Thursday, November 03, 2011

Mitt Romney is doomed!

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

Mitt Romney was firm and direct with the abortion rights advocates sitting in his office nine years ago, assuring the group that if elected Massachusetts governor, he would protect the state’s abortion laws. 

Then, as the meeting drew to a close, the businessman offered an intriguing suggestion — that he would rise to national prominence in the Republican Party as a victor in a liberal state and could use his influence to soften the GOP’s hard-line opposition to abortion. 

He would be a “good voice in the party” for their cause, and his moderation on the issue would be “widely written about,” he said, according to detailed notes taken by an officer of the group, NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts. 

“You need someone like me in Washington,” several participants recalled Romney saying that day in September 2002, an apparent reference to his future ambitions. 

Romney made similar assurances to activists for gay rights and the environment, according to people familiar with the discussions, both as a candidate for governor and then in the early days of his term. 

Well hell I don't know what to think now.

I really felt that Romney was a shoo-in for the nomination considering that everybody around him seemed to be in various stages of self destruction, but support for a woman's right to choose is a virtual non-starter for the GOP.

The Republican base might be able to get around his crazy religion, his ties to Obama's healthcare plan, and his famous flip-flopping, but they will NEVER be able to get passed anything resembling a pro-choice stance.

You have to give him credit for being right about one thing, his moderation on the subject will indeed be "widely written about."

Even if he manages to get the nomination, and I think he is still the best hope for the Republicans, this information, added to his problems with the Evangelicals, is going to mean his support with the base will be incredibly soft.

As crazy as it sounds I think there might still be a chance for somebody to come riding in from way out in left field and pull the rug out from under the feet of both Mitt Romney and Rick Perry at this point. I just feel that despite their organization skills, and the money backing them, that they are both seen by their fellow Republicans as extremely unlikely to beat President Obama in the general.

Does anybody disagree?


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    If this can be verified, it is the death knell for Romney's campaign, and explains why the righties never trusted him in the first place. Can he blame it on the Perry campaign, as Cain did when the media spotlight was placed on him?

    Neither of these 2 issues is going to go away: sexual harassment (Cain) or abortion (Romney). I believe that the stories alleged are probably 'true to character' for both men. That is, that Cain is a sexual opportunist, mouthing off and/or scoring whenever possible, and that Romney secretly is not comfortable with his newly discovered pro-life stance. Both issues directly or tangentially affect tens of millions of Americans, all of whom are women. Both issues are very different from the 'I just messed up on a business transaction once 10 years ago, and that does not really reflect who I am'. In both cases, the incidents reveal the very essence of the candidates.

    Now it's time for some further digging into the true essence of the Texas governor.

  2. padorea12:35 PM

    Huntsman is the only sane Republican choice.

  3. willard has 3 strikes against him.

    1) pro -choice
    2) Invented "Obamacare"
    3) Mormon.

    Any one is a automatic disqualification for the base. All 3, forgetaboutit.

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Well damn. This makes me like Romney more than anything else I've read about him.

  5. this doesnt really change the dynamics of the repig field.

    no one supporting romney is doing so based on his abortion stance.

    in fact it might do him some good to be seen by the majority of people as a reasonable guy as opposed to the far right loons like bachman..perry... sanitarium etc.

    but remember the process has a long way to go and it still appears to boil gown to this guy or the loon perry.

    i dont see any other "big" names jumping in at the last minute...because it cant really be done, for lots of reasons.

    the repigs are stuck with this sad group.

  6. I've wondered for years why the right-wing has taken up the cause of abortion. Don't we all know these sanctimonius, self-righteous wingers would NEVER avail themselves of this procedure, it's purely for the convenience of the unruly, godless liberals. If they could get their tin-foil hats on straight they might figure out this is a perfect way to rid themselves of more liberals and the burden of supporting us since they believe we all live on welfare anyway. Logic escapes these idiots in so, so many ways.

  7. If Romney is nominated, which is probable, there is a good chance Ron Paul will run as a third party candidate assuring President Obama's reelection.

  8. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Careful, Gryphen, you're giving Sarah the idea that she could run after all. OK, so she missed a couple of filing deadlines to get into some important primaries. Sarah is expecting to be swept into the nomination by applause and cheering without having to debate, campaign or do anything other than spend money traveling around the country. If you keep pointing out that the Republican candidates are a clown parade, she'll be back.

  9. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Romeny changed his position when he ran for President in 2008. It's no secret that he used to be pro-choice when he was Governor of Massachusetts and then he flip-flopped. No news here. Just one of his many gymnastic manuevers to make him more attractive to conservative primary voters.

    It's stupid and disingenuous but it isn't news.

  10. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Good ole Mitt, he was in favor of abortion rights before he was against them. He was in favor of the Mass. health care law until he was against it. And on and on and on. The man's finger is always in the wind. He's also a two-faced back-stabbing lying son of a b****--just ask Jane Swift. And did the story about Mitt and the dog and the family vacation get any traction outside of Massachusetts? The b*st**d appears reasonable, but it's barely skin deep.

  11. I would rather have Obama face Romney than Cain. As you have said, he has the same effect on conservatives that Palin had: Cain is full of BS, yet so many people believe every word he says and think he is a genius.

    In other words, I think Cain would be harder to beat because there are a LOT of people in this country who deny reality.

  12. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Since the rest of the field has pretty much imploded, I wonder if the right will simply do with this information what they've done with the other Republicans who have lied, cheated, had affairs, hired prostitutes, picked up men in airport bathrooms, hiked the 'Appalachian Trail', etc: Put their fingers in their ears, sing "La,la,la" and pretend they never heard it.

    They don't like Mittens at all, but he's the best of a bad bunch and they may be stuck with him.

  13. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Cain makes me want to barf. Blaming Perry for the leak and trying to divert the attention AWAY from the claims against him. To think Republicans are falling for this crap is amazing to me. What friggin idiots!!!!!

    President Obama - with his considerate, gentle ways is such a Godsend to all of us when comparing him to these idiots on the other side.

    President Obama will be re elected and I can hardly wait to vote for him AGAIN.

  14. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Romney: I'm 'As Consistent As Human Beings Can Be'

    Mitt Romney sought to defend himself on Thursday against charges of inconsistency from his Republican opponents.

    “I can’t state every single issue in exactly the same words every single time,” he told the New Hampshire Seacoast Media Group. “Folks … draw great attention to something which looks like a change which in fact is entirely consistent.”

    Watch the video below:

  15. Anonymous1:20 PM

    My money is on the probability that there's a dark horse waiting in the wings to step up after this batch of wannabes has self-destructed and that a good amount of money has been sunk into grooming him all along.

    I'm guessing it was originally to have been Sarah but she's proven to be too big a loose cannon.

  16. Anonymous1:23 PM

    There is a personal story that goes along with Romney's pro-choice position. Some young couple in Romney's family (I forget who now) became pregnant while engaged to be married and died as a result of a botched abortion. For that personal reason Romney agreed that abortion should be safe and legal. I'm sure there is video or at least audio of Romney's support for the gay community as well as abortion. The only way he could get elected in Massachusetts was to promise to support the social issues of that state.

  17. Anonymous1:25 PM

    He'll still get the nomination. There is NO ONE that the GOP has right now that could win so it's just a matter of throwing someone on the ballot right now.

  18. 12:30, this was front page in the Washington Post today. Ther's a lot more than just abortion Romney had liberal views on as governor of Mass which are fully documented, including gay equality, and climate change.

    Read the article.

    Mitt says and does anything to get elected. He has no convictions, no core, he is a classic empty suit.

  19. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Gryph, This is OT but the last post at Joe McGinnis' blog was Oct. 23 and the last news item that I could find on his book and tour was Oct. 21. Any idea what's up? I thought the tour was going to last longer and he was going to be headed back to AK. Hope all is well with him.

  20. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I agree 12:03.

    Gryphen, your theory doesn't sound "crazy" at all. Who's the next GOP pinch-hitter going to be? What a Gong Show!


  21. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Just wanted to tell you Beyoncee was seen wearing a scarf yesterday like someone else we all know...

  22. ManxMamma2:05 PM

    Anon 12:30 Thank you for your perceptive and intelligent comment. Very well stated.

  23. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Mitt Romney: "Absolutely" Wrong for Women

  24. Anonymous2:09 PM

    "Mitt Romney's Housing Plan"

  25. If Romney's out, where does the mantle of GOPness fall?

    Even though Cain looks like he still has support from the GOP base, his wife Gloria has cancelled her appearance on FOX news tomorrow morning, apparently not going to do the stand-by-your-man thing after all. There just isn't anyone left to run except Huntsman, who seems to leave all of the GOP cold with his intelligence and moderate views, and Gingrich, who just leave everyone cold, period.

    The only one I can see rising from the ashes of this mess is Jeb Bush, and let's face it, the nation won't put another Bush in the Oval Office, even if he is a better man than his father or brother.

    I can only imagine those in the White House watching all this , Perry's antics, Cain's extraordinary ignorance (didn't know China's being a nuclear power since the 60s, though as President he could make a Constitutional Amendment just by signing one). Obama's team must be chortling, this campaign is writing itself.

  26. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Ditto to what 12:30 pm said. Totally. Well written.

  27. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Nov 5, the FOX Hunt begins -- expect us.

  28. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Mitt Romney has taken a position that every woman in this country should know about:

    When asked on Fox News whether he would have supported a "personhood" constitutional amendment, Mitt said, "Absolutely."

    "Personhood" amendments are the notorious measures now being considered in states like Mississippi, Florida, and Ohio, that would elevate a fertilized human egg to the status of a legal person. They would ban IUDs, the morning-after pill, in-vitro fertilization, and all abortions—with no exceptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest or in cases where the life of a woman is at stake.

    In other words, a leading candidate for the GOP nomination for president is on the record in favor of a law that would classify literally all abortions—and even many forms of birth control—as murder.

    To be clear: This is the most radical position any of the Republican candidates have taken on this issue, and may be the most radical position any of them have taken on any substantive issue in the race for the nomination so far.

    Mitt has an uncanny ability to change course depending on the day, so we put together a video to show exactly where he stands on a woman's right to choose—whether she's choosing emergency contraception, or to save her own life.

    Watch it, and then say you'll be with us in holding him accountable.

    Romney, who has held a variety of positions on abortion in his 17 years of running for public office, presumably understands the implications of criminalizing birth control and abortion.

    If he wants to be in the national spotlight, if he thinks he deserves to be trusted with the highest political office on the planet, he has to be willing to take responsibility for his words and the consequences of the policies he claims to support.

    This is so much bigger than his political calculations. It's literally a life-or-death proposition, and it's not limited to Mississippi, Ohio, or Florida. Personhood amendments like the one in Mississippi are a direct affront to the federal right to privacy afforded by Roe vs. Wade.

    If Romney wants to take the position that abortion and birth control are equal to murder, that's up to him. But we'll hold him accountable for it, and not let anyone forget that he's made the choice to go this far to the right on this issue.

  29. Anonymous2:32 PM


    Cain's Wife Won't Appear On Fox Friday

    Herman Cain’s wife, Gloria, will not appear on Fox News on Friday, the New York Times reports. As the scandal surrounding Cain has unfolded, the Republican presidential contender promised that the public would soon meet his wife.

  30. Anonymous2:35 PM

    What's Trump up to whilst the Barracuda consults God?


  31. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Grayphen, I hardy think they will come from LEFT field, do you?

  32. Anonymous2:46 PM

    If the Republicans can do a money-is-no-object, well-done Madison Avenue saturation PR campaign, if they can keep President Obama's hands tied as much as possible, if the economy remains bad, and if someone can horse around with the voting machines, then I think the Repubs can have anyone they want in office in 2012.

    These are all things they have done before, including electing a substandard man as President. AND running McCain/Palin last time. Why not once again?

    Here's why (I hope): because President Obama is aware of all this and will outsmart their dirty doings. And I too can hardly wait to vote for him and his pals again.

  33. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Anyone who tries to jump into the race at this point, has two choices. Write in or third party. The ballots are already set in a couple states, so they wouldn't be on those. That includes Florida and South Carolina. Two states that they'd need to win the Repub primary.

  34. Anonymous2:59 PM

    The GOP Has Already Thrown In The Towel For 2012

  35. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Not sure how many who read here are old enough to remember the pre-Roe vs. Wade days.

    The issue of whether one has a right to decide about events affecting one's own body does not go away if a society outlaws abortions. Abortions have always been available, throughout time. I mean the whole gamut from the highest medical quality abortions to the best your local drunk coat-hanger quack can do.

    The question becomes: to whom are they available? and at which end of the medically safe vs dangerous range? The more restrictive the society, the more expensive a safe abortion becomes. But abortions have always been an option for those who have options.

    So it is really only those who cannot afford an abortion who are prevented from exercising control over their own bodies. Others can pay for a safe, illegal one, or can travel to another country where they are legal.

    So in the end, this is just another 99% / 1% issue. Maybe the percentages are a little different, but it comes down to the idea that you are entitled to all the civil liberties (incl privacy for such decisions) that money can buy.

    No money? Too bad.

  36. Anonymous3:40 PM

    @Anon--12:30: If you can stomach it, there's a great deal of information concerning Perry's 'true essence' to be found here:

    Link is to Rolling Stone columnist Matt Taibbi's 10/26/11 piece.

    Here's a sample:
    On the human level he is a nonpersonality, an almost perfect cipher – a man whose only discernible passion is his extreme willingness to be whatever someone will pay him to be, or vote for him to be. Even scarier, the religious community around which he has chosen to pull his human chameleon act features some of the most extreme end-is-nigh nutcases in America, the last people you want influencing the man with the nuclear football.

  37. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead3:55 PM

    The best thing you can say about Mittens is that once he gets this silliness about running for president out of his system he can always go back to hedge-funding American jobs overseas.

  38. Gasman4:02 PM

    I disagree. Romney is the only GOP candidate besides Huntsman who isn't a fucking loon. P.Rick is done. Cain will auger in VERY shortly.



    Romney is FAR from perfect by party standards, but the GOP has created a climate in which it is IMPOSSIBLE for ANY candidate to unite the party. The strident sects that populate the base demand ideological purity for their particular pet issues and NOBODY can meet all of those requirements.

    So, the GOP won't abandon the anti-abortion plank, Romney will simply contort his rubber spine in that direction.

    MANY hard right conservatives will wax cold toward Mitt and will either stay home come election day or they will push for their own third, fourth, or even fifth party candidacy.

    Mitt is going to lose to Obama by 25% or more, but he will be the GOP nominee.

  39. He's becoming the poster boy for flip-flopping. Many candidates make occasional shifts in position to try to pull in voters, but Mitt has taken it to a whole new level, attempting to completely change who he was as a politician in the past. I guess he doesn't really understand that the Internet has made that impossible. It takes 30 seconds for somebody to pull up his previous position on whatever. If Mitt gets the nomination, his campaign will be filled with moments like the one with the "argumentative" reporter. HA-ha!

  40. Anonymous4:16 PM

    A Dem in GOP clothing...

  41. Holly5:39 PM

    Has it only been 8 years? It seems like 800 here in MA.

    I believe the woman in question, the one who died after a botched abortion, was the sister of Mitt's brother-in-law. I really hate to see him flip flop on that, just due to the memory of that young woman.

    My personal favorite Romney story is actually about his wife Anne. She was making a speech to some women during Mitt's 2008 run, commiserating about the bad economy. She said she understood how difficult it could be, because when Mitt was in Harvard b-school the Romneys had to DIP INTO THEIR CAPITAL, poor things.

  42. The only thing that Romney has taken and kept a firm stand on is making millions and putting people out of work. Other than that, never take his word on anything else. Tomorrow, his stance on abortion will be different, and the next day it'll be something else! Same with his foreign, economic, gay rights, women rights policies. How in the world could you place your vote for this noodle!? Now Huntsman has had many chances to break from the crazy crowd, but he's chosen not too, at least in a public debate.

  43. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Dudes I've been saying for weeks--NotRomney will win. I dont know who NotRomney is but Republicans prefer him:her to Romney.

  44. This might explain Romney's flip-flopping. His heart isn't in the right wing stuff but he has to spout it to get the nomination. Then he plans to move towards the center which he has to do to pick up the independents. The independents and democrats aren't going to vote for a right winger. Its a loser for the Republicans which would explain why the party professionals continue to quietly back Romney. Interesting, interesting.

  45. 12:30 read Matt Taibbi's article in Nov. Rolling Stone. Its six pages on Perry's graft and corruption in Texas.

  46. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Holly-that story about them having to dip into their capital is priceless and really gets to the heart of who he is and how he and his family think. I guess that explains why he is a republican.

    My favorite story told by one of Romneny's sons was about Mitt putting the poor family dog in a cage strapped to the roof of their station wagon for a trip from Belmont, MA to Canada. Those poor kids actually thought daddy was a brilliant problem solver when he hosed off the frightened shitless dog at a gas station and continued on his way.

    That told me all I needed to know about Mitt because something very important is missing from that man.
    No doubt about it.

  47. Anonymous8:56 PM

    TAH DAH! The stage is now being set for the arrival, in a golden carriage pulled by white horses, of Queen Esther, the savior of the world & the heavens. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

    Sea o'Peers rejoice.

  48. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Let's face it, Mitt's got more flip flops than Snookie.

    nuff said


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