Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rush Limbaugh tries to talk down emotionally distraught Sarah Palin supporter.

Now usually I would NEVER suggest that you listen to Rush Limbaugh, who is to intellectual discourse what Cheez Whiz is to gourmet cheeses, but this is actually pretty darn entertaining.

That poor bastard on the line with Rush is clearly in some serious denial, and hoping for some kind of Christmas miracle to put everything in his poor delusional world right again.

It must suck for Mitt Romney to know that he is SO disliked by his own party that many of them would rather draft a crazy person for their nominee then have to vote for him.

(H/T to Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Gee, I agree with the caller. Palin IS the anti-Obama. She's stupid.

  2. bill in belize6:27 AM

    he is missing the big point. it is not how many supporters he can get to sign a petition for her to change her mind. it's entirely up to the big guy in the sky,, well,, and her family too but not a bunch of supporters.

  3. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Well, I must say this is the most sane conversation I've ever heard from Rush! He didn't rant, make fun of anyone, spew hatred. Is he mellowing, or are we so used to his BS that we're surprised when he makes sense?

  4. That was simply pathetic...she's the only hope that the country has?! Her fans really do look at her as some kind of deity instead of realistically identifying her as the fraud that she is. She represents the worst of what America has to offer, joining the ranks of Paris Hilton and the Kardashians.

  5. bill in belize6:29 AM

    oh,, and not to mention all the other
    reasons she won't run.
    not enough money
    more work,,,,

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    The seaofpeeer's have latched onto the Eisenhower draft for POTUS and are running like maniacs for it. It's pathetic, like they are in the last stages of denial before they get gobsmacked once more. Of course Sara keeps this going because she keeps asking for money and playing her tongue flick games so these desperate will keep sending money - talk about extracting every last nickel. She better watch herself because once they realize it's all a game for her the backlash is gonna be tough

  7. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Poor little pathetic morons. Both of them need to have their ears and eyes checked and their meds increased. Loved when Limbaugh said the WOMEN HATED her. Yep that's right. She is the furthest thing from a real woman and we can sniff that out a mile away.Oh and for you bots, it isn't jealousy.........but that's OK we know your mental capacity is severely limited.

  8. Anonymous6:35 AM

    First we have to remember that Romney has been a FAILED nominee in the past.
    Secondly, we have to remember that the 8% of the GOPee'rs that support Sarah are mentally ill and/or suffer from dementia.
    As much as I abhor Limpballoon , this WAS funny!
    Poor delusional Palinbots, I hope their families seek mental health intervention for them.

  9. Listening to Rush and his caller makes one wonder why to bother even talking with a right winger. There is no place for logic or a civil discussion about policy.

  10. Anonymous6:39 AM

    SarahPAC will continue to get money from fools like this guy...

    Sarah will get family paid vacations for many years to come.

  11. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Amazing that the guy found time between masturbating to "The Undefeated" to call in. Probably while he was rewinding the DVD...

  12. Rush says he never thought she would run. He thinks she's been "setting herself up" to "do something entirely different." I wonder what Rush knows. He is, after all, one of the major players in the conservative movement. He knows something.

  13. angela6:45 AM

    Painful to listen to Limbaugh even if he is being sane.
    So basically he told the bot that he never thought Palin was running--which meant most of the connected GOP knew she was not running, but they kept it a secret from her deluded fans.

    Indeed. Palin is the anti-Obama. She's undereducated,
    has no class, integrity, loyalty or a wholesome family life, nor does she have even a rudimentary understanding of the geopolitical world.

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Yep, Rushy made a very wise's time to move on.

    Looks like some of her supporters believe her announcement had some coded message in there - that she really is going to run, go in by a side door when the time is right.

    The thing is, her non-supporters (smart ones) also think she's got something up her sleeve too. The real Sarah that Alaskans know is conniving and always looking for a quick money-making scheme; so it's necessary to stay vigilant and find the key to those locked closet doors with the skeletons behind them.

    It says something about Sarah's fans that even they can't understand her. When she announces she's not running, they don't understand her word salad. Only they try to pretend it's for noble selfless reasons.

    Don't her fans get tired of having to use a form of morse code to understand her intentions?

  15. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Thanks for sharing . I would have not, normally listened to Limbaugh .
    I found the caller's plight pretty pathetic.

    Limbaugh said it well ."We need to move on" ha-ha
    Other bots will have listened and just maybe some will now start to wake up and realize that their Queen is superfluous.

  16. Anonymous6:54 AM

    A draft Palin petition.. OMFG! Any hint of a third party challenge by Palin will undoubtedly unleash the hounds from the Republicans and finally open up the vault of the many Palin secrets they choose to keep locked away for a rainy day just like a Palin challenge. Is Sappy Sarah dumb enough to not realize it? Nah, those mavericky types are beyond reality

  17. Anonymous6:56 AM

    This is the same party that was SURE that all of us who admired Hillary for her intelligence, grace, and
    maturity would just flock to Sarah's side simply because she is female. They still haven't figured out in their peabrains why we refuse to support a liar, cheat, and master manipulator, and they never will. The only thing that makes sense to them is that we just plain hate conservative women because of the abortion issue. No, we refuse to accept immaturity in a hooker package as capable of leading this nation. That's it. If Sarah had half a brain, and her family was not so strange, we might have listened to her. But to expect that just because she is female she will have the support of ALL US women just showed the GOP for what it is: a bunch of rich white guys who think all women as as dumb as Sarah Palin. We are not, and never were, jealous of this liar. We don't like what she says, how she says it, and the way she tries to divide this nation.

  18. Anonymous6:57 AM

    How sad. Her followers are so stupid.

  19. "We're gonna need Palin..."

    Oh get ahold of yourself, man.

    Also, too, I object to the picture of Limbaugh above: it makes him look sane, when obviously he isn't. He's not that thin, either.

    I agree that Limbaugh sounds sane in this exchange, and it's the caller that is fruit loops.

  20. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Wrong analogy Gryph - Limbaugh is CheesWhiz to plain old sliced American. Or (sorry for those who have already broken fast - he is a pile of dyed- orange doggy doo doo to real cheese.

  21. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I have a question: I've spent so long reading IM [thanks, Gryphen] that my mind can't understand what these SP supporters see in Palin as a candidate for president.

    I'm so biased against the woman, it comes as a shock to try to understand how anyone could be so desperate for her to run.

    Obviously they hate a black man being president.

    Is it that Palin vocalizes exactly what they think.. but has the power to do it on TV?

  22. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Totally O/T, but here's a rejected Ben and Jerry's flavor...Mama Grizzly Crunch:

  23. Anonymous7:04 AM

    @ 628 - Rush knows that liw-info, low-intellect Palinbots are a large part of his audience - of course he was "kind."

  24. OOMG!!!! This caller lives in my town!!!! I swear I would never have believed that someone like that would live in this town - we are a reasonably liberal Boston suburb. WHO KNEW!!!!

    I'm trying to figure out if I know who this caller is. Scary...

  25. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Palinbots must really be going nuts now that Herman 9-9-9 Cain is surging in the polls. This should be Sarah's time, dammit! Not another dark guy...noooooo....their heads must be exploding with the irony.

  26. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I don't think he knows anything, Allison. Rush is just trying to make himself sound important and in the know. I believe this because I don't think Sarah knows what she is going to do day to day. She probably wakes up, checks fb and her bank accounts and then spends a few hours deciding how she can mismatch clothes and mess up a wig for the day. Then lunch, shop online for a while, stare in the mirror and make faces for a couple of hours, check investments, eat a quart of chunky monkey, taco bell and smarties. brush teeth, check investments and go back to bed.

  27. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Sadly, I have been to the Sea enough to know that this guy's name is "Son of Original Ted" over there, and there are pages of people saying what a great job he did for the cause in that phone call....

    These people are so invested in Sarah's Christ like saving ability that they (1) claim to understand and agree completely that she just couldn't put her family through a campaign, but (2) are pretty sure that by sending her money and putting her name on the ballots anyway they can convince her to run despite what they think is a legitimate concern. also too lots of talk of a "broker[ed] convention"....Cognitive dissonance.

    Even Sarah must shake her head at these morons....wait Todd, are you saying they're STILL sending money and singin' my praises after I let the cat out of the bag? I really am their Jesus.

  28. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Gryphen, here's Howard Stern going at Rick Perry over the "N*ggerhead" thing:

    It's funny and so accurate. I can't believe the media is letting the guy off the hook for this thing.

  29. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Since Palin resigned I have met only one fellow conservative who still believed Palin could win in 2012. He believed she could bring ¨intangibles¨ to the table. The person was not stupid but ignorant of Sarah´s official record. The person previously dismissed any negative information about Sarah as liberal ¨smear.¨ The person believed Sarah to be a fiscal conservative, energy expert, and currently popular in Alaska. The person was a man with grey hair believing he was being honorable by coming to the defense of a lady.

    I challenge any lurking Palin supporter to convince one, just one, informed registered voter to just say he would vote for Palin.

    It can´t be done.

    I should know.

    I tried it in 2008.

  30. silvermoondog8:10 AM

    Absolutely hysterical. These people are so stupid, so stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. What planet are they from?

  31. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I've never thought that Rush was a Palin fan. Issuing a disclaimer here - I am NOT a listener of his. :-)

    Yes, he's had her on & defended her on occasion as he does with all RWingers - but I've sensed a hesitancy or reserve when he does it,like tonight. He wants to keep her bots happy so he was kind to the poor guy.

  32. Anonymous8:25 AM

    They both sounded crazy to me. They're still treating that grifting b with kid gloves. At least Limbaugh has half a clue.

  33. Not What You Want To Hear8:25 AM

    Allison said..."Rush says he never thought she would run."

    And he's full of shit. He once said she was the future of the Republican Party, and this was AFTER she and McCain got their asses handed to him in 2008. Oh, he also predicted they were going to win that election.

    The man's a fraud, just like Sarah Palin, and his Koch Masters have probably told him to stop talking about her.

  34. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The "Anyone but Mitt" Republicans are getting scared. Romney is the least desired Republican frontrunner in generations. There's going to be a lot of Republican grasping at straws the next few months.

  35. If my name was Palin, I'd be loving that exchange. Clearly there are thousands of the demented out there just waiting to be hustled for their dollars.

  36. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Just to remind everyone about how gaga Rush Limbaugh is for Sarah, hear him gush about her ghost-written novel: "truly one of the most substantive policy books I've read."

    Evidently, Rush doesn't read... just like Sarah. Twin morons.

  37. That crazy caller "Steve" is a Sea4Pee poster who goes by the name of "SonofOriginalTed"..he was at the Zoo bragging about this phone call the other day...the delusion is still strong over there...THEY CAN NOT ACCEPT REALITY! The Grifter grifted them and all they are left with is some dirty draws and empty wallets!

  38. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Who is the caller - Rupert Murdoch or one of the Koch Brothers.?

  39. Anonymous8:52 AM

    i just don't understand what kind of person could vote for or be a fan of palin. can someone explain? please? even my republican friends (bless their hearts) are not fans of this person for various reasons, yet her 'fans' are diehard. i don't understand

  40. draft Eisenhower?!
    Get back to me when Sarah Palin saves Europe from the Nazis and wins WW2.
    Until then, STFU, Palin 'bot.
    Sarah is not now, nor will she ever be of Eisrnhower caliber.

    Plus, the C4Pee'rs don't get one crucial fact: Sarah Palin does not want to be Prrsident. She doesn't want to be a senator, even.
    She is incapable of legilating, and fears debates- Sarah Palin would rather carp from the safety of a TV studio.

  41. A J Billings8:56 AM



    Your bots are just insanely pathetic,
    and so is your word salad, your mandation about crony capitalism, and
    your sad and sorry meme of playing the victim

    Oh, and you're almost 50 granny Palin, and your alleged hotness is gone.

  42. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I have read so many posts over at the pee pond & they all go on about her "great" record in AK and that she is just such a good christian.

    I am telling you these people put blinders on & have clearly NOT looked at her record. Although like Bailey even if they do know they just ignore it.

    The have elevated her to Christ. They are sad & ignorant. Quite frankly I do feel sorry for them because they are really delusional and lacking some brain cells.

  43. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Sorry I cant bring my self to watch the video. I simply cant stand Flush Turdball or Palin and her supporters.

  44. Anonymous9:13 AM

    There's a reason Slush said "the wives hate her, no discussion."
    In other words she's more popular with desperately horny middle-aged men like *you* Mr Caller, who simply needs to go find someone else to fixate his five-knuckle shuffles on.

    Someone should re-issue that Farrah Fawcett poster.


  45. Enjay in E MT9:14 AM

    OMG - can't believe I listened to Rush .... and he had some good points. You trust her to run the country - but you don't trust her decision not to run?

    $arahPalin wants these 'bots to draft her - lift her on their shoulders and carry her into the presidency. She doesn't want to play by the rules: to face the masses or the media, to APPLY for the job. She wants the power & glory & title on HER terms - plucked from obscurity and it's bestowed upon her.

    I think that's part of why the GOP is against her - they've worked, paid their dues and sacrificed toward their goal - they've researched issues, spent months on planes & political meetings eating fried chicken. They EARNED their place on stage and on the ballot - and there is no way a two-bit grifter will get the nod for the top of THEIR ticket. THEY will rip her apart.

    $arahPalin must still believe Gawd will 'make a way' and it will happen without any effort on her part.

  46. jadez9:33 AM

    a couple of things here..
    first off is the entire rush program available everyday?
    why is this segment available if not?

    remember its been proved these hate talk shows use fake callers and scripted callers.

    but the big point here is rush did NOT say anything that puts palin in a good light. saying women hate her etc.

    and btw....rush looks like he lost weight..maybe hes on another 40 a day diet.....someday someone will spill the beans on this guy and my bet he is a bizzaro..just like palin.

  47. Anonymous9:38 AM


    "immaturity in a hooker package...".

  48. You know who that is, right?
    That's Steve Maloney.

  49. More on Steve Maloney:

  50. Anonymous9:51 AM

    @6:43 AM Allison

    I think its plain and simple what Rush said. No need for conspiratorial thoughts or reading too much into phrases. Be careful as its seeming like paranoia is on the loose just like over at the PeePond.

  51. where is $arahs endorsement for President? no one wants it. its the kiss of death

  52. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Can't stand to listen to Palin babble, and Rush and his hot air is something I avoid and will avoid.

    Let her cult draft her.

  53. I can almost have some sympathy for the folks who are still caught up in the Palin scam - but I can't muster up too much, they are just too hateful.

    At least if they chose to be live in denial and continue sending her money - that means less money for other GOP candidates.

    I agree with other comments - we can NOT take our eyes off Palin - she will always have some angle to make money and cause harm to our nation and the president.

  54. Anonymous10:01 AM

    TIME Poll: Occupy Wall Street Is More Popular Than The Tea Party

    A TIME poll taken on October 9 and 10, with a base of 1,001 people, has turned up some interesting results about how Americans view the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, and dysfunction in Washington. 81% of respondents think the country is on the wrong track, but they’re reluctant to place the blame fully on President Obama for the problems; 50% of the respondents disapprove of the way he’s handling the job, but 59% believe that he cares about them, and half of the respondents say he has the toughness necessary to see this through. On an exceedingly grim note, only 4% of the 1,001 polled feel positive about the state of the country today.

    The poll asked people to identify which faction of government best represents their views. 30% identified with Democrats, while 17% said Republicans and 12% went with the Tea Party. So if you’re looking for a left-right bias, it leans slightly to the left (30% left to 29% right), assuming the designations of Democrats to the left; Republicans and Tea Partiers to the right. A whopping 39% of the respondents identified with no party or the always-popular “other” designation.

    When asked for their view of the Tea Party, 27% of the respondents went with favorable, while 33% said it was unfavorable. When asked about the Occupy Wall Street movement, 54% looked at it as favorable, while 23% viewed it as unfavorable. In short, twice as many respondents viewed OWS as the favorable movement.

    Digging even deeper into the numbers, the Tea Party was more hated (24% “very unfavorable” to OWS’ 13% “very unfavorable”), while OWS was more readily embraced (25% “very favorable” against the Tea Party’s 8% “very favorable”). For Tea Party supporters looking for any kind of silver lining, the group of poll-takers didn’t have much faith in OWS being more than just protests and tent-pitching — 56% said they felt it would have little impact on American politics.

    There were some other interesting nuggets in the poll; 71% of respondents, for instance, believe that Wall Street executives should be prosecuted if they were found responsible for the 2008 financial meltdown. But what sticks out is the large gap between OWS and the Tea Party. With virtually equal amounts of left and right-leaners answering the polls, and independents tending to go in the Ron Paul direction (let’s not forget — the man pretty much invented this Tea Party), it’s kind of shocking to see such a difference between the OWS movement and the Tea Party. Maybe it’s because the OWS movement isn’t wholly politicized yet and it’s tough to disagree with the “down with the rich!” sentiment. But as it matures into whatever it turns out to be, these numbers will likely change.

  55. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Anon 6:42, raflmao in a big way.

  56. Anonymous10:50 AM

    FWIW - Eddie Burke, right wing radio host from Alaska, is on twitter - sorry, I do not have a link (his handle is "radio host" or something close to that).

    I was reading comments at Tammy Bruce's twitter, and Eddie says he "KNOWS" Sarah was never going to run for POTUS, but is CERTAIN she is loved in Arizona and will run for Kyle's senate seat.

    Doubt he knows anything, but thought I would share.

  57. He sounds like one of those See 4 Pee saps that are still posting all kinds of 11th hr scenarios.

  58. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The funny thing is this fool hung up the phone and ran right to the See-Pee website.He bragged about the call and others congratulated him.They even put up the recording and transcript.

  59. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Limbaugh has been one of Palin's
    biggest cheerleaders as a presidential candidate.
    For months he's talked about " when Palin gets in the race " and
    "how she will shake things up," etc, etc.
    Many times he recounted big fights he had at dinner parties with well known Republicans -that he wouldn't name.
    Limbaugh would say he erupted in anger when they would all say Palin was unelectable .
    He would throw down his napkin and defend Palin as a viable candidate, yada, yada.
    And suddenly he says he really never thought she would run ????
    Was Limbaugh lying then or is he lying now ?

  60. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I love Rush's comment about the women not liking Sarah Palin. Most women see right through the fraud. Most men think below the belt and have had a hard time realizing Palin is an empty vessel.

    Conservative talk radio has used Palin to promote their ratings and are now ready to throw her under the bus. Hey, Sarah, how does it feel to be under the bus?

  61. Anonymous12:19 PM

    7:30 a.m. - I guess this might surprise you but the bots in the pee pond seem to like "Herb". Scary!

  62. Anonymous12:26 PM

    As Birdwatcher mentions, that's his/her hometown. I live in the state as well and am stunned this caller lives in Sudbury, Mass.

    Oh the irony

    Home of the Wayside Inn, made famous by Longfellow in the _Tales of the Wayside Inn_ in which his poem "The Landlord's Tale - Paul Revere's Ride" appears.

    Furthermore, Sudbury stats:
    Median income close to $150k.
    Median price for a home, $750k.

    Who'd a thunk it.

  63. Anonymous12:53 PM

    That was painful, yet hilarious. William S. Burroughs once said that heroin was the ultimate merchandise because clients would "crawl through a sewer and beg to buy."

    That old boy that called Rush was a stone cold Palin junky.

    If religion is the opium of the masses then Palin is heroin.

    Funny how it never occurred to him that maybe Palin was a poisonous vampire grifter sucking his bank account and his soul dry.

  64. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Palin reminds of the trailer park beauty that hooks up with the guy in #26 who just got a huge insurance settlement and then dumps him when it's gone.

    That guy who called Rush does not realized he's been played like the poor sap in #26. He still thinks she's coming back.

  65. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Just have a peek inside the crazed minds at C4P. A little peek is good for the soul; these people just don't read the writing on the wall.

    The most precious moment was the commenter that said "Sarah has always hated asking for money"

    I've never seen a more delusional group of people in my entire life.

    SonOfOriginalTed 2 hours ago
    Did you catch the Rush caller saying re the problem spelling of the RNC Chairman (Priebus) that the spelling should be "P - A - L - I - N"
    philip127 and 2 more liked this Like Reply

    myfairlady 2 hours ago in reply to SonOfOriginalTed
    I thought that is what they guy said but he said it so fast that I thought, nah he didn't say that. I don't think Rush heard he say that part because he didn't comment on that part of his statement.
    Like Reply

    John Norton 2 hours ago in reply to SonOfOriginalTed
    Rush knows the score dont be fooled by others saying otherwise...!
    OLDIRON and 1 more liked this Like Reply

    Dave Dowler 2 hours ago in reply to SonOfOriginalTed
    i think he said she was the leader of the tea party
    grizzlyrising liked this Like Reply

    c4pfan 2 hours ago in reply to SonOfOriginalTed
    I don't think Sarah would get that job.
    Like Reply

    hrh40 2 hours ago in reply to c4pfan
    I don't think she would want that job.

    She said it's a fundraiser in chief job.

    Which it is.

    And she has always hated asking for money.
    c4pfan and 7 more liked this Like Reply

    John Norton 2 hours ago in reply to hrh40
    A true leader leads...!

  66. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Hey Bot's, it's over, she's just not into you. Hate to agree with Rush, but it's just time to pick up your "don't tread on me" flags and just go home and sulk.

    Of course, Sarah wouldn't mind you holding out hope and sending her some cold hard cash, you know, so she can "feel the love"

    News Flash! Breaking News! Sarah made an annoucnement-

    Sarah called, and she wants you to vote for Obama, just to give the finger to Romney.

    That woman's a genius! the roguest she's been to date! Now follow orders and
    vote for Obama.

  67. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I listened to this clip and noticed that he did not defend Granny and even remarked that the wives of his Republican friends HATED her.

    Thanks for your overview of his history regarding SP, Anon12:12pm. Yes, I thought he was big fan in 2009 and now in 2011 he is pretending that he knew all along that the GOP would never support her nomination.

    While the staff of McCain's 2008 campaign knew their future employment opportunities depended on being able to keep the secrets (no matter how unsavory) of their employers, I bet Cindy and Megan McCain clued their peers - other high profile Republican woman - in on what a clueless nutjob SP was.

    I also think that other women are less likely to charmed by SP's bag of tricks.

    It must have been sickening to many Republican woman who had invested the effort to work and educate themselves as it became more and more clear SP was a know-nothing put on the ticket for her looks.

    In addition to unleashing this harpy on the American public, John McCain demonstrated the GOP's real opinion on what they value in women. It is not intelligence.

  68. Anonymous3:39 PM

    This guy still hasn't accepted that she was a total failure in her last year as Governor.
    And not just a failure but a major disaster, she went down in flames and had to bail out.

    The way for Limbaugh to bring these folks to their senses is to point out that in the heavily Republican state of Alaska Sarah Palin could not win a gubernatorial primary these days.

    Her hand picked candidate for Senate couldn't beat a write in he had already beaten in the primary.


  69. O/T but could everyone pop over & sign this to support OWS?

  70. Brilliant analogy from Anonymous @ 1:14 PM #1 re: Trailer Park.

    A few years ago, I was unemployed, so I took a job at a religious organization working in the mail room where thousands of letters were sent out to people from purchased mailing lists, begging for money for "this noble cause.". I was later transferred to another department where "special supporters" were pressured to give even more. There were senior citizens pledging $1000. per month so that the "message" could be broadcast all over the world. (And the money could go into an off-shore account or to buy real estate.) I did not last long at that job.

    So, there are a lot of people out there willing to buy a dream and Palin will continue bleeding them dry.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.