Saturday, November 26, 2011

When religion becomes child abuse. The indoctrination of hate in the Westboro church.

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I watched this last night and was completely horrified at what these young children are subjected to on a daily basis. I am not usually a defender of religion, but the twisting of the basic Christian message in this case is inexcusable, and it really stretches the premise of religious tolerance and freedom of speech to their very limits.

In my personal opinion what is happening to these kids is a very obvious form of child abuse and, even though I realize that it would be against everything this country supposedly stands for, I would like to see these children removed from such a home and given the opportunity to live a life of love and acceptance instead of one constantly simmering with hate.

Some people should just never be parents.


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    These people are not Christians. They are the antithesis of what it means to be Christian. They have a lot to answer for - right now, and when they meet their Maker.

    It's like the neo-Nazi's, same thing. They are consumed with hate and are doing evil, and yet they have convinced themselves that they are the ones who are on some sort of moral high ground.

    So sick.

  2. I was raised a christer...when I was no longer a child I saw it for what it is and left. These folks are one of the reasons I walked away from their bullshit.

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM

    These sick inbreeds remind me of something I read earlier this morning -- 'Give me a child until they are 7 and it doesn't matter after that'.

  4. Anonymous7:21 AM

    "An unfortunate being like myself, who must live among unfriendly people, has no other weapon than her pride, no other support than the consciousness that she too is a child of God, her spirit being fashioned after the likeness of His spirit. I know that with Him there is no respect of persons, and that the artificial distinctions that exist in society are naught to Him-- they are the invention of men, and the meaner and more pusillanimous the soul the more firmly does it adhere to them."


  5. Anonymous7:21 AM

    you need to watch Jesus Camp. scariest documentary I've ever seen.

  6. Sally in MI7:52 AM

    Spent an uncomfortable 4 hours with the braindead from Fox in-laws on Thursday. My 80 year old MIL thought the perfect after-dinner entertainment would happen when she whipped out her Heritage Foundation Constitution and started grilling the grandchildren on it. I still hear her glee at Whizzer White, the 'only man to vote against murder!' In other words, Roe v. Wade is murder. Now, this same woman and family have zero trouble supporting capital punishment and any form of war. All the kids on that side went to 'Christian' schools and even colleges. Out of 7 boys, from 24-30, only one is married, and his child was born long before the wedding. The girl quit college because she refused the guy sex before marriage, and he was hot to get married, had two kids right away, and has no degree.
    My family was never 'churched,' and my kids are college graduates, happily married, with kids AFTER school and marriage. None of them attend church. Just saying.
    But back to the Constitution. Her grandson asked her how many amendments there are, and she, of course, had no clue. She was sent the book, but hasn't read it, because Rush and Fox will tell her all she needs to know (FDR was a socialist, liberals are evil, and Obama is Muslim and out to destroy this nation.) Obama will have to work fast, because the GOP is chipping away every single minute at our rights and our democracy.

  7. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Fred Phelps abused his own kids so brutally it's horrifying. Child abuse is nothing to these sick freaks.

  8. Anonymous8:37 AM

    This is so sad. What happened to Grandpa and son to make them so hateful? The son's forehead looks like he might have had a head injury along his journey to cause some of his problem. His wife's hatred has fueled the fire. Isn't the church, basically the same family? I'd hate to be the ones to intervene, but they definitely need an intervention. Those children have been so stunted in their lives by being exposed to this hatred. Good luck with that. The older daughter broke away but she needs help too. I wouldn't like that studded face/ears to be taking care of me! It will take a long time to clear their minds of the hatred. I'm watching "Sell This House Extreme" and they are going to have to demolish/gut these people to get down to the basic framework to make them acceptable to society..from the inside...out. This is the ultimate example of Dominionism! That old guy has complete control of this family. Such a shame this has ruled their lives. They have no shame or souls. Total control of their minds. When does this cycle end with the religious Right. Is this their ultimate goal? Wake up people. This is our country too!

  9. Randall8:54 AM

    Again - beware those who say they know what God wants. Be especially skeptical when it coincides with what THEY want. And never, ever, turn your back on them - for they are dangerous and sick in the mind.

  10. Anonymous8:57 AM

    This is beyond criminal. Sickening is too mild a word.

    My ex started telling my two sons, to my shock, that they could never marry a black girl when they were 3 & 5 years old. He may have started earlier, but that was the first time I heard him. Needless to say that evolved into a "discussion" when I sent the boys outside to play. He insisted that if one of them did marry someone outside of our race, they would be dead to us until they came to their senses & divorced that person. I told him that would never happen. We ended up in a major fight with neither of us giving an inch. I warned him never to tell the boys who they could marry again. He didn't - in my hearing anyway.

    Thank heavens, they're adults now & neither of them have displayed any sign of prejudice, at least around me.

    My heart breaks for the poor daughter in the video. These people are ruled by Satan. Their hatred is an abomination by any standard.

    I have seen the Jesus Camp videos and they are frightening and disgusting. It's what the Nazi's taught the children in their youth camps. They turned in their own parents if they heard any criticism from them about Hitler & the Nazi's.

  11. Sally in MI -- I am so sorry for you and the rest of the children of these Christianists.

    But...there is one thing that Alzheimer's does for these old, bigoted, unbending, mean Christianists -- it strips away the brainwashing. My 92-year-old demented father was shown a painting (in the front of an old bible) of Jesus and he said, "Who is that man?"

    But -- there is one evil brainwashing that trumps fundamental (terrorist) religion -- and that is right-wing Republican brainwashing.

    My father still knows who President Obama is and claims Obama (personally) killed his wife (my mom) 17 times.

    Shows you how deadly the Republican party is now that it has become a religious cult. Know fear.

    You cannot reason with these people, your parents & family for they are as demented & brainwashed as those children. When they grown up, as you have done, they will see how inhumane they were.

    Their world is a closed system where their (regurgitated) opinions are better than your facts. They are very, very scared of uncertainty. Pity them.

    Campaign for Obama & VOTE!

  12. Anonymous9:43 AM

    The documentaries Louis Theroux made about this 'church' are very revealing. They give a view of a twisted reality. If these people were living in another country and have another 'faith', the drones would already have hit their 'training-camp'.

  13. angela9:53 AM

    Phelps indeed did abuse his own children.

    He beat the hell out of his wife and kids until the older kids got together and threatened him. He made them go out in all kinds of weather to sell candy to support the family and he insisted they all go to law school (he was disbarred) so that they could take care of him and spread the hate by legal means.

    All this was exposed because some of his eldest children fled the family because of the hate and abuse.

  14. Anonymous10:02 AM

    From South Pacific - no surprise there was pressure to omit it from the play in certain states

    Credit to Richard Rogers

    You've got to be taught
    To hate and fear,
    You've got to be taught
    From year to year,
    It's got to be drummed
    In your dear little ear
    You've got to be carefully taught.

    You've got to be taught to be afraid
    Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
    And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
    You've got to be carefully taught.

    You've got to be taught before it's too late,
    Before you are six or seven or eight,
    To hate all the people your relatives hate,
    You've got to be carefully taught!

  15. Dear Barbara Carlson - there are many forms of dementia. The main thing Alzheimer's Disease does to people, is it kills them. It is 100% fatal and there is no cure. If you ever saw someone in the end stages of Alzheimer's Disease you wouldn't be so casual in using the term to describe someone who is merely forgetful.

  16. Anonymous11:18 AM

    "Some people shouldn't be parents"

    These people are breeding like there is no tomorrow. Too soon, they will outnumber the sane. And then we will all be in hell.

  17. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Live and let Live

  18. Anonymous12:03 PM

    No doubt you will be reading about these kids in future followed by a mugshot.

  19. Anonymous1:16 PM

    God hates no-one. Only humans hate.

  20. Anonymous1:24 PM

    What happened to the part of the bible that says love thy neighbor as thyself?

    They must have a newly revised version of the bible to be spouting such meanness.

    Gotta love them cherry pickin "christians"...

    Interesting how they are so blind, and can't see themselves as the walking contradictions they are.

    All that self righteousness I spose.

    Birth every baby on the planet but hang em high if they screw up, put em on death row, nuke em, shoot em and discriminate against any and all em who don't toe the line.

    The audacity is incomprehensible.

  21. lwtjb1:35 PM

    There is nothing remotely Christian about these people. The GOP either.

  22. Anonymous1:39 PM

    we have to have a license to drive a car, but we let crazies like these bear and twist the minds of children.

    Seems like being a parent comes with more responsibility than driving a vehicle, and more impact on the world.

    sterlize the crazies.

  23. Living their version of 'what God wants" The father really should apply his belief about 'if God wants him dead, there's nothing to stop it, if God wants him alive, there is nothing to stop it...

    Apply it to humanity, if God wants man/women to evolve to their higher selves, to their greater abilities and LOVE - no matter what, there is NOTHING he and his hateful 'family'(blood or otherwise) can do about it.

    Crap like this makes me wanna join a commune and forget. But i won't becaue we need to stand strong against this type of shit!

    Teal, aka blkLightDisco on Twitter.

  24. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I don't understand any of it because thankfully I was raised "agnostic". My mother still harbors some of her christian beliefs from her upbringing but my brother and I have chosen Atheism. I do know that Mom's faith helps her through some of the tougher things that she has had to deal with in life but the rest of us, Dad and me and brother, just accept the fact that there is no magical solution to pain and suffering and there is no purpose for our existence.

    It makes life easier for us to just accept that we have a chance to live a human life on this planet and there is no divine plan behind it.

    Too much hate and bad behaviour has happened under the guise of "God", The Crusades, the ongoing war in the Middle east and the Westboro church, just to name a few.

    I'm at peace knowing that there was nothing before birth and there will be nothing after death. I'm happy to have had to chance to be a thinking human on planet earth.

  25. @GarColga -- I am not "casually" saying my father, who is in late stage Alzheimer's, is merely "forgetful".

    This disease, which I have have been watching develop over two years in my father is thankfully dislodging his mean, fundamental "Christian" beliefs installed over a lifetime. I call it brainwashing. (Watch the video again.)

    It is, frankly, a relief to see him so much less pigheaded, bigoted and angry at anyone or anything that is Other.

    He is more at peace now by losing awareness with many issues that his hypocritical church drilled into him. And, he is MUCH more happy, just living lovingly with his wonderful caregivers who are all Latino, a race five years ago he would have blanketly railed against.

    Being raised in this kind of family atmosphere -- my sister and I weren't made to carry signs but we were subtly taught all kinds of unkindness & superiority towards non-Christians. I like to think we overcame these prejudices without getting a mental illness to help us. I call it progressive humanitarianism.

    All religious institutions are evil as far as I am concerned and cause FAR more harm than good.
    It's "us" against "them" and it will never die as long as religions keep it alive in its children.

  26. The sad fact is that there is a disturbing correlation between fundamentalist religion and various sorts of abuses. Fundamentalist religion provides the ideal cover for those with sex and body issues, those with poor impulse control and those with power issues--and the factors are key in many types of abuse. It's no accident the two things often go together.

  27. Anonymous4:09 PM

    @ Sally in MI... there is a point where you have to consider "family togetherness" not a good. Sounds like you may one day get there. I did. Best decision I ever made. So nice to have family I chose , instead of the braindead moroons I just happen to be related to.

    And mine weren't even as evil as yours sound, just dull and stupid and depressing. Once I had kids, I knew I didn't want them around those people in any way.

  28. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I agree with everything you said in your post, Grypen.

    I have people in my family who are pretty close in their beliefs to these folks, and it took me awhile to learn not to feel guilty about not subjecting myself, my husband and my children to any and all of them.

    But it's the best thing I ever did. Sometimes the family you choose is better than the family you're given. We chose to raise our children to be open with their spirituality, and none of them chooses a religion or doesn't choose, until they're of the age of majority.

    My family told me I'd burn in hell for not having them baptized, for not having my son's gentials surgically mutilated without his expressed concent and permission, for many other atrocities done in the name of "Religion". They eventually came around, at least the ones who matter most. But it was a risk I'd take again in a heartbeat. Why surround yourself with ignorant, negative people who'll only drag you down? Life is too short.

  29. Anonymous4:54 PM

    This isn't a "religion" but a cult. These people exhibit classic cult personality traits and should be looked at as such. When confronting them, one should calmly tell them that they aren't "christians" but are being manipulated into believing that their behavior is sanctioned by God. Tell them that deep down inside, they know that what they are engaged in is wrong and tell them to research "thought control" and to seek help.

  30. In a small town near where I live a couple was arrested for growing a couple pot plants among their huge family garden. Their two children were removed to foster care despite other family members coming forward to take them while the parents were incarcerated. Besides cultivation they were charged with child neglect, abuse and providing an unsafe environment. There were no other drugs involved not even alcohol or tobacco. This was all accomplished despite countless statements by neighbors and friends coming forward to testify what a loving and nurturing family they were and how well adjusted and happy the children were. Both were involved in local charities and humanitarian.

    What was the most surprising was the number of comments made by other 'locals' who applauded the authorities in 'saving' these children from child abuse. It broke my heart to consider the damage inflicted on this family as a result of an agency filled with mouth-breathing far right religious tyrants. There hasn't been much followup but I hope family and friends have stepped forward to appeal this absolute miscarriage of justice.

  31. There is real evil in the world, much of it brought about by religion. These people are a prime example.

  32. Anonymous12:16 AM

    They are simply crazy. Group hysteria for the first generation, the leaders. Very specific clear programming technique with the children to perpetuate the crazy philosophies. Desensitization, isolation, weird (but predictable) inappropriate emotion - laughing, smiling at others' distress, lack of compassion, flat affect. It's what the kids are taught to do. Conditioned response.
    But most likely somebody, somewhere 'upline' was a disorganized schizophrenic - which is where all these behaviors originated and children modeled. If that's what you were taught, it's what you do.


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