Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Daily Show reveals that Newt Gingrich is NOT insensitive to the poor, he just hates black people.

Last night's Daily Show was chock full of excellent comedy bits, like this one concerning TLC's "Muslims in America" program and the pulling of Lowe's advertising in protest.

However in my opinion Larry Wilmore's revelation of the secret racist messages imbedded in Newt Gingrich's speeches was pure comedy gold. Not to mention deadly accurate.


  1. Last night's entire episode was great!
    This segment though gave me nasty flashbacks of Reagan-era myths of 'welfare queens'.
    Republicans have nothing in their arsenal BUT division, hate, religious persecution, and racism. Literally makes me nauseous.

  2. Anonymous6:59 AM

    There are poor people in ALL races not just the black race.
    The title of the article makes it seem like all poor people are Black.
    There are more middle-class, and rich Black people than ever before.

  3. Anonymous8:17 AM

    This was several years ago, but it demonstrates the mentality of some conservatives, especially in the south. I was talking to my now deceased aunt (from east TX) and somehow the topic of the conversation turned to society's ills, which in her eyes was the fault of "n***ers on welfare". (White welfare recipients got a pass apparently.)

    Also, one year at Thanksgiving, we were all at the dinner table eating the meal I had slaved over. At one point, my uncle (who is from LA) started railing against some of the black guys he worked with and accused most of them of having STD's (his description was way more graphic).

    The ignorance is alive and well in some parts of the country and the garbage that Newt spews is nothing but a dog whistle to the knuckledragging set. It's disgusting.

  4. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Palin's SC Bagger BFF Gov that she endorsed, finds herself in hot water!!

    Gov Haley's emails under a public records search reveal that "SC Gov. Haley dictated health panel finding -- Outcome ordered before committee met"

    "Now, some of those involved in the dozens of meetings are calling the entire planning process a sham that wasted their time and part of a $1 million federal grant."

    Federal taxpayer money!! Haley being one of the Baggers who decry Federal Waste and voila -- She's guilty. Hypocrite -- just like the other Baggers/GOP.


  5. Watch the segment first then comment8:54 AM

    Um...6:59AM...did you watch the segment or did you just read the title of the post and go from there?

  6. Anonymous8:58 AM


    It's not the story I post this link to but the picture.

    A Barbie doll or a wax statue at Madame Tussaud's looks more realistic than this pic of Callista Gingrich.

    I'll add too that the story is hilarious too in that Newt had to go to the efforts to make sure there were curtains at the venue choice in order to hold a fundraiser and the curtains were 'guarded'.

  7. Anonymous9:22 AM

    The title of the article makes it seem like all poor people are Black.

    6:59 AM
    Only if you're stupid or racist would it "seem" this way.

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Anon wrote (while jerking her knee):
    "There are more middle-class, and rich Black people than ever before."

    No, actually, there are fewer middle-class and rich Black people now. In fact, there are fewer middle-class and rich people of all races.

    Yes, poor people come from all race groups, but that has absolutely nothing to do with Gryphen's post, the Daily Show clip, or even the title of the article (I don't even understand where you got that part from).

    Are you the person who has done research on how many people know about Sarah Palin?

  9. Anonymous10:17 AM

    de @ 8:29

    And that's not Barber's only problem.

    "A state agency of her administration—get this—voted to grant Savannah, Ga., the right to deepen its port channels, thereby potentially putting the port of Savannah in a position to take business away in the future from the port of Charleston. Haley’s appointees to the board voted with Georgia.

    "There are various allegations flying about. But on the central question of why the appointees of a governor of South Carolina would side with Georgia’s interests and against their own state’s, one South Carolina politics website has this to say: 'According to our sources, moneyed Georgia interests with connections to the Port of Savannah threw a big fundraiser for Haley in Atlanta last month. Also, our sources say that the chairman of the Georgia Ports Authority—a major GOP donor who will select speakers for next year’s Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida—has been negotiating with Haley and her political consultant to land the governor a coveted prime time speaking gig at the event'.”

    Is it any wonder Palin was Barber's BFF?

    During last Fall's election cycle, the Liptonites kept reminding me of the KKK of a hundred years ago. They took over the politics of Michigan, and it wasn't long before the Feds had to come in and clean house. Here in AZ, half their candidates had already been ushered out of politics for previous ethics problems, including JD Hayworth who as a US Congressman, was second only to the Republican party (RNC) in accepting crooked money from Jack Abramoff. The idea that you're goign to clean up politics is a tough sell when you are already known to have begun your campaign by selling your ass to the Koch Bros to secure campaign financing.

  10. Anonymous5:52 PM

    WHY is this not the lead story on every news website and political blog?

    My jaw literally dropped when he made that comment about pimps and prostitutes. Whoever's left on his campaign staff must have needed to change their underwear after hearing that come out of his mouth ON VIDEO!

    Does he really think that the ONLY choices black children have for their future are pimp, prostitute or cleaning toilets???

  11. Nobody grills Gingrich on the spit as slowly and thoroughly as Jon Stewart.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.