Thursday, December 01, 2011

Elizabeth Warren moves ahead of incumbent Scott Brown in Massachusett's poll.

Courtesy of UMass Amherst:

A political poll conducted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst finds that Elizabeth Warren, the leading Democrat in the field of challengers to incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, is running even or perhaps ahead of Brown in a potential matchup next fall. 

Warren leads Brown by 4 points among registered voters in the UMass Amherst Poll, 43 percent to 39 percent, the difference being within the 4.4 percent margin of error, say UMass Amherst political scientists Brian Schaffner and Ray La Raja. The poll finds Warren is drawing strong support from women, middle-to-low income residents and younger voters. Brown maintains a large lead among Independent voters while Warren is getting overwhelming support from Democratic voters in Massachusetts. 

"These numbers could mean trouble for Scott Brown," Schaffner says. "The race is a dead heat and his support is well under 50 percent, which usually means difficulty for an incumbent, especially this far out from Election Day." 

I have probably mentioned this before but it bears repeating, Elizabeth Warren is just about my FAVORITE candidate going into 2012. If I were living in Massachusetts I would be working like a dog on her campaign.

I think her chances are pretty good.

Brown came in on that wave of Teabagger support in 2010, but since then he has essentially shown himself to be no more than a pretty face atop an empty suit, and not only are the Teabaggers disappointed with his performance but they themselves are essentially yesterday's news as well.

Personally I would love to see Ted Kennedy's Senate seat back in the hands of the Democrats, and I think Warren is just the politician to pull it off.

Here is Warren's first campaign ad.

(P.S. If any of my IM friends are in Massachusetts and have any updates on the campaign, I would love to hear them.)


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Warren is a terrific candidate for the Senate.

    I hope that someday in the future, she is considered for even higher office.

    I hope the good people of Massachusetts have the good sense to elect her in 2012.

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    God I hope she is as good as she seems to be.

    The Dims are loosing some great representatives of the people like Barnie,so I sure hope they are finding quality replacements and backing them to till it hurts.

    I have already become one of Warren's "out of state" small donors.

    Throw her a few bucks now and again. She is up against Wall Street's Toy Boy in Scott Brown.

  3. Holly3:16 PM

    This is encouraging, but the election is still a long way off.

    FWIW, when Brown was running for the US Senate, it raised many of his supporters' ire to hear it referred to as "Ted Kennedy's seat.". I have to agree with them, the seat belongs to the people of Massachusetts. Hopefully in Jan 2013 it will be occupied by Elizabeth Warren. The more I see of her the more I like her.

  4. Anonymous3:29 PM


    Meghan McCain: ‘Michele Bachmann Is The Thinking Man’s Sarah Palin’

  5. Anonymous3:31 PM

    We need MORE candidates like Elizabeth Warren. She's genuine and knows how to connect with people in a meaningful way. She's got an excellent resume', brains and "moxie".

    When she's done serving the people of Mass., I'd love to see her in higher office.

  6. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Don't miss the First Family! Such a treat.

  7. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I proudly wear my "Socialist Hoars* (sic)for Elizabeth Warren" tee-shirt while jogging.

    * Adj. Showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair.


  8. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Get your bag of popcorn ready for Palin will be on Hannity tonite.

  9. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I'll chime in as an Amherst resident. Warren would definitely carry western Mass. (The area is home to Rachel Maddow and Joe McGinniss to name two well-knowns to IM readers.)

    Western Mass. has a curious mix of liberal transplants --New Yorkers, Vermonters.

    Amherst is home to the flagship of the university of Mass. system, and Amherst College and Hampshire College add to the youthful energy of this small town. Next April Al Gore will be giving the key note address at Hampshire College for the new college president. A well-known grad is Ken Burns.

    My point is, this half of the state is highly educated and very, very blue, not unlike the Boston-Cambridge political environment.

  10. Hoken4:14 PM

    Anon @ 3:16

    Ouch? The only one hurt by that statement is Meghan McCain. Any one who thinks Bachmann is leadership material should forfeit their right to vote. She lies as often as Palin and later offers Palinesque denials - even when confronted w/ the video of her earlier uninformed or just plain batshit crazy statements. It's reminiscent of Palin holding the findings of the Joint Legislative Council in her hand and screeching at the camera, "I've been completely exonerated!" One can be "more smarter than Sarah Palin" and still be a not-very-bright, batshit crazy, lying Dominionist hypocrit - Bachmann is proof of that. And add one more reason why Meghan McCain has nothing worthwhile to say.

  11. I'm a longtime lurker and lifetime resident of this beautiful, blue paradise that I hope one day soon will be represented by the amazing Ms. Warren. I live 2 towns over from Concord and have found that her biggest obstacle to date is the name recognition thing. I'm hoping that it is STILL an issue (for this moment) and the 43% will be rapidly rising once more voters find more about who she is and her constant fight for the middle class. There aren't many tea partiers here (compared to other states anyway), but those who did support Brown are fervently working to find a suitable primary challenger for him. I highly doubt they will, but the events that follow surely won't disappoint!

  12. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Brown was the result of the "sit out" stupidity of 2010, that also gave the nation such gems as the guy who owes his wife and kids a ton of money, and the black guy from Florida you WANT to root for, but all he ever says is the craziest shit possible.

    Well, that and a ton of MONEY.

    It would be "nice" to think Americans are too savvy to have their opinions so easily bought (like we love to blame our politicians for)--but with a 70% angry crowd demanding healthcare reform in 2007, turning into a 70% angry crowd of numbnuts claiming to hate "Obamacare" a few billion dollars later, I'm not holding out much hope.

    If the Kochs and other power mad types pour enough money into commercials full of lies which the easily fooled fall for, we are screwed.

  13. Anonymous6:04 PM

    It's great to see an intelligent woman running for political office. The Republicans might want to take note.

  14. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Gryphen, any update from Fred on his babygate book?

  15. Sweet anny8:48 PM

    Ohhhh...I like her.

    I hope that there are more like her. There must be, and maybe she will encourage them to stand up. There is not a conservative I can think of with the power of her message.

    There are more women democrats running than ever this year.

    I say let's elect them all, and end the power of the good old boy club.

    Well.. it could happen. I can dream.

  16. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Here's my update - I've volunteered twice and still haven't heard anything back. Know what that says to me? They have TONS of volunteers and have too many ppl to sort through. (this has happened to me before while volunteering for Pancreatic Cancer awareness).

  17. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Do the TeaBaggers who support Brown know that he used to wear pink leather shorts?

    His wife volunteered that information in an interview and even she thought it was odd when they were first dating.

    I mean a man is entitled to wear pink leather shorts, but I don't see these gun totin' redneck teabaggers thinking that's ok.

    Just sayin' :-D

  18. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Elizabeth Warren is such an impressive woman. Just compare how she looks to the photo of Sarah Palin in the post about her interview with Sean Hannity. Or any photo of Sarah or Michele (one "l") Bachmann! The difference between intelligence and pure idiocy!

  19. Anonymous4:57 AM

    I couldn't believe Scott Brown won. His whole campaign was based on "I drive a pick-up truck and wear a barn coat" like a regular hard working guy. Made me sick to think people voted for him on such a flimsy notion. The problem was that Martha Coakley was too wooden and didn't connect with people. Of course the teabagger climate was on high at that time which created a wave for pretty boy. I think Elizabeth Warren has the people skills AND she's smart with great credentials. Need to make sure we get the right person in Barney Frank's seat!

  20. Anonymous6:43 AM

    What a stark difference between Elizabeth Warren and the current incumbent Brown. Warren is well-educated, knowledgable, expressive, well-spoken and a wonderful fit for Senator. She is a bright light of intelligence in a sea of dim-witted nincompoops who were elected last year.


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