Saturday, December 03, 2011

In case you need another reason to take your children to see the movie "Happy Feet," apparently it has a "liberal agenda." In other words, its factual.

Courtesy of TPM:

On its surface, Happy Feet Two is a cutesy sequel about a young penguin who is reluctant to dance. But could there be a radical left-wing agenda lurking below the arctic ice? 

Some conservatives think so, The Hollywood Reporter reports, suggesting that the movie’s politics might be a reason why the film has been off to a sluggish start at the box office. 

The New York Post’s Kyle Smith called the movie, in a review, “Kiddie Karl Marx.” He writes: 

“Happy Feet Two” has a broad, lefty political agenda. It briefly brings up global warming (though, tellingly, only for a minute—Hollywood’s interest in stoking global warming fears seems to have peaked, which is convenient because the public has, after some frightened moments, decisively rejected the alarmist viewpoint) in a scene in which polar bears are shown clinging to shrinking icebergs. It also makes the case, somewhat half-heartedly, for vegetarianism (the penguins see humans roasting chickens, and get spooked). This doesn’t go very far, though, because penguins aren’t vegetarians though I suppose they’re pescetarians. And I’m sure I won’t be the only viewer who thinks that two male krill in the movie (played by Brad Pitt and Matt Damon) have now joined Oscar and Felix and Bert and Ernie as pairs of unusually close confirmed bachelors. 

That’s a lot of rhetoric for one movie. While not overtly political,a Christian Movie Review at writes that the movie promotes “radical environmentalism,” “global warming hysteria” and pro-homosexual and pagan messages.

Oh my God! Environmentalist, potentially gay penguins, in a children's movie? I am pretty sure that is a sign of the apocalypse!


You know what they say right?  That truth has a liberal agenda.

This is just ANOTHER example of the conservative war against educating the children of this country.


  1. melissa1:23 PM

    OT but has anyone seen this?

    Reuters has their 100 best photos of the year up and number 42 is Sarah Palin. The caption details how cold she was to the crowd and how she refused to shake hands. Priceless!

  2. Anonymous1:25 PM

    " . . . the conservative war against educating the children of this country" - that's so true. The ultra-right is pro-ignorance, wearing the inability to reason like badges of courage.

    I guess you would have to courageous (or stupid) to live your life without rational thought.

    So proud of you, Gryphen. Thanks for making me feel proud of being a progressive and an educated person. You are doing so much to promote education, and believe me, most of us appreciate it.

    I hope we are almost past the recent dark phase of American politics. I think we have a ways to go yet, but we are getting there. You certainly are doing your part to expose these morons. Thank you.

  3. hedgewytch1:36 PM

    Hey, the right wing fanatics have got to have some kind of symbol, figure head to throw their fear and paranoia at - first it was Tiggy Wiggy and now its a tap dancing baby penguin.

    You know, a thought just occurred to me, if they are so threatened and scared of a yellow alien with a squeaky voice and a triangle on its head, no wonder they refuse to face global climate change,and all the rest of the world issues that have become so pressing; because these are real problems that are pretty scary and demand courage and perseverance to solve.

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Based on that movie review, Happy Feet will be the next movie I spend money on.

  5. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Let's see, Snow White shacking up with seven little men, wicked stepmothers to name two of Disney's lamest attempts. I think gay penguins and two funny krill are pretty tame.

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    A movie about penguins that has polar bears in it?

  7. Kyle Smith writes that, regarding global warming, the public has, "after some frightened moments, decisively rejected the alarmist viewpoint."

    You might as well stop reading right there. He's a tinfoil hat wearer.

  8. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Wow, no happy feet in Palinlandia. Shailey is reporting that the Judge ordered the APD to release her property within 10 days. And when did the judge order this --- why on November 30th.

    Maybe that accounts for her trashy and very undignified appearance and language on Hannity's show. Cause she knew the evidence that Todd was screwing around with a broad was about to be released!!!!

    Is Fred even going to pursue getting his book published?

  9. Anonymous3:20 PM

    You say FACTUAL because you refuse to address democrat's lies.

    And to the person who posted the link to Palin's NH speech, are you aware that there are tons of pictures of her posing and speaking to fans?

  10. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Jesus Christ! Kyle Smith has some anal fixation on gays if he sees HOMOSEXUALS!!!! in a pair of cartoon krill, along with Oscar and Felix and Bert and Ernie. That's about as bizarre as the late Jerry Falwell's claim that Teletubbie Tinky Winky was gay. (That reminds me, I really must find Falwell's grave so I can piss on it.)

    Conservatives are such assholes.

  11. Jude @ 2:38

    But only tinfoil made by the Koch Bros.

  12. Anonymous3:35 PM

    If the movie is off to a sluggish start it's because Happy Feet I was so charmless that the repeat business isn't there. HFI was one of the few movies I've ever walked out of in my life - and I'm as liberal as they come and don't doubt global warming is real.

    But the movie just wasn't entertaining. That simple. "Political agenda" had NOTHING to do with it.

  13. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Link, 3:20?

  14. grammy973:51 PM

    On global warming: Isaiah 30:26 "Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound."

    The right-wing noisy claimants to the Lord Jesus Christ don't read their Bibles. Just when they think they're going to trigger Armageddon, they'll be burning in global warming. If they're going to bash everyone else over the head with the Book, shouldn't they read it first?

  15. Stoner4:18 PM

    Just more proof that USA is TSTS (Too Stupid To Survive).

    And to Anon. (Scarah?) at 3:20:

  16. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "But could there be a radical left-wing agenda lurking below the arctic ice? "


    Penguins live in the Antarctic, not the Arctic.

  17. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Hey, Bert and Ernie didn't ruin our generation! How will two possibly "gay" krill affect this generation? Most likely not at all. Stupid regressives, what are they so afraid of?

  18. yukonark4:50 PM

    Perhaps they also think dancing is of the devil.

  19. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Shailey has Update 3 on her blog. This very good news!!

    UPDATE 3
    Judge Washington has issued an order for APD to return my property and has given 10 days for them to respond. The order was dated Nov. 30, 2011 It seems things are moving in thr right direction. I also copied her on my formal written complain to APD Internal Affairs.


  20. Anonymous5:17 PM

    They project too much. Ignorance is cureable, but not willful ignorance, that's what the GOP counts on for votes.

    Melissa@ 1:23 PM

    That photo shoot is absolutely amazing!

    And that Photo of the failed, flawed, and fallen quitter, Sarah Palin, distills her to her cold, dark essense. She shunned physical contact with the people she wanted to connect with, and seeing that girl's reflected image shows "the bubble" the failed, frail, fragile, haggard, grandma Sarah Palin lives in. Confined to the whims of Fox News for exposure, hiding behind facebook and twitter to avoid having to look the one's she fleeced in the eyes.

    That photoshoot (excluding the Palin one) is totally amazing, thanks for the link!!!

  21. Anonymous5:20 PM

    The RWNJobs and religious extremists don't care about facts. Facts are pesky, inconvenient things that they discard if they don't validate their delusional world view. Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, and others are like shining beacons to them. What they hear validates what they want to believe. For them, it is all about faith, fear, paranoia, and salvation. There is no critical thinking in their realm. Gryphen, you picked up one of these gnats at 3:20PM. Bless it's little mind.

  22. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You say FACTUAL because you refuse to address democrat's lies.

    And to the person who posted the link to Palin's NH speech, are you aware that there are tons of pictures of her posing and speaking to fans?

    3:20 PM


    My personal favorite video of Palin "posing with fans" was the one where she "greeted" a gathering of C4P'rs at a little family restaurant in Iowa. The one where the C4P'rs traveled up to 1500 miles just to be in the same room with her. She was soooo excited to be in the same room with her 'adoring fans" that she declined an invite to speak to them and instead left it up to her volunteer mouthpiece in Iowa Peter Singleton. Where is Peter now??? He too put a bunch of his own money into promoting her in Iowa and she kind of stood him up that night as well, making him give an impromptu speech to a bunch of the faithful that had come to see Palin speak.

    Palin left thru the backdoor of the restaurant as soon as Singleton gave his presentation, without so much as a hello to the "faithful".

    That's how I've seen her treat her "fans". I guess your story is different? Please share, we'd love to hear it!

  23. Anonymous said...

    You say FACTUAL because you refuse to address democrat's lies.

    And to the person who posted the link to Palin's NH speech, are you aware that there are tons of pictures of her posing and speaking to fans?

    3:20 PM

    SIGH....aren't you tired of posting the same stupid ass shit Gov Dirty Wig...because I sure am tired of reading it. If you bothered to read what they posted it's about PICTURES...but since you are so fucking lazy and stupid to's a copy of the caption mentioned.....

    “At its most basic, and least cynical, political campaigns are about politicians trying to connect with voters, and voters connecting with a particular candidate. As a photographer covering a political event, I want to try to show that in my photographs, which means getting beyond a photograph of a politician speaking at a podium. Oftentimes it takes the form of politicians shaking hands with voters. But in this case, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was clearly determined to keep her distance from the crowd. She shook no hands as she made her way onstage, and as it turned out, none at the end of her speech. After making some photographs of Palin speaking, I positioned myself at the edge of the stage near the girl reflected in her iPad, thinking if Palin was going to shake some hands or sign some autographs, she would come over to the girl. The girl was taking photographs and videos of Palin with her iPad during the speech, so the reflection was right there for me to see as I stood there. The rest was figuring out how much depth of field I wanted in the image and lining up the girl’s reflection in the iPad’s screen.”

    See says you didn't shake any hands at THIS EVENT! Now POOF...BEGONE and get up to the Shailey Tripp'll gonna have a lot to say!

  24. Anonymous6:35 PM

    That's OK...Fox is saying that the Muppets new movie is an Obama political message..because the villian is an oil baron named Tex. They can find a commie behind every curtain...has Joe McCarthy woken up from his coffin yet?

  25. Anonymous6:40 PM

    @3:20 The only time I see her interacting with people is when the cameras are rolling and the reporters are trying to ask her something. THEN she gets real busy shaking a hand or two. And smiling that fake smile. Funny how she only seems authentic to the few people still sending her money...maybe you;d do better to choose your own candidate to support....Sarah spends that PAC money on herself...another reason she won't run...then she'd have to spend it on a campaign.

  26. Anonymous7:18 PM

    It has to be the real story of the gay male penguins - along with the word "Two" in rainbow techincolor gay solidarity that has them SO crazy about a fictional CARTOON story.

  27. Anonymous10:56 PM

    It's really interesting the way right wingers are always trying to speak on behalf of "the public" or "the people" or "Americans" even when every poll out there suggests just the opposite.

    So, if the truth has a well known liberal bias, then I guess that just leaves lies and bullshit for the right...

  28. Anonymous5:35 AM

    This is IT exactly. Truth is liberal. That is why the righties hate the media so much. It seems if you report the facts, you are left leaning. I am not suggesting that the media is perfect, but if the facts don't fall within your fairytale way of thinking, it must be liberal. Which is why these people absolutely DRIVE me NUTS. The facts are the facts, you morons, just how to you righties wake up every day and get dressed???? So here is a movie talking about reality and they think it is left leaning. WOW I wonder what Freud would say about this today?

  29. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I wonder when the right will put together their own high budget 3d animated movie to teach kids THEIR point of view?

    I'm sure it'll work out about as well as their forays into comedy.

  30. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I saw this and loved it...they forgot to mention there was also a little dig at oil spills.


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