Sunday, November 27, 2011

Comic Strip Sundays: GOP Presidential candidates edition.

Not only are they very funny, but they are also accurate in their depiction of this sad group of lunatics, morons, and political grifters. 

(You can see more great editorial cartoons at The Cagle Post.)


  1. Excellent cartoons! My favorite is on the site - the GOP Family Circus...

    it's fantastic.

  2. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Keep in mind, Sarah looks at these and imagines that if she were in the race (Because "I can beat Obama") she'd be free from ridicule and above these candidates.

    Sarah Plain and Wrong, dear, you are the reason why these yahoo's are the cream of the GOP crop.

  3. Anonymous7:30 AM

    After watching the movie Trading Places, a thought came to mind.

    I wonder if the Cain presidential campaign was the result of a 1$ bet between David and Charles Koch....

    Just saying...

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Well, if these people are the "cream of the crop" the republican party is in deep, deep doo doo. There is not a single one of them that earns respect. Cheats, liars, grifters, money grubbing turds all of them. The republicans really seem to believe that a person who has proven themselves to be without morals or ethics can actually change. Gingrich always was a toad, and always will be a toad. No disrespect meant to toads of course. The "man" is without any core values whatsoever, totally lacking in human decency. Yet he is currently the top of the heap!! Go figure.

  5. hauksdottir12:44 PM

    My husband voted for Nixon back in 1972 as the result of a coin toss. He was also one of the last men drafted in that other illegal war-for-profits.

    I don't mind being in the minority (although this chart clearly shows the difference between popular vote and electoral vote)...

    ...nearly as much as I would mind being mindless. A coin toss? Even people holding their nose have *thought* about the candidates and their principles.

  6. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I love all of his cartoons!

    I've been voting since I was 18, and I'm in my mid fifties now, never, ever in my life, have I seen a bunch of imbiciles as these on the GOP ticket. The only one that even comes close to being electable, is Huntsman, and his polling numbers show you how little quality or substance means to these voters.
    BUT we can't let this numb us into believeing The President has an easy job getting re elected. Corporations are people too, and Corporations can throw tons of money their way without being held accountable for it.
    Newt is the new flavor? Seriously? Bwaaaahaaaaaaaa!


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