Saturday, November 26, 2011

In court potential Alaska terrorist "Ricin Mary" defies her attorney and pleads "Innocent until proven guilty!" It's going to be a LONG trial.

Courtesy of the Alaska Dispatch:

Seated before a federal judge in Anchorage Wednesday, Mary Ann Morgan was defiant. Save for two men who’d come to keep tabs on the hearing and offer a show of support, the Kenai-based seamstress’s arraignment on a weapons charge barely had an audience. 

But that didn’t stop the 53-year-old woman with long brown hair from seizing every opportunity to object to what was happening to her. Morgan was arrested in late October as she attempted to enter Canada with a handgun. She declared the weapon, as required, to border agents. When they discovered she was also a previously convicted felon, they turned her over to U.S. border agents and, soon thereafter, Alaska State Troopers. 

When the judge asked her name, Morgan, wearing a prison-issue, yellow T-shirt and pants, uttered three words: "You just did." Followed by, "Let it be known for the record that all of my legal paperwork has been removed from me." 

Morgan’s outbursts were terse, pointed. When her attorney, who attended the proceeding by phone, entered a not guilty plea on her behalf she yelled out, "No! The Constitution says I am innocent until proven guilty. That's my plea!" 

Her repeated interruptions caused her defense lawyer, James Hackett, to plead with her to stop making statements. It didn’t work.

Big surprise her attorney can't rein her in.  My understanding is that Morgan is a few Peeps shy of a full Easter basket.

It just about what one could expect from Schaeffer Cox's number one fan.

Speaking of Francis Schaeffer Cox (Whose attorney is currently attempting to bluff the prosecution by threatening to play the FBI surveillance tapes in open court), I understand that he has a court date on Monday and that afterward he may find himself transferred to Seattle. Once there I understand things might start to heat up.


  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Please, please, please let her be one of Chuck Heath's former students!

  2. angela4:37 AM

    Mary seems to be stretching the bounds of what is actually good for her. But maybe she needs the shelter and food in jail. I hope they get her a psyche evaluation.


  3. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Wasn't Cox going free? What happened to that arrangement?

  4. hedgewytch9:10 AM

    Get out the popcorn.

    (An aside - she's dirty blonde, not brown-haired - just nit picking)

    This woman is a nut job. when does the psychological profile get submitted? Can she be found mentally incompetent and sent to API for some free room and board for a while?

    Can't wait to see what kind of stunts Cox pulls on the stand.

  5. Spelling Police here, Gryphen ;-)

    It's "rein" as in rein in a horse, not "reign".


  6. AJ Billings10:44 AM

    Yet another $ister $arah fan.
    Any minute now Granny Grifter is going to go out on a limb and issue a statement supporting Cox & Ricin Mary for their "courageous and valiant stand against them damn Feds"

  7. Anonymous2:56 PM

    It never ceases to amaze me how these zealots are the first to insult the Constitution and then clamor for cover behind its protections as a matter of protecting their pathetic asses.

    Fucking idiots.

  8. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Funny, while reading this, I had the same exact thought as Anonymous

    She's definately a loony toon, or playing one pretty damn convincingly.

    And Francis in Seattle? WTF??? Isn't Gitmo still open?

  9. Anonymous6:57 PM

    This is unbelievable, I was married to this woman's sister. This woman has always been bat sh*t crazy. Wow...


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