Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Texas gun dealer offers course in qualifying for a Concealed Handgun License, unless of course you are an Obama supporter or Muslim. I'm sorry what?

Courtesy of Digital Journal:

The radio advertisement, on Mason's hometown radio station KHLB, was by 65-year-old Crockett Keller, who manages a store in Mason, Texas, 120 miles west of the state capital of Austin. Keller provides concealed handgun courses behind his store in Mason. KVUE , the local news station, reports Crocket Keller bought six days' air time at $175, but when the ad stop airing on Tuesday, it went on YouTube, and in the first three days it had 17,000 views, with 1,000 views on the first day. 

According to KVUE, the advertisement for his handgun course says: 

"We will attempt to teach you all the necessary information you need to obtain your C.H.L...If you are a socialist liberal and or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as under the law...If you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class with no shame; I am Crockett Keller, thank you and God bless America." 

When KVUE spoke to Crockett Keller on Thursday, he defended his advertisement, saying: 

"I call it exercising my right to choose who I instruct in how to use a dangerous weapon...I'm not going to do it, I will give up my license to teach before I will teach them [i.e. Muslims and Obama voters]."

Offering a class to teach people how to qualify for a CHL in case they need to defend themselves, while refusing to offer that same class to non-Christians or Democrats. Nope nothing xenophobic, anti-Muslim, or anti-democratic about that now is there?

You have to know that this guy is a closet Texas militia member don't you? Or at least he has their support.

Sadly for this ignorant shit kicker it looks like he may not have any choice but to teach them pro-Obama Muslims. According to the Department of Public Safety:

"Certified instructors are required to comply with all applicable state and federal statutes. Conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion would place that instructor’s certification by the Department at risk of suspension or revocation. The Department became aware of the statements in question yesterday and has begun an investigation into the matter. The Department will take appropriate administrative action based on the findings from the investigation." 

You know whenever I get so embarrassed about Alaska I just can't see straight, I just think of Texas, and suddenly I feel much better.


  1. I'm so embarrassed for this state I'm living in, now.

    It just gets worse and worse. I read Malia Litman's blog this morning on how many days our Governor works. Less than 50% of the time on Texas business.


  2. Sally in MI6:11 AM

    Love it...I hope they pull his license altogether. On the other hand, having read that ad, if I were ever so frightened of life that I had to get a handgun, I sure wouldn't take instruction from that crackpot. He'd probably 'accidently' shoot me when he saw the Obama sticker on my car. What is it with the GOP and guns? And war? and their hatred of women? And their ignorance? Is it something the North left in the water after the Civil War?

  3. Smirnonn6:19 AM

    "If you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class. With no shame, I am Crockett Keller, thank you and God bless America."

    I've no doubt that the irony of this statement is lost on this backwards, xenophobic racist pigfucker.

  4. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Yep, Gryphen, Texas is chock full of dumb. If not for the fact that my child's father lives here, I'd be gone. But I just can't do that to my kid. Heck, dad's another rabid conservative, but I don't hold it against him.

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    This, in my opinion, is the legacy that Sarah Palin has left behind. Those bigots and racists were always there, but they never felt they could freely admit to it. Before Sarah's wild rants at GOP rallies, they hid under white hoods. Now they parade proudly carrying their Teabagger signs and spreading their hatred with glee.

    May you rot in hell, John McCain for giving this element a voice.

    I agree, Texans should be ashamed.

  6. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Off Topic...Sorry, but tomorrow is The Victory Dinner for the Republican Party of Florida at Disney's Grand Floridian, at which Sarah is the keynote speaker. I just checked the website and there are plenty of tickets left!! She's a has been. Are the Palin's on their way to Orlando today? I'm sure they brought the entire family so they can charge RPOF for a free family vacation. Will Trig be there??

  7. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Fuckin Moron. Hopes he loses his livlihood.

  8. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I'm still pissed at Perry. He doesn't do what he promises. Texas, seceding.

    Meanwhile, some people in Texas leave a mess for the rest of US to clean up (i.e., attention, USA. Clean up in aisle TX).

  9. Anonymous6:56 AM

    6:27 AM-Off Topic...Sorry, but tomorrow is The Victory Dinner for the Republican Party of Florida at Disney's Grand Floridian, at which Sarah is the keynote speaker.
    Thanks for the report. I was wondering what she was up to these days. They refer to her as "Governor". I guess they need someone who is "curious" to help with attendance. Wonder if having her will turn off some folks from attending. She is going to keep saying the same awful things and I hope the press doesn't make a big deal about it.

  10. I assume he also doesn't teach Jews?

  11. jadez7:09 AM there anyone on the planet that still doesnt believe the republicans are nothing more then a cult of racists?

  12. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Whatever. The guy's obviously an epic douchetard but he has the right to express it openly. That's what free speech is all about; some people will use it to express things that are retarded.

    It's also more proof that stereotypes don't just invent themselves, usually.

    I'm bored. When is $arahnoia gonna say something idiotic again so I can laff? I never expected the quittergrifter to let ME down! ;)

  13. Quiet17:12 AM

    Why do we even give people like this airtime?

  14. Dinty7:16 AM

    OT: More fun in Texas, Aransas County TX Family Court Judge caught on video beating his disabled daughter:

  15. I have refused to by any products that come from Texas.

  16. Texas or Arizona....Wisconsin or Ohio...lots of choices there.

  17. hedgewytch7:25 AM

    I read somewhere yesterday that the average I.Q. in the U.S. is 90.

    And this guy just proved it. Way to loose your license there buddy.

    Idiots - they just can't seem to stop cutting the nose off their faces.

  18. Gasman7:27 AM

    I'm betting that Keller ain't too keen on Jews or blacks neither. And while we're at it, let's toss a few Catholics and Mormons on the bonfire as well. Now, gather 'round the fire and everybody join in singing: "Jesus loves me, this I know..."

    Welcome to fascist Amerikkka.

    Years ago while living in Texas, I saw a hastily hand lettered sign in Boerne, TX which read:

    "transpassers will be SHOOt"

    Yes, that is EXACTLY how the sign read. I'm thinking Keller may have written it.

    Now you know why I got the fuck out of Texas.

  19. This man is now a minor celebrity and a hero to extreme right-wingers, fundamentalist Christians, and all the other self-righteous bigots who want to "take our country back."

    Last night I received emails from relatives in Tennessee and Florida with links to this fellow's comments. They think he's an upstanding patriot.

    The Department of Public Safety should just quietly give him a warning, and then revoke his instructor's credentials if he doesn't comply with the law. He's profiting from the publicity.

  20. Anonymous7:31 AM

    OT, but Gryph, you have to see this. Conservative Bloggers and Rick Perry are being taken in by OWS PARODIES. They believe these things are REAL.

    *headdesks repeatedly*

  21. Anonymous7:36 AM

    He's a racist. Confirmed.

  22. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Well now come on if you allow Obama voters and Muslims to have a concealed handgun permit then it kinda defeats the anti-voting bills they just passed. It is very simple you only let Re-puke-i-KANS to have a gun license so that they can get their voters out and suppress the others.

    Texas don't worry you have close competition in the crazy ass states. I mean just look at Georgia. They have 4 seniors who wanted to kill millions in order to protect the US Constitution.

  23. Anonymous7:41 AM

    And the guy gets to vote his thinking for school board members too. Hate is a generational thing.

  24. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Even more important - somebody sold this guy the airtime for his ad.

  25. Anonymous7:49 AM

    So this guy will take GAYS in his class. Or was he just too stupid to include his full list of banned people in the advert. He left out pedophiles, felons, pro-lifers, hari-krishnas, nudists, and the "wrong" kind of Christians that actually practice what they preach.

    An ignorant old man proud of his stupidity. TX has no monopoly on this kind of excrement.

  26. Take it from someone who has had family living there for 30+ years...

    It's actually WORSE than you can even make up...

  27. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Something I've not seen discussed is whether the radio station that agreed to air that ad will have any legal repercussions.

    Broadcast stations can and do reject ads that they believe would be offensive or unfair.

  28. Anonymous8:28 AM

    The ugly free hand of the market withholding its services for arbitrary and capricious reasons.

    Thank god we don't have an overly regulatory government that forces douchebags like this not to abuse or refuse service to consumers.

  29. Anonymous8:36 AM

    O/T ... update on the court martial of Calvin Gibbs with refences to Jeremy Morlock (Afganistan killings and mutilations)

  30. Occupy Crockett Keller!!!

  31. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Yay! He forgot to discriminate against us gays! I'm only 120 miles away - gonna sign up now.

    Of course, he'd probably assume I voted for Obama (and he'd be right!)

    Oy - as Sunshime and Anne said, lease don't think all of us in texas are like this, any more than we should think all Alaskans are Palin.

  32. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Is it not, I ask, somewhat unconstitutional to deny any US citizen the protections and privileges afforded them under the Constitution?

    Gotta love these "constitutional" Teabagger types.

  33. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Every state has right wing idiots---not just Texas.

  34. Anonymous8:51 AM

    It should be "we the people" not in god we trust.

  35. Anne in Texas8:53 AM

    More of our BS for you to laugh at: “Texas Pentecostal church’s anti-abortion ‘hell house’ scares away some”

  36. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Palin backed Nikki Haley. Have you seen the stories at about Haley lying about her travel expenses just like Sarah among many other lies? Crazy right wingers around every corner.

  37. Anonymous9:08 AM

    OT, Bots are going crazy due to this tweet from DrGinaLoudon

    I have it on good word that Sarah Palin is reconsidering...

  38. telah9:11 AM

    What about Mexicans? Do you think they can take this class? .. actually the more I think about it, the ad could have a 30 second disclosure at the end of it like they do on the prescription drug ads.
    *Persons not eligible for this offer include Socialists, Muslims, Obama supporters, Mexicans, women, Jews, blacks, Yankees, elitists, anyone with more than 2 years of trade school or a general education degree, and abortion doctors. Do not call this number if you have ever listened to NPR, believe in evolution, watch the Daily Show, read the New York Times, read beyond a fourth-grade level, recycle or drive a stick shift.

  39. lostinthemidwest9:23 AM


    It's still a secret that a lot of us intelligent Americans that voted for President Obama already have our CHL's???? And have our own firearms?

    My family got them when Bush was in office and passed the Patriot Act.

    Damn idiots.

  40. OverMountainMan9:27 AM

    I forget if it was Olbermann or O'Donnell but one of them looked at the cencus records for this douche bags county and there are 0 Muslims in the county and very few Democrats, So this is nothing more than a fat old lonely man looking for some attention, I hope the Dept of Safety gives him all the attention he can stand !

  41. Believe me, some Texans are beyond ashamed. We need a new word for ashamed. I am a native Texan, one of my Great, Great Grandfathers name is on the Alamo Memorial wall. If I could leave Texas, I would. I never thought I would think this, much less say it in public but it is truth. The minute I figure out how to support my family in another state, I will be gone. It is sad, disheartening and depressing. Some people here have just lost their minds.

  42. Face it, Gryph, in the competition for most batshit state, we're all lucky to have Arizona!

    (I'm in Texas.)

  43. Enjay in E MT9:45 AM

    Perhaps Lincoln was wrong and should have let the South cede. Consider, Texas, AZ, and even NM would have been taken over by Mexico. Perhaps many of the Southern states would have voluntarily re-joined the United States within a decade or two.

    Almost 150 yrs after the civil war (or as the South puts it the war of Norther Agression) - they are STILL working on dividing this country.

    I say let the residents in those states BUY their freedom from the United States: forever giving up any & all rights to SS & Medicare. Purchase National Parks & Military bases at Market Value, while we bring troops to the "new border".

    They can 9-9-9 all the taxes they want - they can protect the southern border on their own - they can give a dividing cell in a petri dish more rights than a living-breathing female. They can have their Christian Nation, outlaw all other religions & declare the Bible as a LAW Book.

    Let's cut off the cancer destroying this country.

    Ok - maybe now I'm done with the rant.

  44. Sally in MI9:51 AM

    Oh, I get it...he was named for Davy Crockett. Doesn't he know that Crockett was against the Indian Removal Act, and afterward lost his bid for a return to Congress, went to Texas, and was killed at the Alamo? Those who live by the sword....

  45. Anonymous10:17 AM

    H/T to BellPeppery via PG:!/drginaloudon/status/131761383837667330

    Palin is "reconsidering"

  46. Anne in Texas10:18 AM

    Texas Mel – I’m a native too. Grandparents came over from Germany and Czechoslovakia through Galveston. I didn’t think I would ever want to leave Texas until a few years ago. My husband and I went to find a place in another state this summer. Now we just have to find jobs to make the move possible. We have given ourselves two years to get out of here. And it makes me sad. I am a proud Texan and it kills me the way things are down here now. We thought of just moving up to the Marfa/Big Bend area to get away from the crazy, but we really don’t want to even be in the same state with the crazy any more. I will miss it, and especially the summer nights before it gets real hot – we are near the gulf and nothing else feels like the summer nights with a gulf breeze. Won’t miss hurricanes tho. Good luck to you Texas Mel – I hope you can get out if that turns out to be what you truly want.

  47. Anonymous10:28 AM

    i'm gonna give the dipshit a call

  48. Anonymous10:45 AM

    O/T --

    Gryphen, there's a Globe and Mail editorial you should read:

    "While running for vice-president of the U.S., Sarah Palin made a speech in which she mocked research involving fruit flies, saying it has little or nothing to do with public good. Three years later, fruit flies – and the scientists who study them – have done far more good than she has."

    And that's just the first paragraph.


  49. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I called to sign up for the class and wanted to mention that I would be coming as a transgender atheist, but the mail box is full and taking no more msggs. Have a glass of wine and have some fun. This nutbag deserves to be teased. 325-347-0055. I am sure we won't be the only ones calling!!!

  50. LisaB259511:09 AM

    Yeah, no way a city in Texas would have an openly gay mayor, not like the fourth largest city in the country . . . .

    Oh wait--the fourth largest city in the country is in Texas!

    Gryphen, you can try to stereotype us all you want, but the truth is, you only know what you want to know about Texas.

    The truth is we've all got folks we'd like to disown in our states. But you, of all people, should know that a well-publicized idiot does not represent everyone in a state.

  51. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I wonder if this government-hating, racist, tea-bagger, white-militia asshole is a recipient of liberal, socialist, commie programs like Social Security and Medicare?

  52. Kimosabe11:18 AM

    So he wants to live in a country with less government and more guns? I say we pitch in to buy him a one-way ticket to Somalia.

  53. BAustin11:29 AM

    Ugh...thankfully I am in the blue dot in the red sea of Texas!

  54. Beldar Microcephalus Conehead12:24 PM

    Is it JUST me or is this gentleman's hat extremely small above the brim-line?

    What with all the custom hatteries in Texas, I guess it just makes sense that when a man has a really, really small head his hat is gonna be really, really small, also, too.

    But he can still proudly swagger that "My head is small but my brim is wide!"

    I see a political future for this man in small town Texas politics or as a leading GOP presidential candidate in 2016!

  55. THANK YOU Anne In Texas for your kind words. I appreciate knowing that not every Texan has gone crazy.

  56. Gasman5:26 PM

    I'd love to go into Keller's shop heavily armed and ask to sign up for his classes - while in drag. Then I'd wait for the fucker's head to explode.

  57. Just another piece-of-shit among the others in the pile of idiots that refer to themselves as rill mer'cuns.

    I'm sure this coward has a sign on the door to his business that says "NO NIGGERS, CHINKS, JAPS, DUNE COONS, BEANERS, COMMUNISTS OR LIBERALS"

    Just a Stereotypical Bagger--- A Backwoods, Redneck, Couisin-Fuckin' Asshole who is all hat and no cattle. (sorry for the redundancy)

    Pull this low-life fucker's instructor's license already. If I lived close enough to take a day trip, I go directly to this punk's place of business, call him a "PUSSY" to his face I'd punch him in his big cock-sucking mouth, show him my carry permit and then dare his sorry ass to try to outdraw me. This punk would be crying on the floor having pissed his polyester stretch jeans.

  58. Anonymous6:50 PM

    They're everywhere, in every state of the union. Arizonastan,Alabamastan Texastan, Alaskastan, Pennsylvaniastan, Californiastan etc etc etc.
    I've been in almost every state except for Oregon,Rhode Island and Hawaii. The good far outweigh the bad. Amazingly, this guy seems kind of "tame" in comparison to one I encoutered in Georgia. My money was "fine enough" to fill up my tank, but when I went in for change for the "pop" (aka soda) machine, the idiot opened his cash drawer, ran his fingers through the quarters, slammed the door shut and said " Ain't got no change for yankees" I countered "But I just spent 30 bucks for gas, and you took my yankee money"

    he replied "That's only cause we don't want you'all to get stuck here" as he carressed his open holstered pistol handle in his tobacco stained, dirty fingers.

    A gracious plenty of southern hospitality, eh?

    I agree with the posters defending their state. We never held the fact that the plague known as Sarah Palin, descened upon the lower fourty eight, and Hawaii, came from Alaska, against ALL Alaskans.


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