Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Now try not to panic, but you should know that Herman Cain believes that China is working to develop nuclear weapons! I assume to add to the ones they have had since the early 1960's!

Courtesy of Shanghaiist:

In an interview on PBS's Newshour with Judy Woodruff, GOP Presidential candidate and former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain was asked whether he views China as a potential military threat to the United States. His response was... surprising to say the least. 

JUDY WOODRUFF: "Do you view China as a potential military threat to the United States?"

HERMAN CAIN: "I do view China as a potential military threat to the United States... we already have superiority in terms of our military capability, and I plan to get away from making cutting our defense a priority and make investing in our military capability a priority, going back to my statement: peace through strength and clarity. So yes they're a military threat. They've indicated that they're trying to develop nuclear capability and they want to develop more aircraft carriers like we have. So yes, we have to consider them a military threat."

Herman Cain is apparently unaware that China conducted its first test of a nuclear device on October 16th... 1964.

Okay I finally decided what I REALLY want for Christmas this year.

I want Herman Cain to be the Republican candidate for President and too see him face off against President Obama in the debates.

Can I please have that? I swear I've been good!

"Good" being a relative term of course.

Could you just imagine how pissed off the racist Teabaggers would be with NO choice but to vote for at least one of the black guys? Best election ever!


  1. hedgewytch11:32 AM

    The really sad part is that a lot of those viewers will not even question that what he said is complete idiocy.

    And I too wanna watch Cain v Obama. A huge bag of kettle corn moment.

  2. Herb Cain could possibly be more of an ignoramus than Sarah. I didn't think it was possible. You know someone wrote on this blog that Herb picked up where Sarah left off, and they were right.

    I hope you get your wish, so far conservatives are rallying around Herb, but it's not gonna last.

  3. ManxMamma11:50 AM

    What a great Christmas wish. I hope Santa's listening!

  4. BaaHaHa! Hermain Cain is a hoot.

  5. Sally in MI11:57 AM

    The trouble with Cain debating Obama is that the right would stand by whatever ludicrous assertion he made. No fact checking on Fox. (And why did Woodruff not set him straight on China?)
    I do agree that watching people like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Coulter having to vote for a black man would be entertaining, but they hate Obama so much they would hold their noses and vote against him anyway, after being assured by Rove that Cain would be handled. That is, is Annie getcher gun figures out what state she resides in and actually registers this time. As with Sarah, though (and she's raising hopes again today) who in hell would run WITH a nitwit like Cain?

  6. My 5th grade daughter knows this. This is downright scary. Can you imagine any sort of diplomatic or trade discussions with China should this guy win? He makes W. look like a rocket scientist.

  7. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Is the general voting population smart enough to KNOW he's a complete idiot?

    Are they smart enough to know that Obama at least has a good background in political history and Cain, well, has a background in selling pizzas? Or maybe they prefer pizza.

  8. @drginaloudon Gina Gentry Loudon
    I have it on good word that Sarah Palin is reconsidering...

    4 hours ago via TweetDeck!/drginaloudon/status/131761383837667330

    HT to the person who pointed to this on another thread

  9. Anonymous12:36 PM

    And the pattern reveals itself. Make that three:

    Associated Press Reports A Third Herman Cain Accuser Alleging Sexual Harassment

  10. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Whoops, he's losing it...

    Showing Strain? Herman Cain Blows Up At Reporters During Campaign Photo Op

  11. Anonymous12:40 PM

    He's dumb. Plain and simple. No other way to put it. The man isn't smart. He's a black Sarah Palin.

  12. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Yeah, but Gryphen, with the Koch Brothers behind him, with Dick Army's Tea Party behind him, and with the Dieboldt sleazy, easily-hacked voting machines behind him, do you really, really want to take a chance that he could be the next President?

    I want President Obama to win, period. But, if by some fluke he doesn't, I don't want some real flake and idiot like Cain to be the next President.

    I still am in shock that Cain's poll numbers keep rising even after the sexual harassment history has come up (or perhaps because of it).

    We know we had it bad under GWB, but under a President Cain with his arrogance, ignorance, and puppet masters, we might as well accept the country as going into the toilet and be flushed out to sea. He would absolutely be a disaster.

    Be careful what you wish for, Gryphen.

  13. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Herb and the Klondike Khardashian would make a good Amos and Andy remake.

  14. Dinty1:00 PM

    On the Aircraft Carrier issue, I think we got this won:

    Note that while China is currently developing carriers, they have little to no experience with them, we've had more than anybody for decades. It's not like buying a boat and just going for it. There's alot of training and protocols to be developed, it will take them decades to get anywhere close.

  15. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Cain/Palin 2012

    Just think of the money they could save printing new campaign materials! They could reuse the McCain/Palin posters from 2008 and just scratch out the
    "Mc". And we all know how that campaign ended! Or just use
    Herb/Sarah 2012. Comedy Gold for SNL.

  16. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Third Woman Complains Of Harassment From Herman Cain

    I Saw Herman Cain Harass Women

    Herman Cain: I Can’t Prove It, But These Allegations Are Racist (VIDEO)

  17. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I think Herman is in deep doo-doo - whether he is guilty of harassment or not, he's not handling the accusations well, being very vague.

    Well, at least he says "nuclear" and not "nucular" like some others.

  18. Rumor going around among the Palinbots that SP is possibly reconsidering running for Pres. I don't believe it, the babygate book coming out, so much coming out, but hey, I think I'd like her to run after all, and join the circular firing squad of crazies that is the GOP lineup of Presidential hopeless hopefuls. You know, just for entertainment value...

  19. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Lawyer For Cain Accuser Says She’s ‘Very Upset’ With Cain Response

  20. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Joe Scarborough: Herman Cain’s ‘Getting A Free Walk’ From National Media And GOP

  21. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Meghan McCain To Lawrence O’Donnell: GOP Has Entered ‘The End Of The Date With Herman Cain’

  22. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Palin set the bar SO low, this is what we now get. And she wonders why she's so loathed by thinking, educated Americans.

    Go right ahead and reconsider, SARAH. Every time you've opened your mouth as of late, you've had it shut for you but good. Put presidential candidate behind that trademark and prepare for the "ultimate" smackdown. It's coming!

  23. Enjay in E MT1:28 PM

    I'll try not to rant....

    Herman Cain would have been 19ish -maybe attending college (Morehouse College) and "does not recollect" China having nuclear weapons?

    Altho there is some question Cain's comment was about "nuclear carriers" vs nuclear weapons....

    It doesn't matter either way because Cain is NOT going to be the GOP nominee. If voters in 2008had concerns about John McCain's health & age, will they seriously vote for a 1996 Stage IV cancer survivor?

    The GOP will hold their nose to choke down a Romney nomination. The Christian Right will stay home rather than vote for a Mormon cult-member (their view - not mine).

  24. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Running and hiding, he is:

  25. cdngrlinus2:13 PM

    I usually watch the debates with some wine to calm my nerves but if Mr Cain could win the nomination I'd have to drink red bull to watch him debate the President. OMG just the thought of their tinfoil covered heads exploding at having to choice between two black men( and they say God doesn't have a sense of humor). I wonder if a certain someone is seething because "the flavor of the month" is winning in some polls.

  26. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Lowest Republican voter turnout in US history! LOL

  27. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I think Woodruff not calling him out was a brilliant move. If she had, he'd have just had a chance to say "I meant EXPANDING their nuclear capabilities" or something and it would've gotten brushed under the rug.

    This way, it gets to percolate for a whole day before he's forced to acknowledge what he said, and no matter what, it's going to come off sounding lame.

    She did WAY more damage to him by letting it slide and leaving it for everyone else to beat him with.

  28. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Granted the right wing nuts want to talk about sex because it has women involved, but what about the campaign contribution of $150000 by a non profit which claimed the donation on their 990 but his campaign did not claim?

  29. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I wonder if he also as a line on the "WMDs" in Iraq.

  30. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I think it would be funnier than hell to watch teabagger heads explode with a Mittens/Herb ticket. LOL, they'd freak over that for sure!

  31. Anonymous4:00 PM

    As entertaining as a debate between Obama and Cain might be, the candidates that our political system has produced in the past few elections are already the subject of ridicule around the globe. President Obama has worked very hard to reclaim some of the respect our nation has lost since 2000. Let's not take ten steps backward by having Cain as a presidential candidate.

  32. Anonymous4:04 PM

    The RWNJs must be violently twitching these days.

    With Perry's campaign taking a nosedive, Crazy Shelly all but out of the race, and Gingrich and Santorum as sideshow attractions, they may actually be forced to choose between a relatively moderate Mormon from New England or a conservative black man.

    What WILL they do???

  33. Herb is just one more of the faltering TeaBaggers who are vying for the #2 spot on the GOP ticket.

    It's a foregone conclusion that Mittens will be the GOP nominee, but he will need a far RWNJ to help with voter turnout from the fundie dominionist crowd.

    Looks like Santorum moves up a notch. He is just as nutty as the rest of the crowd, but give him credit for being consistent and true to his far-right values. He is what he is, a frothy mix of..., well, you know what you're getting with Santorum.

    Both Herb and Sarah are empty suits, and neither can stand up to the vetting of a Presidential Campaign.

  34. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Regarding Cain's claim he turned Godfathers from near bankruptcy to success:

    "Two years before Cain took over, Godfather’s had fallen from third to fourth place in sales for U.S. Pizza Restaurants. Cain promised to bring it back to number three. When Pillsbury sold it to Cain and his management team, it had fallen from fourth to sixth place. Certainly no turnaround happened in the first two years that Cain took over. By the time he was forced to resign in 1995, Godfather’s had fallen further to eight place".

  35. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Dear Herman,
    There's a lot of stuff that has happened. In China and all over the place.
    Do you read much? Where do you get your news? What do you read, exactly?

    Here's a little tidbit about China today, just for fun:
    The unmanned Shenzhou 8 craft, launched earlier this week, made contact with the Tiangong-1 space lab at 1729 GMT. The union occurred over China itself.
    Being able to dock two space vehicles together is a necessary capability for China if it wants to start building a space station towards the decade's end.

  36. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Sometime soon, a reporter will ask Cain the fatal question, "what do you read?"

    And bad as he is, Cain will do better on that question than Palin did.

  37. Well, the baggers would be deciding between an all black man and a half black man. I think in that comparison, Obama would suddenly become half white.

  38. Okay. Here ya go.

    Just give me credit for the graphic.

  39. Anonymous7:08 PM


    can't make this stuff up!

    The President's got his groove back while the clown car self destructs.

    Obama vs Romney would be an early Christmas Present, and it appears that's the Candidate who's the best of the crop.

    Can't make that up either, lmao!

    We, the 99, have spoken, extinguish your torch and leave the island.

  40. Gasman9:05 PM

    In addition to being a dissembling liar, Herb is also a moron. But at least he's only about 45 years lat to the game. Most of the other GOP candidates are more like 160 years out of date.

    Dumbest assembled bunch of political turds in the history of our planet.

    WHY the fuck should I vote GOP?

  41. Anonymous6:20 PM

    This Just In!

    Herman Cain is very concerned that China is reported to be building a long masonary wall along its northern frontier! Details at 11!


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