Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Colbert performs a truly epic take down of "The Donald's" political debate and the GOP candidates desperate enough to show up to it.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Donald's Trumptacular
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    You need to have "comedy gold" as a tag line! hahaha
    The don is so old news.

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Oh and also too, I would pay to watch a Colbert debate. That would be comedy SOLID GOLD with them there multiple candidates, even Sarah could join in.

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Trump is such a schmuck and phoney. He should have married Sarah Palin, they would have made a great team. Cain could have officiated at the wedding.

    Both he and Sarah still married. So what. Who cares, it would get great T.V. ratings.

    I would watch and I don't watch T.V.

  4. That was a thing of beauty!

  5. lilly lily11:43 AM

    Donald suggests that President Obama should call him, THE DONALD for advice?

    He says that Obama has a level of arrogance he shouldn't have.

    HUH? How about Donald Trumps arrogance.

    Gingrich is bitchin too.

  6. Anonymous11:51 AM

    You all have to watch this blowhard, Trump and Gingrich would make a perfect pairing for running. Two overweight American white males with overwheening arrogant egos. The two would end up killing each other with hot air.

    I recommend putting on the Dec 6th interview with Trump and Greta van Susterin.

    What a bufoon. What is it with these republican clowns?

  7. O/T....Shailey has up a new post and it is....INTERESTING...


  8. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Big Juicy for President: Run Broad Run.

    Hey Mrs. Todd Palin, are you going to participate in the debate?

  9. Anonymous12:33 PM

    New post up at Shailey Tripp's blog.

    lol Larry Flynt is interested in the Story!

    Naylin Paylin

  10. Anonymous1:26 PM

    This guy Shailey has is a big name. If there is monkey business it probably will be found out.

  11. Yes, I love Shailey's last two posts! Love them!

  12. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I'd watch it.

  13. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Trump is such a joke - arrogant windbag who doesn't have a clue! I seriously doubt that he still would try to get out there and run for POTUS. His absurd debate with, so far, just Gingrich and Santorum saying they'll attend is ludicrous! So that leaves us with Bachmann and Perry, since Romney, Paul and Huntsman said they're not going to attend! I seriously doubt they will be attending as they see what an absolutely ridiculous joke they would make of themselves. Truly sad that these Repubs actually are trying to get out there and campaign for POTUS> What a disgrace they are for our country!!

  14. Anonymous1:46 PM

    He reminds me of a puffer fish. His bloated face and poisonous personality.

  15. Anonymous1:52 PM

    OT Sarah Pac is begging for money again. One hundred dollars for a signed copy of THE Undefeated. These people are really crazy if they send more money.

  16. Irishgirl3:23 PM

    Magnificent. I remember now why I travelled from Dublin to D.C last year for the rally...Colbert is a national treasure!

  17. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Love Colbert! Comedic Genius, and the best part is - The Donald is too stoopid to get the jokes! He's the male Sarah Palin, except with faker roadkill hairpieces.

  18. Anonymous7:39 PM

    How would we survive without Colbert and Stewart??


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