommunications system. Maybe 50 years ago it is like what they described, but now with carriers like GCI, Alaska Telecommunications and MTA (Matanuska Telephone Association) remote locations in Alaska can access (and be easily accessed) from any part of the world.

    And that is assuming Wasilla is remote (hint, it's not). I'm guessing those calling from Wasilla are going to be using MTA's network (or GCI, ATT or Alaska Communications if on a cellular phone). Wasilla and the Matanuska valley are part of the megaopolis that is South Central Alaska, where more than 50 percent of Alaska lives. Those over at Grizzlyfest (that name.. really?) may be able to dupe those idiots who worship $P by pretending that ALaska is still using freaking sled dog, telegraph and ocean going vessels to communicate back and forth but those of us who actually live here know that is a COMPETE CROCK OF SHIT.

  104. Gryphen~

    I just LOVE this blog!!

    $arah, Creepy Chuck & Chuckles are writing another book?? What could they possibly have to say? All $arah ever says are the same old tired talking points and bashing President Obama!!
    (YES, $arah~ Obama is OUR President)
    I guess, like a spoiled three yr old, they just don't know when to quit.
    Ooops, I take that back.
    The Quitter Quack should have known long ago when she quit as Gov.
    I suppose Tawd might need some extra cash fixing the roof on the House again. Thanksgiving is almost here, and isn't that what he does every Thanksgiving Day??

  105. Anonymous6:39 PM

    When I posted the query that Kristen Hendershot, AK panelist for GrizzlyFest, apparently had no problem getting through on C$P, not only was my post disappeared forthwith, (within seconds) my computer suddenly was stricken with a virus.

    Which also happened EVERYTIME I wrote a guest post on Palingates/Politicalgates re: Crawford, Palin, SarahPAC et al.

    In fact, I had to get a new computer once, after one attack a couple of years ago. Seriously.

    I will name names here, I suspect it to be either Ron Devito or Greg Hanson. Or Tim Crawford's minions. Stick that in your pipe, Brothers, and smoke it.

    Team Sarah still likes me and keeps me on their site because I send in the odd $25 donation to the cause. But C4Piss blocks me because I do not donate.

    So I will reiterate the facts. Palin could have gotten through, no matter what. She is armed with the most sophisticated telecommunications equipment that FOX has provided for her.

    Nonetheless, there was plenty of time provided between Chuck Heath,Jr's alleged problems with the hookup and Palin's "stealth" presence on GrizzlyFest to sort it (if it ever existed) out.

    Unless she was out chopping wood. For three hours. Knowing that her fan base had organized this event at least three weeks prior.

    She was out, "chopping wood."

    Those of you who resort to cyber attacks on my computer, I will not go away.

    My country means more to me than my computer, and I am happy to spend hundreds of dollars to replace my internet voice to the cause.

    Apparently you already know who I am. Come and get me. Because you have already gotten all you will get.

    And if Palin ever rears her ugly head again in American politics, I have three years of research on Tim Crawford (Treasurer of SarahPAC) and his family, and his cohort Norm Cummings, and the failed Charlie Black connection, than any of them will ever wish to be known.

    Starting with his mother Carole, and his father, Ronald. On to the Jack Abramhoff connections. Monday Morning PAC strike a chord, Tim?

    Tim, you best wish that Palin will never rear her ugly head again. You are corrupt, your parents were corrupt. You learned your craft at your parent's heel.

    Get out while the going is good.

    For the sake of your parents, as if you cared.


  106. AKRNC8:22 PM

    Chuckie, Jr. was able to call into the QuittaPalooza because he's not "in the wilds of Alaska" as Bristol described during her testimony. It had to be true, right?? Bristol would never, ever, ever lie to anyone...would she? Damn straight, just like Sarah! She learned at MamaGrizzly's knee how to lie, beg, borrow & steal. They just don't care if they get caught because if they get what they want, that's all that matters!

  107. Anonymous9:41 PM

    This Anchorage, AK, chiming in again:

    There was a good point brought up
    here about how, even in Alaska, $arah has access to basically the best telecommunications technologies on the face of this planet, especially knowing that she had a crew from FOX News or one of their sub-contractors set up a full fledged studio in the *gasp* 'wilds' of Alaska.

    And even given that, IF for some ridiculous reason she wasn't able to just pick up a land line or cell (including her much vaunted Blackberrys), if she REALLY wanted to she could have connected via skype or some other IP (read Internet) oriented voice system. Hell, if she had a freaking iPhone 4/4S, iPad 2 or Mac she could use their extremely easy to use FACETIME feature. That way they could view her hideous mug & that creature she calls a hairdo AND hear her screechy voice all for basically free (as long as they had a decent Internet connection) which I for one know they do have as even here in Anchorage I have a 10Mbs plus internet connection all the way up here in remote Anchorage, Alasky.

    My point being, if she REALLY wanted to make this event, she could have had whatever paid techno flackies she has on hand set her up (in one of many ways) to connect to this event. It is NOT an excuse to say she simply could not phone in.
    Bottom line is she wanted nothing to do with this event, and used yet another excuse in her long line of lame excuses to try and explain away why she didn't make a telephonic appearance at this event. In reality, she wants nothing to do with these douchenozzles (which is funny as she is the biggest douchenozzle of them all).

    Maybe her mouth breathing supporters will buy it but the rest of us are simply not.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.