Friday, November 04, 2011

Arizona Governor apparently writes insect cookbook, with foreward provided by Sarah Palin ghostwriter to give it gravitas. Oh yeah that should just FLY off bookshelves!

Courtesy of the AP:

Brewer focused heavily on her fight against Washington on the immigration issue, and the book hardly touched on her 2010 successful election campaign. It made no mention of an embarrassing pause during a televised debate that drew national attention. 

Brewer blames Obama and his administration for fanning controversy surrounding the immigration law, which grew to include ongoing court challenges, mass protests and boycotts of Arizona. 

The Republican governor said Obama, labor unions and other critics of the bill were serving their own agendas by mischaracterizing its provisions while trying to deflect attention from weaknesses in border security.

Okay clearly it is NOT a cookbook, though I have to admit I found the title bizarre and a little nauseating.

I was going to ask why in the world somebody writing a book would sabotage its potential sales by having Palin's name on the cover (I mean didn't she pay attention to how poorly Bristol's book sold?), but then after reading the description of what was inside, I realized that no other nationally recognized politician, or ex-politician, would have allowed their name anywhere near this ridiculous anti-Obama screed.

And boy does Palin's ghostwriter deliver!  Just check out this riveting prose:

Her strong conservative values are matched by a driving optimism that seems to know no end. Above all else, Jan Brewer is an authentic leader. She talks straight and does what she believes is right for the people she serves--even when it's the hard thing to do.

Wow, the words simply leap from the page and stabs your brain cells to death one at a time with a pointy stick. Still as bad as it is, I feel it is still too well constructed to have been written by Palin.

Piper perhaps?

Let's face it there can only be the tiniest sliver of potential book buyers waiting to read Brewer's book. And anybody who demonstrates such a complete lack of intelligence and good taste will probably not be too put off by Palin's sad little foreward.

These books are written for an audience made up of barely literate paint chip eaters, who like to look at pretty pictures, and to fondle books filled with anti-Obama, anti-liberal, and anti-intellectual smears. (They cannot actually read the words, but when they lick the cover they can taste the hate.)

Now that both Sarah and Bristol have apparently abandoned their plans to move to Arizona, and John McCain refuses to return any of Palin's voice messages, it seems that Governor Brewer is Palin's last remaining tie to the state. Which kind of makes me wonder exactly WHAT was it that convinced the Grizzled Mama that Arizona would be a far less hospitable environment then even Wasilla, where she is much reviled by the local populace?

Oh yeah, that's right.

By the way Giffords husband has also written a book, one that I would like to imagine would burn the flesh from her hands if Sarah Palin were to pick it up, and one that I believe is well worth the purchase price.  Here is a small sampling of what is inside:

In the book, Kelly recalls trying to tell his wife several times what had happened that Jan. 8 morning, when Giffords was shot in the head while meeting constituents. But she didn't fully understand until March 12. Kelly asked Giffords if she remembered being shot, and she replied that she did. When he asked what she remembered about it, she said three words: "Shot. Shocked. Scary." 

Later that same day, Kelly was reading to her from a New York Times article about her recovery and skipped over a paragraph that said six others were killed. Giffords, following along, knew he left something out and pushed him to tell her what it was. 

Kelly writes that after she learned of the deaths, Giffords was overcome with emotion and had trouble getting through her therapy. That night as they lay in bed, she told Kelly that she felt awful about all the people who were killed. He held her as she cried. 

Six months later, after being released from the Houston hospital to Kelly's home 25 miles away, Giffords wanted to know who had been killed that day. He warned her that it would be tough on her because she knew two of the victims. 

He started by telling her that her staff member Gabe Zimmerman died, which caused her to moan and cry in a wave of emotion. Then he told her about her friend, federal Judge John Roll, and the four other people she didn't know. 

Finally, he told her that Christina Taylor-Green, a 9-year-old girl born on Sept. 11, 2001, was among the dead. After she got the news, Kelly writes that he held her as she processed the information and wept.

It is good that Sarah Palin's influence is so rapidly fading away, and that only a handful of angry people, like Jan Brewer, still want anything to do with her. Hopefully in the very near future she will be only an ugly memory we all share, but never speak of, and we can all move forward to a better, happier day in America.

Perhaps Gabby Giffords will serve as the example of the forward movement for our country. So that we can follow her lead, and hopefully do as she states in the book she is planning to do:

"I will get stronger. I will return," she vows

And so will we Gabby, so will we.


  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Beautiful story about Gabby! Thanks Gryph.
    If you have Brewer's book, you might want to start the fire in the fireplace with it this evening.

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Insects are a lot more tasty than people realize... scorpions and spiders taste like shellfish.

    That being said, the right-wing militants are far less palitable.

  3. Chenagrrl6:15 PM

    Looks like Jan Whatsername borrowed the hairdo of Sarah Palin(tm)

  4. Anonymous6:29 PM

    What is it with these right-wing dingbats and their contrived, idiotic uber-patriotic poses? That's right Jan, put your hand over your heart even though you don't have one (her other hand is in her pocket, making sure her wallet is still there).

  5. Nice comments, Gryphen.

    As an Arizonan, I don't eat scorpions, I kill them. Nasty little critters with no nutritional value, they are not worth spit. They're just fine outside in the mesquite scrub, but inside the house they end up being just so much splattered protoplasm. If Jan thinks the title will somehow sell more books, I think she's going to be very disappointed.

    Jan Brewer can't be honest, it's just not her nature. A major league buffoon, I don't think she knows what is going on here in the state at all. It's really all about making the Republican Party the de facto permanent party of power in the state, and ensuring that no one else gets to play politics.

    We'll trade you for Sarah, honestly! That way we'd end up with a bitter old hag as governor. Oh, wait...

  6. Anonymous6:40 PM

    0/T - Thanks for adding the Perils of the Palins to your blog roll. What an amazing job she does!

  7. laprofesora6:44 PM

    "They cannot actually read the words, but when they lick the cover they can taste the hate."


  8. Anonymous6:44 PM

    made me cry...

  9. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "Forward by Governor Sarah Palin"

    Governor Sarah Palin?

    I thought she quit before her first term was over?

  10. Thanks for the heads up on Kelly's book. I just ordered it.

  11. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Hopefully in the very near future [Palin] will be only an ugly memory we all share, but never speak of, and we can all move forward . . . .

    Right. And Palin's enablers in the BabyHoax, the biggest political hoax ever, will be safe from any consequences whatsoever. Who said Palin and her pals aren't smart? Smarter than us, able to keep keep the lid on the hoax in spite of everything.

  12. Anonymous7:11 PM

    What is there about these 'bagger ghostwriters that they think they have write like a third grader? Okay, maybe writing to their audience, but if my 8th grade students had written something so lame and cliche'd in an essay, they wold have had to come to intensive study hall to revise.
    I find it funny - and sad - that those who are the quickest to criticize public education are the ones who make all of the public education teachers, like me, shudder because of their stupidity and serious lack of writing/spelling ability. They are the ones who made us go grey with refusal to understand - no matter how many times we went over it - there, their, they''re, your, etc.. Sometimes, I want to stab myself in the eye with a pencil...

  13. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Dream Government:

    Elizabeth Warren, President
    Kristen Gillibrand, Vice President
    Gabby Giffords, HHS Secretary
    Hillary Clinton, Sec of State
    Chelsea Clinton,sec Hud, Interior or Treasury
    Michael Pollan, sec. of Agriculture

    and Michelle Obama, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
    Barack Obama as a Supreme Court Justice.

    OK, Paul Krugman as treas. sec.
    and Robert Reich reprises his Labor secretary role.
    And, Patrick Fitzgerald as AG.

    Heck, I'd even like a place for Huntsman again.
    It's as start. - What say ye?

  14. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Is she selling the Arizona property?

  15. Beautiful post...beautifully written.
    Thanks again.

  16. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Maybe her publishers were looking for a human scorpion to write the forward. If so, mission accomplished. Now, Brewer, eat her for breakfast.

  17. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Jan Brewer is just repellant. Hate is eating her alive from the inside out... she just exudes it, her face shows it, and the title of her book makes me pity the scorpions I have no trouble believing she readily consumes. They're less poisonous and scary looking than she is.

  18. Anonymous7:24 PM

    The subtitle is how she secured the border. Even that is a lie...she and her rogue sheriff with the pink panties haven't secured anything have they, except their spots in hell.

  19. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Sorry Brendan @6:38

    but you are wrong. You have either never been in the military, or have never taken a desert survival course. Scorpions are EXTREMELY nutritious... and are even edible uncooked if you want to try. BBQ some up on a Kebob after you cut their stingers off... they taste great!

    This post is sponsored by P.E.T.T.A.(People for the Eating of Tasty Tasty Animals)

  20. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "I will get stronger. I will return," she wrote.

  21. Anonymous8:04 PM

    It's sad really. Jan Brewer is one person who puts citizens before aliens and she gets criticized.

    Try to give those who were born here first dibs at healthcare and education and you get blasted as being unamerican. It burns, the stupidity.

    You all DO realize with singlepayer and under the current regime, aliens WILL further clog the waiting rooms.

  22. Anonymous8:07 PM

    That's interesting considering the Palins are all in AZ as we type these comments. True story. No one permanently abandoned anything. Alaskans enjoy AZ, including them.

  23. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Why do people hate Jan Brewer? Because she is ONE person who refuses to cower to Obama's anti American practices and give citizens rights before aliens?

    Would you all really love it if aliens received all the educational grants and healthcare benefits? Oh wait, this admin TRIED that.

  24. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Anon 7:17.

    NO. They visit there pretty frequently. They have many friends there.

  25. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Gabby is a genuine person who cares about people while Jan Brewer cares only about her image...and the image she creates is scary to say the least.

  26. PalinHypocrisyOverload8:34 PM

    Thank you Gryph.

    While you have done a good job of reporting the events of last January, there are too few reporters/journalists/papers/websites/bloggers, still regularly covering Gabby's recovery as well as the impact and effect that this has had on Arizona and this country.

    While I am very politically involved and remembered seeing Gabby on MSNBC following the Palin crosshairs, after the fact, the first time that I remembered her was b/c she was in a "too close to call" race in 2010 and I was relieved when she won.

    On that January morning, I was actually at my physical therapist's office when I got the email about what had happened. I rushed home and turned on both my TV and computer and had updates from my blackberry. When NPR announced that Congresswoman Giffords had died, I cried, no I sobbed. Fortunately, almost immediately Sheriff Dupnik contradicted that report. I'll never forget hearing him speak from a car, he assured those of us watching MSNBC that not only did he know Gabby personally, but as he was the Sheriff of Pima County, his Deputy was at the hospital and Gabby was still alive. His accurate report that Gabby was in surgery and still fighting, was amazing enough, but his press conference that night made me believe in America and my fellow citizens again, after a terrible day. I was so relieved to see that others, particularly law enforcement, saw the heightened vitriol and the terrible impact that it had on our national discourse.

    I'll never forget that horrific day, but I hope that we'll learn to look for what unities us, as opposed to what divides us, in the names of the victims; may they rest in peace.

  27. Anonymous8:41 PM

    7:12, there would be no place in my dream government for Patrick "I let 'em all walk except Scooter 'Who?' Libby" Fitzgerald, or Jon "Obama's backstabbing token Republican" Huntsman. NO Republican need apply, thank you very much, nor anyone who was ever in Obama's or Clinton's cabinets, for that matter.

    Way too many fucking Wall Street minions in that bunch.

  28. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Hey, Einstein at 8:04. You're the alien. Some of us were here first. You're welcome, from a Native American.

  29. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Giffords vows return in new book:

    The Gifford
    book also mentions Sarah Palin, who was criticized after the shootings for a map posted by her political action committee that showed a number of Democratic-held congressional districts marked with crosshairs. Giffords' district was among those covered by the tiny symbols, which were supposed to indicate seats that would be targeted by the Republicans.

    Giffords found the map disturbing. After the shootings, Kelly vented his feelings about the map to President Barack Obama. He thought Palin might call to offer condolences because of the mounting criticism, but she never did.

    Representatives for Palin's political action committee, SarahPAC, did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment.

    Palin's attorney, John Tiemessen, said he would relay to the former Alaska governor the AP's request for comment.

  30. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Giffords new book:

    The Gifford book also mentions Sarah Palin, who was criticized after the shootings for a map posted by her political action committee that showed a number of Democratic-held congressional districts marked with crosshairs. Giffords' district was among those covered by the tiny symbols, which were supposed to indicate seats that would be targeted by the Republicans.

    Giffords found the map disturbing. After the shootings, Kelly vented his feelings about the map to President Barack Obama. He thought Palin might call to offer condolences because of the mounting criticism, but she never did.

    Representatives for Palin's political action committee, SarahPAC, did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment.

    Palin's attorney, John Tiemessen, said he would relay to the former Alaska governor the AP's request for comment.

  31. Anonymous9:11 PM

    "Governor" Palin. Gee, seeing as I'm not Governor of Alaska, I guess that makes me Governor too!

  32. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Now we know why she visitied the compound built from taxpayer funded sports complex's building material. They were brainstorming (insert laugh track here) for this book!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cover photo is a riot. She's got her hand over her "heart" and "brain freezing" sideways. ROTFL. I'm guessing it'll be number one on the NYT best sellers list (wink wink).

    The Brilliance of this post was adding Gabby and Mark's book and backstory. They more than compensate for the ignorant buffoon whose hate speech set it into motion, and brain freeze Brewer Barbie, lmao.

    Go Gabby, buying your book and giving it for Christmas Presents, a truly remarkable, resilliant, vivacious, fiercely strong and beautiful woman with love in her heart, a will to overcome, do the work for her constituent, and smart as a tack. What a remarkable couple!

    Run Sarah! A Palin/ Obama debate would be wonderful! Show him who's got cajones! I double dog dare you! I have it on good word he's got a low self esteem problem and debating him would make you look really smart and presidential!
    Just think of it, him on the sage, alone. And you, with your huge, loving happy family.

  33. You had me laughing again and again with this one, your humor is spot on!!

    Piper perhaps?

    Occupy is doing a great job of distilling the greed factor with great slogans...We need one more movement to get the words right on the idiocy factor...

    I'm too tired to come up with's one somewhat lame example:

    “Janet Brewer: using 1% brain matter...lets help her discover the other 99%!"

  34. Anonymous10:45 PM

    every time i see a pic of ms giffords makes me despise that two bit lyin' skank fraud whore palin even more, wishin' a sinkhole would instantly open under her fetid ass and close back up as fast as it opened, done deal

  35. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Here's the irony: the hispanic and native American people are the real (and first) Americans, and the much more recent white interlopers, the Johnny-Come-Latelys, are actually the aliens. (The definition of alien is one who is a foreigner, outlander, or stranger.) And we, who call ourselves Americans, are merely the descendants of others who invaded (and stole) someone else's land – with no formal permission or documents, I might add. We have turned both history and the English language on their heads by now labeling the people groups we wrongfully displaced (mostly through genocide) as 'aliens', despite the fact that bullets and bloodshed can never legally transfer title to property.

  36. Anonymous10:52 PM

    "the palin's are all in az as we type, true story " ?!?

    hey numb nutz, apparently you didn't get the memo that you're supposed to be drivin' snow "blowers" to alaska from minnesota...

    dummy the fuk up and get yer stories straight dip shit

  37. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Gabby and Mark's book tonight on Amazon -
    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #110 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
    #9 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Political
    #17 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Memoirs

    Just ordered mine!

  38. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Did Brewer have to pay Sarah extra to get her little gold emblem with her name on it on the cover?

  39. Anonymous2:08 AM

    I'm still delivering sarah palin solicitation letters in the mail, mostly to senior citizen and nursing homes; yet supposedly her PAC license has expired, and she is not running for anything.

    How can she still be grifting for money ?

    Where is her 3rd quarter PAC report ?

    Where is the FEC; and the IRS ?

    How can she continue to steal money from the American public for her own personal and do it without any repercussions ?

  40. Anonymous2:58 AM

    8:04pm through 8:09pm = deranged racist troll

  41. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Lots of troll posts Gryphen. Get the swatter and spray again.

    What are you doing here trolls? Trying to infiltrate the "LIBRULs", eh? Hey, the grifter's trolling toadies are here!!! Oh WOW!!

    LOL Toadies we can smell your stench a mile off. Go back to Gertie and tell her she is in deep doo doo when she goes to prison.

    Wonder who will claim Gertie for their BITCH?


  42. Anonymous5:08 AM

    She should have titled the book, Nails For Breakfast. That woman looks like she can eat nails. LOL

  43. Anonymous5:16 AM

    What gives? Palin had to 'quit' her job in order to profit from a book deal, how does a sitting elected official (and a POTUS candidate) get to keep their 'titles' and go after the conservative gravy?

  44. Anonymous5:22 AM

    "Kelly writes that after she learned of the deaths, Giffords was overcome with emotion and had trouble getting through her therapy. That night as they lay in bed, she told Kelly that she felt awful about all the people who were killed. He held her as she cried."

    What is a more convincing a passage of a healthy marital couple with high-functioning brains and servant's hearts?

    A 'conversation' between Alaska's former half-term couple from Going Rogue:

    “It’s still best for the state that you’re not there,” Todd [grinning] encouraged me. I said, not grinning. “Illegitimi non carburundum." - Sarah Palin

  45. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Old "Senior Moment" Jan pulled out all the stops for a youthful look. Her fragile, burnt out straw mane is lustrous and tied up like Sarah Palin with a title (read, serious Governor's hair.)

    News for you Brewer, you are hateful, discriminatory and obtained your high-office by default (which is easier to keep than earn) and latched onto a fire-brand issue to hang onto it.

    You are nothing without the illegal immigration border issue.

  46. Anonymous5:30 AM

    What, the working title:

    Real American Leadership: my fight for commonsense fiscal and social conservatism with free market prowess and purity to take back the country from illegals also too - wasn't working?

  47. Randall5:42 AM

    There can be no more stark comparison than Gabby Giffords and Sarah Palin.

    Ms. Giffords is a smart, classy public servant and Sarah is none of those.

    Gabby is courage personified and Sarah is the opposite of that.

  48. Girl from NYC5:43 AM

    :( Brewer = smelly, bloated, venomous, corporate degenerate.

    :) Gabby = valiant, star-spangled, generous, compassionate patriot!

  49. Anonymous6:11 AM

    About that title of Brewer's book Gryph, it's just confirming what we've always known - when it comes to Republicans and 'baggers, they eat their own. I just didn't have a clue it was first thing in the morning, too.

  50. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Try to give those who were born here first dibs at healthcare and education and you get blasted as being unamerican. It burns, the stupidity.

    You all DO realize with singlepayer and under the current regime, aliens WILL further clog the waiting rooms.

    8:04 PM

    Let me guess, you're a "Christian" too?

    I thought that "it's mine 'cause I cause I was here FIRST" stopped after about second grade? Guess not with you 'baggers and $carah fans - and for proof there's like every other thread at the Sea o PEE.

    Have you "people" never heard of hospitality, or Jesus Christ? Oh yeah - he was an immigrant (and a migrant) for many years of his life, which you might know if you ever actually opened that bible your kind are alwys thumping?

  51. Anonymous6:35 AM

    People hate Jan Brewer because she's a mean, nasty and stupid bitch. Vain and ugly, too. But too stupid to know it.

    Single payer would do nothing of the sort, BTW. IIRC, Mexico already pays for its nationals health care no matter where they are.

    And practically, I'd like to make sure that the folks picking and serving my food (ag workers and food service workers) are healthy - but guess you and Brewer are too stupid too figure that out - so happy hep B, and TB to you really deserving "people."

    As for education - I thought we wanted to attract "good" immigrants. The Dream Act allows those who have been here since childhood and have been behaving well to get an education. I can't think of a better incentive to promote good behavior and a work ethics - can you?

    Oh, yeah - you're a bagger. Nevermind. Answering that question requires the ability to be logical.

  52. Jeanabella8:40 AM

    Jan & Sarah are poster girls for dumb & dumber!The trolls she sends here and SP have lots of company in the SeaOfPee.
    Every time these types show themselves, they get swatted like the bugs they remind us all of and they will eventually go back under their rock.
    Silly Sarah did go too far so she will be paying a bigger price than she thought!
    Jans book "Dumb" and forward by "Dumber"
    They could write a "tell all" book on how grifters like them with no IQ, made it in the money game!

  53. Anon@7:25 - I'll accept your case that scorpions are edible, but in turn, you should be aware that the sea services teach only sea survival, not desert, the exceptions of course being aviation and SOF.

    Having pets, I'm not interested in them being stung, nor having my toes get nailed either. Yes, it's still warm enough inside that I can go barefoot...

  54. Anonymous10:32 AM

    It's sad really. Jan Brewer is one person who puts citizens before aliens and she gets criticized.

    Try to give those who were born here first dibs at healthcare and education and you get blasted as being unamerican. It burns, the stupidity.

    You all DO realize with singlepayer and under the current regime, aliens WILL further clog the waiting rooms.

    @8:04 PM

    You right-wing bigots only have a problem with non-white immigrants.

    "Try to give those who were born here first dibs at healthcare and education and you get blasted as being unamerican. It burns, the stupidity."

    You DO realize that your European ancestors were the FIRST, and true "illegals," and that more of their European descendants are still thriving, compared everyone elses, right? It's really sad you think you're entitled. It's your stupidity that burns.

  55. Anonymous10:35 AM

    "That's interesting considering the Palins are all in AZ as we type these comments. True story. No one permanently abandoned anything. Alaskans enjoy AZ, including them."

    @8:07 PM

    Who cares? Dumb bot.

  56. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Why do people hate Jan Brewer? Because she is ONE person who refuses to cower to Obama's anti American practices and give citizens rights before aliens?

    Would you all really love it if aliens received all the educational grants and healthcare benefits? Oh wait, this admin TRIED that.


    @8:09 PM

    Keep saying that shit. Thats' why your party is on it's way to extinction, because of the changing demographics, and hatred towards immigrants.

    Europeans were the first "illegals" in this country, yet their descendants still get "first dibs" and have most of the wealth, while a lot of the descendants American indians are still stuggling. Does that sound fair? FUCK NO!

    And, $arah Palin can keep her anti-American AIP ass up in Alaska.

  57. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Dear 7:12- love your slate but must say I think former Pres. Clinton should be included somewhere. He has been very loyal and supportive of our President and probably has the best political mind today. All kidding aside, I do expect Kristin Gillebrand to eventually appear on a national Democratic ticket: she is that smart and appealing.

    Just for fun, may I offer the NIGHTMARE ticket (Republican, of course):
    President: Sarah Stupid Palin
    Vice President: Christine O'Donnell
    Secretary of State: Herb (sic) Cain
    Secretary of Defense: Liz Cheney
    Chief Justice of the Supreme Court:
    Judge Jeanine Piro
    Agriculture Secretary: Jan Brewer
    HHHS Secretary: Willow Palin
    Chief of Staff: Piper Palin
    Head Whte House Custodian: Tawd Palin

  58. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Palin will never be more than a fugly reminder of how disgusting people can be. She is like the footnote on an American History book. *SP

    *Nasty Fyking Bitch who hates America.

  59. AJ Billings11:50 AM

    Gabby Gifford's story is one that all Americans should take a lesson from

    I can think of no one more deserving of respect when she returns to the Congress and stands to make her first speech in the well of the house.

    Of course people like Paylin, Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Hannity won't even mention it, since she's not a card carrying, ultra right wing terrorist like those thugs I just mentioned

    They would not dare to acknowledge how brave Gabby is, and how much respect we owe her.

  60. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I keep telling you Bristol moved to Arizona becasue the abortion mills are right across the border.
    She had to keep the house for a while to make it look good.

    Nobody born in Alaska is going to voluntarily move to a state with less than 10 inches annual precipitation and temps in the 100+ range for about half the year.

  61. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Wonder if "In The Crosshairs" should have been the name of his book.
    Sarah Palin's Death Map had a crosshair on Giffords district.
    Sarah Palin insights hate and violence.
    Not her rhetoric, not her ideals...but her. She is just pure evil.
    Sarah Palin is no Gabby Giffords. Sarah doesn't care who she hurts. She is evil. EVIL.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.