Sunday, November 13, 2011

President Obama's Weekly Address: Veteran's Day edition.

Here are some of the pictures of the President and Mrs. Obama during that NCAA Men’s Basketball game between the University of North Carolina and Michigan State University on board the USS Carl Vinson that the President mentioned in the video.

That is a couple that ALWAYS look like they are having a good time when they are together.

Man I need to get me one of those leather jackets, because it looks like a chick magnet to me. LOL!

Photos courtesy of The Obama Diary.


  1. fromthediagonal4:25 AM

    Naw, Gryphen... (sigh):
    It ain't the leather jacket, it's the guy inside!
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I will be 72 next St. Paddy's Day, but... :)

    Early Sunday joke aside, I have never been a "hero worshipper", but this man's intelligence and rationality in the face of relentless, even rabid, obstructionism is admirable. He seems to possess a caring, honorable core similar to former President Carter, which too many politicians lack altogether. As with Carter, those on the other side detest these traits precisely because they lack them.

    Idealism vs. Realpolitik = Compromise in any government composed of three branches.

    As Churchill once said:
    Democracy is the messiest way of governance, but I take it over all others.


  2. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Aww, Gryphen, any smart women in Alaska must be magnetized to you, anyway :)

    Thanks for more beautiful pics of our first couple. They are an inspiration.


  3. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Isn't it wonderful so many of us are in love with Obama, and none of us are envious that he only loves Michelle....

  4. Anonymous5:08 AM

    President Obama is "head and shoulders" above ANY of the pathetic clowns the GOP is fielding. Pictures like the ones you posted, just amplify this fact.
    OT: Please keep giving out updates on "Fred's" book!
    You mentioned there was a hold-up because of certain photographs. Can you elaborate on that?
    Are you able to post some additional excerpts from other chapters? (waiting...waiting...and TRYING to practice patience LOL!)

  5. johnie2xs5:22 AM

    I think the Rethuglikan Party needs to adopt Green as their Party color since it would match the obvious envy they feel for this man and his family. Talk about FAMILY VALUES!

  6. Michele Bachmann brought her crazy eyes to MTP. "It's a state matter," says Bachmann regarding the Penn State scandal. She also said she'd "beat the offender to a pulp if it happened to one of her children." By "state matter," she means that it should be handled by the state and not the federal government. Any excuse will do to bash the federal government.

    She's now trying to skate around the Cain sexual harassment issue. "It's up to the voters to decide."

    (Bachmann should wear glasses like Palin. Distracts from the crazy eyes.)

    David is grilling her about her contention that the ACLU has "taken over the CIA." Sweet. BTW, wearing her hair up and in her new severe style does not make her more intelligent. "Interrogation is the key to winning the war on terror." She thinks "waterboarding" should be re-instated. She is on the side of Vice President Cheney on this despite what everyone else says.

  7. abo gato5:41 AM

    I just love how much they obviously love each other!

    Makes me smile every time I see pictures like this of them together.

    He is a wonderful person and a great President. I just wish all those nuts on the R side could put their blinders aside long enough to realize this.

  8. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Love the way he puts his hand on her shoulder. What a loving couple, a great role model for their girls. With all the "stuff" that is hurled at them on a daily basis, it looks like they have each other to weather any storm. We should all be so lucky, to meet someone like they have.

  9. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Check out the guy on the President's left. He's either GOP and REALLY into the game.

  10. Anonymous5:48 AM

    When W wore the leather jacket, it was a turn-off for me! It definitely depends on who is wearing it that makes it a chick magnet.

  11. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Got to agree, that the jacket has nothing to do with it, it's all about the man inside. And I'm sure you are a chick magnet in your own right, Gryphen. I mean, have you seen Jesse? ;)

  12. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Michelle is drop dead gorgeous!

    This one looks like he's about to propose. He is simply SMITTEN with her:

  13. Anonymous said...
    Check out the guy on the President's left. He's either GOP and REALLY into the game.
    5:46 AM
    Good observation, Anonymous. I hadn't even noticed him the first time I looked (too busy admiring the Obamas)!

    It looks as though he is wearing a Medal of Honor ribbon. One can only imagine the thoughts in his mind on a Veterans Day weekend.

  14. Anonymous6:49 AM

    They seemed to be goofing off while others in the audience were being solemn.

  15. Anonymous7:45 AM

    They are so damned cute as a couple. Yep, like that military jacket too!!!! But, it's the smile and love that President Obama expresses to his wife in his actions. Love them, love them!

  16. Marleycat8:44 AM

    Both the President and FLOTUS are very good looking - notice Michelle is absolutely gorgeous, with loads of sex appeal - yet doesn't go for the hooker look (see that Sarah - you don't have to look like a hooker or a teenager w/o any sense of how to dress to be beautiful!).
    And the President, wow, he is so-o-o-o good looking, leather jacket or not!

    The love and joy they have for each other shines through every photo of them together - unlike the glares, scowls, even threatening looks directed at Todd by Sarah Palin - pure disrespect and clearly a very unhappily "married" couple. The whole Palin family clan exude - dysfunction, superficial family and religious values, and chaos! Yuck, is the first emotion you feel when you think of the Palins.

  17. Mr G is obviously having a beautiful bromance with our president.


  18. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Their true love and devotion is obvious for all to see. They not only love each other, but it is clear that they genuinely LIKE each other as well.

    Color me jealous! ;)

  19. Anonymous9:52 AM

    They are having a good time, and I love that jacket and the man wearing it. Obama 2012 !!

  20. WakeUpAmerica9:58 AM

    It's amazing that President Obama can remain so joyful and full of grace with all the crap the rethuglicans fling at him. Lovely, lovely family!

  21. PalinsHoax10:09 AM

    Anonymous @ 4:55 am said...
    "Isn't it wonderful so many of us are in love with Obama, and none of us are envious that he only loves Michelle...."

    4:55 AM

    So beautifully stated. Thank you. Yes, one of the reasons that I love President Obama is because he loves his wife and family.

  22. Anonymous said...

    They seemed to be goofing off while others in the audience were being solemn.

    6:49 AM

    Oh Shut up Sarah! Don't be so damn jealous! I'm sure the TOAD has NEVER looked at you like the President looks at his lovely wife...the Toad probably looks at you with Fear and Loathing....and probably with a touch of wrinkled nose...because you know your ass probably stinks from not showering! Hears a towel....go take a shower Skank!

    PS...and we know its you tell on yourself EVERY TIME!

  23. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I laughed at the "goofing off" comment.

    Funny that your trolls are getting so desperate that's the best they can come up with.

    Basketball games are always such solemn occasions, how dare they smile during one. And how dare Michelle wear pants..doesn't she realize that a skirt cut up to her snatch and hooker shoes are ever so much more appropriate.

  24. Anonymous @6:29 am
    "They seemed to be goofing off while others in the audience were being solemn."

    I'm no expert on the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans' Day, but I believe Rachel Maddow when she says Memorial Day is to honor fallen vets while Veterans' Day is to celebrate all Veterans. So audience members are entitled to remain solemn for themselves, but not required to because of the nature of the holiday.

    I grew up in San Diego, and in the 70s it was 100% dominated by the military. With a couple of exceptions, everyone's father was either active or retired military, as were my male teachers.

    Thankfully, San Diego's economy has expanded to include biotech and leisure/travel, so it's not the 100% red-state it was back then. But any military setting there which includes vets will be comprised of staunch GOP lifers (among the older vets). The man to POTUS' left does appear to be wearing a Medal of Honor award; only a handful of these have been awarded to living people, so we shouldn't bedrudge him his expression. What horrors he must have seen in Vietnam.

  25. Anonymous1:33 PM

    What struck me was the man on the right. The man with the blue and white ribbon on his neck.

    That is the Medal of Honor. The highest honor this country awards the military.(Sometimes wrongly called the Congressional Medal of Honor because it is given by Congress.)

    That man did something courageous that literally put his life on line for this country. And probably saved any number of lives in the process.

    Glad to see him sitting next the the President.

    Here is a bit of military trivia. The Congressional Medal of Honor is so revered among the military (and this country), that the person is allowed to wear it the rest of their lives whenever they want, in civilian clothes (as this man is) and whenever a military person in uniform sees him, they are encouraged to salute, even though the person is obviously a civilian now.

    Talk about respect!

  26. Don Stewaqrt1:35 PM

    The genlemen next to him is wearing the Medal of Honor. I think, ( not positive) he was a navy corpsman. President Clinton awarded it to him even though it was for vietnam service. My brother was the Force Master Chief (E9) for all Navy Medics at the time. I met him in Washington D.C. after his ceremony and at the Navy Ball at Bethesda.

  27. Anonymous1:59 PM

    You think that because you ALWAYS post only the pictures you like. There are plenty of everyday normal pics where the Obamas look indifferent and typical. There are even pics where you could construe anger or hatred.

    Your blinders need to come off if you want to grow as a person.

  28. Anonymous said...

    You think that because you ALWAYS post only the pictures you like. There are plenty of everyday normal pics where the Obamas look indifferent and typical. There are even pics where you could construe anger or hatred.

    Your blinders need to come off if you want to grow as a person.

    1:59 PM

    OMFG! You are so ate up with JEALOUSY that NOBODY...and I mean NOBODY looks at you with anywhere close to LOVE! Sarah...can I call you Jealous....I know you have heard this your entire life but I will repeat it....Lady you need some professional help!

    I hope you choke on your own bile EVERY TIME you see the President of the United States looking at his WIFE and CHILDREN with TRUE LOVE in his eyes...because obviously you have never been on the receiving end...although I'm sure you were on the receiving end....of Glenn Rice!

    Now take off that dirty ass wig and drop it off at the Beehive so Jessica can air it out and wash might need it this week on FAUX ignorant hillbilly!

  29. Anonymous6:04 PM

    You might be onto something with the leather jacket, look how well the communist red one served Sarah Palin?
    Oh, scrap that.

    It's the man, most definately the man. I've never seen a first couple so obviously, madly, deeply in love with each other. Contrast that video with Bush's "Mission Accomplished" video. See what I mean, it's the man, definately the man.

    Don't underestimate yourself, Grypen, as a woman, I can tell you that smart is sexy and very attractive to women. What the Pesident has, you have too. I see it in your blog's content.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.