Friday, November 25, 2011

Bristol Palin reality show may soon rise from the dead. Really?

As I reported earlier the National Enquirer was pretty convinced that Bristol's reality show career had run off the rails, and that she was pursuing a career as a beautician, ostensibly in the hope of getting some behind the scene work in the movie industry.   There are some questioning the accuracy of that rumor.

Well not "some," just one actually.

According to Rumor Fix:

The Enquirer goes on to say that those “other options” include going to cosmetology school to become a makeup artist. RumorFix isn’t sure about that last part, but what we are sure of is that Bristol’s reality show is definitely still headed to the network. 

“There is no truth to these rumors. [The show] is still in production,” a spokesperson for BIO tells RumorFix. Kyle Massey, who also stars in the show, confirmed the rep’s statement, telling us exclusively that the show is set to air in the coming months.

Okay, really?  If the show is "still headed to the network," why is there no mention of it on the site?  And why was there no blanket denial from the network when the NE story first broke? Instead we have this rather limp denial from a "spokesperson."

Essentially every other blog and news outlet is gleefully reporting the demise of this show, with only Rumor Fix saying anything the opposite.

So what are we to think? Do we believe that despite the fact that Sarah Palin is just about as popular as pepper spraying protesters these days that her easily impregnated offspring can still headline a reality program that ANYBODY would want to watch?

Well perhaps I'm just a cynic (Okay I'm DEFINITELY a cynic), but I'll believe that this show will see the light of day when I can channel surf past it with my remote control.


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    The majority of people in this country doesn't give the NE any mental space because that rag is pure trash. I still question you for your gullibility though. You post these hollywood rag/ gossip articles as if they are fact. How many of the dwts ones turned out to be bogus? ALL of them. People with sense know not to trust anything that comes from hollywood or sketchy magazines that constantly tell you the updated ways to keep your svelte figure and win your man over in bed.

    " There are some questioning the accuracy of that rumor."

    I'd say there are few who even know that rumor exists.

  2. Forget channel-surfing past the show. I will simply set my custom lineup to exclude Bio. If they are stupid enough to try to market Bristle, I'm smart enough to never give them a single moment of viewing for ANY of their shows. It stops with us, the viewers. Stop watching. Stop buying. Stop stop stop.

  3. why is that 4 year old still sucking on a pacifier?

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    1. When filming commenced the series was definitely slated for 2011, and
    2. Isn't 'Rumor Fix' somehow connected with whomever Van Flea used to call in Hollywood to publicize the Palins' latest threats to sue?

  5. Sharon2:20 PM

    Aside from the sheer stupidity of this reality show....I hate all of them and consider them part of the extreme dumb downing of this country...check out the plug in that childs mouth. As a mother of 2 with vast experience of being around children in general...that is obscene to see a child his age needing that. We arent talking trying to sleep, we are witnessing just daily life walking in public.
    It says volumes of her parenting skills..not to mention the way his teeth will be growing in. Sad, so sad....

  6. Anonymous2:29 PM

    White trash.

  7. Anonymous2:34 PM

    It makes me sad to think that Bristol's claim to fame arose from being an unwed teen mother.

    Sadder still is that politicians such as Sarah Palin and now Governor Sam Brownback pick out teenagers to hassle while turning their attention away from real problems.

    We all know about Sister Sarah's sad scheme to do-in the young man who "cracked" her Yahoo email password - let's see, how long did that take him - a minute or so, thanks to her stupidity.

    Well, Governor Brownback, R-KS, is responding badly to a tweet a teen posted after listening to him deliver a rah-rah speech to a Youth in Government gathering.

    Apparently, he has his office spend taxpayer-funded time and effort using taxpayer resources to monitor social media for mentions of his name.

    Either he is so enamored of publicity (sound familiar Alaska?) or is so insecure he has to monitor "enemies" (sound familiar, Alaska?), that he can be undone by a rather crude but joking tweet by a teenager.

    She was pulled into her principal's office, scolded for an hour, and made to write apology letters to the Governor and others using talking points the principal dictated.

    Here's the deal: we outside of Alaska have helped you expose the dark side of Sarah Palin. I am asking for some help in exposing Brownback's dark side.

    He has slashed education, healthcare programs, programs for the elderly and disabled and anything else he can think of in order to give tax breaks to corporations. Sound familiar, Alaska?

    Now, he is monitoring social media, apparently in hopes of squelching negative comments about him. He has had Presidential aspirations in the past, and I do not doubt he will have them in the future.

    Because he is a Sarah wannabe, please help us start undermining his future efforts because of this incident and his Enemies-List mentality.

    We stood by you, Alaska, please help us. Shawnee Mission School District, USD 512 and the principal of SM East HS need to hear from you. We hope to have many protestors at the next school board meeting Dec. 4thm buy what Brownback needs is nationwide feedback.

    That girl is only guilty of sending a crude tweet. Now she worries about whether her transcript will be tainted making her ineligible to attend college next fall.

    Do you really want a Governor, any Governor, to be able to get away with having his or her office scare students because they voice their opinions?

    Bristol Palin has gotten rich by just being Sarah Palin's daughter. Her pregnanc(y or ies) are her biggest accomplishments. She doesn't want to go to college.

    But this Kansas teen is now worried because her Governor has taken offense to something she said in a tweet.

    I know life's not fair, but really, this is something we can all help prevent. We need politicians who work for us, not against us. Help us out those who work against the people who elect them.

    P.S. I hope Bristol's show never makes it to airwaves. We have enough pollution.

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Well if you look in the right place at the site you might indeed find Bristol's show.

    Under Urban Legends.

    1. Bristol has a rill job.
    2. Bristol can act.
    3. Bristol can dance.
    4. Bristol and this show will be on the Bio Channel.

    Every show is always headed to the network, until it isn't. Cancelled production is usually the final nail in the fail.

  9. Anonymous3:15 PM

    If I write a comment saying what a "strong girl" Bristol is, and how immature all you haters are for judging someone you don't know, and how it's pathetic that you spend your lives criticizing someone you've never met, then will SarahPAC add me to the payroll?


    Okay then, here's what I really think. Bristol, by all accounts except the SarahPAC payroll troll (and possibly Sarah and Bristol themselves), has no personality to speak of, and on top of that she's a spoiled, entitled brat. She has done nothing of note in her life, apart from spreading her legs and not whiting out the baby (Trig, Tripp, Tristan, any of 'em, all of 'em).

    But then, if she'd had a secret abortion, no one would remember her name. She and her mother have probably made more money than anyone else in the history of the world by being "pro-life." And no, that does not make her strong or worthy of respect. If she really wants to just live her life, as the troll here keeps saying, she needs to get her surgically mutilated face out of the spotlight and go live her life quietly. Away from the cameras.

    I'd respect her privacy if she CHOSE privacy, instead of spreading her dirty laundry all over my TV, internet, and favorite bookstores.

  10. Anonymous3:24 PM

    That this trainwrest was for only 10 half-hour shows -- it's taken far too long to be still shooting. That's total BS.

    If it was still shooting, it's because all the crap they've filmed 'tanked' and they need more footage.

    Brisket as a reality star -- NOT - she's dumber than a rock.

  11. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Is that Willow walking around Los Angeles with Bristol?

    How come Willow's shorts are stuck up in her crotch?

    Is she trolling for a husband?

    How come Willow is not being home schooled by Sarah?

    How come that Palin is not in school like the rest of Sarah's kids?

    Must be in their DNA.

  12. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Looking at that picture of Bristol, I don't think she has a future as a person who can style other people's hair.

    I think Bristol needs to visit a hair salon and PAY somebody to fix her hair.

  13. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Why is that boy Tripp still sucking on a pacifier?

  14. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Question no. 1 -- Who could possibly care?

    Question no. 2 -- What is that adorable child doing with a pacifier in his mouth?

    Question no. 3 -- Who could possibly NOT understand that Palin-fatigue is a permanent condition? These people are a national embarrassment and everyone knows it. Finally.

  15. Anonymous3:54 PM

    What happened to the house in Arizona? And that boyfriend, a Gino someone? Has Bristol relocated to Los Angeles permanently? And what about Willow? Is she in school, and where?

    These Palins are like a human shell game. You never know where they'll turn up next.

    Did they gather (like they always do, wink wink) in AK for Thanksgiving this year? I remember our amusement at quite a few holiday shenanigans the past few years. Didn't Sarah run one time, and then they ate fast food?

    At least it looks like that show is finished before it started, thank goodness.

  16. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Yes Bristols rilllll spoiled. It's called maturity. Go buy some all of you.

    And Bristols son will be 3 in a month.

  17. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Even if the show does air, I certainly wouldn't watch it.

    I agree with the other posters who mentioned Tripp with the pacifier - it is ridiculous!

  18. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Tripp was not the cute little reality star moneymaker Bristol wanted. The poor kid had to endure the filming with all the memorizing of his lines, doing re-takes, etc. And now he's a failure at 4 years old.

    However, Bristol is sure to find some way to make money off the kid (beyond the child support). Bristol has zero intention of ever supporting herself and her offspring. Tripp is in for a (more) miserable few years.

  19. sleuth14:50 PM

    back from the dead?
    More like Night of the Living Dead bloodsucking grifters.

  20. Anonymous5:12 PM

    The show is a boat anchor for bio. My sister works for production and she said after they did another round of wider test audiences it was "Like a funeral" in the bio offices. She said they are so confident of it bring a stinker, they already wrote off the $27k they spent doing test audience screenings and funding activities for filming, along with almost $100k in film/crew salaries. She said NO buyer wants it, and if bio hadn't thought it was a foregone conclusion that Sarah Palin would be in the thick of a spectacularly gaffe prone presidential run during the time it was scheduled to air originally, they never would have sunk a dime into Bristol.

    Anyhoo she also said Bristol actually used the "do you, like, know who we are?" line when trying to jump lines at Disney. (Disney in California, NOT Florida, still don't believe she went there)

    If bio finds a buyer, they probably won't break even. My sister says they are realizing none of them want the palin name associated with bio at all, and she thinks they ultimately will accept a total loss to be rid of Bristol. My sister said TV Guide channel wouldn't even make an offer and she said they will usually buy anything as long as it's super cheap.

    Bristol, take your son and your "god son" and go the hell home to take care of them. Nobody is going to watch you slam hotdogs and ignore your kids.

  21. GilbertKA5:22 PM

    Tripp rarely used a paci during infancy. Bristol dips it in sugar or Hershey syrup and uses it like a plug. You might notice the pacis started appearing regularly not long after the end of DWTS. After the first excited utterance of "we have new baby at aw-uh howze!" from poor little Tripp, she started plugging that child like a leaky faucet. AND she was so stupid she had to be told to stop putting raw honey on the paci even though practically everyone who has ever had a baby knows raw honey + babies/toddlers very often = deadly sickness.

  22. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Obviously tourists, on vacation in Cankle City.

  23. Bristol and Willow are VERY attractive to a certain group of Alaska-friendly Americans, but they don't turn most Europe-friendly Americans on.

    Sorry. The big thighs...

    They need to realize their limitations; stay in Alaska. I know it sounds mean, but it's true.

  24. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Yes Bristols rilllll spoiled. It's called maturity. Go buy some all of you.

    And Bristols son will be 3 in a month.

    3:59 PM


    (ahem) you forgot to sign in :-)

  25. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Yes Bristols rilllll spoiled. It's called maturity. Go buy some all of you.

    And Bristols son will be 3 in a month.

    @3:59 PM

    Bri$tol is rilllll spoiled. If she was so mature she would try to get a real job. Go buy a clue.

    And Bri$tol's son will be 3 in a month...and still sucking on a pacifier.

  26. I'm trying to write the obvious.

    Todd's kids (Bristol and Willow of the Thunder Thighs) are hoping to keep the grifting going somehow!

    Momma is probably curled in a corner.

    I almost feel sorry for that nasty bunch.

  27. Anonymous said...

    Yes Bristols rilllll spoiled. It's called maturity. Go buy some all of you.

    And Bristols son will be 3 in a month.

    3:59 PM

    Um Troll...can I ask you a question? Which one of Brisdull aka "thunder thighs" son are you talking about? Trig, Tripp or Tristan?

    Oh and you spelled "real" wrong...April can do better than this...hopefully your check won't be short this week...just let Gov Dirty Wig know that you must have been full from Thanksgiving turkey!

  28. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Has anyone even heard the NAME of this supposed show? I haven't.

    Is that Willow with her, to the right? Check out the cankles on her.

  29. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Gee, Elizabeth Hassledork got her big start in a reality show by starving herself on an island. Some football player dude watched and thought "That's Hawwwwwwt, I'd hit that!", and the rest is history.

    Guess Sarah thought this would be an easy way to "legitimize" her daughters, getting them married off to some football player who thinks "That's hawt....I'd hit that"

    Except they forgot the island and starving parts.

    Nice try in theory. Now a better "Reality Show" would be the "octomom" version,oh wait, that never made it either. How about Kate Gosselin? That tanked too.

    Guess Cosmetology school is it. Tripp will be wearing Shirley Temple Curls and wiglets and eyeshadow. Maybe he'll turn 18 by the time she graduates?

  30. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Skanky looking gals trolling the streets. Not a pretty sight, but I bet they think they are so sexy. Too bad they don't even have a brain between them. Thanks mom for all you did to help your children become the best they could be. Of course your parenting barometer is exceptionally low.

  31. I was hoping to see her "godson."

  32. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I guess we can thank reality TV for people thinking that anyone can have a reality show. MTV has several shows that feature unmarried teen mothers, raising their children, getting into fights with the baby-daddy (father of the child) and making a public show of their private lives. Bristol must have figured that if it works for them, she wants a piece of the pie.

    Bristol cannot act. She couldn't dance. She acted like a diva without deserving diva treatment. She has a sense of entitlement to which she is not really entitled. Even with a cute kid and some lovable friends that she met while dancing with the stars, Bristol does not have the bubbly kind of personality to carry a show.

    The NE story was probably a leak hoping to breathe some life into Bristol (and the Massey Brothers) failing show. OOoooh, she's going to be a hair dresser or a cosmetologist. She should be on TV. She could be a hairdresser on TV. Recently, Sarah has been trying to breathe some life into her own failed celebrity with her Trig Thanksgiving Tribute. And, surprise, what a coincidence that they are trying to promote Bristol at the same time. There is only one nice way to put it, ladies. You have reached your "sell by" date. Expired. Done. Finished. Toast. People have moved on, and they are in love with some new celebrity. But, you gave it a good try. Bye bye.

  33. C4P will run SD ad starting Nov. 30 imploring Palin to run for President.

    And they say we need to get a life?


  34. @Anonymous7:07. The Hasslebecks got together at Boston College. Sarah should send Bristol to college, not to reality TV.

  35. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Tripp was not the cute little reality star moneymaker Bristol wanted. The poor kid had to endure the filming with all the memorizing of his lines, doing re-takes, etc. And now he's a failure at 4 years old.

    However, Bristol is sure to find some way to make money off the kid (beyond the child support). Bristol has zero intention of ever supporting herself and her offspring. Tripp is in for a (more) miserable few years.

    4:23 PM

    Maybe Bristol is having second thoughts and should of kept Trig. That little money maker Trig worked for Sarah and it looks like Bristol's second kid aint pulling his weight.

  36. Anonymous9:04 PM

    B said...
    @Anonymous7:07. The Hasslebecks got together at Boston College. Sarah should send Bristol to college, not to reality TV.

    8:40 PM

    Palins: College? What's that? Is that where you git different pieces of paper and glue it to a piece of cardboard like we did in elementary school?

  37. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Has anyone even heard the NAME of this supposed show? I haven't.

    Is that Willow with her, to the right? Check out the cankles on her.

    6:41 PM

    I've never heard of cankles and had to look it up and you are right about Willow's cankles. That girl better be good at screwing because she's got no edumication.

  38. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Bristol sure looks manly in that picture.

    Bristol can pass for a transexual.

  39. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I figgered out the porblim wit this show. All the potential viewers can be seen here.

  40. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Can anybody name one thing Bristol is or was successful at?

    Everything Bristol attempted so far is because she was the daughter of Sarah Palin but it got to a point where Sarah's coat tails was not big enough for Sarah and Bristol. Remember Bristol's book signing in Minnesota? The only way to get Sarah's signature was if you bought Bristol's book and nobody showed up.

    That was embarrassing for the Palins. Since then Sarah does not endorse Bristol. Now Bristol can’t seem to find anything to make the easy buck and refuses to go to college so now she is going to cut hair for a living. I guess Bristol’s motivational speaking did not do anything to motivate Track, Bristol or Willow. What about Piper? Who knows where that little diva is.

  41. Anonymous9:29 PM

    B said...
    @Anonymous7:07. The Hasslebecks got together at Boston College. Sarah should send Bristol to college, not to reality TV.

    8:40 PM

    Maybe Bristol should go to NCAA basketball tournaments and find her a man like Sarah tried and failed doing.

  42. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Has anybody seen Bristol's DWTS baby she named God Child?

  43. Anonymous9:49 PM

    I'm so thankful i wasn't born to an evil woman like Sarah. Bristol, your mommy warped you to be just like her. I feel so bad for all the T boys (Triggy, Tripp and Tristan); both these Palin bitches are fucking terrible mothers.

  44. Anonymous10:03 PM

    eh, Bristol who? she had and has no talent. sad huh, she seems spoiled.

  45. CJumper in San Jose10:08 PM

    Mi mi mi.

    Leaving out the first few stanzas,

    Wot the heck do we care, wot the heck do we care...

  46. (ahem)10:15 PM

    People here should grow up and stop believing rumors. The National Enquirer is pure trash. If you really want to know about Bristol, read US or People magazine. You can't believe a magazine unless Bristol got paid for an interview. Everyone knows that good journalists pay people for interviews and then print only what those people tell them to print. Anyone who would print things they found out about a person without actually paying that person money and printing only what that person tells them is not a good journalist and therefore should not be believed.

    The truth is that Bristol is a modest, unassuming girl who loves life. Bristol wanted nothing more than to go back to Alaska and settle down in her fun job as an office manager for a dermatologist making hardly any money at all.

    But, Bristol, like her mother, has a servant's heart and wouldn't settle for obscurity and a low paycheck. Bristol knew how important it was for America to see that, just because a teenage girl has a baby, it doesn't mean her life is over. She can land the cover of magazines, earn speaking fees, get paid to dance, and have a reality teevee show if she's a hard enough ass worker.

    The problem with America is that it's immature and doesn't understand how hard it is to raise a baby as a single mom. I mean, you have to hire nannies and buy houses and hold your preschooler on your lap when you get filmed having a manicure and whatnot.

    Luckily, Bristol is down to earth and her best black friends, the Massey brothers, understand how important it is for Bristol to get out her message about life and being a hard ass worker.

    Bristol doesn't need college. She was educated in the school of hard knocks. Tripp has taught her more than she could ever learn from elitist teachers or from reading elitist books and whatnot.

    Bristol is a simple girl who loves hanging out with her friends in Juneau, and plunging toilets as a hard ass working landlord, and riding mechanical bulls, and signing her name on books she didn't write as a protest against actually writing books herself which is really such an east coast elitist thing to do.

    I suggest all of you take advantage of Black Friday to buy some maturity (if you've, in fact, heard of such a thing). Because Bristillll is the rillll dillll.

  47. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Tripp's the same size of my 4 year old. There is no way in the world he should have anything in his mouth. He shouldn't even have a sippy cup. Poor kid! What else are they doing to him?

  48. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Bristol's look - a sour puss!

  49. Good Snark, Gryph, I needed a laugh tonight - thanks!

  50. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Hey (ahem).......

    That's some pretty funny-ass writing. Love it. And whatnot.

  51. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Bristol. Are you aware that everything you say, everything you write, every video tape, every photo stays on the internet FOREVER?

    You aren't thinking about your children's' futures are you?

    Try TRY to think ahead of what they will think of you AND all the horrible things you & mommy have done/said about Tripp's alleged father, Levi and the Johnston family.

    Tripp is not just a "Palin". He is also equally a Johnston.

    You are a bad mother because you are only thinking of yourself. Your need to put the Johnston's down is such a terrible example.

    Tripp will be able to read someday. That is inevitable. How do you think he will feel about the way you have treated his father & family?

    Apparently you don't care. That says it all. I guess you inherited Sarah's cold non-maternal materialistic instincts.

    Using your child 2 make money is the worst thing you could possibly do. Tripp WILL read everything. Much like an adopted child who wishes to learn where he came from & why. He WILL READ all your ugliness you insist on displaying to the public in exchange for dollars & how you used him.

    I have NO sympathy for you. You are an adult. Tripp is just an innocent pawn.

    He will read this blog one day. Just warning ya! Dumb ass fake plastic surgery Kardashian wannabe. Look at what you are doing to your son!!!!!

  52. It really says something about the girl that in every candid shot she has such a sour expression on her face.

  53. Anonymous11:31 PM

    I'm not sure about your logic Gryph. Making even a cheap reality show costs a lot of money, it's unlikely they'd let it go so far and then just dump it, even if they think it'll bomb. They'd at least air an episode or two and see if it flies.

    I find it much easier to believe that the show will at least air a trial episode or two than to believe it would be fully filmed and then aborted.

  54. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Average height of a 3 year old boy is about 35 to 40 inches tall. How tall is Bristol?

  55. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Can anybody name one thing Bristol is or was successful at?

    9:21 PM


    Yes ! I can name something: Popping out kids like a Pez Dispenser !!

  56. Skanks breed skanks.

  57. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Anon 10:17 beings up an interesting point...that Tripp looks like her/his 4-year-old. Has anyone checked out this photo from last year, before Tripp was supposedly 2-years-old (it's the DWTS party photo from September 20, 2010)?!/SarahPalinUSA/media/slideshow?

    I have a hard time believing he is 22 months in this photo! Everything I've read puts the median height of a 22 month old at about 33.5 inches tall. What does everyone else think?

  58. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Why did Bristol spend $$$ getting plastic surgery and then dress like she has in this photo?

    With her mother's Evangelical ties, why isn't she being seen with the sons of prominent preachers and Evangelical leaders? Is she too trashy? At the very least, she should be able to milk what star power she has to snag one of them and keep her gig going for a while longer.

  59. It just dawned on me that if Kyle Massey is claiming the reality show is still a "go", that the two brothers and their mother may well have kicked Bristol Palin to the curb and are producing the show without her.

    If she's now without a job...that's why the National Enquirer rumor/story.


    That picture is from this last summer. Gryphen, you should really date the random pictures you post of the Palin Mafia.

  60. BRAVO, "AHEM"!!! BRAVO!!

  61. I am really curious what LIFE-SHATTERING ACT OF AGGRESSION Sadie and her mom enacted against Brisdull that made her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo angry she could never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever

    forgive them.

    April, do you know?

  62. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Thanks Ahem! Good humor!

  63. @(ahem). Great job! Rillly!

    Bristol may have traded college for the school of hard knock ups.

  64. Anonymous5:50 AM

    "You are a bad mother because you are only thinking of yourself. Your need to put the Johnston's down is such a terrible example.

    No offense but it you think this, you must believe Levi is a horrible father for trashing half of Tripp's family himself.

    Tripp will remember his maternal family with fondness. Guaranteed. If he does indeed read Levis trashy book, he will hate his father as the only experiences he's had with his Nana are fun ones.

    Levi doesn't think and is just as immature as the days when he was a chronic cheater.

  65. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Who are we kidding. Bristol will let Tripp read her book and Levi will let him read his book and the child will probably diss then both and go live in Haiti.

    Luckily, Tripp is part of a loving family and will probably instantly believe his mother over his father.

  66. Anonymous5:54 AM

    The funniest part of Ahem's "satire" is it's basically true.

  67. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I love how grown adults interact with imaginary people. Gives me a daily laugh. Thanks Gina.

  68. That is one lazy parent allowing a kid that old to still use a pacifier...

  69. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Who knows when or if it's on or off? Guess we'll wait and see...or not see on TV. I couldn't stomach watching it though. You know, Bristol being the amazing actress that she thinks she is. Boring!

    Poor Tripp and his ever-present pacifier. Plug him in! Looks like he's got a back-up tootsie pop though for a taste sensation break. Way to go!

    These two girls shouldn't wear thigh and crotch-hugging shorts. What's with their legs? Tree stumps look better. They look like they got off the bus from some backward small hillbilly town. Meow. I know I shouldn't criticize their physical features, but really now...those whopper thighs tapering down to thin-ish ankles are not attractive at all...Somebody help them! Hair? Oh why bother, I guess. They have minimal brain activity any way. They can thank their parents for the deficiency.

  70. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Hey Sarah how much money is SarahPac paying for Track's wedding?

    What is your cut from selling the story?

    What is Brisket's cut from selling his pictures.

    How much is Tawd getting for building a 14 ft fence the wedding party?

    How much did SarahPac pay your relatives for licking the stamps and mailing the wedding invites?

    How much money is Willow getting paid not to break into the wedding guest's houses during the ceremony?

    What about Piper, will somebody read the invitation to her so she knows what's going on.

    I hope Brita is not wearing white, that's meant for virgins and she has already been Palinized.

  71. Anonymous8:30 AM

    mlaiuppa said...

    It really says something about the girl that in every candid shot she has such a sour expression on her face.

    11:25 PM

    Damn, Levi was very lucky to drop that skank. I can't imagine being married to the state whore and having a crooked sick retarded mother-in-law like Sarah to look at and listen to.

  72. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Did Sarah when her lawsuit against Joe McG?

    It should be over with by now.

    Sarah would not claim to sue Joe and then do nothing!

    Or was that more of Sarah's lying threatening bullshit nonsense?

  73. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Her book failed miserably even while her mother was still relevant. Why would anyone think anyone would want to watch her reality show when there is so many better options.

    These two girls are well....stocky... Not a pretty sight.

  74. I really don't care if bey bey is pg or not, she doesn't pass any laws nor does she influence any politicians.

    Really I wouldn't care if the insufferable bitch was pg or not if it weren't for her trying to influence our political system with her bullshit and vitriol.

    Besides it looks like bey bey is at least trying to do the nine month thing unlike the loon who was passing off a one month pregnancy.

  75. Anonymous8:59 AM

    8:30 AM said

    . "Damn, Levi was very lucky to . drop that skank. I can't
    . imagine being married to the . state whore and having a
    . crooked sick retarded mother-
    . in-law like Sarah to look at . and listen to."

    There is one reality show they could do. Dented refrigerators, burnt mac-n-cheese and all.

  76. hedgewytch9:22 AM

    How old is Tripp now? WHY does he have a pacifier in his mouth?

    They should not be used past 2 in my opinion. My son decided to give up his all on his own at 1 1/2.

    Past the age of 2 or 3 at the most, you got something that can be damaging incoming teeth, and becoming a "security blanket" thing. I tend to equate this allowing of a pacifier after the toddler stage with lazy parenting. And/or with a child with anxiety issues.

  77. ibwilliamsi9:45 AM

    "Why is the four year old sucking a pacifier?" To keep his mouth shut.

  78. Lose the pacifier!!!!

  79. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Ok, this judgmental stuff about Tripp and his pacifier is silly.

    My daughter used a pacifier to fall asleep until she was almost 5. I didn't see any reason to deprive her of it if she liked it. She did not use it during the day after about she was about 1 1/2 or so.

    I am absolutely not a lazy parent.

    This pacy concern is the least of it, when talking about Bristol. What about this supposed god child of hers?

  80. Anonymous10:22 AM

    If he is walking around constantly with a pacifyer in public to keep his mouth shut, won't it affect his teeth placement?

    Miserable looking person. Where is the fairy tale troll to inform us that she is happy, happy, happy, happy. And she is not a slut, slut, slut, slut.

    that willow is homeschooled, homeschooled, homeschooled.

    And never trashed a house, trashed a house, trashed a house.

    The Palin family is happy, happy, happy...etc.etc. etc.

  81. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "She did not use it during the day after about she was about 1 1/2 or so."

    That is the difference. And a big difference, too.

  82. Anonymous11:04 AM

    When will Willow get her 15 minutes of fame and fortune? She is much prettier than Bristol and seems to have a personality, unlike her older sister. I bet she's a better dancer.

    Bless her heart, poor Bristol has tried just about everything: public speaking, writing, dancing, acting, abstinance and she simply does not have talent in these areas. What will she try next? A real job?

    Isn't it Willow's turn to dance? Doesn't Granny Lulu need some more limelight? Bristol's 15 are over and Piper's too young. Willow's been in the wings, watching all the moves....

  83. Anonymous said...

    I love how grown adults interact with imaginary people. Gives me a daily laugh. Thanks Gina.

    5:58 AM

    You are very welcome April! Enjoy your laughs...we here at IM's love to please and make the trolls laugh...especially "ahem" of my favorite commenters BTW. FYI April....please tell Brisdull and her equally dull sister Willow to not display those tree trunks that they call legs to the general public....I know that there are personal trainers and gyms in the greater LA area...look them up....TOODLES!

  84. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I've raised kids and never used a pacifier for any of them. What is with human babies that they feel so insecure while animal babies are able to deal with life as it is?

    I don't know why anyone would want to create a habit of constant sucking on something of absolute no value - no nutritional needs, not helping the development of teeth, not developing any muscles - what is the purpose of a pacifier?

    I think it is a way to spread germs into a child's mouth - imagine all of the nasty places that thing has been before poping into the child's mouth.

  85. Anonymous11:56 AM

    That photo. Hmm. There appears to be no joy. Bristol is just existing mindlessly until something comes around. Tripp, with his pacifier, is along for the outing. I imagine Willow cursing at someone and using foul language.

  86. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    When will Willow get her 15 minutes of fame and fortune? She is much prettier than Bristol and seems to have a personality, unlike her older sister. I bet she's a better dancer.

    Bless her heart, poor Bristol has tried just about everything: public speaking, writing, dancing, acting, abstinance and she simply does not have talent in these areas. What will she try next? A real job?

    Isn't it Willow's turn to dance? Doesn't Granny Lulu need some more limelight? Bristol's 15 are over and Piper's too young. Willow's been in the wings, watching all the moves....

    11:04 AM

    Willow is probably pissed that Sarah's popularity turned to shit and that Willow won't get her turn at all that free money like Bristol did.

    Butttttt there is a way for Willow to get her share of the pie.

    Willow, all you have to do is write a book and reveal mommy's and daddy's secrets that no one outside your family knows about.

    Willow, all these years you had to put up with your family's nonsense, your mom paraded you around for photo ops, nobody appreciated you and what do you have to show for it?

    Think about it Willow, you deserve nice things too.

  87. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Why is Bristol so sad?

    She can't get laid tonight because Willow is staying with her?

  88. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I assume that Bristol and Willow looked at themseles in the mirror before they went out in public ... and decided that tight short shorts and flip flops were the way to do LA. Except for Tripp, these two girls look like out of work hookers. Really girls, camel toes and cankles? Really? So classy.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.