Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In Europe Sarah Palin poops on Christmas just like she poops on her felow Americans here in this country.

Courtesy of Wonkette:

In parts of Spain there is an ancient tradition of placing a whimsical figurine called a caganer within the region’s elaborate nativity displays. Caganer means “little pooper” — because that’s what it is, and that’s what it does. The caganer is a mischievous figure always found within the Christmas displays of Catalonia and Valencia, as well as in parts of Italy, France and Portugal. It is always seen crouched with its pants around its ankles, with a pile of poop behind it. And finally, in the charming Catholic-Catalan culture, a purpose has been found for the figure of Sarah Palin. 

See, this is why Spain does not need “GOP debates” at Christmastime. Anyway, in our dumb modern era even the Catalonians are not satisfied with their delightful pagan traditions, so they now purchase novelty caganer figures based on notorious people such as Earth’s least-loved grifter, Sarah Palin.

Now I have no idea what kind of bizarre scatological traditions they celebrate in other countries, but I just have to say that they captured, not only Sarah Palin's likeness perfectly, but also the essence of her character perfectly.

Palin has been shitting all over the rights of her fellow Americans, her paint chip eating supporters, and her own brain cell deficient family for far too long. It is just gratifying to see that crappy attitude captured in a little statuette for all the world to see.

Well done you Spanish porcelain poop producers you.  Well done.


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Sarah, yeah, we know you read these, or her badly dressed, righteous supporters, you are done. Look at what you've reduced yourself to.

    You had so much potential for such a know-nothing, if you had followed your m.o. in your first two years as Governor to appear competent and pragmatic, you could have built a political empire and electability. Instead you took the easy route and became a populist bomb thrower. I'm glad the irresistible call of celebrity revealed the wolf in sheep's clothing.

    Glass jaw, sharp elbows, thin skin, you burned out, you are done and are smoldering in the ashes of a ceramic poop ornament figurine.

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Let's just see what comes out for Chuck, Todd and Bristol also too.

  2. Anonymous4:17 AM

    It sounds like you may have dabbled in the paint chip variety of foods yourself. Respectable people don't write trashy blogs devoted to ignorantly trashing people they don't personally know.

  3. Anonymous4:20 AM

    If you turned your blogging abilities and creative energies into something useful, like actually vetting the current administration and revealing O's lies, the country could have possibly started to heal by now.

    But, when have you EVER been interested in gathering actual facts and useful information?

  4. This story tells us what the world thinks about the Republican opposition in our country.

  5. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Yikes. My first thought was that some of the panty sniffers will want to get their hands on one of these for spank material. *Runs to Costco to purchase industrial-sized vat of Brain Bleach*

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:46 AM

    A bobblehead and wild hair wig (think Troll dolls!) would only make this little shitter better. Gonna look on ebay for one right now--what a stocking stuffer! Hey, Bots! This Saint Grifter figure is a perfect option to replace your Dashboard Jeebus!

  7. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Where can you get one of these? I NEED IT!

  8. Sally in MI4:56 AM

    I read about this yesterday, but the pictures are priceless. Wonder if Sarah (tm) will be suing Spain next. Or maybe she'll just condemn them for their nucular plans and threaten to blow them up. But you betcha she can't let this pass without a Facebook rant. It would be funny if Hannity brings it up the next time she needs an ego massage, though.

  9. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:12 AM

  10. Anonymous5:12 AM

    The LPs of the Baja Marimba Band (The Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass era) on A&M Records utilized a similar joke. On all the band's LPs after their first LP, there is always band member who is creatively urinating. Tastefully done unlike Sarah's portrayal.

    However, Sarah's portrayal is exactly what she has accomplished during her public life: Sarah has repeatedly sh*t the bed and someone else has always had to clean up after her.

    London Bridges

  11. Anonymous5:14 AM

    It's coming out of the wrong hole.

  12. AJ Billings5:16 AM

    Just occurred to me this morning, as I was considering the GOP, 2012 election, and the state of divisiveness that defines this country over religion in politics:

    What in hell did the Pbots do with their time before Granny Grifter came along? Who did they worship?

    Who was their only hope before $arah showed up to grift their money, and laugh privately at all the sheeple giving her millions?

    Almost reminds me of the Jehovah Witnesses cult in a way, because of their radical and extremely limited belief on who makes it to the promised land.

    $arah is their Christian idol, and everything she says is right, and perfect, and only the true Pbots understand and are "saved", and all others are doomed to darkness.

    One of them at teh C#P, @goldenprez, is preaching that $arah is not going to declare for Prez until the nominee is chosen. She will announce as a 3rd party candidate after the convention.

    Then, by popular uprising, all the GOP will be knocked over by the Paylin earthquake, and they will abandanon Romney, and flock to $arah, and the world will be saved, and all will be well in white Christian Rill 'Merican again

    You Botz can dream of the Paylins in the white house all you want, but it just won't happen.

    H/T to the folks in Spain for their amusing little figurine!

  13. N'yah5:24 AM

    Oh LAWD.

    Now I will never get this out of my head- SP's nasally whine shrieking "fawr meee tew PEWP AWN!!!!!" a la Triumph the insult sock or whatever that little bastard was called.

  14. Anonymous5:29 AM

    OK but I just see Saraha. Where's the rest of her large, loving family?! Wouldn't want anyone to feel left out!

    The could even mix it up and show Chuckles with a tiny pile of reindeer antlers beneath his ass.

  15. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Sarah poops on everyone... just ask McCain.

  16. No new news. Gov Roadkill Wig just cannot pass up an opportunity to show her dimpled, cottage-cheese ass.

  17. Anonymous5:54 AM

    She's a laughingstock:

  18. Anonymous6:03 AM

    If you turned your blogging abilities and creative energies into something useful, like actually vetting the current administration and revealing O's lies, the country could have possibly started to heal by now.

    But, when have you EVER been interested in gathering actual facts and useful information?

    4:20 AM
    Sarah Palin post. You know Gryphen you could probably make a lot of news if you expose the fact that Sarah Palin is posting anonymously on your blog. Do it!!!

  19. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Why did Bristol name her first born son after Todd's prostitute?

  20. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Sarah's whole family hates her. Even Piper is fed up with sarah's mental illness and is looking to get out to LA with the rest of the Palin girls begging for dollars on the street.

  21. Anonymous6:06 AM

    In her delusional world, just how many doors DOES God have to slam shut before she realizes she's over?

    You HEAR that, $arah? OVER!

  22. Nancy In New York6:10 AM

    Anon. 4:17 wrote:

    "It sounds like you may have dabbled in the paint chip variety of foods yourself. Respectable people don't write trashy blogs devoted to ignorantly trashing people they don't personally know."

    That should be the adopted motto over at the Cons4Palin website.

  23. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I recall the t-shirt that came out with a a crosshair on Sarah's head that said, "Relax. It's only a surveyors symbol". Her flying monkeys were all over that so that company immediately removed the t-shirt from it's website.

    I wonder how many death threats and nasty emails Sarah's little band of cultists have sent to this company in Spain by now? I wonder if they care?


  24. Gasman6:25 AM

    ¡Excelente! ¡Ole!

    (Hey Sarah, your ass is lookin' kind of chunky.)

  25. Oh gods... if I knew where she lives (and I don't think it's Wasilla anymore!) I'd send her one.

    Maybe it would be more fun to send it to Chuckles.

  26. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "If you turned your blogging abilities and creative energies into something useful, like actually vetting the current administration and revealing O's lies, the country could have possibly started to heal by now."

    Hear that Gryphen? YOU. Yes the all powerful YOU! YOU with your free speech and other fancy leftist ideas - A blogger in your parents basement wearing pajamas - YOU are responsible for our nation not healing by now! I guess that means YOU and other freedom loving progressive "bloggers" are also solely responsible for the downfall of the Poopmeister of Wasilla! Hear that, my little pretty one? I'll get you yet!

    I'll take 10 of those figurines for Christmas and donate to the nearest nursing home.

  27. favorite troll @ 4:17 and 4:20AM!

    Hey Gov Dirty! Up mighty early....huh? You pathetic thing, I think you know exactly what paint chips taste like...that Meth must bring back the memories of your younger days! How's it feel to be an International laughing stock Dirty?

    I love how they got the glasses and the dirty unkept looks just like ya'...especially since almost everyday you expose your backside for the world to see...apparently this is the best side of you!

    Your boy bot's will surely buy the "Pooping Gov Dirty Wig" toy for their should go along nicely with the blow up doll of you! LOL!!!!

  28. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Sarah can star in remake of 2 girls 1 cup.

  29. Anonymous6:56 AM

    4:17--- She wanted to be second in command to our country. She forced herself on us and used her fame and fortune to spread her own ideas instead of being a humanitarian. We "know" this pooper by her actions, and a show over which she had control. We know her by her actions. She made herself elusive to everyone while soaking up every cheap shot of publicity that shr could.

    President Jimmy Carter was a schmo. After his presidency where he went out looking like a pussy, he joined Habitat for Humanity and is now going to be remembered for his contributions to society. You/your captain on your ship of fools should have used SPA to do a combination of "Last Wish" type work and it would still be on the air! Some of us wrote about that here. Did you/she listen? Can you imagine taking a child who was a crash victim or cancer victim going to Fairbanks and seeing musk ox, treating his or her parents to a nice dinner, your queen shaking hands with Alaskans who'd stop to tell her how they loved what she was doing, and the little kid meeting Santa--- like in a staged setting, fishing? Or how about an older person with little time left, getting to fish on the Kenai, then going up to Don Young's cabin? Followed by a couple days in A-town and seeing a play at the PAC? Having a great time while showcasing "the great state of Alaska"!

    You/your queen blew it. Do we have to "know" her? LOOK at her missed opportunities! As a public figure who was obviously a whore for the attention of the press and giving them (to quote her) "nuggets," her actions being got her and not others, she exposed herself as a sociopathic bore. sad that you seem to know the pooper but don't see the opportunities that she missed, and didn't advise her different.

  30. What a Maroon!6:59 AM

    Really hit a nerve when the TROLLS are some of the first to post!

  31. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Anon @ 6:04

    Shaily Tripp seems like a sweetheart. She probably knew the family to some degree. If Shaily's magic hands were helping sore, pregnant aches and pains, Bristol may have named him in honor of her.

  32. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Gryphen! Why would Spain give a shit about Sowah? This is funny, but she is still an obscure political figure now.

  33. If the troll is so concerned about the Obama Administration, why does the troll not start her OWN blog instead of being an ignorant asshole on other blogs. Talk about immature. Oh yeah, the troll doesn't KNOW President Obama, and thus must refrain from trashy blogging about people she does not personally know. She has to settle for being the clueless nutball roaming the tubes.

  34. This is likely to send the Faux talk squads right over the edge and they will undoubtedly conclude that somehow we liberal 'haters' at the behest of President Obama and the lovely First Lady put Spain up to disparaging Amerika's self appointed queen. At least they cast a reasonable likeness of the former failed beauty contestant.

  35. Every time I think things couldn't get any sleazier or crazier......they do.

    I've said for several years, $P poisons everything she touches. Could just as well re-word it to "everything she touches turns to shit." BINGO!

  36. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Has America finally had enough of Sarah Palin - and her reality show family? Pitch for new programme 'is snubbed by networks'

    Read more:

  37. damn! $45 with shipping!

    Bitch ain't worth it...

  38. Anonymous7:56 AM

    4:17-- more missed ops with SPA!

    The Pooper could have redeemed Bristol's weight problem by doing an episode with anorexic/bullimic teens and showcased Bristol the Pistol talking to them and doing healthy activities, preparing healthy food. Bristol would have never again heard anything negative about her weight. BP could have been a spokesperson for a charity that involved anorexics instead of trashy Candies. A smaller fee, but she would have improved her staying power and likability.

    Find a blind hockey team. Bring them to Alaska's amazing sports facilities. Note that Track's old pal, Jeremy Morelock needs to get out of Afghanistan to talk, bring him home and a few other hockey pals and old buddy Levi Johnston. Have them put on blindfolds and play a modified hockey game against the team. I'd have gone to cheer them on, as would a lot of us. Your queen/you would have brought us together.

    Have Willow shine a light on a local camp for revelious teens. She's the pretty one, and she'd be liked. Have Sowah talk about raising kids with some good advice.

    Todd could have taken some people who were suffering out on his snow machines. There would be scenes of the Palins having dinner with these average people. They'd be talked about.

    Do you know that Sally knits? She could be featured in an episode featuring cruises that come up for knitters, her giving classes on knitting along the way, discussing Alaskan fibers. She'd have her own craft line like Vanna White has, if that family didn't stick their heads in the sand.

    Rename your queen, Miss d'Opportunities. She still has a chance if she funds Todd's reality show with these ideas, then shows herself as likable. I hope she does!

  39. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Anon. 4:17 wrote:

    "It sounds like you may have dabbled in the paint chip variety of foods yourself. Respectable people don't write trashy blogs devoted to ignorantly trashing people they don't personally know."

    The Palin clan has done everything possible to let everyone know their personal side; multiple books, magazines, reality tv, speeches and regular appearances on Fox. In fact, the Palins have been quick to share incredibly personal information about themselves in a manner that is second to none. Therefore, it's beyond me how anyone can claim that we don't know who the Palins are as the Palins appear obsessed to reveal everything about themselves, whether positive or not.

    Frankly, we've already heard too much about this misguided family.

  40. Anonymous8:07 AM

    4:17-- Sorry, now I'm flush with ideas. Let's say you were talking to a cancer patient between rounds and he confided to you on national TV, "I just don't want to go back for more chemo. I can't do it!" and you made a face and said, "Listen, this is a phrase I've invented and abused, but I mean it: Don't retreat, reload!"

    Cancer wards would make gowns with your line on them!

    Why did you trash your chance to do good things?!!!! Everyone would LOVE you! You'd be a great humanitarian!

  41. Dinty8:09 AM

    LOL, I love the trollbait posts.

    I just can't fathom why anyone, if they considered a website so unreliable, would continue to post over and over again.

    Now, don't get me wrong, Troll, I don't want you to stop, I love your work. It lets me know what really gets under your skin. Keep up the good work!

  42. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Good morning Sarah! :)

    If you think this blog is so trashy why do you check what Gryphen writes first thing in the morning and check it on your blackberry devoted to him all day long? Is it because the LSM is ignoring you?

    We know you endorsed Donald Trumps failed GOP reality show and why - that's right - he's the king of reality TV and could legitimize a GOP debate that way! Maybe you should make a pilgrimage to kiss his ass so you can get in the news also, too!

    Don't count on having any free pizza. Consider yourself lucky if he even thinks about you anymore.

  43. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Geez guys.
    This is an honor for Sarah. It burnishes her foreign credentials to be included in international culture.

  44. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Where's the cellulite?

  45. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Buy one for 15 euros @

  46. This is interesting....I went to Neverland AKA as "Peeing4Palin" site and saw this comment by "Anonlou"...she's been commenting there since June or so.

    She usually deletes her comments so her Disqus history just has "deleted" in place of her comments...anyway I copied a couple of her she left today...

    The "Pee" Cult DOES NOT LIKE WHAT SHE SAYS and they beg the moderators to ban or they flag her comments! This is what she said today...

    anonlou 17 minutes ago
    Seriously? I can't understand why some seem upset that Sarah is shopping a show.
    She told you she wasn't running for president, she wants to be a political commentator for as long as FOX is willing to allow her. The family needs an income. She's been completely honest with her intentions. I know some try and dissect her words and search for hidden meanings and infer things upon her that she never said but most people have to see that she says what she means and doesn't play games or have super secret plans with hidden messages for supporters to decode... that is simply silly and not how she operates.

    Why would anyone begrudge her an income? She is not running for president, she can do what she wants with her life."

    Now this is what she said about 2 months ago...right around the time Dirty said she wasn't running for President....

    Open Thread 2 months ago

    Just remember who it was that told you weeks ago, with 100% certainty that Palin would not make an announcement this month.

    Despite all of you that screamed at me to the contrary and swore that she would, I will continue to post insights into what is really going on.

    Right now there is much discussion going on as to whether to make an actual announcement or to simply let time run out. I'm sure I will hear when the decision is made.

    Oh and this next comment is quite INTERESTING...

    Open Thread 2 months ago

    Now that some of you are starting to see that I might not be a troll after all, I'll tell you a few more details.

    Palin is not running and she has known this for months, Bristol was telling the truth when she let slip, by accident, that her mom has made a decision. She got an earful after that mistake.

    Like I said before she will not make a formal announcement this month, if at all I am now hearing.

    Track wants nothing to do with a run for president, he would not even allow Sarah to announce the birth of his daughter. He is adamant about being left out of it all. Sarah could not convince him.

    Sarah tried to get Todd to postpone registering for the IronDog because she thought it would be a telltale sign that she was not running. He refused because he had to register by Sept. 15th to get the best starting positions.

    She has been disappointed with crowd size at her events and donations to her PAC.

    The only reason I've been trying to tell you, her most ardent supporters, is because I felt she should have told you long ago when she decided.

    Ummm....I think it was RAM trying to tell her old friends about Dirty...what do you guys think? I have more of her comments that I saved...

  47. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "President Jimmy Carter was a schmo. After his presidency where he went out looking like a pussy, "

    While I agree with your representation of Sarah, you need a history lesson on the Carter years. He was ousted by the GOP machine that made dirty deals with the Iranians during the hostage situation. I thought every one knew this. If Carter's energy policies had held firm, we would not be sucking foreign oil teat, we'd have the cheapest solar power on the planet, and electric vehicles would be the norm. The fossil fuel industry (from the US producers to the Arabs who owned the oil under the ground) knew this and decided to push Ronnie into office to maintain their strangle hold on the energy usage of our entire world.
    just imagine for one second how different our world would be if Carter had NOT lost that election. Kind of like how different our world would be if gore hadn't lost (been robbed) of his, only multiply it by 1000%.

  48. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I bet they never made one of those for Margaret Thatcher. Oh yeah, I know why not... it's because Mrs. Thatcher was taken seriously as a politician - unlike Sarah Palin, the laughing stock quitter Queen of the world.

  49. Anonymous9:28 AM

    It sounds like you may have dabbled in the paint chip variety of foods yourself. Respectable people don't write trashy blogs devoted to ignorantly trashing people they don't personally know.

    4:17 AM

    Bristol if your mother is so respectable, then why does she keep trashing President Obama, a man she has never met and never will.

  50. Anonymous9:36 AM

    It's not that Sarah is a know-nothing. She probably has many talents, skills, and intellectual potentials, just like everybody. But, it's that she doesn't seem to be interested in nurturing them. Seems she'd rather poo-poo on everyone's parade.

    I think her need to destroy everyone's joy is the more powerful desire in her than pursuing noble goals. She limits herself from her potential because the obsession and passive aggressive is just too strong. But it's a choice. She can choose. But, she had her chance to show herself as the christian she should have been, but rather chose the roguish, barracuda ways.

    So the garden she was given is now ruined and full of weeds.

  51. Anonymous9:56 AM

    We should all send one to her!!!!

  52. GinaM outs "Anonlou" from C4P, and the dead giveaway again, is the tortured language use; i.e., "...infer things upon her...". She aims for standard English and always misses the mark.

    Also, it's kind of surprising to see how many recognize her at Anon 4:17 and 4:20.

  53. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Sad in a way that she is so poorly thought of in foreign lands she hasn't even visited, and never will.

    A stupid woman is always a stupid woman, and what comes out of her mouth is uglier and more toxic than what is coming out of that little Creche figures rear.

  54. 4:11- Awesome!


    To the little troll-y,

    You're kinda funny,

    but seriously, Brisdull-

    What did Mercede and her mom do that was sooooo bad they can't ever see Tripp again?

  55. honeybabe11:17 AM

    remember how she wanted to patent her name? wonder if this is included. ho ho ho.

  56. Anonymous11:49 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Why did Bristol name her first born son after Todd's prostitute?

    6:04 AM"

    Becuz the Palins are klassy! Duh!

  57. Anonymous12:09 PM

    9:10-- You are right. I spoke to a few people about this today. I was pretty young when that happened and I only knew what I saw. Thank you, really, for correcting me.

  58. Anonymous12:40 PM

    You might enjoy this photo captured some Alaskan.

  59. Gasman12:52 PM

    I found a website that sells the Palin caganer:

    I was all set to buy one until I realized it was going to cost at least $25 to ship the little shit. I don't want one THAT much.

  60. Gasman12:56 PM

    Anon @ 9:16,
    They make caganers of EVERYBODY including Queen Elizabeth and President Obama. If you are a public celebrity, you get the treatment.

    It somehow just seems so much more Palinesque though, doesn't it?

  61. Beldar J Conehead2:16 PM


    Just kidding, dude. Seriously, keep up the good work. Your voice is appreciated.

  62. Anonymous7:30 PM


    Those are great comments and they do sound like they're coming from someone who might know the family. Please post more if you have them.
    I love the one about "super secret coded messages". The 'bots are always trying to find a point where they think she's sending them a message to hang in there. Or else they love to talk about how Sarah said she wouldn't seek the GOP nomination but that doesn't mean she'd turn it down if offered. It will be a cold day in hell before the GOP offers Palin anything.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.